1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 #include "ortools/lp_data/lp_decomposer.h"
16 #include <vector>
18 #include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
19 #include "ortools/algorithms/dynamic_partition.h"
20 #include "ortools/lp_data/lp_data.h"
21 #include "ortools/lp_data/lp_utils.h"
23 namespace operations_research {
24 namespace glop {
26 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 // LPDecomposer
28 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LPDecomposer()29 LPDecomposer::LPDecomposer()
30     : original_problem_(nullptr), clusters_(), mutex_() {}
Decompose(const LinearProgram * linear_problem)32 void LPDecomposer::Decompose(const LinearProgram* linear_problem) {
33   absl::MutexLock mutex_lock(&mutex_);
34   original_problem_ = linear_problem;
35   clusters_.clear();
37   const SparseMatrix& transposed_matrix =
38       original_problem_->GetTransposeSparseMatrix();
39   MergingPartition partition(original_problem_->num_variables().value());
41   // Iterate on all constraints, and merge all variables of each constraint.
42   const ColIndex num_ct = RowToColIndex(original_problem_->num_constraints());
43   for (ColIndex ct(0); ct < num_ct; ++ct) {
44     const SparseColumn& sparse_constraint = transposed_matrix.column(ct);
45     if (sparse_constraint.num_entries() > 1) {
46       const RowIndex first_row = sparse_constraint.GetFirstRow();
47       for (EntryIndex e(1); e < sparse_constraint.num_entries(); ++e) {
48         partition.MergePartsOf(first_row.value(),
49                                sparse_constraint.EntryRow(e).value());
50       }
51     }
52   }
54   std::vector<int> classes;
55   const int num_classes = partition.FillEquivalenceClasses(&classes);
56   clusters_.resize(num_classes);
57   for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); ++i) {
58     clusters_[classes[i]].push_back(ColIndex(i));
59   }
60   for (int i = 0; i < num_classes; ++i) {
61     std::sort(clusters_[i].begin(), clusters_[i].end());
62   }
63 }
GetNumberOfProblems() const65 int LPDecomposer::GetNumberOfProblems() const {
66   absl::MutexLock mutex_lock(&mutex_);
67   return clusters_.size();
68 }
original_problem() const70 const LinearProgram& LPDecomposer::original_problem() const {
71   absl::MutexLock mutex_lock(&mutex_);
72   return *original_problem_;
73 }
ExtractLocalProblem(int problem_index,LinearProgram * lp)75 void LPDecomposer::ExtractLocalProblem(int problem_index, LinearProgram* lp) {
76   CHECK(lp != nullptr);
77   CHECK_GE(problem_index, 0);
78   CHECK_LT(problem_index, clusters_.size());
80   lp->Clear();
82   absl::MutexLock mutex_lock(&mutex_);
83   const std::vector<ColIndex>& cluster = clusters_[problem_index];
84   StrictITIVector<ColIndex, ColIndex> global_to_local(
85       original_problem_->num_variables(), kInvalidCol);
86   SparseBitset<RowIndex> constraints_to_use(
87       original_problem_->num_constraints());
88   lp->SetMaximizationProblem(original_problem_->IsMaximizationProblem());
90   // Create variables and get all constraints of the cluster.
91   const SparseMatrix& original_matrix = original_problem_->GetSparseMatrix();
92   const SparseMatrix& transposed_matrix =
93       original_problem_->GetTransposeSparseMatrix();
94   for (int i = 0; i < cluster.size(); ++i) {
95     const ColIndex global_col = cluster[i];
96     const ColIndex local_col = lp->CreateNewVariable();
97     CHECK_EQ(local_col, ColIndex(i));
98     CHECK(global_to_local[global_col] == kInvalidCol ||
99           global_to_local[global_col] == local_col)
100         << "If the mapping is already assigned it has to be the same.";
101     global_to_local[global_col] = local_col;
103     lp->SetVariableName(local_col,
104                         original_problem_->GetVariableName(global_col));
105     lp->SetVariableType(local_col,
106                         original_problem_->GetVariableType(global_col));
107     lp->SetVariableBounds(
108         local_col, original_problem_->variable_lower_bounds()[global_col],
109         original_problem_->variable_upper_bounds()[global_col]);
110     lp->SetObjectiveCoefficient(
111         local_col, original_problem_->objective_coefficients()[global_col]);
113     for (const SparseColumn::Entry e : original_matrix.column(global_col)) {
114       constraints_to_use.Set(e.row());
115     }
116   }
117   // Create the constraints.
118   for (const RowIndex global_row :
119        constraints_to_use.PositionsSetAtLeastOnce()) {
120     const RowIndex local_row = lp->CreateNewConstraint();
121     lp->SetConstraintName(local_row,
122                           original_problem_->GetConstraintName(global_row));
123     lp->SetConstraintBounds(
124         local_row, original_problem_->constraint_lower_bounds()[global_row],
125         original_problem_->constraint_upper_bounds()[global_row]);
127     for (const SparseColumn::Entry e :
128          transposed_matrix.column(RowToColIndex(global_row))) {
129       const ColIndex global_col = RowToColIndex(e.row());
130       const ColIndex local_col = global_to_local[global_col];
131       lp->SetCoefficient(local_row, local_col, e.coefficient());
132     }
133   }
134 }
AggregateAssignments(const std::vector<DenseRow> & assignments) const136 DenseRow LPDecomposer::AggregateAssignments(
137     const std::vector<DenseRow>& assignments) const {
138   CHECK_EQ(assignments.size(), clusters_.size());
140   absl::MutexLock mutex_lock(&mutex_);
141   DenseRow global_assignment(original_problem_->num_variables(),
142                              Fractional(0.0));
143   for (int problem = 0; problem < assignments.size(); ++problem) {
144     const DenseRow& local_assignment = assignments[problem];
145     const std::vector<ColIndex>& cluster = clusters_[problem];
146     for (int i = 0; i < local_assignment.size(); ++i) {
147       const ColIndex global_col = cluster[i];
148       global_assignment[global_col] = local_assignment[ColIndex(i)];
149     }
150   }
151   return global_assignment;
152 }
ExtractLocalAssignment(int problem_index,const DenseRow & assignment)154 DenseRow LPDecomposer::ExtractLocalAssignment(int problem_index,
155                                               const DenseRow& assignment) {
156   CHECK_GE(problem_index, 0);
157   CHECK_LT(problem_index, clusters_.size());
158   CHECK_EQ(assignment.size(), original_problem_->num_variables());
160   absl::MutexLock mutex_lock(&mutex_);
161   const std::vector<ColIndex>& cluster = clusters_[problem_index];
162   DenseRow local_assignment(ColIndex(cluster.size()), Fractional(0.0));
163   for (int i = 0; i < cluster.size(); ++i) {
164     const ColIndex global_col = cluster[i];
165     local_assignment[ColIndex(i)] = assignment[global_col];
166   }
167   return local_assignment;
168 }
170 }  // namespace glop
171 }  // namespace operations_research