1# distutils: include_dirs = LIB_DIR
2# distutils: libraries = STD_LIBS
4Particle smoothing in cells
12cimport numpy as np
14import numpy as np
16cimport cython
17from cpython.exc cimport PyErr_CheckSignals
18from libc.math cimport cos, fabs, sin, sqrt
19from libc.stdlib cimport free, malloc, realloc
20from libc.string cimport memmove
21from oct_container cimport Oct, OctInfo, OctreeContainer
24cdef void spherical_coord_setup(np.float64_t ipos[3], np.float64_t opos[3]):
25    opos[0] = ipos[0] * sin(ipos[1]) * cos(ipos[2])
26    opos[1] = ipos[0] * sin(ipos[1]) * sin(ipos[2])
27    opos[2] = ipos[0] * cos(ipos[1])
29cdef void cart_coord_setup(np.float64_t ipos[3], np.float64_t opos[3]):
30    opos[0] = ipos[0]
31    opos[1] = ipos[1]
32    opos[2] = ipos[2]
34cdef class ParticleSmoothOperation:
35    def __init__(self, nvals, nfields, max_neighbors, kernel_name):
36        # This is the set of cells, in grids, blocks or octs, we are handling.
37        cdef int i
38        self.nvals = nvals
39        self.nfields = nfields
40        self.maxn = max_neighbors
41        self.sph_kernel = get_kernel_func(kernel_name)
43    def initialize(self, *args):
44        raise NotImplementedError
46    def finalize(self, *args):
47        raise NotImplementedError
49    @cython.cdivision(True)
50    @cython.boundscheck(False)
51    @cython.wraparound(False)
52    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
53    def process_octree(self, OctreeContainer mesh_octree,
54                     np.int64_t [:] mdom_ind,
55                     np.float64_t[:,:] positions,
56                     np.float64_t[:,:] oct_positions,
57                     fields = None, int domain_id = -1,
58                     int domain_offset = 0,
59                     periodicity = (True, True, True),
60                     index_fields = None,
61                     OctreeContainer particle_octree = None,
62                     np.int64_t [:] pdom_ind = None,
63                     geometry = "cartesian"):
64        # This will be a several-step operation.
65        #
66        # We first take all of our particles and assign them to Octs.  If they
67        # are not in an Oct, we will assume they are out of bounds.  Note that
68        # this means that if we have loaded neighbor particles for which an Oct
69        # does not exist, we are going to be discarding them -- so sparse
70        # octrees will need to ensure that neighbor octs *exist*.  Particles
71        # will be assigned in a new NumPy array.  Note that this incurs
72        # overhead, but reduces complexity as we will now be able to use
73        # argsort.
74        #
75        # After the particles have been assigned to Octs, we process each Oct
76        # individually.  We will do this by calling "get" for the *first*
77        # particle in each set of Octs in the sorted list.  After this, we get
78        # neighbors for each Oct.
79        #
80        # Now, with the set of neighbors (and thus their indices) we allocate
81        # an array of particles and their fields, fill these in, and call our
82        # process function.
83        #
84        # This is not terribly efficient -- for starters, the neighbor function
85        # is not the most efficient yet.  We will also need to handle some
86        # mechanism of an expandable array for holding pointers to Octs, so
87        # that we can deal with >27 neighbors.
88        if particle_octree is None:
89            particle_octree = mesh_octree
90            pdom_ind = mdom_ind
91        cdef int nf, i, j, n
92        cdef int dims[3]
93        cdef np.float64_t[:] *field_check
94        cdef np.float64_t **field_pointers
95        cdef np.float64_t *field_vals
96        cdef np.float64_t pos[3]
97        cdef np.float64_t dds[3]
98        cdef np.float64_t **octree_field_pointers
99        cdef int nsize = 0
100        cdef np.int64_t *nind = NULL
101        cdef OctInfo moi, poi
102        cdef Oct *oct
103        cdef np.int64_t numpart, offset, local_ind, poff
104        cdef np.int64_t moff_p, moff_m
105        cdef np.int64_t[:] pind, doff, pdoms, pcount
106        cdef np.int64_t[:,:] doff_m
107        cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] tarr
108        cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=4] iarr
109        cdef np.float64_t[:,:] cart_positions
110        cdef np.float64_t[:,:] oct_left_edges, oct_dds
111        cdef OctInfo oinfo
112        if geometry == "cartesian":
113            self.pos_setup = cart_coord_setup
114            cart_positions = positions
115        elif geometry == "spherical":
116            self.pos_setup = spherical_coord_setup
117            cart_positions = np.empty((positions.shape[0], 3), dtype="float64")
119            cart_positions[:,0] = positions[:,0] * \
120                                  np.sin(positions[:,1]) * \
121                                  np.cos(positions[:,2])
122            cart_positions[:,1] = positions[:,0] * \
123                                  np.sin(positions[:,1]) * \
124                                  np.sin(positions[:,2])
125            cart_positions[:,2] = positions[:,0] * \
126                                  np.cos(positions[:,1])
127            periodicity = (False, False, False)
128        else:
129            raise NotImplementedError
130        dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = (1 << mesh_octree.oref)
131        cdef int nz = dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2]
132        numpart = positions.shape[0]
133        # pcount is the number of particles per oct.
134        pcount = np.zeros_like(pdom_ind)
135        oct_left_edges = np.zeros((pdom_ind.shape[0], 3), dtype='float64')
136        oct_dds = np.zeros_like(oct_left_edges)
137        # doff is the offset to a given oct in the sorted particles.
138        doff = np.zeros_like(pdom_ind) - 1
139        doff_m = np.zeros((mdom_ind.shape[0], 2), dtype="int64")
140        moff_p = particle_octree.get_domain_offset(domain_id + domain_offset)
141        moff_m = mesh_octree.get_domain_offset(domain_id + domain_offset)
142        # pdoms points particles at their octs.  So the value in this array, for
143        # a given index, is the local oct index.
144        pdoms = np.zeros(positions.shape[0], dtype="int64") - 1
145        nf = len(fields)
146        if fields is None:
147            fields = []
148        field_pointers = <np.float64_t**> alloca(sizeof(np.float64_t *) * nf)
149        for i in range(nf):
150            tarr = fields[i]
151            field_pointers[i] = <np.float64_t *> tarr.data
152        if index_fields is None:
153            index_fields = []
154        nf = len(index_fields)
155        index_field_pointers = <np.float64_t**> alloca(sizeof(np.float64_t *) * nf)
156        for i in range(nf):
157            iarr = index_fields[i]
158            index_field_pointers[i] = <np.float64_t *> iarr.data
159        for i in range(3):
160            self.DW[i] = (mesh_octree.DRE[i] - mesh_octree.DLE[i])
161            self.periodicity[i] = periodicity[i]
162        cdef np.float64_t factor = (1 << (particle_octree.oref))
163        for i in range(positions.shape[0]):
164            for j in range(3):
165                pos[j] = positions[i, j]
166            oct = particle_octree.get(pos, &oinfo)
167            if oct == NULL or (domain_id > 0 and oct.domain != domain_id):
168                continue
169            # Note that this has to be our local index, not our in-file index.
170            # This is the particle count, which we'll use once we have sorted
171            # the particles to calculate the offsets into each oct's particles.
172            offset = oct.domain_ind - moff_p
173            pcount[offset] += 1
174            pdoms[i] = offset # We store the *actual* offset.
175            # store oct positions and dds to avoid searching for neighbors
176            # in octs that we know are too far away
177            for j in range(3):
178                oct_left_edges[offset, j] = oinfo.left_edge[j]
179                oct_dds[offset, j] = oinfo.dds[j] * factor
180        # Now we have oct assignments.  Let's sort them.
181        # Note that what we will be providing to our processing functions will
182        # actually be indirectly-sorted fields.  This preserves memory at the
183        # expense of additional pointer lookups.
184        pind = np.asarray(np.argsort(pdoms), dtype='int64', order='C')
185        # So what this means is that we now have all the oct-0 particle indices
186        # in order, then the oct-1, etc etc.
187        # This now gives us the indices to the particles for each domain.
188        for i in range(positions.shape[0]):
189            # This value, poff, is the index of the particle in the *unsorted*
190            # arrays.
191            poff = pind[i]
192            offset = pdoms[poff]
193            # If we have yet to assign the starting index to this oct, we do so
194            # now.
195            if doff[offset] < 0: doff[offset] = i
196        #print(domain_id, domain_offset, moff_p, moff_m)
197        #raise RuntimeError
198        # Now doff is full of offsets to the first entry in the pind that
199        # refers to that oct's particles.
200        cdef np.ndarray[np.uint8_t, ndim=1] visited
201        visited = np.zeros(mdom_ind.shape[0], dtype="uint8")
202        cdef int nproc = 0
203        # This should be thread-private if we ever go to OpenMP
204        cdef DistanceQueue dist_queue = DistanceQueue(self.maxn)
205        dist_queue._setup(self.DW, self.periodicity)
206        for i in range(oct_positions.shape[0]):
207            if (i % 10000) == 0:
208                PyErr_CheckSignals()
209            for j in range(3):
210                pos[j] = oct_positions[i, j]
211            oct = mesh_octree.get(pos, &moi)
212            offset = mdom_ind[oct.domain_ind - moff_m] * nz
213            if visited[oct.domain_ind - moff_m] == 1: continue
214            visited[oct.domain_ind - moff_m] = 1
215            if offset < 0: continue
216            nproc += 1
217            self.neighbor_process(
218                dims, moi.left_edge, moi.dds, cart_positions, field_pointers, doff,
219                &nind, pind, pcount, offset, index_field_pointers,
220                particle_octree, domain_id, &nsize, oct_left_edges,
221                oct_dds, dist_queue)
222        #print("VISITED", visited.sum(), visited.size,)
223        #print(100.0*float(visited.sum())/visited.size)
224        if nind != NULL:
225            free(nind)
227    @cython.cdivision(True)
228    @cython.boundscheck(False)
229    @cython.wraparound(False)
230    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
231    def process_particles(self, OctreeContainer particle_octree,
232                     np.ndarray[np.int64_t, ndim=1] pdom_ind,
233                     np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] positions,
234                     fields = None, int domain_id = -1,
235                     int domain_offset = 0,
236                     periodicity = (True, True, True),
237                     geometry = "cartesian"):
238        # The other functions in this base class process particles in a way
239        # that results in a modification to the *mesh*.  This function is
240        # designed to process neighboring particles in such a way that a new
241        # *particle* field is defined -- this means that new particle
242        # attributes (*not* mesh attributes) can be created that rely on the
243        # values of nearby particles.  For instance, a smoothing kernel, or a
244        # nearest-neighbor field.
245        cdef int nf, i, j, k, n
246        cdef int dims[3]
247        cdef np.float64_t **field_pointers
248        cdef np.float64_t *field_vals
249        cdef np.float64_t dds[3]
250        cdef np.float64_t pos[3]
251        cdef np.float64_t **octree_field_pointers
252        cdef int nsize = 0
253        cdef np.int64_t *nind = NULL
254        cdef OctInfo moi, poi
255        cdef Oct *oct
256        cdef Oct **neighbors = NULL
257        cdef np.int64_t nneighbors, numpart, offset, local_ind
258        cdef np.int64_t moff_p, moff_m, pind0, poff
259        cdef np.int64_t[:] pind, doff, pdoms, pcount
260        cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] tarr
261        cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] cart_positions
262        if geometry == "cartesian":
263            self.pos_setup = cart_coord_setup
264            cart_positions = positions
265        elif geometry == "spherical":
266            self.pos_setup = spherical_coord_setup
267            cart_positions = np.empty((positions.shape[0], 3), dtype="float64")
269            cart_positions[:,0] = positions[:,0] * \
270                                  np.sin(positions[:,1]) * \
271                                  np.cos(positions[:,2])
272            cart_positions[:,1] = positions[:,0] * \
273                                  np.sin(positions[:,1]) * \
274                                  np.sin(positions[:,2])
275            cart_positions[:,2] = positions[:,0] * \
276                                  np.cos(positions[:,1])
277            periodicity = (False, False, False)
278        else:
279            raise NotImplementedError
280        numpart = positions.shape[0]
281        pcount = np.zeros_like(pdom_ind)
282        doff = np.zeros_like(pdom_ind) - 1
283        moff_p = particle_octree.get_domain_offset(domain_id + domain_offset)
284        pdoms = np.zeros(positions.shape[0], dtype="int64") - 1
285        nf = len(fields)
286        if fields is None:
287            fields = []
288        field_pointers = <np.float64_t**> alloca(sizeof(np.float64_t *) * nf)
289        for i in range(nf):
290            tarr = fields[i]
291            field_pointers[i] = <np.float64_t *> tarr.data
292        for i in range(3):
293            self.DW[i] = (particle_octree.DRE[i] - particle_octree.DLE[i])
294            self.periodicity[i] = periodicity[i]
295        for i in range(positions.shape[0]):
296            for j in range(3):
297                pos[j] = positions[i, j]
298            oct = particle_octree.get(pos)
299            if oct == NULL or (domain_id > 0 and oct.domain != domain_id):
300                continue
301            # Note that this has to be our local index, not our in-file index.
302            # This is the particle count, which we'll use once we have sorted
303            # the particles to calculate the offsets into each oct's particles.
304            offset = oct.domain_ind - moff_p
305            pcount[offset] += 1
306            pdoms[i] = offset # We store the *actual* offset.
307        # Now we have oct assignments.  Let's sort them.
308        # Note that what we will be providing to our processing functions will
309        # actually be indirectly-sorted fields.  This preserves memory at the
310        # expense of additional pointer lookups.
311        pind = np.asarray(np.argsort(pdoms), dtype='int64', order='C')
312        # So what this means is that we now have all the oct-0 particle indices
313        # in order, then the oct-1, etc etc.
314        # This now gives us the indices to the particles for each domain.
315        for i in range(positions.shape[0]):
316            # This value, poff, is the index of the particle in the *unsorted*
317            # arrays.
318            poff = pind[i]
319            offset = pdoms[poff]
320            # If we have yet to assign the starting index to this oct, we do so
321            # now.
322            if doff[offset] < 0: doff[offset] = i
323        #print(domain_id, domain_offset, moff_p, moff_m)
324        #raise RuntimeError
325        # Now doff is full of offsets to the first entry in the pind that
326        # refers to that oct's particles.
327        cdef int maxnei = 0
328        cdef int nproc = 0
329        # This should be thread-private if we ever go to OpenMP
330        cdef DistanceQueue dist_queue = DistanceQueue(self.maxn)
331        dist_queue._setup(self.DW, self.periodicity)
332        for i in range(doff.shape[0]):
333            if doff[i] < 0: continue
334            offset = pind[doff[i]]
335            for j in range(3):
336                pos[j] = positions[offset, j]
337            for j in range(pcount[i]):
338                pind0 = pind[doff[i] + j]
339                for k in range(3):
340                    pos[k] = positions[pind0, k]
341                self.neighbor_process_particle(pos, cart_positions, field_pointers,
342                            doff, &nind, pind, pcount, pind0,
343                            NULL, particle_octree, domain_id, &nsize,
344                            dist_queue)
345        #print("VISITED", visited.sum(), visited.size,)
346        #print(100.0*float(visited.sum())/visited.size)
347        if nind != NULL:
348            free(nind)
350    cdef int neighbor_search(self, np.float64_t pos[3], OctreeContainer octree,
351                             np.int64_t **nind, int *nsize,
352                             np.int64_t nneighbors, np.int64_t domain_id,
353                             Oct **oct = NULL, int extra_layer = 0):
354        cdef OctInfo oi
355        cdef Oct *ooct
356        cdef Oct **neighbors
357        cdef Oct **first_layer
358        cdef int j, total_neighbors = 0, initial_layer = 0
359        cdef int layer_ind = 0
360        cdef np.int64_t moff = octree.get_domain_offset(domain_id)
361        ooct = octree.get(pos, &oi)
362        if oct != NULL and ooct == oct[0]:
363            return nneighbors
364        oct[0] = ooct
365        if nind[0] == NULL:
366            nsize[0] = 27
367            nind[0] = <np.int64_t *> malloc(sizeof(np.int64_t)*nsize[0])
368        # This is our "seed" set of neighbors.  If we are asked to, we will
369        # create a master list of neighbors that is much bigger and includes
370        # everything.
371        layer_ind = 0
372        first_layer = NULL
373        while 1:
374            neighbors = octree.neighbors(&oi, &nneighbors, ooct, self.periodicity)
375            # Now we have all our neighbors.  And, we should be set for what
376            # else we need to do.
377            if total_neighbors + nneighbors > nsize[0]:
378                nind[0] = <np.int64_t *> realloc(
379                    nind[0], sizeof(np.int64_t)*(nneighbors + total_neighbors))
380                nsize[0] = nneighbors + total_neighbors
381            for j in range(nneighbors):
382                # Particle octree neighbor indices
383                nind[0][j + total_neighbors] = neighbors[j].domain_ind - moff
384            total_neighbors += nneighbors
385            if extra_layer == 0:
386                # Not adding on any additional layers here.
387                free(neighbors)
388                neighbors = NULL
389                break
390            if initial_layer == 0:
391                initial_layer = nneighbors
392                first_layer = neighbors
393            else:
394                # Allocated internally; we free this in the loops if we aren't
395                # tracking it
396                free(neighbors)
397                neighbors = NULL
398            ooct = first_layer[layer_ind]
399            layer_ind += 1
400            if layer_ind == initial_layer:
401                neighbors
402                break
405        for j in range(total_neighbors):
406            # Particle octree neighbor indices
407            if nind[0][j] == -1: continue
408            for n in range(j):
409                if nind[0][j] == nind[0][n]:
410                    nind[0][j] = -1
411        # This is allocated by the neighbors function, so we deallocate it.
412        if first_layer != NULL:
413            free(first_layer)
414        return total_neighbors
416    @cython.cdivision(True)
417    @cython.boundscheck(False)
418    @cython.wraparound(False)
419    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
420    def process_grid(self, gobj,
421                     np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] positions,
422                     fields = None):
423        raise NotImplementedError
425    cdef void process(self, np.int64_t offset, int i, int j, int k,
426                      int dim[3], np.float64_t cpos[3], np.float64_t **fields,
427                      np.float64_t **ifields, DistanceQueue dq):
428        raise NotImplementedError
430    @cython.cdivision(True)
431    @cython.boundscheck(False)
432    @cython.wraparound(False)
433    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
434    cdef void neighbor_find(self,
435                            np.int64_t nneighbors,
436                            np.int64_t *nind,
437                            np.int64_t[:] doffs,
438                            np.int64_t[:] pcounts,
439                            np.int64_t[:] pinds,
440                            np.float64_t[:,:] ppos,
441                            np.float64_t cpos[3],
442                            np.float64_t[:,:] oct_left_edges,
443                            np.float64_t[:,:] oct_dds,
444                            DistanceQueue dq
445                            ):
446        # We are now given the number of neighbors, the indices into the
447        # domains for them, and the number of particles for each.
448        cdef int ni, i, j, k
449        cdef np.int64_t offset, pn, pc
450        cdef np.float64_t pos[3]
451        cdef np.float64_t ex[2]
452        cdef np.float64_t DR[2]
453        cdef np.float64_t cp, r2_trunc, r2, dist
454        dq.neighbor_reset()
455        for ni in range(nneighbors):
456            if nind[ni] == -1: continue
457            # terminate early if all 8 corners of oct are farther away than
458            # most distant currently known neighbor
459            if oct_left_edges != None and dq.curn == dq.maxn:
460                r2_trunc = dq.neighbors[dq.curn - 1].r2
461                # iterate over each dimension in the outer loop so we can
462                # consolidate temporary storage
463                # What this next bit does is figure out which component is the
464                # closest, of each possible permutation.
465                # k here is the dimension
466                r2 = 0.0
467                for k in range(3):
468                    # We start at left edge, then do halfway, then right edge.
469                    ex[0] = oct_left_edges[nind[ni], k]
470                    ex[1] = ex[0] + oct_dds[nind[ni], k]
471                    # There are three possibilities; we are between, left-of,
472                    # or right-of the extrema.  Thanks to
473                    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5254838/calculating-distance-between-a-point-and-a-rectangular-box-nearest-point
474                    # for some help.  This has been modified to account for
475                    # periodicity.
476                    dist = 0.0
477                    DR[0] = (ex[0] - cpos[k])
478                    DR[1] = (cpos[k] - ex[1])
479                    for j in range(2):
480                        if not self.periodicity[k]:
481                            pass
482                        elif (DR[j] > self.DW[k]/2.0):
483                            DR[j] -= self.DW[k]
484                        elif (DR[j] < -self.DW[k]/2.0):
485                            DR[j] += self.DW[k]
486                        dist = fmax(dist, DR[j])
487                    r2 += dist*dist
488                if r2 > r2_trunc:
489                    continue
490            offset = doffs[nind[ni]]
491            pc = pcounts[nind[ni]]
492            for i in range(pc):
493                pn = pinds[offset + i]
494                for j in range(3):
495                    pos[j] = ppos[pn, j]
496                dq.neighbor_eval(pn, pos, cpos)
498    @cython.cdivision(True)
499    @cython.boundscheck(False)
500    @cython.wraparound(False)
501    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
502    cdef void neighbor_process(self, int dim[3], np.float64_t left_edge[3],
503                               np.float64_t dds[3], np.float64_t[:,:] ppos,
504                               np.float64_t **fields,
505                               np.int64_t [:] doffs, np.int64_t **nind,
506                               np.int64_t [:] pinds, np.int64_t[:] pcounts,
507                               np.int64_t offset,
508                               np.float64_t **index_fields,
509                               OctreeContainer octree, np.int64_t domain_id,
510                               int *nsize, np.float64_t[:,:] oct_left_edges,
511                               np.float64_t[:,:] oct_dds,
512                               DistanceQueue dq):
513        # Note that we assume that fields[0] == smoothing length in the native
514        # units supplied.  We can now iterate over every cell in the block and
515        # every particle to find the nearest.  We will use a priority heap.
516        cdef int i, j, k, ntot, nntot, m, nneighbors
517        cdef np.float64_t cpos[3]
518        cdef np.float64_t opos[3]
519        cdef Oct* oct = NULL
520        cpos[0] = left_edge[0] + 0.5*dds[0]
521        for i in range(dim[0]):
522            cpos[1] = left_edge[1] + 0.5*dds[1]
523            for j in range(dim[1]):
524                cpos[2] = left_edge[2] + 0.5*dds[2]
525                for k in range(dim[2]):
526                    self.pos_setup(cpos, opos)
527                    nneighbors = self.neighbor_search(opos, octree,
528                                    nind, nsize, nneighbors, domain_id, &oct, 0)
529                    self.neighbor_find(nneighbors, nind[0], doffs, pcounts,
530                                       pinds, ppos, opos, oct_left_edges,
531                                       oct_dds, dq)
532                    # Now we have all our neighbors in our neighbor list.
533                    if dq.curn <-1*dq.maxn:
534                        ntot = nntot = 0
535                        for m in range(nneighbors):
536                            if nind[0][m] < 0: continue
537                            nntot += 1
538                            ntot += pcounts[nind[0][m]]
539                        print("SOMETHING WRONG", dq.curn, nneighbors, ntot, nntot)
540                    self.process(offset, i, j, k, dim, opos, fields,
541                                 index_fields, dq)
542                    cpos[2] += dds[2]
543                cpos[1] += dds[1]
544            cpos[0] += dds[0]
546    @cython.cdivision(True)
547    @cython.boundscheck(False)
548    @cython.wraparound(False)
549    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
550    cdef void neighbor_process_particle(self, np.float64_t cpos[3],
551                               np.float64_t[:,:] ppos,
552                               np.float64_t **fields,
553                               np.int64_t[:] doffs, np.int64_t **nind,
554                               np.int64_t[:] pinds, np.int64_t[:] pcounts,
555                               np.int64_t offset,
556                               np.float64_t **index_fields,
557                               OctreeContainer octree,
558                               np.int64_t domain_id, int *nsize,
559                               DistanceQueue dq):
560        # Note that we assume that fields[0] == smoothing length in the native
561        # units supplied.  We can now iterate over every cell in the block and
562        # every particle to find the nearest.  We will use a priority heap.
563        cdef int i, j, k, ntot, nntot, m
564        cdef int dim[3]
565        cdef Oct *oct = NULL
566        cdef np.int64_t nneighbors = 0
567        i = j = k = 0
568        dim[0] = dim[1] = dim[2] = 1
569        cdef np.float64_t opos[3]
570        self.pos_setup(cpos, opos)
571        nneighbors = self.neighbor_search(opos, octree,
572                        nind, nsize, nneighbors, domain_id, &oct, 0)
573        self.neighbor_find(nneighbors, nind[0], doffs, pcounts, pinds, ppos,
574                           opos, None, None, dq)
575        self.process(offset, i, j, k, dim, opos, fields, index_fields, dq)
577cdef class VolumeWeightedSmooth(ParticleSmoothOperation):
578    # This smoothing function evaluates the field, *without* normalization, at
579    # every point in the *mesh*.  Applying a normalization results in
580    # non-conservation of mass when smoothing density; to avoid this, we do not
581    # apply this normalization factor.  The SPLASH paper
582    # (http://arxiv.org/abs/0709.0832v1) discusses this in detail; what we are
583    # applying here is equation 6, with variable smoothing lengths (eq 13).
584    cdef np.float64_t **fp
585    cdef public object vals
586    def initialize(self):
587        cdef int i
588        if self.nfields < 4:
589            # We need four fields -- the mass should be the first, then the
590            # smoothing length for particles, the normalization factor to
591            # ensure mass conservation, then the field we're smoothing.
592            raise RuntimeError
593        cdef np.ndarray tarr
594        self.fp = <np.float64_t **> malloc(
595            sizeof(np.float64_t *) * (self.nfields - 3))
596        self.vals = []
597        # We usually only allocate one field; if we are doing multiple field,
598        # single-pass smoothing, then we might have more.
599        for i in range(self.nfields - 3):
600            tarr = np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order="F")
601            self.vals.append(tarr)
602            self.fp[i] = <np.float64_t *> tarr.data
604    def finalize(self):
605        free(self.fp)
606        return self.vals
608    @cython.cdivision(True)
609    @cython.boundscheck(False)
610    @cython.wraparound(False)
611    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
612    cdef void process(self, np.int64_t offset, int i, int j, int k,
613                      int dim[3], np.float64_t cpos[3], np.float64_t **fields,
614                      np.float64_t **index_fields, DistanceQueue dq):
615        # We have our i, j, k for our cell, as well as the cell position.
616        # We also have a list of neighboring particles with particle numbers.
617        cdef int n, fi
618        cdef np.float64_t weight, r2, val, hsml, dens, mass, coeff, max_r
619        cdef np.float64_t max_hsml, ihsml, ihsml3, kern
620        coeff = 0.0
621        cdef np.int64_t pn
622        # We get back our mass
623        # rho_i = sum(j = 1 .. n) m_j * W_ij
624        max_r = sqrt(dq.neighbors[dq.curn-1].r2)
625        max_hsml = index_fields[0][gind(i,j,k,dim) + offset]
626        for n in range(dq.curn):
627            # No normalization for the moment.
628            # fields[0] is the smoothing length.
629            r2 = dq.neighbors[n].r2
630            pn = dq.neighbors[n].pn
631            # Smoothing kernel weight function
632            mass = fields[0][pn]
633            hsml = fields[1][pn]
634            dens = fields[2][pn]
635            if hsml < 0:
636                hsml = max_r
637            if hsml == 0: continue
638            ihsml = 1.0/hsml
639            hsml = fmax(max_hsml/2.0, hsml)
640            ihsml3 = ihsml*ihsml*ihsml
641            # Usually this density has been computed
642            if dens == 0.0: continue
643            weight = (mass / dens) * ihsml3
644            kern = self.sph_kernel(sqrt(r2) * ihsml)
645            weight *= kern
646            # Mass of the particle times the value
647            for fi in range(self.nfields - 3):
648                val = fields[fi + 3][pn]
649                self.fp[fi][gind(i,j,k,dim) + offset] += val * weight
650        return
652volume_weighted_smooth = VolumeWeightedSmooth
654cdef class NearestNeighborSmooth(ParticleSmoothOperation):
655    cdef np.float64_t *fp
656    cdef public object vals
657    def initialize(self):
658        cdef np.ndarray tarr
659        assert(self.nfields == 1)
660        tarr = np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order="F")
661        self.vals = tarr
662        self.fp = <np.float64_t *> tarr.data
664    def finalize(self):
665        return self.vals
667    @cython.cdivision(True)
668    @cython.boundscheck(False)
669    @cython.wraparound(False)
670    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
671    cdef void process(self, np.int64_t offset, int i, int j, int k,
672                      int dim[3], np.float64_t cpos[3], np.float64_t **fields,
673                      np.float64_t **index_fields, DistanceQueue dq):
674        # We have our i, j, k for our cell, as well as the cell position.
675        # We also have a list of neighboring particles with particle numbers.
676        cdef np.int64_t pn
677        # We get back our mass
678        # rho_i = sum(j = 1 .. n) m_j * W_ij
679        pn = dq.neighbors[0].pn
680        self.fp[gind(i,j,k,dim) + offset] = fields[0][pn]
681        #self.fp[gind(i,j,k,dim) + offset] = dq.neighbors[0].r2
682        return
684nearest_smooth = NearestNeighborSmooth
686cdef class IDWInterpolationSmooth(ParticleSmoothOperation):
687    cdef np.float64_t *fp
688    cdef public int p2
689    cdef public object vals
690    def initialize(self):
691        cdef np.ndarray tarr
692        assert(self.nfields == 1)
693        tarr = np.zeros(self.nvals, dtype="float64", order="F")
694        self.vals = tarr
695        self.fp = <np.float64_t *> tarr.data
696        self.p2 = 2 # Power, for IDW, in units of 2.  So we only do even p's.
698    def finalize(self):
699        return self.vals
701    @cython.cdivision(True)
702    @cython.boundscheck(False)
703    @cython.wraparound(False)
704    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
705    cdef void process(self, np.int64_t offset, int i, int j, int k,
706                      int dim[3], np.float64_t cpos[3], np.float64_t **fields,
707                      np.float64_t **index_fields, DistanceQueue dq):
708        # We have our i, j, k for our cell, as well as the cell position.
709        # We also have a list of neighboring particles with particle numbers.
710        cdef np.int64_t pn, ni, di
711        cdef np.float64_t total_weight = 0.0, total_value = 0.0, r2, val, w
712        # We're going to do a very simple IDW average
713        if dq.neighbors[0].r2 == 0.0:
714            pn = dq.neighbors[0].pn
715            self.fp[gind(i,j,k,dim) + offset] = fields[0][pn]
716        for ni in range(dq.curn):
717            r2 = dq.neighbors[ni].r2
718            val = fields[0][dq.neighbors[ni].pn]
719            w = r2
720            for di in range(self.p2 - 1):
721                w *= r2
722            total_value += w * val
723            total_weight += w
724        self.fp[gind(i,j,k,dim) + offset] = total_value / total_weight
725        return
727idw_smooth = IDWInterpolationSmooth
729cdef class NthNeighborDistanceSmooth(ParticleSmoothOperation):
731    def initialize(self):
732        return
734    def finalize(self):
735        return
737    @cython.cdivision(True)
738    @cython.boundscheck(False)
739    @cython.wraparound(False)
740    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
741    cdef void process(self, np.int64_t offset, int i, int j, int k,
742                      int dim[3], np.float64_t cpos[3], np.float64_t **fields,
743                      np.float64_t **index_fields, DistanceQueue dq):
744        cdef np.float64_t max_r
745        # We assume "offset" here is the particle index.
746        max_r = sqrt(dq.neighbors[dq.curn-1].r2)
747        fields[0][offset] = max_r
749nth_neighbor_smooth = NthNeighborDistanceSmooth
751cdef class SmoothedDensityEstimate(ParticleSmoothOperation):
752    def initialize(self):
753        return
755    def finalize(self):
756        return
758    @cython.cdivision(True)
759    @cython.boundscheck(False)
760    @cython.wraparound(False)
761    @cython.initializedcheck(False)
762    cdef void process(self, np.int64_t offset, int i, int j, int k,
763                      int dim[3], np.float64_t cpos[3], np.float64_t **fields,
764                      np.float64_t **index_fields, DistanceQueue dq):
765        cdef np.float64_t r2, hsml, dens, mass, weight, lw
766        cdef int pn
767        # We assume "offset" here is the particle index.
768        hsml = sqrt(dq.neighbors[dq.curn-1].r2)
769        dens = 0.0
770        weight = 0.0
771        for pn in range(dq.curn):
772            mass = fields[0][dq.neighbors[pn].pn]
773            r2 = dq.neighbors[pn].r2
774            lw = self.sph_kernel(sqrt(r2) / hsml)
775            dens += mass * lw
776        weight = (4.0/3.0) * 3.1415926 * hsml**3
777        fields[1][offset] = dens/weight
779density_smooth = SmoothedDensityEstimate