1 //                                               -*- C++ -*-
2 /**
3  *  @brief OpenTURNS wrapper to a library of special functions
4  *
5  *  Copyright 2005-2021 Airbus-EDF-IMACS-ONERA-Phimeca
6  *
7  *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  *  along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  *
20  */
24 #include "openturns/OTprivate.hxx"
28 class OT_API SpecFunc
29 {
31 public:
33   // 0.39894228040143267 = 1 / sqrt(2.pi)
34   static const Scalar ISQRT2PI;
35   // 2.5066282746310005024 = sqrt(2.pi)
36   static const Scalar SQRT2PI;
37   // 0.91893853320467274177 = log(sqrt(2.pi))
38   static const Scalar LOGSQRT2PI;
39   // 0.57721566490153286 = Euler constant gamma
40   static const Scalar EulerConstant;
41   // 1.64493406684822643 = pi^2 / 6
42   static const Scalar PI2_6;
43   // 1.28254983016118640 = pi / sqrt(6)
44   static const Scalar PI_SQRT6;
45   // 0.45005320754569466 = gamma * sqrt(6) / pi
46   static const Scalar EULERSQRT6_PI;
47   // 3.28986813369645287 = pi^2 / 3
48   static const Scalar PI2_3;
49   // 0.55132889542179204 = sqrt(3) / pi
50   static const Scalar SQRT3_PI;
51   // 1.81379936423421785 = pi / sqrt(3)
52   static const Scalar PI_SQRT3;
53   // 6.283185307179586476925286 = 2*pi
54   static const Scalar TWOPI;
55   // 1.20205690315959429 = Zeta(3)
56   static const Scalar ZETA3;
57   // Maximum number of iterations for algorithms
58   static const UnsignedInteger MaximumIteration;
59   // Maximum precision for algorithms
60   static const Scalar Precision;
61   // Minimum positive real number
62   static const Scalar MinScalar;
63   static const Scalar LogMinScalar;
64   // Maximum positive real number
65   static const Scalar MaxScalar;
66   static const Scalar LogMaxScalar;
67   // Minimum negative real number;
68   static const Scalar LowestScalar;
69   // Real number accuracy
70   static const Scalar ScalarEpsilon;
72   // Information about capabilities
73   static Bool IsBoostAvailable();
74   static Bool IsMPFRAvailable();
75   static Bool IsMPCAvailable();
77   // Some facilities for NaN and inf
78   static Bool IsNaN(const Scalar value);
79   static Bool IsInf(const Scalar value);
80   static Bool IsNormal(const Scalar value);
82   // Modified first kind Bessel function of order 0: BesselI0(x) = \sum_{m=0}\infty\frac{1}{m!^2}\left(\frac{x}{2}\right)^{2m}
83 private:
84   static Scalar SmallCaseBesselI0(const Scalar x);
85   static Scalar LargeCaseLogBesselI0(const Scalar x);
86 public:
87   static Scalar BesselI0(const Scalar x);
88   static Scalar LogBesselI0(const Scalar x);
89   // Modified first kind Bessel function of order 1: BesselI1(x) = \sum_{m=0}\infty\frac{1}{m!(m+1)!}\left(\frac{x}{2}\right)^{2m+1}
90 private:
91   static Scalar SmallCaseBesselI1(const Scalar x);
92   static Scalar LargeCaseLogBesselI1(const Scalar x);
93 public:
94   static Scalar BesselI1(const Scalar x);
95   static Scalar LogBesselI1(const Scalar x);
96   // Difference between the logarithms of BesselI1 and BesselI0:
97   // DeltaLogBesselI10(x) = log(BesselI1(x)) - log(BesselI0(x))
98 private:
99   static Scalar LargeCaseDeltaLogBesselI10(const Scalar x);
100 public:
101   static Scalar DeltaLogBesselI10(const Scalar x);
102   // Modified second kind Bessel function of order nu: BesselK(nu, x)=\frac{\pi}{2}\frac{I_{-\nu}(x)-I_[\nu}(x)}{\sin{\nu\pi}}
103   static Scalar LogBesselK(const Scalar nu,
104                            const Scalar x);
105   static Scalar BesselK(const Scalar nu,
106                         const Scalar x);
107   static Scalar BesselKDerivative(const Scalar nu,
108                                   const Scalar x);
109   // Beta function: beta(a, b) = \int_0^1 t^{a-1}.(1-t)^{b-1} dt
110   static Scalar Beta(const Scalar a,
111                      const Scalar b);
112   // Incomplete beta function: betaInc(a, b, x) = \int_0^x t^{a-1}.(1-t)^{b-1} dt
113   static Scalar IncompleteBeta(const Scalar a,
114                                const Scalar b,
115                                const Scalar x,
116                                const Bool tail = false);
117   // Incomplete beta function inverse with respect to x
118   static Scalar IncompleteBetaInverse(const Scalar a,
119                                       const Scalar b,
120                                       const Scalar x,
121                                       const Bool tail = false);
122   // Incomplete beta ratio function: betaRatioInc(a, b, x) = \int_0^x t^{a-1}.(1-t)^{b-1} dt / beta(a, b)
123   static Scalar RegularizedIncompleteBeta(const Scalar a,
124                                           const Scalar b,
125                                           const Scalar x,
126                                           const Bool tail = false);
127   // Incomplete beta ratio function inverse with respect to x
128   static Scalar RegularizedIncompleteBetaInverse(const Scalar a,
129       const Scalar b,
130       const Scalar x,
131       const Bool tail = false);
132   // Natural logarithm of the beta function
133   static Scalar LnBeta(const Scalar a,
134                        const Scalar b);
135   static Scalar LogBeta(const Scalar a,
136                         const Scalar b);
137   // Dawson function: Dawson(x) = \exp(-x^2) * \int_0^x \exp(t^2) dt
138   static Scalar Dawson(const Scalar x);
139   static Complex Dawson(const Complex & z);
140   // Debye function of order n: DebyeN(x, n) = n / x^n \int_0^x t^n/(\exp(t)-1) dt
141   static Scalar Debye(const Scalar x,
142                       const UnsignedInteger n);
143   // DiLog function: Dilog(x) = -\int_0^x \log(1-t)/t dt
144   static Scalar DiLog(const Scalar x);
145   // Exponential integral function: Ei(x) = -\int_{-x}^{\infty}exp(-t)/t dt
146   static Scalar Ei(const Scalar x);
147   // Complex exponential integral function: Ei(z) = -\int_{-z}^{\infty}exp(-t)/t dt
148   static Complex Ei(const Complex & z);
149   // Complex Faddeeva function: Faddeeva(z) = exp(-z^2)\erfc(-I*z)
150   static Complex Faddeeva(const Complex & z);
151   // Imaginary part of the Faddeeva function: FaddeevaIm(z) = Im(Faddeeva(x))
152   static Scalar FaddeevaIm(const Scalar x);
153   // Factorial and log-Factorial functions
154   static Scalar Factorial(UnsignedInteger n);
155   static Scalar LogFactorial(UnsignedInteger n);
156   // Gamma function: gamma(a) = \int_0^{\infty} t^{a-1}\exp(-t) dt
157   static Scalar Gamma(const Scalar a);
158   // igamma1pm1(a) = 1 / gamma(1 + a) - 1
159   static Scalar IGamma1pm1(const Scalar a);
160   // GammaCorrection(a) = LogGamma(a) - log(sqrt(2.Pi)) + a - (a - 1/2) log(a)
161   static Scalar GammaCorrection(const Scalar a);
162   // Complex gamma function: gamma(a) = \int_0^{\infty} t^{a-1}\exp(-t) dt
163   static Complex Gamma(const Complex & a);
164   // Natural logarithm of the gamma function
165   static Scalar LnGamma(const Scalar a);
166   static Scalar LogGamma(const Scalar a);
167   static Scalar LogGamma1p(const Scalar a);
168   static Complex LogGamma(const Complex & a);
169   // Incomplete gamma function: gamma(a, x) = \int_0^x t^{a-1}\exp(-t) dt
170   static Scalar IncompleteGamma(const Scalar a,
171                                 const Scalar x,
172                                 const Bool tail = false);
173   // Incomplete gamma function inverse with respect to x
174   static Scalar IncompleteGammaInverse(const Scalar a,
175                                        const Scalar x,
176                                        const Bool tail = false);
177   // Regularized incomplete gamma function: gamma(a, x) = \int_0^x t^{a-1}\exp(-t) dt / \Gamma(a)
178   static Scalar RegularizedIncompleteGamma(const Scalar a,
179       const Scalar x,
180       const Bool tail = false);
181   // Regularized incomplete gamma function inverse with respect to x
182   static Scalar RegularizedIncompleteGammaInverse(const Scalar a,
183       const Scalar x,
184       const Bool tail = false);
185   // Digamma function: psi(x) = ((dgamma/dx) / gamma)(x)
186   static Scalar DiGamma(const Scalar x);
187   static Scalar Psi(const Scalar x);
188   // Inverse of the DiGamma function
189   static Scalar DiGammaInv(const Scalar a);
190   // Trigamma function: TriGamma(x) = ((d^2gamma/dx^2) / gamma)(x)
191   static Scalar TriGamma(const Scalar x);
192   // Stirling error: Stirlerr(n) = log(n!) - log( sqrt(2*pi*n)*(n/e)^n )
193   static Scalar Stirlerr(const UnsignedInteger n);
194   // Hypergeometric function of type (1,1): hyperGeom_1_1(p1, q1, x) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} [\prod_{k=0}^{n-1} (p1 + k) / (q1 + k)] * x^n / n!
195   static Scalar HyperGeom_1_1(const Scalar p1,
196                               const Scalar q1,
197                               const Scalar x);
198   // Complex hypergeometric function of type (1,1): hyperGeom_1_1(p1, q1, x) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} [\prod_{k=0}^{n-1} (p1 + k) / (q1 + k)] * x^n / n!
199   static Complex HyperGeom_1_1(const Scalar p1,
200                                const Scalar q1,
201                                const Complex & x);
202   // Hypergeometric function of type (2,1): hyperGeom_2_1(p1, p2, q1, x) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} [\prod_{k=0}^{n-1} (p1 + k) . (p2 + k) / (q1 + k)] * x^n / n!
203   static Scalar HyperGeom_2_1(const Scalar p1,
204                               const Scalar p2,
205                               const Scalar q1,
206                               const Scalar x);
207   // Hypergeometric function of type (2,2): hyperGeom_2_1(p1, p2, q1, q2, x) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} [\prod_{k=0}^{n-1} (p1 + k) . (p2 + k) / (q1 + k) / (q2 + k)] * x^n / n!
208   static Scalar HyperGeom_2_2(const Scalar p1,
209                               const Scalar p2,
210                               const Scalar q1,
211                               const Scalar q2,
212                               const Scalar x);
213   // Erf function erf(x) = 2 / \sqrt(\pi) . \int_0^x \exp(-t^2) dt
214   static Scalar Erf(const Scalar x);
215   static Complex Erf(const Complex & z);
216   // Erf function erfi(x) = -i.erf(iz)
217   static Scalar ErfI(const Scalar x);
218   static Complex ErfI(const Complex & z);
219   // Erf function erfc(x) = 1 - erf(x)
220   static Scalar ErfC(const Scalar x);
221   static Complex ErfC(const Complex & z);
222   // Erf function erfcx(x) = exp(x^2).erfc(x)
223   static Scalar ErfCX(const Scalar x);
224   static Complex ErfCX(const Complex & z);
225   // Inverse of the erf function
226   static Scalar ErfInverse(const Scalar x);
227   // Real branch of Lambert W function (principal or secndary)
228   static Scalar LambertW(const Scalar x,
229                          const Bool principal = true);
230   // Accurate value of log(1+z) for |z|<<1
231   static Complex Log1p(const Complex & z);
232   // Accurate value of exp(z)-1 for |z|<<1
233   static Complex Expm1(const Complex & z);
234   // Accurate value of log(1-exp(-x)) for all x
235   static Complex Log1MExp(const Scalar x);
236   // MarcumQ- function
237   //      static Scalar MarcumQFunction(const Scalar a,const Scalar b);
239   // Next power of two
240   static UnsignedInteger NextPowerOfTwo(const UnsignedInteger n);
242   // Integer power
243   static Scalar IPow(const Scalar x, const SignedInteger n);
245   // Integer root
246   static Scalar IRoot(const Scalar x, const SignedInteger n);
248   // Integer log2
249   static UnsignedInteger Log2(const Unsigned64BitsInteger n);
251   // Compute the number of bits sets to 1 in n
252   // Best known algorithm for 64 bits n and fast multiply
253   static UnsignedInteger BitCount(const Unsigned64BitsInteger n);
255   // Missing functions in cmath wrt math.h as of C++98
256   static Scalar Acosh(const Scalar x);
257   static Scalar Asinh(const Scalar x);
258   static Scalar Atanh(const Scalar x);
259   static Scalar Cbrt(const Scalar x);
261   // binomial coefficient C(n, k)
262   static UnsignedInteger BinomialCoefficient(const UnsignedInteger n,
263       const UnsignedInteger k);
264 }; /* class SpecFunc */