2# This file is part of pySMT.
4#   Copyright 2014 Andrea Micheli and Marco Gario
6#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
10#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16#   limitations under the License.
18import os
19from tempfile import mkstemp
21from six.moves import cStringIO
23import pysmt.logics as logics
24from pysmt.test import TestCase, skipIfNoSolverForLogic, main
25from pysmt.test.examples import get_example_formulae
26from pysmt.smtlib.parser import SmtLibParser, Tokenizer
27from pysmt.smtlib.script import smtlibscript_from_formula
28from pysmt.shortcuts import Iff
29from pysmt.shortcuts import read_smtlib, write_smtlib, get_env
30from pysmt.exceptions import PysmtSyntaxError
32class TestSMTParseExamples(TestCase):
34    def test_parse_examples(self):
35        fs = get_example_formulae()
37        for (f_out, _, _, logic) in fs:
38            if logic == logics.QF_BV:
39                # See test_parse_examples_bv
40                continue
41            buf = cStringIO()
42            script_out = smtlibscript_from_formula(f_out)
43            script_out.serialize(outstream=buf)
44            #print(buf)
46            buf.seek(0)
47            parser = SmtLibParser()
48            script_in = parser.get_script(buf)
49            f_in = script_in.get_last_formula()
50            self.assertEqual(f_in.simplify(), f_out.simplify())
53    @skipIfNoSolverForLogic(logics.QF_BV)
54    def test_parse_examples_bv(self):
55        """For BV we represent a superset of the operators defined in SMT-LIB.
57        We verify the correctness of the serialization process by
58        checking the equivalence of the original and serialized
59        expression.
60        """
61        fs = get_example_formulae()
63        for (f_out, _, _, logic) in fs:
64            if logic != logics.QF_BV:
65                continue
66            buf_out = cStringIO()
67            script_out = smtlibscript_from_formula(f_out)
68            script_out.serialize(outstream=buf_out)
70            buf_in = cStringIO(buf_out.getvalue())
71            parser = SmtLibParser()
72            script_in = parser.get_script(buf_in)
73            f_in = script_in.get_last_formula()
75            self.assertValid(Iff(f_in, f_out))
77    def test_parse_examples_daggified(self):
78        fs = get_example_formulae()
80        for (f_out, _, _, logic) in fs:
81            if logic == logics.QF_BV:
82                # See test_parse_examples_daggified_bv
83                continue
84            buf_out = cStringIO()
85            script_out = smtlibscript_from_formula(f_out)
86            script_out.serialize(outstream=buf_out, daggify=True)
87            buf_in = cStringIO(buf_out.getvalue())
88            parser = SmtLibParser()
89            script_in = parser.get_script(buf_in)
90            f_in = script_in.get_last_formula()
91            self.assertEqual(f_in.simplify(), f_out.simplify())
93    @skipIfNoSolverForLogic(logics.QF_BV)
94    def test_parse_examples_daggified_bv(self):
95        fs = get_example_formulae()
97        for (f_out, _, _, logic) in fs:
98            if logic != logics.QF_BV:
99                # See test_parse_examples_daggified
100                continue
101            buf_out = cStringIO()
102            script_out = smtlibscript_from_formula(f_out)
103            script_out.serialize(outstream=buf_out, daggify=True)
104            buf_in = cStringIO(buf_out.getvalue())
105            parser = SmtLibParser()
106            script_in = parser.get_script(buf_in)
107            f_in = script_in.get_last_formula()
108            self.assertValid(Iff(f_in, f_out), f_in.serialize())
110    def test_dumped_logic(self):
111        # Dumped logic matches the logic in the example
112        fs = get_example_formulae()
114        for (f_out, _, _, logic) in fs:
115            buf_out = cStringIO()
116            script_out = smtlibscript_from_formula(f_out)
117            script_out.serialize(outstream=buf_out)
118            buf_in = cStringIO(buf_out.getvalue())
119            parser = SmtLibParser()
120            script_in = parser.get_script(buf_in)
121            for cmd in script_in:
122                if cmd.name == "set-logic":
123                    logic_in = cmd.args[0]
124                    if logic == logics.QF_BOOL:
125                        self.assertEqual(logic_in, logics.QF_UF)
126                    elif logic == logics.BOOL:
127                        self.assertEqual(logic_in, logics.LRA)
128                    else:
129                        self.assertEqual(logic_in, logic, script_in)
130                    break
131            else: # Loops exited normally
132                print("-"*40)
133                print(script_in)
135    def test_read_and_write_shortcuts(self):
136        fs = get_example_formulae()
138        fdi, tmp_fname = mkstemp()
139        os.close(fdi) # Close initial file descriptor
140        for (f_out, _, _, _) in fs:
141            write_smtlib(f_out, tmp_fname)
142            # with open(tmp_fname) as fin:
143            #     print(fin.read())
145            f_in = read_smtlib(tmp_fname)
146            self.assertEqual(f_out.simplify(), f_in.simplify())
147        # Clean-up
148        os.remove(tmp_fname)
150    def test_incomplete_stream(self):
151        txt = """
152        (declare-fun A () Bool)
153        (declare-fun B () Bool)
154        (assert (and A
155        """
156        parser = SmtLibParser()
157        with self.assertRaises(PysmtSyntaxError):
158            parser.get_script(cStringIO(txt))
160    def test_parse_consume(self):
161        smt_script = """
162        (model
163        (define-fun STRING_cmd_line_arg_1_1000 () String "AAAAAAAAAAAA")
164        )
165        """
166        tokens = Tokenizer(cStringIO(smt_script), interactive=True)
167        parser = SmtLibParser()
168        tokens.consume()
169        tokens.consume()
170        next_token = tokens.consume()
171        tokens.add_extra_token(next_token)
172        tokens.consume()
174    def test_parser_params(self):
175        txt = """
176        (define-fun x ((y Int)) Bool (> y 0))
177        (declare-fun z () Int)
178        (declare-fun y () Bool)
179        (assert (and y (x z)))
180        """
181        parser = SmtLibParser()
182        script = parser.get_script(cStringIO(txt))
183        self.assertEqual(len(get_env().formula_manager.get_all_symbols()),
184                         len(script.get_declared_symbols()) + len(script.get_define_fun_parameter_symbols()))
186    @skipIfNoSolverForLogic(logics.QF_ABV)
187    def test_nary_bvconcat(self):
188        txt = """
189        (set-logic QF_BV )
190        (declare-fun INPUT () (Array (_ BitVec 32) (_ BitVec 8) ) )
191        (declare-fun A () (_ BitVec 64))(assert (= A (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) (select INPUT #x00000000))) #x0000000000000000))))
192        (declare-fun B () (_ BitVec 64))(assert (= B (concat ((_ extract 63 56) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) ((_ extract 7 0) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) (select INPUT #x00000000))) #x0000000000000000))))) #x0000000000000000))) ((_ extract 55 48) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) ((_ extract 7 0) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) (select INPUT #x00000000))) #x0000000000000000))))) #x0000000000000000))) ((_ extract 47 40) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) ((_ extract 7 0) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) (select INPUT #x00000000))) #x0000000000000000))))) #x0000000000000000))) ((_ extract 39 32) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) ((_ extract 7 0) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) (select INPUT #x00000000))) #x0000000000000000))))) #x0000000000000000))) ((_ extract 31 24) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) ((_ extract 7 0) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) (select INPUT #x00000000))) #x0000000000000000))))) #x0000000000000000))) ((_ extract 23 16) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) ((_ extract 7 0) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) (select INPUT #x00000000))) #x0000000000000000))))) #x0000000000000000))) ((_ extract 15 8) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) ((_ extract 7 0) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) (select INPUT #x00000000))) #x0000000000000000))))) #x0000000000000000))) ((_ extract 7 0) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) ((_ extract 7 0) (bvor #x0000000000000000 (bvshl ((_ zero_extend 32) ((_ zero_extend 24) (select INPUT #x00000000))) #x0000000000000000))))) #x0000000000000000))))))
193        (assert (=  A B))
194        (check-sat)"""
195        parser = SmtLibParser()
196        script = parser.get_script(cStringIO(txt))
197        f_in = script.get_last_formula()
198        self.assertSat(f_in)
200if __name__ == "__main__":
201    main()