1 /*++
2 Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     ast.h
8 Abstract:
10     Expression DAG
12 Author:
14     Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2006-09-18.
16 Revision History:
18 --*/
19 #pragma once
22 #include "util/vector.h"
23 #include "util/hashtable.h"
24 #include "util/buffer.h"
25 #include "util/symbol.h"
26 #include "util/rational.h"
27 #include "util/hash.h"
28 #include "util/optional.h"
29 #include "util/trace.h"
30 #include "util/bit_vector.h"
31 #include "util/symbol_table.h"
32 #include "util/tptr.h"
33 #include "util/memory_manager.h"
34 #include "util/small_object_allocator.h"
35 #include "util/obj_ref.h"
36 #include "util/ref_vector.h"
37 #include "util/ref_pair_vector.h"
38 #include "util/ref_buffer.h"
39 #include "util/obj_mark.h"
40 #include "util/obj_hashtable.h"
41 #include "util/id_gen.h"
42 #include "util/map.h"
43 #include "util/parray.h"
44 #include "util/dictionary.h"
45 #include "util/chashtable.h"
46 #include "util/z3_exception.h"
47 #include "util/dependency.h"
48 #include "util/rlimit.h"
52 #ifdef _MSC_VER
53 #pragma warning(disable : 4200)
54 #pragma warning(disable : 4355)
55 #endif
57 #ifdef _MSC_VER
58 #  define Z3_NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
59 #else
60 #  define Z3_NORETURN [[noreturn]]
61 #endif
63 class ast;
64 class ast_manager;
66 /**
67    \brief Generic exception for AST related errors.
69    We used to use fatal_error_msg to report errors inside plugins.
70 */
71 class ast_exception : public default_exception {
72 public:
ast_exception(std::string && msg)73     ast_exception(std::string && msg) : default_exception(std::move(msg)) {}
74 };
76 typedef int     family_id;
77 const family_id null_family_id = -1;
79 // -----------------------------------
80 //
81 // parameter
82 //
83 // -----------------------------------
85 /**
86    \brief Interpreted function declarations and sorts may have parameters that are used
87    to encode extra information associated with them.
88 */
89 class parameter {
90 public:
91     enum kind_t {
92         PARAM_INT,
93         PARAM_AST,
94         PARAM_SYMBOL,
95         PARAM_RATIONAL,
96         PARAM_DOUBLE,
97         // PARAM_EXTERNAL is used for handling decl_plugin specific parameters.
98         // For example, it is used for handling mpf numbers in float_decl_plugin,
99         // and irrational algebraic numbers in arith_decl_plugin.
100         // PARAM_EXTERNAL is not supported by z3 low level input format. This format is legacy, so
101         // this is not a big problem.
102         // Remark: PARAM_EXTERNAL can only be used to decorate theory decls.
103         PARAM_EXTERNAL
104     };
105 private:
106     kind_t m_kind;
108     // It is not possible to use tag pointers, since symbols are already tagged.
109     union {
110         int          m_int;     // for PARAM_INT
111         ast*         m_ast;     // for PARAM_AST
112         symbol       m_symbol;  // for PARAM_SYMBOL
113         rational*    m_rational; // for PARAM_RATIONAL
114         double       m_dval;   // for PARAM_DOUBLE (remark: this is not used in float_decl_plugin)
115         unsigned     m_ext_id; // for PARAM_EXTERNAL
116     };
118 public:
parameter()120     parameter(): m_kind(PARAM_INT), m_int(0) {}
parameter(int val)121     explicit parameter(int val): m_kind(PARAM_INT), m_int(val) {}
parameter(unsigned val)122     explicit parameter(unsigned val): m_kind(PARAM_INT), m_int(val) {}
parameter(ast * p)123     explicit parameter(ast * p): m_kind(PARAM_AST), m_ast(p) {}
parameter(symbol const & s)124     explicit parameter(symbol const & s): m_kind(PARAM_SYMBOL), m_symbol(s) {}
parameter(rational const & r)125     explicit parameter(rational const & r): m_kind(PARAM_RATIONAL), m_rational(alloc(rational, r)) {}
parameter(rational && r)126     explicit parameter(rational && r) : m_kind(PARAM_RATIONAL), m_rational(alloc(rational, std::move(r))) {}
parameter(double d)127     explicit parameter(double d):m_kind(PARAM_DOUBLE), m_dval(d) {}
parameter(const char * s)128     explicit parameter(const char *s):m_kind(PARAM_SYMBOL), m_symbol(symbol(s)) {}
parameter(const std::string & s)129     explicit parameter(const std::string &s):m_kind(PARAM_SYMBOL), m_symbol(symbol(s)) {}
parameter(unsigned ext_id,bool)130     explicit parameter(unsigned ext_id, bool):m_kind(PARAM_EXTERNAL), m_ext_id(ext_id) {}
131     parameter(parameter const&);
parameter(parameter && other)133     parameter(parameter && other) noexcept : m_kind(other.m_kind) {
134         switch (other.m_kind) {
135         case PARAM_INT: m_int = other.get_int(); break;
136         case PARAM_AST: m_ast = other.get_ast(); break;
137         case PARAM_SYMBOL: m_symbol = other.m_symbol; break;
138         case PARAM_RATIONAL: m_rational = nullptr; std::swap(m_rational, other.m_rational); break;
139         case PARAM_DOUBLE: m_dval = other.m_dval; break;
140         case PARAM_EXTERNAL: m_ext_id = other.m_ext_id; break;
141         default:
142             UNREACHABLE();
143             break;
144         }
145     }
147     ~parameter();
149     parameter& operator=(parameter const& other);
get_kind()151     kind_t get_kind() const { return m_kind; }
is_int()152     bool is_int() const { return m_kind == PARAM_INT; }
is_ast()153     bool is_ast() const { return m_kind == PARAM_AST; }
is_symbol()154     bool is_symbol() const { return m_kind == PARAM_SYMBOL; }
is_rational()155     bool is_rational() const { return m_kind == PARAM_RATIONAL; }
is_double()156     bool is_double() const { return m_kind == PARAM_DOUBLE; }
is_external()157     bool is_external() const { return m_kind == PARAM_EXTERNAL; }
is_int(int & i)159     bool is_int(int & i) const { return is_int() && (i = get_int(), true); }
is_ast(ast * & a)160     bool is_ast(ast * & a) const { return is_ast() && (a = get_ast(), true); }
is_symbol(symbol & s)161     bool is_symbol(symbol & s) const { return is_symbol() && (s = get_symbol(), true); }
is_rational(rational & r)162     bool is_rational(rational & r) const { return is_rational() && (r = get_rational(), true); }
is_double(double & d)163     bool is_double(double & d) const { return is_double() && (d = get_double(), true); }
is_external(unsigned & id)164     bool is_external(unsigned & id) const { return is_external() && (id = get_ext_id(), true); }
166     /**
167        \brief This method is invoked when the parameter is
168        attached to a function declaration or sort.
169     */
170     void init_eh(ast_manager & m);
171     /**
172        \brief This method is invoked before the function
173        declaration or sort associated with the parameter is
174        deleted.
175     */
176     void del_eh(ast_manager & m, family_id fid);
get_int()178     int get_int() const { SASSERT(is_int()); return m_int; }
get_ast()179     ast * get_ast() const { SASSERT(is_ast()); return m_ast; }
get_symbol()180     symbol get_symbol() const { SASSERT(is_symbol()); return m_symbol; }
get_rational()181     rational const & get_rational() const { SASSERT(is_rational()); return *m_rational; }
get_double()182     double get_double() const { SASSERT(is_double()); return m_dval; }
get_ext_id()183     unsigned get_ext_id() const { SASSERT(is_external()); return m_ext_id; }
185     bool operator==(parameter const & p) const;
186     bool operator!=(parameter const & p) const { return !operator==(p); }
188     unsigned hash() const;
190     std::ostream& display(std::ostream& out) const;
191 };
193 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, parameter const & p) {
194     return p.display(out);
195 }
197 void display_parameters(std::ostream & out, unsigned n, parameter const * p);
199 // -----------------------------------
200 //
201 // family_manager
202 //
203 // -----------------------------------
205 /**
206    \brief Interpreted functions and sorts are grouped in families.
207    Each family has an unique ID. This class models the mapping
208    between symbols (family names) and the unique IDs.
209 */
210 class family_manager {
211     family_id               m_next_id;
212     symbol_table<family_id> m_families;
213     svector<symbol>         m_names;
214 public:
family_manager()215     family_manager():m_next_id(0) {}
217     /**
218        \brief Return the family_id for s, a new id is created if !has_family(s)
220        If has_family(s), then this method is equivalent to get_family_id(s)
221     */
222     family_id mk_family_id(symbol const & s);
224     /**
225        \brief Return the family_id for s, return null_family_id if s was not registered in the manager.
226     */
227     family_id get_family_id(symbol const & s) const;
229     bool has_family(symbol const & s) const;
get_dom(svector<symbol> & dom)231     void get_dom(svector<symbol>& dom) const { m_families.get_dom(dom); }
get_range(svector<family_id> & range)233     void get_range(svector<family_id> & range) const { m_families.get_range(range); }
get_name(family_id fid)235     symbol const & get_name(family_id fid) const { return fid >= 0 && fid < static_cast<int>(m_names.size()) ? m_names[fid] : symbol::null; }
has_family(family_id fid)237     bool has_family(family_id fid) const { return fid >= 0 && fid < static_cast<int>(m_names.size()); }
238 };
240 // -----------------------------------
241 //
242 // decl_info
243 //
244 // -----------------------------------
246 /**
247    \brief Each interpreted function declaration or sort has a kind.
248    Kinds are used to identify interpreted functions and sorts in a family.
249 */
250 typedef int     decl_kind;
251 const decl_kind null_decl_kind = -1;
253 /**
254    \brief Interpreted function declarations and sorts are associated with
255    a family id, kind, and parameters.
256 */
257 class decl_info {
258     family_id            m_family_id;
259     decl_kind            m_kind;
260     vector<parameter>    m_parameters;
261 public:
262     bool                 m_private_parameters;
263     decl_info(family_id family_id = null_family_id, decl_kind k = null_decl_kind,
264               unsigned num_parameters = 0, parameter const * parameters = nullptr, bool private_params = false);
266     decl_info(decl_info const& other);
268     void init_eh(ast_manager & m);
269     void del_eh(ast_manager & m);
get_family_id()271     family_id get_family_id() const { return m_family_id; }
get_decl_kind()272     decl_kind get_decl_kind() const { return m_kind; }
get_num_parameters()273     unsigned get_num_parameters() const { return m_parameters.size(); }
get_parameter(unsigned idx)274     parameter const & get_parameter(unsigned idx) const { return m_parameters[idx]; }
get_parameters()275     parameter const * get_parameters() const { return m_parameters.begin(); }
private_parameters()276     bool private_parameters() const { return m_private_parameters; }
278     struct iterator {
279         decl_info const& d;
iteratoriterator280         iterator(decl_info const& d) : d(d) {}
beginiterator281         parameter const* begin() const { return d.get_parameters(); }
enditerator282         parameter const* end() const { return begin() + d.get_num_parameters(); }
283     };
parameters()284     iterator parameters() const { return iterator(*this); }
286     unsigned hash() const;
287     bool operator==(decl_info const & info) const;
288 };
290 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, decl_info const & info);
292 // -----------------------------------
293 //
294 // sort_size
295 //
296 // -----------------------------------
298 /**
299    \brief Models the number of elements of a sort.
300 */
301 class sort_size {
302     enum kind_t {
303         SS_FINITE,
304         // For some sorts it may be too expensive to compute the
305         // number of elements precisely (e.g., arrays).  In this
306         // cases, we mark the sort as too big. That is, the number
307         // of elements is at least bigger than 2^64.
308         SS_FINITE_VERY_BIG,
309         SS_INFINITE
310     } m_kind;
311     uint64_t m_size; // It is only meaningful if m_kind == SS_FINITE
sort_size(kind_t k,uint64_t r)312     sort_size(kind_t k, uint64_t r):m_kind(k), m_size(r) {}
313 public:
sort_size()314     sort_size():m_kind(SS_INFINITE), m_size(0) {}
sort_size(uint64_t const & sz)315     sort_size(uint64_t const & sz):m_kind(SS_FINITE), m_size(sz) {}
sort_size(rational const & r)316     explicit sort_size(rational const& r) {
317         if (r.is_uint64()) {
318             m_kind = SS_FINITE;
319             m_size = r.get_uint64();
320         }
321         else {
322             m_kind = SS_FINITE_VERY_BIG;
323             m_size = 0;
324         }
325     }
mk_infinite()326     static sort_size mk_infinite() { return sort_size(SS_INFINITE, 0); }
mk_very_big()327     static sort_size mk_very_big() { return sort_size(SS_FINITE_VERY_BIG, 0); }
mk_finite(uint64_t r)328     static sort_size mk_finite(uint64_t r) { return sort_size(SS_FINITE, r); }
is_infinite()330     bool is_infinite() const { return m_kind == SS_INFINITE; }
is_very_big()331     bool is_very_big() const { return m_kind == SS_FINITE_VERY_BIG; }
is_finite()332     bool is_finite() const { return m_kind == SS_FINITE; }
is_very_big_base2(unsigned power)334     static bool is_very_big_base2(unsigned power) { return power >= 64; }
size()336     uint64_t size() const { SASSERT(is_finite()); return m_size; }
337 };
339 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, sort_size const & ss);
341 // -----------------------------------
342 //
343 // sort_info
344 //
345 // -----------------------------------
347 /**
348    \brief Extra information that may be attached to interpreted sorts.
349 */
350 class sort_info : public decl_info {
351     sort_size m_num_elements;
352 public:
353     sort_info(family_id family_id = null_family_id, decl_kind k = null_decl_kind,
354               unsigned num_parameters = 0, parameter const * parameters = nullptr, bool private_parameters = false):
decl_info(family_id,k,num_parameters,parameters,private_parameters)355         decl_info(family_id, k, num_parameters, parameters, private_parameters) {
356     }
358     sort_info(family_id family_id, decl_kind k, uint64_t num_elements,
359               unsigned num_parameters = 0, parameter const * parameters = nullptr, bool private_parameters = false):
decl_info(family_id,k,num_parameters,parameters,private_parameters)360         decl_info(family_id, k, num_parameters, parameters, private_parameters), m_num_elements(num_elements) {
361     }
363     sort_info(family_id family_id, decl_kind k, sort_size const& num_elements,
364               unsigned num_parameters = 0, parameter const * parameters = nullptr, bool private_parameters = false):
decl_info(family_id,k,num_parameters,parameters,private_parameters)365         decl_info(family_id, k, num_parameters, parameters, private_parameters), m_num_elements(num_elements) {
366     }
sort_info(sort_info const & other)367     sort_info(sort_info const& other) : decl_info(other), m_num_elements(other.m_num_elements) {
368     }
sort_info(decl_info const & di,sort_size const & num_elements)369     sort_info(decl_info const& di, sort_size const& num_elements) :
370         decl_info(di), m_num_elements(num_elements) {}
is_infinite()372     bool is_infinite() const { return m_num_elements.is_infinite(); }
is_very_big()373     bool is_very_big() const { return m_num_elements.is_very_big(); }
get_num_elements()374     sort_size const & get_num_elements() const { return m_num_elements; }
set_num_elements(sort_size const & s)375     void set_num_elements(sort_size const& s) { m_num_elements = s; }
376 };
378 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, sort_info const & info);
380 // -----------------------------------
381 //
382 // func_decl_info
383 //
384 // -----------------------------------
386 /**
387    \brief Extra information that may be attached to interpreted function decls.
388 */
389 struct func_decl_info : public decl_info {
390     bool m_left_assoc:1;
391     bool m_right_assoc:1;
392     bool m_flat_associative:1;
393     bool m_commutative:1;
394     bool m_chainable:1;
395     bool m_pairwise:1;
396     bool m_injective:1;
397     bool m_idempotent:1;
398     bool m_skolem:1;
399     bool m_lambda:1;
401     func_decl_info(family_id family_id = null_family_id, decl_kind k = null_decl_kind, unsigned num_parameters = 0, parameter const * parameters = nullptr);
is_associativefunc_decl_info403     bool is_associative() const { return m_left_assoc && m_right_assoc; }
is_left_associativefunc_decl_info404     bool is_left_associative() const { return m_left_assoc; }
is_right_associativefunc_decl_info405     bool is_right_associative() const { return m_right_assoc; }
is_flat_associativefunc_decl_info406     bool is_flat_associative() const { return m_flat_associative; }
is_commutativefunc_decl_info407     bool is_commutative() const { return m_commutative; }
is_chainablefunc_decl_info408     bool is_chainable() const { return m_chainable; }
is_pairwisefunc_decl_info409     bool is_pairwise() const { return m_pairwise; }
is_injectivefunc_decl_info410     bool is_injective() const { return m_injective; }
is_idempotentfunc_decl_info411     bool is_idempotent() const { return m_idempotent; }
is_skolemfunc_decl_info412     bool is_skolem() const { return m_skolem; }
is_lambdafunc_decl_info413     bool is_lambda() const { return m_lambda; }
415     void set_associative(bool flag = true) { m_left_assoc = flag; m_right_assoc = flag; }
416     void set_left_associative(bool flag = true) { m_left_assoc = flag; }
417     void set_right_associative(bool flag = true) { m_right_assoc = flag; }
418     void set_flat_associative(bool flag = true) { m_flat_associative = flag; }
419     void set_commutative(bool flag = true) { m_commutative = flag; }
420     void set_chainable(bool flag = true) { m_chainable = flag; }
421     void set_pairwise(bool flag = true) { m_pairwise = flag; }
422     void set_injective(bool flag = true) { m_injective = flag; }
423     void set_idempotent(bool flag = true) { m_idempotent = flag; }
424     void set_skolem(bool flag = true) { m_skolem = flag; }
425     void set_lambda(bool flag = true) { m_lambda = flag; }
427     bool operator==(func_decl_info const & info) const;
429     // Return true if the func_decl_info is equivalent to the null one (i.e., it does not contain any useful info).
is_nullfunc_decl_info430     bool is_null() const {
431         return
432             get_family_id() == null_family_id && !is_left_associative() && !is_right_associative() && !is_commutative() &&
433             !is_chainable() && !is_pairwise() && !is_injective() && !is_idempotent() && !is_skolem();
434     }
435 };
437 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, func_decl_info const & info);
439 // -----------------------------------
440 //
441 // ast
442 //
443 // -----------------------------------
445 typedef enum { AST_APP, AST_VAR, AST_QUANTIFIER, AST_SORT, AST_FUNC_DECL } ast_kind;
446 char const * get_ast_kind_name(ast_kind k);
448 class shared_occs_mark;
450 class ast {
451 protected:
452     friend class ast_manager;
454     unsigned m_id;
455     unsigned m_kind:16;
456     // Warning: the marks should be used carefully, since they are shared.
457     unsigned m_mark1:1;
458     unsigned m_mark2:1;
459     // Private mark used by shared_occs functor
460     // Motivation for this field:
461     //  - A mark cannot be used by more than one owner.
462     //    So, it is only safe to use mark by "self-contained" code.
463     //    They should be viewed as temporary information.
464     //  - The functor shared_occs is used by some AST pretty printers.
465     //  - So, a code that uses marks could not use the pretty printer if
466     //    shared_occs used one of the public marks.
467     //  - This was a constant source of assertion violations.
468     unsigned m_mark_shared_occs:1;
469     friend class shared_occs_mark;
mark_so(bool flag)470     void mark_so(bool flag) { m_mark_shared_occs = flag; }
reset_mark_so()471     void reset_mark_so() { m_mark_shared_occs = false; }
is_marked_so()472     bool is_marked_so() const { return m_mark_shared_occs; }
473     unsigned m_ref_count;
474     unsigned m_hash;
475 #ifdef Z3DEBUG
476     // In debug mode, we store who is the owner of the mark.
477     void *   m_mark1_owner;
478     void *   m_mark2_owner;
479 #endif
inc_ref()481     void inc_ref() {
482         SASSERT(m_ref_count < UINT_MAX);
483         m_ref_count ++;
484     }
dec_ref()486     void dec_ref() {
487         SASSERT(m_ref_count > 0);
488         --m_ref_count;
489     }
ast(ast_kind k)491     ast(ast_kind k):m_id(UINT_MAX), m_kind(k), m_mark1(false), m_mark2(false), m_mark_shared_occs(false), m_ref_count(0) {
492         DEBUG_CODE({
493             m_mark1_owner = 0;
494             m_mark2_owner = 0;
495         });
496     }
497 public:
get_id()498     unsigned get_id() const { return m_id; }
get_ref_count()499     unsigned get_ref_count() const { return m_ref_count; }
get_kind()500     ast_kind get_kind() const { return static_cast<ast_kind>(m_kind); }
hash()501     unsigned hash() const { return m_hash; }
503 #ifdef Z3DEBUG
mark1(bool flag,void * owner)504     void mark1(bool flag, void * owner) { SASSERT(m_mark1_owner == 0 || m_mark1_owner == owner); m_mark1 = flag; m_mark1_owner = owner; }
mark2(bool flag,void * owner)505     void mark2(bool flag, void * owner) { SASSERT(m_mark2_owner == 0 || m_mark2_owner == owner); m_mark2 = flag; m_mark2_owner = owner; }
reset_mark1(void * owner)506     void reset_mark1(void * owner) { SASSERT(m_mark1_owner == 0 || m_mark1_owner == owner); m_mark1 = false; m_mark1_owner = 0; }
reset_mark2(void * owner)507     void reset_mark2(void * owner) { SASSERT(m_mark2_owner == 0 || m_mark2_owner == owner); m_mark2 = false; m_mark2_owner = 0; }
is_marked1(void * owner)508     bool is_marked1(void * owner) const { SASSERT(m_mark1_owner == 0 || m_mark1_owner == owner); return m_mark1; }
is_marked2(void * owner)509     bool is_marked2(void * owner) const { SASSERT(m_mark2_owner == 0 || m_mark2_owner == owner); return m_mark2; }
510 #define AST_MARK1(A,F,O) A->mark1(F, O)
511 #define AST_MARK2(A,F,O) A->mark2(F, O)
512 #define AST_RESET_MARK1(A,O) A->reset_mark1(O)
513 #define AST_RESET_MARK2(A,O) A->reset_mark2(O)
514 #define AST_IS_MARKED1(A,O) A->is_marked1(O)
515 #define AST_IS_MARKED2(A,O) A->is_marked2(O)
516 #else
mark1(bool flag)517     void mark1(bool flag) { m_mark1 = flag; }
mark2(bool flag)518     void mark2(bool flag) { m_mark2 = flag; }
reset_mark1()519     void reset_mark1() { m_mark1 = false; }
reset_mark2()520     void reset_mark2() { m_mark2 = false; }
is_marked1()521     bool is_marked1() const { return m_mark1; }
is_marked2()522     bool is_marked2() const { return m_mark2; }
523 #define AST_MARK1(A,F,O) A->mark1(F)
524 #define AST_MARK2(A,F,O) A->mark2(F)
525 #define AST_RESET_MARK1(A,O) A->reset_mark1()
526 #define AST_RESET_MARK2(A,O) A->reset_mark2()
527 #define AST_IS_MARKED1(A,O) A->is_marked1()
528 #define AST_IS_MARKED2(A,O) A->is_marked2()
529 #endif
530 };
532 #define MATCH_TERNARY(_MATCHER_)                                                                                \
533     bool _MATCHER_(expr const* n, expr*& a1, expr*& a2, expr *& a3) const {                                     \
534         if (_MATCHER_(n) && to_app(n)->get_num_args() == 3) {                                                   \
535             a1 = to_app(n)->get_arg(0); a2 = to_app(n)->get_arg(1); a3 = to_app(n)->get_arg(2); return true; }  \
536         return false;                                                                                           \
537     }
539 #define MATCH_BINARY(_MATCHER_)                                                                                                         \
540     bool _MATCHER_(expr const* n, expr*& s, expr*& t) const {                                                                           \
541         if (_MATCHER_(n) && to_app(n)->get_num_args() == 2) { s = to_app(n)->get_arg(0); t = to_app(n)->get_arg(1); return true; }      \
542         return false;                                                                                                                   \
543     }
545 #define MATCH_UNARY(_MATCHER_)                                                                          \
546     bool _MATCHER_(expr const* n, expr*& s) const {                                                     \
547         if (_MATCHER_(n) && to_app(n)->get_num_args() == 1) { s = to_app(n)->get_arg(0); return true; } \
548         return false;                                                                                   \
549     }
551 // -----------------------------------
552 //
553 // decl
554 //
555 // -----------------------------------
557 /**
558    The ids of expressions and declarations are in different ranges.
559 */
560 const unsigned c_first_decl_id = (1u << 31u);
562 /**
563    \brief Superclass for function declarations and sorts.
564 */
565 class decl : public ast {
566 protected:
567     friend class ast_manager;
569     symbol      m_name;
570     decl_info * m_info;
decl(ast_kind k,symbol const & name,decl_info * info)572     decl(ast_kind k, symbol const & name, decl_info * info):ast(k), m_name(name), m_info(info) {}
573 public:
get_decl_id()574     unsigned get_decl_id() const { SASSERT(get_id() >= c_first_decl_id); return get_id() - c_first_decl_id; }
get_name()575     symbol const & get_name() const { return m_name; }
get_info()576     decl_info * get_info() const { return m_info; }
get_family_id()577     family_id get_family_id() const { return m_info == nullptr ? null_family_id : m_info->get_family_id(); }
get_decl_kind()578     decl_kind get_decl_kind() const { return m_info == nullptr ? null_decl_kind : m_info->get_decl_kind(); }
get_num_parameters()579     unsigned get_num_parameters() const { return m_info == nullptr ? 0 : m_info->get_num_parameters(); }
get_parameter(unsigned idx)580     parameter const & get_parameter(unsigned idx) const { return m_info->get_parameter(idx); }
get_parameters()581     parameter const * get_parameters() const { return m_info == nullptr ? nullptr : m_info->get_parameters(); }
private_parameters()582     bool private_parameters() const { return m_info != nullptr && m_info->private_parameters(); }
584     struct iterator {
585         decl const& d;
iteratoriterator586         iterator(decl const& d) : d(d) {}
beginiterator587         parameter const* begin() const { return d.get_parameters(); }
enditerator588         parameter const* end() const { return begin() + d.get_num_parameters(); }
589     };
parameters()590     iterator parameters() const { return iterator(*this); }
593 };
595 // -----------------------------------
596 //
597 // sort
598 //
599 // -----------------------------------
601 class sort : public decl {
602     friend class ast_manager;
get_obj_size()604     static unsigned get_obj_size() { return sizeof(sort); }
sort(symbol const & name,sort_info * info)606     sort(symbol const & name, sort_info * info):decl(AST_SORT, name, info) {}
607 public:
get_info()608     sort_info * get_info() const { return static_cast<sort_info*>(m_info); }
is_infinite()609     bool is_infinite() const { return get_info() == nullptr || get_info()->is_infinite(); }
is_very_big()610     bool is_very_big() const { return get_info() == nullptr || get_info()->is_very_big(); }
is_sort_of(family_id fid,decl_kind k)611     bool is_sort_of(family_id fid, decl_kind k) const { return get_family_id() == fid && get_decl_kind() == k; }
get_num_elements()612     sort_size const & get_num_elements() const { return get_info()->get_num_elements(); }
set_num_elements(sort_size const & s)613     void set_num_elements(sort_size const& s) { get_info()->set_num_elements(s); }
get_size()614     unsigned get_size() const { return get_obj_size(); }
615 };
617 // -----------------------------------
618 //
619 // func_decl
620 //
621 // -----------------------------------
623 class func_decl : public decl {
624     friend class ast_manager;
626     unsigned         m_arity;
627     sort *           m_range;
628     sort *           m_domain[0];
get_obj_size(unsigned arity)630     static unsigned get_obj_size(unsigned arity) { return sizeof(func_decl) + arity * sizeof(sort *); }
632     func_decl(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range, func_decl_info * info);
633 public:
get_info()634     func_decl_info * get_info() const { return static_cast<func_decl_info*>(m_info); }
is_associative()635     bool is_associative() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_associative(); }
is_left_associative()636     bool is_left_associative() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_left_associative(); }
is_right_associative()637     bool is_right_associative() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_right_associative(); }
is_flat_associative()638     bool is_flat_associative() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_flat_associative(); }
is_commutative()639     bool is_commutative() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_commutative(); }
is_chainable()640     bool is_chainable() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_chainable(); }
is_pairwise()641     bool is_pairwise() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_pairwise(); }
is_injective()642     bool is_injective() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_injective(); }
is_skolem()643     bool is_skolem() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_skolem(); }
is_lambda()644     bool is_lambda() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_lambda(); }
is_idempotent()645     bool is_idempotent() const { return get_info() != nullptr && get_info()->is_idempotent(); }
get_arity()646     unsigned get_arity() const { return m_arity; }
get_domain(unsigned idx)647     sort * get_domain(unsigned idx) const { SASSERT(idx < get_arity()); return m_domain[idx]; }
get_domain()648     sort * const * get_domain() const { return m_domain; }
get_range()649     sort * get_range() const { return m_range; }
get_size()650     unsigned get_size() const { return get_obj_size(m_arity); }
begin()651     sort * const * begin() const { return get_domain(); }
end()652     sort * const * end() const { return get_domain() + get_arity(); }
654 };
656 // -----------------------------------
657 //
658 // expression
659 //
660 // -----------------------------------
662 /**
663    \brief Superclass for applications, variables and quantifiers.
664 */
665 class expr : public ast {
666 protected:
667     friend class ast_manager;
expr(ast_kind k)669     expr(ast_kind k):ast(k) {}
670 public:
671 };
673 // -----------------------------------
674 //
675 // application
676 //
677 // -----------------------------------
679 #define APP_DEPTH_NUM_BITS 16
680 const unsigned c_max_depth = ((1 << APP_DEPTH_NUM_BITS) - 1);
681 struct app_flags {
682     unsigned     m_depth:APP_DEPTH_NUM_BITS;  // if app is to deep, it doesn't matter.
683     unsigned     m_ground:1;   // application does not have free variables or nested quantifiers.
684     unsigned     m_has_quantifiers:1; // application has nested quantifiers.
685     unsigned     m_has_labels:1; // application has nested labels.
686 };
688 class app : public expr {
689     friend class ast_manager;
691     func_decl *  m_decl;
692     unsigned     m_num_args;
693     expr *       m_args[0];
695     static app_flags g_constant_flags;
697     // remark: store term depth in the end of the app. the depth is only stored if the num_args > 0
get_obj_size(unsigned num_args)698     static unsigned get_obj_size(unsigned num_args) {
699         return num_args == 0 ? sizeof(app) : sizeof(app) + num_args * sizeof(expr *) + sizeof(app_flags);
700     }
702     friend class tmp_app;
flags()704     app_flags * flags() const { return m_num_args == 0 ? &g_constant_flags : reinterpret_cast<app_flags*>(const_cast<expr**>(m_args + m_num_args)); }
706     app(func_decl * decl, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args);
707 public:
get_decl()708     func_decl * get_decl() const { return m_decl; }
get_family_id()709     family_id get_family_id() const { return get_decl()->get_family_id(); }
get_decl_kind()710     decl_kind get_decl_kind() const { return get_decl()->get_decl_kind(); }
get_name()711     symbol const& get_name() const { return get_decl()->get_name(); }
get_num_parameters()712     unsigned get_num_parameters() const { return get_decl()->get_num_parameters(); }
get_parameter(unsigned idx)713     parameter const& get_parameter(unsigned idx) const { return get_decl()->get_parameter(idx); }
get_parameters()714     parameter const* get_parameters() const { return get_decl()->get_parameters(); }
is_app_of(family_id fid,decl_kind k)715     bool is_app_of(family_id fid, decl_kind k) const { return get_family_id() == fid && get_decl_kind() == k; }
get_num_args()716     unsigned get_num_args() const { return m_num_args; }
get_arg(unsigned idx)717     expr * get_arg(unsigned idx) const { SASSERT(idx < m_num_args); return m_args[idx]; }
get_args()718     expr * const * get_args() const { return m_args; }
get_size()719     unsigned get_size() const { return get_obj_size(get_num_args()); }
begin()720     expr * const * begin() const { return m_args; }
end()721     expr * const * end() const { return m_args + m_num_args; }
get_depth()723     unsigned get_depth() const { return flags()->m_depth; }
is_ground()724     bool is_ground() const { return flags()->m_ground; }
has_quantifiers()725     bool has_quantifiers() const { return flags()->m_has_quantifiers; }
has_labels()726     bool has_labels() const { return flags()->m_has_labels; }
727 };
729 // -----------------------------------
730 //
731 // temporary application: little hack to avoid
732 // the creation of temporary expressions to just
733 // check the presence of the expression in
734 // some container/index.
735 //
736 // -----------------------------------
738 class tmp_app {
739     unsigned m_num_args;
740     char *   m_data;
741 public:
tmp_app(unsigned num_args)742     tmp_app(unsigned num_args):
743         m_num_args(num_args) {
744         unsigned sz = app::get_obj_size(num_args);
745         m_data = alloc_svect(char, sz);
746         memset(m_data, 0, sz);
747         get_app()->m_num_args = m_num_args;
748     }
~tmp_app()750     ~tmp_app() {
751         dealloc_svect(m_data);
752     }
get_app()754     app * get_app() {
755         return reinterpret_cast<app*>(m_data);
756     }
get_args()758     expr ** get_args() {
759         return get_app()->m_args;
760     }
set_decl(func_decl * d)762     void set_decl(func_decl * d) {
763         get_app()->m_decl = d;
764     }
set_num_args(unsigned num_args)766     void set_num_args(unsigned num_args) {
767         get_app()->m_num_args = num_args;
768     }
set_arg(unsigned idx,expr * arg)770     void set_arg(unsigned idx, expr * arg) {
771         get_args()[idx] = arg;
772         SASSERT(get_app()->get_arg(idx) == arg);
773     }
copy(app * source)775     void copy(app * source) {
776         SASSERT(source->get_num_args() <= m_num_args);
777         new (m_data) app(source->get_decl(), source->get_num_args(), source->get_args());
778         SASSERT(get_app()->get_decl() == source->get_decl());
779         SASSERT(get_app()->get_arg(0) == source->get_arg(0));
780         SASSERT(get_app()->get_arg(1) == source->get_arg(1));
781     }
copy_swapping_args(app * source)783     void copy_swapping_args(app * source) {
784         SASSERT(source->get_num_args() == 2 && m_num_args >= 2);
785         expr * args[2] = { source->get_arg(1), source->get_arg(0) };
786         new (m_data) app(source->get_decl(), 2, args);
787         SASSERT(get_app()->get_decl() == source->get_decl());
788         SASSERT(get_app()->get_arg(0) == source->get_arg(1));
789         SASSERT(get_app()->get_arg(1) == source->get_arg(0));
790     }
791 };
793 // -----------------------------------
794 //
795 // variables
796 //
797 // -----------------------------------
799 class var : public expr {
800     friend class ast_manager;
802     unsigned     m_idx;
803     sort *       m_sort;
get_obj_size()805     static unsigned get_obj_size() { return sizeof(var); }
var(unsigned idx,sort * s)807     var(unsigned idx, sort * s):expr(AST_VAR), m_idx(idx), m_sort(s) {}
808 public:
get_idx()809     unsigned get_idx() const { return m_idx; }
get_sort()810     sort * get_sort() const { return m_sort; }
get_size()811     unsigned get_size() const { return get_obj_size(); }
812 };
814 // -----------------------------------
815 //
816 // quantifier
817 //
818 // -----------------------------------
820 enum quantifier_kind {
821     forall_k,
822     exists_k,
823     lambda_k
824 };
826 class quantifier : public expr {
827     friend class ast_manager;
828     quantifier_kind     m_kind;
829     unsigned            m_num_decls;
830     expr *              m_expr;
831     sort *              m_sort;
832     unsigned            m_depth;
833     // extra fields
834     int                 m_weight;
835     bool                m_has_unused_vars;
836     bool                m_has_labels;
837     symbol              m_qid;
838     symbol              m_skid;
839     unsigned            m_num_patterns;
840     unsigned            m_num_no_patterns;
841     char                m_patterns_decls[0];
get_obj_size(unsigned num_decls,unsigned num_patterns,unsigned num_no_patterns)843     static unsigned get_obj_size(unsigned num_decls, unsigned num_patterns, unsigned num_no_patterns) {
844         return sizeof(quantifier) + num_decls * (sizeof(sort *) + sizeof(symbol)) + (num_patterns + num_no_patterns) * sizeof(expr*);
845     }
847     quantifier(quantifier_kind k, unsigned num_decls, sort * const * decl_sorts, symbol const * decl_names, expr * body, sort* s,
848                int weight, symbol const & qid, symbol const & skid, unsigned num_patterns, expr * const * patterns,
849                unsigned num_no_patterns, expr * const * no_patterns);
851     quantifier(unsigned num_decls, sort * const * decl_sorts, symbol const * decl_names, expr * body, sort* sort);
853 public:
get_kind()854     quantifier_kind get_kind() const { return m_kind; }
855 //    bool is_forall() const { return m_kind == forall_k; }
856 //    bool is_exists() const { return m_kind == exists_k; }
857 //    bool is_lambda() const { return m_kind == lambda_k; }
get_num_decls()859     unsigned get_num_decls() const { return m_num_decls; }
get_decl_sorts()860     sort * const * get_decl_sorts() const { return reinterpret_cast<sort * const *>(m_patterns_decls); }
get_decl_names()861     symbol const * get_decl_names() const { return reinterpret_cast<symbol const *>(get_decl_sorts() + m_num_decls); }
get_decl_sort(unsigned idx)862     sort * get_decl_sort(unsigned idx) const { return get_decl_sorts()[idx]; }
get_decl_name(unsigned idx)863     symbol const & get_decl_name(unsigned idx) const { return get_decl_names()[idx]; }
get_expr()864     expr * get_expr() const { return m_expr; }
get_sort()866     sort * get_sort() const { return m_sort; }
get_depth()868     unsigned get_depth() const { return m_depth; }
get_weight()870     int get_weight() const { return m_weight; }
get_qid()871     symbol const & get_qid() const { return m_qid; }
get_skid()872     symbol const & get_skid() const { return m_skid; }
get_num_patterns()873     unsigned get_num_patterns() const { return m_num_patterns; }
get_patterns()874     expr * const * get_patterns() const { return reinterpret_cast<expr * const *>(get_decl_names() + m_num_decls); }
get_pattern(unsigned idx)875     expr * get_pattern(unsigned idx) const { return get_patterns()[idx]; }
get_num_no_patterns()876     unsigned get_num_no_patterns() const { return m_num_no_patterns; }
get_no_patterns()877     expr * const * get_no_patterns() const { return reinterpret_cast<expr * const *>(get_decl_names() + m_num_decls); }
get_no_pattern(unsigned idx)878     expr * get_no_pattern(unsigned idx) const { return get_no_patterns()[idx]; }
has_patterns()879     bool has_patterns() const { return m_num_patterns > 0 || m_num_no_patterns > 0; }
get_size()880     unsigned get_size() const { return get_obj_size(m_num_decls, m_num_patterns, m_num_no_patterns); }
may_have_unused_vars()882     bool may_have_unused_vars() const { return m_has_unused_vars; }
set_no_unused_vars()883     void set_no_unused_vars() { m_has_unused_vars = false; }
has_labels()885     bool has_labels() const { return m_has_labels; }
get_num_children()888     unsigned get_num_children() const { return 1 + get_num_patterns() + get_num_no_patterns(); }
get_child(unsigned idx)889     expr * get_child(unsigned idx) const {
890         SASSERT(idx < get_num_children());
891         if (idx == 0)
892             return get_expr();
893         else if (idx <= get_num_patterns())
894             return get_pattern(idx - 1);
895         else
896             return get_no_pattern(idx - get_num_patterns() - 1);
897     }
898 };
900 // -----------------------------------
901 //
902 // AST recognisers
903 //
904 // -----------------------------------
is_decl(ast const * n)906 inline bool is_decl(ast const * n)       { ast_kind k = n->get_kind(); return k == AST_FUNC_DECL || k == AST_SORT; }
is_sort(ast const * n)907 inline bool is_sort(ast const * n)       { return n->get_kind() == AST_SORT; }
is_func_decl(ast const * n)908 inline bool is_func_decl(ast const * n)  { return n->get_kind() == AST_FUNC_DECL; }
is_expr(ast const * n)909 inline bool is_expr(ast const * n)       { return !is_decl(n); }
is_app(ast const * n)910 inline bool is_app(ast const * n)        { return n->get_kind() == AST_APP; }
is_var(ast const * n)911 inline bool is_var(ast const * n)        { return n->get_kind() == AST_VAR; }
is_var(ast const * n,unsigned & idx)912 inline bool is_var(ast const * n, unsigned& idx) { return is_var(n) && (idx = static_cast<var const*>(n)->get_idx(), true); }
is_quantifier(ast const * n)913 inline bool is_quantifier(ast const * n) { return n->get_kind() == AST_QUANTIFIER; }
is_forall(ast const * n)914 inline bool is_forall(ast const * n)     { return is_quantifier(n) && static_cast<quantifier const *>(n)->get_kind() == forall_k; }
is_exists(ast const * n)915 inline bool is_exists(ast const * n)     { return is_quantifier(n) && static_cast<quantifier const *>(n)->get_kind() == exists_k; }
is_lambda(ast const * n)916 inline bool is_lambda(ast const * n)     { return is_quantifier(n) && static_cast<quantifier const *>(n)->get_kind() == lambda_k; }
918 // -----------------------------------
919 //
920 // AST coercions
921 //
922 // -----------------------------------
to_decl(ast * n)924 inline decl *       to_decl(ast * n)       { SASSERT(is_decl(n)); return static_cast<decl *>(n); }
to_sort(ast * n)925 inline sort *       to_sort(ast * n)       { SASSERT(is_sort(n)); return static_cast<sort *>(n); }
to_func_decl(ast * n)926 inline func_decl *  to_func_decl(ast * n)  { SASSERT(is_func_decl(n)); return static_cast<func_decl *>(n); }
to_expr(ast * n)927 inline expr *       to_expr(ast * n)       { SASSERT(is_expr(n)); return static_cast<expr *>(n); }
to_app(ast * n)928 inline app *        to_app(ast * n)        { SASSERT(is_app(n)); return static_cast<app *>(n); }
to_var(ast * n)929 inline var *        to_var(ast * n)        { SASSERT(is_var(n)); return static_cast<var *>(n); }
to_quantifier(ast * n)930 inline quantifier * to_quantifier(ast * n) { SASSERT(is_quantifier(n)); return static_cast<quantifier *>(n); }
to_decl(ast const * n)932 inline decl const *       to_decl(ast const * n)       { SASSERT(is_decl(n)); return static_cast<decl const *>(n); }
to_sort(ast const * n)933 inline sort const *       to_sort(ast const * n)       { SASSERT(is_sort(n)); return static_cast<sort const *>(n); }
to_func_decl(ast const * n)934 inline func_decl const *  to_func_decl(ast const * n)  { SASSERT(is_func_decl(n)); return static_cast<func_decl const *>(n); }
to_expr(ast const * n)935 inline expr const *       to_expr(ast const * n)       { SASSERT(is_expr(n)); return static_cast<expr const *>(n); }
to_app(ast const * n)936 inline app const *        to_app(ast const * n)        { SASSERT(is_app(n)); return static_cast<app const *>(n); }
to_var(ast const * n)937 inline var const *        to_var(ast const * n)        { SASSERT(is_var(n)); return static_cast<var const *>(n); }
to_quantifier(ast const * n)938 inline quantifier const * to_quantifier(ast const * n) { SASSERT(is_quantifier(n)); return static_cast<quantifier const *>(n); }
940 // -----------------------------------
941 //
942 // AST hash-consing
943 //
944 // -----------------------------------
946 unsigned get_node_hash(ast const * n);
947 bool compare_nodes(ast const * n1, ast const * n2);
948 unsigned get_node_size(ast const * n);
949 unsigned get_asts_hash(unsigned sz, ast * const* ns, unsigned init);
950 unsigned get_apps_hash(unsigned sz, app * const* ns, unsigned init);
951 unsigned get_exprs_hash(unsigned sz, expr * const* ns, unsigned init);
952 unsigned get_sorts_hash(unsigned sz, sort * const* ns, unsigned init);
953 unsigned get_decl_hash(unsigned sz, func_decl* const* ns, unsigned init);
955 // This is the internal comparison functor for hash-consing AST nodes.
956 struct ast_eq_proc {
operatorast_eq_proc957     bool operator()(ast const * n1, ast const * n2) const {
958         return n1->hash() == n2->hash() && compare_nodes(n1, n2);
959     }
960 };
962 class ast_translation;
964 class ast_table : public chashtable<ast*, obj_ptr_hash<ast>, ast_eq_proc> {
965 public:
966     void push_erase(ast * n);
967     ast* pop_erase();
968 };
970 // -----------------------------------
971 //
972 // decl_plugin
973 //
974 // -----------------------------------
976 /**
977    \brief Auxiliary data-structure used to initialize the parser symbol tables.
978 */
979 struct builtin_name {
980     decl_kind m_kind;
981     symbol    m_name;
builtin_namebuiltin_name982     builtin_name(char const * name, decl_kind k) : m_kind(k), m_name(name) {}
builtin_namebuiltin_name983     builtin_name(const std::string &name, decl_kind k) : m_kind(k), m_name(name) {}
984 };
986 /**
987    \brief Each family of interpreted function declarations and sorts must provide a plugin
988    to build sorts and decls of the family.
989 */
990 class decl_plugin {
991 protected:
992     ast_manager * m_manager;
993     family_id     m_family_id;
set_manager(ast_manager * m,family_id id)995     virtual void set_manager(ast_manager * m, family_id id) {
996         SASSERT(m_manager == nullptr);
997         m_manager   = m;
998         m_family_id = id;
999     }
inherit(decl_plugin * other_p,ast_translation &)1001     virtual void inherit(decl_plugin* other_p, ast_translation& ) { }
1003     /**
1004        \brief Checks whether a log is being generated and, if necessary, adds the beginning of an "[attach-meaning]" line
1005        to that log. The theory solver should add some description of the meaning of the term in terms of the theory's
1006        internal reasoning to the end of the line and insert a line break.
1008        \param a the term that should be described.
1010        \return true if a log is being generated, false otherwise.
1011     */
1012     bool log_constant_meaning_prelude(app * a);
1014     friend class ast_manager;
1016 public:
decl_plugin()1017     decl_plugin():m_manager(nullptr), m_family_id(null_family_id) {}
~decl_plugin()1019     virtual ~decl_plugin() {}
finalize()1020     virtual void finalize() {}
1023     virtual decl_plugin * mk_fresh() = 0;
get_family_id()1025     family_id get_family_id() const { return m_family_id; }
1027     virtual sort * mk_sort(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters) = 0;
1029     virtual func_decl * mk_func_decl(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters,
1030                                      unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range) = 0;
1032     virtual func_decl * mk_func_decl(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const* parameters,
1033                                      unsigned num_args, expr * const * args, sort * range);
1035     /**
1036        \brief Return true if the plugin can decide whether two
1037        interpreted constants are equal or not.
1039        For all a, b:
1040           If is_value(a) and is_value(b)
1041           Then,
1042                are_equal(a, b) != are_distinct(a, b)
1044        The may be much more expensive than checking a pointer.
1046        We need this because some plugin values are too expensive too canonize.
1047     */
is_value(app * a)1048     virtual bool is_value(app * a) const { return false; }
1050     /**
1051        \brief Return true if \c a is a unique plugin value.
1052        The following property should hold for unique theory values:
1054        For all a, b:
1055           If is_unique_value(a) and is_unique_value(b)
1056           Then,
1057               a == b (pointer equality)
1058               IFF
1059               the interpretations of these theory terms are equal.
1061        \remark This is a stronger version of is_value.
1062     */
is_unique_value(app * a)1063     virtual bool is_unique_value(app * a) const { return false; }
are_equal(app * a,app * b)1065     virtual bool are_equal(app * a, app * b) const { return a == b; }
are_distinct(app * a,app * b)1067     virtual bool are_distinct(app * a, app * b) const { return a != b && is_unique_value(a) && is_unique_value(b); }
1069     virtual void get_op_names(svector<builtin_name> & op_names, symbol const & logic = symbol()) {}
1071     virtual void get_sort_names(svector<builtin_name> & sort_names, symbol const & logic = symbol()) {}
get_some_value(sort * s)1073     virtual expr * get_some_value(sort * s) { return nullptr; }
1075     // Return true if the interpreted sort s does not depend on uninterpreted sorts.
1076     // This may be the case, for example, for array and datatype sorts.
is_fully_interp(sort * s)1077     virtual bool is_fully_interp(sort * s) const { return true; }
1079     // Event handlers for deleting/translating PARAM_EXTERNAL
del(parameter const & p)1080     virtual void del(parameter const & p) {}
translate(parameter const & p,decl_plugin & target)1081     virtual parameter translate(parameter const & p, decl_plugin & target) { UNREACHABLE(); return p; }
is_considered_uninterpreted(func_decl * f)1083     virtual bool is_considered_uninterpreted(func_decl * f) { return false; }
1084 };
1086 // -----------------------------------
1087 //
1088 // basic_decl_plugin (i.e., builtin plugin)
1089 //
1090 // -----------------------------------
1092 enum basic_sort_kind {
1093     BOOL_SORT,
1094     PROOF_SORT
1095 };
1097 enum basic_op_kind {
1110 };
1112 class basic_decl_plugin : public decl_plugin {
1113 protected:
1114     sort *      m_bool_sort;
1115     func_decl * m_true_decl;
1116     func_decl * m_false_decl;
1117     func_decl * m_and_decl;
1118     func_decl * m_or_decl;
1119     func_decl * m_xor_decl;
1120     func_decl * m_not_decl;
1121     func_decl * m_implies_decl;
1122     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_eq_decls;  // cached eqs
1123     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_ite_decls; // cached ites
1125     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_oeq_decls;  // cached observational eqs
1126     sort *      m_proof_sort;
1127     func_decl * m_undef_decl;
1128     func_decl * m_true_pr_decl;
1129     func_decl * m_asserted_decl;
1130     func_decl * m_goal_decl;
1131     func_decl * m_modus_ponens_decl;
1132     func_decl * m_reflexivity_decl;
1133     func_decl * m_symmetry_decl;
1134     func_decl * m_transitivity_decl;
1135     func_decl * m_quant_intro_decl;
1136     func_decl * m_and_elim_decl;
1137     func_decl * m_not_or_elim_decl;
1138     func_decl * m_rewrite_decl;
1139     func_decl * m_pull_quant_decl;
1140     func_decl * m_push_quant_decl;
1141     func_decl * m_elim_unused_vars_decl;
1142     func_decl * m_der_decl;
1143     func_decl * m_quant_inst_decl;
1144     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_monotonicity_decls;
1145     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_transitivity_star_decls;
1146     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_distributivity_decls;
1147     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_assoc_flat_decls;
1148     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_rewrite_star_decls;
1150     func_decl * m_hypothesis_decl;
1151     func_decl * m_iff_true_decl;
1152     func_decl * m_iff_false_decl;
1153     func_decl * m_commutativity_decl;
1154     func_decl * m_def_axiom_decl;
1155     func_decl * m_lemma_decl;
1156     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_unit_resolution_decls;
1158     func_decl * m_def_intro_decl;
1159     func_decl * m_iff_oeq_decl;
1160     func_decl * m_skolemize_decl;
1161     func_decl * m_mp_oeq_decl;
1162     func_decl * m_assumption_add_decl;
1163     func_decl * m_lemma_add_decl;
1164     func_decl * m_th_assumption_add_decl;
1165     func_decl * m_th_lemma_add_decl;
1166     func_decl * m_redundant_del_decl;
1167     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_apply_def_decls;
1168     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_nnf_pos_decls;
1169     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_nnf_neg_decls;
1171     ptr_vector<func_decl> m_th_lemma_decls;
1172     func_decl * m_hyper_res_decl0;
is_proof(decl_kind k)1174     static bool is_proof(decl_kind k) { return k > LAST_BASIC_OP; }
1175     bool check_proof_sorts(basic_op_kind k, unsigned arity, sort * const * domain) const;
1176     bool check_proof_args(basic_op_kind k, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args) const;
1177     func_decl * mk_bool_op_decl(char const * name, basic_op_kind k, unsigned num_args = 0,
1178                                 bool asooc = false, bool comm = false, bool idempotent = false, bool flat_associative = false, bool chainable = false);
1179     func_decl * mk_implies_decl();
1180     func_decl * mk_proof_decl(char const * name, basic_op_kind k, unsigned num_parents, bool inc_ref);
1181     func_decl * mk_proof_decl(char const * name, basic_op_kind k, unsigned num_parents, func_decl*& fn);
1182     func_decl * mk_proof_decl(char const * name, basic_op_kind k, unsigned num_parents, ptr_vector<func_decl> & cache);
1183     func_decl * mk_compressed_proof_decl(char const * name, basic_op_kind k, unsigned num_parents);
1184     func_decl * mk_proof_decl(basic_op_kind k, unsigned num_parents);
1185     func_decl * mk_proof_decl(basic_op_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const* params, unsigned num_parents);
1186     func_decl * mk_proof_decl(
1187         char const * name, basic_op_kind k,
1188         unsigned num_parameters, parameter const* params, unsigned num_parents);
1191     void set_manager(ast_manager * m, family_id id) override;
1192     func_decl * mk_eq_decl_core(char const * name, decl_kind k, sort * s, ptr_vector<func_decl> & cache);
1193     func_decl * mk_ite_decl(sort * s);
1194     sort* join(sort* s1, sort* s2);
1195     sort* join(unsigned n, sort*const* srts);
1196     sort* join(unsigned n, expr*const* es);
1197 public:
1198     basic_decl_plugin();
~basic_decl_plugin()1200     ~basic_decl_plugin() override {}
1201     void finalize() override;
mk_fresh()1203     decl_plugin * mk_fresh() override {
1204         return alloc(basic_decl_plugin);
1205     }
1207     sort * mk_sort(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const* parameters) override;
1209     func_decl * mk_func_decl(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters,
1210                              unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range) override;
1212     func_decl * mk_func_decl(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters,
1213                              unsigned num_args, expr * const * args, sort * range) override;
1215     void get_op_names(svector<builtin_name> & op_names, symbol const & logic) override;
1217     void get_sort_names(svector<builtin_name> & sort_names, symbol const & logic) override;
1219     bool is_value(app* a) const override;
1221     bool is_unique_value(app* a) const override;
mk_bool_sort()1223     sort * mk_bool_sort() const { return m_bool_sort; }
mk_proof_sort()1224     sort * mk_proof_sort() const { return m_proof_sort; }
1226     expr * get_some_value(sort * s) override;
1227 };
1229 typedef app proof; /* a proof is just an application */
1231 // -----------------------------------
1232 //
1233 // label_decl_plugin
1234 //
1235 // -----------------------------------
1237 enum label_op_kind {
1238     OP_LABEL,
1239     OP_LABEL_LIT
1240 };
1242 /**
1243    \brief Labels are identity functions used to mark sub-expressions.
1244 */
1245 class label_decl_plugin : public decl_plugin {
1246     symbol m_lblpos;
1247     symbol m_lblneg;
1248     symbol m_lbllit;
1250     void set_manager(ast_manager * m, family_id id) override;
1252 public:
1253     label_decl_plugin();
1254     ~label_decl_plugin() override;
mk_fresh()1256     decl_plugin * mk_fresh() override { return alloc(label_decl_plugin); }
1258     sort * mk_sort(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters) override;
1260     /**
1261        contract: when label
1262        parameter[0] (int):      0 - if the label is negative, 1 - if positive.
1263        parameter[1] (symbol):   label's tag.
1264        ...
1265        parameter[n-1] (symbol): label's tag.
1267        contract: when label literal (they are always positive)
1268        parameter[0] (symbol):   label's tag
1269        ...
1270        parameter[n-1] (symbol): label's tag.
1271     */
1272     func_decl * mk_func_decl(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters,
1273                              unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range) override;
1274 };
1276 // -----------------------------------
1277 //
1278 // pattern_decl_plugin
1279 //
1280 // -----------------------------------
1282 enum pattern_op_kind {
1283     OP_PATTERN
1284 };
1286 /**
1287    \brief Patterns are used to group expressions. These expressions are using during E-matching for
1288    heuristic quantifier instantiation.
1289 */
1290 class pattern_decl_plugin : public decl_plugin {
1291 public:
mk_fresh()1292     decl_plugin * mk_fresh() override { return alloc(pattern_decl_plugin); }
1294     sort * mk_sort(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters) override;
1296     func_decl * mk_func_decl(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters,
1297                              unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range) override;
1298 };
1300 // -----------------------------------
1301 //
1302 // model_value_plugin
1303 //
1304 // -----------------------------------
1306 enum model_value_op_kind {
1308 };
1310 /**
1311    \brief Values are used during model construction. All values are
1312    assumed to be different.  Users should not use them, since they may
1313    introduce unsoundness if the sort of a value is finite.
1315    Moreover, values should never be internalized in a logical context.
1317    However, values can be used during evaluation (i.e., simplification).
1319    \remark Model values can be viewed as the partition ids in Z3 1.x.
1320 */
1321 class model_value_decl_plugin : public decl_plugin {
1322 public:
model_value_decl_plugin()1323     model_value_decl_plugin() {}
mk_fresh()1325     decl_plugin * mk_fresh() override { return alloc(model_value_decl_plugin); }
1327     sort * mk_sort(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters) override;
1329     /**
1330        contract:
1331        parameter[0]: (integer) value idx
1332        parameter[1]: (ast)     sort of the value.
1333     */
1334     func_decl * mk_func_decl(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters,
1335                              unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range) override;
1337     bool is_value(app* n) const override;
1339     bool is_unique_value(app* a) const override;
1340 };
1342 // -----------------------------------
1343 //
1344 // user_sort_plugin for supporting user declared sorts in SMT2
1345 //
1346 // -----------------------------------
1348 class user_sort_plugin : public decl_plugin {
1349     svector<symbol> m_sort_names;
1350     dictionary<int> m_name2decl_kind;
1351 public:
user_sort_plugin()1352     user_sort_plugin() {}
1354     sort * mk_sort(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters) override;
1355     func_decl * mk_func_decl(decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters,
1356                              unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range) override;
1357     decl_kind register_name(symbol s);
1358     decl_plugin * mk_fresh() override;
1359 };
1362 // -----------------------------------
1363 //
1364 // Auxiliary functions
1365 //
1366 // -----------------------------------
1368 // Return true if n is an application of d.
is_app_of(expr const * n,func_decl const * d)1369 inline bool is_app_of(expr const * n, func_decl const * d) { return n->get_kind() == AST_APP && to_app(n)->get_decl() == d; }
is_app_of(expr const * n,family_id fid,decl_kind k)1370 inline bool is_app_of(expr const * n, family_id fid, decl_kind k) { return n->get_kind() == AST_APP && to_app(n)->is_app_of(fid, k); }
is_sort_of(sort const * s,family_id fid,decl_kind k)1371 inline bool is_sort_of(sort const * s, family_id fid, decl_kind k) { return s->is_sort_of(fid, k); }
is_uninterp_const(expr const * n)1372 inline bool is_uninterp_const(expr const * n) { return n->get_kind() == AST_APP && to_app(n)->get_num_args() == 0 && to_app(n)->get_family_id() == null_family_id; }
is_uninterp(expr const * n)1373 inline bool is_uninterp(expr const * n) { return n->get_kind() == AST_APP && to_app(n)->get_family_id() == null_family_id; }
is_decl_of(func_decl const * d,family_id fid,decl_kind k)1374 inline bool is_decl_of(func_decl const * d, family_id fid, decl_kind k) { return d->get_family_id() == fid && d->get_decl_kind() == k; }
is_ground(expr const * n)1375 inline bool is_ground(expr const * n) { return is_app(n) && to_app(n)->is_ground(); }
is_non_ground(expr const * n)1376 inline bool is_non_ground(expr const * n) { return ( ! is_ground(n)); }
get_depth(expr const * n)1378 inline unsigned get_depth(expr const * n) {
1379     if (is_app(n)) return to_app(n)->get_depth();
1380     else if (is_quantifier(n)) return to_quantifier(n)->get_depth();
1381     else return 1;
1382 }
has_quantifiers(expr const * n)1384 inline bool has_quantifiers(expr const * n) {
1385     return is_app(n) ? to_app(n)->has_quantifiers() : is_quantifier(n);
1386 }
has_labels(expr const * n)1388 inline bool has_labels(expr const * n) {
1389     if (is_app(n)) return to_app(n)->has_labels();
1390     else if (is_quantifier(n)) return to_quantifier(n)->has_labels();
1391     else return false;
1392 }
1394 sort * get_sort(expr const * n);
1396 class basic_recognizers {
1397     family_id m_fid;
1398 public:
basic_recognizers(family_id fid)1399     basic_recognizers(family_id fid):m_fid(fid) {}
is_bool(sort const * s)1400     bool is_bool(sort const * s) const { return is_sort_of(s, m_fid, BOOL_SORT); }
is_bool(expr const * n)1401     bool is_bool(expr const * n) const { return is_bool(get_sort(n)); }
is_or(expr const * n)1402     bool is_or(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_OR); }
is_implies(expr const * n)1403     bool is_implies(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_IMPLIES); }
is_and(expr const * n)1404     bool is_and(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_AND); }
is_not(expr const * n)1405     bool is_not(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_NOT); }
is_eq(expr const * n)1406     bool is_eq(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_EQ); }
is_iff(expr const * n)1407     bool is_iff(expr const* n) const { return is_eq(n) && is_bool(to_app(n)->get_arg(0)); }
is_oeq(expr const * n)1408     bool is_oeq(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_OEQ); }
is_distinct(expr const * n)1409     bool is_distinct(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_DISTINCT); }
is_xor(expr const * n)1410     bool is_xor(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_XOR); }
is_ite(expr const * n)1411     bool is_ite(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_ITE); }
is_term_ite(expr const * n)1412     bool is_term_ite(expr const * n) const { return is_ite(n) && !is_bool(n); }
is_true(expr const * n)1413     bool is_true(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_TRUE); }
is_false(expr const * n)1414     bool is_false(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_fid, OP_FALSE); }
is_complement_core(expr const * n1,expr const * n2)1415     bool is_complement_core(expr const * n1, expr const * n2) const {
1416         return (is_true(n1) && is_false(n2)) || (is_not(n1) && to_app(n1)->get_arg(0) == n2);
1417     }
is_complement(expr const * n1,expr const * n2)1418     bool is_complement(expr const * n1, expr const * n2) const { return is_complement_core(n1, n2) || is_complement_core(n2, n1); }
is_or(func_decl const * d)1419     bool is_or(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_fid, OP_OR); }
is_implies(func_decl const * d)1420     bool is_implies(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_fid, OP_IMPLIES); }
is_and(func_decl const * d)1421     bool is_and(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_fid, OP_AND); }
is_not(func_decl const * d)1422     bool is_not(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_fid, OP_NOT); }
is_eq(func_decl const * d)1423     bool is_eq(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_fid, OP_EQ); }
is_xor(func_decl const * d)1424     bool is_xor(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_fid, OP_XOR); }
is_ite(func_decl const * d)1425     bool is_ite(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_fid, OP_ITE); }
is_term_ite(func_decl const * d)1426     bool is_term_ite(func_decl const * d) const { return is_ite(d) && !is_bool(d->get_range()); }
is_distinct(func_decl const * d)1427     bool is_distinct(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_fid, OP_DISTINCT); }
1429     MATCH_UNARY(is_not);
1430     MATCH_BINARY(is_eq);
1431     MATCH_BINARY(is_implies);
1432     MATCH_BINARY(is_and);
1433     MATCH_BINARY(is_or);
1434     MATCH_BINARY(is_xor);
1435     MATCH_TERNARY(is_and);
1436     MATCH_TERNARY(is_or);
is_iff(expr const * n,expr * & lhs,expr * & rhs)1437     bool is_iff(expr const* n, expr*& lhs, expr*& rhs) const { return is_eq(n, lhs, rhs) && is_bool(lhs); }
1439     bool is_ite(expr const * n, expr * & t1, expr * & t2, expr * & t3) const;
1440 };
1442 // -----------------------------------
1443 //
1444 // Get Some Value functor
1445 //
1446 // Functor for returning some value
1447 // of the given sort.
1448 //
1449 // -----------------------------------
1450 class some_value_proc {
1451 public:
1452     virtual expr * operator()(sort * s) = 0;
1453 };
1455 // -----------------------------------
1456 //
1457 // Proof generation mode
1458 //
1459 // -----------------------------------
1461 enum proof_gen_mode {
1462     PGM_DISABLED,
1463     PGM_ENABLED
1464 };
1466 // -----------------------------------
1467 //
1468 // ast_manager
1469 //
1470 // -----------------------------------
1472 class ast_manager {
1473     friend class basic_decl_plugin;
1474 protected:
1475     struct config {
1476         typedef ast_manager              value_manager;
1477         typedef small_object_allocator   allocator;
1478         static const bool ref_count        = true;
1479     };
1481     struct array_config : public config {
1482         static const bool preserve_roots   = true;
1483         static const unsigned max_trail_sz = 16;
1484         static const unsigned factor       = 2;
1485     };
1487     struct expr_array_config : public array_config {
1488         typedef expr *                   value;
1489     };
1491     typedef parray_manager<expr_array_config> expr_array_manager;
1493     struct expr_dependency_config : public config {
1494         typedef expr *                   value;
1495     };
1497     typedef dependency_manager<expr_dependency_config> expr_dependency_manager;
1499 public:
1500     typedef expr_array_manager::ref expr_array;
1501     typedef expr_dependency_manager::dependency expr_dependency;
1503 protected:
1504     struct expr_dependency_array_config : public array_config {
1505         typedef expr_dependency *        value;
1506     };
1508     typedef parray_manager<expr_dependency_array_config> expr_dependency_array_manager;
1510 public:
1511     typedef expr_dependency_array_manager::ref expr_dependency_array;
1513     void show_id_gen();
1515     void update_fresh_id(ast_manager const& other);
mk_fresh_id()1517     unsigned mk_fresh_id() { return ++m_fresh_id; }
1519 protected:
1520     reslimit                  m_limit;
1521     small_object_allocator    m_alloc;
1522     family_manager            m_family_manager;
1523     expr_array_manager        m_expr_array_manager;
1524     expr_dependency_manager   m_expr_dependency_manager;
1525     expr_dependency_array_manager m_expr_dependency_array_manager;
1526     ptr_vector<decl_plugin>   m_plugins;
1527     proof_gen_mode            m_proof_mode;
1528     bool                      m_int_real_coercions; // If true, use hack that automatically introduces to_int/to_real when needed.
1529     family_id                 m_basic_family_id;
1530     family_id                 m_label_family_id;
1531     family_id                 m_pattern_family_id;
1532     family_id                 m_model_value_family_id;
1533     family_id                 m_user_sort_family_id;
1534     family_id                 m_arith_family_id;
1535     ast_table                 m_ast_table;
1536     obj_map<func_decl, quantifier*> m_lambda_defs;
1537     id_gen                    m_expr_id_gen;
1538     id_gen                    m_decl_id_gen;
1539     sort *                    m_bool_sort;
1540     sort *                    m_proof_sort;
1541     app *                     m_true;
1542     app *                     m_false;
1543     proof *                   m_undef_proof;
1544     unsigned                  m_fresh_id;
1545     bool                      m_debug_ref_count;
1546     u_map<unsigned>           m_debug_free_indices;
1547     std::fstream*             m_trace_stream;
1548     bool                      m_trace_stream_owner;
1549 #ifdef Z3DEBUG
1550     bool slow_not_contains(ast const * n);
1551 #endif
1552     ast_manager *             m_format_manager; // hack for isolating format objects in a different manager.
1553     symbol                    m_lambda_def;
1555     void init();
1557     bool coercion_needed(func_decl * decl, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args);
1559     void check_args(func_decl* f, unsigned n, expr* const* es);
1562 public:
1563     ast_manager(proof_gen_mode = PGM_DISABLED, char const * trace_file = nullptr, bool is_format_manager = false);
1564     ast_manager(proof_gen_mode, std::fstream * trace_stream, bool is_format_manager = false);
1565     ast_manager(ast_manager const & src, bool disable_proofs = false);
1566     ~ast_manager();
1568     // propagate cancellation signal to decl_plugins
has_trace_stream()1570     bool has_trace_stream() const { return m_trace_stream != nullptr; }
trace_stream()1571     std::ostream & trace_stream() { SASSERT(has_trace_stream()); return *m_trace_stream; }
1572     struct suspend_trace {
1573         ast_manager& m;
1574         std::fstream* m_tr;
suspend_tracesuspend_trace1575         suspend_trace(ast_manager& m): m(m), m_tr(m.m_trace_stream) { m.m_trace_stream = nullptr; }
~suspend_tracesuspend_trace1576         ~suspend_trace() { m.m_trace_stream = m_tr; }
1577     };
enable_int_real_coercions(bool f)1579     void enable_int_real_coercions(bool f) { m_int_real_coercions = f; }
int_real_coercions()1580     bool int_real_coercions() const { return m_int_real_coercions; }
1582     // Return true if s1 and s2 are equal, or coercions are enabled, and s1 and s2 are compatible.
1583     bool compatible_sorts(sort * s1, sort * s2) const;
1584     expr* coerce_to(expr* e, sort* s);
1586     // For debugging purposes
display_free_ids(std::ostream & out)1587     void display_free_ids(std::ostream & out) { m_expr_id_gen.display_free_ids(out); out << "\n"; m_decl_id_gen.display_free_ids(out); }
1589     void compact_memory();
1591     void compress_ids();
1593     // Equivalent to throw ast_exception(msg)
1594     Z3_NORETURN void raise_exception(char const * msg);
1595     Z3_NORETURN void raise_exception(std::string && s);
1597     std::ostream& display(std::ostream& out, parameter const& p);
is_format_manager()1599     bool is_format_manager() const { return m_format_manager == nullptr; }
get_format_manager()1601     ast_manager & get_format_manager() { return is_format_manager() ? *this : *m_format_manager; }
1603     void copy_families_plugins(ast_manager const & from);
get_allocator()1605     small_object_allocator & get_allocator() { return m_alloc; }
mk_family_id(symbol const & s)1607     family_id mk_family_id(symbol const & s) { return m_family_manager.mk_family_id(s); }
mk_family_id(char const * s)1608     family_id mk_family_id(char const * s) { return mk_family_id(symbol(s)); }
get_family_id(symbol const & s)1610     family_id get_family_id(symbol const & s) const { return m_family_manager.get_family_id(s); }
get_family_id(char const * s)1611     family_id get_family_id(char const * s) const { return get_family_id(symbol(s)); }
get_family_name(family_id fid)1613     symbol const & get_family_name(family_id fid) const { return m_family_manager.get_name(fid); }
is_builtin_family_id(family_id fid)1615     bool is_builtin_family_id(family_id fid) const {
1616         return
1617             fid == null_family_id ||
1618             fid == m_basic_family_id ||
1619             fid == m_label_family_id ||
1620             fid == m_pattern_family_id ||
1621             fid == m_model_value_family_id ||
1622             fid == m_user_sort_family_id;
1623     }
limit()1625     reslimit& limit() { return m_limit; }
1626     // bool canceled() { return !limit().inc(); }
inc()1627     bool inc() { return limit().inc(); }
1629     void register_plugin(symbol const & s, decl_plugin * plugin);
1631     void register_plugin(family_id id, decl_plugin * plugin);
1633     decl_plugin * get_plugin(family_id fid) const;
has_plugin(family_id fid)1635     bool has_plugin(family_id fid) const { return get_plugin(fid) != nullptr; }
has_plugin(symbol const & s)1637     bool has_plugin(symbol const & s) const { return m_family_manager.has_family(s) && has_plugin(m_family_manager.get_family_id(s)); }
get_dom(svector<symbol> & dom)1639     void get_dom(svector<symbol> & dom) const { m_family_manager.get_dom(dom); }
get_range(svector<family_id> & range)1641     void get_range(svector<family_id> & range) const { m_family_manager.get_range(range); }
get_basic_family_id()1643     family_id get_basic_family_id() const { return m_basic_family_id; }
get_basic_decl_plugin()1645     basic_decl_plugin * get_basic_decl_plugin() const { return static_cast<basic_decl_plugin*>(get_plugin(m_basic_family_id)); }
get_user_sort_family_id()1647     family_id get_user_sort_family_id() const { return m_user_sort_family_id; }
get_user_sort_plugin()1649     user_sort_plugin * get_user_sort_plugin() const { return static_cast<user_sort_plugin*>(get_plugin(m_user_sort_family_id)); }
1651     /**
1652        \brief Debugging support method: set the next expression identifier to be the least value id' s.t.
1653               - id' >= id
1654               - id' is not used by any AST in m_table
1655               - id' is not in the expression m_free_ids
1657         This method should be only used to create small repros that exposes bugs in Z3.
1658     */
1659     void set_next_expr_id(unsigned id);
1661     bool is_value(expr * e) const;
1663     bool is_unique_value(expr * e) const;
1665     bool are_equal(expr * a, expr * b) const;
1667     bool are_distinct(expr * a, expr * b) const;
contains(ast * a)1669     bool contains(ast * a) const { return m_ast_table.contains(a); }
is_lambda_def(quantifier * q)1671     bool is_lambda_def(quantifier* q) const { return q->get_qid() == m_lambda_def; }
1672     void add_lambda_def(func_decl* f, quantifier* q);
1673     quantifier* is_lambda_def(func_decl* f);
lambda_def_qid()1676     symbol const& lambda_def_qid() const { return m_lambda_def; }
get_num_asts()1678     unsigned get_num_asts() const { return m_ast_table.size(); }
debug_ref_count()1680     void debug_ref_count() { m_debug_ref_count = true; }
inc_ref(ast * n)1682     void inc_ref(ast* n) {
1683         if (n)
1684             n->inc_ref();
1685     }
dec_ref(ast * n)1687     void dec_ref(ast* n) {
1688         if (n) {
1689             n->dec_ref();
1690             if (n->get_ref_count() == 0)
1691                 delete_node(n);
1692         }
1693     }
1695     template<typename T>
inc_array_ref(unsigned sz,T * const * a)1696     void inc_array_ref(unsigned sz, T * const * a) {
1697         for(unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
1698             inc_ref(a[i]);
1699         }
1700     }
1702     template<typename T>
dec_array_ref(unsigned sz,T * const * a)1703     void dec_array_ref(unsigned sz, T * const * a) {
1704         for(unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
1705             dec_ref(a[i]);
1706         }
1707     }
1709     static unsigned get_node_size(ast const * n);
get_allocation_size()1711     size_t get_allocation_size() const {
1712         return m_alloc.get_allocation_size();
1713     }
1715     std::ostream& display(std::ostream& out) const;
1717 protected:
1718     ast * register_node_core(ast * n);
1720     template<typename T>
register_node(T * n)1721     T * register_node(T * n) {
1722         return static_cast<T *>(register_node_core(n));
1723     }
1725     void delete_node(ast * n);
allocate_node(unsigned size)1727     void * allocate_node(unsigned size) {
1728         return m_alloc.allocate(size);
1729     }
deallocate_node(ast * n,unsigned sz)1731     void deallocate_node(ast * n, unsigned sz) {
1732         m_alloc.deallocate(sz, n);
1733     }
1735 public:
get_sort(expr const * n)1736     sort * get_sort(expr const * n) const { return ::get_sort(n); }
1737     void check_sort(func_decl const * decl, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args) const;
1738     void check_sorts_core(ast const * n) const;
1739     bool check_sorts(ast const * n) const;
1741     bool is_bool(expr const * n) const;
is_bool(sort const * s)1742     bool is_bool(sort const * s) const { return s == m_bool_sort; }
get_eq_op(expr const * n)1743     decl_kind get_eq_op(expr const * n) const { return OP_EQ; }
1745 private:
1746     sort * mk_sort(symbol const & name, sort_info * info);
1748 public:
1749     sort * mk_uninterpreted_sort(symbol const & name, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters);
mk_uninterpreted_sort(symbol const & name)1751     sort * mk_uninterpreted_sort(symbol const & name) { return mk_uninterpreted_sort(name, 0, nullptr); }
mk_sort(symbol const & name,sort_info const & info)1753     sort * mk_sort(symbol const & name, sort_info const & info) {
1754         if (info.get_family_id() == null_family_id) {
1755             return mk_uninterpreted_sort(name);
1756         }
1757         else {
1758             return mk_sort(name, &const_cast<sort_info &>(info));
1759         }
1760     }
1762     sort * mk_sort(family_id fid, decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters = 0, parameter const * parameters = nullptr);
1764     sort * substitute(sort* s, unsigned n, sort * const * src, sort * const * dst);
mk_bool_sort()1766     sort * mk_bool_sort() const { return m_bool_sort; }
mk_proof_sort()1768     sort * mk_proof_sort() const { return m_proof_sort; }
1770     sort * mk_fresh_sort(char const * prefix = "");
is_uninterp(sort const * s)1772     bool is_uninterp(sort const * s) const { return s->get_family_id() == null_family_id || s->get_family_id() == m_user_sort_family_id; }
1774     /**
1775        \brief A sort is "fully" interpreted if it is interpreted,
1776        and doesn't depend on other uninterpreted sorts.
1777     */
1778     bool is_fully_interp(sort * s) const;
1780     func_decl * mk_func_decl(family_id fid, decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters,
1781                              unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range = nullptr);
1783     func_decl * mk_func_decl(family_id fid, decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters, parameter const * parameters,
1784                              unsigned num_args, expr * const * args, sort * range = nullptr);
1786     app * mk_app(family_id fid, decl_kind k, unsigned num_parameters = 0, parameter const * parameters = nullptr,
1787                  unsigned num_args = 0, expr * const * args = nullptr, sort * range = nullptr);
1789     app * mk_app(family_id fid, decl_kind k, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args);
1791     app * mk_app(family_id fid, decl_kind k, expr * arg);
1793     app * mk_app(family_id fid, decl_kind k, expr * arg1, expr * arg2);
1795     app * mk_app(family_id fid, decl_kind k, expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr * arg3);
mk_const(family_id fid,decl_kind k)1797     app * mk_const(family_id fid, decl_kind k) { return mk_app(fid, k, 0, static_cast<expr * const *>(nullptr)); }
1798 private:
1799     func_decl * mk_func_decl(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range,
1800                              func_decl_info * info);
1802     app * mk_app_core(func_decl * decl, expr * arg1, expr * arg2);
1804     app * mk_app_core(func_decl * decl, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args);
1806 public:
mk_func_decl(symbol const & name,unsigned arity,sort * const * domain,sort * range)1807     func_decl * mk_func_decl(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range) {
1808         return mk_func_decl(name, arity, domain, range, static_cast<func_decl_info *>(nullptr));
1809     }
mk_func_decl(symbol const & name,unsigned arity,sort * const * domain,sort * range,func_decl_info const & info)1811     func_decl * mk_func_decl(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range,
1812                              func_decl_info const & info) {
1813         if (info.is_null()) {
1814             return mk_func_decl(name, arity, domain, range, static_cast<func_decl_info *>(nullptr));
1815         }
1816         else {
1817             return mk_func_decl(name, arity, domain, range, & const_cast<func_decl_info&>(info));
1818         }
1819     }
mk_func_decl(unsigned arity,sort * const * domain,func_decl_info const & info)1821     func_decl * mk_func_decl(unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, func_decl_info const & info) {
1822         return mk_func_decl(info.get_family_id(), info.get_decl_kind(), info.get_num_parameters(), info.get_parameters(),
1823                             arity, domain);
1824     }
mk_skolem_const_decl(symbol const & name,sort * s)1826     func_decl * mk_skolem_const_decl(symbol const& name, sort* s) {
1827         func_decl_info info;
1828         info.set_skolem(true);
1829         return mk_func_decl(name, static_cast<unsigned>(0), nullptr, s, info);
1830     }
mk_const_decl(const char * name,sort * s)1832     func_decl * mk_const_decl(const char* name, sort * s) {
1833         return mk_func_decl(symbol(name), static_cast<unsigned>(0), nullptr, s);
1834     }
mk_const_decl(std::string const & name,sort * s)1836     func_decl * mk_const_decl(std::string const& name, sort * s) {
1837         return mk_func_decl(symbol(name.c_str()), static_cast<unsigned>(0), nullptr, s);
1838     }
mk_const_decl(symbol const & name,sort * s)1840     func_decl * mk_const_decl(symbol const & name, sort * s) {
1841         return mk_func_decl(name, static_cast<unsigned>(0), nullptr, s);
1842     }
mk_const_decl(symbol const & name,sort * s,func_decl_info const & info)1844     func_decl * mk_const_decl(symbol const & name, sort * s, func_decl_info const & info) {
1845         return mk_func_decl(name, static_cast<unsigned>(0), nullptr, s, info);
1846     }
mk_func_decl(symbol const & name,sort * domain,sort * range,func_decl_info const & info)1848     func_decl * mk_func_decl(symbol const & name, sort * domain, sort * range, func_decl_info const & info) {
1849         return mk_func_decl(name, 1, &domain, range, info);
1850     }
mk_func_decl(symbol const & name,sort * domain,sort * range)1852     func_decl * mk_func_decl(symbol const & name, sort * domain, sort * range) {
1853         return mk_func_decl(name, 1, &domain, range);
1854     }
mk_func_decl(symbol const & name,sort * domain1,sort * domain2,sort * range,func_decl_info const & info)1856     func_decl * mk_func_decl(symbol const & name, sort * domain1, sort * domain2, sort * range, func_decl_info const & info) {
1857         sort * d[2] = { domain1, domain2 };
1858         return mk_func_decl(name, 2, d, range, info);
1859     }
mk_func_decl(symbol const & name,sort * domain1,sort * domain2,sort * range)1861     func_decl * mk_func_decl(symbol const & name, sort * domain1, sort * domain2, sort * range) {
1862         sort * d[2] = { domain1, domain2 };
1863         return mk_func_decl(name, 2, d, range);
1864     }
1866     func_decl * mk_func_decl(symbol const & name, unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range,
1867                              bool assoc, bool comm = false, bool inj = false);
1869     func_decl * mk_func_decl(symbol const & name, sort * domain1, sort * domain2, sort * range, bool assoc, bool comm = false) {
1870         sort * d[2] = { domain1, domain2 };
1871         return mk_func_decl(name, 2, d, range, assoc, comm, false);
1872     }
is_considered_uninterpreted(func_decl * f)1874     bool is_considered_uninterpreted(func_decl* f) {
1875         if (f->get_family_id() == null_family_id) {
1876             return true;
1877         }
1878         decl_plugin* p = get_plugin(f->get_family_id());
1879         return !p || p->is_considered_uninterpreted(f);
1880     }
1882     app * mk_app(func_decl * decl, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args);
mk_app(func_decl * decl,ref_vector<expr,ast_manager> const & args)1884     app* mk_app(func_decl* decl, ref_vector<expr, ast_manager> const& args) {
1885         return mk_app(decl, args.size(), args.c_ptr());
1886     }
mk_app(func_decl * decl,ref_buffer<expr,ast_manager> const & args)1888     app* mk_app(func_decl* decl, ref_buffer<expr, ast_manager> const& args) {
1889         return mk_app(decl, args.size(), args.c_ptr());
1890     }
mk_app(func_decl * decl,ref_vector<app,ast_manager> const & args)1892     app* mk_app(func_decl* decl, ref_vector<app, ast_manager> const& args) {
1893         return mk_app(decl, args.size(), (expr*const*)args.c_ptr());
1894     }
mk_app(func_decl * decl,ptr_vector<expr> const & args)1896     app * mk_app(func_decl * decl, ptr_vector<expr> const& args) {
1897         return mk_app(decl, args.size(), args.c_ptr());
1898     }
mk_app(func_decl * decl,ptr_buffer<expr> const & args)1900     app * mk_app(func_decl * decl, ptr_buffer<expr> const& args) {
1901         return mk_app(decl, args.size(), args.c_ptr());
1902     }
mk_app(func_decl * decl,ptr_vector<app> const & args)1904     app * mk_app(func_decl * decl, ptr_vector<app> const& args) {
1905         return mk_app(decl, args.size(), (expr*const*)args.c_ptr());
1906     }
mk_app(func_decl * decl,expr * const * args)1908     app * mk_app(func_decl * decl, expr * const * args) {
1909         return mk_app(decl, decl->get_arity(), args);
1910     }
mk_app(func_decl * decl,expr * arg)1912     app * mk_app(func_decl * decl, expr * arg) {
1913         SASSERT(decl->get_arity() == 1);
1914         return mk_app(decl, 1, &arg);
1915     }
mk_app(func_decl * decl,expr * arg1,expr * arg2)1917     app * mk_app(func_decl * decl, expr * arg1, expr * arg2) {
1918         SASSERT(decl->get_arity() == 2);
1919         expr * args[2] = { arg1, arg2 };
1920         return mk_app(decl, 2, args);
1921     }
mk_app(func_decl * decl,expr * arg1,expr * arg2,expr * arg3)1923     app * mk_app(func_decl * decl, expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr * arg3) {
1924         SASSERT(decl->get_arity() == 3);
1925         expr * args[3] = { arg1, arg2, arg3 };
1926         return mk_app(decl, 3, args);
1927     }
mk_const(func_decl * decl)1929     app * mk_const(func_decl * decl) {
1930         SASSERT(decl->get_arity() == 0);
1931         return mk_app(decl, static_cast<unsigned>(0), static_cast<expr**>(nullptr));
1932     }
mk_skolem_const(symbol const & name,sort * s)1934     app * mk_skolem_const(symbol const & name, sort * s) {
1935         return mk_const(mk_skolem_const_decl(name, s));
1936     }
mk_const(symbol const & name,sort * s)1938     app * mk_const(symbol const & name, sort * s) {
1939         return mk_const(mk_const_decl(name, s));
1940     }
mk_const(std::string const & name,sort * s)1942     app * mk_const(std::string const & name, sort * s) {
1943         return mk_const(mk_const_decl(name, s));
1944     }
mk_const(char const * name,sort * s)1946     app * mk_const(char const* name, sort * s) {
1947         return mk_const(mk_const_decl(name, s));
1948     }
1950     func_decl * mk_fresh_func_decl(symbol const & prefix, symbol const & suffix, unsigned arity,
1951                                    sort * const * domain, sort * range, bool skolem = true);
1953     func_decl * mk_fresh_func_decl(unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range, bool skolem = true) {
1954         return mk_fresh_func_decl(symbol::null, symbol::null, arity, domain, range, skolem);
1955     }
1957     func_decl * mk_fresh_func_decl(char const * prefix, char const * suffix, unsigned arity,
1958                                    sort * const * domain, sort * range, bool skolem = true) {
1959         return mk_fresh_func_decl(symbol(prefix), symbol(suffix), arity, domain, range, skolem);
1960     }
1962     func_decl * mk_fresh_func_decl(char const * prefix, unsigned arity, sort * const * domain, sort * range, bool skolem = true) {
1963         return mk_fresh_func_decl(symbol(prefix), symbol::null, arity, domain, range, skolem);
1964     }
1966     app * mk_fresh_const(char const * prefix, sort * s, bool skolem = true) {
1967         return mk_const(mk_fresh_func_decl(prefix, 0, nullptr, s, skolem));
1968     }
1970     app * mk_fresh_const(std::string const& prefix, sort * s, bool skolem = true) {
1971         return mk_fresh_const(prefix.c_str(), s, skolem);
1972     }
1974     app * mk_fresh_const(symbol const& prefix, sort * s, bool skolem = true) {
1975         auto str = prefix.str();
1976         return mk_fresh_const(str.c_str(), s, skolem);
1977     }
1979     symbol mk_fresh_var_name(char const * prefix = nullptr);
1981     var * mk_var(unsigned idx, sort * ty);
1983     app * mk_label(bool pos, unsigned num_names, symbol const * names, expr * n);
1985     app * mk_label(bool pos, symbol const & name, expr * n);
1987     bool is_label(expr const * n, bool & pos, buffer<symbol> & names) const;
is_label(expr const * n,bool & pos,buffer<symbol> & names,expr * & l)1989     bool is_label(expr const * n, bool & pos, buffer<symbol> & names, expr*& l) const {
1990         return is_label(n, pos, names)?(l = to_app(n)->get_arg(0), true):false;
1991     }
is_label(expr const * n)1993     bool is_label(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_label_family_id, OP_LABEL); }
is_label(expr const * n,expr * & l)1995     bool is_label(expr const * n, expr*& l) const {
1996         return is_label(n)?(l = to_app(n)->get_arg(0), true):false;
1997     }
is_label(expr const * n,bool & pos)1999     bool is_label(expr const * n, bool& pos) const {
2000         if (is_app_of(n, m_label_family_id, OP_LABEL)) {
2001             pos  = to_app(n)->get_decl()->get_parameter(0).get_int() != 0;
2002             return true;
2003         }
2004         else {
2005             return false;
2006         }
2007     }
2009     app * mk_label_lit(unsigned num_names, symbol const * names);
2011     app * mk_label_lit(symbol const & name);
2013     bool is_label_lit(expr const * n, buffer<symbol> & names) const;
is_label_lit(expr const * n)2015     bool is_label_lit(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_label_family_id, OP_LABEL_LIT); }
get_label_family_id()2017     family_id get_label_family_id() const { return m_label_family_id; }
2019     app * mk_pattern(unsigned num_exprs, app * const * exprs);
mk_pattern(app * expr)2021     app * mk_pattern(app * expr) { return mk_pattern(1, &expr); }
2023     bool is_pattern(expr const * n) const;
2025     bool is_pattern(expr const *n, ptr_vector<expr> &args);
2027 public:
2029     quantifier * mk_quantifier(quantifier_kind k, unsigned num_decls, sort * const * decl_sorts, symbol const * decl_names, expr * body,
2030                                int weight = 0, symbol const & qid = symbol::null, symbol const & skid = symbol::null,
2031                                unsigned num_patterns = 0, expr * const * patterns = nullptr,
2032                                unsigned num_no_patterns = 0, expr * const * no_patterns = nullptr);
2034     quantifier * mk_forall(unsigned num_decls, sort * const * decl_sorts, symbol const * decl_names, expr * body,
2035                            int weight = 0, symbol const & qid = symbol::null, symbol const & skid = symbol::null,
2036                            unsigned num_patterns = 0, expr * const * patterns = nullptr,
2037                            unsigned num_no_patterns = 0, expr * const * no_patterns = nullptr) {
2038         return mk_quantifier(forall_k, num_decls, decl_sorts, decl_names, body, weight, qid, skid, num_patterns, patterns,
2039                              num_no_patterns, no_patterns);
2040     }
2042     quantifier * mk_exists(unsigned num_decls, sort * const * decl_sorts, symbol const * decl_names, expr * body,
2043                            int weight = 0, symbol const & qid = symbol::null, symbol const & skid = symbol::null,
2044                            unsigned num_patterns = 0, expr * const * patterns = nullptr,
2045                            unsigned num_no_patterns = 0, expr * const * no_patterns = nullptr) {
2046         return mk_quantifier(exists_k, num_decls, decl_sorts, decl_names, body, weight, qid, skid, num_patterns, patterns,
2047                              num_no_patterns, no_patterns);
2048     }
2050     quantifier * mk_lambda(unsigned num_decls, sort * const * decl_sorts, symbol const * decl_names, expr * body);
2052     quantifier * update_quantifier(quantifier * q, unsigned new_num_patterns, expr * const * new_patterns, expr * new_body);
2054     quantifier * update_quantifier(quantifier * q, unsigned new_num_patterns, expr * const * new_patterns, unsigned new_num_no_patterns, expr * const * new_no_patterns, expr * new_body);
2056     quantifier * update_quantifier(quantifier * q, expr * new_body);
2058     quantifier * update_quantifier_weight(quantifier * q, int new_weight);
2060     quantifier * update_quantifier(quantifier * q, quantifier_kind new_kind, expr * new_body);
2062     quantifier * update_quantifier(quantifier * q, quantifier_kind new_kind, unsigned new_num_patterns, expr * const * new_patterns, expr * new_body);
2064 // -----------------------------------
2065 //
2066 // expr_array
2067 //
2068 // -----------------------------------
2069 public:
mk(expr_array & r)2070     void mk(expr_array & r) { m_expr_array_manager.mk(r); }
del(expr_array & r)2071     void del(expr_array & r) { m_expr_array_manager.del(r); }
copy(expr_array const & s,expr_array & r)2072     void copy(expr_array const & s, expr_array & r) { m_expr_array_manager.copy(s, r); }
size(expr_array const & r)2073     unsigned size(expr_array const & r) const { return m_expr_array_manager.size(r); }
empty(expr_array const & r)2074     bool empty(expr_array const & r) const { return m_expr_array_manager.empty(r); }
get(expr_array const & r,unsigned i)2075     expr * get(expr_array const & r, unsigned i) const { return m_expr_array_manager.get(r, i); }
set(expr_array & r,unsigned i,expr * v)2076     void set(expr_array & r, unsigned i, expr * v) { m_expr_array_manager.set(r, i, v); }
set(expr_array const & s,unsigned i,expr * v,expr_array & r)2077     void set(expr_array const & s, unsigned i, expr * v, expr_array & r) { m_expr_array_manager.set(s, i, v, r); }
push_back(expr_array & r,expr * v)2078     void push_back(expr_array & r, expr * v) { m_expr_array_manager.push_back(r, v); }
push_back(expr_array const & s,expr * v,expr_array & r)2079     void push_back(expr_array const & s, expr * v, expr_array & r) { m_expr_array_manager.push_back(s, v, r); }
pop_back(expr_array & r)2080     void pop_back(expr_array & r) { m_expr_array_manager.pop_back(r); }
pop_back(expr_array const & s,expr_array & r)2081     void pop_back(expr_array const & s, expr_array & r) { m_expr_array_manager.pop_back(s, r); }
unshare(expr_array & r)2082     void unshare(expr_array & r) { m_expr_array_manager.unshare(r); }
unfold(expr_array & r)2083     void unfold(expr_array & r) { m_expr_array_manager.unfold(r); }
reroot(expr_array & r)2084     void reroot(expr_array & r) { m_expr_array_manager.reroot(r); }
2086 // -----------------------------------
2087 //
2088 // expr_dependency
2089 //
2090 // -----------------------------------
2091 public:
mk_empty_dependencies()2092     expr_dependency * mk_empty_dependencies() { return m_expr_dependency_manager.mk_empty(); }
2093     expr_dependency * mk_leaf(expr * t);
2094     expr_dependency * mk_join(unsigned n, expr * const * ts);
mk_join(expr_dependency * d1,expr_dependency * d2)2095     expr_dependency * mk_join(expr_dependency * d1, expr_dependency * d2) { return m_expr_dependency_manager.mk_join(d1, d2); }
inc_ref(expr_dependency * d)2096     void inc_ref(expr_dependency * d) { if (d) m_expr_dependency_manager.inc_ref(d); }
dec_ref(expr_dependency * d)2097     void dec_ref(expr_dependency * d) { if (d) m_expr_dependency_manager.dec_ref(d); }
2098     void linearize(expr_dependency * d, ptr_vector<expr> & ts);
contains(expr_dependency * d,expr * t)2099     bool contains(expr_dependency * d, expr * t) { return m_expr_dependency_manager.contains(d, t); }
2101 // -----------------------------------
2102 //
2103 // expr_dependency_array
2104 //
2105 // -----------------------------------
2106 public:
mk(expr_dependency_array & r)2107     void mk(expr_dependency_array & r) { m_expr_dependency_array_manager.mk(r); }
del(expr_dependency_array & r)2108     void del(expr_dependency_array & r) { m_expr_dependency_array_manager.del(r); }
copy(expr_dependency_array const & s,expr_dependency_array & r)2109     void copy(expr_dependency_array const & s, expr_dependency_array & r) { m_expr_dependency_array_manager.copy(s, r); }
size(expr_dependency_array const & r)2110     unsigned size(expr_dependency_array const & r) const { return m_expr_dependency_array_manager.size(r); }
empty(expr_dependency_array const & r)2111     bool empty(expr_dependency_array const & r) const { return m_expr_dependency_array_manager.empty(r); }
get(expr_dependency_array const & r,unsigned i)2112     expr_dependency * get(expr_dependency_array const & r, unsigned i) const { return m_expr_dependency_array_manager.get(r, i); }
set(expr_dependency_array & r,unsigned i,expr_dependency * v)2113     void set(expr_dependency_array & r, unsigned i, expr_dependency * v) { m_expr_dependency_array_manager.set(r, i, v); }
set(expr_dependency_array const & s,unsigned i,expr_dependency * v,expr_dependency_array & r)2114     void set(expr_dependency_array const & s, unsigned i, expr_dependency * v, expr_dependency_array & r) {
2115         m_expr_dependency_array_manager.set(s, i, v, r);
2116     }
push_back(expr_dependency_array & r,expr_dependency * v)2117     void push_back(expr_dependency_array & r, expr_dependency * v) { m_expr_dependency_array_manager.push_back(r, v); }
push_back(expr_dependency_array const & s,expr_dependency * v,expr_dependency_array & r)2118     void push_back(expr_dependency_array const & s, expr_dependency * v, expr_dependency_array & r) {
2119         m_expr_dependency_array_manager.push_back(s, v, r);
2120     }
pop_back(expr_dependency_array & r)2121     void pop_back(expr_dependency_array & r) { m_expr_dependency_array_manager.pop_back(r); }
pop_back(expr_dependency_array const & s,expr_dependency_array & r)2122     void pop_back(expr_dependency_array const & s, expr_dependency_array & r) { m_expr_dependency_array_manager.pop_back(s, r); }
unshare(expr_dependency_array & r)2123     void unshare(expr_dependency_array & r) { m_expr_dependency_array_manager.unshare(r); }
unfold(expr_dependency_array & r)2124     void unfold(expr_dependency_array & r) { m_expr_dependency_array_manager.unfold(r); }
reroot(expr_dependency_array & r)2125     void reroot(expr_dependency_array & r) { m_expr_dependency_array_manager.reroot(r); }
2127 // -----------------------------------
2128 //
2129 // Builtin operators
2130 //
2131 // -----------------------------------
2133 public:
is_or(expr const * n)2135     bool is_or(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_basic_family_id, OP_OR); }
is_implies(expr const * n)2136     bool is_implies(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_basic_family_id, OP_IMPLIES); }
is_and(expr const * n)2137     bool is_and(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_basic_family_id, OP_AND); }
is_not(expr const * n)2138     bool is_not(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_basic_family_id, OP_NOT); }
is_eq(expr const * n)2139     bool is_eq(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_basic_family_id, OP_EQ); }
is_iff(expr const * n)2140     bool is_iff(expr const * n) const { return is_eq(n) && is_bool(to_app(n)->get_arg(0)); }
is_oeq(expr const * n)2141     bool is_oeq(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_basic_family_id, OP_OEQ); }
is_distinct(expr const * n)2142     bool is_distinct(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_basic_family_id, OP_DISTINCT); }
is_xor(expr const * n)2143     bool is_xor(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_basic_family_id, OP_XOR); }
is_ite(expr const * n)2144     bool is_ite(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_basic_family_id, OP_ITE); }
is_term_ite(expr const * n)2145     bool is_term_ite(expr const * n) const { return is_ite(n) && !is_bool(n); }
is_true(expr const * n)2146     bool is_true(expr const * n) const { return n == m_true; }
is_false(expr const * n)2147     bool is_false(expr const * n) const { return n == m_false; }
is_complement_core(expr const * n1,expr const * n2)2148     bool is_complement_core(expr const * n1, expr const * n2) const {
2149         return (is_true(n1) && is_false(n2)) || (is_not(n1) && to_app(n1)->get_arg(0) == n2);
2150     }
is_complement(expr const * n1,expr const * n2)2151     bool is_complement(expr const * n1, expr const * n2) const { return is_complement_core(n1, n2) || is_complement_core(n2, n1); }
is_or(func_decl const * d)2153     bool is_or(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_basic_family_id, OP_OR); }
is_implies(func_decl const * d)2154     bool is_implies(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_basic_family_id, OP_IMPLIES); }
is_and(func_decl const * d)2155     bool is_and(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_basic_family_id, OP_AND); }
is_not(func_decl const * d)2156     bool is_not(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_basic_family_id, OP_NOT); }
is_eq(func_decl const * d)2157     bool is_eq(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_basic_family_id, OP_EQ); }
is_iff(func_decl const * d)2158     bool is_iff(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_basic_family_id, OP_EQ) && is_bool(d->get_range()); }
is_xor(func_decl const * d)2159     bool is_xor(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_basic_family_id, OP_XOR); }
is_ite(func_decl const * d)2160     bool is_ite(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_basic_family_id, OP_ITE); }
is_term_ite(func_decl const * d)2161     bool is_term_ite(func_decl const * d) const { return is_ite(d) && !is_bool(d->get_range()); }
is_distinct(func_decl const * d)2162     bool is_distinct(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_basic_family_id, OP_DISTINCT); }
2164 public:
2166     MATCH_UNARY(is_not);
2167     MATCH_BINARY(is_eq);
2168     MATCH_BINARY(is_implies);
2169     MATCH_BINARY(is_and);
2170     MATCH_BINARY(is_or);
2171     MATCH_BINARY(is_xor);
2172     MATCH_TERNARY(is_and);
2173     MATCH_TERNARY(is_or);
is_iff(expr const * n,expr * & lhs,expr * & rhs)2175     bool is_iff(expr const* n, expr*& lhs, expr*& rhs) const { return is_eq(n, lhs, rhs) && is_bool(lhs); }
is_ite(expr const * n,expr * & t1,expr * & t2,expr * & t3)2177     bool is_ite(expr const* n, expr*& t1, expr*& t2, expr*& t3) const {
2178         if (is_ite(n)) {
2179             t1 = to_app(n)->get_arg(0);
2180             t2 = to_app(n)->get_arg(1);
2181             t3 = to_app(n)->get_arg(2);
2182             return true;
2183         }
2184         return false;
2185     }
2187 public:
mk_eq(expr * lhs,expr * rhs)2188     app * mk_eq(expr * lhs, expr * rhs) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, get_eq_op(lhs), lhs, rhs); }
mk_iff(expr * lhs,expr * rhs)2189     app * mk_iff(expr * lhs, expr * rhs) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_EQ, lhs, rhs); }
mk_oeq(expr * lhs,expr * rhs)2190     app * mk_oeq(expr * lhs, expr * rhs) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_OEQ, lhs, rhs); }
mk_xor(expr * lhs,expr * rhs)2191     app * mk_xor(expr * lhs, expr * rhs) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_XOR, lhs, rhs); }
mk_ite(expr * c,expr * t,expr * e)2192     app * mk_ite(expr * c, expr * t, expr * e) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_ITE, c, t, e); }
mk_xor(unsigned num_args,expr * const * args)2193     app * mk_xor(unsigned num_args, expr * const * args) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_XOR, num_args, args); }
mk_or(unsigned num_args,expr * const * args)2194     app * mk_or(unsigned num_args, expr * const * args) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_OR, num_args, args); }
mk_and(unsigned num_args,expr * const * args)2195     app * mk_and(unsigned num_args, expr * const * args) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_AND, num_args, args); }
mk_or(expr * arg1,expr * arg2)2196     app * mk_or(expr * arg1, expr * arg2) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_OR, arg1, arg2); }
mk_and(expr * arg1,expr * arg2)2197     app * mk_and(expr * arg1, expr * arg2) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_AND, arg1, arg2); }
mk_or(expr * arg1,expr * arg2,expr * arg3)2198     app * mk_or(expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr * arg3) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_OR, arg1, arg2, arg3); }
mk_or(expr * a,expr * b,expr * c,expr * d)2199     app * mk_or(expr* a, expr* b, expr* c, expr* d) { expr* args[4] = { a, b, c, d }; return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_OR, 4, args); }
mk_and(expr * arg1,expr * arg2,expr * arg3)2200     app * mk_and(expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr * arg3) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_AND, arg1, arg2, arg3); }
mk_and(ref_vector<expr,ast_manager> const & args)2202     app * mk_and(ref_vector<expr, ast_manager> const& args) { return mk_and(args.size(), args.c_ptr()); }
mk_and(ptr_vector<expr> const & args)2203     app * mk_and(ptr_vector<expr> const& args) { return mk_and(args.size(), args.c_ptr()); }
mk_and(ref_buffer<expr,ast_manager> const & args)2204     app * mk_and(ref_buffer<expr, ast_manager> const& args) { return mk_and(args.size(), args.c_ptr()); }
mk_and(ptr_buffer<expr> const & args)2205     app * mk_and(ptr_buffer<expr> const& args) { return mk_and(args.size(), args.c_ptr()); }
mk_or(ref_vector<expr,ast_manager> const & args)2206     app * mk_or(ref_vector<expr, ast_manager> const& args) { return mk_or(args.size(), args.c_ptr()); }
mk_or(ptr_vector<expr> const & args)2207     app * mk_or(ptr_vector<expr> const& args) { return mk_or(args.size(), args.c_ptr()); }
mk_or(ref_buffer<expr,ast_manager> const & args)2208     app * mk_or(ref_buffer<expr, ast_manager> const& args) { return mk_or(args.size(), args.c_ptr()); }
mk_or(ptr_buffer<expr> const & args)2209     app * mk_or(ptr_buffer<expr> const& args) { return mk_or(args.size(), args.c_ptr()); }
mk_implies(expr * arg1,expr * arg2)2210     app * mk_implies(expr * arg1, expr * arg2) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_IMPLIES, arg1, arg2); }
mk_not(expr * n)2211     app * mk_not(expr * n) { return mk_app(m_basic_family_id, OP_NOT, n); }
2212     app * mk_distinct(unsigned num_args, expr * const * args);
2213     app * mk_distinct_expanded(unsigned num_args, expr * const * args);
mk_true()2214     app * mk_true() const { return m_true; }
mk_false()2215     app * mk_false() const { return m_false; }
mk_bool_val(bool b)2216     app * mk_bool_val(bool b) { return b?m_true:m_false; }
mk_and_decl()2219     func_decl* mk_and_decl() {
2220         sort* domain[2] = { m_bool_sort, m_bool_sort };
2221         return mk_func_decl(m_basic_family_id, OP_AND, 0, nullptr, 2, domain);
2222     }
mk_not_decl()2223     func_decl* mk_not_decl() { return mk_func_decl(m_basic_family_id, OP_NOT, 0, nullptr, 1, &m_bool_sort); }
mk_or_decl()2224     func_decl* mk_or_decl() {
2225         sort* domain[2] = { m_bool_sort, m_bool_sort };
2226         return mk_func_decl(m_basic_family_id, OP_OR, 0, nullptr, 2, domain);
2227     }
2229 // -----------------------------------
2230 //
2231 // Values
2232 //
2233 // -----------------------------------
2235 protected:
2236     some_value_proc * m_some_value_proc;
2237 public:
2238     app * mk_model_value(unsigned idx, sort * s);
is_model_value(expr const * n)2239     bool is_model_value(expr const * n) const { return is_app_of(n, m_model_value_family_id, OP_MODEL_VALUE); }
is_model_value(func_decl const * d)2240     bool is_model_value(func_decl const * d) const { return is_decl_of(d, m_model_value_family_id, OP_MODEL_VALUE); }
2242     expr * get_some_value(sort * s, some_value_proc * p);
2243     expr * get_some_value(sort * s);
2245 // -----------------------------------
2246 //
2247 // Proof generation
2248 //
2249 // -----------------------------------
2251 protected:
2252     proof * mk_proof(family_id fid, decl_kind k, unsigned num_args, expr * const * args);
2253     proof * mk_proof(family_id fid, decl_kind k, expr * arg);
2254     proof * mk_proof(family_id fid, decl_kind k, expr * arg1, expr * arg2);
2255     proof * mk_proof(family_id fid, decl_kind k, expr * arg1, expr * arg2, expr * arg3);
mk_undef_proof()2257     proof * mk_undef_proof() const { return m_undef_proof; }
2259 public:
proofs_enabled()2260     bool proofs_enabled() const { return m_proof_mode != PGM_DISABLED; }
proofs_disabled()2261     bool proofs_disabled() const { return m_proof_mode == PGM_DISABLED; }
proof_mode()2262     proof_gen_mode proof_mode() const { return m_proof_mode; }
toggle_proof_mode(proof_gen_mode m)2263     void toggle_proof_mode(proof_gen_mode m) { m_proof_mode = m; } // APIs for creating proof objects return [undef]
is_proof(expr const * n)2266     bool is_proof(expr const * n) const { return is_app(n) && to_app(n)->get_decl()->get_range() == m_proof_sort; }
2268     proof* mk_hyper_resolve(unsigned num_premises, proof* const* premises, expr* concl,
2269                             svector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > const& positions,
2270                             vector<ref_vector<expr, ast_manager> > const& substs);
is_undef_proof(expr const * e)2273     bool is_undef_proof(expr const * e) const { return e == m_undef_proof; }
is_asserted(expr const * e)2274     bool is_asserted(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_ASSERTED); }
is_hypothesis(expr const * e)2275     bool is_hypothesis (expr const *e) const {return is_app_of (e, m_basic_family_id, PR_HYPOTHESIS);}
is_goal(expr const * e)2276     bool is_goal(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_GOAL); }
is_modus_ponens(expr const * e)2277     bool is_modus_ponens(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_MODUS_PONENS); }
is_reflexivity(expr const * e)2278     bool is_reflexivity(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_REFLEXIVITY); }
is_symmetry(expr const * e)2279     bool is_symmetry(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_SYMMETRY); }
is_transitivity(expr const * e)2280     bool is_transitivity(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_TRANSITIVITY); }
is_monotonicity(expr const * e)2281     bool is_monotonicity(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_MONOTONICITY); }
is_quant_intro(expr const * e)2282     bool is_quant_intro(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_QUANT_INTRO); }
is_quant_inst(expr const * e)2283     bool is_quant_inst(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_QUANT_INST); }
is_distributivity(expr const * e)2284     bool is_distributivity(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_DISTRIBUTIVITY); }
is_and_elim(expr const * e)2285     bool is_and_elim(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_AND_ELIM); }
is_not_or_elim(expr const * e)2286     bool is_not_or_elim(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_NOT_OR_ELIM); }
is_rewrite(expr const * e)2287     bool is_rewrite(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_REWRITE); }
is_rewrite_star(expr const * e)2288     bool is_rewrite_star(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_REWRITE_STAR); }
is_unit_resolution(expr const * e)2289     bool is_unit_resolution(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_UNIT_RESOLUTION); }
is_lemma(expr const * e)2290     bool is_lemma(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_LEMMA); }
2291     bool is_quant_inst(expr const* e, expr*& not_q_or_i, ptr_vector<expr>& binding) const;
2292     bool is_rewrite(expr const* e, expr*& r1, expr*& r2) const;
is_hyper_resolve(proof * p)2293     bool is_hyper_resolve(proof* p) const { return is_app_of(p, m_basic_family_id, PR_HYPER_RESOLVE); }
2294     bool is_hyper_resolve(proof* p,
2295                           ref_vector<proof, ast_manager>& premises,
2296                           obj_ref<expr, ast_manager>& conclusion,
2297                           svector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > & positions,
2298                           vector<ref_vector<expr, ast_manager> >& substs);
is_def_intro(expr const * e)2301     bool is_def_intro(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_DEF_INTRO); }
is_apply_def(expr const * e)2302     bool is_apply_def(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_APPLY_DEF); }
is_skolemize(expr const * e)2303     bool is_skolemize(expr const * e) const { return is_app_of(e, m_basic_family_id, PR_SKOLEMIZE); }
2305     MATCH_UNARY(is_asserted);
2306     MATCH_UNARY(is_hypothesis);
2307     MATCH_UNARY(is_lemma);
has_fact(proof const * p)2309     bool has_fact(proof const * p) const {
2310         SASSERT(is_proof(p));
2311         unsigned n = p->get_num_args();
2312         return n > 0 && get_sort(p->get_arg(n - 1)) != m_proof_sort;
2313     }
get_fact(proof const * p)2314     expr * get_fact(proof const * p) const { SASSERT(is_proof(p)); SASSERT(has_fact(p)); return p->get_arg(p->get_num_args() - 1); }
2316     class proof_parents {
2317         ast_manager& m;
2318         proof * m_proof;
2319     public:
proof_parents(ast_manager & m,proof * p)2320         proof_parents(ast_manager& m, proof * p): m(m), m_proof(p) {}
begin()2321         proof * const * begin() const { return (proof* const*)(m_proof->begin()); }
end()2322         proof * const * end() const {
2323             unsigned n = m_proof->get_num_args();
2324             return (proof* const*)(begin() + (m.has_fact(m_proof) ?  n - 1 : n));
2325         }
2326     };
get_parents(proof * p)2328     proof_parents get_parents(proof* p) {
2329         return proof_parents(*this, p);
2330     }
get_num_parents(proof const * p)2332     unsigned get_num_parents(proof const * p) const {
2333         SASSERT(is_proof(p));
2334         unsigned n = p->get_num_args();
2335         return !has_fact(p) ? n : n - 1;
2336     }
get_parent(proof const * p,unsigned idx)2337     proof * get_parent(proof const * p, unsigned idx) const { SASSERT(is_proof(p)); return to_app(p->get_arg(idx)); }
2338     proof * mk_true_proof();
2339     proof * mk_asserted(expr * f);
2340     proof * mk_goal(expr * f);
2341     proof * mk_modus_ponens(proof * p1, proof * p2);
2342     proof * mk_reflexivity(expr * e);
2343     proof * mk_oeq_reflexivity(expr * e);
2344     proof * mk_symmetry(proof * p);
2345     proof * mk_transitivity(proof * p1, proof * p2);
2346     proof * mk_transitivity(proof * p1, proof * p2, proof * p3);
2347     proof * mk_transitivity(proof * p1, proof * p2, proof * p3, proof * p4);
2348     proof * mk_transitivity(unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs);
2349     proof * mk_transitivity(unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs, expr * n1, expr * n2);
2350     proof * mk_monotonicity(func_decl * R, app * f1, app * f2, unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs);
2351     proof * mk_congruence(app * f1, app * f2, unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs);
2352     proof * mk_oeq_congruence(app * f1, app * f2, unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs);
2353     proof * mk_commutativity(app * f);
2354     proof * mk_iff_true(proof * pr);
2355     proof * mk_iff_false(proof * pr);
2356     proof * mk_quant_intro(quantifier * q1, quantifier * q2, proof * p);
2357     proof * mk_oeq_quant_intro(quantifier * q1, quantifier * q2, proof * p);
2358     proof * mk_distributivity(expr * s, expr * r);
2359     proof * mk_rewrite(expr * s, expr * t);
2360     proof * mk_oeq_rewrite(expr * s, expr * t);
2361     proof * mk_rewrite_star(expr * s, expr * t, unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs);
2362     proof * mk_bind_proof(quantifier * q, proof * p);
2363     proof * mk_pull_quant(expr * e, quantifier * q);
2364     proof * mk_push_quant(quantifier * q, expr * e);
2365     proof * mk_elim_unused_vars(quantifier * q, expr * r);
2366     proof * mk_der(quantifier * q, expr * r);
2367     proof * mk_quant_inst(expr * not_q_or_i, unsigned num_bind, expr* const* binding);
2369     proof * mk_clause_trail_elem(proof* p, expr* e, decl_kind k);
2370     proof * mk_assumption_add(proof* pr, expr* e);
2371     proof * mk_lemma_add(proof* pr, expr* e);
2372     proof * mk_th_assumption_add(proof* pr, expr* e);
2373     proof * mk_th_lemma_add(proof* pr, expr* e);
2374     proof * mk_redundant_del(expr* e);
2375     proof * mk_clause_trail(unsigned n, proof* const* ps);
2377     proof * mk_def_axiom(expr * ax);
2378     proof * mk_unit_resolution(unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs);
2379     proof * mk_unit_resolution(unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs, expr * new_fact);
2380     proof * mk_hypothesis(expr * h);
2381     proof * mk_lemma(proof * p, expr * lemma);
2383     proof * mk_def_intro(expr * new_def);
2384     proof * mk_apply_defs(expr * n, expr * def, unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs);
mk_apply_def(expr * n,expr * def,proof * p)2385     proof * mk_apply_def(expr * n, expr * def, proof * p) { return mk_apply_defs(n, def, 1, &p); }
2386     proof * mk_iff_oeq(proof * parent);
2388     proof * mk_nnf_pos(expr * s, expr * t, unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs);
2389     proof * mk_nnf_neg(expr * s, expr * t, unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs);
2390     proof * mk_skolemization(expr * q, expr * e);
2393     proof * mk_and_elim(proof * p, unsigned i);
2394     proof * mk_not_or_elim(proof * p, unsigned i);
2396     proof * mk_th_lemma(family_id tid,
2397                         expr * fact, unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs,
2398                         unsigned num_params = 0, parameter const* params = nullptr);
2400 protected:
2401     bool check_nnf_proof_parents(unsigned num_proofs, proof * const * proofs) const;
2403 private:
push_dec_ref(ast * n)2404     void push_dec_ref(ast * n) {
2405         n->dec_ref();
2406         if (n->get_ref_count() == 0) {
2407             m_ast_table.push_erase(n);
2408         }
2409     }
2411     template<typename T>
push_dec_array_ref(unsigned sz,T * const * a)2412     void push_dec_array_ref(unsigned sz, T * const * a) {
2413         for(unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
2414             push_dec_ref(a[i]);
2415         }
2416     }
2417 };
2419 typedef ast_manager::expr_array expr_array;
2420 typedef ast_manager::expr_dependency expr_dependency;
2421 typedef ast_manager::expr_dependency_array expr_dependency_array;
2422 typedef obj_ref<expr_dependency, ast_manager> expr_dependency_ref;
2423 typedef ref_vector<expr_dependency, ast_manager> expr_dependency_ref_vector;
2424 typedef ref_buffer<expr_dependency, ast_manager> expr_dependency_ref_buffer;
2426 // -----------------------------------
2427 //
2428 // More Auxiliary Functions
2429 //
2430 // -----------------------------------
is_predicate(ast_manager const & m,func_decl const * d)2432 inline bool is_predicate(ast_manager const & m, func_decl const * d) {
2433     return m.is_bool(d->get_range());
2434 }
2436 struct ast_lt_proc {
operatorast_lt_proc2437     bool operator()(ast const * n1, ast const * n2) const {
2438         return n1->get_id() < n2->get_id();
2439     }
2440 };
2442 // -----------------------------------
2443 //
2444 // ast_ref (smart pointer)
2445 //
2446 // -----------------------------------
2448 typedef obj_ref<ast, ast_manager>        ast_ref;
2449 typedef obj_ref<expr, ast_manager>       expr_ref;
2450 typedef obj_ref<sort, ast_manager>       sort_ref;
2451 typedef obj_ref<func_decl, ast_manager>  func_decl_ref;
2452 typedef obj_ref<quantifier, ast_manager> quantifier_ref;
2453 typedef obj_ref<app, ast_manager>        app_ref;
2454 typedef obj_ref<var,ast_manager>         var_ref;
2455 typedef app_ref proof_ref;
2457 // -----------------------------------
2458 //
2459 // ast_vector (smart pointer vector)
2460 //
2461 // -----------------------------------
2463 typedef ref_vector<ast, ast_manager>       ast_ref_vector;
2464 typedef ref_vector<decl, ast_manager>      decl_ref_vector;
2465 typedef ref_vector<sort, ast_manager>      sort_ref_vector;
2466 typedef ref_vector<func_decl, ast_manager> func_decl_ref_vector;
2467 typedef ref_vector<expr, ast_manager>      expr_ref_vector;
2468 typedef ref_vector<app, ast_manager>       app_ref_vector;
2469 typedef ref_vector<var, ast_manager>       var_ref_vector;
2470 typedef ref_vector<quantifier, ast_manager> quantifier_ref_vector;
2471 typedef app_ref_vector                     proof_ref_vector;
2473 typedef ref_pair_vector<expr, ast_manager> expr_ref_pair_vector;
2476 // -----------------------------------
2477 //
2478 // ast_buffer
2479 //
2480 // -----------------------------------
2482 typedef ref_buffer<ast, ast_manager>  ast_ref_buffer;
2483 typedef ref_buffer<expr, ast_manager> expr_ref_buffer;
2484 typedef ref_buffer<sort, ast_manager> sort_ref_buffer;
2485 typedef ref_buffer<app, ast_manager>  app_ref_buffer;
2486 typedef app_ref_buffer                proof_ref_buffer;
2488 // -----------------------------------
2489 //
2490 // expr_mark
2491 //
2492 // -----------------------------------
2494 typedef obj_mark<expr> expr_mark;
2496 class expr_sparse_mark {
2497     obj_hashtable<expr> m_marked;
2498 public:
expr_sparse_mark()2499     expr_sparse_mark() {}
is_marked(expr * n)2500     bool is_marked(expr * n) const { return m_marked.contains(n); }
mark(expr * n)2501     void mark(expr * n) { m_marked.insert(n); }
mark(expr * n,bool flag)2502     void mark(expr * n, bool flag) { if (flag) m_marked.insert(n); else m_marked.erase(n); }
reset()2503     void reset() { m_marked.reset(); }
2504 };
2506 template<unsigned IDX>
2507 class ast_fast_mark {
2508     ptr_buffer<ast> m_to_unmark;
2509 public:
ast_fast_mark()2510     ast_fast_mark() {}
~ast_fast_mark()2511     ~ast_fast_mark() {
2512         reset();
2513     }
is_marked(ast * n)2514     bool is_marked(ast * n) { return IDX == 1 ? AST_IS_MARKED1(n, this) : AST_IS_MARKED2(n, this); }
reset_mark(ast * n)2515     void reset_mark(ast * n) {
2516         if (IDX == 1) {
2517             AST_RESET_MARK1(n, this);
2518         }
2519         else {
2520             AST_RESET_MARK2(n, this);
2521         }
2522     }
mark(ast * n)2523     void mark(ast * n) {
2524         if (IDX == 1) {
2525             if (AST_IS_MARKED1(n, this))
2526                 return;
2527             AST_MARK1(n, true, this);
2528         }
2529         else {
2530             if (AST_IS_MARKED2(n, this))
2531                 return;
2532             AST_MARK2(n, true, this);
2533         }
2534         m_to_unmark.push_back(n);
2535     }
reset()2537     void reset() {
2538         for (ast* a : m_to_unmark) reset_mark(a);
2539         m_to_unmark.reset();
2540     }
mark(ast * n,bool flag)2542     void mark(ast * n, bool flag) { if (flag) mark(n); else reset_mark(n); }
get_level()2544     unsigned get_level() {
2545         return m_to_unmark.size();
2546     }
set_level(unsigned new_size)2548     void set_level(unsigned new_size) {
2549         SASSERT(new_size <= m_to_unmark.size());
2550         while (new_size < m_to_unmark.size()) {
2551             reset_mark(m_to_unmark.back());
2552             m_to_unmark.pop_back();
2553         }
2554     }
2555 };
2557 typedef ast_fast_mark<1> ast_fast_mark1;
2558 typedef ast_fast_mark<2> ast_fast_mark2;
2559 typedef ast_fast_mark1   expr_fast_mark1;
2560 typedef ast_fast_mark2   expr_fast_mark2;
2562 /**
2563    Similar to ast_fast_mark, but increases reference counter.
2564 */
2565 template<unsigned IDX>
2566 class ast_ref_fast_mark {
2567     ast_ref_buffer m_to_unmark;
2568 public:
ast_ref_fast_mark(ast_manager & m)2569     ast_ref_fast_mark(ast_manager & m):m_to_unmark(m) {}
~ast_ref_fast_mark()2570     ~ast_ref_fast_mark() {
2571         reset();
2572     }
is_marked(ast * n)2573     bool is_marked(ast * n) { return IDX == 1 ? AST_IS_MARKED1(n, this) : AST_IS_MARKED2(n, this); }
2575     // It will not decrease the reference counter
reset_mark(ast * n)2576     void reset_mark(ast * n) {
2577         if (IDX == 1) {
2578             AST_RESET_MARK1(n, this);
2579         }
2580         else {
2581             AST_RESET_MARK2(n, this);
2582         }
2583     }
mark(ast * n)2585     void mark(ast * n) {
2586         if (IDX == 1) {
2587             if (AST_IS_MARKED1(n, this))
2588                 return;
2589             AST_MARK1(n, true, this);
2590         }
2591         else {
2592             if (AST_IS_MARKED2(n, this))
2593                 return;
2594             AST_MARK2(n, true, this);
2595         }
2596         m_to_unmark.push_back(n);
2597     }
reset()2599     void reset() {
2600         ast * const * it  = m_to_unmark.c_ptr();
2601         ast * const * end = it + m_to_unmark.size();
2602         for (; it != end; ++it) {
2603             reset_mark(*it);
2604         }
2605         m_to_unmark.reset();
2606     }
mark(ast * n,bool flag)2608     void mark(ast * n, bool flag) { if (flag) mark(n); else reset_mark(n); }
2609 };
2612 typedef ast_ref_fast_mark<1> ast_ref_fast_mark1;
2613 typedef ast_ref_fast_mark<2> ast_ref_fast_mark2;
2614 typedef ast_ref_fast_mark1   expr_ref_fast_mark1;
2615 typedef ast_ref_fast_mark2   expr_ref_fast_mark2;
2617 // -----------------------------------
2618 //
2619 // ast_mark
2620 //
2621 // -----------------------------------
2623 /**
2624    \brief A mapping from AST to Boolean
2626    \warning This map does not cleanup the entry associated with a node N,
2627    when N is deleted.
2628 */
2629 class ast_mark {
operatordecl2uint2630     struct decl2uint { unsigned operator()(decl const & d) const { return d.get_decl_id(); } };
2631     obj_mark<expr>                        m_expr_marks;
2632     obj_mark<decl, bit_vector, decl2uint> m_decl_marks;
2633 public:
~ast_mark()2634     virtual ~ast_mark() {}
2635     bool is_marked(ast * n) const;
2636     virtual void mark(ast * n, bool flag);
2637     virtual void reset();
2638 };
2640 // -----------------------------------
2641 //
2642 // scoped_mark
2643 //
2644 // -----------------------------------
2646 /**
2647    \brief Class for scoped-based marking of asts.
2648    This class is safe with respect to life-times of asts.
2649 */
2650 class scoped_mark : public ast_mark {
2651     ast_ref_vector  m_stack;
2652     unsigned_vector m_lim;
2653 public:
scoped_mark(ast_manager & m)2654     scoped_mark(ast_manager& m): m_stack(m) {}
~scoped_mark()2655     ~scoped_mark() override {}
2656     void mark(ast * n, bool flag) override;
2657     void reset() override;
2658     void mark(ast * n);
2659     void push_scope();
2660     void pop_scope();
2661     void pop_scope(unsigned num_scopes);
2662 };
2664 // -------------------------------------
2665 //
2666 // inc_ref & dec_ref functors
2667 //
2668 // -------------------------------------
2670 template<typename AST>
2671 class dec_ref_proc {
2672     ast_manager & m_manager;
2673 public:
dec_ref_proc(ast_manager & m)2674     dec_ref_proc(ast_manager & m):m_manager(m) {}
operator()2675     void operator()(AST * n) { m_manager.dec_ref(n); }
2676 };
2679 template<typename AST>
2680 class inc_ref_proc {
2681     ast_manager & m_manager;
2682 public:
inc_ref_proc(ast_manager & m)2683     inc_ref_proc(ast_manager & m):m_manager(m) {}
operator()2684     void operator()(AST * n) { m_manager.inc_ref(n); }
2685 };
2687 struct parameter_pp {
2688     parameter const& p;
2689     ast_manager& m;
parameter_ppparameter_pp2690     parameter_pp(parameter const& p, ast_manager& m): p(p), m(m) {}
2691 };
2693 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, parameter_pp const& pp) {
2694     return pp.m.display(out, pp.p);
2695 }