1structure BoxTypes  =
3  (* Data structures for boxes and their friends. *)
4  open BasicTypes;  open FontTypes
5  datatype infOrder   =  normal | fil | fill | filll
6  datatype glueParam  =  natural
7                      |  stretching of (real * infOrder)
8                      |  shrinking  of (real * infOrder)
10  type     glueSpec  =  {size:    dist,
11                         stretch: dist * infOrder,
12                         shrink:  dist * infOrder}
13  type     dim  =  {width: dist, depth: dist, height: dist}
14  datatype boxkind  =  HBox | VBox
16  datatype node =
17    Char    of  fontNr * charCode
18  | Box     of  dist * box      (* dist = shift_amount *)
19  | Rule    of  dim             (* no running dimensions! *)
20  | Glue    of  glueSpec
21  | Kern    of  dist
22  | Penalty of  penalty
23  withtype box  =
24       {kind:      boxkind,
25        width:     dist,
26        depth:     dist,
27        height:    dist,
28        content:   node list,
29        glueParam: glueParam}
30  type hlist  =  node list
31  type vlist  =  node list
32  fun Box0 b  =  Box (0, b)        (* creates node with zero shift *)
33  fun HL   b  =  [Box0 b]          (* creates horizontal list from box *)
34end  (* structure BoxTypes *)