1 /*
2  * ECOS - Embedded Conic Solver.
3  * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 A. Domahidi [domahidi@embotech.com],
4  * Automatic Control Lab, ETH Zurich & embotech GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland.
5  *
6  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  */
21 /*
22  * Sparse linear algebra library for setup phase, i.e. this module
23  * accesses MALLOC and hence should not go on an embedded platform.
24  */
26 #include "splamm.h"
28 /* SYSTEM INCLUDES FOR MEMORY ALLOCATION ------------------------------- */
29 #if PRINTLEVEL > 2
30 #include <stdlib.h>
31 #endif
34 /*
35  * Cumulative sum. p[i] = sum w[0..i-1] and w = p on output.
36  * Defined for vectors of length m.
37  */
38 void spla_cumsum(idxint* p, idxint* w, idxint m)
39 {
40 	idxint cumsum = 0;
41 	idxint i;
42 	for( i=0; i < m; i++ ){
43 		p[i] = cumsum;
44 		cumsum += w[i];
45 		w[i] = p[i];
46 	}
47 }
50 /**
51  * Returns the inverse of permutation p of length n.
52  */
53 void pinv(idxint n, idxint* p, idxint* pinv)
54 {
55 	idxint i;
56 	for( i=0; i<n; i++ ){ pinv[p[i]] = i; }
57 }
60 /**
61  * Transpose a matrix; returns A = M',
62  * and an index vector MtoMt that directly maps elements of M
63  * to elements of M'.
64  */
65 spmat* transposeSparseMatrix(spmat* M, idxint* MtoMt)
66 {
67 	idxint j, i, k, q;
68 	idxint* w;
70   spmat* A = newSparseMatrix(M->n, M->m, M->nnz);
71   if (M->nnz == 0) return A;
73 	w = (idxint *)MALLOC(M->m*sizeof(idxint));
75 	/* row count: how often does row k occur in M? */
76 	for( i=0; i < M->m; i++ ) { w[i] = 0; }
77 	for( k=0; k < M->nnz; k++ ) { w[M->ir[k]]++; }
79 	/* row pointers: cumulative sum of w gives A->jc */
80 	spla_cumsum(A->jc, w, M->m);
82 	/* now walk through M and copy data to right places and set row counter */
83 	for( j=0; j < M->n; j++ ){
84 		for( k = M->jc[j]; k < M->jc[j+1]; k++ ){
85 			q = w[M->ir[k]]++;
86 			A->ir[q] = j;
87 			A->pr[q] = M->pr[k];
88 			MtoMt[k] = q;
89 		}
90 	}
92 	FREE(w);
93 	return A;
94 }
97 /**
98  * Create a new sparse matrix (uses MALLOC!)
99  */
100 spmat* newSparseMatrix(idxint m, idxint n, idxint nnz)
101 {
102 	idxint* jc = (idxint *)MALLOC((n+1)*sizeof(idxint));
103 	idxint* ir = (idxint *)MALLOC(nnz*sizeof(idxint));
104 	pfloat* pr = (pfloat *)MALLOC(nnz*sizeof(pfloat));
105 	jc[n] = nnz;
106 	return ecoscreateSparseMatrix(m, n, nnz, jc, ir, pr);
107 }
110 /**
111  * Create a sparse matrix from existing arrays (no MALLOC)
112  */
113 spmat* ecoscreateSparseMatrix(idxint m, idxint n, idxint nnz, idxint* jc, idxint* ir, pfloat* pr)
114 {
115 	spmat* M = (spmat *)MALLOC(sizeof(spmat));
116 	M->m = m;
117 	M->n = n;
118 	M->nnz = nnz;
119 	M->jc = jc;
120     M->ir = ir;
121     M->pr = pr;
122 	if (M->jc) M->jc[n] = nnz;
123 	return M;
124 }
127 /**
128  * Create a new sparse matrix (uses FREE!)
129  */
130 void freeSparseMatrix(spmat* M)
131 {
132 	if (M->ir) FREE(M->ir);
133 	if (M->jc) FREE(M->jc);
134 	if (M->pr) FREE(M->pr);
135 	FREE(M);
136 }
139 /**
140  * Permutes a symmetric matrix with only the upper triangular part stored.
141  * Writes the upper triangular part of C = A(p,p) in column compressed
142  * storage format.
143  *
144  * The function additionally returns the mapping PK that maps the row indices
145  * of the sparse matrix A on the row indices of C, such that C[P[k]] = A[k].
146  *
147  * NOTE: The matrix C and the vector PK are NOT created within this function
148  *       - you need to allocate them beforehand!!
149  *
150  * If PK is NULL then the last output argument is ignored.
151  */
152 void permuteSparseSymmetricMatrix(spmat* A, idxint* pinv, spmat* C, idxint* PK)
153 {
154 	idxint i, i2, j, j2, k, q;
155 	idxint* w;
157 	/* create matrix, permutation vector and temporary work space */
158 	w = (idxint *)MALLOC(A->n*sizeof(idxint));
160 	/* count number of entries per column of C, store this in w */
161 	for( j=0; j < A->n; j++ ){ w[j] = 0; }
162 	for( j=0; j < A->n; j++ ){
163 		j2 = pinv[j];
164 		for( k=A->jc[j]; k < A->jc[j+1]; k++ ){
165 			i = A->ir[k];
166 			if( i > j ) continue; /* skip lower triangular part of A */
167 			i2 = pinv[i];
168 			w[ i2 > j2 ? i2 : j2]++;
169 		}
170 	}
172 	/* cumulative sum gives column pointers */
173 	spla_cumsum(C->jc, w, A->n);
175 	/* copy data over */
176 	for( j=0; j < A->n; j++ ){
177 		j2 = pinv[j];
178 		for( k=A->jc[j]; k < A->jc[j+1]; k++ ){
179 			i = A->ir[k];
180 			if( i > j ) continue; /* skip lower triangular part of A */
181 			i2 = pinv[i];
182 			q = w[i2 > j2 ? i2 : j2]++;
183 			C->ir[q] = i2 < j2 ? i2 : j2;
184 			C->pr[q] = A->pr[k];
185 			if( PK ) PK[k] = q;
186 		}
187 	}
189 	/* free work space */
190 	FREE(w);
191 }
194 /*
195  * Returns a copy of a sparse matrix A.
196  */
197 spmat* copySparseMatrix(spmat* A)
198 {
199 	idxint i;
200 	spmat* B = newSparseMatrix(A->m, A->n, A->nnz);
202 	/* copy over */
203 	for( i=0; i<=A->n; i++ ){ B->jc[i] = A->jc[i]; }
204 	for( i=0; i<A->nnz; i++ ){ B->ir[i] = A->ir[i]; }
205 	for( i=0; i<A->nnz; i++ ){ B->pr[i] = A->pr[i]; }
207 	return B;
208 }
212 /* ================================= DEBUG FUNCTIONS ======================= */
213 #if PRINTLEVEL > 2
214 /**
215  * Prints a dense matrix.
216  */
217 void printDenseMatrix(pfloat *M, idxint dim1, idxint dim2, char *name)
218 {
219     idxint i,j;
220     PRINTTEXT("%s = \n\t",name);
221     for( i=0; i<dim1; i++ ){
222         for( j=0; j<dim2; j++ ){
223             if( j<dim2-1 )
224                 PRINTTEXT("% 14.12e,  ",M[i*dim2+j]);
225             else
226                 PRINTTEXT("% 14.12e;  ",M[i*dim2+j]);
227         }
228         if( i<dim1-1){
229             PRINTTEXT("\n\t");
230         }
231     }
232     PRINTTEXT("\n");
233 }
236 /**
237  * Prints a dense integer matrix.
238  */
239 void printDenseMatrix_i(idxint *M, idxint dim1, idxint dim2, char *name)
240 {
241     idxint i,j;
242     PRINTTEXT("%s = \n\t",name);
243     for( i=0; i<dim1; i++ ){
244         for( j=0; j<dim2; j++ ){
245             if( j<dim2-1 )
246                 PRINTTEXT("%d,  ",(int)M[i*dim2+j]);
247             else
248                 PRINTTEXT("%d;  ",(int)M[i*dim2+j]);
249         }
250         if( i<dim1-1){
251             PRINTTEXT("\n\t");
252         }
253     }
254     PRINTTEXT("\n");
255 }
258 /*
259  * Prints a sparse matrix.
260  */
261 void printSparseMatrix(spmat* M)
262 {
263     idxint j, i, row_strt, row_stop;
264     idxint k = 0;
265     for(j=0; j<M->n; j++){
266         row_strt = M->jc[j];
267         row_stop = M->jc[j+1];
268         if (row_strt == row_stop)
269             continue;
270         else {
271             for(i=row_strt; i<row_stop; i++ ){
272                 PRINTTEXT("\t(%3u,%3u) = %g\n", (int)M->ir[i]+1, (int)j+1, M->pr[k++]);
273             }
274         }
275     }
276 }
279 /* dump a sparse matrix in Matlab format */
280 /* use LOAD and SPCONVERT to read in the file in MATLAB */
281 void dumpSparseMatrix(spmat* M, char* fn)
282 {
283 	idxint j, i, row_strt, row_stop;
284     idxint k = 0;
285 	FILE *f = fopen(fn,"w");
286 	if( f != NULL ){
287 		for(j=0; j<M->n; j++){
288 			row_strt = M->jc[j];
289 			row_stop = M->jc[j+1];
290 			if (row_strt == row_stop)
291 				continue;
292 			else {
293 				for(i=row_strt; i<row_stop; i++ ){
294 					fprintf(f,"%d\t%d\t%20.18e\n", (int)M->ir[i]+1, (int)j+1, M->pr[k++]);
295 				}
296 			}
297 		}
298         fprintf(f,"%d\t%d\t%20.18e\n", (int)M->m, (int)M->n, 0.0);
299 		fclose(f);
300 		PRINTTEXT("File %s successfully written.\n", fn);
301 	} else {
302 		PRINTTEXT("Error during writing file %s.\n", fn);
303 	}
304 }
307 /**
308  * Dumps a dense matrix of doubles to a CSV file.
309  */
310 void dumpDenseMatrix(pfloat *M, int dim1, int dim2, char *fn)
311 {
312     FILE *f = fopen(fn,"w");
313     int i,j;
315     /* swap dimensions if only vector to be printed */
316     if( dim1 == 1 && dim2 > 1){
317         i = dim2;
318         dim2 = dim1;
319         dim1 = i;
320     }
322     if( f != NULL ){
323         for( i=0; i<dim1; i++ ){
324             if( dim2 > 1 ){
325                 for( j=0; j<dim2-1; j++ ){
326                     fprintf(f, "%+18.16e,",M[i*dim2+j]);
327                 }
328                 j = dim2;
329                 fprintf(f, "%+18.16e\n",M[i*dim2+j]);
330             } else {
331                 fprintf(f, "%+18.16e\n",M[i]);
332             }
333         }
334         fclose(f);
335         printf("Written %d x %d matrix to '%s'.\n",i,dim2,fn);
336     } else {
337         printf("ERROR: file %s could not be opened. Exiting.",fn);
338         exit(1);
339     }
340 }
343 /**
344  * Dumps a dense matrix of integers to a CSV file.
345  */
346 void dumpDenseMatrix_i(idxint *M, int dim1, int dim2, char *fn)
347 {
348     FILE *f = fopen(fn,"w");
349     int i,j;
351     /* swap dimensions if only vector to be printed */
352     if( dim1 == 1 && dim2 > 1){
353         i = dim2;
354         dim2 = dim1;
355         dim1 = i;
356     }
358     if( f != NULL ){
359         for( i=0; i<dim1; i++ ){
360             if( dim2 > 1 ){
361                 for( j=0; j<dim2-1; j++ ){
362                     fprintf(f, "%d,",(int)M[i*dim2+j]);
363                 }
364                 j = dim2;
365                 fprintf(f, "%d\n",(int)M[i*dim2+j]);
366             } else {
367                 fprintf(f, "%d\n",(int)M[i]);
368             }
369         }
370         fclose(f);
371         printf("Written %d x %d matrix to '%s'.\n",i,dim2,fn);
372     } else {
373         printf("ERROR: file %s could not be opened. Exiting.",fn);
374         exit(1);
375     }
376 }
377 #endif