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README_plplot_nistcdH A D01-Jun-2019549 118

cd.announceH A D01-Jun-20192.5 KiB5745

cd.cH A D01-Jun-201994.8 KiB3,3812,183

cd.hH A D01-Jun-201910.3 KiB252127

cd1.3.lsmH A D01-Jun-2019419 1413

cddll.h.inH A D01-Jun-20191.5 KiB4540

cdexpert.cH A D01-Jun-20194.9 KiB15468

cdmulti.cH A D01-Jun-20192.9 KiB10339

cdsimple.cH A D01-Jun-20193.3 KiB11739

cdtest.cH A D01-Jun-201913 KiB587471

cdtext.cH A D01-Jun-20194.6 KiB17992

color16.cH A D01-Jun-20196.3 KiB242130

defines.hH A D01-Jun-20191.6 KiB6239

readmeH A D01-Jun-20192.5 KiB5743


1Most of these files were obtained (as of 2001-12-09) from
4This software was written originally by G. Edward Johnson at NIST, but it is
5no longer maintained by him.  It is public-domain software except for the
6small part licensed under the libgd license (see his documentation).
8The PLplot developer's contribution is CMakeLists.txt, cddll.h, and some
9small visibility modifications to cd.h.  We call the resulting library,
10libnistcd to distinguish it from all the other "libcd" libraries out there.


3Welcome, and thanks for downloading CGM Draw, a package for creating
4CGM files from a "C" program.  If you are reading this then you probably
5have already unpacked the distribution.  You can make it by typing
6"make all"  this will make libcd.a  the cd library, as well as several
7example programs (cdsimple, cdtest, color16, cdexpert, cdmulti, cdtext.)
8Please read over the documentation in cd.html before using the package.
10Every effort has been made to ensure that the generated cgm files
11conform to the standard, however, if you do not use the library
12properly, you could generate invalid metafiles that no one is able
13to read, so be careful.
15Documentation for cd is included with the package, and is available from
17General information about CGM is available many places on the web, including
19This distribution may be retrieved via ftp from
20zing.ncsl.nist.gov in the directory "cgm"  it will have the
21name cd followed by the version number.
23I have tested CGM Draw on SunOs4, Solaris2, Ultrix, Linux, and IRIX.
24I have heard from other people it works under OpenVMS and Dos. It
25should compile and run on just about any Unix system, and probably
26other systems as well.
28I have switched jobs (within NIST) so there will be no further enhancements
29of this package.  If any bugs come up, I will try to fix them.
33CGM Draw software produced by NIST, an agency of the U.S. government,
34is by statute not subject to copyright in the United States.
35Recipients of this software assume all responsibilities associated with
36its operation, modification and maintenance.  Please note however,
37that some of the code in this package is from gd, which is copyright.
38gd's copyright is as follows:
39gd 1.2 is copyright 1994, 1995, Quest Protein Database Center,
40Cold Spring Harbor Labs. Permission granted to copy and distribute
41this work provided that this notice remains intact. Credit
42for the library must be given to the Quest Protein Database Center,
43Cold Spring Harbor Labs, in all derived works. This does not
44affect your ownership of the derived work itself, and the intent
45is to assure proper credit for Quest, not to interfere with your
46use of gd. If you have questions, ask. ("Derived works"
47includes all programs that utilize the library. Credit must
48be given in user-visible documentation.)
51If you have any questions or comments, please send me e-mail, lorax@nist.gov
53Thanks for trying it out.
54  Edward Johnson