1 /* labelg.c version 2.0; B D McKay, Jun 2015 */
3 #define USAGE "labelg [-q] [-sgz | -C#W#] [-fxxx] [-S|-t] \n\
4                           [-i# -I#:# -K#] [infile [outfile]]"
6 #define HELPTEXT \
7 " Canonically label a file of graphs or digraphs.\n\
8 \n\
9     -s  force output to sparse6 format\n\
10     -g  force output to graph6 format\n\
11     -z  force output to digraph6 format\n\
12         If neither -s, -g or -z are given, the output format is\n\
13         determined by the header or, if there is none, by the\n\
14         format of the first input graph. As an exception, digraphs\n\
15         are always written in digraph6 format.\n\
16     -S  Use sparse representation internally.\n\
17          Note that this changes the canonical labelling.\n\
18          Multiple edges are not supported.  One loop per vertex is ok.\n\
19     -t  Use Traces.\n\
20          Note that this changes the canonical labelling.\n\
21          Multiple edges and loops are not supported, nor invariants.\n\
22 \n\
23     -C# Make an invariant in 0..#-1 and output the number of graphs\n\
24 	with each value of the invariant.  Don't write graphs unless\n\
25         -W too.\n\
26     -W# (requires -C) Output the graphs with this invariant value,\n\
27         in their original labelling.  Don't write the table.\n\
28 \n\
29     The output file will have a header if and only if the input file does.\n\
30 \n\
31     -fxxx  Specify a partition of the point set.  xxx is any\n\
32         string of ASCII characters except nul.  This string is\n\
33         considered extended to infinity on the right with the\n\
34         character 'z'.  One character is associated with each point,\n\
35         in the order given.  The labelling used obeys these rules:\n\
36          (1) the new order of the points is such that the associated\n\
37         characters are in ASCII ascending order\n\
38          (2) if two graphs are labelled using the same string xxx,\n\
39         the output graphs are identical iff there is an\n\
40         associated-character-preserving isomorphism between them.\n\
41         No option can be concatenated to the right of -f.\n\
42 \n\
43     -i#  select an invariant (1 = twopaths, 2 = adjtriang(K), 3 = triples,\n\
44         4 = quadruples, 5 = celltrips, 6 = cellquads, 7 = cellquins,\n\
45         8 = distances(K), 9 = indsets(K), 10 = cliques(K), 11 = cellcliq(K),\n\
46        12 = cellind(K), 13 = adjacencies, 14 = cellfano, 15 = cellfano2,\n\
47        16 = refinvar(K))\n\
48     -I#:#  select mininvarlevel and maxinvarlevel (default 1:1)\n\
49     -K#   select invararg (default 3)\n\
50 \n\
51     -q  suppress auxiliary information\n"
54 /*************************************************************************/
56 #include "gtools.h"
57 #include "nautinv.h"
58 #include "gutils.h"
59 #include "traces.h"
61 static struct invarrec
62 {
63     void (*entrypoint)(graph*,int*,int*,int,int,int,int*,
64                       int,boolean,int,int);
65     void (*entrypoint_sg)(graph*,int*,int*,int,int,int,int*,
66                       int,boolean,int,int);
67     char *name;
68 } invarproc[]
69     = {{NULL, NULL, "none"},
70        {twopaths,   NULL, "twopaths"},
71        {adjtriang,  NULL, "adjtriang"},
72        {triples,    NULL, "triples"},
73        {quadruples, NULL, "quadruples"},
74        {celltrips,  NULL, "celltrips"},
75        {cellquads,  NULL, "cellquads"},
76        {cellquins,  NULL, "cellquins"},
77        {distances, distances_sg, "distances"},
78        {indsets,    NULL, "indsets"},
79        {cliques,    NULL, "cliques"},
80        {cellcliq,   NULL, "cellcliq"},
81        {cellind,    NULL, "cellind"},
82        {adjacencies, adjacencies_sg, "adjacencies"},
83        {cellfano,   NULL, "cellfano"},
84        {cellfano2,  NULL, "cellfano2"},
85        {refinvar,   NULL, "refinvar"}
86       };
88 #define NUMINVARS ((int)(sizeof(invarproc)/sizeof(struct invarrec)))
90 static nauty_counter orbtotal;
91 static double unorbtotal;
92 extern int gt_numorbits;
94 /**************************************************************************/
96 int
97 main(int argc, char *argv[])
98 {
99 	graph *g;
100 	sparsegraph sg,sh;
101 	int m,n,codetype;
102 	int argnum,j,outcode;
103 	char *arg,sw,*fmt;
104 	boolean badargs,digraph;
105 	boolean sswitch,gswitch,qswitch,fswitch,Oswitch;
106 	boolean iswitch,Iswitch,Kswitch,Mswitch,Sswitch;
107 	boolean uswitch,tswitch,Cswitch,Wswitch,zswitch;
108 	boolean dooutput;
109 	int tabsize,outinvar;
110 	int inv,mininvarlevel,maxinvarlevel,invararg;
111 	long minil,maxil;
112 	double t;
113 	char *infilename,*outfilename;
114 	FILE *infile,*outfile;
115 	nauty_counter nin,nout;
116 	int ii,secret,loops;
117 	DEFAULTOPTIONS_TRACES(traces_opts);
118 	TracesStats traces_stats;
119 #if MAXN
120 	graph h[MAXN*MAXM];
121 	int lab[MAXN],ptn[MAXN],orbits[MAXN];
122 #else
123 	DYNALLSTAT(graph,h,h_sz);
124 	DYNALLSTAT(int,lab,lab_sz);
125 	DYNALLSTAT(int,ptn,ptn_sz);
126 	DYNALLSTAT(int,orbits,orbits_sz);
127 #endif
128         DYNALLSTAT(nauty_counter,tab,tab_sz);
132 	nauty_check(WORDSIZE,1,1,NAUTYVERSIONID);
134 	sswitch = gswitch = qswitch = FALSE;
135 	fswitch = Oswitch = Mswitch = FALSE;
136 	iswitch = Iswitch = Kswitch = FALSE;
137 	uswitch = Sswitch = tswitch = FALSE;
138 	zswitch = Cswitch = Wswitch = FALSE;
139 	infilename = outfilename = NULL;
140 	inv = 0;
142 	argnum = 0;
143 	badargs = FALSE;
144 	for (j = 1; !badargs && j < argc; ++j)
145 	{
146 	    arg = argv[j];
147 	    if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] != '\0')
148 	    {
149 		++arg;
150 		while (*arg != '\0')
151 		{
152 		    sw = *arg++;
153 		         SWBOOLEAN('s',sswitch)
154 		    else SWBOOLEAN('g',gswitch)
155 		    else SWBOOLEAN('z',zswitch)
156 		    else SWBOOLEAN('u',uswitch)
157 		    else SWBOOLEAN('q',qswitch)
158 		    else SWBOOLEAN('O',Oswitch)
159 		    else SWBOOLEAN('S',Sswitch)
160 		    else SWBOOLEAN('t',tswitch)
161 		    else SWINT('C',Cswitch,tabsize,"labelg -C")
162 		    else SWINT('W',Wswitch,outinvar,"labelg -W")
163 		    else SWINT('i',iswitch,inv,"labelg -i")
164 		    else SWINT('K',Kswitch,invararg,"labelg -K")
165 		    else SWRANGE('k',":-",Iswitch,minil,maxil,"labelg -k")
166 		    else SWRANGE('I',":-",Iswitch,minil,maxil,"labelg -I")
167 		    else if (sw == 'f')
168 		    {
169 			fswitch = TRUE;
170 			fmt = arg;
171 			break;
172 		    }
173 		    else SWINT('M',Mswitch,secret,"labelg -M")
174 		    else badargs = TRUE;
175 		}
176 	    }
177 	    else
178 	    {
179 		++argnum;
180 		if      (argnum == 1) infilename = arg;
181 	        else if (argnum == 2) outfilename = arg;
182 		else                  badargs = TRUE;
183 	    }
184 	}
186 	if ((sswitch!=0) + (zswitch!=0) + (gswitch!=0) + (uswitch!=0) > 1)
187             gt_abort(">E labelg: -szgu are incompatible\n");
189 	if (tswitch && (fswitch || Sswitch))
190             gt_abort(">E labelg: -t is incompatible with -S and -f \n");
192 	if (iswitch && inv == 0) iswitch = FALSE;
194 	if (!Sswitch && iswitch && (inv > NUMINVARS))
195 	    gt_abort(">E labelg: -i value must be 0..16\n");
196 	if (tswitch && iswitch)
197 	    gt_abort(">E labelg: invariants are not available with -t\n");
198 	if (Wswitch && (sswitch || gswitch || zswitch || uswitch || !Cswitch))
199             gt_abort(">E labelg: -W forbids -sgzu and requires -C\n");
200 	if (Cswitch && tabsize <= 0)
201 	    gt_abort(">E labelg: bad value for -C\n");
202 	if (Wswitch && (outinvar < 0 || outinvar >= tabsize))
203 	    gt_abort(">E labelg: value of -W is not valid\n");
204         if (Sswitch && iswitch && invarproc[inv].entrypoint_sg == NULL)
205 	    gt_abort(
206                 ">E labelg: that invariant is not available in sparse mode\n");
209 	if (iswitch)
210 	{
211 	    if (Iswitch)
212 	    {
213 		mininvarlevel = minil;
214 		maxinvarlevel = maxil;
215 	    }
216 	    else
217 		mininvarlevel = maxinvarlevel = 1;
218 	    if (!Kswitch) invararg = 3;
219 	}
221 	if (!Mswitch) secret = 1;
223 	if (badargs || argnum > 2)
224 	{
225 	    fprintf(stderr,">E Usage: %s\n",USAGE);
226 	    GETHELP;
227 	    exit(1);
228 	}
230 	if (!qswitch)
231 	{
232 	    fprintf(stderr,">A labelg");
233 	    if (sswitch || gswitch || fswitch || iswitch || zswitch
234 			|| tswitch || Sswitch || Cswitch || Wswitch)
235 		fprintf(stderr," -");
236 	    if (sswitch) fprintf(stderr,"s");
237 	    if (gswitch) fprintf(stderr,"g");
238 	    if (zswitch) fprintf(stderr,"z");
239 	    if (Sswitch) fprintf(stderr,"S");
240 	    if (tswitch) fprintf(stderr,"t");
241 	    if (Cswitch) fprintf(stderr,"C%d",tabsize);
242 	    if (Wswitch) fprintf(stderr,"W%d",outinvar);
243 	    if (iswitch)
244 		fprintf(stderr,"i=%s[%d:%d,%d]",invarproc[inv].name,
245 		        mininvarlevel,maxinvarlevel,invararg);
246 	    if (fswitch) fprintf(stderr,"f%s",fmt);
247 	    if (argnum > 0) fprintf(stderr," %s",infilename);
248 	    if (argnum > 1) fprintf(stderr," %s",outfilename);
249 	    fprintf(stderr,"\n");
250 	    fflush(stderr);
251 	}
253 	if (Cswitch & !Wswitch)
254 	{
255 	    DYNALLOC1(nauty_counter,tab,tab_sz,tabsize,"table");
256 	    for (j = 0; j < tabsize; ++j) tab[j] = 0;
257 	}
259 	if (infilename && infilename[0] == '-') infilename = NULL;
260 	infile = opengraphfile(infilename,&codetype,FALSE,1);
262 	if (!infile) exit(1);
263 	if (!infilename) infilename = "stdin";
265 	if (!outfilename || outfilename[0] == '-')
266 	{
267 	    outfilename = "stdout";
268 	    outfile = stdout;
269 	}
270 	else if ((outfile = fopen(outfilename,"w")) == NULL)
271 	{
272 	    fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output file %s\n",outfilename);
273 	    gt_abort(NULL);
274 	}
276 	if (uswitch)
277 	    outcode = 0;
278 	else if (Cswitch && !Wswitch)
279 	    outcode = -1;
280 	else if (Cswitch && Wswitch)
281 	    outcode = -2;
282         else if (gswitch)
283             outcode = GRAPH6;
284         else if (sswitch)
285             outcode = SPARSE6;
286         else if (zswitch)
287             outcode = DIGRAPH6;
288 	else if ((codetype&DIGRAPH6))
289 	    outcode = DIGRAPH6;
290 	else if ((codetype&GRAPH6))
291 	    outcode = GRAPH6;
292 	else if ((codetype&SPARSE6))
293 	    outcode = SPARSE6;
294 	else
295         {
296 	    outcode = GRAPH6;
297 	    fprintf(stderr,
298                 ">W labelg doesn't handle this graph format, writing graph6.\n");
299         }
301 	dooutput = (outcode == GRAPH6 || outcode == DIGRAPH6 || outcode == SPARSE6);
303 	if (!fswitch) fmt = NULL;
305 	if (!uswitch && (codetype&HAS_HEADER))
306 	{
307 	    if (outcode == SPARSE6)       writeline(outfile,SPARSE6_HEADER);
308 	    else if (outcode == DIGRAPH6) writeline(outfile,DIGRAPH6_HEADER);
309 	    else    		          writeline(outfile,GRAPH6_HEADER);
310 	}
312 	nin = nout = 0;
313 	orbtotal = 0;
314 	unorbtotal = 0.0;
315 	t = CPUTIME;
316 	if (Sswitch)
317 	{
318 	    SG_INIT(sg);
319 	    SG_INIT(sh);
320 	    while (TRUE)
321 	    {
322 		if (read_sgg_loops(infile,&sg,&loops,&digraph) == NULL) break;
323 		++nin;
324 		n = sg.nv;
325 		m = (n + WORDSIZE - 1) / WORDSIZE;
326 		SG_ALLOC(sh,n,sg.nde,"labelg");
327 		for (ii = 0; ii < secret; ++ii)
328 		    fcanonise_inv_sg(&sg,m,n,&sh,fmt,invarproc[inv].entrypoint_sg,
329 		                 mininvarlevel,maxinvarlevel,invararg,loops>0||digraph);
330 		sortlists_sg(&sh);
331 		if (n > 0)
332 		{
333 	            orbtotal += gt_numorbits;
334 	            unorbtotal += 1.0 / gt_numorbits;
335 		}
336 		if (dooutput && (outcode == DIGRAPH6 || digraph)) writed6_sg(outfile,&sh);
337 	        else if (outcode == SPARSE6) writes6_sg(outfile,&sh);
338 	        else if (outcode == GRAPH6) writeg6_sg(outfile,&sh);
339 		else if (outcode == -1)
340 		    ++tab[hashgraph_sg(&sh,137)%tabsize];
341 		else if (outcode == -2 && (hashgraph_sg(&sh,137)%tabsize) == outinvar)
342 		{
343 		    writelast(outfile);
344 		    ++nout;
345 		}
346 	    }
347 	}
348 	else if (tswitch)
349 	{
350 	    SG_INIT(sg);
351 	    SG_INIT(sh);
352 	    traces_opts.getcanon = TRUE;
353 	    traces_opts.writeautoms = FALSE;
354 	    traces_opts.verbosity = 0;
355 	    traces_opts.outfile = stdout;
357 	    while (TRUE)
358 	    {
359 		if (read_sgg_loops(infile,&sg,&loops,&digraph) == NULL) break;
360 		if (loops > 0 || digraph)
361                     gt_abort(">E Traces does not allow loops or directed edges\n");
362 		++nin;
363 		n = sg.nv;
364 	        DYNALLOC1(int,lab,lab_sz,n,"traces@labelg");
365 	        DYNALLOC1(int,ptn,ptn_sz,n,"traces@labelg");
366 	        DYNALLOC1(int,orbits,orbits_sz,n,"traces@labelg");
367 		SG_ALLOC(sh,n,sg.nde,"labelg");
368 		sh.nv = sg.nv;
369 		sh.nde = sg.nde;
370 		if (n > 0)
371 		{
372 		    for (ii = 0; ii < n; ++ii) { lab[ii] = ii; ptn[ii] = 1; }
373 		    ptn[n-1] = 0;
374 		    for (ii = 0; ii < secret; ++ii)
375 		        Traces(&sg,lab,ptn,orbits,&traces_opts,&traces_stats,&sh);
376 		    sortlists_sg(&sh);
377 	            orbtotal += gt_numorbits;
378 	            unorbtotal += 1.0 / gt_numorbits;
379 		}
380 	        if (outcode == SPARSE6) writes6_sg(outfile,&sh);
381 	        else if (outcode == GRAPH6) writeg6_sg(outfile,&sh);
382 		else if (outcode == -1)
383 		    ++tab[hashgraph_sg(&sh,137)%tabsize];
384 		else if (outcode == -2 && (hashgraph_sg(&sh,137)%tabsize) == outinvar)
385 		{
386 		    writelast(outfile);
387 		    ++nout;
388 		}
389 		SG_FREE(sh);
390 	    }
391 	}
392 	else
393 	{
394 	    while (TRUE)
395 	    {
396 	        if ((g = readgg(infile,NULL,0,&m,&n,&digraph)) == NULL) break;
397 	        ++nin;
398 #if !MAXN
399 	        DYNALLOC2(graph,h,h_sz,n,m,"labelg");
400 #endif
401 		loops = loopcount(g,m,n);
402 	        for (ii = 0; ii < secret; ++ii)
403 	            fcanonise_inv(g,m,n,h,fmt,invarproc[inv].entrypoint,
404 			        mininvarlevel,maxinvarlevel,invararg,loops>0||digraph);
405 		if (n > 0)
406 		{
407 	            orbtotal += gt_numorbits;
408 	            unorbtotal += 1.0 / gt_numorbits;
409 		}
410 		if (dooutput && (outcode == DIGRAPH6 || digraph)) writed6(outfile,h,m,n);
411 	        else if (outcode == SPARSE6) writes6(outfile,h,m,n);
412 	        else if (outcode == GRAPH6) writeg6(outfile,h,m,n);
413 		else if (outcode == -1)
414 		    ++tab[hashgraph(h,m,n,137)%tabsize];
415 		else if (outcode == -2 && (hashgraph(h,m,n,137)%tabsize) == outinvar)
416 		{
417 		    writelast(outfile);
418 		    ++nout;
419 		}
420 	        FREES(g);
421 	    }
422 	}
423 	t = CPUTIME - t;
425 	if (Oswitch)
426 	    fprintf(stderr,">C orbit totals = " COUNTER_FMT " %15.8f\n",
427 			   orbtotal,unorbtotal);
428         if (!qswitch)
429 	{
430 	    if (outcode == -1)
431 	    {
432 		for (j = 0; j < tabsize; ++j)
433 		    fprintf(stderr,">C %5d " COUNTER_FMT "\n",j,tab[j]);
434 		fprintf(stderr,">Z " COUNTER_FMT " total from %s in %3.2f sec.\n",
435 		    nin,infilename,t);
436 	    }
437 	    else if (outcode == -2)
438 	    {
439                 fprintf(stderr,
440                     ">Z " COUNTER_FMT " out of " COUNTER_FMT
441                     " graphs copied from %s to %s in %3.2f sec.\n",
442                     nout,nin,infilename,outfilename,t);
443 	    }
444 	    else
445 	    {
446                 fprintf(stderr,
447                         ">Z " COUNTER_FMT
448                         " graphs labelled from %s to %s in %3.2f sec.\n",
449                     nin,infilename,outfilename,t);
450 	    }
451 	}
453 	exit(0);
454 }