1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11import logging
13import pyomo.common.config as cfg
14from pyomo.common import deprecated
15from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap, ComponentSet
16from pyomo.common.log import is_debug_set
17from pyomo.common.modeling import unique_component_name
18from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import ZeroConstant
19import pyomo.core.expr.current as EXPR
20from pyomo.core.base import Transformation, TransformationFactory, Reference
21from pyomo.core import (
22    Block, BooleanVar, Connector, Constraint, Param, Set, SetOf, Suffix, Var,
23    Expression, SortComponents, TraversalStrategy,
24    Any, RangeSet, Reals, value, NonNegativeIntegers, LogicalConstraint,
26from pyomo.gdp import Disjunct, Disjunction, GDP_Error
27from pyomo.gdp.util import ( _warn_for_active_logical_constraint,
28                             clone_without_expression_components, target_list,
29                             is_child_of, get_src_disjunction,
30                             get_src_constraint, get_transformed_constraints,
31                             get_src_disjunct, _warn_for_active_disjunction,
32                             _warn_for_active_disjunct, preprocess_targets)
33from pyomo.network import Port
34from functools import wraps
35from weakref import ref as weakref_ref
37logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.gdp.hull')
42    'gdp.hull',
43    doc="Relax disjunctive model by forming the hull reformulation.")
44class Hull_Reformulation(Transformation):
45    """Relax disjunctive model by forming the hull reformulation.
47    Relaxes a disjunctive model into an algebraic model by forming the
48    hull reformulation of each disjunction.
50    This transformation accepts the following keyword arguments:
52    Parameters
53    ----------
54    perspective_function : str
55        The perspective function used for the disaggregated variables.
56        Must be one of 'FurmanSawayaGrossmann' (default),
57        'LeeGrossmann', or 'GrossmannLee'
58    EPS : float
59        The value to use for epsilon [default: 1e-4]
60    targets : (block, disjunction, or list of those types)
61        The targets to transform. This can be a block, disjunction, or a
62        list of blocks and Disjunctions [default: the instance]
64    The transformation will create a new Block with a unique
65    name beginning "_pyomo_gdp_hull_reformulation".
66    The block will have a dictionary "_disaggregatedVarMap:
67        'srcVar': ComponentMap(<src var>:<disaggregated var>),
68        'disaggregatedVar': ComponentMap(<disaggregated var>:<src var>)
70    It will also have a ComponentMap "_bigMConstraintMap":
72        <disaggregated var>:<bounds constraint>
74    Last, it will contain an indexed Block named "relaxedDisjuncts",
75    which will hold the relaxed disjuncts.  This block is indexed by
76    an integer indicating the order in which the disjuncts were relaxed.
77    Each block has a dictionary "_constraintMap":
79        'srcConstraints': ComponentMap(<transformed constraint>:
80                                       <src constraint>),
81        'transformedConstraints':ComponentMap(<src constraint container>:
82                                              <transformed constraint container>,
83                                              <src constraintData>:
84                                              [<transformed constraintDatas>]
85                                             )
87    All transformed Disjuncts will have a pointer to the block their transformed
88    constraints are on, and all transformed Disjunctions will have a
89    pointer to the corresponding OR or XOR constraint.
91    The _pyomo_gdp_hull_reformulation block will have a ComponentMap
92    "_disaggregationConstraintMap":
93        <src var>:ComponentMap(<srcDisjunction>: <disaggregation constraint>)
95    """
98    CONFIG = cfg.ConfigBlock('gdp.hull')
99    CONFIG.declare('targets', cfg.ConfigValue(
100        default=None,
101        domain=target_list,
102        description="target or list of targets that will be relaxed",
103        doc="""
105        This specifies the target or list of targets to relax as either a
106        component or a list of components. If None (default), the entire model
107        is transformed. Note that if the transformation is done out of place,
108        the list of targets should be attached to the model before it is cloned,
109        and the list will specify the targets on the cloned instance."""
110    ))
111    CONFIG.declare('perspective function', cfg.ConfigValue(
112        default='FurmanSawayaGrossmann',
113        domain=cfg.In(['FurmanSawayaGrossmann','LeeGrossmann','GrossmannLee']),
114        description='perspective function used for variable disaggregation',
115        doc="""
116        The perspective function used for variable disaggregation
118        "LeeGrossmann" is the original NL convex hull from Lee &
119        Grossmann (2000) [1]_, which substitutes nonlinear constraints
121            h_ik(x) <= 0
123        with
125            x_k = sum( nu_ik )
126            y_ik * h_ik( nu_ik/y_ik ) <= 0
128        "GrossmannLee" is an updated formulation from Grossmann &
129        Lee (2003) [2]_, which avoids divide-by-0 errors by using:
131            x_k = sum( nu_ik )
132            (y_ik + eps) * h_ik( nu_ik/(y_ik + eps) ) <= 0
134        "FurmanSawayaGrossmann" (default) is an improved relaxation [3]_
135        that is exact at 0 and 1 while avoiding numerical issues from
136        the Lee & Grossmann formulation by using:
138            x_k = sum( nu_ik )
139            ((1-eps)*y_ik + eps) * h_ik( nu_ik/((1-eps)*y_ik + eps) ) \
140                - eps * h_ki(0) * ( 1-y_ik ) <= 0
142        References
143        ----------
144        .. [1] Lee, S., & Grossmann, I. E. (2000). New algorithms for
145           nonlinear generalized disjunctive programming.  Computers and
146           Chemical Engineering, 24, 2125-2141
148        .. [2] Grossmann, I. E., & Lee, S. (2003). Generalized disjunctive
149           programming: Nonlinear convex hull relaxation and algorithms.
150           Computational Optimization and Applications, 26, 83-100.
152        .. [3] Furman, K., Sawaya, N., and Grossmann, I.  A computationally
153           useful algebraic representation of nonlinear disjunctive convex
154           sets using the perspective function.  Optimization Online
155           (2016). http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_HTML/2016/07/5544.html.
156        """
157    ))
158    CONFIG.declare('EPS', cfg.ConfigValue(
159        default=1e-4,
160        domain=cfg.PositiveFloat,
161        description="Epsilon value to use in perspective function",
162    ))
163    CONFIG.declare('assume_fixed_vars_permanent', cfg.ConfigValue(
164        default=False,
165        domain=bool,
166        description="Boolean indicating whether or not to transform so that the "
167        "the transformed model will still be valid when fixed Vars are unfixed.",
168        doc="""
169        If True, the transformation will not disaggregate fixed variables.
170        This means that if a fixed variable is unfixed after transformation,
171        the transformed model is no longer valid. By default, the transformation
172        will disagregate fixed variables so that any later fixing and unfixing
173        will be valid in the transformed model.
174        """
175    ))
177    def __init__(self):
178        super(Hull_Reformulation, self).__init__()
179        self.handlers = {
180            Constraint : self._transform_constraint,
181            Var :        False,
182            BooleanVar:  False,
183            Connector :  False,
184            Expression : False,
185            Param :      False,
186            Set :        False,
187            SetOf :      False,
188            RangeSet:    False,
189            Suffix :     False,
190            Disjunction: self._warn_for_active_disjunction,
191            Disjunct:    self._warn_for_active_disjunct,
192            Block:       self._transform_block_on_disjunct,
193            LogicalConstraint: self._warn_for_active_logical_statement,
194            Port:        False,
195            }
196        self._generate_debug_messages = False
198    def _add_local_vars(self, block, local_var_dict):
199        localVars = block.component('LocalVars')
200        if type(localVars) is Suffix:
201            for disj, var_list in localVars.items():
202                if local_var_dict.get(disj) is None:
203                    local_var_dict[disj] = ComponentSet(var_list)
204                else:
205                    local_var_dict[disj].update(var_list)
207    def _get_local_var_suffixes(self, block, local_var_dict):
208        # You can specify suffixes on any block (disjuncts included). This method
209        # starts from a Disjunct (presumably) and checks for a LocalVar suffixes
210        # going both up and down the tree, adding them into the dictionary that
211        # is the second argument.
213        # first look beneath where we are (there could be Blocks on this
214        # disjunct)
215        for b in block.component_data_objects(Block, descend_into=(Block),
216                                              active=True,
217                                              sort=SortComponents.deterministic):
218            self._add_local_vars(b, local_var_dict)
219        # now traverse upwards and get what's above
220        while block is not None:
221            self._add_local_vars(block, local_var_dict)
222            block = block.parent_block()
224        return local_var_dict
226    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
227        assert not NAME_BUFFER
228        try:
229            self._apply_to_impl(instance, **kwds)
230        finally:
231            # Clear the global name buffer now that we are done
232            NAME_BUFFER.clear()
234    def _apply_to_impl(self, instance, **kwds):
235        if not instance.ctype in (Block, Disjunct):
236            raise GDP_Error("Transformation called on %s of type %s. 'instance' "
237                            "must be a ConcreteModel, Block, or Disjunct (in "
238                            "the case of nested disjunctions)." %
239                            (instance.name, instance.ctype))
241        self._config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
242        self._config.set_value(kwds)
243        self._generate_debug_messages = is_debug_set(logger)
245        targets = self._config.targets
246        if targets is None:
247            targets = ( instance, )
248        else:
249            # we need to preprocess targets to make sure that if there are any
250            # disjunctions in targets that their disjuncts appear before them in
251            # the list.
252            targets = preprocess_targets(targets)
253        knownBlocks = {}
254        for t in targets:
255            # check that t is in fact a child of instance
256            if not is_child_of(parent=instance, child=t,
257                               knownBlocks=knownBlocks):
258                raise GDP_Error(
259                    "Target '%s' is not a component on instance '%s'!"
260                    % (t.name, instance.name))
261            elif t.ctype is Disjunction:
262                if t.is_indexed():
263                    self._transform_disjunction(t)
264                else:
265                    self._transform_disjunctionData(t, t.index())
266            elif t.ctype in (Block, Disjunct):
267                if t.is_indexed():
268                    self._transform_block(t)
269                else:
270                    self._transform_blockData(t)
271            else:
272                raise GDP_Error(
273                    "Target '%s' was not a Block, Disjunct, or Disjunction. "
274                    "It was of type %s and can't be transformed."
275                    % (t.name, type(t)) )
277    def _add_transformation_block(self, instance):
278        # make a transformation block on instance where we will store
279        # transformed components
280        transBlockName = unique_component_name(
281            instance,
282            '_pyomo_gdp_hull_reformulation')
283        transBlock = Block()
284        instance.add_component(transBlockName, transBlock)
285        transBlock.relaxedDisjuncts = Block(NonNegativeIntegers)
286        transBlock.lbub = Set(initialize = ['lb','ub','eq'])
287        # Map between disaggregated variables and their
288        # originals
289        transBlock._disaggregatedVarMap = {
290            'srcVar': ComponentMap(),
291            'disaggregatedVar': ComponentMap(),
292        }
293        # Map between disaggregated variables and their lb*indicator <= var <=
294        # ub*indicator constraints
295        transBlock._bigMConstraintMap = ComponentMap()
296        # We will store all of the disaggregation constraints for any
297        # Disjunctions we transform onto this block here.
298        transBlock.disaggregationConstraints = Constraint(NonNegativeIntegers,
299                                                          Any)
301        # This will map from srcVar to a map of srcDisjunction to the
302        # disaggregation constraint corresponding to srcDisjunction
303        transBlock._disaggregationConstraintMap = ComponentMap()
305        # we are going to store some of the disaggregated vars directly here
306        # when we have vars that don't appear in every disjunct
307        transBlock._disaggregatedVars = Var(NonNegativeIntegers, dense=False)
308        transBlock._boundsConstraints = Constraint(NonNegativeIntegers,
309                                                   transBlock.lbub)
311        return transBlock
313    def _transform_block(self, obj):
314        for i in sorted(obj.keys()):
315            self._transform_blockData(obj[i])
317    def _transform_blockData(self, obj):
318        # Transform every (active) disjunction in the block
319        for disjunction in obj.component_objects(
320                Disjunction,
321                active=True,
322                sort=SortComponents.deterministic,
323                descend_into=(Block,Disjunct),
324                descent_order=TraversalStrategy.PostfixDFS):
325            self._transform_disjunction(disjunction)
327    def _add_xor_constraint(self, disjunction, transBlock):
328        # Put XOR constraint on the transformation block
330        # We never do this for just a DisjunctionData because we need
331        # to know about the index set of its parent component. So if
332        # we called this on a DisjunctionData, we did something wrong.
333        assert isinstance(disjunction, Disjunction)
335        # check if the constraint already exists
336        if disjunction._algebraic_constraint is not None:
337            return disjunction._algebraic_constraint()
339        # add the XOR (or OR) constraints to parent block (with
340        # unique name) It's indexed if this is an
341        # IndexedDisjunction, not otherwise
342        orC = Constraint(disjunction.index_set())
343        transBlock.add_component(
344            unique_component_name(transBlock,
345                                  disjunction.getname(fully_qualified=True,
346                                                      name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER) +\
347                                  '_xor'), orC)
348        disjunction._algebraic_constraint = weakref_ref(orC)
350        return orC
352    def _transform_disjunction(self, obj):
353        # NOTE: this check is actually necessary because it's possible we go
354        # straight to this function when we use targets.
355        if not obj.active:
356            return
358        # put the transformation block on the parent block of the Disjunction,
359        # unless this is a disjunction we have seen in a prior call to hull, in
360        # which case we will use the same transformation block we created
361        # before.
362        if obj._algebraic_constraint is not None:
363            transBlock = obj._algebraic_constraint().parent_block()
364        else:
365            transBlock = self._add_transformation_block(obj.parent_block())
366        # and create the xor constraint
367        xorConstraint = self._add_xor_constraint(obj, transBlock)
369        # create the disjunction constraint and disaggregation
370        # constraints and then relax each of the disjunctionDatas
371        for i in sorted(obj.keys()):
372            self._transform_disjunctionData(obj[i], i, transBlock)
374        # deactivate so the writers will be happy
375        obj.deactivate()
377    def _transform_disjunctionData(self, obj, index, transBlock=None):
378        if not obj.active:
379            return
380        # Hull reformulation doesn't work if this is an OR constraint. So if
381        # xor is false, give up
382        if not obj.xor:
383            raise GDP_Error("Cannot do hull reformulation for "
384                            "Disjunction '%s' with OR constraint.  "
385                            "Must be an XOR!" % obj.name)
387        if transBlock is None:
388            # It's possible that we have already created a transformation block
389            # for another disjunctionData from this same container. If that's
390            # the case, let's use the same transformation block. (Else it will
391            # be really confusing that the XOR constraint goes to that old block
392            # but we create a new one here.)
393            if obj.parent_component()._algebraic_constraint is not None:
394                transBlock = obj.parent_component()._algebraic_constraint().\
395                             parent_block()
396            else:
397                transBlock = self._add_transformation_block(obj.parent_block())
399        parent_component = obj.parent_component()
401        orConstraint = self._add_xor_constraint(parent_component, transBlock)
402        disaggregationConstraint = transBlock.disaggregationConstraints
403        disaggregationConstraintMap = transBlock._disaggregationConstraintMap
404        disaggregatedVars = transBlock._disaggregatedVars
405        disaggregated_var_bounds = transBlock._boundsConstraints
407        # Just because it's unlikely this is what someone meant to do...
408        if len(obj.disjuncts) == 0:
409            raise GDP_Error("Disjunction '%s' is empty. This is "
410                            "likely indicative of a modeling error."  %
411                            obj.getname(fully_qualified=True,
412                                        name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER))
414        # We first go through and collect all the variables that we
415        # are going to disaggregate.
416        varOrder_set = ComponentSet()
417        varOrder = []
418        varsByDisjunct = ComponentMap()
419        localVarsByDisjunct = ComponentMap()
420        include_fixed_vars = not self._config.assume_fixed_vars_permanent
421        for disjunct in obj.disjuncts:
422            disjunctVars = varsByDisjunct[disjunct] = ComponentSet()
423            # create the key for each disjunct now
424            transBlock._disaggregatedVarMap['disaggregatedVar'][
425                disjunct] = ComponentMap()
426            for cons in disjunct.component_data_objects(
427                    Constraint,
428                    active = True,
429                    sort=SortComponents.deterministic,
430                    descend_into=Block):
431                # [ESJ 02/14/2020] By default, we disaggregate fixed variables
432                # on the philosophy that fixing is not a promise for the future
433                # and we are mathematically wrong if we don't transform these
434                # correctly and someone later unfixes them and keeps playing
435                # with their transformed model. However, the user may have set
436                # assume_fixed_vars_permanent to True in which case we will skip
437                # them
438                for var in EXPR.identify_variables(
439                        cons.body, include_fixed=include_fixed_vars):
440                    # Note the use of a list so that we will
441                    # eventually disaggregate the vars in a
442                    # deterministic order (the order that we found
443                    # them)
444                    disjunctVars.add(var)
445                    if not var in varOrder_set:
446                        varOrder.append(var)
447                        varOrder_set.add(var)
449            # check for LocalVars Suffix
450            localVarsByDisjunct = self._get_local_var_suffixes(
451                disjunct, localVarsByDisjunct)
453        # We will disaggregate all variables which are not explicitly declared
454        # as being local. Note however, that we do declare our own disaggregated
455        # variables as local, so they will not be re-disaggregated.
456        varSet = []
457        varSet = {disj: [] for disj in obj.disjuncts}
458        # Note that variables are local with respect to a Disjunct. We deal with
459        # them here to do some error checking (if something is obviously not
460        # local since it is used in multiple Disjuncts in this Disjunction) and
461        # also to get a deterministic order in which to process them when we
462        # transform the Disjuncts: Values of localVarsByDisjunct are
463        # ComponentSets, so we need this for determinism (we iterate through the
464        # localVars of a Disjunct later)
465        localVars = ComponentMap()
466        varsToDisaggregate = []
467        disjunctsVarAppearsIn = ComponentMap()
468        for var in varOrder:
469            disjuncts = disjunctsVarAppearsIn[var] = [d for d in varsByDisjunct
470                                                      if var in
471                                                      varsByDisjunct[d]]
472            # clearly not local if used in more than one disjunct
473            if len(disjuncts) > 1:
474                if self._generate_debug_messages:
475                    logger.debug("Assuming '%s' is not a local var since it is"
476                                 "used in multiple disjuncts." %
477                                 var.getname(fully_qualified=True,
478                                             name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER))
479                for disj in disjuncts:
480                    varSet[disj].append(var)
481                varsToDisaggregate.append(var)
482            # disjuncts is a list of length 1
483            elif localVarsByDisjunct.get(disjuncts[0]) is not None:
484                if var in localVarsByDisjunct[disjuncts[0]]:
485                    localVars_thisDisjunct = localVars.get(disjuncts[0])
486                    if localVars_thisDisjunct is not None:
487                        localVars[disjuncts[0]].append(var)
488                    else:
489                        localVars[disjuncts[0]] = [var]
490                else:
491                    # It's not local to this Disjunct
492                    varSet[disjuncts[0]].append(var)
493                    varsToDisaggregate.append(var)
494            else:
495                # We don't even have have any local vars for this Disjunct.
496                varSet[disjuncts[0]].append(var)
497                varsToDisaggregate.append(var)
499        # Now that we know who we need to disaggregate, we will do it
500        # while we also transform the disjuncts.
501        local_var_set = self._get_local_var_set(obj)
502        or_expr = 0
503        for disjunct in obj.disjuncts:
504            or_expr += disjunct.indicator_var.get_associated_binary()
505            self._transform_disjunct(disjunct, transBlock, varSet[disjunct],
506                                     localVars.get(disjunct, []), local_var_set)
507        orConstraint.add(index, (or_expr, 1))
508        # map the DisjunctionData to its XOR constraint to mark it as
509        # transformed
510        obj._algebraic_constraint = weakref_ref(orConstraint[index])
512        # add the reaggregation constraints
513        for i, var in enumerate(varsToDisaggregate):
514            # There are two cases here: Either the var appeared in every
515            # disjunct in the disjunction, or it didn't. If it did, there's
516            # nothing special to do: All of the disaggregated variables have
517            # been created, and we can just proceed and make this constraint. If
518            # it didn't, we need one more disaggregated variable, correctly
519            # defined. And then we can make the constraint.
520            if len(disjunctsVarAppearsIn[var]) < len(obj.disjuncts):
521                # create one more disaggregated var
522                idx = len(disaggregatedVars)
523                disaggregated_var = disaggregatedVars[idx]
524                # mark this as local because we won't re-disaggregate if this is
525                # a nested disjunction
526                if local_var_set is not None:
527                    local_var_set.append(disaggregatedVar)
528                var_free = 1 - sum(disj.indicator_var.get_associated_binary()
529                                   for disj in disjunctsVarAppearsIn[var])
530                self._declare_disaggregated_var_bounds(var, disaggregated_var,
531                                                       obj,
532                                                       disaggregated_var_bounds,
533                                                       (idx,'lb'), (idx,'ub'),
534                                                       var_free)
535                # maintain the mappings
536                for disj in obj.disjuncts:
537                    # Because we called _transform_disjunct above, we know that
538                    # if this isn't transformed it is because it was cleanly
539                    # deactivated, and we can just skip it.
540                    if disj._transformation_block is not None and \
541                       disj not in disjunctsVarAppearsIn[var]:
542                        relaxationBlock = disj._transformation_block().\
543                                          parent_block()
544                        relaxationBlock._bigMConstraintMap[
545                            disaggregated_var] = Reference(
546                                disaggregated_var_bounds[idx, :])
547                        relaxationBlock._disaggregatedVarMap['srcVar'][
548                            disaggregated_var] = var
549                        relaxationBlock._disaggregatedVarMap[
550                            'disaggregatedVar'][disj][var] = disaggregated_var
552                disaggregatedExpr = disaggregated_var
553            else:
554                disaggregatedExpr = 0
555            for disjunct in disjunctsVarAppearsIn[var]:
556                if disjunct._transformation_block is None:
557                    # Because we called _transform_disjunct above, we know that
558                    # if this isn't transformed it is because it was cleanly
559                    # deactivated, and we can just skip it.
560                    continue
562                disaggregatedVar = disjunct._transformation_block().\
563                                   parent_block()._disaggregatedVarMap[
564                                       'disaggregatedVar'][disjunct][var]
565                disaggregatedExpr += disaggregatedVar
567            disaggregationConstraint.add((i, index), var == disaggregatedExpr)
568            # and update the map so that we can find this later. We index by
569            # variable and the particular disjunction because there is a
570            # different one for each disjunction
571            if disaggregationConstraintMap.get(var) is not None:
572                disaggregationConstraintMap[var][obj] = disaggregationConstraint[
573                    (i, index)]
574            else:
575                thismap = disaggregationConstraintMap[var] = ComponentMap()
576                thismap[obj] = disaggregationConstraint[(i, index)]
578        # deactivate for the writers
579        obj.deactivate()
581    def _transform_disjunct(self, obj, transBlock, varSet, localVars,
582                            local_var_set):
583        # deactivated should only come from the user
584        if not obj.active:
585            if obj.indicator_var.is_fixed():
586                if not value(obj.indicator_var):
587                    # The user cleanly deactivated the disjunct: there
588                    # is nothing for us to do here.
589                    return
590                else:
591                    raise GDP_Error(
592                        "The disjunct '%s' is deactivated, but the "
593                        "indicator_var is fixed to %s. This makes no sense."
594                        % ( obj.name, value(obj.indicator_var) ))
595            if obj._transformation_block is None:
596                raise GDP_Error(
597                    "The disjunct '%s' is deactivated, but the "
598                    "indicator_var is not fixed and the disjunct does not "
599                    "appear to have been relaxed. This makes no sense. "
600                    "(If the intent is to deactivate the disjunct, fix its "
601                    "indicator_var to False.)"
602                    % ( obj.name, ))
604        if obj._transformation_block is not None:
605            # we've transformed it, which means this is the second time it's
606            # appearing in a Disjunction
607            raise GDP_Error(
608                    "The disjunct '%s' has been transformed, but a disjunction "
609                    "it appears in has not. Putting the same disjunct in "
610                    "multiple disjunctions is not supported." % obj.name)
612        # create a relaxation block for this disjunct
613        relaxedDisjuncts = transBlock.relaxedDisjuncts
614        relaxationBlock = relaxedDisjuncts[len(relaxedDisjuncts)]
615        transBlock = relaxationBlock.parent_block()
617        relaxationBlock.localVarReferences = Block()
619        # Put the disaggregated variables all on their own block so that we can
620        # isolate the name collisions and still have complete control over the
621        # names on this block. (This is for peace of mind now, but will matter
622        # in the future for adding the binaries corresponding to Boolean
623        # indicator vars.)
624        relaxationBlock.disaggregatedVars = Block()
626        # add the map that will link back and forth between transformed
627        # constraints and their originals.
628        relaxationBlock._constraintMap = {
629            'srcConstraints': ComponentMap(),
630            'transformedConstraints': ComponentMap()
631        }
633        # add mappings to source disjunct (so we'll know we've relaxed)
634        obj._transformation_block = weakref_ref(relaxationBlock)
635        relaxationBlock._srcDisjunct = weakref_ref(obj)
637        # add the disaggregated variables and their bigm constraints
638        # to the relaxationBlock
639        for var in varSet:
640            disaggregatedVar = Var(within=Reals, initialize=var.value)
641            # naming conflicts are possible here since this is a bunch
642            # of variables from different blocks coming together, so we
643            # get a unique name
644            disaggregatedVarName = unique_component_name(
645                relaxationBlock.disaggregatedVars,
646                var.getname(fully_qualified=False, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER))
647            relaxationBlock.disaggregatedVars.add_component(
648                disaggregatedVarName, disaggregatedVar)
649            # mark this as local because we won't re-disaggregate if this is a
650            # nested disjunction
651            if local_var_set is not None:
652                local_var_set.append(disaggregatedVar)
654            # add the bigm constraint
655            bigmConstraint = Constraint(transBlock.lbub)
656            relaxationBlock.add_component(
657                disaggregatedVarName + "_bounds", bigmConstraint)
659            self._declare_disaggregated_var_bounds(
660                var, disaggregatedVar, obj,
661                bigmConstraint, 'lb', 'ub',
662                obj.indicator_var.get_associated_binary(), transBlock)
664        for var in localVars:
665            # we don't need to disaggregated, we can use this Var, but we do
666            # need to set up its bounds constraints.
668            # naming conflicts are possible here since this is a bunch
669            # of variables from different blocks coming together, so we
670            # get a unique name
671            conName = unique_component_name(
672                relaxationBlock,
673                var.getname(fully_qualified=False, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER) + \
674                "_bounds")
675            bigmConstraint = Constraint(transBlock.lbub)
676            relaxationBlock.add_component(conName, bigmConstraint)
678            self._declare_disaggregated_var_bounds(
679                var, var, obj,
680                bigmConstraint, 'lb', 'ub',
681                obj.indicator_var.get_associated_binary(), transBlock)
683        var_substitute_map = dict((id(v), newV) for v, newV in
684                                  transBlock._disaggregatedVarMap[
685                                      'disaggregatedVar'][obj].items())
686        zero_substitute_map = dict((id(v), ZeroConstant) for v, newV in \
687                                   transBlock._disaggregatedVarMap[
688                                       'disaggregatedVar'][obj].items())
689        zero_substitute_map.update((id(v), ZeroConstant) for v in localVars)
691        # Transform each component within this disjunct
692        self._transform_block_components(obj, obj, var_substitute_map,
693                                         zero_substitute_map)
695        # deactivate disjunct so writers can be happy
696        obj._deactivate_without_fixing_indicator()
698    def _transform_block_components( self, block, disjunct, var_substitute_map,
699                                     zero_substitute_map):
700        # As opposed to bigm, in hull the only special thing we need to do for
701        # nested Disjunctions is to make sure that we move up local var
702        # references and also references to the disaggregated variables so that
703        # all will be accessible after we transform this Disjunct. The indicator
704        # variables and disaggregated variables of the inner disjunction will
705        # need to be disaggregated again, but the transformed constraints will
706        # not be. But this way nothing will get double-bigm-ed. (If an
707        # untransformed disjunction is lurking here, we will catch it below).
709        disjunctBlock = disjunct._transformation_block()
710        destinationBlock = disjunctBlock.parent_block()
711        for obj in block.component_data_objects(
712                Disjunction,
713                sort=SortComponents.deterministic,
714                descend_into=(Block)):
715            if obj.algebraic_constraint is None:
716                # This could be bad if it's active since that means its
717                # untransformed, but we'll wait to yell until the next loop
718                continue
719            # get this disjunction's relaxation block.
720            transBlock = obj.algebraic_constraint().parent_block()
722            self._transfer_var_references(transBlock, destinationBlock)
724        # add references to all local variables on block (including the
725        # indicator_var). Note that we do this after we have moved up the
726        # transformation blocks for nested disjunctions, so that we don't have
727        # duplicate references.
728        varRefBlock = disjunctBlock.localVarReferences
729        for v in block.component_objects(Var, descend_into=Block, active=None):
730            if len(v) > 0:
731                varRefBlock.add_component(unique_component_name(
732                    varRefBlock, v.getname(fully_qualified=True,
733                                           name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)),
734                                          Reference(v))
736        # Look through the component map of block and transform everything we
737        # have a handler for. Yell if we don't know how to handle it. (Note that
738        # because we only iterate through active components, this means
739        # non-ActiveComponent types cannot have handlers.)
740        for obj in block.component_objects(active=True, descend_into=False):
741            handler = self.handlers.get(obj.ctype, None)
742            if not handler:
743                if handler is None:
744                    raise GDP_Error(
745                        "No hull transformation handler registered "
746                        "for modeling components of type %s. If your "
747                        "disjuncts contain non-GDP Pyomo components that "
748                        "require transformation, please transform them first."
749                        % obj.ctype )
750                continue
751            # obj is what we are transforming, we pass disjunct
752            # through so that we will have access to the indicator
753            # variables down the line.
754            handler(obj, disjunct, var_substitute_map, zero_substitute_map)
756    def _declare_disaggregated_var_bounds(self, original_var, disaggregatedVar,
757                                          disjunct, bigmConstraint, lb_idx,
758                                          ub_idx, var_free_indicator,
759                                          transBlock=None):
760        # If transBlock is None then this is a disaggregated variable for
761        # multiple Disjuncts and we will handle the mappings separately.
762        lb = original_var.lb
763        ub = original_var.ub
764        if lb is None or ub is None:
765            raise GDP_Error("Variables that appear in disjuncts must be "
766                            "bounded in order to use the hull "
767                            "transformation! Missing bound for %s."
768                            % (original_var.name))
770        disaggregatedVar.setlb(min(0, lb))
771        disaggregatedVar.setub(max(0, ub))
773        if lb:
774            bigmConstraint.add(
775                lb_idx, var_free_indicator*lb <= disaggregatedVar)
776        if ub:
777            bigmConstraint.add(
778                ub_idx, disaggregatedVar <= ub*var_free_indicator)
780        # store the mappings from variables to their disaggregated selves on
781        # the transformation block.
782        if transBlock is not None:
783            transBlock._disaggregatedVarMap['disaggregatedVar'][disjunct][
784                original_var] = disaggregatedVar
785            transBlock._disaggregatedVarMap['srcVar'][
786                disaggregatedVar] = original_var
787            transBlock._bigMConstraintMap[disaggregatedVar] = bigmConstraint
789    def _get_local_var_set(self, disjunction):
790        # add Suffix to the relaxation block that disaggregated variables are
791        # local (in case this is nested in another Disjunct)
792        local_var_set = None
793        parent_disjunct = disjunction.parent_block()
794        while parent_disjunct is not None:
795            if parent_disjunct.ctype is Disjunct:
796                break
797            parent_disjunct = parent_disjunct.parent_block()
798        if parent_disjunct is not None:
799            # This limits the cases that a user is allowed to name something
800            # (other than a Suffix) 'LocalVars' on a Disjunct. But I am assuming
801            # that the Suffix has to be somewhere above the disjunct in the
802            # tree, so I can't put it on a Block that I own. And if I'm coopting
803            # something of theirs, it may as well be here.
804            self._add_local_var_suffix(parent_disjunct)
805            if parent_disjunct.LocalVars.get(parent_disjunct) is None:
806                parent_disjunct.LocalVars[parent_disjunct] = []
807            local_var_set = parent_disjunct.LocalVars[parent_disjunct]
809        return local_var_set
811    def _transfer_var_references(self, fromBlock, toBlock):
812        disjunctList = toBlock.relaxedDisjuncts
813        for idx, disjunctBlock in fromBlock.relaxedDisjuncts.items():
814            # move all the of the local var references
815            newblock = disjunctList[len(disjunctList)]
816            newblock.localVarReferences = Block()
817            newblock.localVarReferences.transfer_attributes_from(
818                disjunctBlock.localVarReferences)
820    def _warn_for_active_disjunction( self, disjunction, disjunct,
821                                      var_substitute_map, zero_substitute_map):
822        _warn_for_active_disjunction(disjunction, disjunct, NAME_BUFFER)
824    def _warn_for_active_disjunct( self, innerdisjunct, outerdisjunct,
825                                   var_substitute_map, zero_substitute_map):
826        _warn_for_active_disjunct(innerdisjunct, outerdisjunct, NAME_BUFFER)
828    def _warn_for_active_logical_statement(
829            self, logical_statment, disjunct, var_substitute_map,
830            zero_substitute_map):
831        _warn_for_active_logical_constraint(logical_statment, disjunct,
832                                            NAME_BUFFER)
834    def _transform_block_on_disjunct( self, block, disjunct, var_substitute_map,
835                                      zero_substitute_map):
836        # We look through everything on the component map of the block
837        # and transform it just as we would if it was on the disjunct
838        # directly.  (We are passing the disjunct through so that when
839        # we find constraints, _transform_constraint will have access to
840        # the correct indicator variable.
841        for i in sorted(block.keys()):
842            self._transform_block_components( block[i], disjunct,
843                                              var_substitute_map,
844                                              zero_substitute_map)
846    def _transform_constraint(self, obj, disjunct, var_substitute_map,
847                              zero_substitute_map):
848        # we will put a new transformed constraint on the relaxation block.
849        relaxationBlock = disjunct._transformation_block()
850        transBlock = relaxationBlock.parent_block()
851        constraintMap = relaxationBlock._constraintMap
853        # Though rare, it is possible to get naming conflicts here
854        # since constraints from all blocks are getting moved onto the
855        # same block. So we get a unique name
856        name = unique_component_name(relaxationBlock, obj.getname(
857            fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER))
859        if obj.is_indexed():
860            newConstraint = Constraint(obj.index_set(), transBlock.lbub)
861        else:
862            newConstraint = Constraint(transBlock.lbub)
863        relaxationBlock.add_component(name, newConstraint)
864        # map the containers:
865        # add mapping of original constraint to transformed constraint
866        if obj.is_indexed():
867            constraintMap['transformedConstraints'][obj] = newConstraint
868        # add mapping of transformed constraint container back to original
869        # constraint container (or ScalarConstraint)
870        constraintMap['srcConstraints'][newConstraint] = obj
872        for i in sorted(obj.keys()):
873            c = obj[i]
874            if not c.active:
875                continue
877            NL = c.body.polynomial_degree() not in (0,1)
878            EPS = self._config.EPS
879            mode = self._config.perspective_function
881            # We need to evaluate the expression at the origin *before*
882            # we substitute the expression variables with the
883            # disaggregated variables
884            if not NL or mode == "FurmanSawayaGrossmann":
885                h_0 = clone_without_expression_components(
886                    c.body, substitute=zero_substitute_map)
888            y = disjunct.binary_indicator_var
889            if NL:
890                if mode == "LeeGrossmann":
891                    sub_expr = clone_without_expression_components(
892                        c.body,
893                        substitute=dict(
894                            (var,  subs/y)
895                            for var, subs in var_substitute_map.items() )
896                    )
897                    expr = sub_expr * y
898                elif mode == "GrossmannLee":
899                    sub_expr = clone_without_expression_components(
900                        c.body,
901                        substitute=dict(
902                            (var, subs/(y + EPS))
903                            for var, subs in var_substitute_map.items() )
904                    )
905                    expr = (y + EPS) * sub_expr
906                elif mode == "FurmanSawayaGrossmann":
907                    sub_expr = clone_without_expression_components(
908                        c.body,
909                        substitute=dict(
910                            (var, subs/((1 - EPS)*y + EPS))
911                            for var, subs in var_substitute_map.items() )
912                    )
913                    expr = ((1-EPS)*y + EPS)*sub_expr - EPS*h_0*(1-y)
914                else:
915                    raise RuntimeError("Unknown NL Hull mode")
916            else:
917                expr = clone_without_expression_components(
918                    c.body, substitute=var_substitute_map)
920            if c.equality:
921                if NL:
922                    # ESJ TODO: This can't happen right? This is the only
923                    # obvious case where someone has messed up, but this has to
924                    # be nonconvex, right? Shouldn't we tell them?
925                    newConsExpr = expr == c.lower*y
926                else:
927                    v = list(EXPR.identify_variables(expr))
928                    if len(v) == 1 and not c.lower:
929                        # Setting a variable to 0 in a disjunct is
930                        # *very* common.  We should recognize that in
931                        # that structure, the disaggregated variable
932                        # will also be fixed to 0.
933                        v[0].fix(0)
934                        # ESJ: If you ask where the transformed constraint is,
935                        # the answer is nowhere. Really, it is in the bounds of
936                        # this variable, so I'm going to return
937                        # it. Alternatively we could return an empty list, but I
938                        # think I like this better.
939                        constraintMap['transformedConstraints'][c] = [v[0]]
940                        # Reverse map also (this is strange)
941                        constraintMap['srcConstraints'][v[0]] = c
942                        continue
943                    newConsExpr = expr - (1-y)*h_0 == c.lower*y
945                if obj.is_indexed():
946                    newConstraint.add((i, 'eq'), newConsExpr)
947                    # map the _ConstraintDatas (we mapped the container above)
948                    constraintMap[
949                        'transformedConstraints'][c] = [newConstraint[i,'eq']]
950                    constraintMap['srcConstraints'][newConstraint[i,'eq']] = c
951                else:
952                    newConstraint.add('eq', newConsExpr)
953                    # map to the _ConstraintData (And yes, for
954                    # ScalarConstraints, this is overwriting the map to the
955                    # container we made above, and that is what I want to
956                    # happen. ScalarConstraints will map to lists. For
957                    # IndexedConstraints, we can map the container to the
958                    # container, but more importantly, we are mapping the
959                    # _ConstraintDatas to each other above)
960                    constraintMap[
961                        'transformedConstraints'][c] = [newConstraint['eq']]
962                    constraintMap['srcConstraints'][newConstraint['eq']] = c
964                continue
966            if c.lower is not None:
967                if self._generate_debug_messages:
968                    _name = c.getname(
969                        fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
970                    logger.debug("GDP(Hull): Transforming constraint " +
971                                 "'%s'", _name)
972                if NL:
973                    newConsExpr = expr >= c.lower*y
974                else:
975                    newConsExpr = expr - (1-y)*h_0 >= c.lower*y
977                if obj.is_indexed():
978                    newConstraint.add((i, 'lb'), newConsExpr)
979                    constraintMap[
980                        'transformedConstraints'][c] = [newConstraint[i,'lb']]
981                    constraintMap['srcConstraints'][newConstraint[i,'lb']] = c
982                else:
983                    newConstraint.add('lb', newConsExpr)
984                    constraintMap[
985                        'transformedConstraints'][c] = [newConstraint['lb']]
986                    constraintMap['srcConstraints'][newConstraint['lb']] = c
988            if c.upper is not None:
989                if self._generate_debug_messages:
990                    _name = c.getname(
991                        fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
992                    logger.debug("GDP(Hull): Transforming constraint " +
993                                 "'%s'", _name)
994                if NL:
995                    newConsExpr = expr <= c.upper*y
996                else:
997                    newConsExpr = expr - (1-y)*h_0 <= c.upper*y
999                if obj.is_indexed():
1000                    newConstraint.add((i, 'ub'), newConsExpr)
1001                    # map (have to account for fact we might have created list
1002                    # above
1003                    transformed = constraintMap['transformedConstraints'].get(c)
1004                    if transformed is not None:
1005                        transformed.append(newConstraint[i,'ub'])
1006                    else:
1007                        constraintMap['transformedConstraints'][
1008                            c] = [newConstraint[i,'ub']]
1009                    constraintMap['srcConstraints'][newConstraint[i,'ub']] = c
1010                else:
1011                    newConstraint.add('ub', newConsExpr)
1012                    transformed = constraintMap['transformedConstraints'].get(c)
1013                    if transformed is not None:
1014                        transformed.append(newConstraint['ub'])
1015                    else:
1016                        constraintMap['transformedConstraints'][
1017                            c] = [newConstraint['ub']]
1018                    constraintMap['srcConstraints'][newConstraint['ub']] = c
1020        # deactivate now that we have transformed
1021        obj.deactivate()
1023    def _add_local_var_suffix(self, disjunct):
1024        # If the Suffix is there, we will borrow it. If not, we make it. If it's
1025        # something else, we complain.
1026        localSuffix = disjunct.component("LocalVars")
1027        if localSuffix is None:
1028            disjunct.LocalVars = Suffix(direction=Suffix.LOCAL)
1029        else:
1030            if localSuffix.ctype is Suffix:
1031                return
1032            raise GDP_Error("A component called 'LocalVars' is declared on "
1033                            "Disjunct %s, but it is of type %s, not Suffix."
1034                            % (disjunct.getname(fully_qualified=True,
1035                                                name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER),
1036                               localSuffix.ctype))
1038    # These are all functions to retrieve transformed components from
1039    # original ones and vice versa.
1041    @wraps(get_src_disjunct)
1042    def get_src_disjunct(self, transBlock):
1043        return get_src_disjunct(transBlock)
1045    @wraps(get_src_disjunction)
1046    def get_src_disjunction(self, xor_constraint):
1047        return get_src_disjunction(xor_constraint)
1049    @wraps(get_src_constraint)
1050    def get_src_constraint(self, transformedConstraint):
1051        return get_src_constraint(transformedConstraint)
1053    @wraps(get_transformed_constraints)
1054    def get_transformed_constraints(self, srcConstraint):
1055        return get_transformed_constraints(srcConstraint)
1057    def get_disaggregated_var(self, v, disjunct):
1058        """
1059        Returns the disaggregated variable corresponding to the Var v and the
1060        Disjunct disjunct.
1062        If v is a local variable, this method will return v.
1064        Parameters
1065        ----------
1066        v: a Var which appears in a constraint in a transformed Disjunct
1067        disjunct: a transformed Disjunct in which v appears
1068        """
1069        if disjunct._transformation_block is None:
1070            raise GDP_Error("Disjunct '%s' has not been transformed"
1071                            % disjunct.name)
1072        transBlock = disjunct._transformation_block().parent_block()
1073        try:
1074            return transBlock._disaggregatedVarMap['disaggregatedVar'][
1075                disjunct][v]
1076        except:
1077            logger.error("It does not appear '%s' is a "
1078                         "variable which appears in disjunct '%s'"
1079                         % (v.name, disjunct.name))
1080            raise
1082    def get_src_var(self, disaggregated_var):
1083        """
1084        Returns the original model variable to which disaggregated_var
1085        corresponds.
1087        Parameters
1088        ----------
1089        disaggregated_var: a Var which was created by the hull
1090                           transformation as a disaggregated variable
1091                           (and so appears on a transformation block
1092                           of some Disjunct)
1093        """
1094        msg = ("'%s' does not appear to be a "
1095               "disaggregated variable" % disaggregated_var.name)
1096        # There are two possibilities: It is declared on a Disjunct
1097        # transformation Block, or it is declared on the parent of a Disjunct
1098        # transformation block (if it is a single variable for multiple
1099        # Disjuncts the original doesn't appear in)
1100        transBlock = disaggregated_var.parent_block()
1101        if not hasattr(transBlock, '_disaggregatedVarMap'):
1102            try:
1103                transBlock = transBlock.parent_block().parent_block()
1104            except:
1105                logger.error(msg)
1106                raise
1107        try:
1108            return transBlock._disaggregatedVarMap['srcVar'][disaggregated_var]
1109        except:
1110            logger.error(msg)
1111            raise
1113    # retrieves the disaggregation constraint for original_var resulting from
1114    # transforming disjunction
1115    def get_disaggregation_constraint(self, original_var, disjunction):
1116        """
1117        Returns the disaggregation (re-aggregation?) constraint
1118        (which links the disaggregated variables to their original)
1119        corresponding to original_var and the transformation of disjunction.
1121        Parameters
1122        ----------
1123        original_var: a Var which was disaggregated in the transformation
1124                      of Disjunction disjunction
1125        disjunction: a transformed Disjunction containing original_var
1126        """
1127        for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts:
1128            transBlock = disjunct._transformation_block
1129            if transBlock is not None:
1130                break
1131        if transBlock is None:
1132            raise GDP_Error("Disjunction '%s' has not been properly transformed:"
1133                            " None of its disjuncts are transformed."
1134                            % disjunction.name)
1136        try:
1137            return transBlock().parent_block()._disaggregationConstraintMap[
1138                original_var][disjunction]
1139        except:
1140            logger.error("It doesn't appear that '%s' is a variable that was "
1141                         "disaggregated by Disjunction '%s'" %
1142                         (original_var.name, disjunction.name))
1143            raise
1145    def get_var_bounds_constraint(self, v):
1146        """
1147        Returns the IndexedConstraint which sets a disaggregated
1148        variable to be within its bounds when its Disjunct is active and to
1149        be 0 otherwise. (It is always an IndexedConstraint because each
1150        bound becomes a separate constraint.)
1152        Parameters
1153        ----------
1154        v: a Var which was created by the hull  transformation as a
1155           disaggregated variable (and so appears on a transformation
1156           block of some Disjunct)
1157        """
1158        msg = ("Either '%s' is not a disaggregated variable, or "
1159               "the disjunction that disaggregates it has not "
1160               "been properly transformed." % v.name)
1161        # This can only go well if v is a disaggregated var
1162        transBlock = v.parent_block()
1163        if not hasattr(transBlock, '_bigMConstraintMap'):
1164            try:
1165                transBlock = transBlock.parent_block().parent_block()
1166            except:
1167                logger.error(msg)
1168                raise
1169        try:
1170            return transBlock._bigMConstraintMap[v]
1171        except:
1172            logger.error(msg)
1173            raise
1177    'gdp.chull',
1178    doc="[DEPRECATED] please use 'gdp.hull' to get the Hull transformation.")
1179@deprecated("The 'gdp.chull' name is deprecated. "
1180            "Please use the more apt 'gdp.hull' instead.",
1181            logger='pyomo.gdp',
1182            version="5.7")
1183class _Deprecated_Name_Hull(Hull_Reformulation):
1184    def __init__(self):
1185        super(_Deprecated_Name_Hull, self).__init__()