1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 #include "ortools/bop/bop_ls.h"
16 #include <cstdint>
17 #include <limits>
19 #include "absl/memory/memory.h"
20 #include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
21 #include "ortools/base/strong_vector.h"
22 #include "ortools/bop/bop_util.h"
23 #include "ortools/sat/boolean_problem.h"
25 namespace operations_research {
26 namespace bop {
28 using ::operations_research::sat::LinearBooleanConstraint;
29 using ::operations_research::sat::LinearBooleanProblem;
30 using ::operations_research::sat::LinearObjective;
32 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 // LocalSearchOptimizer
34 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 LocalSearchOptimizer::LocalSearchOptimizer(const std::string& name,
37                                            int max_num_decisions,
38                                            absl::BitGenRef random,
39                                            sat::SatSolver* sat_propagator)
40     : BopOptimizerBase(name),
41       state_update_stamp_(ProblemState::kInitialStampValue),
42       max_num_decisions_(max_num_decisions),
43       sat_wrapper_(sat_propagator),
44       assignment_iterator_(),
45       random_(random) {}
47 LocalSearchOptimizer::~LocalSearchOptimizer() {}
49 bool LocalSearchOptimizer::ShouldBeRun(
50     const ProblemState& problem_state) const {
51   return problem_state.solution().IsFeasible();
52 }
54 BopOptimizerBase::Status LocalSearchOptimizer::Optimize(
55     const BopParameters& parameters, const ProblemState& problem_state,
56     LearnedInfo* learned_info, TimeLimit* time_limit) {
57   CHECK(learned_info != nullptr);
58   CHECK(time_limit != nullptr);
59   learned_info->Clear();
61   if (assignment_iterator_ == nullptr) {
62     assignment_iterator_ = absl::make_unique<LocalSearchAssignmentIterator>(
63         problem_state, max_num_decisions_,
64         parameters.max_num_broken_constraints_in_ls(), random_, &sat_wrapper_);
65   }
67   if (state_update_stamp_ != problem_state.update_stamp()) {
68     // We have a new problem_state.
69     state_update_stamp_ = problem_state.update_stamp();
70     assignment_iterator_->Synchronize(problem_state);
71   }
72   assignment_iterator_->SynchronizeSatWrapper();
74   double prev_deterministic_time = assignment_iterator_->deterministic_time();
75   assignment_iterator_->UseTranspositionTable(
76       parameters.use_transposition_table_in_ls());
77   assignment_iterator_->UsePotentialOneFlipRepairs(
78       parameters.use_potential_one_flip_repairs_in_ls());
79   int64_t num_assignments_to_explore =
80       parameters.max_number_of_explored_assignments_per_try_in_ls();
82   while (!time_limit->LimitReached() && num_assignments_to_explore > 0 &&
83          assignment_iterator_->NextAssignment()) {
84     time_limit->AdvanceDeterministicTime(
85         assignment_iterator_->deterministic_time() - prev_deterministic_time);
86     prev_deterministic_time = assignment_iterator_->deterministic_time();
87     --num_assignments_to_explore;
88   }
89   if (sat_wrapper_.IsModelUnsat()) {
90     // TODO(user): we do that all the time, return an UNSAT satus instead and
91     // do this only once.
92     return problem_state.solution().IsFeasible()
93                ? BopOptimizerBase::OPTIMAL_SOLUTION_FOUND
94                : BopOptimizerBase::INFEASIBLE;
95   }
97   // TODO(user): properly abort when we found a new solution and then finished
98   // the ls? note that this is minor.
99   sat_wrapper_.ExtractLearnedInfo(learned_info);
100   if (assignment_iterator_->BetterSolutionHasBeenFound()) {
101     // TODO(user): simply use vector<bool> instead of a BopSolution internally.
102     learned_info->solution = assignment_iterator_->LastReferenceAssignment();
103     return BopOptimizerBase::SOLUTION_FOUND;
104   }
106   if (time_limit->LimitReached()) {
107     // The time limit is reached without finding a solution.
108     return BopOptimizerBase::LIMIT_REACHED;
109   }
111   if (num_assignments_to_explore <= 0) {
112     // Explore the remaining assignments in a future call to Optimize().
113     return BopOptimizerBase::CONTINUE;
114   }
116   // All assignments reachable in max_num_decisions_ or less have been explored,
117   // don't call optimize() with the same initial solution again.
118   return BopOptimizerBase::ABORT;
119 }
121 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 // BacktrackableIntegerSet
123 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 template <typename IntType>
126 void BacktrackableIntegerSet<IntType>::ClearAndResize(IntType n) {
127   size_ = 0;
128   saved_sizes_.clear();
129   saved_stack_sizes_.clear();
130   stack_.clear();
131   in_stack_.assign(n.value(), false);
132 }
134 template <typename IntType>
135 void BacktrackableIntegerSet<IntType>::ChangeState(IntType i,
136                                                    bool should_be_inside) {
137   size_ += should_be_inside ? 1 : -1;
138   if (!in_stack_[i.value()]) {
139     in_stack_[i.value()] = true;
140     stack_.push_back(i);
141   }
142 }
144 template <typename IntType>
145 void BacktrackableIntegerSet<IntType>::AddBacktrackingLevel() {
146   saved_stack_sizes_.push_back(stack_.size());
147   saved_sizes_.push_back(size_);
148 }
150 template <typename IntType>
151 void BacktrackableIntegerSet<IntType>::BacktrackOneLevel() {
152   if (saved_stack_sizes_.empty()) {
153     BacktrackAll();
154   } else {
155     for (int i = saved_stack_sizes_.back(); i < stack_.size(); ++i) {
156       in_stack_[stack_[i].value()] = false;
157     }
158     stack_.resize(saved_stack_sizes_.back());
159     saved_stack_sizes_.pop_back();
160     size_ = saved_sizes_.back();
161     saved_sizes_.pop_back();
162   }
163 }
165 template <typename IntType>
166 void BacktrackableIntegerSet<IntType>::BacktrackAll() {
167   for (int i = 0; i < stack_.size(); ++i) {
168     in_stack_[stack_[i].value()] = false;
169   }
170   stack_.clear();
171   saved_stack_sizes_.clear();
172   size_ = 0;
173   saved_sizes_.clear();
174 }
176 // Explicit instantiation of BacktrackableIntegerSet.
177 // TODO(user): move the code in a separate .h and -inl.h to avoid this.
178 template class BacktrackableIntegerSet<ConstraintIndex>;
180 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 // AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer
182 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::
185     AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer(
186         const LinearBooleanProblem& problem, absl::BitGenRef random)
187     : by_variable_matrix_(problem.num_variables()),
188       constraint_lower_bounds_(),
189       constraint_upper_bounds_(),
190       assignment_(problem, "Assignment"),
191       reference_(problem, "Assignment"),
192       constraint_values_(),
193       flipped_var_trail_backtrack_levels_(),
194       flipped_var_trail_(),
195       constraint_set_hasher_(random) {
196   // Add the objective constraint as the first constraint.
197   const LinearObjective& objective = problem.objective();
198   CHECK_EQ(objective.literals_size(), objective.coefficients_size());
199   for (int i = 0; i < objective.literals_size(); ++i) {
200     CHECK_GT(objective.literals(i), 0);
201     CHECK_NE(objective.coefficients(i), 0);
203     const VariableIndex var(objective.literals(i) - 1);
204     const int64_t weight = objective.coefficients(i);
205     by_variable_matrix_[var].push_back(
206         ConstraintEntry(kObjectiveConstraint, weight));
207   }
208   constraint_lower_bounds_.push_back(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min());
209   constraint_values_.push_back(0);
210   constraint_upper_bounds_.push_back(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
212   // Add each constraint.
213   ConstraintIndex num_constraints_with_objective(1);
214   for (const LinearBooleanConstraint& constraint : problem.constraints()) {
215     if (constraint.literals_size() <= 2) {
216       // Infeasible binary constraints are automatically repaired by propagation
217       // (when possible). Then there are no needs to consider the binary
218       // constraints here, the propagation is delegated to the SAT propagator.
219       continue;
220     }
222     CHECK_EQ(constraint.literals_size(), constraint.coefficients_size());
223     for (int i = 0; i < constraint.literals_size(); ++i) {
224       const VariableIndex var(constraint.literals(i) - 1);
225       const int64_t weight = constraint.coefficients(i);
226       by_variable_matrix_[var].push_back(
227           ConstraintEntry(num_constraints_with_objective, weight));
228     }
229     constraint_lower_bounds_.push_back(
230         constraint.has_lower_bound() ? constraint.lower_bound()
231                                      : std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min());
232     constraint_values_.push_back(0);
233     constraint_upper_bounds_.push_back(
234         constraint.has_upper_bound() ? constraint.upper_bound()
235                                      : std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
237     ++num_constraints_with_objective;
238   }
240   // Initialize infeasible_constraint_set_;
241   infeasible_constraint_set_.ClearAndResize(
242       ConstraintIndex(constraint_values_.size()));
244   CHECK_EQ(constraint_values_.size(), constraint_lower_bounds_.size());
245   CHECK_EQ(constraint_values_.size(), constraint_upper_bounds_.size());
246 }
248 const ConstraintIndex
249     AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::kObjectiveConstraint(0);
251 void AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::SetReferenceSolution(
252     const BopSolution& reference_solution) {
253   CHECK(reference_solution.IsFeasible());
254   infeasible_constraint_set_.BacktrackAll();
256   assignment_ = reference_solution;
257   reference_ = assignment_;
258   flipped_var_trail_backtrack_levels_.clear();
259   flipped_var_trail_.clear();
260   AddBacktrackingLevel();  // To handle initial propagation.
262   // Recompute the value of all constraints.
263   constraint_values_.assign(NumConstraints(), 0);
264   for (VariableIndex var(0); var < assignment_.Size(); ++var) {
265     if (assignment_.Value(var)) {
266       for (const ConstraintEntry& entry : by_variable_matrix_[var]) {
267         constraint_values_[entry.constraint] += entry.weight;
268       }
269     }
270   }
272   MakeObjectiveConstraintInfeasible(1);
273 }
275 void AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::
276     UseCurrentStateAsReference() {
277   for (const VariableIndex var : flipped_var_trail_) {
278     reference_.SetValue(var, assignment_.Value(var));
279   }
280   flipped_var_trail_.clear();
281   flipped_var_trail_backtrack_levels_.clear();
282   AddBacktrackingLevel();  // To handle initial propagation.
283   MakeObjectiveConstraintInfeasible(1);
284 }
286 void AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::
287     MakeObjectiveConstraintInfeasible(int delta) {
288   CHECK(IsFeasible());
289   CHECK(flipped_var_trail_.empty());
290   constraint_upper_bounds_[kObjectiveConstraint] =
291       constraint_values_[kObjectiveConstraint] - delta;
292   infeasible_constraint_set_.BacktrackAll();
293   infeasible_constraint_set_.ChangeState(kObjectiveConstraint, true);
294   infeasible_constraint_set_.AddBacktrackingLevel();
295   CHECK(!ConstraintIsFeasible(kObjectiveConstraint));
296   CHECK(!IsFeasible());
297   if (DEBUG_MODE) {
298     for (ConstraintIndex ct(1); ct < NumConstraints(); ++ct) {
299       CHECK(ConstraintIsFeasible(ct));
300     }
301   }
302 }
304 void AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::Assign(
305     const std::vector<sat::Literal>& literals) {
306   for (const sat::Literal& literal : literals) {
307     const VariableIndex var(literal.Variable().value());
308     const bool value = literal.IsPositive();
309     if (assignment_.Value(var) != value) {
310       flipped_var_trail_.push_back(var);
311       assignment_.SetValue(var, value);
312       for (const ConstraintEntry& entry : by_variable_matrix_[var]) {
313         const bool was_feasible = ConstraintIsFeasible(entry.constraint);
314         constraint_values_[entry.constraint] +=
315             value ? entry.weight : -entry.weight;
316         if (ConstraintIsFeasible(entry.constraint) != was_feasible) {
317           infeasible_constraint_set_.ChangeState(entry.constraint,
318                                                  was_feasible);
319         }
320       }
321     }
322   }
323 }
325 void AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::AddBacktrackingLevel() {
326   flipped_var_trail_backtrack_levels_.push_back(flipped_var_trail_.size());
327   infeasible_constraint_set_.AddBacktrackingLevel();
328 }
330 void AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::BacktrackOneLevel() {
331   // Backtrack each literal of the last level.
332   for (int i = flipped_var_trail_backtrack_levels_.back();
333        i < flipped_var_trail_.size(); ++i) {
334     const VariableIndex var(flipped_var_trail_[i]);
335     const bool new_value = !assignment_.Value(var);
336     DCHECK_EQ(new_value, reference_.Value(var));
337     assignment_.SetValue(var, new_value);
338     for (const ConstraintEntry& entry : by_variable_matrix_[var]) {
339       constraint_values_[entry.constraint] +=
340           new_value ? entry.weight : -entry.weight;
341     }
342   }
343   flipped_var_trail_.resize(flipped_var_trail_backtrack_levels_.back());
344   flipped_var_trail_backtrack_levels_.pop_back();
345   infeasible_constraint_set_.BacktrackOneLevel();
346 }
348 void AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::BacktrackAll() {
349   while (!flipped_var_trail_backtrack_levels_.empty()) BacktrackOneLevel();
350 }
352 const std::vector<sat::Literal>&
353 AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::PotentialOneFlipRepairs() {
354   if (!constraint_set_hasher_.IsInitialized()) {
355     InitializeConstraintSetHasher();
356   }
358   // First, we compute the hash that a Literal should have in order to repair
359   // all the infeasible constraint (ignoring the objective).
360   //
361   // TODO(user): If this starts to show-up in a performance profile, we can
362   // easily maintain this hash incrementally.
363   uint64_t hash = 0;
364   for (const ConstraintIndex ci : PossiblyInfeasibleConstraints()) {
365     const int64_t value = ConstraintValue(ci);
366     if (value > ConstraintUpperBound(ci)) {
367       hash ^= constraint_set_hasher_.Hash(FromConstraintIndex(ci, false));
368     } else if (value < ConstraintLowerBound(ci)) {
369       hash ^= constraint_set_hasher_.Hash(FromConstraintIndex(ci, true));
370     }
371   }
373   tmp_potential_repairs_.clear();
374   const auto it = hash_to_potential_repairs_.find(hash);
375   if (it != hash_to_potential_repairs_.end()) {
376     for (const sat::Literal literal : it->second) {
377       // We only returns the flips.
378       if (assignment_.Value(VariableIndex(literal.Variable().value())) !=
379           literal.IsPositive()) {
380         tmp_potential_repairs_.push_back(literal);
381       }
382     }
383   }
384   return tmp_potential_repairs_;
385 }
387 std::string AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::DebugString() const {
388   std::string str;
389   str += "curr: ";
390   for (bool value : assignment_) {
391     str += value ? " 1 " : " 0 ";
392   }
393   str += "\nFlipped variables: ";
394   // TODO(user): show the backtrack levels.
395   for (const VariableIndex var : flipped_var_trail_) {
396     str += absl::StrFormat(" %d", var.value());
397   }
398   str += "\nmin  curr  max\n";
399   for (ConstraintIndex ct(0); ct < constraint_values_.size(); ++ct) {
400     if (constraint_lower_bounds_[ct] == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()) {
401       str += absl::StrFormat("-  %d  %d\n", constraint_values_[ct],
402                              constraint_upper_bounds_[ct]);
403     } else {
404       str +=
405           absl::StrFormat("%d  %d  %d\n", constraint_lower_bounds_[ct],
406                           constraint_values_[ct], constraint_upper_bounds_[ct]);
407     }
408   }
409   return str;
410 }
412 void AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::
413     InitializeConstraintSetHasher() {
414   const int num_constraints_with_objective = constraint_upper_bounds_.size();
416   // Initialize the potential one flip repair. Note that we ignore the
417   // objective constraint completely so that we consider a repair even if the
418   // objective constraint is not infeasible.
419   constraint_set_hasher_.Initialize(2 * num_constraints_with_objective);
420   constraint_set_hasher_.IgnoreElement(
421       FromConstraintIndex(kObjectiveConstraint, true));
422   constraint_set_hasher_.IgnoreElement(
423       FromConstraintIndex(kObjectiveConstraint, false));
424   for (VariableIndex var(0); var < by_variable_matrix_.size(); ++var) {
425     // We add two entries, one for a positive flip (from false to true) and one
426     // for a negative flip (from true to false).
427     for (const bool flip_is_positive : {true, false}) {
428       uint64_t hash = 0;
429       for (const ConstraintEntry& entry : by_variable_matrix_[var]) {
430         const bool coeff_is_positive = entry.weight > 0;
431         hash ^= constraint_set_hasher_.Hash(FromConstraintIndex(
432             entry.constraint,
433             /*up=*/flip_is_positive ? coeff_is_positive : !coeff_is_positive));
434       }
435       hash_to_potential_repairs_[hash].push_back(
436           sat::Literal(sat::BooleanVariable(var.value()), flip_is_positive));
437     }
438   }
439 }
441 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
442 // OneFlipConstraintRepairer
443 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
445 OneFlipConstraintRepairer::OneFlipConstraintRepairer(
446     const LinearBooleanProblem& problem,
447     const AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer& maintainer,
448     const sat::VariablesAssignment& sat_assignment)
449     : by_constraint_matrix_(problem.constraints_size() + 1),
450       maintainer_(maintainer),
451       sat_assignment_(sat_assignment) {
452   // Fill the by_constraint_matrix_.
453   //
454   // IMPORTANT: The order of the constraint needs to exactly match the one of
455   // the constraint in the AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer.
457   // Add the objective constraint as the first constraint.
458   ConstraintIndex num_constraint(0);
459   const LinearObjective& objective = problem.objective();
460   CHECK_EQ(objective.literals_size(), objective.coefficients_size());
461   for (int i = 0; i < objective.literals_size(); ++i) {
462     CHECK_GT(objective.literals(i), 0);
463     CHECK_NE(objective.coefficients(i), 0);
465     const VariableIndex var(objective.literals(i) - 1);
466     const int64_t weight = objective.coefficients(i);
467     by_constraint_matrix_[num_constraint].push_back(
468         ConstraintTerm(var, weight));
469   }
471   // Add the non-binary problem constraints.
472   for (const LinearBooleanConstraint& constraint : problem.constraints()) {
473     if (constraint.literals_size() <= 2) {
474       // Infeasible binary constraints are automatically repaired by propagation
475       // (when possible). Then there are no needs to consider the binary
476       // constraints here, the propagation is delegated to the SAT propagator.
477       continue;
478     }
480     ++num_constraint;
481     CHECK_EQ(constraint.literals_size(), constraint.coefficients_size());
482     for (int i = 0; i < constraint.literals_size(); ++i) {
483       const VariableIndex var(constraint.literals(i) - 1);
484       const int64_t weight = constraint.coefficients(i);
485       by_constraint_matrix_[num_constraint].push_back(
486           ConstraintTerm(var, weight));
487     }
488   }
490   SortTermsOfEachConstraints(problem.num_variables());
491 }
493 const ConstraintIndex OneFlipConstraintRepairer::kInvalidConstraint(-1);
494 const TermIndex OneFlipConstraintRepairer::kInitTerm(-1);
495 const TermIndex OneFlipConstraintRepairer::kInvalidTerm(-2);
497 ConstraintIndex OneFlipConstraintRepairer::ConstraintToRepair() const {
498   ConstraintIndex selected_ct = kInvalidConstraint;
499   int32_t selected_num_branches = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
500   int num_infeasible_constraints_left = maintainer_.NumInfeasibleConstraints();
502   // Optimization: We inspect the constraints in reverse order because the
503   // objective one will always be first (in our current code) and with some
504   // luck, we will break early instead of fully exploring it.
505   const std::vector<ConstraintIndex>& infeasible_constraints =
506       maintainer_.PossiblyInfeasibleConstraints();
507   for (int index = infeasible_constraints.size() - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
508     const ConstraintIndex& i = infeasible_constraints[index];
509     if (maintainer_.ConstraintIsFeasible(i)) continue;
510     --num_infeasible_constraints_left;
512     // Optimization: We return the only candidate without inspecting it.
513     // This is critical at the beginning of the search or later if the only
514     // candidate is the objective constraint which can be really long.
515     if (num_infeasible_constraints_left == 0 &&
516         selected_ct == kInvalidConstraint) {
517       return i;
518     }
520     const int64_t constraint_value = maintainer_.ConstraintValue(i);
521     const int64_t lb = maintainer_.ConstraintLowerBound(i);
522     const int64_t ub = maintainer_.ConstraintUpperBound(i);
524     int32_t num_branches = 0;
525     for (const ConstraintTerm& term : by_constraint_matrix_[i]) {
526       if (sat_assignment_.VariableIsAssigned(
527               sat::BooleanVariable(term.var.value()))) {
528         continue;
529       }
530       const int64_t new_value =
531           constraint_value +
532           (maintainer_.Assignment(term.var) ? -term.weight : term.weight);
533       if (new_value >= lb && new_value <= ub) {
534         ++num_branches;
535         if (num_branches >= selected_num_branches) break;
536       }
537     }
539     // The constraint can't be repaired in one decision.
540     if (num_branches == 0) continue;
init_wimax_globals(void)541     if (num_branches < selected_num_branches) {
542       selected_ct = i;
543       selected_num_branches = num_branches;
544       if (num_branches == 1) break;
545     }
546   }
547   return selected_ct;
548 }
550 TermIndex OneFlipConstraintRepairer::NextRepairingTerm(
551     ConstraintIndex ct_index, TermIndex init_term_index,
552     TermIndex start_term_index) const {
553   const absl::StrongVector<TermIndex, ConstraintTerm>& terms =
554       by_constraint_matrix_[ct_index];
555   const int64_t constraint_value = maintainer_.ConstraintValue(ct_index);
Dedicated_UL_Control_IE(proto_tree * uiuc_tree,gint offset,gint length,tvbuff_t * tvb)556   const int64_t lb = maintainer_.ConstraintLowerBound(ct_index);
557   const int64_t ub = maintainer_.ConstraintUpperBound(ct_index);
559   const TermIndex end_term_index(terms.size() + init_term_index + 1);
560   for (TermIndex loop_term_index(
561            start_term_index + 1 +
562            (start_term_index < init_term_index ? terms.size() : 0));
563        loop_term_index < end_term_index; ++loop_term_index) {
564     const TermIndex term_index(loop_term_index % terms.size());
565     const ConstraintTerm term = terms[term_index];
566     if (sat_assignment_.VariableIsAssigned(
567             sat::BooleanVariable(term.var.value()))) {
568       continue;
569     }
570     const int64_t new_value =
571         constraint_value +
572         (maintainer_.Assignment(term.var) ? -term.weight : term.weight);
573     if (new_value >= lb && new_value <= ub) {
574       return term_index;
575     }
576   }
Dedicated_MIMO_UL_Control_IE(proto_tree * uiuc_tree,gint offset,gint length,tvbuff_t * tvb)577   return kInvalidTerm;
578 }
580 bool OneFlipConstraintRepairer::RepairIsValid(ConstraintIndex ct_index,
581                                               TermIndex term_index) const {
582   if (maintainer_.ConstraintIsFeasible(ct_index)) return false;
583   const ConstraintTerm term = by_constraint_matrix_[ct_index][term_index];
584   if (sat_assignment_.VariableIsAssigned(
585           sat::BooleanVariable(term.var.value()))) {
586     return false;
587   }
588   const int64_t new_value =
589       maintainer_.ConstraintValue(ct_index) +
590       (maintainer_.Assignment(term.var) ? -term.weight : term.weight);
592   const int64_t lb = maintainer_.ConstraintLowerBound(ct_index);
593   const int64_t ub = maintainer_.ConstraintUpperBound(ct_index);
594   return (new_value >= lb && new_value <= ub);
595 }
UL_HARQ_Chase_Sub_Burst_IE(proto_tree * uiuc_tree,gint offset,gint length,tvbuff_t * tvb)596 
597 sat::Literal OneFlipConstraintRepairer::GetFlip(ConstraintIndex ct_index,
598                                                 TermIndex term_index) const {
599   const ConstraintTerm term = by_constraint_matrix_[ct_index][term_index];
600   const bool value = maintainer_.Assignment(term.var);
601   return sat::Literal(sat::BooleanVariable(term.var.value()), !value);
602 }
604 void OneFlipConstraintRepairer::SortTermsOfEachConstraints(int num_variables) {
605   absl::StrongVector<VariableIndex, int64_t> objective(num_variables, 0);
606   for (const ConstraintTerm& term :
607        by_constraint_matrix_[AssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer::
608                                  kObjectiveConstraint]) {
609     objective[term.var] = std::abs(term.weight);
610   }
611   for (absl::StrongVector<TermIndex, ConstraintTerm>& terms :
612        by_constraint_matrix_) {
613     std::sort(terms.begin(), terms.end(),
614               [&objective](const ConstraintTerm& a, const ConstraintTerm& b) {
615                 return objective[a.var] > objective[b.var];
616               });
617   }
618 }
620 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
621 // SatWrapper
622 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
624 SatWrapper::SatWrapper(sat::SatSolver* sat_solver) : sat_solver_(sat_solver) {}
626 void SatWrapper::BacktrackAll() { sat_solver_->Backtrack(0); }
628 std::vector<sat::Literal> SatWrapper::FullSatTrail() const {
629   std::vector<sat::Literal> propagated_literals;
630   const sat::Trail& trail = sat_solver_->LiteralTrail();
631   for (int trail_index = 0; trail_index < trail.Index(); ++trail_index) {
632     propagated_literals.push_back(trail[trail_index]);
633   }
634   return propagated_literals;
635 }
UL_HARQ_IR_CTC_Sub_Burst_IE(proto_tree * uiuc_tree,gint offset,gint length,tvbuff_t * tvb)636 
637 int SatWrapper::ApplyDecision(sat::Literal decision_literal,
638                               std::vector<sat::Literal>* propagated_literals) {
639   CHECK(!sat_solver_->Assignment().VariableIsAssigned(
640       decision_literal.Variable()));
641   CHECK(propagated_literals != nullptr);
643   propagated_literals->clear();
644   const int old_decision_level = sat_solver_->CurrentDecisionLevel();
645   const int new_trail_index =
646       sat_solver_->EnqueueDecisionAndBackjumpOnConflict(decision_literal);
647   if (sat_solver_->IsModelUnsat()) {
648     return old_decision_level + 1;
649   }
651   // Return the propagated literals, whenever there is a conflict or not.
652   // In case of conflict, these literals will have to be added to the last
653   // decision point after backtrack.
654   const sat::Trail& propagation_trail = sat_solver_->LiteralTrail();
655   for (int trail_index = new_trail_index;
656        trail_index < propagation_trail.Index(); ++trail_index) {
657     propagated_literals->push_back(propagation_trail[trail_index]);
658   }
660   return old_decision_level + 1 - sat_solver_->CurrentDecisionLevel();
661 }
663 void SatWrapper::BacktrackOneLevel() {
664   const int old_decision_level = sat_solver_->CurrentDecisionLevel();
665   if (old_decision_level > 0) {
666     sat_solver_->Backtrack(old_decision_level - 1);
667   }
668 }
670 void SatWrapper::ExtractLearnedInfo(LearnedInfo* info) {
671   bop::ExtractLearnedInfoFromSatSolver(sat_solver_, info);
672 }
674 double SatWrapper::deterministic_time() const {
675   return sat_solver_->deterministic_time();
676 }
UL_HARQ_IR_CC_Sub_Burst_IE(proto_tree * uiuc_tree,gint offset,gint length,tvbuff_t * tvb)677 
678 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
679 // LocalSearchAssignmentIterator
680 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
682 LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::LocalSearchAssignmentIterator(
683     const ProblemState& problem_state, int max_num_decisions,
684     int max_num_broken_constraints, absl::BitGenRef random,
685     SatWrapper* sat_wrapper)
686     : max_num_decisions_(max_num_decisions),
687       max_num_broken_constraints_(max_num_broken_constraints),
688       maintainer_(problem_state.original_problem(), random),
689       sat_wrapper_(sat_wrapper),
690       repairer_(problem_state.original_problem(), maintainer_,
691                 sat_wrapper->SatAssignment()),
692       search_nodes_(),
693       initial_term_index_(
694           problem_state.original_problem().constraints_size() + 1,
695           OneFlipConstraintRepairer::kInitTerm),
696       use_transposition_table_(false),
697       use_potential_one_flip_repairs_(false),
698       num_nodes_(0),
699       num_skipped_nodes_(0),
700       num_improvements_(0),
701       num_improvements_by_one_flip_repairs_(0),
702       num_inspected_one_flip_repairs_(0) {}
704 LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::~LocalSearchAssignmentIterator() {
705   VLOG(1) << "LS " << max_num_decisions_
706           << "\n  num improvements: " << num_improvements_
707           << "\n  num improvements with one flip repairs: "
708           << num_improvements_by_one_flip_repairs_
709           << "\n  num inspected one flip repairs: "
710           << num_inspected_one_flip_repairs_;
711 }
713 void LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::Synchronize(
714     const ProblemState& problem_state) {
715   better_solution_has_been_found_ = false;
716   maintainer_.SetReferenceSolution(problem_state.solution());
717   for (const SearchNode& node : search_nodes_) {
718     initial_term_index_[node.constraint] = node.term_index;
719   }
MIMO_UL_Chase_HARQ_Sub_Burst_IE(proto_tree * uiuc_tree,gint offset,gint length,tvbuff_t * tvb)720   search_nodes_.clear();
721   transposition_table_.clear();
722   num_nodes_ = 0;
723   num_skipped_nodes_ = 0;
724 }
726 // In order to restore the synchronization from any state, we backtrack
727 // everything and retry to take the same decisions as before. We stop at the
728 // first one that can't be taken.
729 void LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::SynchronizeSatWrapper() {
730   CHECK_EQ(better_solution_has_been_found_, false);
731   const std::vector<SearchNode> copy = search_nodes_;
732   sat_wrapper_->BacktrackAll();
733   maintainer_.BacktrackAll();
735   // Note(user): at this stage, the sat trail contains the fixed variables.
736   // There will almost always be at the same value in the reference solution.
737   // However since the objective may be over-constrained in the sat_solver, it
738   // is possible that some variable where propagated to some other values.
739   maintainer_.Assign(sat_wrapper_->FullSatTrail());
741   search_nodes_.clear();
742   for (const SearchNode& node : copy) {
743     if (!repairer_.RepairIsValid(node.constraint, node.term_index)) break;
744     search_nodes_.push_back(node);
745     ApplyDecision(repairer_.GetFlip(node.constraint, node.term_index));
746   }
747 }
749 void LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::UseCurrentStateAsReference() {
750   better_solution_has_been_found_ = true;
751   maintainer_.UseCurrentStateAsReference();
752   sat_wrapper_->BacktrackAll();
754   // Note(user): Here, there should be no discrepancies between the fixed
755   // variable and the new reference, so there is no need to do:
756   // maintainer_.Assign(sat_wrapper_->FullSatTrail());
758   for (const SearchNode& node : search_nodes_) {
759     initial_term_index_[node.constraint] = node.term_index;
760   }
761   search_nodes_.clear();
762   transposition_table_.clear();
763   num_nodes_ = 0;
764   num_skipped_nodes_ = 0;
765   ++num_improvements_;
766 }
768 bool LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::NextAssignment() {
769   if (sat_wrapper_->IsModelUnsat()) return false;
770   if (maintainer_.IsFeasible()) {
771     UseCurrentStateAsReference();
772     return true;
MIMO_UL_IR_HARQ__Sub_Burst_IE(proto_tree * uiuc_tree,gint offset,gint length,tvbuff_t * tvb)773   }
775   // We only look for potential one flip repairs if we reached the end of the
776   // LS tree. I tried to do that at every level, but it didn't change the
777   // result much on the set-partitionning example I was using.
778   //
779   // TODO(user): Perform more experiments with this.
780   if (use_potential_one_flip_repairs_ &&
781       search_nodes_.size() == max_num_decisions_) {
782     for (const sat::Literal literal : maintainer_.PotentialOneFlipRepairs()) {
783       if (sat_wrapper_->SatAssignment().VariableIsAssigned(
784               literal.Variable())) {
785         continue;
786       }
787       ++num_inspected_one_flip_repairs_;
789       // Temporarily apply the potential repair and see if it worked!
790       ApplyDecision(literal);
791       if (maintainer_.IsFeasible()) {
792         num_improvements_by_one_flip_repairs_++;
793         UseCurrentStateAsReference();
794         return true;
795       }
796       maintainer_.BacktrackOneLevel();
797       sat_wrapper_->BacktrackOneLevel();
798     }
799   }
801   // If possible, go deeper, i.e. take one more decision.
802   if (!GoDeeper()) {
803     // If not, backtrack to the first node that still has untried way to fix
804     // its associated constraint. Update it to the next untried way.
805     Backtrack();
806   }
808   // All nodes have been explored.
809   if (search_nodes_.empty()) {
810     VLOG(1) << std::string(27, ' ') + "LS " << max_num_decisions_
811             << " finished."
812             << " #explored:" << num_nodes_
813             << " #stored:" << transposition_table_.size()
814             << " #skipped:" << num_skipped_nodes_;
815     return false;
816   }
818   // Apply the next decision, i.e. the literal of the flipped variable.
819   const SearchNode node = search_nodes_.back();
820   ApplyDecision(repairer_.GetFlip(node.constraint, node.term_index));
821   return true;
822 }
824 // TODO(user): The 1.2 multiplier is an approximation only based on the time
825 //              spent in the SAT wrapper. So far experiments show a good
MIMO_UL_IR_HARQ_for_CC_Sub_Burst_UIE(proto_tree * uiuc_tree,gint offset,gint length,tvbuff_t * tvb)826 //              correlation with real time, but we might want to be more
827 //              accurate.
828 double LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::deterministic_time() const {
829   return sat_wrapper_->deterministic_time() * 1.2;
830 }
832 std::string LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::DebugString() const {
833   std::string str = "Search nodes:\n";
834   for (int i = 0; i < search_nodes_.size(); ++i) {
835     str += absl::StrFormat("  %d: %d  %d\n", i,
836                            search_nodes_[i].constraint.value(),
837                            search_nodes_[i].term_index.value());
838   }
839   return str;
840 }
842 void LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::ApplyDecision(sat::Literal literal) {
843   ++num_nodes_;
844   const int num_backtracks =
845       sat_wrapper_->ApplyDecision(literal, &tmp_propagated_literals_);
847   // Sync the maintainer with SAT.
848   if (num_backtracks == 0) {
849     maintainer_.AddBacktrackingLevel();
850     maintainer_.Assign(tmp_propagated_literals_);
851   } else {
852     CHECK_GT(num_backtracks, 0);
853     CHECK_LE(num_backtracks, search_nodes_.size());
855     // Only backtrack -1 decisions as the last one has not been pushed yet.
856     for (int i = 0; i < num_backtracks - 1; ++i) {
857       maintainer_.BacktrackOneLevel();
858     }
859     maintainer_.Assign(tmp_propagated_literals_);
860     search_nodes_.resize(search_nodes_.size() - num_backtracks);
861   }
862 }
864 void LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::InitializeTranspositionTableKey(
865     std::array<int32_t, kStoredMaxDecisions>* a) {
866   int i = 0;
867   for (const SearchNode& n : search_nodes_) {
868     // Negated because we already fliped this variable, so GetFlip() will
869     // returns the old value.
870     (*a)[i] = -repairer_.GetFlip(n.constraint, n.term_index).SignedValue();
871     ++i;
872   }
874   // 'a' is not zero-initialized, so we need to complete it with zeros.
875   while (i < kStoredMaxDecisions) {
876     (*a)[i] = 0;
877     ++i;
878   }
879 }
MIMO_UL_STC_HARQ_Sub_Burst_IE(proto_tree * uiuc_tree,gint offset,gint length,tvbuff_t * tvb)880 
881 bool LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::NewStateIsInTranspositionTable(
882     sat::Literal l) {
883   if (search_nodes_.size() + 1 > kStoredMaxDecisions) return false;
885   // Fill the transposition table element, i.e the array 'a' of decisions.
886   std::array<int32_t, kStoredMaxDecisions> a;
887   InitializeTranspositionTableKey(&a);
888   a[search_nodes_.size()] = l.SignedValue();
889   std::sort(a.begin(), a.begin() + 1 + search_nodes_.size());
891   if (transposition_table_.find(a) == transposition_table_.end()) {
892     return false;
893   } else {
894     ++num_skipped_nodes_;
895     return true;
896   }
897 }
899 void LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::InsertInTranspositionTable() {
900   // If there is more decision that kStoredMaxDecisions, do nothing.
901   if (search_nodes_.size() > kStoredMaxDecisions) return;
903   // Fill the transposition table element, i.e the array 'a' of decisions.
904   std::array<int32_t, kStoredMaxDecisions> a;
905   InitializeTranspositionTableKey(&a);
906   std::sort(a.begin(), a.begin() + search_nodes_.size());
908   transposition_table_.insert(a);
909 }
911 bool LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::EnqueueNextRepairingTermIfAny(
912     ConstraintIndex ct_to_repair, TermIndex term_index) {
913   if (term_index == initial_term_index_[ct_to_repair]) return false;
914   if (term_index == OneFlipConstraintRepairer::kInvalidTerm) {
915     term_index = initial_term_index_[ct_to_repair];
916   }
917   while (true) {
918     term_index = repairer_.NextRepairingTerm(
919         ct_to_repair, initial_term_index_[ct_to_repair], term_index);
920     if (term_index == OneFlipConstraintRepairer::kInvalidTerm) return false;
921     if (!use_transposition_table_ ||
922         !NewStateIsInTranspositionTable(
923             repairer_.GetFlip(ct_to_repair, term_index))) {
924       search_nodes_.push_back(SearchNode(ct_to_repair, term_index));
925       return true;
926     }
927     if (term_index == initial_term_index_[ct_to_repair]) return false;
928   }
929 }
Power_Control_IE(proto_tree * uiuc_tree,gint offset,gint length,tvbuff_t * tvb)931 bool LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::GoDeeper() {
932   // Can we add one more decision?
933   if (search_nodes_.size() >= max_num_decisions_) {
934     return false;
935   }
937   // Is the number of infeasible constraints reasonable?
938   //
939   // TODO(user): Make this parameters dynamic. We can either try lower value
940   // first and increase it later, or try to dynamically change it during the
941   // search. Another idea is to have instead a "max number of constraints that
942   // can be repaired in one decision" and to take into account the number of
943   // decisions left.
944   if (maintainer_.NumInfeasibleConstraints() > max_num_broken_constraints_) {
945     return false;
946   }
948   // Can we find a constraint that can be repaired in one decision?
949   const ConstraintIndex ct_to_repair = repairer_.ConstraintToRepair();
950   if (ct_to_repair == OneFlipConstraintRepairer::kInvalidConstraint) {
951     return false;
952   }
954   // Add the new decision.
955   //
956   // TODO(user): Store the last explored term index to not start from -1 each
957   // time. This will be very useful when a backtrack occurred due to the SAT
958   // propagator. Note however that this behavior is already enforced when we use
959   // the transposition table, since we will not explore again the branches
960   // already explored.
961   return EnqueueNextRepairingTermIfAny(ct_to_repair,
962                                        OneFlipConstraintRepairer::kInvalidTerm);
963 }
965 void LocalSearchAssignmentIterator::Backtrack() {
966   while (!search_nodes_.empty()) {
967     // We finished exploring this node. Store it in the transposition table so
968     // that the same decisions will not be explored again. Note that the SAT
969     // solver may have learned more the second time the exact same decisions are
970     // seen, but we assume that it is not worth exploring again.
971     if (use_transposition_table_) InsertInTranspositionTable();
973     const SearchNode last_node = search_nodes_.back();
974     search_nodes_.pop_back();
975     maintainer_.BacktrackOneLevel();
976     sat_wrapper_->BacktrackOneLevel();
977     if (EnqueueNextRepairingTermIfAny(last_node.constraint,
978                                       last_node.term_index)) {
979       return;
980     }
981   }
982 }
984 }  // namespace bop
985 }  // namespace operations_research