1 // -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2010-2011, 2013-2016, 2018 Laboratoire de
3 // Recherche et Développement de l'Epita (LRDE).
4 // Copyright (C) 2004, 2005  Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6),
5 // département Systèmes Répartis Coopératifs (SRC), Université Pierre
6 // et Marie Curie.
7 //
8 // This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
9 //
10 // Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
17 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
18 // License for more details.
19 //
20 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 // along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 #include "config.h"
24 #include <spot/twaalgos/gtec/ce.hh>
25 #include <spot/twaalgos/bfssteps.hh>
26 #include <spot/misc/hash.hh>
28 namespace spot
29 {
30   namespace
31   {
32     class shortest_path final: public bfs_steps
33     {
34     public:
shortest_path(const state_set * t,const std::shared_ptr<const couvreur99_check_status> & ecs,couvreur99_check_result * r)35       shortest_path(const state_set* t,
36                     const std::shared_ptr<const couvreur99_check_status>& ecs,
37                     couvreur99_check_result* r)
38         : bfs_steps(ecs->aut), target(t), ecs(ecs), r(r)
39       {
40       }
42       const state*
search(const state * start,twa_run::steps & l)43       search(const state* start, twa_run::steps& l)
44       {
45         return this->bfs_steps::search(filter(start), l);
46       }
48       const state*
filter(const state * s)49       filter(const state* s) override
50       {
51         r->inc_ars_prefix_states();
52         auto i = ecs->h.find(s);
53         s->destroy();
54         // Ignore unknown states ...
55         if (i == ecs->h.end())
56           return nullptr;
57         // ... as well as dead states.
58         if (i->second == -1)
59           return nullptr;
60         return i->first;
61       }
63       bool
match(twa_run::step &,const state * dest)64       match(twa_run::step&, const state* dest) override
65       {
66         return target->find(dest) != target->end();
67       }
69     private:
70       state_set seen;
71       const state_set* target;
72       std::shared_ptr<const couvreur99_check_status> ecs;
73       couvreur99_check_result* r;
74     };
75   }
couvreur99_check_result(const std::shared_ptr<const couvreur99_check_status> & ecs,option_map o)77   couvreur99_check_result::couvreur99_check_result
78   (const std::shared_ptr<const couvreur99_check_status>& ecs,
79    option_map o)
80     : emptiness_check_result(ecs->aut, o), ecs_(ecs)
81   {
82   }
84   unsigned
acss_states() const85   couvreur99_check_result::acss_states() const
86   {
87     int scc_root = ecs_->root.top().index;
88     unsigned count = 0;
89     for (auto i: ecs_->h)
90       if (i.second >= scc_root)
91         ++count;
92     return count;
93   }
95   twa_run_ptr
accepting_run()96   couvreur99_check_result::accepting_run()
97   {
98     run_ = std::make_shared<twa_run>(ecs_->aut);
100     assert(!ecs_->root.empty());
102     // Compute an accepting cycle.
103     accepting_cycle();
105     // Compute the prefix: it's the shortest path from the initial
106     // state of the automata to any state of the cycle.
108     // Register all states from the cycle as target of the BFS.
109     state_set ss;
110     for (twa_run::steps::const_iterator i = run_->cycle.begin();
111          i != run_->cycle.end(); ++i)
112       ss.insert(i->s);
113     shortest_path shpath(&ss, ecs_, this);
115     const state* prefix_start = ecs_->aut->get_init_state();
116     // There are two cases: either the initial state is already on
117     // the cycle, or it is not.  If it is, we will have to rotate
118     // the cycle so it begins on this position.  Otherwise we will shift
119     // the cycle so it begins on the state that follows the prefix.
120     // cycle_entry_point is that state.
121     const state* cycle_entry_point;
122     state_set::const_iterator ps = ss.find(prefix_start);
123     if (ps != ss.end())
124       {
125         // The initial state is on the cycle.
126         prefix_start->destroy();
127         cycle_entry_point = *ps;
128       }
129     else
130       {
131         // This initial state is outside the cycle.  Compute the prefix.
132         cycle_entry_point = shpath.search(prefix_start, run_->prefix);
133       }
135     // Locate cycle_entry_point on the cycle.
136     twa_run::steps::iterator cycle_ep_it;
137     for (cycle_ep_it = run_->cycle.begin();
138          cycle_ep_it != run_->cycle.end()
139            && cycle_entry_point->compare(cycle_ep_it->s); ++cycle_ep_it)
140       continue;
141     assert(cycle_ep_it != run_->cycle.end());
143     // Now shift the cycle so it starts on cycle_entry_point.
144     run_->cycle.splice(run_->cycle.end(), run_->cycle,
145                        run_->cycle.begin(), cycle_ep_it);
147     return run_;
148   }
150   void
accepting_cycle()151   couvreur99_check_result::accepting_cycle()
152   {
153     acc_cond::mark_t acc_to_traverse =
154       ecs_->aut->acc().accepting_sets(ecs_->root.top().condition);
155     // Compute an accepting cycle using successive BFS that are
156     // restarted from the point reached after we have discovered a
157     // transition with a new acceptance conditions.
158     //
159     // This idea is taken from Product<T>::findWitness in LBTT 1.1.2,
160     // which in turn is probably inspired from
161     // @Article{          latvala.00.fi,
162     //   author        = {Timo Latvala and Keijo Heljanko},
163     //   title                = {Coping With Strong Fairness},
164     //   journal        = {Fundamenta Informaticae},
165     //   year                = {2000},
166     //   volume        = {43},
167     //   number        = {1--4},
168     //   pages                = {1--19},
169     //   publisher        = {IOS Press}
170     // }
171     const state* substart = ecs_->cycle_seed;
172     do
173       {
174         struct scc_bfs final: bfs_steps
175         {
176           const couvreur99_check_status* ecs;
177           couvreur99_check_result* r;
178           acc_cond::mark_t& acc_to_traverse;
179           int scc_root;
181           scc_bfs(const couvreur99_check_status* ecs,
182                   couvreur99_check_result* r, acc_cond::mark_t& acc_to_traverse)
183             : bfs_steps(ecs->aut), ecs(ecs), r(r),
184               acc_to_traverse(acc_to_traverse),
185               scc_root(ecs->root.top().index)
186           {
187           }
189           virtual const state*
190           filter(const state* s) override
191           {
192             auto i = ecs->h.find(s);
193             s->destroy();
194             // Ignore unknown states.
195             if (i == ecs->h.end())
196               return nullptr;
197             // Stay in the final SCC.
198             if (i->second < scc_root)
199               return nullptr;
200             r->inc_ars_cycle_states();
201             return i->first;
202           }
204           virtual bool
205           match(twa_run::step& st, const state* s) override
206           {
207             acc_cond::mark_t less_acc =
208               acc_to_traverse - st.acc;
209             if (less_acc != acc_to_traverse
210                 || (!acc_to_traverse
211                     && s == ecs->cycle_seed))
212               {
213                 acc_to_traverse = less_acc;
214                 return true;
215               }
216             return false;
217           }
219         } b(ecs_.get(), this, acc_to_traverse);
221         substart = b.search(substart, run_->cycle);
222         assert(substart);
223       }
224     while (acc_to_traverse || substart != ecs_->cycle_seed);
225   }
227   void
print_stats(std::ostream & os) const228   couvreur99_check_result::print_stats(std::ostream& os) const
229   {
230     ecs_->print_stats(os);
231     // FIXME: This is bogusly assuming run_ exists.  (Even if we
232     // created it, the user might have deleted it.)
233     os << run_->prefix.size() << " states in run_->prefix" << std::endl;
234     os << run_->cycle.size() << " states in run_->cycle" << std::endl;
235   }
237 }