2Module for applying conditional formatting to DataFrames and Series.
4from collections import defaultdict
5from contextlib import contextmanager
6import copy
7from functools import partial
8from itertools import product
9from typing import (
10    Any,
11    Callable,
12    DefaultDict,
13    Dict,
14    List,
15    Optional,
16    Sequence,
17    Tuple,
18    Union,
20from uuid import uuid4
22import numpy as np
24from pandas._config import get_option
26from pandas._libs import lib
27from pandas._typing import Axis, FrameOrSeries, FrameOrSeriesUnion, Label
28from pandas.compat._optional import import_optional_dependency
29from pandas.util._decorators import doc
31from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_float
33import pandas as pd
34from pandas.api.types import is_dict_like, is_list_like
35from pandas.core import generic
36import pandas.core.common as com
37from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
38from pandas.core.generic import NDFrame
39from pandas.core.indexing import maybe_numeric_slice, non_reducing_slice
41jinja2 = import_optional_dependency("jinja2", extra="DataFrame.style requires jinja2.")
45    from matplotlib import colors
46    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
48    has_mpl = True
49except ImportError:
50    has_mpl = False
51    no_mpl_message = "{0} requires matplotlib."
55def _mpl(func: Callable):
56    if has_mpl:
57        yield plt, colors
58    else:
59        raise ImportError(no_mpl_message.format(func.__name__))
62class Styler:
63    """
64    Helps style a DataFrame or Series according to the data with HTML and CSS.
66    Parameters
67    ----------
68    data : Series or DataFrame
69        Data to be styled - either a Series or DataFrame.
70    precision : int
71        Precision to round floats to, defaults to pd.options.display.precision.
72    table_styles : list-like, default None
73        List of {selector: (attr, value)} dicts; see Notes.
74    uuid : str, default None
75        A unique identifier to avoid CSS collisions; generated automatically.
76    caption : str, default None
77        Caption to attach to the table.
78    table_attributes : str, default None
79        Items that show up in the opening ``<table>`` tag
80        in addition to automatic (by default) id.
81    cell_ids : bool, default True
82        If True, each cell will have an ``id`` attribute in their HTML tag.
83        The ``id`` takes the form ``T_<uuid>_row<num_row>_col<num_col>``
84        where ``<uuid>`` is the unique identifier, ``<num_row>`` is the row
85        number and ``<num_col>`` is the column number.
86    na_rep : str, optional
87        Representation for missing values.
88        If ``na_rep`` is None, no special formatting is applied.
90        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
92    uuid_len : int, default 5
93        If ``uuid`` is not specified, the length of the ``uuid`` to randomly generate
94        expressed in hex characters, in range [0, 32].
96        .. versionadded:: 1.2.0
98    Attributes
99    ----------
100    env : Jinja2 jinja2.Environment
101    template : Jinja2 Template
102    loader : Jinja2 Loader
104    See Also
105    --------
106    DataFrame.style : Return a Styler object containing methods for building
107        a styled HTML representation for the DataFrame.
109    Notes
110    -----
111    Most styling will be done by passing style functions into
112    ``Styler.apply`` or ``Styler.applymap``. Style functions should
113    return values with strings containing CSS ``'attr: value'`` that will
114    be applied to the indicated cells.
116    If using in the Jupyter notebook, Styler has defined a ``_repr_html_``
117    to automatically render itself. Otherwise call Styler.render to get
118    the generated HTML.
120    CSS classes are attached to the generated HTML
122    * Index and Column names include ``index_name`` and ``level<k>``
123      where `k` is its level in a MultiIndex
124    * Index label cells include
126      * ``row_heading``
127      * ``row<n>`` where `n` is the numeric position of the row
128      * ``level<k>`` where `k` is the level in a MultiIndex
130    * Column label cells include
131      * ``col_heading``
132      * ``col<n>`` where `n` is the numeric position of the column
133      * ``level<k>`` where `k` is the level in a MultiIndex
135    * Blank cells include ``blank``
136    * Data cells include ``data``
137    """
139    loader = jinja2.PackageLoader("pandas", "io/formats/templates")
140    env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, trim_blocks=True)
141    template = env.get_template("html.tpl")
143    def __init__(
144        self,
145        data: FrameOrSeriesUnion,
146        precision: Optional[int] = None,
147        table_styles: Optional[List[Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]]]] = None,
148        uuid: Optional[str] = None,
149        caption: Optional[str] = None,
150        table_attributes: Optional[str] = None,
151        cell_ids: bool = True,
152        na_rep: Optional[str] = None,
153        uuid_len: int = 5,
154    ):
155        self.ctx: DefaultDict[Tuple[int, int], List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
156        self._todo: List[Tuple[Callable, Tuple, Dict]] = []
158        if not isinstance(data, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
159            raise TypeError("``data`` must be a Series or DataFrame")
160        if data.ndim == 1:
161            data = data.to_frame()
162        if not data.index.is_unique or not data.columns.is_unique:
163            raise ValueError("style is not supported for non-unique indices.")
165        self.data = data
166        self.index = data.index
167        self.columns = data.columns
169        if not isinstance(uuid_len, int) or not uuid_len >= 0:
170            raise TypeError("``uuid_len`` must be an integer in range [0, 32].")
171        self.uuid_len = min(32, uuid_len)
172        self.uuid = (uuid or uuid4().hex[: self.uuid_len]) + "_"
173        self.table_styles = table_styles
174        self.caption = caption
175        if precision is None:
176            precision = get_option("display.precision")
177        self.precision = precision
178        self.table_attributes = table_attributes
179        self.hidden_index = False
180        self.hidden_columns: Sequence[int] = []
181        self.cell_ids = cell_ids
182        self.na_rep = na_rep
184        self.cell_context: Dict[str, Any] = {}
186        # display_funcs maps (row, col) -> formatting function
188        def default_display_func(x):
189            if self.na_rep is not None and pd.isna(x):
190                return self.na_rep
191            elif is_float(x):
192                display_format = f"{x:.{self.precision}f}"
193                return display_format
194            else:
195                return x
197        self._display_funcs: DefaultDict[
198            Tuple[int, int], Callable[[Any], str]
199        ] = defaultdict(lambda: default_display_func)
201    def _repr_html_(self) -> str:
202        """
203        Hooks into Jupyter notebook rich display system.
204        """
205        return self.render()
207    @doc(
208        NDFrame.to_excel,
209        klass="Styler",
210        storage_options=generic._shared_docs["storage_options"],
211    )
212    def to_excel(
213        self,
214        excel_writer,
215        sheet_name: str = "Sheet1",
216        na_rep: str = "",
217        float_format: Optional[str] = None,
218        columns: Optional[Sequence[Label]] = None,
219        header: Union[Sequence[Label], bool] = True,
220        index: bool = True,
221        index_label: Optional[Union[Label, Sequence[Label]]] = None,
222        startrow: int = 0,
223        startcol: int = 0,
224        engine: Optional[str] = None,
225        merge_cells: bool = True,
226        encoding: Optional[str] = None,
227        inf_rep: str = "inf",
228        verbose: bool = True,
229        freeze_panes: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
230    ) -> None:
232        from pandas.io.formats.excel import ExcelFormatter
234        formatter = ExcelFormatter(
235            self,
236            na_rep=na_rep,
237            cols=columns,
238            header=header,
239            float_format=float_format,
240            index=index,
241            index_label=index_label,
242            merge_cells=merge_cells,
243            inf_rep=inf_rep,
244        )
245        formatter.write(
246            excel_writer,
247            sheet_name=sheet_name,
248            startrow=startrow,
249            startcol=startcol,
250            freeze_panes=freeze_panes,
251            engine=engine,
252        )
254    def _translate(self):
255        """
256        Convert the DataFrame in `self.data` and the attrs from `_build_styles`
257        into a dictionary of {head, body, uuid, cellstyle}.
258        """
259        table_styles = self.table_styles or []
260        caption = self.caption
261        ctx = self.ctx
262        precision = self.precision
263        hidden_index = self.hidden_index
264        hidden_columns = self.hidden_columns
265        uuid = self.uuid
266        ROW_HEADING_CLASS = "row_heading"
267        COL_HEADING_CLASS = "col_heading"
268        INDEX_NAME_CLASS = "index_name"
270        DATA_CLASS = "data"
271        BLANK_CLASS = "blank"
272        BLANK_VALUE = ""
274        def format_attr(pair):
275            return f"{pair['key']}={pair['value']}"
277        # for sparsifying a MultiIndex
278        idx_lengths = _get_level_lengths(self.index)
279        col_lengths = _get_level_lengths(self.columns, hidden_columns)
281        cell_context = self.cell_context
283        n_rlvls = self.data.index.nlevels
284        n_clvls = self.data.columns.nlevels
285        rlabels = self.data.index.tolist()
286        clabels = self.data.columns.tolist()
288        if n_rlvls == 1:
289            rlabels = [[x] for x in rlabels]
290        if n_clvls == 1:
291            clabels = [[x] for x in clabels]
292        clabels = list(zip(*clabels))
294        cellstyle_map = defaultdict(list)
295        head = []
297        for r in range(n_clvls):
298            # Blank for Index columns...
299            row_es = [
300                {
301                    "type": "th",
302                    "value": BLANK_VALUE,
303                    "display_value": BLANK_VALUE,
304                    "is_visible": not hidden_index,
305                    "class": " ".join([BLANK_CLASS]),
306                }
307            ] * (n_rlvls - 1)
309            # ... except maybe the last for columns.names
310            name = self.data.columns.names[r]
311            cs = [
312                BLANK_CLASS if name is None else INDEX_NAME_CLASS,
313                f"level{r}",
314            ]
315            name = BLANK_VALUE if name is None else name
316            row_es.append(
317                {
318                    "type": "th",
319                    "value": name,
320                    "display_value": name,
321                    "class": " ".join(cs),
322                    "is_visible": not hidden_index,
323                }
324            )
326            if clabels:
327                for c, value in enumerate(clabels[r]):
328                    cs = [
329                        COL_HEADING_CLASS,
330                        f"level{r}",
331                        f"col{c}",
332                    ]
333                    cs.extend(
334                        cell_context.get("col_headings", {}).get(r, {}).get(c, [])
335                    )
336                    es = {
337                        "type": "th",
338                        "value": value,
339                        "display_value": value,
340                        "class": " ".join(cs),
341                        "is_visible": _is_visible(c, r, col_lengths),
342                    }
343                    colspan = col_lengths.get((r, c), 0)
344                    if colspan > 1:
345                        es["attributes"] = [
346                            format_attr({"key": "colspan", "value": f'"{colspan}"'})
347                        ]
348                    row_es.append(es)
349                head.append(row_es)
351        if (
352            self.data.index.names
353            and com.any_not_none(*self.data.index.names)
354            and not hidden_index
355        ):
356            index_header_row = []
358            for c, name in enumerate(self.data.index.names):
359                cs = [INDEX_NAME_CLASS, f"level{c}"]
360                name = "" if name is None else name
361                index_header_row.append(
362                    {"type": "th", "value": name, "class": " ".join(cs)}
363                )
365            index_header_row.extend(
366                [{"type": "th", "value": BLANK_VALUE, "class": " ".join([BLANK_CLASS])}]
367                * (len(clabels[0]) - len(hidden_columns))
368            )
370            head.append(index_header_row)
372        body = []
373        for r, idx in enumerate(self.data.index):
374            row_es = []
375            for c, value in enumerate(rlabels[r]):
376                rid = [
377                    ROW_HEADING_CLASS,
378                    f"level{c}",
379                    f"row{r}",
380                ]
381                es = {
382                    "type": "th",
383                    "is_visible": (_is_visible(r, c, idx_lengths) and not hidden_index),
384                    "value": value,
385                    "display_value": value,
386                    "id": "_".join(rid[1:]),
387                    "class": " ".join(rid),
388                }
389                rowspan = idx_lengths.get((c, r), 0)
390                if rowspan > 1:
391                    es["attributes"] = [
392                        format_attr({"key": "rowspan", "value": f'"{rowspan}"'})
393                    ]
394                row_es.append(es)
396            for c, col in enumerate(self.data.columns):
397                cs = [DATA_CLASS, f"row{r}", f"col{c}"]
398                cs.extend(cell_context.get("data", {}).get(r, {}).get(c, []))
399                formatter = self._display_funcs[(r, c)]
400                value = self.data.iloc[r, c]
401                row_dict = {
402                    "type": "td",
403                    "value": value,
404                    "class": " ".join(cs),
405                    "display_value": formatter(value),
406                    "is_visible": (c not in hidden_columns),
407                }
408                # only add an id if the cell has a style
409                props = []
410                if self.cell_ids or (r, c) in ctx:
411                    row_dict["id"] = "_".join(cs[1:])
412                    for x in ctx[r, c]:
413                        # have to handle empty styles like ['']
414                        if x.count(":"):
415                            props.append(tuple(x.split(":")))
416                        else:
417                            props.append(("", ""))
418                row_es.append(row_dict)
419                cellstyle_map[tuple(props)].append(f"row{r}_col{c}")
420            body.append(row_es)
422        cellstyle = [
423            {"props": list(props), "selectors": selectors}
424            for props, selectors in cellstyle_map.items()
425        ]
427        table_attr = self.table_attributes
428        use_mathjax = get_option("display.html.use_mathjax")
429        if not use_mathjax:
430            table_attr = table_attr or ""
431            if 'class="' in table_attr:
432                table_attr = table_attr.replace('class="', 'class="tex2jax_ignore ')
433            else:
434                table_attr += ' class="tex2jax_ignore"'
436        return {
437            "head": head,
438            "cellstyle": cellstyle,
439            "body": body,
440            "uuid": uuid,
441            "precision": precision,
442            "table_styles": table_styles,
443            "caption": caption,
444            "table_attributes": table_attr,
445        }
447    def format(self, formatter, subset=None, na_rep: Optional[str] = None) -> "Styler":
448        """
449        Format the text display value of cells.
451        Parameters
452        ----------
453        formatter : str, callable, dict or None
454            If ``formatter`` is None, the default formatter is used.
455        subset : IndexSlice
456            An argument to ``DataFrame.loc`` that restricts which elements
457            ``formatter`` is applied to.
458        na_rep : str, optional
459            Representation for missing values.
460            If ``na_rep`` is None, no special formatting is applied.
462            .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
464        Returns
465        -------
466        self : Styler
468        Notes
469        -----
470        ``formatter`` is either an ``a`` or a dict ``{column name: a}`` where
471        ``a`` is one of
473        - str: this will be wrapped in: ``a.format(x)``
474        - callable: called with the value of an individual cell
476        The default display value for numeric values is the "general" (``g``)
477        format with ``pd.options.display.precision`` precision.
479        Examples
480        --------
481        >>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 2), columns=['a', 'b'])
482        >>> df.style.format("{:.2%}")
483        >>> df['c'] = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
484        >>> df.style.format({'c': str.upper})
485        """
486        if formatter is None:
487            assert self._display_funcs.default_factory is not None
488            formatter = self._display_funcs.default_factory()
490        if subset is None:
491            row_locs = range(len(self.data))
492            col_locs = range(len(self.data.columns))
493        else:
494            subset = non_reducing_slice(subset)
495            if len(subset) == 1:
496                subset = subset, self.data.columns
498            sub_df = self.data.loc[subset]
499            row_locs = self.data.index.get_indexer_for(sub_df.index)
500            col_locs = self.data.columns.get_indexer_for(sub_df.columns)
502        if is_dict_like(formatter):
503            for col, col_formatter in formatter.items():
504                # formatter must be callable, so '{}' are converted to lambdas
505                col_formatter = _maybe_wrap_formatter(col_formatter, na_rep)
506                col_num = self.data.columns.get_indexer_for([col])[0]
508                for row_num in row_locs:
509                    self._display_funcs[(row_num, col_num)] = col_formatter
510        else:
511            # single scalar to format all cells with
512            formatter = _maybe_wrap_formatter(formatter, na_rep)
513            locs = product(*(row_locs, col_locs))
514            for i, j in locs:
515                self._display_funcs[(i, j)] = formatter
516        return self
518    def set_td_classes(self, classes: DataFrame) -> "Styler":
519        """
520        Add string based CSS class names to data cells that will appear within the
521        `Styler` HTML result. These classes are added within specified `<td>` elements.
523        Parameters
524        ----------
525        classes : DataFrame
526            DataFrame containing strings that will be translated to CSS classes,
527            mapped by identical column and index values that must exist on the
528            underlying `Styler` data. None, NaN values, and empty strings will
529            be ignored and not affect the rendered HTML.
531        Returns
532        -------
533        self : Styler
535        Examples
536        --------
537        >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], columns=["A", "B", "C"])
538        >>> classes = pd.DataFrame([
539        ...     ["min-val red", "", "blue"],
540        ...     ["red", None, "blue max-val"]
541        ... ], index=df.index, columns=df.columns)
542        >>> df.style.set_td_classes(classes)
544        Using `MultiIndex` columns and a `classes` `DataFrame` as a subset of the
545        underlying,
547        >>> df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2],[3,4]], index=["a", "b"],
548        ...     columns=[["level0", "level0"], ["level1a", "level1b"]])
549        >>> classes = pd.DataFrame(["min-val"], index=["a"],
550        ...     columns=[["level0"],["level1a"]])
551        >>> df.style.set_td_classes(classes)
553        Form of the output with new additional css classes,
555        >>> df = pd.DataFrame([[1]])
556        >>> css = pd.DataFrame(["other-class"])
557        >>> s = Styler(df, uuid="_", cell_ids=False).set_td_classes(css)
558        >>> s.hide_index().render()
559        '<style  type="text/css" ></style>'
560        '<table id="T__" >'
561        '  <thead>'
562        '    <tr><th class="col_heading level0 col0" >0</th></tr>'
563        '  </thead>'
564        '  <tbody>'
565        '    <tr><td  class="data row0 col0 other-class" >1</td></tr>'
566        '  </tbody>'
567        '</table>'
568        """
569        classes = classes.reindex_like(self.data)
571        mask = (classes.isna()) | (classes.eq(""))
572        self.cell_context["data"] = {
573            r: {c: [str(classes.iloc[r, c])]}
574            for r, rn in enumerate(classes.index)
575            for c, cn in enumerate(classes.columns)
576            if not mask.iloc[r, c]
577        }
579        return self
581    def render(self, **kwargs) -> str:
582        """
583        Render the built up styles to HTML.
585        Parameters
586        ----------
587        **kwargs
588            Any additional keyword arguments are passed
589            through to ``self.template.render``.
590            This is useful when you need to provide
591            additional variables for a custom template.
593        Returns
594        -------
595        rendered : str
596            The rendered HTML.
598        Notes
599        -----
600        ``Styler`` objects have defined the ``_repr_html_`` method
601        which automatically calls ``self.render()`` when it's the
602        last item in a Notebook cell. When calling ``Styler.render()``
603        directly, wrap the result in ``IPython.display.HTML`` to view
604        the rendered HTML in the notebook.
606        Pandas uses the following keys in render. Arguments passed
607        in ``**kwargs`` take precedence, so think carefully if you want
608        to override them:
610        * head
611        * cellstyle
612        * body
613        * uuid
614        * precision
615        * table_styles
616        * caption
617        * table_attributes
618        """
619        self._compute()
620        # TODO: namespace all the pandas keys
621        d = self._translate()
622        # filter out empty styles, every cell will have a class
623        # but the list of props may just be [['', '']].
624        # so we have the nested anys below
625        trimmed = [x for x in d["cellstyle"] if any(any(y) for y in x["props"])]
626        d["cellstyle"] = trimmed
627        d.update(kwargs)
628        return self.template.render(**d)
630    def _update_ctx(self, attrs: DataFrame) -> None:
631        """
632        Update the state of the Styler.
634        Collects a mapping of {index_label: ['<property>: <value>']}.
636        Parameters
637        ----------
638        attrs : DataFrame
639            should contain strings of '<property>: <value>;<prop2>: <val2>'
640            Whitespace shouldn't matter and the final trailing ';' shouldn't
641            matter.
642        """
643        coli = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(self.columns)}
644        rowi = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(self.index)}
645        for jj in range(len(attrs.columns)):
646            cn = attrs.columns[jj]
647            j = coli[cn]
648            for rn, c in attrs[[cn]].itertuples():
649                if not c:
650                    continue
651                c = c.rstrip(";")
652                if not c:
653                    continue
654                i = rowi[rn]
655                for pair in c.split(";"):
656                    self.ctx[(i, j)].append(pair)
658    def _copy(self, deepcopy: bool = False) -> "Styler":
659        styler = Styler(
660            self.data,
661            precision=self.precision,
662            caption=self.caption,
663            uuid=self.uuid,
664            table_styles=self.table_styles,
665            na_rep=self.na_rep,
666        )
667        if deepcopy:
668            styler.ctx = copy.deepcopy(self.ctx)
669            styler._todo = copy.deepcopy(self._todo)
670        else:
671            styler.ctx = self.ctx
672            styler._todo = self._todo
673        return styler
675    def __copy__(self) -> "Styler":
676        """
677        Deep copy by default.
678        """
679        return self._copy(deepcopy=False)
681    def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> "Styler":
682        return self._copy(deepcopy=True)
684    def clear(self) -> None:
685        """
686        Reset the styler, removing any previously applied styles.
688        Returns None.
689        """
690        self.ctx.clear()
691        self.cell_context = {}
692        self._todo = []
694    def _compute(self):
695        """
696        Execute the style functions built up in `self._todo`.
698        Relies on the conventions that all style functions go through
699        .apply or .applymap. The append styles to apply as tuples of
701        (application method, *args, **kwargs)
702        """
703        r = self
704        for func, args, kwargs in self._todo:
705            r = func(self)(*args, **kwargs)
706        return r
708    def _apply(
709        self,
710        func: Callable[..., "Styler"],
711        axis: Optional[Axis] = 0,
712        subset=None,
713        **kwargs,
714    ) -> "Styler":
715        subset = slice(None) if subset is None else subset
716        subset = non_reducing_slice(subset)
717        data = self.data.loc[subset]
718        if axis is not None:
719            result = data.apply(func, axis=axis, result_type="expand", **kwargs)
720            result.columns = data.columns
721        else:
722            result = func(data, **kwargs)
723            if not isinstance(result, pd.DataFrame):
724                raise TypeError(
725                    f"Function {repr(func)} must return a DataFrame when "
726                    f"passed to `Styler.apply` with axis=None"
727                )
728            if not (
729                result.index.equals(data.index) and result.columns.equals(data.columns)
730            ):
731                raise ValueError(
732                    f"Result of {repr(func)} must have identical "
733                    f"index and columns as the input"
734                )
736        result_shape = result.shape
737        expected_shape = self.data.loc[subset].shape
738        if result_shape != expected_shape:
739            raise ValueError(
740                f"Function {repr(func)} returned the wrong shape.\n"
741                f"Result has shape: {result.shape}\n"
742                f"Expected shape:   {expected_shape}"
743            )
744        self._update_ctx(result)
745        return self
747    def apply(
748        self,
749        func: Callable[..., "Styler"],
750        axis: Optional[Axis] = 0,
751        subset=None,
752        **kwargs,
753    ) -> "Styler":
754        """
755        Apply a function column-wise, row-wise, or table-wise.
757        Updates the HTML representation with the result.
759        Parameters
760        ----------
761        func : function
762            ``func`` should take a Series or DataFrame (depending
763            on ``axis``), and return an object with the same shape.
764            Must return a DataFrame with identical index and
765            column labels when ``axis=None``.
766        axis : {0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns', None}, default 0
767            Apply to each column (``axis=0`` or ``'index'``), to each row
768            (``axis=1`` or ``'columns'``), or to the entire DataFrame at once
769            with ``axis=None``.
770        subset : IndexSlice
771            A valid indexer to limit ``data`` to *before* applying the
772            function. Consider using a pandas.IndexSlice.
773        **kwargs : dict
774            Pass along to ``func``.
776        Returns
777        -------
778        self : Styler
780        Notes
781        -----
782        The output shape of ``func`` should match the input, i.e. if
783        ``x`` is the input row, column, or table (depending on ``axis``),
784        then ``func(x).shape == x.shape`` should be true.
786        This is similar to ``DataFrame.apply``, except that ``axis=None``
787        applies the function to the entire DataFrame at once,
788        rather than column-wise or row-wise.
790        Examples
791        --------
792        >>> def highlight_max(x):
793        ...     return ['background-color: yellow' if v == x.max() else ''
794                        for v in x]
795        ...
796        >>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 2))
797        >>> df.style.apply(highlight_max)
798        """
799        self._todo.append(
800            (lambda instance: getattr(instance, "_apply"), (func, axis, subset), kwargs)
801        )
802        return self
804    def _applymap(self, func: Callable, subset=None, **kwargs) -> "Styler":
805        func = partial(func, **kwargs)  # applymap doesn't take kwargs?
806        if subset is None:
807            subset = pd.IndexSlice[:]
808        subset = non_reducing_slice(subset)
809        result = self.data.loc[subset].applymap(func)
810        self._update_ctx(result)
811        return self
813    def applymap(self, func: Callable, subset=None, **kwargs) -> "Styler":
814        """
815        Apply a function elementwise.
817        Updates the HTML representation with the result.
819        Parameters
820        ----------
821        func : function
822            ``func`` should take a scalar and return a scalar.
823        subset : IndexSlice
824            A valid indexer to limit ``data`` to *before* applying the
825            function. Consider using a pandas.IndexSlice.
826        **kwargs : dict
827            Pass along to ``func``.
829        Returns
830        -------
831        self : Styler
833        See Also
834        --------
835        Styler.where: Updates the HTML representation with a style which is
836            selected in accordance with the return value of a function.
837        """
838        self._todo.append(
839            (lambda instance: getattr(instance, "_applymap"), (func, subset), kwargs)
840        )
841        return self
843    def where(
844        self,
845        cond: Callable,
846        value: str,
847        other: Optional[str] = None,
848        subset=None,
849        **kwargs,
850    ) -> "Styler":
851        """
852        Apply a function elementwise.
854        Updates the HTML representation with a style which is
855        selected in accordance with the return value of a function.
857        Parameters
858        ----------
859        cond : callable
860            ``cond`` should take a scalar and return a boolean.
861        value : str
862            Applied when ``cond`` returns true.
863        other : str
864            Applied when ``cond`` returns false.
865        subset : IndexSlice
866            A valid indexer to limit ``data`` to *before* applying the
867            function. Consider using a pandas.IndexSlice.
868        **kwargs : dict
869            Pass along to ``cond``.
871        Returns
872        -------
873        self : Styler
875        See Also
876        --------
877        Styler.applymap: Updates the HTML representation with the result.
878        """
879        if other is None:
880            other = ""
882        return self.applymap(
883            lambda val: value if cond(val) else other, subset=subset, **kwargs
884        )
886    def set_precision(self, precision: int) -> "Styler":
887        """
888        Set the precision used to render.
890        Parameters
891        ----------
892        precision : int
894        Returns
895        -------
896        self : Styler
897        """
898        self.precision = precision
899        return self
901    def set_table_attributes(self, attributes: str) -> "Styler":
902        """
903        Set the table attributes.
905        These are the items that show up in the opening ``<table>`` tag
906        in addition to automatic (by default) id.
908        Parameters
909        ----------
910        attributes : str
912        Returns
913        -------
914        self : Styler
916        Examples
917        --------
918        >>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4))
919        >>> df.style.set_table_attributes('class="pure-table"')
920        # ... <table class="pure-table"> ...
921        """
922        self.table_attributes = attributes
923        return self
925    def export(self) -> List[Tuple[Callable, Tuple, Dict]]:
926        """
927        Export the styles to applied to the current Styler.
929        Can be applied to a second style with ``Styler.use``.
931        Returns
932        -------
933        styles : list
935        See Also
936        --------
937        Styler.use: Set the styles on the current Styler.
938        """
939        return self._todo
941    def use(self, styles: List[Tuple[Callable, Tuple, Dict]]) -> "Styler":
942        """
943        Set the styles on the current Styler.
945        Possibly uses styles from ``Styler.export``.
947        Parameters
948        ----------
949        styles : list
950            List of style functions.
952        Returns
953        -------
954        self : Styler
956        See Also
957        --------
958        Styler.export : Export the styles to applied to the current Styler.
959        """
960        self._todo.extend(styles)
961        return self
963    def set_uuid(self, uuid: str) -> "Styler":
964        """
965        Set the uuid for a Styler.
967        Parameters
968        ----------
969        uuid : str
971        Returns
972        -------
973        self : Styler
974        """
975        self.uuid = uuid
976        return self
978    def set_caption(self, caption: str) -> "Styler":
979        """
980        Set the caption on a Styler.
982        Parameters
983        ----------
984        caption : str
986        Returns
987        -------
988        self : Styler
989        """
990        self.caption = caption
991        return self
993    def set_table_styles(self, table_styles, axis=0, overwrite=True) -> "Styler":
994        """
995        Set the table styles on a Styler.
997        These are placed in a ``<style>`` tag before the generated HTML table.
999        This function can be used to style the entire table, columns, rows or
1000        specific HTML selectors.
1002        Parameters
1003        ----------
1004        table_styles : list or dict
1005            If supplying a list, each individual table_style should be a
1006            dictionary with ``selector`` and ``props`` keys. ``selector``
1007            should be a CSS selector that the style will be applied to
1008            (automatically prefixed by the table's UUID) and ``props``
1009            should be a list of tuples with ``(attribute, value)``.
1010            If supplying a dict, the dict keys should correspond to
1011            column names or index values, depending upon the specified
1012            `axis` argument. These will be mapped to row or col CSS
1013            selectors. MultiIndex values as dict keys should be
1014            in their respective tuple form. The dict values should be
1015            a list as specified in the form with CSS selectors and
1016            props that will be applied to the specified row or column.
1018            .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0
1020        axis : {0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns', None}, default 0
1021            Apply to each column (``axis=0`` or ``'index'``), to each row
1022            (``axis=1`` or ``'columns'``). Only used if `table_styles` is
1023            dict.
1025            .. versionadded:: 1.2.0
1027        overwrite : boolean, default True
1028            Styles are replaced if `True`, or extended if `False`. CSS
1029            rules are preserved so most recent styles set will dominate
1030            if selectors intersect.
1032            .. versionadded:: 1.2.0
1034        Returns
1035        -------
1036        self : Styler
1038        Examples
1039        --------
1040        >>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4),
1041        ...                   columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
1042        >>> df.style.set_table_styles(
1043        ...     [{'selector': 'tr:hover',
1044        ...       'props': [('background-color', 'yellow')]}]
1045        ... )
1047        Adding column styling by name
1049        >>> df.style.set_table_styles({
1050        ...     'A': [{'selector': '',
1051        ...            'props': [('color', 'red')]}],
1052        ...     'B': [{'selector': 'td',
1053        ...            'props': [('color', 'blue')]}]
1054        ... }, overwrite=False)
1056        Adding row styling
1058        >>> df.style.set_table_styles({
1059        ...     0: [{'selector': 'td:hover',
1060        ...          'props': [('font-size', '25px')]}]
1061        ... }, axis=1, overwrite=False)
1062        """
1063        if is_dict_like(table_styles):
1064            if axis in [0, "index"]:
1065                obj, idf = self.data.columns, ".col"
1066            else:
1067                obj, idf = self.data.index, ".row"
1069            table_styles = [
1070                {
1071                    "selector": s["selector"] + idf + str(obj.get_loc(key)),
1072                    "props": s["props"],
1073                }
1074                for key, styles in table_styles.items()
1075                for s in styles
1076            ]
1078        if not overwrite and self.table_styles is not None:
1079            self.table_styles.extend(table_styles)
1080        else:
1081            self.table_styles = table_styles
1082        return self
1084    def set_na_rep(self, na_rep: str) -> "Styler":
1085        """
1086        Set the missing data representation on a Styler.
1088        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
1090        Parameters
1091        ----------
1092        na_rep : str
1094        Returns
1095        -------
1096        self : Styler
1097        """
1098        self.na_rep = na_rep
1099        return self
1101    def hide_index(self) -> "Styler":
1102        """
1103        Hide any indices from rendering.
1105        Returns
1106        -------
1107        self : Styler
1108        """
1109        self.hidden_index = True
1110        return self
1112    def hide_columns(self, subset) -> "Styler":
1113        """
1114        Hide columns from rendering.
1116        Parameters
1117        ----------
1118        subset : IndexSlice
1119            An argument to ``DataFrame.loc`` that identifies which columns
1120            are hidden.
1122        Returns
1123        -------
1124        self : Styler
1125        """
1126        subset = non_reducing_slice(subset)
1127        hidden_df = self.data.loc[subset]
1128        self.hidden_columns = self.columns.get_indexer_for(hidden_df.columns)
1129        return self
1131    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1132    # A collection of "builtin" styles
1133    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1135    @staticmethod
1136    def _highlight_null(v, null_color: str) -> str:
1137        return f"background-color: {null_color}" if pd.isna(v) else ""
1139    def highlight_null(
1140        self,
1141        null_color: str = "red",
1142        subset: Optional[Union[Label, Sequence[Label]]] = None,
1143    ) -> "Styler":
1144        """
1145        Shade the background ``null_color`` for missing values.
1147        Parameters
1148        ----------
1149        null_color : str, default 'red'
1150        subset : label or list of labels, default None
1151            A valid slice for ``data`` to limit the style application to.
1153            .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
1155        Returns
1156        -------
1157        self : Styler
1158        """
1159        self.applymap(self._highlight_null, null_color=null_color, subset=subset)
1160        return self
1162    def background_gradient(
1163        self,
1164        cmap="PuBu",
1165        low: float = 0,
1166        high: float = 0,
1167        axis: Optional[Axis] = 0,
1168        subset=None,
1169        text_color_threshold: float = 0.408,
1170        vmin: Optional[float] = None,
1171        vmax: Optional[float] = None,
1172    ) -> "Styler":
1173        """
1174        Color the background in a gradient style.
1176        The background color is determined according
1177        to the data in each column (optionally row). Requires matplotlib.
1179        Parameters
1180        ----------
1181        cmap : str or colormap
1182            Matplotlib colormap.
1183        low : float
1184            Compress the range by the low.
1185        high : float
1186            Compress the range by the high.
1187        axis : {0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns', None}, default 0
1188            Apply to each column (``axis=0`` or ``'index'``), to each row
1189            (``axis=1`` or ``'columns'``), or to the entire DataFrame at once
1190            with ``axis=None``.
1191        subset : IndexSlice
1192            A valid slice for ``data`` to limit the style application to.
1193        text_color_threshold : float or int
1194            Luminance threshold for determining text color. Facilitates text
1195            visibility across varying background colors. From 0 to 1.
1196            0 = all text is dark colored, 1 = all text is light colored.
1198            .. versionadded:: 0.24.0
1200        vmin : float, optional
1201            Minimum data value that corresponds to colormap minimum value.
1202            When None (default): the minimum value of the data will be used.
1204            .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
1206        vmax : float, optional
1207            Maximum data value that corresponds to colormap maximum value.
1208            When None (default): the maximum value of the data will be used.
1210            .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
1212        Returns
1213        -------
1214        self : Styler
1216        Raises
1217        ------
1218        ValueError
1219            If ``text_color_threshold`` is not a value from 0 to 1.
1221        Notes
1222        -----
1223        Set ``text_color_threshold`` or tune ``low`` and ``high`` to keep the
1224        text legible by not using the entire range of the color map. The range
1225        of the data is extended by ``low * (x.max() - x.min())`` and ``high *
1226        (x.max() - x.min())`` before normalizing.
1227        """
1228        subset = maybe_numeric_slice(self.data, subset)
1229        subset = non_reducing_slice(subset)
1230        self.apply(
1231            self._background_gradient,
1232            cmap=cmap,
1233            subset=subset,
1234            axis=axis,
1235            low=low,
1236            high=high,
1237            text_color_threshold=text_color_threshold,
1238            vmin=vmin,
1239            vmax=vmax,
1240        )
1241        return self
1243    @staticmethod
1244    def _background_gradient(
1245        s,
1246        cmap="PuBu",
1247        low: float = 0,
1248        high: float = 0,
1249        text_color_threshold: float = 0.408,
1250        vmin: Optional[float] = None,
1251        vmax: Optional[float] = None,
1252    ):
1253        """
1254        Color background in a range according to the data.
1255        """
1256        if (
1257            not isinstance(text_color_threshold, (float, int))
1258            or not 0 <= text_color_threshold <= 1
1259        ):
1260            msg = "`text_color_threshold` must be a value from 0 to 1."
1261            raise ValueError(msg)
1263        with _mpl(Styler.background_gradient) as (plt, colors):
1264            smin = np.nanmin(s.to_numpy()) if vmin is None else vmin
1265            smax = np.nanmax(s.to_numpy()) if vmax is None else vmax
1266            rng = smax - smin
1267            # extend lower / upper bounds, compresses color range
1268            norm = colors.Normalize(smin - (rng * low), smax + (rng * high))
1269            # matplotlib colors.Normalize modifies inplace?
1270            # https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/5427
1271            rgbas = plt.cm.get_cmap(cmap)(norm(s.to_numpy(dtype=float)))
1273            def relative_luminance(rgba) -> float:
1274                """
1275                Calculate relative luminance of a color.
1277                The calculation adheres to the W3C standards
1278                (https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Relative_luminance)
1280                Parameters
1281                ----------
1282                color : rgb or rgba tuple
1284                Returns
1285                -------
1286                float
1287                    The relative luminance as a value from 0 to 1
1288                """
1289                r, g, b = (
1290                    x / 12.92 if x <= 0.03928 else ((x + 0.055) / 1.055 ** 2.4)
1291                    for x in rgba[:3]
1292                )
1293                return 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b
1295            def css(rgba) -> str:
1296                dark = relative_luminance(rgba) < text_color_threshold
1297                text_color = "#f1f1f1" if dark else "#000000"
1298                return f"background-color: {colors.rgb2hex(rgba)};color: {text_color};"
1300            if s.ndim == 1:
1301                return [css(rgba) for rgba in rgbas]
1302            else:
1303                return pd.DataFrame(
1304                    [[css(rgba) for rgba in row] for row in rgbas],
1305                    index=s.index,
1306                    columns=s.columns,
1307                )
1309    def set_properties(self, subset=None, **kwargs) -> "Styler":
1310        """
1311        Method to set one or more non-data dependent properties or each cell.
1313        Parameters
1314        ----------
1315        subset : IndexSlice
1316            A valid slice for ``data`` to limit the style application to.
1317        **kwargs : dict
1318            A dictionary of property, value pairs to be set for each cell.
1320        Returns
1321        -------
1322        self : Styler
1324        Examples
1325        --------
1326        >>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4))
1327        >>> df.style.set_properties(color="white", align="right")
1328        >>> df.style.set_properties(**{'background-color': 'yellow'})
1329        """
1330        values = ";".join(f"{p}: {v}" for p, v in kwargs.items())
1331        f = lambda x: values
1332        return self.applymap(f, subset=subset)
1334    @staticmethod
1335    def _bar(
1336        s,
1337        align: str,
1338        colors: List[str],
1339        width: float = 100,
1340        vmin: Optional[float] = None,
1341        vmax: Optional[float] = None,
1342    ):
1343        """
1344        Draw bar chart in dataframe cells.
1345        """
1346        # Get input value range.
1347        smin = np.nanmin(s.to_numpy()) if vmin is None else vmin
1348        smax = np.nanmax(s.to_numpy()) if vmax is None else vmax
1349        if align == "mid":
1350            smin = min(0, smin)
1351            smax = max(0, smax)
1352        elif align == "zero":
1353            # For "zero" mode, we want the range to be symmetrical around zero.
1354            smax = max(abs(smin), abs(smax))
1355            smin = -smax
1356        # Transform to percent-range of linear-gradient
1357        normed = width * (s.to_numpy(dtype=float) - smin) / (smax - smin + 1e-12)
1358        zero = -width * smin / (smax - smin + 1e-12)
1360        def css_bar(start: float, end: float, color: str) -> str:
1361            """
1362            Generate CSS code to draw a bar from start to end.
1363            """
1364            css = "width: 10em; height: 80%;"
1365            if end > start:
1366                css += "background: linear-gradient(90deg,"
1367                if start > 0:
1368                    css += f" transparent {start:.1f}%, {color} {start:.1f}%, "
1369                e = min(end, width)
1370                css += f"{color} {e:.1f}%, transparent {e:.1f}%)"
1371            return css
1373        def css(x):
1374            if pd.isna(x):
1375                return ""
1377            # avoid deprecated indexing `colors[x > zero]`
1378            color = colors[1] if x > zero else colors[0]
1380            if align == "left":
1381                return css_bar(0, x, color)
1382            else:
1383                return css_bar(min(x, zero), max(x, zero), color)
1385        if s.ndim == 1:
1386            return [css(x) for x in normed]
1387        else:
1388            return pd.DataFrame(
1389                [[css(x) for x in row] for row in normed],
1390                index=s.index,
1391                columns=s.columns,
1392            )
1394    def bar(
1395        self,
1396        subset=None,
1397        axis: Optional[Axis] = 0,
1398        color="#d65f5f",
1399        width: float = 100,
1400        align: str = "left",
1401        vmin: Optional[float] = None,
1402        vmax: Optional[float] = None,
1403    ) -> "Styler":
1404        """
1405        Draw bar chart in the cell backgrounds.
1407        Parameters
1408        ----------
1409        subset : IndexSlice, optional
1410            A valid slice for `data` to limit the style application to.
1411        axis : {0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns', None}, default 0
1412            Apply to each column (``axis=0`` or ``'index'``), to each row
1413            (``axis=1`` or ``'columns'``), or to the entire DataFrame at once
1414            with ``axis=None``.
1415        color : str or 2-tuple/list
1416            If a str is passed, the color is the same for both
1417            negative and positive numbers. If 2-tuple/list is used, the
1418            first element is the color_negative and the second is the
1419            color_positive (eg: ['#d65f5f', '#5fba7d']).
1420        width : float, default 100
1421            A number between 0 or 100. The largest value will cover `width`
1422            percent of the cell's width.
1423        align : {'left', 'zero',' mid'}, default 'left'
1424            How to align the bars with the cells.
1426            - 'left' : the min value starts at the left of the cell.
1427            - 'zero' : a value of zero is located at the center of the cell.
1428            - 'mid' : the center of the cell is at (max-min)/2, or
1429              if values are all negative (positive) the zero is aligned
1430              at the right (left) of the cell.
1431        vmin : float, optional
1432            Minimum bar value, defining the left hand limit
1433            of the bar drawing range, lower values are clipped to `vmin`.
1434            When None (default): the minimum value of the data will be used.
1436            .. versionadded:: 0.24.0
1438        vmax : float, optional
1439            Maximum bar value, defining the right hand limit
1440            of the bar drawing range, higher values are clipped to `vmax`.
1441            When None (default): the maximum value of the data will be used.
1443            .. versionadded:: 0.24.0
1445        Returns
1446        -------
1447        self : Styler
1448        """
1449        if align not in ("left", "zero", "mid"):
1450            raise ValueError("`align` must be one of {'left', 'zero',' mid'}")
1452        if not (is_list_like(color)):
1453            color = [color, color]
1454        elif len(color) == 1:
1455            color = [color[0], color[0]]
1456        elif len(color) > 2:
1457            raise ValueError(
1458                "`color` must be string or a list-like "
1459                "of length 2: [`color_neg`, `color_pos`] "
1460                "(eg: color=['#d65f5f', '#5fba7d'])"
1461            )
1463        subset = maybe_numeric_slice(self.data, subset)
1464        subset = non_reducing_slice(subset)
1465        self.apply(
1466            self._bar,
1467            subset=subset,
1468            axis=axis,
1469            align=align,
1470            colors=color,
1471            width=width,
1472            vmin=vmin,
1473            vmax=vmax,
1474        )
1476        return self
1478    def highlight_max(
1479        self, subset=None, color: str = "yellow", axis: Optional[Axis] = 0
1480    ) -> "Styler":
1481        """
1482        Highlight the maximum by shading the background.
1484        Parameters
1485        ----------
1486        subset : IndexSlice, default None
1487            A valid slice for ``data`` to limit the style application to.
1488        color : str, default 'yellow'
1489        axis : {0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns', None}, default 0
1490            Apply to each column (``axis=0`` or ``'index'``), to each row
1491            (``axis=1`` or ``'columns'``), or to the entire DataFrame at once
1492            with ``axis=None``.
1494        Returns
1495        -------
1496        self : Styler
1497        """
1498        return self._highlight_handler(subset=subset, color=color, axis=axis, max_=True)
1500    def highlight_min(
1501        self, subset=None, color: str = "yellow", axis: Optional[Axis] = 0
1502    ) -> "Styler":
1503        """
1504        Highlight the minimum by shading the background.
1506        Parameters
1507        ----------
1508        subset : IndexSlice, default None
1509            A valid slice for ``data`` to limit the style application to.
1510        color : str, default 'yellow'
1511        axis : {0 or 'index', 1 or 'columns', None}, default 0
1512            Apply to each column (``axis=0`` or ``'index'``), to each row
1513            (``axis=1`` or ``'columns'``), or to the entire DataFrame at once
1514            with ``axis=None``.
1516        Returns
1517        -------
1518        self : Styler
1519        """
1520        return self._highlight_handler(
1521            subset=subset, color=color, axis=axis, max_=False
1522        )
1524    def _highlight_handler(
1525        self,
1526        subset=None,
1527        color: str = "yellow",
1528        axis: Optional[Axis] = None,
1529        max_: bool = True,
1530    ) -> "Styler":
1531        subset = non_reducing_slice(maybe_numeric_slice(self.data, subset))
1532        self.apply(
1533            self._highlight_extrema, color=color, axis=axis, subset=subset, max_=max_
1534        )
1535        return self
1537    @staticmethod
1538    def _highlight_extrema(
1539        data: FrameOrSeries, color: str = "yellow", max_: bool = True
1540    ):
1541        """
1542        Highlight the min or max in a Series or DataFrame.
1543        """
1544        attr = f"background-color: {color}"
1546        if max_:
1547            extrema = data == np.nanmax(data.to_numpy())
1548        else:
1549            extrema = data == np.nanmin(data.to_numpy())
1551        if data.ndim == 1:  # Series from .apply
1552            return [attr if v else "" for v in extrema]
1553        else:  # DataFrame from .tee
1554            return pd.DataFrame(
1555                np.where(extrema, attr, ""), index=data.index, columns=data.columns
1556            )
1558    @classmethod
1559    def from_custom_template(cls, searchpath, name):
1560        """
1561        Factory function for creating a subclass of ``Styler``.
1563        Uses a custom template and Jinja environment.
1565        Parameters
1566        ----------
1567        searchpath : str or list
1568            Path or paths of directories containing the templates.
1569        name : str
1570            Name of your custom template to use for rendering.
1572        Returns
1573        -------
1574        MyStyler : subclass of Styler
1575            Has the correct ``env`` and ``template`` class attributes set.
1576        """
1577        loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader([jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath), cls.loader])
1579        # mypy doesnt like dynamically-defined class
1580        # error: Variable "cls" is not valid as a type  [valid-type]
1581        # error: Invalid base class "cls"  [misc]
1582        class MyStyler(cls):  # type:ignore[valid-type,misc]
1583            env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader)
1584            template = env.get_template(name)
1586        return MyStyler
1588    def pipe(self, func: Callable, *args, **kwargs):
1589        """
1590        Apply ``func(self, *args, **kwargs)``, and return the result.
1592        .. versionadded:: 0.24.0
1594        Parameters
1595        ----------
1596        func : function
1597            Function to apply to the Styler.  Alternatively, a
1598            ``(callable, keyword)`` tuple where ``keyword`` is a string
1599            indicating the keyword of ``callable`` that expects the Styler.
1600        *args : optional
1601            Arguments passed to `func`.
1602        **kwargs : optional
1603            A dictionary of keyword arguments passed into ``func``.
1605        Returns
1606        -------
1607        object :
1608            The value returned by ``func``.
1610        See Also
1611        --------
1612        DataFrame.pipe : Analogous method for DataFrame.
1613        Styler.apply : Apply a function row-wise, column-wise, or table-wise to
1614            modify the dataframe's styling.
1616        Notes
1617        -----
1618        Like :meth:`DataFrame.pipe`, this method can simplify the
1619        application of several user-defined functions to a styler.  Instead
1620        of writing:
1622        .. code-block:: python
1624            f(g(df.style.set_precision(3), arg1=a), arg2=b, arg3=c)
1626        users can write:
1628        .. code-block:: python
1630            (df.style.set_precision(3)
1631               .pipe(g, arg1=a)
1632               .pipe(f, arg2=b, arg3=c))
1634        In particular, this allows users to define functions that take a
1635        styler object, along with other parameters, and return the styler after
1636        making styling changes (such as calling :meth:`Styler.apply` or
1637        :meth:`Styler.set_properties`).  Using ``.pipe``, these user-defined
1638        style "transformations" can be interleaved with calls to the built-in
1639        Styler interface.
1641        Examples
1642        --------
1643        >>> def format_conversion(styler):
1644        ...     return (styler.set_properties(**{'text-align': 'right'})
1645        ...                   .format({'conversion': '{:.1%}'}))
1647        The user-defined ``format_conversion`` function above can be called
1648        within a sequence of other style modifications:
1650        >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'trial': list(range(5)),
1651        ...                    'conversion': [0.75, 0.85, np.nan, 0.7, 0.72]})
1652        >>> (df.style
1653        ...    .highlight_min(subset=['conversion'], color='yellow')
1654        ...    .pipe(format_conversion)
1655        ...    .set_caption("Results with minimum conversion highlighted."))
1656        """
1657        return com.pipe(self, func, *args, **kwargs)
1660def _is_visible(idx_row, idx_col, lengths) -> bool:
1661    """
1662    Index -> {(idx_row, idx_col): bool}).
1663    """
1664    return (idx_col, idx_row) in lengths
1667def _get_level_lengths(index, hidden_elements=None):
1668    """
1669    Given an index, find the level length for each element.
1671    Optional argument is a list of index positions which
1672    should not be visible.
1674    Result is a dictionary of (level, initial_position): span
1675    """
1676    if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):
1677        levels = index.format(sparsify=lib.no_default, adjoin=False)
1678    else:
1679        levels = index.format()
1681    if hidden_elements is None:
1682        hidden_elements = []
1684    lengths = {}
1685    if index.nlevels == 1:
1686        for i, value in enumerate(levels):
1687            if i not in hidden_elements:
1688                lengths[(0, i)] = 1
1689        return lengths
1691    for i, lvl in enumerate(levels):
1692        for j, row in enumerate(lvl):
1693            if not get_option("display.multi_sparse"):
1694                lengths[(i, j)] = 1
1695            elif (row is not lib.no_default) and (j not in hidden_elements):
1696                last_label = j
1697                lengths[(i, last_label)] = 1
1698            elif row is not lib.no_default:
1699                # even if its hidden, keep track of it in case
1700                # length >1 and later elements are visible
1701                last_label = j
1702                lengths[(i, last_label)] = 0
1703            elif j not in hidden_elements:
1704                lengths[(i, last_label)] += 1
1706    non_zero_lengths = {
1707        element: length for element, length in lengths.items() if length >= 1
1708    }
1710    return non_zero_lengths
1713def _maybe_wrap_formatter(
1714    formatter: Union[Callable, str], na_rep: Optional[str]
1715) -> Callable:
1716    if isinstance(formatter, str):
1717        formatter_func = lambda x: formatter.format(x)
1718    elif callable(formatter):
1719        formatter_func = formatter
1720    else:
1721        msg = f"Expected a template string or callable, got {formatter} instead"
1722        raise TypeError(msg)
1724    if na_rep is None:
1725        return formatter_func
1726    elif isinstance(na_rep, str):
1727        return lambda x: na_rep if pd.isna(x) else formatter_func(x)
1728    else:
1729        msg = f"Expected a string, got {na_rep} instead"
1730        raise TypeError(msg)