1 // Copyright 2010-2019 Keith Goodman
2 // Copyright 2019 Bottleneck Developers
3 #ifndef ITERATORS_H_
4 #define ITERATORS_H_
6 #include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
8 /*
9    Bottleneck iterators are based on ideas from NumPy's PyArray_IterAllButAxis
10    and PyArray_ITER_NEXT.
11 */
13 /* one input array ------------------------------------------------------- */
15 /* these iterators are used mainly by reduce functions such as nansum */
17 struct _iter {
18     int        ndim_m2; /* ndim - 2 */
19     int        axis;    /* axis to not iterate over */
20     Py_ssize_t length;  /* a.shape[axis] */
21     Py_ssize_t astride; /* a.strides[axis] */
22     npy_intp   stride;  /* element-level stride to take in the array */
23     npy_intp   i;       /* integer used by some macros */
24     npy_intp   its;     /* number of iterations completed */
25     npy_intp   nits;    /* number of iterations iterator plans to make */
26     npy_intp   indices[NPY_MAXDIMS];  /* current location of iterator */
27     npy_intp   astrides[NPY_MAXDIMS]; /* a.strides, a.strides[axis] removed */
28     npy_intp   shape[NPY_MAXDIMS];    /* a.shape, a.shape[axis] removed */
29     char       *pa;     /* pointer to data corresponding to indices */
30     PyArrayObject *a_ravel; /* NULL or pointer to ravelled input array */
31 };
32 typedef struct _iter iter;
34 static inline void
init_iter_one(iter * it,PyArrayObject * a,int axis)35 init_iter_one(iter *it, PyArrayObject *a, int axis)
36 {
37     int i, j = 0;
38     const int ndim = PyArray_NDIM(a);
39     const npy_intp *shape = PyArray_SHAPE(a);
40     const npy_intp *strides = PyArray_STRIDES(a);
41     const npy_intp item_size = PyArray_ITEMSIZE(a);
43     it->axis = axis;
44     it->its = 0;
45     it->nits = 1;
46     it->pa = PyArray_BYTES(a);
48     it->ndim_m2 = -1;
49     it->length = 1;
50     it->astride = 0;
52     if (ndim != 0) {
53         it->ndim_m2 = ndim - 2;
54         for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
55             if (i == axis) {
56                 it->astride = strides[i];
57                 it->length = shape[i];
58             } else {
59                 it->indices[j] = 0;
60                 it->astrides[j] = strides[i];
61                 it->shape[j] = shape[i];
62                 it->nits *= shape[i];
63                 j++;
64             }
65         }
66     }
67     it->stride = it->astride / item_size;
68 }
70 /*
71  * If both ravel != 0 and it.a_ravel != NULL then you are responsible for
72  * calling Py_DECREF(it.a_ravel) after you are done with the iterator.
73  * See nanargmin for an example.
74  */
75 static inline void
init_iter_all(iter * it,PyArrayObject * a,int ravel,int anyorder)76 init_iter_all(iter *it, PyArrayObject *a, int ravel, int anyorder)
77 {
78     int i, j = 0;
79     const int ndim = PyArray_NDIM(a);
80     const npy_intp *shape = PyArray_SHAPE(a);
81     const npy_intp *strides = PyArray_STRIDES(a);
82     const npy_intp item_size = PyArray_ITEMSIZE(a);
84     it->axis = 0;
85     it->its = 0;
86     it->nits = 1;
87     it->a_ravel = NULL;
89     /* The fix for relaxed strides checking in numpy and the fix for
90      * issue #183 has left this if..else tree in need of a refactor from the
91      * the ground up */
92     if (ndim == 1) {
93         it->ndim_m2 = -1;
94         it->length = shape[0];
95         it->astride = strides[0];
96     } else if (ndim == 0) {
97         it->ndim_m2 = -1;
98         it->length = 1;
99         it->astride = 0;
100     } else if (C_CONTIGUOUS(a) && !F_CONTIGUOUS(a)) {
101         /* The &&! in the next two else ifs is to deal with relaxed
102          * stride checking introduced in numpy 1.12.0; see gh #161 */
103         it->ndim_m2 = -1;
104         it->axis = ndim - 1;
105         it->length = PyArray_SIZE(a);
106         it->astride = 0;
107         for (i=ndim-1; i > -1; i--) {
108             /* protect against length zero  strides such as in
109              * np.ones((2, 2))[..., np.newaxis] */
110             if (strides[i] == 0) {
111                 continue;
112             }
113             it->astride = strides[i];
114             break;
115        }
116     } else if (F_CONTIGUOUS(a) && !C_CONTIGUOUS(a)) {
117         if (anyorder || !ravel) {
118             it->ndim_m2 = -1;
119             it->length = PyArray_SIZE(a);
120             it->astride = 0;
121             for (i=0; i < ndim; i++) {
122                 /* protect against length zero  strides such as in
123                  * np.ones((2, 2), order='F')[np.newaxis, ...] */
124                 if (strides[i] == 0) {
125                     continue;
126                 }
127                 it->astride = strides[i];
128                 break;
129            }
130         } else {
131             it->ndim_m2 = -1;
132             if (anyorder) {
133                 a = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_Ravel(a, NPY_ANYORDER);
134             } else {
135                 a = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_Ravel(a, NPY_CORDER);
136             }
137             it->a_ravel = a;
138             it->length = PyArray_DIM(a, 0);
139             it->astride = PyArray_STRIDE(a, 0);
140         }
141     } else if (ravel) {
142         it->ndim_m2 = -1;
143         if (anyorder) {
144             a = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_Ravel(a, NPY_ANYORDER);
145         } else {
146             a = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_Ravel(a, NPY_CORDER);
147         }
148         it->a_ravel = a;
149         it->length = PyArray_DIM(a, 0);
150         it->astride = PyArray_STRIDE(a, 0);
151     } else {
152         it->ndim_m2 = ndim - 2;
153         it->astride = strides[0];
154         for (i = 1; i < ndim; i++) {
155             if (strides[i] < it->astride) {
156                 it->astride = strides[i];
157                 it->axis = i;
158             }
159         }
160         it->length = shape[it->axis];
161         for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
162             if (i != it->axis) {
163                 it->indices[j] = 0;
164                 it->astrides[j] = strides[i];
165                 it->shape[j] = shape[i];
166                 it->nits *= shape[i];
167                 j++;
168             }
169         }
170     }
172     it->stride = it->astride / item_size;
173     it->pa = PyArray_BYTES(a);
174 }
176 #define NEXT \
177     for (it.i = it.ndim_m2; it.i > -1; it.i--) { \
178         if (it.indices[it.i] < it.shape[it.i] - 1) { \
179             it.pa += it.astrides[it.i]; \
180             it.indices[it.i]++; \
181             break; \
182         } \
183         it.pa -= it.indices[it.i] * it.astrides[it.i]; \
184         it.indices[it.i] = 0; \
185     } \
186     it.its++;
188 /* two input arrays ------------------------------------------------------ */
190 /* this iterator is used mainly by moving window functions such as move_sum */
192 struct _iter2 {
193     int        ndim_m2;
194     int        axis;
195     Py_ssize_t length;
196     Py_ssize_t astride;
197     Py_ssize_t ystride;
198     npy_intp   i;
199     npy_intp   its;
200     npy_intp   nits;
201     npy_intp   indices[NPY_MAXDIMS];
202     npy_intp   astrides[NPY_MAXDIMS];
203     npy_intp   ystrides[NPY_MAXDIMS];
204     npy_intp   shape[NPY_MAXDIMS];
205     char       *pa;
206     char       *py;
207 };
208 typedef struct _iter2 iter2;
210 static inline void
init_iter2(iter2 * it,PyArrayObject * a,PyObject * y,int axis)211 init_iter2(iter2 *it, PyArrayObject *a, PyObject *y, int axis)
212 {
213     int i, j = 0;
214     const int ndim = PyArray_NDIM(a);
215     const npy_intp *shape = PyArray_SHAPE(a);
216     const npy_intp *astrides = PyArray_STRIDES(a);
217     const npy_intp *ystrides = PyArray_STRIDES((PyArrayObject *)y);
219     /* to avoid compiler warning of uninitialized variables */
220     it->length = 0;
221     it->astride = 0;
222     it->ystride = 0;
224     it->ndim_m2 = ndim - 2;
225     it->axis = axis;
226     it->its = 0;
227     it->nits = 1;
228     it->pa = PyArray_BYTES(a);
229     it->py = PyArray_BYTES((PyArrayObject *)y);
231     for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
232         if (i == axis) {
233             it->astride = astrides[i];
234             it->ystride = ystrides[i];
235             it->length = shape[i];
236         } else {
237             it->indices[j] = 0;
238             it->astrides[j] = astrides[i];
239             it->ystrides[j] = ystrides[i];
240             it->shape[j] = shape[i];
241             it->nits *= shape[i];
242             j++;
243         }
244     }
245 }
247 #define NEXT2 \
248     for (it.i = it.ndim_m2; it.i > -1; it.i--) { \
249         if (it.indices[it.i] < it.shape[it.i] - 1) { \
250             it.pa += it.astrides[it.i]; \
251             it.py += it.ystrides[it.i]; \
252             it.indices[it.i]++; \
253             break; \
254         } \
255         it.pa -= it.indices[it.i] * it.astrides[it.i]; \
256         it.py -= it.indices[it.i] * it.ystrides[it.i]; \
257         it.indices[it.i] = 0; \
258     } \
259     it.its++;
261 /* three input arrays ---------------------------------------------------- */
263 /* this iterator is used mainly by rankdata and nanrankdata */
265 struct _iter3 {
266     int        ndim_m2;
267     int        axis;
268     Py_ssize_t length;
269     Py_ssize_t astride;
270     Py_ssize_t ystride;
271     Py_ssize_t zstride;
272     npy_intp   i;
273     npy_intp   its;
274     npy_intp   nits;
275     npy_intp   indices[NPY_MAXDIMS];
276     npy_intp   astrides[NPY_MAXDIMS];
277     npy_intp   ystrides[NPY_MAXDIMS];
278     npy_intp   zstrides[NPY_MAXDIMS];
279     npy_intp   shape[NPY_MAXDIMS];
280     char       *pa;
281     char       *py;
282     char       *pz;
283 };
284 typedef struct _iter3 iter3;
286 static inline void
init_iter3(iter3 * it,PyArrayObject * a,PyObject * y,PyObject * z,int axis)287 init_iter3(iter3 *it, PyArrayObject *a, PyObject *y, PyObject *z, int axis)
288 {
289     int i, j = 0;
290     const int ndim = PyArray_NDIM(a);
291     const npy_intp *shape = PyArray_SHAPE(a);
292     const npy_intp *astrides = PyArray_STRIDES(a);
293     const npy_intp *ystrides = PyArray_STRIDES((PyArrayObject *)y);
294     const npy_intp *zstrides = PyArray_STRIDES((PyArrayObject *)z);
296     /* to avoid compiler warning of uninitialized variables */
297     it->length = 0;
298     it->astride = 0;
299     it->ystride = 0;
300     it->zstride = 0;
302     it->ndim_m2 = ndim - 2;
303     it->axis = axis;
304     it->its = 0;
305     it->nits = 1;
306     it->pa = PyArray_BYTES(a);
307     it->py = PyArray_BYTES((PyArrayObject *)y);
308     it->pz = PyArray_BYTES((PyArrayObject *)z);
310     for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
311         if (i == axis) {
312             it->astride = astrides[i];
313             it->ystride = ystrides[i];
314             it->zstride = zstrides[i];
315             it->length = shape[i];
316         } else {
317             it->indices[j] = 0;
318             it->astrides[j] = astrides[i];
319             it->ystrides[j] = ystrides[i];
320             it->zstrides[j] = zstrides[i];
321             it->shape[j] = shape[i];
322             it->nits *= shape[i];
323             j++;
324         }
325     }
326 }
328 #define NEXT3 \
329     for (it.i = it.ndim_m2; it.i > -1; it.i--) { \
330         if (it.indices[it.i] < it.shape[it.i] - 1) { \
331             it.pa += it.astrides[it.i]; \
332             it.py += it.ystrides[it.i]; \
333             it.pz += it.zstrides[it.i]; \
334             it.indices[it.i]++; \
335             break; \
336         } \
337         it.pa -= it.indices[it.i] * it.astrides[it.i]; \
338         it.py -= it.indices[it.i] * it.ystrides[it.i]; \
339         it.pz -= it.indices[it.i] * it.zstrides[it.i]; \
340         it.indices[it.i] = 0; \
341     } \
342     it.its++;
344 /* macros used with iterators -------------------------------------------- */
346 /* most of these macros assume iterator is named `it` */
348 #define  NDIM           it.ndim_m2 + 2
349 #define  SHAPE          it.shape
350 #define  SIZE           it.nits * it.length
351 #define  LENGTH         it.length
352 #define  INDEX          it.i
354 #define  WHILE          while (it.its < it.nits)
355 #define  WHILE0         it.i = 0; while (it.i < min_count - 1)
356 #define  WHILE1         while (it.i < window)
357 #define  WHILE2         while (it.i < it.length)
359 #define  FOR            for (it.i = 0; it.i < it.length; it.i++)
360 #define  FOR_REVERSE    for (it.i = it.length - 1; it.i > -1; it.i--)
362 #define  RESET          it.its = 0;
364 #define  PA(dtype)      (npy_##dtype *)(it.pa)
366 #define  A0(dtype)      *(npy_##dtype *)(it.pa)
367 #define  AI(dtype)      *(npy_##dtype *)(it.pa + it.i * it.astride)
368 #define  AX(dtype, x)   *(npy_##dtype *)(it.pa + (x) * it.astride)
369 #define  AOLD(dtype)    *(npy_##dtype *)(it.pa + (it.i - window) * it.astride)
371 #define  SI(pa)         pa[it.i * it.stride]
373 #define  YPP            *py++
374 #define  YI(dtype)      *(npy_##dtype *)(it.py + it.i++ * it.ystride)
375 #define  YX(dtype, x)   *(npy_##dtype *)(it.py + (x) * it.ystride)
377 #define  ZX(dtype, x)   *(npy_##dtype *)(it.pz + (x) * it.zstride)
379 #define FILL_Y(value) \
380     npy_intp _i; \
381     npy_intp size = PyArray_SIZE((PyArrayObject *)y); \
382     for (_i = 0; _i < size; _i++) { \
383         YPP = value; \
384     }
386 #endif  // ITERATORS_H_