1 #include "randlib.h"
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 static long Xm1,Xm2,Xa1,Xa2,Xcg1[32],Xcg2[32],Xa1w,Xa2w,Xig1[32],Xig2[32],
5 Xlg1[32],Xlg2[32],Xa1vw,Xa2vw;
6 static long Xqanti[32];
advnst(long k)7 void advnst(long k)
8 /*
9 **********************************************************************
10      void advnst(long k)
11                ADV-a-N-ce ST-ate
12      Advances the state  of  the current  generator  by 2^K values  and
13      resets the initial seed to that value.
14      This is  a  transcription from   Pascal to  Fortran    of  routine
15      Advance_State from the paper
16      L'Ecuyer, P. and  Cote, S. "Implementing  a  Random Number Package
17      with  Splitting   Facilities."  ACM  Transactions  on Mathematical
18      Software, 17:98-111 (1991)
19                               Arguments
20      k -> The generator is advanced by2^K values
21 **********************************************************************
22 */
23 {
24 #define numg 32L
25 extern void gsrgs(long getset,long *qvalue);
26 extern void gscgn(long getset,long *g);
27 extern long Xm1,Xm2,Xa1,Xa2,Xcg1[],Xcg2[];
28 static long g,i,ib1,ib2;
29 static long qrgnin;
30 /*
31      Abort unless random number generator initialized
32 */
33     gsrgs(0L,&qrgnin);
34     if(qrgnin) goto S10;
35     fputs(" ADVNST called before random generator initialized - ABORT\n",
36 	  stderr);
37     exit(1);
38 S10:
39     gscgn(0L,&g);
40     ib1 = Xa1;
41     ib2 = Xa2;
42     for(i=1; i<=k; i++) {
43         ib1 = mltmod(ib1,ib1,Xm1);
44         ib2 = mltmod(ib2,ib2,Xm2);
45     }
46     setsd(mltmod(ib1,*(Xcg1+g-1),Xm1),mltmod(ib2,*(Xcg2+g-1),Xm2));
47 /*
48      NOW, IB1 = A1**K AND IB2 = A2**K
49 */
50 #undef numg
51 }
getsd(long * iseed1,long * iseed2)52 void getsd(long *iseed1,long *iseed2)
53 /*
54 **********************************************************************
55      void getsd(long *iseed1,long *iseed2)
56                GET SeeD
57      Returns the value of two integer seeds of the current generator
58      This  is   a  transcription from  Pascal   to  Fortran  of routine
59      Get_State from the paper
60      L'Ecuyer, P. and  Cote,  S. "Implementing a Random Number  Package
61      with   Splitting Facilities."  ACM  Transactions   on Mathematical
62      Software, 17:98-111 (1991)
63                               Arguments
64      iseed1 <- First integer seed of generator G
65      iseed2 <- Second integer seed of generator G
66 **********************************************************************
67 */
68 {
69 #define numg 32L
70 extern void gsrgs(long getset,long *qvalue);
71 extern void gscgn(long getset,long *g);
72 extern long Xcg1[],Xcg2[];
73 static long g;
74 static long qrgnin;
75 /*
76      Abort unless random number generator initialized
77 */
78     gsrgs(0L,&qrgnin);
79     if(qrgnin) goto S10;
80     fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",
81       " GETSD called before random number generator  initialized -- abort!");
82     exit(0);
83 S10:
84     gscgn(0L,&g);
85     *iseed1 = *(Xcg1+g-1);
86     *iseed2 = *(Xcg2+g-1);
87 #undef numg
88 }
ignlgi(void)89 long ignlgi(void)
90 /*
91 **********************************************************************
92      long ignlgi(void)
93                GeNerate LarGe Integer
94      Returns a random integer following a uniform distribution over
95      (1, 2147483562) using the current generator.
96      This is a transcription from Pascal to Fortran of routine
97      Random from the paper
98      L'Ecuyer, P. and Cote, S. "Implementing a Random Number Package
99      with Splitting Facilities." ACM Transactions on Mathematical
100      Software, 17:98-111 (1991)
101 **********************************************************************
102 */
103 {
104 #define numg 32L
105 extern void gsrgs(long getset,long *qvalue);
106 extern void gssst(long getset,long *qset);
107 extern void gscgn(long getset,long *g);
108 extern void inrgcm(void);
109 extern long Xm1,Xm2,Xa1,Xa2,Xcg1[],Xcg2[];
110 extern long Xqanti[];
111 static long ignlgi,curntg,k,s1,s2,z;
112 static long qqssd,qrgnin;
113 /*
117 */
118     gsrgs(0L,&qrgnin);
119     if(!qrgnin) inrgcm();
120     gssst(0,&qqssd);
121     if(!qqssd) setall(1234567890L,123456789L);
122 /*
123      Get Current Generator
124 */
125     gscgn(0L,&curntg);
126     s1 = *(Xcg1+curntg-1);
127     s2 = *(Xcg2+curntg-1);
128     k = s1/53668L;
129     s1 = Xa1*(s1-k*53668L)-k*12211;
130     if(s1 < 0) s1 += Xm1;
131     k = s2/52774L;
132     s2 = Xa2*(s2-k*52774L)-k*3791;
133     if(s2 < 0) s2 += Xm2;
134     *(Xcg1+curntg-1) = s1;
135     *(Xcg2+curntg-1) = s2;
136     z = s1-s2;
137     if(z < 1) z += (Xm1-1);
138     if(*(Xqanti+curntg-1)) z = Xm1-z;
139     ignlgi = z;
140     return ignlgi;
141 #undef numg
142 }
initgn(long isdtyp)143 void initgn(long isdtyp)
144 /*
145 **********************************************************************
146      void initgn(long isdtyp)
147           INIT-ialize current G-e-N-erator
148      Reinitializes the state of the current generator
149      This is a transcription from Pascal to C of routine
150      Init_Generator from the paper
151      L'Ecuyer, P. and Cote, S. "Implementing a Random Number Package
152      with Splitting Facilities." ACM Transactions on Mathematical
153      Software, 17:98-111 (1991)
154                               Arguments
155      isdtyp -> The state to which the generator is to be set
156           isdtyp = -1  => sets the seeds to their initial value
157           isdtyp =  0  => sets the seeds to the first value of
158                           the current block
159           isdtyp =  1  => sets the seeds to the first value of
160                           the next block
161      WGR, 12/19/00: replaced S10, S20, etc. with C blocks {} per
162      original paper.
163 **********************************************************************
164 */
165 {
166 #define numg 32L
167 extern void gsrgs(long getset,long *qvalue);
168 extern void gscgn(long getset,long *g);
169 extern long Xm1,Xm2,Xa1w,Xa2w,Xig1[],Xig2[],Xlg1[],Xlg2[],Xcg1[],Xcg2[];
170 static long g;
171 static long qrgnin;
172 /*
173      Abort unless random number generator initialized
174 */
175     gsrgs(0L,&qrgnin);
176  if (! qrgnin) {
177     fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",
178       " INITGN called before random number generator  initialized -- abort!");
179     exit(1);
180  }
182  gscgn(0L,&g);
183  if(isdtyp == -1) {		/* Initial seed */
184     *(Xlg1+g-1) = *(Xig1+g-1);
185     *(Xlg2+g-1) = *(Xig2+g-1);
186  }
187  else if (isdtyp == 0) { ; }	/* Last seed */
188  else if (isdtyp == 1) {	/* New seed */
189     *(Xlg1+g-1) = mltmod(Xa1w,*(Xlg1+g-1),Xm1);
190     *(Xlg2+g-1) = mltmod(Xa2w,*(Xlg2+g-1),Xm2);
191  } else {
192     fprintf(stderr,"%s\n","isdtyp not in range in INITGN");
193     exit(1);
194  }
196  *(Xcg1+g-1) = *(Xlg1+g-1);
197  *(Xcg2+g-1) = *(Xlg2+g-1);
198 #undef numg
199 }
inrgcm(void)201 void inrgcm(void)
202 /*
203 **********************************************************************
204      void inrgcm(void)
205           INitialize Random number Generator CoMmon
206                               Function
207      Initializes common area  for random number  generator.  This saves
208      the  nuisance  of  a  BLOCK DATA  routine  and the  difficulty  of
209      assuring that the routine is loaded with the other routines.
210 **********************************************************************
211 */
212 {
213 #define numg 32L
214 extern void gsrgs(long getset,long *qvalue);
215 extern long Xm1,Xm2,Xa1,Xa2,Xa1w,Xa2w,Xa1vw,Xa2vw;
216 extern long Xqanti[];
217 static long T1;
218 static long i;
219 /*
220      V=20;                            W=30;
221      A1W = MOD(A1**(2**W),M1)         A2W = MOD(A2**(2**W),M2)
222      A1VW = MOD(A1**(2**(V+W)),M1)    A2VW = MOD(A2**(2**(V+W)),M2)
223    If V or W is changed A1W, A2W, A1VW, and A2VW need to be recomputed.
224     An efficient way to precompute a**(2*j) MOD m is to start with
225     a and square it j times modulo m using the function MLTMOD.
226 */
227     Xm1 = 2147483563L;
228     Xm2 = 2147483399L;
229     Xa1 = 40014L;
230     Xa2 = 40692L;
231     Xa1w = 1033780774L;
232     Xa2w = 1494757890L;
233     Xa1vw = 2082007225L;
234     Xa2vw = 784306273L;
235     for(i=0; i<numg; i++) *(Xqanti+i) = 0;
236     T1 = 1;
237 /*
238      Tell the world that common has been initialized
239 */
240     gsrgs(1L,&T1);
241 #undef numg
242 }
setall(long iseed1,long iseed2)243 void setall(long iseed1,long iseed2)
244 /*
245 **********************************************************************
246      void setall(long iseed1,long iseed2)
247                SET ALL random number generators
248      Sets the initial seed of generator 1 to ISEED1 and ISEED2. The
249      initial seeds of the other generators are set accordingly, and
250      all generators states are set to these seeds.
251      This is a transcription from Pascal to Fortran of routine
252      Set_Initial_Seed from the paper
253      L'Ecuyer, P. and Cote, S. "Implementing a Random Number Package
254      with Splitting Facilities." ACM Transactions on Mathematical
255      Software, 17:98-111 (1991)
256                               Arguments
257      iseed1 -> First of two integer seeds
258      iseed2 -> Second of two integer seeds
259 **********************************************************************
260 */
261 {
262 #define numg 32L
263 extern void gsrgs(long getset,long *qvalue);
264 extern void gssst(long getset,long *qset);
265 extern void gscgn(long getset,long *g);
266 extern long Xm1,Xm2,Xa1vw,Xa2vw,Xig1[],Xig2[];
267 static long T1;
268 static long g,ocgn;
269 static long qrgnin;
270     T1 = 1;
271 /*
273       HAS BEEN CALLED.
274 */
275     gssst(1,&T1);
276     gscgn(0L,&ocgn);
277 /*
278      Initialize Common Block if Necessary
279 */
280     gsrgs(0L,&qrgnin);
281     if(!qrgnin) inrgcm();
282     *Xig1 = iseed1;
283     *Xig2 = iseed2;
284     initgn(-1L);
285     for(g=2; g<=numg; g++) {
286         *(Xig1+g-1) = mltmod(Xa1vw,*(Xig1+g-2),Xm1);
287         *(Xig2+g-1) = mltmod(Xa2vw,*(Xig2+g-2),Xm2);
288         gscgn(1L,&g);
289         initgn(-1L);
290     }
291     gscgn(1L,&ocgn);
292 #undef numg
293 }
setant(long qvalue)294 void setant(long qvalue)
295 /*
296 **********************************************************************
297      void setant(long qvalue)
298                SET ANTithetic
299      Sets whether the current generator produces antithetic values.  If
300      X   is  the value  normally returned  from  a uniform [0,1] random
301      number generator then 1  - X is the antithetic  value. If X is the
302      value  normally  returned  from a   uniform  [0,N]  random  number
303      generator then N - 1 - X is the antithetic value.
304      All generators are initialized to NOT generate antithetic values.
305      This is a transcription from Pascal to Fortran of routine
306      Set_Antithetic from the paper
307      L'Ecuyer, P. and Cote, S. "Implementing a Random Number Package
308      with Splitting Facilities." ACM Transactions on Mathematical
309      Software, 17:98-111 (1991)
310                               Arguments
311      qvalue -> nonzero if generator G is to generating antithetic
312                     values, otherwise zero
313 **********************************************************************
314 */
315 {
316 #define numg 32L
317 extern void gsrgs(long getset,long *qvalue);
318 extern void gscgn(long getset,long *g);
319 extern long Xqanti[];
320 static long g;
321 static long qrgnin;
322 /*
323      Abort unless random number generator initialized
324 */
325     gsrgs(0L,&qrgnin);
326     if(qrgnin) goto S10;
327     fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",
328       " SETANT called before random number generator  initialized -- abort!");
329     exit(1);
330 S10:
331     gscgn(0L,&g);
332     Xqanti[g-1] = qvalue;
333 #undef numg
334 }
setsd(long iseed1,long iseed2)335 void setsd(long iseed1,long iseed2)
336 /*
337 **********************************************************************
338      void setsd(long iseed1,long iseed2)
339                SET S-ee-D of current generator
340      Resets the initial  seed of  the current  generator to  ISEED1 and
341      ISEED2. The seeds of the other generators remain unchanged.
342      This is a transcription from Pascal to Fortran of routine
343      Set_Seed from the paper
344      L'Ecuyer, P. and Cote, S. "Implementing a Random Number Package
345      with Splitting Facilities." ACM Transactions on Mathematical
346      Software, 17:98-111 (1991)
347                               Arguments
348      iseed1 -> First integer seed
349      iseed2 -> Second integer seed
350 **********************************************************************
351 */
352 {
353 #define numg 32L
354 extern void gsrgs(long getset,long *qvalue);
355 extern void gscgn(long getset,long *g);
356 extern long Xig1[],Xig2[];
357 static long g;
358 static long qrgnin;
359 /*
360      Abort unless random number generator initialized
361 */
362     gsrgs(0L,&qrgnin);
363     if(qrgnin) goto S10;
364     fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",
365       " SETSD called before random number generator  initialized -- abort!");
366     exit(1);
367 S10:
368     gscgn(0L,&g);
369     *(Xig1+g-1) = iseed1;
370     *(Xig2+g-1) = iseed2;
371     initgn(-1L);
372 #undef numg
373 }