1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11"""Cut generation."""
12from __future__ import division
13import logging
14from math import copysign
15from pyomo.core import minimize, value
16from pyomo.core.expr import current as EXPR
17from pyomo.contrib.gdpopt.util import identify_variables, time_code
18from pyomo.contrib.mcpp.pyomo_mcpp import McCormick as mc, MCPP_Error
20logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.contrib.mindtpy')
23def add_oa_cuts(target_model, dual_values, solve_data, config,
24                cb_opt=None,
25                linearize_active=True,
26                linearize_violated=True):
27    """
28    Linearizes nonlinear constraints; modifies the model to include the OA cuts
29    For nonconvex problems, turn on 'config.add_slack'. Slack variables will
30    always be used for nonlinear equality constraints.
31    Parameters
32    ----------
33    target_model:
34        this is the MIP/MILP model for the OA algorithm; we want to add the OA cuts to 'target_model'
35    dual_values:
36        contains the value of the duals for each constraint
37    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
38        data container that holds solve-instance data
39    config: ConfigBlock
40        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
41    linearize_active: bool, optional
42        this parameter acts as a Boolean flag that signals whether the linearized constraint is active
43    linearize_violated: bool, optional
44        this parameter acts as a Boolean flag that signals whether the nonlinear constraint represented by the
45        linearized constraint has been violated
46    """
47    with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'OA cut generation'):
48        for index, constr in enumerate(target_model.MindtPy_utils.constraint_list):
49            # TODO: here the index is correlated to the duals, try if this can be fixed when temp duals are removed.
50            if constr.body.polynomial_degree() in {0, 1}:
51                continue
53            constr_vars = list(identify_variables(constr.body))
54            jacs = solve_data.jacobians
56            # Equality constraint (makes the problem nonconvex)
57            if constr.has_ub() and constr.has_lb() and value(constr.lower) == value(constr.upper) and config.equality_relaxation:
58                sign_adjust = -1 if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize else 1
59                rhs = constr.lower
60                if config.add_slack:
61                    slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add()
62                target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts.add(
63                    expr=copysign(1, sign_adjust * dual_values[index])
64                    * (sum(value(jacs[constr][var]) * (var - value(var))
65                           for var in EXPR.identify_variables(constr.body))
66                        + value(constr.body) - rhs)
67                    - (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0) <= 0)
68                if config.single_tree and config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent' and solve_data.mip_iter > 0 and cb_opt is not None:
69                    cb_opt.cbLazy(
70                        target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts[len(target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts)])
72            else:  # Inequality constraint (possibly two-sided)
73                if (constr.has_ub()
74                    and (linearize_active and abs(constr.uslack()) < config.zero_tolerance)
75                        or (linearize_violated and constr.uslack() < 0)
76                        or (config.linearize_inactive and constr.uslack() > 0)) or (constr.name == 'MindtPy_utils.objective_constr' and constr.has_ub()):
77                    # always add the linearization for the epigraph of the objective
78                    if config.add_slack:
79                        slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add()
81                    target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts.add(
82                        expr=(sum(value(jacs[constr][var])*(var - var.value)
83                                  for var in constr_vars) + value(constr.body)
84                              - (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0)
85                              <= value(constr.upper))
86                    )
87                    if config.single_tree and config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent' and solve_data.mip_iter > 0 and cb_opt is not None:
88                        cb_opt.cbLazy(
89                            target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts[len(target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts)])
91                if (constr.has_lb()
92                    and (linearize_active and abs(constr.lslack()) < config.zero_tolerance)
93                        or (linearize_violated and constr.lslack() < 0)
94                        or (config.linearize_inactive and constr.lslack() > 0)) or (constr.name == 'MindtPy_utils.objective_constr' and constr.has_lb()):
95                    if config.add_slack:
96                        slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add()
98                    target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts.add(
99                        expr=(sum(value(jacs[constr][var])*(var - var.value)
100                                  for var in constr_vars) + value(constr.body)
101                              + (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0)
102                              >= value(constr.lower))
103                    )
104                    if config.single_tree and config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent' and solve_data.mip_iter > 0 and cb_opt is not None:
105                        cb_opt.cbLazy(
106                            target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts[len(target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts)])
109def add_ecp_cuts(target_model, solve_data, config,
110                 linearize_active=True,
111                 linearize_violated=True):
112    """
113    Linearizes nonlinear constraints. Adds the cuts for the ECP method.
115    For nonconvex problems, turn on 'config.add_slack'. Slack variables will
116    always be used for nonlinear equality constraints.
118    Parameters
119    ----------
120    target_model:
121        this is the MIP/MILP model for the OA algorithm; we want to add the OA cuts to 'target_model'
122    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
123        data container that holds solve-instance data
124    config: ConfigBlock
125        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
126    linearize_active: bool, optional
127        this parameter acts as a Boolean flag that signals whether the linearized constraint is active
128    linearize_violated: bool, optional
129        this parameter acts as a Boolean flag that signals whether the nonlinear constraint represented by the
130        linearized constraint has been violated
131    """
132    with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'ECP cut generation'):
133        for constr in target_model.MindtPy_utils.nonlinear_constraint_list:
134            constr_vars = list(identify_variables(constr.body))
135            jacs = solve_data.jacobians
137            if constr.has_lb() and constr.has_ub():
138                config.logger.warning(
139                    'constraint {} has both a lower '
140                    'and upper bound.'
141                    '\n'.format(
142                        constr))
143                continue
144            if constr.has_ub():
145                try:
146                    upper_slack = constr.uslack()
147                except (ValueError, OverflowError):
148                    config.logger.warning(
149                        'constraint {} has caused either a '
150                        'ValueError or OverflowError.'
151                        '\n'.format(
152                            constr))
153                    continue
154                if (linearize_active and abs(upper_slack) < config.ecp_tolerance) \
155                        or (linearize_violated and upper_slack < 0) \
156                        or (config.linearize_inactive and upper_slack > 0):
157                    if config.add_slack:
158                        slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add()
160                    target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.ecp_cuts.add(
161                        expr=(sum(value(jacs[constr][var])*(var - var.value)
162                                  for var in constr_vars)
163                              - (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0)
164                              <= upper_slack)
165                    )
167            if constr.has_lb():
168                try:
169                    lower_slack = constr.lslack()
170                except (ValueError, OverflowError):
171                    config.logger.warning(
172                        'constraint {} has caused either a '
173                        'ValueError or OverflowError.'
174                        '\n'.format(
175                            constr))
176                    continue
177                if (linearize_active and abs(lower_slack) < config.ecp_tolerance) \
178                        or (linearize_violated and lower_slack < 0) \
179                        or (config.linearize_inactive and lower_slack > 0):
180                    if config.add_slack:
181                        slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add()
183                    target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.ecp_cuts.add(
184                        expr=(sum(value(jacs[constr][var])*(var - var.value)
185                                  for var in constr_vars)
186                              + (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0)
187                              >= -lower_slack)
188                    )
191def add_no_good_cuts(var_values, solve_data, config, feasible=False):
192    """
193    Adds no-good cuts; modifies the model to include no-good cuts
194    This adds an no-good cuts to the no_good_cuts ConstraintList, which is not activated by default.
195    However, it may be activated as needed in certain situations or for certain values of option flags.
197    Parameters
198    ----------
199    var_values: list
200        values of the current variables, used to generate the cut
201    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
202        data container that holds solve-instance data
203    config: ConfigBlock
204        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
205    feasible: bool, optional
206        boolean indicating if integer combination yields a feasible or infeasible NLP
207    """
208    if not config.add_no_good_cuts:
209        return
210    with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'no_good cut generation'):
212        config.logger.info('Adding no_good cuts')
214        m = solve_data.mip
215        MindtPy = m.MindtPy_utils
216        int_tol = config.integer_tolerance
218        binary_vars = [v for v in MindtPy.variable_list if v.is_binary()]
220        # copy variable values over
221        for var, val in zip(MindtPy.variable_list, var_values):
222            if not var.is_binary():
223                continue
224            var.value = val
226        # check to make sure that binary variables are all 0 or 1
227        for v in binary_vars:
228            if value(abs(v - 1)) > int_tol and value(abs(v)) > int_tol:
229                raise ValueError(
230                    'Binary {} = {} is not 0 or 1'.format(v.name, value(v)))
232        if not binary_vars:  # if no binary variables, skip
233            return
235        int_cut = (sum(1 - v for v in binary_vars
236                       if value(abs(v - 1)) <= int_tol) +
237                   sum(v for v in binary_vars
238                       if value(abs(v)) <= int_tol) >= 1)
240        MindtPy.cuts.no_good_cuts.add(expr=int_cut)
243def add_affine_cuts(solve_data, config):
244    """
245    Adds affine cuts using MCPP; modifies the model to include affine cuts
247    Parameters
248    ----------
249    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
250        data container that holds solve-instance data
251    config: ConfigBlock
252        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
253    """
254    with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'Affine cut generation'):
255        m = solve_data.mip
256        config.logger.info('Adding affine cuts')
257        counter = 0
259        for constr in m.MindtPy_utils.nonlinear_constraint_list:
260            vars_in_constr = list(
261                identify_variables(constr.body))
262            if any(var.value is None for var in vars_in_constr):
263                continue  # a variable has no values
265            # mcpp stuff
266            try:
267                mc_eqn = mc(constr.body)
268            except MCPP_Error as e:
269                config.logger.debug(
270                    'Skipping constraint %s due to MCPP error %s' % (constr.name, str(e)))
271                continue  # skip to the next constraint
273            ccSlope = mc_eqn.subcc()
274            cvSlope = mc_eqn.subcv()
275            ccStart = mc_eqn.concave()
276            cvStart = mc_eqn.convex()
278            # check if the value of ccSlope and cvSlope is not Nan or inf. If so, we skip this.
279            concave_cut_valid = True
280            convex_cut_valid = True
281            for var in vars_in_constr:
282                if not var.fixed:
283                    if ccSlope[var] == float('nan') or ccSlope[var] == float('inf'):
284                        concave_cut_valid = False
285                    if cvSlope[var] == float('nan') or cvSlope[var] == float('inf'):
286                        convex_cut_valid = False
287            # check if the value of ccSlope and cvSlope all equals zero. if so, we skip this.
288            if not any(list(ccSlope.values())):
289                concave_cut_valid = False
290            if not any(list(cvSlope.values())):
291                convex_cut_valid = False
292            if ccStart == float('nan') or ccStart == float('inf'):
293                concave_cut_valid = False
294            if cvStart == float('nan') or cvStart == float('inf'):
295                convex_cut_valid = False
296            if not (concave_cut_valid or convex_cut_valid):
297                continue
299            ub_int = min(value(constr.upper), mc_eqn.upper()
300                         ) if constr.has_ub() else mc_eqn.upper()
301            lb_int = max(value(constr.lower), mc_eqn.lower()
302                         ) if constr.has_lb() else mc_eqn.lower()
304            aff_cuts = m.MindtPy_utils.cuts.aff_cuts
305            if concave_cut_valid:
306                concave_cut = sum(ccSlope[var] * (var - var.value)
307                                  for var in vars_in_constr
308                                  if not var.fixed) + ccStart >= lb_int
309                aff_cuts.add(expr=concave_cut)
310                counter += 1
311            if convex_cut_valid:
312                convex_cut = sum(cvSlope[var] * (var - var.value)
313                                 for var in vars_in_constr
314                                 if not var.fixed) + cvStart <= ub_int
315                aff_cuts.add(expr=convex_cut)
316                counter += 1
318        config.logger.info('Added %s affine cuts' % counter)