1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 // Solves a constrained shortest path problem via Lagrangian Relaxation. The
15 // Lagrangian dual is solved with subgradient ascent.
16 //
17 // Problem data:
18 // * N: set of nodes.
19 // * A: set of arcs.
20 // * R: set of resources.
21 // * c_(i,j): cost of traversing arc (i,j) in A.
22 // * r_(i,j,k): resource k spent by traversing arc (i,j) in A, for all k in R.
23 // * b_i: flow balance at node i in N (+1 at the source, -1 at the sink, and 0
24 //        otherwise).
25 // * r_max_k: availability of resource k for a path, for all k in R.
26 //
27 // Decision variables:
28 // * x_(i,j): flow through arc (i,j) in A.
29 //
30 // Formulation:
31 // Z = min  sum(c_(i,j) * x_(i,j): (i,j) in A)
32 //     s.t.
33 //     sum(x_(i,j): (i,j) in A) - sum(x_(j,i): (j,i) in A) = b_i for all i in N,
34 //     sum(r_(i,j,k) * x_(i,j): (i,j) in A) <= r_max_k for all k in R,
35 //     x_(i,j) in {0,1} for all (i,j) in A.
36 //
37 // Upon dualizing a subset of the constraints (here we chose to relax some or
38 // all of the knapsack constraints), we obtaing a subproblem parameterized by
39 // dual variables mu (one per dualized constraint). We refer to this as the
40 // Lagrangian subproblem. Let R+ be the set of knapsack constraints that we
41 // keep, and R- the set of knapsack constraints that get dualized. The
42 // Lagrangian subproblem follows:
43 //
44 // z(mu) = min  sum(
45 //              (c_(i,j) - sum(mu_k * r_(i,j,k): k in R)) * x_(i,j): (i,j) in A)
46 //              + sum(mu_k * r_max_k: k in R-)
47 // s.t.
48 //   sum(x_(i,j): (i,j) in A) - sum(x_(j,i): (j,i) in A) = b_i for all i in N,
49 // sum(r_(i,j,k) * x_(i,j): (i,j) in A) <= r_max_k for all k in R+,
50 //   x_(i,j) in {0,1} for all (i,j) in A.
51 //
52 // We seek to solve the Lagrangian dual, which is of the form:
53 // Z_D = max{ z(mu) : mu <=0 }. Concavity of z(mu) allows us to solve the
54 // Lagrangian dual with the iterates:
55 // mu_(t+1) = mu_t + step_size_t * grad_mu_t, where
56 // grad_mu_t = r_max - sum(t_(i,j) * x_(i,j)^t: (i,j) in A) is a subgradient of
57 // z(mu_t) and x^t is an optimal solution to the problem induced by z(mu_t).
58 //
59 // In general we have that Z_D <= Z. For convex problems, Z_D = Z. For MIPs,
60 // Z_LP <= Z_D <= Z, where Z_LP is the linear relaxation of the original
61 // problem.
62 //
63 // In this particular example, we use two resource constraints. Either
64 // constraint or both can be dualized via the flags `dualize_resource_1` and
65 // `dualize_resource_2`. If both constraints are dualized, we have that Z_LP =
66 // Z_D because the resulting Lagrangian subproblem can be solved as a linear
67 // program (i.e., the problem becomes a pure shortest path problem upon
68 // dualizing all the side constraints). When only one of the side constraints is
69 // dualized, we can have Z_LP <= Z_D because the resulting Lagrangian subproblem
70 // needs to be solved as an MIP. For the particular data used in this example,
71 // dualizing only the first resource constraint leads to Z_LP < Z_D, while
72 // dualizing only the second resource constraint leads to Z_LP = Z_D. In either
73 // case, solving the Lagrandual dual also provides an upper bound to Z.
74 //
75 // Usage: blaze build -c opt
76 // ortools/math_opt/examples:lagrangian_relaxation
77 // blaze-bin/ortools/math_opt/examples/lagrangian_relaxation
79 #include <math.h>
81 #include <algorithm>
82 #include <iostream>
83 #include <limits>
84 #include <memory>
85 #include <string>
86 #include <vector>
88 #include "absl/flags/flag.h"
89 #include "absl/flags/parse.h"
90 #include "absl/flags/usage.h"
91 #include "absl/memory/memory.h"
92 #include "absl/status/statusor.h"
93 #include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
94 #include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
95 #include "ortools/base/container_logging.h"
96 #include "ortools/base/logging.h"
97 #include "ortools/base/mathutil.h"
98 #include "ortools/math_opt/cpp/math_opt.h"
100 ABSL_FLAG(double, step_size, 0.95,
101           "Stepsize for gradient ascent, determined as step_size^t.");
102 ABSL_FLAG(int, max_iterations, 1000,
103           "Max number of iterations for gradient ascent.");
104 ABSL_FLAG(bool, dualize_resource_1, true,
105           "If true, the side constraint associated to resource 1 is dualized.");
106 ABSL_FLAG(bool, dualize_resource_2, false,
107           "If true, the side constraint associated to resource 2 is dualized.");
109 ABSL_FLAG(bool, lagrangian_output, false,
110           "If true, shows the iteration log of the subgradient ascent "
111           "procedure use to solve the Lagrangian problem");
113 constexpr double kZeroTol = 1.0e-8;
115 namespace {
116 using ::operations_research::MathUtil;
117 using ::operations_research::math_opt::LinearExpression;
118 using ::operations_research::math_opt::MathOpt;
119 using ::operations_research::math_opt::Result;
120 using ::operations_research::math_opt::SolveParametersProto;
121 using ::operations_research::math_opt::SolverType;
122 using ::operations_research::math_opt::Variable;
123 using ::operations_research::math_opt::VariableMap;
125 struct Arc {
126   int i;
127   int j;
128   double cost;
129   double resource_1;
130   double resource_2;
131 };
133 struct Graph {
134   int num_nodes;
135   std::vector<Arc> arcs;
136   int source;
137   int sink;
138 };
140 struct FlowModel {
FlowModel__anon60ee2b690111::FlowModel141   explicit FlowModel(SolverType solver_type) {
142     model = std::make_unique<MathOpt>(solver_type, "LagrangianProblem");
143   }
144   std::unique_ptr<MathOpt> model;
145   LinearExpression cost;
146   LinearExpression resource_1;
147   LinearExpression resource_2;
148   std::vector<Variable> flow_vars;
149 };
151 // Populates `model` with variables and constraints of a shortest path problem.
CreateShortestPathModel(const Graph graph)152 FlowModel CreateShortestPathModel(const Graph graph) {
153   FlowModel flow_model(operations_research::math_opt::SOLVER_TYPE_GSCIP);
154   MathOpt& model = *flow_model.model;
155   for (const Arc& arc : graph.arcs) {
156     Variable var = model.AddContinuousVariable(
157         /*lower_bound=*/0, /*upper_bound=*/1,
158         /*name=*/absl::StrFormat("x_%d_%d", arc.i, arc.j));
159     flow_model.cost += arc.cost * var;
160     flow_model.resource_1 += arc.resource_1 * var;
161     flow_model.resource_2 += arc.resource_2 * var;
162     flow_model.flow_vars.push_back(var);
163   }
165   // Flow balance constraints
166   std::vector<LinearExpression> out_flow(graph.num_nodes);
167   std::vector<LinearExpression> in_flow(graph.num_nodes);
168   for (int arc_index = 0; arc_index < graph.arcs.size(); ++arc_index) {
169     out_flow[graph.arcs[arc_index].i] += flow_model.flow_vars[arc_index];
170     in_flow[graph.arcs[arc_index].j] += flow_model.flow_vars[arc_index];
171   }
172   for (int node_index = 0; node_index < graph.num_nodes; ++node_index) {
173     int rhs = node_index == graph.source ? 1
174               : node_index == graph.sink ? -1
175                                          : 0;
176     model.AddLinearConstraint(out_flow[node_index] - in_flow[node_index] ==
177                               rhs);
178   }
180   return flow_model;
181 }
CreateSampleNetwork()183 Graph CreateSampleNetwork() {
184   std::vector<Arc> arcs;
185   arcs.push_back(
186       {.i = 0, .j = 1, .cost = 12, .resource_1 = 1, .resource_2 = 1});
187   arcs.push_back(
188       {.i = 0, .j = 2, .cost = 3, .resource_1 = 2.5, .resource_2 = 1});
189   arcs.push_back(
190       {.i = 1, .j = 3, .cost = 5, .resource_1 = 1, .resource_2 = 1.5});
191   arcs.push_back(
192       {.i = 1, .j = 4, .cost = 5, .resource_1 = 2.5, .resource_2 = 1});
193   arcs.push_back(
194       {.i = 2, .j = 1, .cost = 7, .resource_1 = 2.5, .resource_2 = 1});
195   arcs.push_back(
196       {.i = 2, .j = 3, .cost = 5, .resource_1 = 7, .resource_2 = 2.5});
197   arcs.push_back(
198       {.i = 2, .j = 4, .cost = 1, .resource_1 = 6.5, .resource_2 = 1});
199   arcs.push_back(
200       {.i = 3, .j = 5, .cost = 6, .resource_1 = 1, .resource_2 = 2.0});
201   arcs.push_back(
202       {.i = 4, .j = 3, .cost = 3, .resource_1 = 1, .resource_2 = 0.5});
203   arcs.push_back(
204       {.i = 4, .j = 5, .cost = 5, .resource_1 = 2.5, .resource_2 = 1});
205   const Graph graph = {.num_nodes = 6, .arcs = arcs, .source = 0, .sink = 5};
207   return graph;
208 }
210 // Solves the constrained shortest path as an MIP.
SolveMip(const Graph graph,const double max_resource_1,const double max_resource_2)211 FlowModel SolveMip(const Graph graph, const double max_resource_1,
212                    const double max_resource_2) {
213   FlowModel flow_model(operations_research::math_opt::SOLVER_TYPE_GSCIP);
214   MathOpt& model = *flow_model.model;
215   for (const Arc& arc : graph.arcs) {
216     Variable var = model.AddBinaryVariable(
217         /*name=*/absl::StrFormat("x_%d_%d", arc.i, arc.j));
218     flow_model.cost += arc.cost * var;
219     flow_model.resource_1 += +arc.resource_1 * var;
220     flow_model.resource_2 += arc.resource_2 * var;
221     flow_model.flow_vars.push_back(var);
222   }
224   // Flow balance constraints
225   std::vector<LinearExpression> out_flow(graph.num_nodes);
226   std::vector<LinearExpression> in_flow(graph.num_nodes);
227   for (int arc_index = 0; arc_index < graph.arcs.size(); ++arc_index) {
228     out_flow[graph.arcs[arc_index].i] += flow_model.flow_vars[arc_index];
229     in_flow[graph.arcs[arc_index].j] += flow_model.flow_vars[arc_index];
230   }
231   for (int node_index = 0; node_index < graph.num_nodes; ++node_index) {
232     int rhs = node_index == graph.source ? 1
233               : node_index == graph.sink ? -1
234                                          : 0;
235     model.AddLinearConstraint(out_flow[node_index] - in_flow[node_index] ==
236                               rhs);
237   }
239   model.AddLinearConstraint(flow_model.resource_1 <= max_resource_1,
240                             "resource_ctr_1");
241   model.AddLinearConstraint(flow_model.resource_2 <= max_resource_2,
242                             "resource_ctr_2");
243   model.objective().Minimize(flow_model.cost);
244   SolveParametersProto params;
245   params.mutable_common_parameters()->set_enable_output(false);
246   const Result result = model.Solve(params).value();
247   const VariableMap<double>& variable_values = result.variable_values();
248   std::cout << "MIP Solution with 2 side constraints" << std::endl;
249   std::cout << absl::StrFormat("MIP objective value: %6.3f",
250                                result.objective_value())
251             << std::endl;
252   std::cout << "Resource 1: " << flow_model.resource_1.Evaluate(variable_values)
253             << std::endl;
254   std::cout << "Resource 2: " << flow_model.resource_2.Evaluate(variable_values)
255             << std::endl;
256   std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl;
257   return flow_model;
258 }
260 // Solves the linear relaxation of a constrained shortest path problem
261 // formulated as an MIP.
SolveLinearRelaxation(FlowModel & flow_model,const Graph & graph,const double max_resource_1,const double max_resource_2)262 void SolveLinearRelaxation(FlowModel& flow_model, const Graph& graph,
263                            const double max_resource_1,
264                            const double max_resource_2) {
265   MathOpt& model = *flow_model.model;
266   SolveParametersProto params;
267   params.mutable_common_parameters()->set_enable_output(false);
268   const Result result = model.Solve(params).value();
269   const VariableMap<double>& variable_values = result.variable_values();
270   std::cout << "LP relaxation with 2 side constraints" << std::endl;
271   std::cout << absl::StrFormat("LP objective value: %6.3f",
272                                result.objective_value())
273             << std::endl;
274   std::cout << "Resource 1: " << flow_model.resource_1.Evaluate(variable_values)
275             << std::endl;
276   std::cout << "Resource 2: " << flow_model.resource_2.Evaluate(variable_values)
277             << std::endl;
278   std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl;
279 }
SolveLagrangianRelaxation(const Graph graph,const double max_resource_1,const double max_resource_2)281 void SolveLagrangianRelaxation(const Graph graph, const double max_resource_1,
282                                const double max_resource_2) {
283   // Model, variables, and linear expressions.
284   FlowModel flow_model = CreateShortestPathModel(graph);
285   MathOpt& model = *flow_model.model;
286   LinearExpression& cost = flow_model.cost;
287   LinearExpression& resource_1 = flow_model.resource_1;
288   LinearExpression& resource_2 = flow_model.resource_2;
289   SolveParametersProto params;
290   params.mutable_common_parameters()->set_enable_output(false);
292   // Dualized constraints and dual variable iterates.
293   std::vector<double> mu;
294   std::vector<LinearExpression> grad_mu;
295   const bool dualized_resource_1 = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_dualize_resource_1);
296   const bool dualized_resource_2 = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_dualize_resource_2);
297   const bool lagrangian_output = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_lagrangian_output);
298   CHECK(dualized_resource_1 || dualized_resource_2)
299       << "At least one of the side constraints should be dualized.";
301   // Modify the lagrangian problem according to the constraints that are
302   // dualized. We use a initial dual value different from zero to prioritize
303   // finding a feasible solution.
304   const double initial_dual_value = -10;
305   if (dualized_resource_1 && !dualized_resource_2) {
306     mu.push_back(initial_dual_value);
307     grad_mu.push_back(max_resource_1 - resource_1);
308     model.AddLinearConstraint(resource_2 <= max_resource_2);
309     for (Variable& var : flow_model.flow_vars) {
310       var.set_integer();
311     }
312   } else if (!dualized_resource_1 && dualized_resource_2) {
313     mu.push_back(initial_dual_value);
314     grad_mu.push_back(max_resource_2 - resource_2);
315     model.AddLinearConstraint(resource_1 <= max_resource_1);
316     for (Variable& var : flow_model.flow_vars) {
317       var.set_integer();
318     }
319   } else {
320     mu.push_back(initial_dual_value);
321     mu.push_back(initial_dual_value);
322     grad_mu.push_back(max_resource_1 - resource_1);
323     grad_mu.push_back(max_resource_2 - resource_2);
324   }
326   // Gradient ascent setup
327   bool termination = false;
328   int iterations = 1;
329   const double step_size = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_step_size);
330   CHECK_GT(step_size, 0) << "step_size must be strictly positive";
331   CHECK_LT(step_size, 1) << "step_size must be strictly less than 1";
332   const int max_iterations = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_max_iterations);
333   CHECK_GT(max_iterations, 0)
334       << "Number of iterations must be strictly positive.";
336   // Upper and lower bounds on the full problem.
337   double upper_bound = std::numeric_limits<double>().infinity();
338   double lower_bound = -std::numeric_limits<double>().infinity();
339   double best_solution_resource_1 = 0;
340   double best_solution_resource_2 = 0;
342   if (lagrangian_output) {
343     std::cout << "Starting gradient ascent..." << std::endl;
344     std::cout << absl::StrFormat("%4s %6s %6s %9s %10s %10s", "Iter", "LB",
345                                  "UB", "Step size", "mu_t", "grad_mu_t")
346               << std::endl;
347   }
349   while (!termination) {
350     LinearExpression lagrangian_function;
351     lagrangian_function += cost;
352     for (int k = 0; k < mu.size(); ++k) {
353       lagrangian_function += mu[k] * grad_mu[k];
354     }
355     model.objective().Minimize(lagrangian_function);
356     Result result = model.Solve(params).value();
357     const VariableMap<double>& vars_val = result.variable_values();
358     bool feasible = true;
360     // Iterate update. Takes a step in the direction of the gradient (since the
361     // Lagrangian dual is a max problem), and projects onto {mu: mu <=0} to
362     // satisfy the sign of the dual variable. In general, convergence to an
363     // optimal solution requires diminishing step sizes satisfying:
364     //       * sum(step_size_t: t=1...) = infinity and,
365     //       * sum((step_size_t)^2: t=1...) < infinity
366     // See details in Prop 3.2.6 Bertsekas 2015, Convex Optimization Algorithms.
367     // Here we use step_size_t = step_size^t which does NOT satisfy the
368     // first condition, but is good enough for the purpose of this example.
369     std::vector<double> grad_mu_vals;
370     const double step_size_t = MathUtil::IPow(step_size, iterations);
371     for (int k = 0; k < mu.size(); ++k) {
372       // Evaluate resource k and evaluate the gradient of z(mu).
373       const double grad_mu_val = grad_mu[k].Evaluate(vars_val);
374       grad_mu_vals.push_back(grad_mu_val);
375       mu[k] = std::min(0.0, mu[k] + step_size_t * grad_mu_val);
376       if (grad_mu_val < 0) {
377         feasible = false;
378       }
379     }
380     // Bounds update
381     const double path_cost = cost.Evaluate(vars_val);
382     if (feasible && path_cost < upper_bound) {
383       best_solution_resource_1 = resource_1.Evaluate(vars_val);
384       best_solution_resource_2 = resource_2.Evaluate(vars_val);
385       if (lagrangian_output) {
386         std::cout << "Feasible solution with"
387                   << absl::StrFormat(
388                          "cost=%4.2f, resource_1=%4.2f, and resource_2=%4.2f. ",
389                          path_cost, best_solution_resource_1,
390                          best_solution_resource_2)
391                   << std::endl;
392       }
393       upper_bound = path_cost;
394     }
395     if (lower_bound < result.objective_value()) {
396       lower_bound = result.objective_value();
397     }
399     if (lagrangian_output) {
400       std::cout << absl::StrFormat("%4d %6.3f %6.3f %9.3f", iterations,
401                                    lower_bound, upper_bound, step_size_t)
402                 << " " << gtl::LogContainer(mu) << " "
403                 << gtl::LogContainer(grad_mu_vals) << std::endl;
404     }
406     // Termination criteria
407     double norm = 0;
408     for (double value : grad_mu_vals) {
409       norm += (value * value);
410     }
411     norm = sqrt(norm);
412     if (iterations == max_iterations || lower_bound == upper_bound ||
413         step_size_t * norm < kZeroTol) {
414       termination = true;
415     }
416     iterations++;
417   }
419   std::cout << "Lagrangian relaxation with 2 side constraints" << std::endl;
420   std::cout << "Constraint for resource 1 dualized: "
421             << (dualized_resource_1 ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
422   std::cout << "Constraint for resource 2 dualized: "
423             << (dualized_resource_2 ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
424   std::cout << absl::StrFormat("Lower bound: %6.3f", lower_bound) << std::endl;
425   std::cout << absl::StrFormat("Upper bound: %6.3f (Integer solution)",
426                                upper_bound)
427             << std::endl;
428   std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl;
429 }
RelaxModel(FlowModel & flow_model)431 void RelaxModel(FlowModel& flow_model) {
432   for (Variable& var : flow_model.flow_vars) {
433     var.set_continuous();
434     var.set_lower_bound(0.0);
435     var.set_upper_bound(1.0);
436   }
437 }
SolveFullModel(const Graph & graph,double max_resource_1,double max_resource_2)439 void SolveFullModel(const Graph& graph, double max_resource_1,
440                     double max_resource_2) {
441   FlowModel flow_model = SolveMip(graph, max_resource_1, max_resource_2);
442   RelaxModel(flow_model);
443   SolveLinearRelaxation(flow_model, graph, max_resource_1, max_resource_2);
444 }
446 }  // namespace
main(int argc,char ** argv)448 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
449   google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]);
450   absl::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
452   // Problem data
453   const Graph graph = CreateSampleNetwork();
454   const double max_resource_1 = 10;
455   const double max_resource_2 = 4;
457   SolveFullModel(graph, max_resource_1, max_resource_2);
459   SolveLagrangianRelaxation(graph, max_resource_1, max_resource_2);
460   return 0;
461 }