1import networkx as nx
2from collections import defaultdict
5__all__ = ["combinatorial_embedding_to_pos"]
8def combinatorial_embedding_to_pos(embedding, fully_triangulate=False):
9    """Assigns every node a (x, y) position based on the given embedding
11    The algorithm iteratively inserts nodes of the input graph in a certain
12    order and rearranges previously inserted nodes so that the planar drawing
13    stays valid. This is done efficiently by only maintaining relative
14    positions during the node placements and calculating the absolute positions
15    at the end. For more information see [1]_.
17    Parameters
18    ----------
19    embedding : nx.PlanarEmbedding
20        This defines the order of the edges
22    fully_triangulate : bool
23        If set to True the algorithm adds edges to a copy of the input
24        embedding and makes it chordal.
26    Returns
27    -------
28    pos : dict
29        Maps each node to a tuple that defines the (x, y) position
31    References
32    ----------
33    .. [1] M. Chrobak and T.H. Payne:
34        A Linear-time Algorithm for Drawing a Planar Graph on a Grid 1989
35        http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
37    """
38    if len(embedding.nodes()) < 4:
39        # Position the node in any triangle
40        default_positions = [(0, 0), (2, 0), (1, 1)]
41        pos = {}
42        for i, v in enumerate(embedding.nodes()):
43            pos[v] = default_positions[i]
44        return pos
46    embedding, outer_face = triangulate_embedding(embedding, fully_triangulate)
48    # The following dicts map a node to another node
49    # If a node is not in the key set it means that the node is not yet in G_k
50    # If a node maps to None then the corresponding subtree does not exist
51    left_t_child = {}
52    right_t_child = {}
54    # The following dicts map a node to an integer
55    delta_x = {}
56    y_coordinate = {}
58    node_list = get_canonical_ordering(embedding, outer_face)
60    # 1. Phase: Compute relative positions
62    # Initialization
63    v1, v2, v3 = node_list[0][0], node_list[1][0], node_list[2][0]
65    delta_x[v1] = 0
66    y_coordinate[v1] = 0
67    right_t_child[v1] = v3
68    left_t_child[v1] = None
70    delta_x[v2] = 1
71    y_coordinate[v2] = 0
72    right_t_child[v2] = None
73    left_t_child[v2] = None
75    delta_x[v3] = 1
76    y_coordinate[v3] = 1
77    right_t_child[v3] = v2
78    left_t_child[v3] = None
80    for k in range(3, len(node_list)):
81        vk, contour_neighbors = node_list[k]
82        wp = contour_neighbors[0]
83        wp1 = contour_neighbors[1]
84        wq = contour_neighbors[-1]
85        wq1 = contour_neighbors[-2]
86        adds_mult_tri = len(contour_neighbors) > 2
88        # Stretch gaps:
89        delta_x[wp1] += 1
90        delta_x[wq] += 1
92        delta_x_wp_wq = sum(delta_x[x] for x in contour_neighbors[1:])
94        # Adjust offsets
95        delta_x[vk] = (-y_coordinate[wp] + delta_x_wp_wq + y_coordinate[wq]) // 2
96        y_coordinate[vk] = (y_coordinate[wp] + delta_x_wp_wq + y_coordinate[wq]) // 2
97        delta_x[wq] = delta_x_wp_wq - delta_x[vk]
98        if adds_mult_tri:
99            delta_x[wp1] -= delta_x[vk]
101        # Install v_k:
102        right_t_child[wp] = vk
103        right_t_child[vk] = wq
104        if adds_mult_tri:
105            left_t_child[vk] = wp1
106            right_t_child[wq1] = None
107        else:
108            left_t_child[vk] = None
110    # 2. Phase: Set absolute positions
111    pos = dict()
112    pos[v1] = (0, y_coordinate[v1])
113    remaining_nodes = [v1]
114    while remaining_nodes:
115        parent_node = remaining_nodes.pop()
117        # Calculate position for left child
118        set_position(
119            parent_node, left_t_child, remaining_nodes, delta_x, y_coordinate, pos
120        )
121        # Calculate position for right child
122        set_position(
123            parent_node, right_t_child, remaining_nodes, delta_x, y_coordinate, pos
124        )
125    return pos
128def set_position(parent, tree, remaining_nodes, delta_x, y_coordinate, pos):
129    """Helper method to calculate the absolute position of nodes."""
130    child = tree[parent]
131    parent_node_x = pos[parent][0]
132    if child is not None:
133        # Calculate pos of child
134        child_x = parent_node_x + delta_x[child]
135        pos[child] = (child_x, y_coordinate[child])
136        # Remember to calculate pos of its children
137        remaining_nodes.append(child)
140def get_canonical_ordering(embedding, outer_face):
141    """Returns a canonical ordering of the nodes
143    The canonical ordering of nodes (v1, ..., vn) must fulfill the following
144    conditions:
145    (See Lemma 1 in [2]_)
147    - For the subgraph G_k of the input graph induced by v1, ..., vk it holds:
148        - 2-connected
149        - internally triangulated
150        - the edge (v1, v2) is part of the outer face
151    - For a node v(k+1) the following holds:
152        - The node v(k+1) is part of the outer face of G_k
153        - It has at least two neighbors in G_k
154        - All neighbors of v(k+1) in G_k lie consecutively on the outer face of
155          G_k (excluding the edge (v1, v2)).
157    The algorithm used here starts with G_n (containing all nodes). It first
158    selects the nodes v1 and v2. And then tries to find the order of the other
159    nodes by checking which node can be removed in order to fulfill the
160    conditions mentioned above. This is done by calculating the number of
161    chords of nodes on the outer face. For more information see [1]_.
163    Parameters
164    ----------
165    embedding : nx.PlanarEmbedding
166        The embedding must be triangulated
167    outer_face : list
168        The nodes on the outer face of the graph
170    Returns
171    -------
172    ordering : list
173        A list of tuples `(vk, wp_wq)`. Here `vk` is the node at this position
174        in the canonical ordering. The element `wp_wq` is a list of nodes that
175        make up the outer face of G_k.
177    References
178    ----------
179    .. [1] Steven Chaplick.
180        Canonical Orders of Planar Graphs and (some of) Their Applications 2015
181        https://wuecampus2.uni-wuerzburg.de/moodle/pluginfile.php/545727/mod_resource/content/0/vg-ss15-vl03-canonical-orders-druckversion.pdf
182    .. [2] M. Chrobak and T.H. Payne:
183        A Linear-time Algorithm for Drawing a Planar Graph on a Grid 1989
184        http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
186    """
187    v1 = outer_face[0]
188    v2 = outer_face[1]
189    chords = defaultdict(int)  # Maps nodes to the number of their chords
190    marked_nodes = set()
191    ready_to_pick = set(outer_face)
193    # Initialize outer_face_ccw_nbr (do not include v1 -> v2)
194    outer_face_ccw_nbr = {}
195    prev_nbr = v2
196    for idx in range(2, len(outer_face)):
197        outer_face_ccw_nbr[prev_nbr] = outer_face[idx]
198        prev_nbr = outer_face[idx]
199    outer_face_ccw_nbr[prev_nbr] = v1
201    # Initialize outer_face_cw_nbr (do not include v2 -> v1)
202    outer_face_cw_nbr = {}
203    prev_nbr = v1
204    for idx in range(len(outer_face) - 1, 0, -1):
205        outer_face_cw_nbr[prev_nbr] = outer_face[idx]
206        prev_nbr = outer_face[idx]
208    def is_outer_face_nbr(x, y):
209        if x not in outer_face_ccw_nbr:
210            return outer_face_cw_nbr[x] == y
211        if x not in outer_face_cw_nbr:
212            return outer_face_ccw_nbr[x] == y
213        return outer_face_ccw_nbr[x] == y or outer_face_cw_nbr[x] == y
215    def is_on_outer_face(x):
216        return x not in marked_nodes and (x in outer_face_ccw_nbr.keys() or x == v1)
218    # Initialize number of chords
219    for v in outer_face:
220        for nbr in embedding.neighbors_cw_order(v):
221            if is_on_outer_face(nbr) and not is_outer_face_nbr(v, nbr):
222                chords[v] += 1
223                ready_to_pick.discard(v)
225    # Initialize canonical_ordering
226    canonical_ordering = [None] * len(embedding.nodes())  # type: list
227    canonical_ordering[0] = (v1, [])
228    canonical_ordering[1] = (v2, [])
229    ready_to_pick.discard(v1)
230    ready_to_pick.discard(v2)
232    for k in range(len(embedding.nodes()) - 1, 1, -1):
233        # 1. Pick v from ready_to_pick
234        v = ready_to_pick.pop()
235        marked_nodes.add(v)
237        # v has exactly two neighbors on the outer face (wp and wq)
238        wp = None
239        wq = None
240        # Iterate over neighbors of v to find wp and wq
241        nbr_iterator = iter(embedding.neighbors_cw_order(v))
242        while True:
243            nbr = next(nbr_iterator)
244            if nbr in marked_nodes:
245                # Only consider nodes that are not yet removed
246                continue
247            if is_on_outer_face(nbr):
248                # nbr is either wp or wq
249                if nbr == v1:
250                    wp = v1
251                elif nbr == v2:
252                    wq = v2
253                else:
254                    if outer_face_cw_nbr[nbr] == v:
255                        # nbr is wp
256                        wp = nbr
257                    else:
258                        # nbr is wq
259                        wq = nbr
260            if wp is not None and wq is not None:
261                # We don't need to iterate any further
262                break
264        # Obtain new nodes on outer face (neighbors of v from wp to wq)
265        wp_wq = [wp]
266        nbr = wp
267        while nbr != wq:
268            # Get next neighbor (clockwise on the outer face)
269            next_nbr = embedding[v][nbr]["ccw"]
270            wp_wq.append(next_nbr)
271            # Update outer face
272            outer_face_cw_nbr[nbr] = next_nbr
273            outer_face_ccw_nbr[next_nbr] = nbr
274            # Move to next neighbor of v
275            nbr = next_nbr
277        if len(wp_wq) == 2:
278            # There was a chord between wp and wq, decrease number of chords
279            chords[wp] -= 1
280            if chords[wp] == 0:
281                ready_to_pick.add(wp)
282            chords[wq] -= 1
283            if chords[wq] == 0:
284                ready_to_pick.add(wq)
285        else:
286            # Update all chords involving w_(p+1) to w_(q-1)
287            new_face_nodes = set(wp_wq[1:-1])
288            for w in new_face_nodes:
289                # If we do not find a chord for w later we can pick it next
290                ready_to_pick.add(w)
291                for nbr in embedding.neighbors_cw_order(w):
292                    if is_on_outer_face(nbr) and not is_outer_face_nbr(w, nbr):
293                        # There is a chord involving w
294                        chords[w] += 1
295                        ready_to_pick.discard(w)
296                        if nbr not in new_face_nodes:
297                            # Also increase chord for the neighbor
298                            # We only iterator over new_face_nodes
299                            chords[nbr] += 1
300                            ready_to_pick.discard(nbr)
301        # Set the canonical ordering node and the list of contour neighbors
302        canonical_ordering[k] = (v, wp_wq)
304    return canonical_ordering
307def triangulate_face(embedding, v1, v2):
308    """Triangulates the face given by half edge (v, w)
310    Parameters
311    ----------
312    embedding : nx.PlanarEmbedding
313    v1 : node
314        The half-edge (v1, v2) belongs to the face that gets triangulated
315    v2 : node
316    """
317    _, v3 = embedding.next_face_half_edge(v1, v2)
318    _, v4 = embedding.next_face_half_edge(v2, v3)
319    if v1 == v2 or v1 == v3:
320        # The component has less than 3 nodes
321        return
322    while v1 != v4:
323        # Add edge if not already present on other side
324        if embedding.has_edge(v1, v3):
325            # Cannot triangulate at this position
326            v1, v2, v3 = v2, v3, v4
327        else:
328            # Add edge for triangulation
329            embedding.add_half_edge_cw(v1, v3, v2)
330            embedding.add_half_edge_ccw(v3, v1, v2)
331            v1, v2, v3 = v1, v3, v4
332        # Get next node
333        _, v4 = embedding.next_face_half_edge(v2, v3)
336def triangulate_embedding(embedding, fully_triangulate=True):
337    """Triangulates the embedding.
339    Traverses faces of the embedding and adds edges to a copy of the
340    embedding to triangulate it.
341    The method also ensures that the resulting graph is 2-connected by adding
342    edges if the same vertex is contained twice on a path around a face.
344    Parameters
345    ----------
346    embedding : nx.PlanarEmbedding
347        The input graph must contain at least 3 nodes.
349    fully_triangulate : bool
350        If set to False the face with the most nodes is chooses as outer face.
351        This outer face does not get triangulated.
353    Returns
354    -------
355    (embedding, outer_face) : (nx.PlanarEmbedding, list) tuple
356        The element `embedding` is a new embedding containing all edges from
357        the input embedding and the additional edges to triangulate the graph.
358        The element `outer_face` is a list of nodes that lie on the outer face.
359        If the graph is fully triangulated these are three arbitrary connected
360        nodes.
362    """
363    if len(embedding.nodes) <= 1:
364        return embedding, list(embedding.nodes)
365    embedding = nx.PlanarEmbedding(embedding)
367    # Get a list with a node for each connected component
368    component_nodes = [next(iter(x)) for x in nx.connected_components(embedding)]
370    # 1. Make graph a single component (add edge between components)
371    for i in range(len(component_nodes) - 1):
372        v1 = component_nodes[i]
373        v2 = component_nodes[i + 1]
374        embedding.connect_components(v1, v2)
376    # 2. Calculate faces, ensure 2-connectedness and determine outer face
377    outer_face = []  # A face with the most number of nodes
378    face_list = []
379    edges_visited = set()  # Used to keep track of already visited faces
380    for v in embedding.nodes():
381        for w in embedding.neighbors_cw_order(v):
382            new_face = make_bi_connected(embedding, v, w, edges_visited)
383            if new_face:
384                # Found a new face
385                face_list.append(new_face)
386                if len(new_face) > len(outer_face):
387                    # The face is a candidate to be the outer face
388                    outer_face = new_face
390    # 3. Triangulate (internal) faces
391    for face in face_list:
392        if face is not outer_face or fully_triangulate:
393            # Triangulate this face
394            triangulate_face(embedding, face[0], face[1])
396    if fully_triangulate:
397        v1 = outer_face[0]
398        v2 = outer_face[1]
399        v3 = embedding[v2][v1]["ccw"]
400        outer_face = [v1, v2, v3]
402    return embedding, outer_face
405def make_bi_connected(embedding, starting_node, outgoing_node, edges_counted):
406    """Triangulate a face and make it 2-connected
408    This method also adds all edges on the face to `edges_counted`.
410    Parameters
411    ----------
412    embedding: nx.PlanarEmbedding
413        The embedding that defines the faces
414    starting_node : node
415        A node on the face
416    outgoing_node : node
417        A node such that the half edge (starting_node, outgoing_node) belongs
418        to the face
419    edges_counted: set
420        Set of all half-edges that belong to a face that have been visited
422    Returns
423    -------
424    face_nodes: list
425        A list of all nodes at the border of this face
426    """
428    # Check if the face has already been calculated
429    if (starting_node, outgoing_node) in edges_counted:
430        # This face was already counted
431        return []
432    edges_counted.add((starting_node, outgoing_node))
434    # Add all edges to edges_counted which have this face to their left
435    v1 = starting_node
436    v2 = outgoing_node
437    face_list = [starting_node]  # List of nodes around the face
438    face_set = set(face_list)  # Set for faster queries
439    _, v3 = embedding.next_face_half_edge(v1, v2)
441    # Move the nodes v1, v2, v3 around the face:
442    while v2 != starting_node or v3 != outgoing_node:
443        if v1 == v2:
444            raise nx.NetworkXException("Invalid half-edge")
445        # cycle is not completed yet
446        if v2 in face_set:
447            # v2 encountered twice: Add edge to ensure 2-connectedness
448            embedding.add_half_edge_cw(v1, v3, v2)
449            embedding.add_half_edge_ccw(v3, v1, v2)
450            edges_counted.add((v2, v3))
451            edges_counted.add((v3, v1))
452            v2 = v1
453        else:
454            face_set.add(v2)
455            face_list.append(v2)
457        # set next edge
458        v1 = v2
459        v2, v3 = embedding.next_face_half_edge(v2, v3)
461        # remember that this edge has been counted
462        edges_counted.add((v1, v2))
464    return face_list