2 /*
3 	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 	GNU General Public License for more details.
13 	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 	Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
18 	---
19 	Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015, Simon Hampe <simon.hampe@googlemail.com>
21 	---
22 	Copyright (c) 2016-2021
23 	Ewgenij Gawrilow, Michael Joswig, and the polymake team
24 	Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
25 	https://polymake.org
27 	Computes the minimal interior cells of a subdivision of a polyhedron
28 	*/
30 #include "polymake/client.h"
31 #include "polymake/Set.h"
32 #include "polymake/Array.h"
33 #include "polymake/Matrix.h"
34 #include "polymake/SparseMatrix.h"
35 #include "polymake/IncidenceMatrix.h"
36 #include "polymake/Vector.h"
37 #include "polymake/Rational.h"
38 #include "polymake/Map.h"
39 #include "polymake/linalg.h"
40 #include "polymake/integer_linalg.h"
41 #include "polymake/tropical/thomog.h"
42 #include "polymake/tropical/misc_tools.h"
43 #include "polymake/tropical/lattice.h"
44 #include "polymake/tropical/linear_algebra_tools.h"
45 #include "polymake/polytope/convex_hull.h"
48 namespace polymake { namespace tropical {
50 /*
51  * @brief Computes the set of indices such that the corresponding entries
52  * in a given vector are either all zero or nonzero.
53  * @param Vector v The vector
54  * @param bool search_zeros: If true, find all zero entries, if false all non-zero
55  * entries
56  * @return Set<Int>
57  */
58 template <typename T>
59 Set<Int> binaryFinder(const GenericVector<T>& v, bool search_zeros)
60 {
61   if (search_zeros)
62     return indices(attach_selector(v.top(), operations::is_zero()));
63   else
64     return indices(attach_selector(v.top(), operations::non_zero()));
65 }
67 /**
68  * @brief Finds all the maximal sets and returns the row indices
69  */
70 Set<Int> find_maximal_faces(const IncidenceMatrix<>& mat)
71 {
72   Set<Int> smaller_sets;
73   for (Int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); ++i) {
74     for (Int j = 0; j < mat.rows(); ++j) {
75       if (i != j) {
76         if (mat.row(i) * mat.row(j) == mat.row(i)) smaller_sets += i;
77       }
78     }
79   }
80   return sequence(0,mat.rows()) - smaller_sets;
81 }
83 inline Set<Int> pairset(Int i, Int j)
84 {
85   return Set<Int>{ i, j };
86 }
88 IncidenceMatrix<> minimal_interior(const Matrix<Rational>& vertices, const IncidenceMatrix<>& polytopes)
89 {
90   // If it only has one cone, it is minimal
91   if (polytopes.rows() == 1) {
92     return polytopes;
93   }
95   IncidenceMatrix<> result(0, vertices.rows());
97   // Compute facet normals of the original polyhedron
98   const Matrix<Rational> facet_normals = polytope::enumerate_facets(vertices, false).first;
100   // The first step is computing interior and exterior codimension one cells
102   // Exterior one are the maximal intersections of the facet normals with the polytopes
103   // FIXME: growing IncidenceMatrix
104   IncidenceMatrix<> intersect_fn_with_polytopes(0, vertices.rows());
105   for (Int f = 0; f < facet_normals.rows(); f++) {
106     // Find the vertices of the polytopes lying in the facet
107     Set<Int> facet_vertices = binaryFinder(vertices * facet_normals.row(f), true);
108     for (Int p = 0; p < polytopes.rows(); ++p) {
109       intersect_fn_with_polytopes /= facet_vertices * polytopes.row(p);
110     }
111   }
113   IncidenceMatrix<> exterior_codim =
114     intersect_fn_with_polytopes.minor(find_maximal_faces(intersect_fn_with_polytopes), All);
116   // Interior ones are the maximal intersections of the polytopes
117   IncidenceMatrix<> pairwise_intersections(0,vertices.rows());
118   IncidenceMatrix<> associated_pairs(0,polytopes.rows());
119   for (Int p1 = 0; p1 < polytopes.rows(); ++p1) {
120     for (Int p2 = p1+1; p2 < polytopes.rows(); ++p2) {
121       pairwise_intersections /= (polytopes.row(p1)*polytopes.row(p2));
122       associated_pairs /= pairset(p1,p2);
123     }
124   }
125   Set<Int> pairwise_maximal = find_maximal_faces(pairwise_intersections);
126   IncidenceMatrix<> interior_codim = pairwise_intersections.minor(pairwise_maximal,All);
127   // Tells for all polytopes, which interior codim 1 cells they contain.
128   IncidenceMatrix<> interior_in_max = T(associated_pairs.minor(pairwise_maximal,All));
130   // If there are no codimension one cones, return the maximal cells
131   if (exterior_codim.rows() + interior_codim.rows() == 0) {
132     return polytopes;
133   }
135   // For each maximal cone, we compute all its minimal interior faces as maximal intersections
136   // of interior codimension one faces. However, we only use codim-1-faces, that we haven't used
137   // in another maximal cone so far (Since any minimal face in such a face is hence also a minimal
138   // face of this other maximal cone, so we already computed it).
140   Set<Int> markedFaces;
142   for (Int mc = 0; mc < polytopes.rows(); ++mc) {
143     // Compute all non-marked codim-1-cells of mc. If there are none left, go to the next cone
144     Vector<Int> nonmarked(interior_in_max.row(mc) - markedFaces);
145     if (nonmarked.dim() == 0) continue;
146     Int k = nonmarked.dim();
147     // ordered list of indices of interior codim-1-cells (in nonmarked)
148     // indices != -1 correspond to codim-1-cells that we intersect to obtain a minimal face
149     Vector<Int> currentSet(k,-1);
150     currentSet[0] = 0;
151     // Indicates the index below the next cone index (in nonmarked) we should try to add. Is always
152     // larger equal than the last element != -1 in currentSet
153     Int lowerBound = 0;
154     // Indicates the current position in currentSet we're trying to fill
155     Int currentPosition = 1;
156     // Indicates at position i < currentPosition the intersection of the cones specified by the
157     // elements currentSet[0] .. currentSet[i]
158     Vector<Set<Int>> currentIntersections(k);
159     currentIntersections[0] = interior_codim.row(nonmarked[0]);
160     // Now iterate all intersections in a backtrack algorithm:
161     // If an intersection is maximal, we don't need to go any further
162     // We stop when we have tried all possibilities at the first position
163     while (!(currentPosition == 0 && lowerBound == k-1)) {
164       // Try the next posssible index
165       Int j = lowerBound+1;
166       // If we're already beyond k-1, we have found a maximal intersection
167       // Check if it is a minimal face, then go back one step
168       if (j == k) {
169         // We test whether the set is not contained in any border face and does not contain
170         // any existing minimal face
171         Set<Int> potentialMinimal(currentIntersections[currentPosition-1]);
172         bool invalid = false;
173         for (Int ec = 0; ec < exterior_codim.rows(); ++ec) {
174           if (potentialMinimal.size() == (potentialMinimal * exterior_codim.row(ec)).size()) {
175             invalid = true;
176             break;
177           }
178         }
179         for (Int mf = 0; mf < result.rows() && !invalid; ++mf) {
180           if (result.row(mf).size() == (result.row(mf) * potentialMinimal).size()) {
181             invalid = true;
182             break;
183           }
184         }
185         if (!invalid)
186           result /= potentialMinimal;
187         // Go back one step
188         lowerBound = currentSet[currentPosition-1];
189         --currentPosition;
190       } else {
191         // Compute the intersection with the next codim 1 cell
192         // (If we're at the first position, we just insert a cell)
193         Set<Int> intersection;
194         if (currentPosition == 0)
195           intersection = interior_codim.row(nonmarked[j]);
196         else
197           intersection = currentIntersections[currentPosition-1] * interior_codim.row(nonmarked[j]);
198         // If its still not empty, go forward one step
199         if (!intersection.empty()) {
200           currentSet[currentPosition] = j;
201           currentIntersections[currentPosition] = intersection;
202           ++currentPosition;
203           lowerBound = j;
204         } else {
205           // Otherwise go up one step
206           ++lowerBound;
207         }
208       } //END if j == k
209     } //END while(...)
211     // Now mark all codim -1-faces of mc
212     markedFaces += interior_in_max.row(mc);
214   } //END iterate maximal cones
216   return result;
217 } //END minimal_interior
220 IncidenceMatrix<> refined_local_cones(BigObject localized_cycle, BigObject refining_cycle)
221 {
222   IncidenceMatrix<> local_restriction = localized_cycle.give("LOCAL_RESTRICTION");
223   Matrix<Rational> local_vertices = localized_cycle.give("VERTICES");
224   local_vertices = tdehomog(local_vertices);
225   Matrix<Rational> local_lineality = localized_cycle.give("LINEALITY_SPACE");
226   local_lineality = tdehomog(local_lineality);
227   Int local_lineality_dim = localized_cycle.give("LINEALITY_DIM");
229   Matrix<Rational> refining_vertices = refining_cycle.give("VERTICES");
230   refining_vertices = tdehomog(refining_vertices);
231   IncidenceMatrix<> refining_polytopes = refining_cycle.give("MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES");
232   Int refining_lineality_dim = refining_cycle.give("LINEALITY_DIM");
234   Set<Set<Int>> result;
236   // Iterate all local cones of the localized cycle
237   for (Int lc = 0; lc < local_restriction.rows(); ++lc) {
238     // Go through maximal cones of refining complex and check which ones intersect in the right dimension
239     Matrix<Rational> lc_vertices = local_vertices.minor(local_restriction.row(lc),All);
240     Int local_dim = rank(lc_vertices) + local_lineality_dim;
241     RestrictedIncidenceMatrix<> lc_refiners;
242     for (Int mc = 0; mc < refining_polytopes.rows(); ++mc) {
243       Set<Int> contained_vertices;
244       Set<Int> mcset = refining_polytopes.row(mc);
245       for (auto vert = entire(mcset); !vert.at_end(); ++vert) {
246         if (is_ray_in_cone(lc_vertices, local_lineality, refining_vertices.row(*vert), false))
247           contained_vertices += (*vert);
249         if (rank( refining_vertices.minor(contained_vertices,All) ) + refining_lineality_dim == local_dim)
250           lc_refiners /= contained_vertices;
251       }
252     } //END iterate maximal cones
254     // Now that we have the subdividing cones, compute the minimal interior ones
255     IncidenceMatrix<> mi_res = minimal_interior(refining_vertices, IncidenceMatrix<>(std::move(lc_refiners)));
256     for (auto mi_cell = entire(rows(mi_res)); !mi_cell.at_end(); mi_cell++)
257       result += *mi_cell;
259   } //END iterate local cones
260   return IncidenceMatrix<>(result);
262 } //END refined_local_cones
264 } }