1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11from pyomo.core import (Var, Block, Constraint, Param, Set, SetOf, Suffix,
12                        Expression, Objective, SortComponents, value,
13                        ConstraintList)
14from pyomo.core.base import TransformationFactory, _VarData
15from pyomo.core.plugins.transform.hierarchy import Transformation
16from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue, NonNegativeFloat
17from pyomo.common.modeling import unique_component_name
18from pyomo.repn.standard_repn import generate_standard_repn
19from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap, ComponentSet
20from pyomo.opt import TerminationCondition
22import logging
24logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.contrib.fme')
27def _check_var_bounds_filter(constraint):
28    """Check if the constraint is already implied by the variable bounds"""
29    # this is one of our constraints, so we know that it is >=.
30    min_lhs = 0
31    for v, coef in constraint['map'].items():
32        if coef > 0:
33            if v.lb is None:
34                return True # we don't have var bounds with which to imply the
35                            # constraint...
36            min_lhs += coef*v.lb
37        elif coef < 0:
38            if v.ub is None:
39                return True # we don't have var bounds with which to imply the
40                            # constraint...
41            min_lhs += coef*v.ub
42    # we do need value here since we didn't control v.lb and v.ub above.
43    if value(min_lhs) >= constraint['lower']:
44        return False # constraint implied by var bounds
45    return True
47def vars_to_eliminate_list(x):
48    if isinstance(x, (Var, _VarData)):
49        if not x.is_indexed():
50            return ComponentSet([x])
51        ans = ComponentSet()
52        for j in x.index_set():
53            ans.add(x[j])
54        return ans
55    elif hasattr(x, '__iter__'):
56        ans = ComponentSet()
57        for i in x:
58            ans.update(vars_to_eliminate_list(i))
59        return ans
60    else:
61        raise ValueError(
62            "Expected Var or list of Vars."
63            "\n\tReceived %s" % type(x))
65def gcd(a,b):
66    while b != 0:
67        a, b = b, a % b
68    return abs(a)
70def lcm(ints):
71    a = ints[0]
72    for b in ints[1:]:
73        a = abs(a*b) // gcd(a,b)
74    return a
77                                doc="Project out specified (continuous) "
78                                "variables from a linear model.")
79class Fourier_Motzkin_Elimination_Transformation(Transformation):
80    """Project out specified variables from a linear model.
82    This transformation requires the following keyword argument:
83        vars_to_eliminate: A user-specified list of continuous variables to
84                           project out of the model
86    The transformation will deactivate the original constraints of the model
87    and create a new block named "_pyomo_contrib_fme_transformation" with the
88    projected constraints. Note that this transformation will flatten the
89    structure of the original model since there is no obvious mapping between
90    the original model and the transformed one.
92    """
94    CONFIG = ConfigBlock("contrib.fourier_motzkin_elimination")
95    CONFIG.declare('vars_to_eliminate', ConfigValue(
96        default=None,
97        domain=vars_to_eliminate_list,
98        description="Continuous variable or list of continuous variables to "
99        "project out of the model",
100        doc="""
101        This specifies the list of variables to project out of the model.
102        Note that these variables must all be continuous and the model must be
103        linear."""
104    ))
105    CONFIG.declare('constraint_filtering_callback', ConfigValue(
106        default=_check_var_bounds_filter,
107        description="A callback that determines whether or not new "
108        "constraints generated by Fourier-Motzkin elimination are added "
109        "to the model",
110        doc="""
111        Specify None in order for no constraint filtering to occur during the
112        transformation.
114        Specify a function that accepts a constraint (represented in the >=
115        dictionary form used in this transformation) and returns a Boolean
116        indicating whether or not to add it to the model.
117        """
118    ))
119    CONFIG.declare('do_integer_arithmetic', ConfigValue(
120        default=False,
121        domain=bool,
122        description="A Boolean flag to decide whether Fourier-Motzkin "
123        "elimination will be performed with only integer arithmetic.",
124        doc="""
125        If True, only integer arithmetic will be performed during Fourier-
126        Motzkin elimination. This should result in no numerical error.
127        If True and there is non-integer data in the constraints being
128        projected, an error will be raised.
130        If False, the algorithm will not check whether data is integer, and will
131        perform division operations. Use this setting when not all data is
132        integer, or when you are willing to sacrifice some numeric accuracy.
133        """
134    ))
135    CONFIG.declare('verbose', ConfigValue(
136        default=False,
137        domain=bool,
138        description="A Boolean flag to enable verbose output.",
139        doc="""
140        If True, logs the steps of the projection.
141        """
142    ))
143    CONFIG.declare('zero_tolerance', ConfigValue(
144        default=0,
145        domain=NonNegativeFloat,
146        description="Absolute tolerance at which a float will be considered 0.",
147        doc="""
148        Whenever fourier-motzkin elimination is used with non-integer data,
149        there is a chance of numeric trouble, the most obvious of which is
150        that 'eliminated' variables will remain in the constraints with very
151        small coefficients. Set this tolerance so that floating points smaller
152        than this will be treated as 0 (and reported that way in the final
153        constraints).
154        """
155    ))
156    CONFIG.declare('integer_tolerance', ConfigValue(
157        default=0,
158        domain=NonNegativeFloat,
159        description="Absolute tolerance at which a float will be considered "
160        "(and cast to) an integer, when do_integer_arithmetic is True",
161        doc="""
162        Tolerance at which a number x will be considered an integer, when we
163        are performing fourier-motzkin elimination with only integer_arithmetic.
164        That is, x will be cast to an integer if
165        abs(int(x) - x) <= integer_tolerance.
166        """
167    ))
168    CONFIG.declare('projected_constraints_name', ConfigValue(
169        default=None,
170        domain=str,
171        description="Optional name for the ConstraintList containing the "
172        "projected constraints. Must be a unique name with respect to the "
173        "instance.",
174        doc="""
175        Optional name for the ConstraintList containing the projected
176        constraints. If not specified, the constraints will be stored on a
177        private block created by the transformation, so if you want access
178        to them after the transformation, use this argument.
180        Must be a string which is a unique component name with respect to the
181        Block on which the transformation is called.
182        """
183    ))
185    def __init__(self):
186        """Initialize transformation object"""
187        super(Fourier_Motzkin_Elimination_Transformation, self).__init__()
189    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
190        log_level = logger.level
191        try:
192            assert not NAME_BUFFER
193            config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
194            config.set_value(kwds)
195            # lower logging values emit more
196            if config.verbose and log_level > logging.INFO:
197                logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
198                self.verbose = True
199            # if the user used the logger to ask for info level messages
200            elif log_level <= logging.INFO:
201                self.verbose = True
202            else:
203                self.verbose = False
204            self._apply_to_impl(instance, config)
205        finally:
206            # clear the global name buffer
207            NAME_BUFFER.clear()
208            # restore logging level
209            logger.setLevel(log_level)
211    def _apply_to_impl(self, instance, config):
212        vars_to_eliminate = config.vars_to_eliminate
213        self.constraint_filter = config.constraint_filtering_callback
214        self.do_integer_arithmetic = config.do_integer_arithmetic
215        self.integer_tolerance = config.integer_tolerance
216        self.zero_tolerance = config.zero_tolerance
217        if vars_to_eliminate is None:
218            raise RuntimeError("The Fourier-Motzkin Elimination transformation "
219                               "requires the argument vars_to_eliminate, a "
220                               "list of Vars to be projected out of the model.")
222        # make transformation block
223        transBlockName = unique_component_name(
224            instance,
225            '_pyomo_contrib_fme_transformation')
226        transBlock = Block()
227        instance.add_component(transBlockName, transBlock)
228        nm = config.projected_constraints_name
229        if nm is None:
230            projected_constraints = transBlock.projected_constraints = \
231                                    ConstraintList()
232        else:
233            # check that this component doesn't already exist
234            if instance.component(nm) is not None:
235                raise RuntimeError("projected_constraints_name was specified "
236                                   "as '%s', but this is already a component "
237                                   "on the instance! Please specify a unique "
238                                   "name." % nm)
239            projected_constraints = ConstraintList()
240            instance.add_component(nm, projected_constraints)
242        # collect all of the constraints
243        # NOTE that we are ignoring deactivated constraints
244        constraints = []
245        ctypes_not_to_transform = set((Block, Param, Objective, Set, SetOf,
246                                       Expression, Suffix, Var))
247        for obj in instance.component_data_objects(
248                descend_into=Block,
249                sort=SortComponents.deterministic,
250                active=True):
251            if obj.ctype in ctypes_not_to_transform:
252                continue
253            elif obj.ctype is Constraint:
254                cons_list = self._process_constraint(obj)
255                constraints.extend(cons_list)
256                obj.deactivate() # the truth will be on our transformation block
257            else:
258                raise RuntimeError(
259                    "Found active component %s of type %s. The "
260                    "Fourier-Motzkin Elimination transformation can only "
261                    "handle purely algebraic models. That is, only "
262                    "Sets, Params, Vars, Constraints, Expressions, Blocks, "
263                    "and Objectives may be active on the model." % (obj.name,
264                                                                    obj.ctype))
266        for obj in vars_to_eliminate:
267            if obj.lb is not None:
268                constraints.append({'body': generate_standard_repn(obj),
269                                    'lower': value(obj.lb),
270                                    'map': ComponentMap([(obj, 1)])})
271            if obj.ub is not None:
272                constraints.append({'body': generate_standard_repn(-obj),
273                                    'lower': -value(obj.ub),
274                                    'map': ComponentMap([(obj, -1)])})
276        new_constraints = self._fourier_motzkin_elimination( constraints,
277                                                             vars_to_eliminate)
279        # put the new constraints on the transformation block
280        for cons in new_constraints:
281            if self.constraint_filter is not None:
282                try:
283                    keep = self.constraint_filter(cons)
284                except:
285                    logger.error("Problem calling constraint filter callback "
286                                 "on constraint with right-hand side %s and "
287                                 "body:\n%s" % (cons['lower'],
288                                                cons['body'].to_expression()))
289                    raise
290                if not keep:
291                    continue
292            lhs = cons['body'].to_expression(sort=True)
293            lower = cons['lower']
294            assert type(lower) is int or type(lower) is float
295            if type(lhs >= lower) is bool:
296                if lhs >= lower:
297                    continue
298                else:
299                    # This would actually make a lot of sense in this case...
300                    #projected_constraints.add(Constraint.Infeasible)
301                    raise RuntimeError("Fourier-Motzkin found the model is "
302                                       "infeasible!")
303            else:
304                projected_constraints.add(lhs >= lower)
306    def _process_constraint(self, constraint):
307        """Transforms a pyomo Constraint object into a list of dictionaries
308        representing only >= constraints. That is, if the constraint has both an
309        ub and a lb, it is transformed into two constraints. Otherwise it is
310        flipped if it is <=. Each dictionary contains the keys 'lower',
311        and 'body' where, after the process, 'lower' will be a constant, and
312        'body' will be the standard repn of the body. (The constant will be
313        moved to the RHS and we know that the upper bound is None after this).
314        """
315        body = constraint.body
316        std_repn = generate_standard_repn(body)
317        # make sure that we store the lower bound's value so that we need not
318        # worry again during the transformation
319        cons_dict = {'lower': value(constraint.lower),
320                     'body': std_repn
321                     }
322        upper = value(constraint.upper)
323        constraints_to_add = [cons_dict]
324        if upper is not None:
325            # if it has both bounds
326            if cons_dict['lower'] is not None:
327                # copy the constraint and flip
328                leq_side = {'lower': -upper,
329                            'body': generate_standard_repn(-1.0*body)}
330                self._move_constant_and_add_map(leq_side)
331                constraints_to_add.append(leq_side)
333            # If it has only an upper bound, we just need to flip it
334            else:
335                # just flip the constraint
336                cons_dict['lower'] = -upper
337                cons_dict['body'] = generate_standard_repn(-1.0*body)
338        self._move_constant_and_add_map(cons_dict)
340        return constraints_to_add
342    def _move_constant_and_add_map(self, cons_dict):
343        """Takes constraint in dicionary form already in >= form,
344        and moves the constant to the RHS
345        """
346        body = cons_dict['body']
347        constant = value(body.constant)
348        cons_dict['lower'] -= constant
349        body.constant = 0
351        # store a map of vars to coefficients. We can't use this in place of
352        # standard repn because determinism, but this will save a lot of linear
353        # time searches later. Note also that we will take the value of the
354        # coeficient here so that we never have to worry about it again during
355        # the transformation.
356        cons_dict['map'] = ComponentMap(zip(body.linear_vars,
357                                            [value(coef) for coef in
358                                             body.linear_coefs]))
360    def _fourier_motzkin_elimination(self, constraints, vars_to_eliminate):
361        """Performs FME on the constraint list in the argument
362        (which is assumed to be all >= constraints and stored in the
363        dictionary representation), projecting out each of the variables in
364        vars_to_eliminate"""
366        # We only need to eliminate variables that actually appear in
367        # this set of constraints... Revise our list.
368        vars_that_appear = []
369        vars_that_appear_set = ComponentSet()
370        for cons in constraints:
371            std_repn = cons['body']
372            if not std_repn.is_linear():
373                # as long as none of vars_that_appear are in the nonlinear part,
374                # we are actually okay.
375                nonlinear_vars = ComponentSet(v for two_tuple in
376                                        std_repn.quadratic_vars for
377                                        v in two_tuple)
378                nonlinear_vars.update(v for v in std_repn.nonlinear_vars)
379                for var in nonlinear_vars:
380                    if var in vars_to_eliminate:
381                        raise RuntimeError("Variable %s appears in a nonlinear "
382                                           "constraint. The Fourier-Motzkin "
383                                           "Elimination transformation can only "
384                                           "be used to eliminate variables "
385                                           "which only appear linearly." %
386                                           var.name)
387            for var in std_repn.linear_vars:
388                if var in vars_to_eliminate:
389                    if not var in vars_that_appear_set:
390                        vars_that_appear.append(var)
391                        vars_that_appear_set.add(var)
393        # we actually begin the recursion here
394        total = len(vars_that_appear)
395        iteration = 1
396        while vars_that_appear:
397            # first var we will project out
398            the_var = vars_that_appear.pop()
399            logger.warning("Projecting out var %s of %s" % (iteration, total))
400            if self.verbose:
401                logger.info("Projecting out %s" %
402                            the_var.getname(fully_qualified=True,
403                                            name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER))
404                logger.info("New constraints are:")
406            # we are 'reorganizing' the constraints, we sort based on the sign
407            # of the coefficient of the_var: This tells us whether we have
408            # the_var <= other stuff or vice versa.
409            leq_list = []
410            geq_list = []
411            waiting_list = []
413            coefs = []
414            for cons in constraints:
415                leaving_var_coef = cons['map'].get(the_var)
416                if leaving_var_coef is None or leaving_var_coef == 0:
417                    waiting_list.append(cons)
418                    if self.verbose:
419                        logger.info("\t%s <= %s"
420                                    % (cons['lower'],
421                                       cons['body'].to_expression()))
422                    continue
424                # we know the constraint is a >= constraint, using that
425                # assumption below.
426                # NOTE: neither of the scalar multiplications below flip the
427                # constraint. So we are sure to have only geq constraints
428                # forever, which is exactly what we want.
429                if not self.do_integer_arithmetic:
430                    if leaving_var_coef < 0:
431                        leq_list.append(
432                            self._nonneg_scalar_multiply_linear_constraint(
433                                cons, -1.0/leaving_var_coef))
434                    else:
435                        geq_list.append(
436                            self._nonneg_scalar_multiply_linear_constraint(
437                                cons, 1.0/leaving_var_coef))
438                else:
439                    coefs.append(self._as_integer(
440                        leaving_var_coef,
441                        self._get_noninteger_coef_error_message,
442                        (the_var.name, leaving_var_coef)
443                    ))
444            if self.do_integer_arithmetic and len(coefs) > 0:
445                least_common_mult = lcm(coefs)
446                for cons in constraints:
447                    leaving_var_coef = cons['map'].get(the_var)
448                    if leaving_var_coef is None or leaving_var_coef == 0:
449                        continue
450                    to_lcm = least_common_mult // abs(int(leaving_var_coef))
451                    if leaving_var_coef < 0:
452                        leq_list.append(
453                            self._nonneg_scalar_multiply_linear_constraint(
454                                cons, to_lcm))
455                    else:
456                        geq_list.append(
457                            self._nonneg_scalar_multiply_linear_constraint(
458                                cons, to_lcm))
460            constraints = waiting_list
461            for leq in leq_list:
462                for geq in geq_list:
463                    constraints.append( self._add_linear_constraints( leq, geq))
464                    if self.verbose:
465                        cons = constraints[len(constraints)-1]
466                        logger.info("\t%s <= %s" %
467                                    (cons['lower'],
468                                     cons['body'].to_expression()))
470            iteration += 1
472        return constraints
474    def _get_noninteger_coef_error_message(self, varname, coef):
475        return ("The do_integer_arithmetic flag was "
476                "set to True, but the coefficient of "
477                "%s is non-integer within the specified "
478                "tolerance, with value %s. \n"
479                "Please set do_integer_arithmetic="
480                "False, increase integer_tolerance, "
481                "or make your data integer." % (varname, coef))
483    def _as_integer(self, x, error_message, error_args):
484        if abs(int(x) - x) <= self.integer_tolerance:
485            return int(round(x))
486        raise ValueError(error_message if error_args is None
487                         else error_message(*error_args))
489    def _multiply(self, scalar, coef, error_message, error_args):
490        if self.do_integer_arithmetic:
491            assert type(scalar) is int
492            return scalar * self._as_integer(coef, error_message, error_args)
493        elif abs(scalar*coef) > self.zero_tolerance:
494            return scalar*coef
495        else:
496            return 0
498    def _add(self, a, b, error_message, error_args):
499        if self.do_integer_arithmetic:
500            return self._as_integer(a, error_message, error_args) \
501                + self._as_integer(b, error_message, error_args)
502        elif abs(a + b) > self.zero_tolerance:
503            return a + b
504        else:
505            return 0
507    def _nonneg_scalar_multiply_linear_constraint_error_msg(self, cons, coef):
508        return (
509            "The do_integer_arithmetic flag was set to True, but the "
510            "lower bound of %s is non-integer within the specified "
511            "tolerance, with value %s. \n"
512            "Please set do_integer_arithmetic=False, increase "
513            "integer_tolerance, or make your data integer." %
514            (cons['body'].to_expression() >= cons['lower'], coef)
515        )
517    def _nonneg_scalar_multiply_linear_constraint(self, cons, scalar):
518        """Multiplies all coefficients and the RHS of a >= constraint by scalar.
519        There is no logic for flipping the equality, so this is just the
520        special case with a nonnegative scalar, which is all we need.
522        If self.do_integer_arithmetic is True, this assumes that scalar is an
523        int. It also will throw an error if any data is non-integer (within
524        tolerance)
525        """
526        body = cons['body']
527        new_coefs = []
528        for i, coef in enumerate(body.linear_coefs):
529            v = body.linear_vars[i]
530            new_coefs.append(self._multiply(
531                scalar, coef, self._get_noninteger_coef_error_message,
532                (v.name, coef)
533            ))
534            # update the map
535            cons['map'][v] = new_coefs[i]
536        body.linear_coefs = new_coefs
538        body.quadratic_coefs = [scalar*coef for coef in body.quadratic_coefs]
539        body.nonlinear_expr = scalar*body.nonlinear_expr if \
540                              body.nonlinear_expr is not None else None
542        # assume scalar >= 0 and constraint only has lower bound
543        lb = cons['lower']
544        if lb is not None:
545            cons['lower'] = self._multiply(
546                scalar, lb,
547                self._nonneg_scalar_multiply_linear_constraint_error_msg,
548                (cons, coef)
549            )
550        return cons
552    def _add_linear_constraints_error_msg(self, cons1, cons2):
553        return (
554            "The do_integer_arithmetic flag was set to True, but while "
555            "adding %s and %s, encountered a coefficient that is "
556            "non-integer within the specified tolerance\n"
557            "Please set do_integer_arithmetic=False, increase "
558            "integer_tolerance, or make your data integer." %
559            (cons1['body'].to_expression() >= cons1['lower'],
560             cons2['body'].to_expression() >= cons2['lower'])
561        )
563    def _add_linear_constraints(self, cons1, cons2):
564        """Adds two >= constraints
566        Because this is always called after
567        _nonneg_scalar_multiply_linear_constraint, though it is implemented
568        more generally.
569        """
570        ans = {'lower': None, 'body': None, 'map': ComponentMap()}
571        cons1_body = cons1['body']
572        cons2_body = cons2['body']
574        # Need this to be both deterministic and to account for the fact that
575        # Vars aren't hashable.
576        all_vars = list(cons1_body.linear_vars)
577        seen = ComponentSet(all_vars)
578        for v in cons2_body.linear_vars:
579            if v not in seen:
580                all_vars.append(v)
582        expr = 0
583        for var in all_vars:
584            coef = self._add(
585                cons1['map'].get(var, 0), cons2['map'].get(var, 0),
586                self._add_linear_constraints_error_msg, (cons1, cons2))
587            ans['map'][var] = coef
588            expr += coef*var
590        # deal with nonlinear stuff if there is any
591        for cons in [cons1_body, cons2_body]:
592            if cons.nonlinear_expr is not None:
593                expr += cons.nonlinear_expr
594            expr += sum(coef*v1*v2 for (coef, (v1, v2)) in
595                        zip(cons.quadratic_coefs, cons.quadratic_vars))
597        ans['body'] = generate_standard_repn(expr)
599        # upper is None and lower exists, so this gets the constant
600        ans['lower'] = self._add(
601            cons1['lower'], cons2['lower'],
602            self._add_linear_constraints_error_msg, (cons1, cons2))
604        return ans
606    def post_process_fme_constraints(self, m, solver_factory,
607                                     projected_constraints=None, tolerance=0):
608        """Function that solves a sequence of LPs problems to check if
609        constraints are implied by each other. Deletes any that are.
611        Parameters
612        ----------------
613        m: A model, already transformed with FME. Note that if constraints
614           have been added, activated, or deactivated, we will check for
615           redundancy against the whole active part of the model. If you call
616           this straight after FME, you are only checking within the projected
617           constraints, but otherwise it is up to the user.
618        solver_factory: A SolverFactory object (constructed with a solver
619                        which can solve the continuous relaxation of the
620                        active constraints on the model. That is, if you
621                        had nonlinear constraints unrelated to the variables
622                        being projected, you need to either deactivate them or
623                        provide a solver which will do the right thing.)
624        projected_constraints: The ConstraintList of projected constraints.
625                               Default is None, in which case we assume that
626                               the FME transformation was called without
627                               specifying their name, so will look for them on
628                               the private transformation block.
629        tolerance: Tolerance at which we decide a constraint is implied by the
630                   others. Default is 0, meaning we remove the constraint if
631                   the LP solve finds the constraint can be tight but not
632                   violated. Setting this to a small positive value would
633                   remove constraints more conservatively. Setting it to a
634                   negative value would result in a relaxed problem.
635        """
636        if projected_constraints is None:
637            # make sure m looks like what we expect
638            if not hasattr(m, "_pyomo_contrib_fme_transformation"):
639                raise RuntimeError("It looks like model %s has not been "
640                                   "transformed with the "
641                                   "fourier_motzkin_elimination transformation!"
642                % m.name)
643            transBlock = m._pyomo_contrib_fme_transformation
644            if not hasattr(transBlock, 'projected_constraints'):
645                raise RuntimeError("It looks the projected constraints "
646                                   "were manually named when the FME "
647                                   "transformation was called on %s. "
648                                   "If this is so, specify the ConstraintList "
649                                   "of projected constraints with the "
650                                   "'projected_constraints' argument."  % m.name)
651            projected_constraints = transBlock.projected_constraints
653        # relax integrality so that we can do this with LP solves.
654        TransformationFactory('core.relax_integer_vars').apply_to(
655            m, transform_deactivated_blocks=True)
656        # deactivate any active objectives on the model, and save what we did so
657        # we can undo it after.
658        active_objs = []
659        for obj in m.component_data_objects(Objective, descend_into=True):
660            if obj.active:
661                active_objs.append(obj)
662            obj.deactivate()
663        # add placeholder for our own objective
664        obj_name = unique_component_name(m, '_fme_post_process_obj')
665        obj = Objective(expr=0)
666        m.add_component(obj_name, obj)
667        for i in projected_constraints:
668            # If someone wants us to ignore it and leave it in the model, we
669            # can.
670            if not projected_constraints[i].active:
671                continue
672            # deactivate the constraint
673            projected_constraints[i].deactivate()
674            m.del_component(obj)
675            # make objective to maximize its infeasibility
676            obj = Objective(expr=projected_constraints[i].body - \
677                            projected_constraints[i].lower)
678            m.add_component(obj_name, obj)
679            results = solver_factory.solve(m)
680            if results.solver.termination_condition == \
681               TerminationCondition.unbounded:
682                obj_val = -float('inf')
683            elif results.solver.termination_condition != \
684               TerminationCondition.optimal:
685                raise RuntimeError("Unsuccessful subproblem solve when checking"
686                                   "constraint %s.\n\t"
687                                   "Termination Condition: %s" %
688                                   (projected_constraints[i].name,
689                                    results.solver.termination_condition))
690            else:
691                obj_val = value(obj)
692            # if we couldn't make it infeasible, it's useless
693            if obj_val >= tolerance:
694                m.del_component(projected_constraints[i])
695                del projected_constraints[i]
696            else:
697                projected_constraints[i].activate()
699        # clean up
700        m.del_component(obj)
701        for obj in active_objs:
702            obj.activate()
703        # undo relax integrality
704        TransformationFactory('core.relax_integer_vars').apply_to(m, undo=True)