2%                                                                             *
3% The program LIEPDE for computing point-, contact- and higher                *
4% order symmetries of individual ODEs/PDEs or systems of ODEs/PDEs            *
5%                                                                             *
6% Author: Thomas Wolf                                                         *
7% Date:   20. July 1996, 26. Nov 2006                                         *
8%                                                                             *
9% For details of how to use LIEPDE see the file LIEPDE.TXT or the             *
10% header of the procedure LIEPDE below.                                       *
11%                                                                             *
12% BSDlicense:                                                                 *
13%                                                                             *
14% Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without          *
15% modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: *
16%                                                                             *
17%    * Redistributions of source code must retain the relevant copyright      *
18%      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.          *
19%    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright      *
20%      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the    *
21%      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.   *
22%                                                                             *
33% POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.                                                 *
36create!-package('(liepde), nil);
38symbolic fluid '(print_ logoprint_ adjust_fnc proc_list_
39                 prelim_ individual_ prolong_order !*batch_mode
40                 collect_sol flin_ lin_problem done_trafo
41                 etamn_al max_gc_fac batch_mode_sub
42                 inverse_trafo_list_incomplete)$
44lisp << !*batch_mode:=t$ prelim_:=nil$
45        individual_:=nil$ prolong_order:=0;etamn_al:=nil >>$
49algebraic procedure equ_to_expr(a)$
50% converts an equation into an expression
51begin scalar lde;
52 return
53 if a=nil then a else
54 <<lisp(lde:=reval algebraic a);
55  if lisp(atom lde) then a else num
56  if lisp(car lde = 'equal) then lhs a - rhs a
57	      else a
58 >>
59end$ % of equ_to_expr
63module pdesymmetry$
65%  Routines for finding Symmetries of single or systems of ODEs/PDEs
66%  Author: Thomas Wolf
67%  July 1996
71% Bei jedem totdf2-Aufruf pruefen, ob evtl. kuerzere dylist reicht
72% evtl die combidiff-Kette und combi nicht mit in dylist, sond. erst in
73% prolong jedesmal frisch generieren.
77symbolic procedure comparedif3(du1,u2,u2list)$
78% checks whether u2 differentiated wrt. u2list
79% is a derivative of du1
81 scalar u1l;
82 u1l:=combidif(du1)$ % u1l=(u1, 1, 1, ..)
83 if car u1l neq u2 then return nil else
84 return comparedif1(cdr u1l, u2list)
85end$ % of comparedif3
89%symbolic procedure orderofderiv(du)$
90%if atom du then (length combidif(du))-1
91%           else nil$
95symbolic procedure mergedepli(li1,li2)$
96% li1,li2 are lists of lists
97% mergedepli merges the sublists to make one list of lists
98begin scalar newdep;
99  while li1 and li2 do <<
100    newdep:=union(car li1, car li2) . newdep;
101    li1:=cdr li1; li2:=cdr li2
102  >>;
103  return if li1 then nconc(reversip newdep,li1) else
104         if li2 then nconc(reversip newdep,li2) else reversip newdep
109symbolic procedure adddepli(ex,revdylist)$
110begin scalar a,b,c,d;
111 for each a in revdylist do <<
112  c:=nil;
113  for each b in a do
114  if not my_freeof(ex,b) then c:=b . c;
115  if c or d then d:=c . d;
116 >>;
117 return list(ex,d)
122symbolic procedure add_xi_eta_depli(xilist,etalist,revdylist)$
124  scalar e1,g,h$
125  for e1:=1:(length xilist) do <<
126    g:=nth(xilist,e1);
127    h:=pnth(g,4);
128    rplaca(h,cadr adddepli(car g,revdylist))
129  >>;
130  for e1:=1:(length etalist) do <<
131    g:=nth(etalist,e1);
132    h:=pnth(g,3);
133    rplaca(h,cadr adddepli(car g,revdylist))
134  >>
139symbolic procedure subtest(uik,sb,xlist,ordok,subordinc)$
140% uik is a derivative (jet variable)
141% sb is a substitution list without prolongations
143  scalar el5,el6,el7,el8,el9,el10,sbc$
144  el5:=combidif(uik);
145  el6:=car el5; el5:=cdr el5;  % el6..function name, el5..var.list
146  el7:=nil; el8:=100; el9:=nil;
147  sbc:=sb;
148  while sbc and
149        ((caaar sbc neq el6) or
150         (0 neq <<el7:=comparedif1(cdaar sbc,el5);
151                  if el7 and (not zerop el7) and
152                     (length(el7)<el8) then
153                  <<el8 :=length el7;
154                    el9 :=el7;
155                    el10:=car sbc
156                  >>    else el7
157                >>)
158        ) do sbc:=cdr sbc;
159  return
160  if sbc then ((simp!* cadar sbc) . caddar sbc)         % simple substitution
161         else
162  if el9 then <<    % uik is total deriv of car el10 wrt el9
163    uik:=(simp!* cadr el10) . caddr el10;
164    % car uik becomes the expr. to replace the former uik
165    while el9 do <<
166      uik:=totdf3(car uik, cdr uik, nth(xlist, car el9),
167                  car el9, sb, xlist, ordok, subordinc);
168      el9:=cdr el9
169    >>;
170    uik
171  >>     else       % no substitution
172  nil
177symbolic procedure totdf3(s,depli,x,n,sb,xlist,ordok,subordinc)$
178% s is the expression to be differentiated wrt. x which is the nth
179%   variable in xlist
180% depli is a list of lists, each being the list of jet-variables
181%   of order 0,1,2,..., such that s=s(xlist,depli), but
182%   as little as possible jet-variables in depli
183% xlist, depli are lisp lists, i.e. without 'list
184% - totdf3 calculates total derivative of s(xlist,depli) w.r.t. x which
185%   is the n'th variable, it returns (df(s,x), newdepli)
186% - totdf3 drops jet-variables on which s does not depend
187% - totdf3 automatically does substitutions using the list sb which
188%   is updated if prolongations of substitutions are calculated,
189%   i.e. sb is destructively changed!
190% - structure of sb: lisp list of lisp lists:
191%   ((to_be_replaced_jet_var_name, to_be_replaced_jet_var_deriv_1,..),
192%    subst_expr_in_jet_space_coord, list_of_jet_vars_in_subst_expr)
193% - subordinc is a number by how much the order may increase due to
194%   substitutions sb.
195% - ordok is the lowest order which must be accurate. If ordok>0 and
196%   s is of lower order than ordok then from depli only derivatives
197%   of order ordok-1-subordinc to ordok-1 are used.
199  scalar tdf,el1,el2,el3,el4,el5,newdepli,
200         newdy,dy,ddy$
201  newdepli:=nil;                 % the new dependence list
202  newdy:=nil;                    % the new dep.list due to chain rule
203  ddy:=nil;                      % ddy .. derivatives of jet-variables
204                                 % resulting from diff. of lower order
205  %--- Should only terms in the result be acurate that include
206  %--- derivatives of order>=ordok?
207  if ordok>0 then <<
208    tdf:=simp!* 0;
209    depli:=copy depli;
210    el2:=length depli;
211    if el2<(ordok-subordinc) then depli:=nil
212                             else
213    for el1:=1:(ordok-1-subordinc) do <<
214      dy:=pnth(depli,el1);
215      rplaca(dy,nil);
216    >>
217  >>                                          else tdf:=diffsq(s,x);
218  %--- The differentiations wrt. u-derivatives
219  for each el1 in depli do       % for each order do
220  <<dy:=union(ddy,el1); ddy:=nil;% dy .. occuring jet-var. of this order
221    while el1 do
222    <<el2:=car el1; el1:=cdr el1;% el2 is one jet-variable of this order
223      el3:=diffsq(s,el2);
224      if null car el3 then % It is tempting to do dy:=delete(el2,dy) but
225      % that can lead to errors because, dy is a list of the derivatives that
226      % appear in the total derivative of s, not necessarily in s itself. That
227      % means, if s depends on a 2nd and 4th order derivative but not on a 3rd
228      % order derivative, then the third order derivative may just have been
229      % added through dy:=union(ddy,el1); so the fact that el3 is nil, i.e. s
230      % does not depend on the 3rd order derivative should not result in
231      % deleting the 3rd order derivative from dy.
232                      else <<
233        el4:=dif(el2,n);         % el4=df(el2,x)
234        %----- Is el4 to be substituted by sb?
235        if el5:=subtest(el4,sb,xlist,ordok,subordinc) then <<
236          el4:=car el5;
237          newdepli:=mergedepli(newdepli,cdr el5)
238        >>                      else <<ddy:=el4 . ddy;el4:=simp!* el4>>;
239        tdf:=addsq(tdf, multsq(el4, el3))
240      >>
241    >>;
242    newdy:=dy . newdy
243  >>;
244  if ddy then newdy:=ddy . newdy;
246  newdepli:=mergedepli(reversip newdy,newdepli);
247  return (tdf . newdepli)
248end$ % of totdf3
252symbolic procedure joinsublists(a)$
253% It is assumed, a is either nil or a list of lists or nils which
254% have to be joined
255if null a then nil
256          else append(car a,joinsublists(cdr a))$
260algebraic procedure transeq(eqn,xlist,ylist,sb)$
261<<for each el1 in sb do eqn:=sub(el1,eqn);
262  for each el1 in ylist do
263  for each el2 in xlist do nodepend el1,el2;
264  eqn>>$
268symbolic operator  drop$
269symbolic procedure drop(a,vl)$
270% liefert summe aller terme aus a, die von elementen von vl abhaengen
271begin scalar b$
272  if not((pairp a) and (car a='plus)) then b:=a
273				      else
274  <<vl:=cdr vl;             % because vl is an algebraic list
275    for each c in cdr a do
276    if not freeoflist(c,vl) then b:=cons(c,b)$
277    if b then b:=cons('plus,reverse b)>>$
278  return b$
283symbolic procedure etamn(u,indxlist,xilist,etalist,
284                         ordok,truesub,subordinc,xlist)$
285% determines etamn recursively
286% At the end, ulist= list of df(u,i,cdr indxlist) for all i
288  scalar etam,x,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,ulist,el,r,cplist,depli;
290  % Has it already been computed?
291%if nil then
292  if ordok=0 then <<
293   h5:=u$ h2:=indxlist$
294   while h2 do <<h5:=mkid(h5,car h2); h2:=cdr h2>>;
295   h3:=assoc(h5,etamn_al)
296  >>$
297  if h3 then return cdr h3$
299  if (null indxlist) or ((length indxlist)=1) then
300  <<cplist:=etalist;
301    while u neq cadar cplist do cplist:=cdr cplist;
302    etam:=(caar cplist . caddar cplist) . nil;
303  >>                                          else
304  etam:=etamn(u,cdr indxlist,xilist,etalist,ordok,truesub,
305              subordinc,xlist)$
307  return
309  if null indxlist then etam
310                   else <<
311    ulist:=nil;
312    x:=cdr nth(xilist,car indxlist);    % e.g.  x := (v3,3,dylist)
313    r:=if null car caar etam then <<depli:=nil;caar etam>>
314                             else <<
315      h2:=totdf3(caar etam,cdar etam,car x,cadr x,truesub,xlist,
316                 ordok,subordinc)$
317      depli:=cdr h2;
318      car h2
319    >>;
320    etam:=cdr etam;      % = reverse ulist
321    cplist:=xilist;
323    h3:=nil;
324    while cplist do
325    <<el:=car cplist;  % e.g.  el=(xi_bz1 bz1 2 ((u)))
326      cplist:=cdr cplist;
327      if (length indxlist)=1 then h1:=dif(u,caddr el)
328                             else <<
329        h1:=dif(car etam,cadr indxlist);  % e.g.  h1:=u!`i!`n
330        etam:=cdr etam;
331      >>;
333      ulist:=h1 . ulist;
334      if not sqzerop car el then <<
336        %--- substitution of h1?
337        if h4:=subtest(h1,truesub,xlist,ordok,subordinc)
338        then <<h1:=car h4;depli:=mergedepli(depli,cdr h4)>>
339        else h1:=simp!* h1;
340        r:=subtrsq(r,multsq(h1,<<h2:=totdf3(car el,cadddr el,car x,
341                                            cadr x,truesub,xlist,0,0)$
342                                 if car car h2 then % ie. car h2 neq 0
343                                 <<if h4 then depli:=mergedepli(depli,cdr h4)
344                                         else h3:=prepsq h1 . h3;
345                                   depli:=mergedepli(depli,cdr h2);
346                                 >>$
347                                 car h2
348                               >>
349                           )
350                  );
351      >>
352    >>;
353    if h3 then <<
354      h3:=list h3;
355      for h2:=1:(length indxlist) do h3:=nil . h3;
356      depli:=mergedepli(depli,h3);
357    >>;
358    % (if not full then drop(r,'list . car revdylist) else r) .
359    % (reverse ulist)
360    h1:=(r . depli) . (reverse ulist)$
361    if ordok=0 then etamn_al:=cons((h5 . h1),etamn_al);
362    h1
363  >>
364end$ % of etamn
368symbolic procedure callcrack(!*time,cpu,gc,lietrace_,symcon,
369                             flist,vl,xilist,etalist,inequ,last_call)$
371  scalar g,h,oldbatch_mode,print_old;
372  if !*time then <<terpri()$
373    write "time to formulate conditions: ", time() - cpu,
374          " ms    GC time : ", gctime() - gc," ms"$
375  >>;
376  if lietrace_ then algebraic <<
377    write"Symmetry conditions before CRACK: ";
378    write lisp ('list . symcon);
379  >>;
380  oldbatch_mode:=!*batch_mode$
381  !*batch_mode:=batch_mode_sub$
382  print_old:=print_$
383  if null batch_mode_sub and null print_ then print_:=8$
385  % lex_df=nil gives shorter computation but lex_df=t gives system
386  % that is easier to integrate, eg ODEs it they are in the diff ideal
387  % so computation starts as lex_df=nil and is changed to lex_df=t at
388  % end if necessary
389  if freeof(proc_list_,'try_other_ordering) then
390  proc_list_:=append(proc_list_,list 'try_other_ordering)$
391  h:=sq!*crack({'list . symcon,'list . inequ,'list . flist,'list . vl});
393  !*batch_mode:=oldbatch_mode$
394  print_:=print_old$
396  if last_call then return h;
398  if h neq list('list) then
399  <<h:=cadr h;
400    symcon:=cdadr h$
401    for each g in cdaddr h do <<
402      xilist :=for each k in  xilist collect cons(subsq(car k,{(cadr g . caddr g)}),cdr k)$ %!!
403      etalist:=for each k in etalist collect cons(subsq(car k,{(cadr g . caddr g)}),cdr k)$ %!!
404      inequ  :=subst(caddr g, cadr g,  inequ);
405%--> Erkennung von 'e, 'x siehe:
407%      h:=intern car explode cadr e1;
409%      if (h='x) or (h='X) then
410%      xilist :=subst(caddr e1, cadr e1,  xilist) else
411%      if (h='e) or (h='E) or (h="e") or (h="E") then
412%      etalist:=subst(caddr e1, cadr e1, etalist) else
413%      rederr("One ansatz does not specify XI_ nor ETA_.")
414    >>;
416    if lietrace_ then <<
417      write"symcon nachher: ",symcon;
418      write"xilist=", xilist;
419      write"etalist=", etalist;
420    >>;
421    flist:=cdr reval cadddr h;
422    if print_ then
423    <<terpri()$
424      write"Remaining free functions after the last CRACK-run:";
425      terpri()$
426      fctprint flist;terpri()$terpri()>>;
427  >>;
429  return list(symcon,xilist,etalist,flist,inequ)
430end$ % of callcrack
435symbolic procedure liepde_psopfn(inp)$
437 comment
439 problem:  {{eq1,eq2, ...},   % equations
440	    { y1, y2, ...},   % functions
441	    { x1, x2, ...} }  % variables
443           % Equations `eqi' can be given as single differential
444           % expressions which have to vanish or they can be given
445           % in the form df(..,..[,..]) = ..   .
447           % If the equations are given as single differential
448           % expressions then the program will try to bring it into
449           % the `solved form' ..=.. automatically.
451           % The solved forms (either from input or generated within
452           % LIEPDE) will be used for substitutions, to find
453           % all symmetries satisfied by solutions of the equations.
454           % Sufficient conditions for this procedure to be correct,
455           % i.e. to get *all* symmetries of the specified type on the
456           % solution space are:
458           % - There are equally many equations and functions.
459           % - Each function is used once for a substitution and
460           %   each equation is used once for a substitution.
461           % - All functions differentiated on the left hand sides
462           %   (lhs) depend on all variables.
463           % - In no equation df(..,..[,..]) = .. does the right hand
464           %   side contain the derivative on the lhs nor any
465           %   derivative of it.
466           % - No equation does contain a lhs or the derivative
467           %   of a lhs of another equation.
469           % These conditions are checked in LIEPDE and execution
470           % is stoped if they are not satisfied, i.e. if the input
471           % was not correct, or if the program was not able to
472           % write the input expressions properly the solved
473           % form ..=..  . One then should find for each function
474           % one derivative which occurs linearly in one equation.
475           % The chosen derivatives should be as high as possible,
476           % at least there must no derivative of them occur in any
477           % equation. An easy way to get the equations in the
478           % desired form is to use
479           % FIRST SOLVE({eq1,eq2,...},{list of derivatives})
481           % NOTE that to improve efficiency it is advisable not to
482           % express lower order derivatives on the left hand side
483           % through higher order derivatives on the right hand side.
484           % SEE also the implications on completeness for the
485           % determination of generalized symmetries with
486           % characteristic functions of a given order, as described
487           % below and the two examples with the Burgers equation.
489 symtype:  {"point"}          % for point   symmetries
490           {"contact"}        % for contact symmetries, is only
491                              % applicable if only one function,
492                              % only one equation of order>1
493           {"general",order}  % for generalized symmetries of
494                              % order `order' which is an integer>0
495                              % NOTE: Characteristic functions of
496                              % generalized symmetries (i.e. the
497                              % eta_.. if xi_..=0) are equivalent
498                              % if they are equal on the solution
499                              % manifold. Therefore all dependencies
500                              % of characteristic functions on
501                              % the substituted derivatives and their
502                              % derivatives are dropped. This has the
503                              % consequence that if, e.g. for the heat
504                              % equation df(u,t)=df(u,x,2), df(u,t) is
505                              % substituted by df(u,x,2) then
506                              % {"general",2) would not include
507                              % characteristic functions depending
508                              % on df(u,t,x), or df(u,x,3). THEREFORE:
509                              % If you want to find all symmetries up
510                              % to a given order then
511                              % - either avoid substituting lower
512                              %   order derivatives by expressions
513                              %   involving higher derivatives, or,
514                              % - go up in the order specified in
515                              %   symtype.
516                              %
517                              % Example:
518                              %
519                              % depend u,t,x
520                              % liepde({{df(u,t)=df(u,x,2)+df(u,x)**2},
521                              %         {u},{t,x}},
522                              %        {"general",3},{})
523                              %
524                              % will give 10 symmetries + one infinite
525                              % family of symmetries whereas
526                              %
527                              % liepde({{df(u,x,2)=df(u,t)-df(u,x)**2},
528                              %         {u},{t,x}},
529                              %        {"general",3},{})
530                              %
531                              % will give 28 symmetries + one infinite
532                              % family of symmetries.
534           {xi!_x1 =...,
535               ...
536            eta!_y3=... }     % - An ansatz must specify all xi!_.. for
537                              %   all indep. variables and all eta!_..
538                              %   for all dep. variables in terms of
539                              %   differential expressions which may
540                              %   involve unknown functions/constants.
541                              %   The dependencies of the unknown
542                              %   functions have to declared earlier
543                              %   using the DEPEND command.
544                              % - If the ansatz should consist of the
545                              %   characteristic functions then set
546                              %   all xi!_..=0 and assign the charac-
547                              %   teristic functions to the eta!_.. .
549 flist:    {- all parameters and functions in the equations which are to
550              be determined, such that there exist symmetries,
551            - if an ansatz has been made in symtype then flist contains
552              all unknown functions and constants in xi!_.. and eta!_..}
554 inequ:    {all non-vanishing expressions which represent
555            inequalities for the functions in flist}
557 Further comments:
559 The syntax of input is the usual REDUCE syntax. For example, the
560 derivative of y3 wrt x1 once and x2 twice would be df(y3,x1,x2,2).
561 --> One exception: If in the equations or in the ansatz the dependence
562 of a free function F on a derivative, like df(y3,x1,x2,2) shall be
563 declared then the declaration has to have the form:
564 DEPEND F, Y3!`1!`2!`2
565 - the ! has to preceede each special character, like `,
566 - `i stands for the derivative with respect to the i'th variable in
567   the list of variables (the third list in the problem above)
569 If the flag individual_ is t then conditions are investigated for
570 each equation of a system of equations at first individually before
571 conditions resulting from other equations are added.
573 If the flag prelim_ is t then preliminary conditions for equations
574 of higher than 1st order are formulated and investigated before the
575 full condition is formulated and investigated by CRACK.
577 If the REDUCE switch TIME is set on with ON TIME then times for the
578 individual steps in the calculation are shown.
580 Further switches and parameters which can be changed to affect the
581 output and performance of CRACK in solving the symmetry conditions
582 are listed in the file CRINIT.RED.
586  scalar cpu, gc, lietrace_, oldadj, eqlist, ylist, xlist, pointp,
587         contactp, generalp, ansatzp, symord, e1, e2, ordr, sb,
588         dylist, revdylist, xi, eta, eqordr, eqordrcop, no, eqcopy1,
589         truesub, deplist, xilist, etalist, dycopy, freelist, eqlen,
590         dylen, truesubno, minordr, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n, h, jetord,
591         allsub, subdy, lhslist, symcon, subordinc, eqn, depli, vl, occli,
592         revdycopy, subordinclist, xicop, etacop, flcop, etapqlist,
593         etapqcop, etapq, oldbatch_mode, allsym, symcon_s, xilist_s,
594         etalist_s, inequ_s, flist_s, truesub_s, oldcollect_sol,
595         oldprint_, flist_slin, flist_snli, return_list, last_call,
596         paralist, proc_list_bak, max_gc_fac_bak, flistorg,problem,
597         symtype,flist,inequ$
599  % lietrace_:=t;
600  backup_reduce_flags()$
601  cpu:=time()$ gc:=gctime()$
602  oldadj:=adjust_fnc; adjust_fnc:=nil;
603  oldcollect_sol:=collect_sol; collect_sol:=t;
605  %--------- extracting input data
606  problem:=aeval car inp$
607  symtype:=reval cadr inp$
608  flist  :=reval caddr inp$
609  inequ  :=reval cadddr inp$
610  eqlist:=
611  if atom cadr problem       then list cadr problem else
612  if car  cadr problem='list then  cdr cadr problem else
613                                  list cadr problem$
614  ylist := reval maklist caddr  problem;
615  xlist := reval maklist cadddr problem;
617  if inequ then inequ:=cdr inequ;
618  if flist then flist:=cdr flist;
620  % Is this a non-linear problem?
621  e1:=flist;
622  while e1 and freeof(eqlist,car e1) do e1:=cdr e1;
623  lin_problem:=if e1 then nil else t$
625  eqlen:=length eqlist;
627  %  if 1+eqlen neq length(ylist) then rederr(                          <--- taken out
628  %  "Number of equations does not match number of unknown functions."); <--- taken out
630  for each e1 in cdr ylist do
631  for each e2 in cdr xlist do
632  if my_freeof(e1,e2) then rederr(
633  "Not all functions do depend on all variables.");
635  if atom cadr symtype then                % default case
636  if cadr symtype = "point"   then <<pointp  :=t;symord:=0>> else
637  if cadr symtype = "contact" then <<contactp:=t;symord:=1;
639  %  if eqlen>1 then rederr(                                        <--- taken out
640  %  "Contact symmetries only in case of one equation for one function.") <--- taken out
641  >>                          else
642  if cadr symtype = "general" then <<generalp:=t;symord:=caddr symtype;
643    if (not fixp symord) or (symord<1) then rederr(
644    "The order of the generalized symmetry must be an integer > 0.")
645  >>                          else rederr("Inconclusive symmetry type.")
646                       else <<
647    ansatzp:=t;    % an ansatz has been made
648  % if length(ylist)+length(xlist) neq length(symtype)+1 then  <--- taken out
649  % rederr("Number of assignments in the ansatz is wrong.");   <--- taken out
651    % find the order of the ansatz
652    symord:=0;
653    % at first the max order of derivatives of elements of ylist
654    for each e1 in cdr symtype do
655    for each e2 in cdr ylist do
656    <<n:=totdeg(caddr e1,e2);
657      if n>symord then symord:=n>>;
658    % then the max order of jet variables occuring in functions to be computed
659    for each e1 in flist do <<
660     e2:=fctargs e1$
661     for each h in e2 do <<n2:=-1+length combidif h;if n2>symord then symord:=n2>>$
662    >>$
663    if  symord = 0                        then pointp  :=t else
664    if (symord = 1) and (length(ylist)=2) then contactp:=t else
665                                               generalp:=t;
666    sb:=nil;
667    for each e1 in flist do if freeof(eqlist,e1) then sb:=cons({'equal,e1,0},sb)$
668    sb:=cons('list,sb);
669    h:=nil;
670    for each e1 in cdr symtype do <<
671      n1:=algebraic(sub(lisp sb,lisp caddr e1))$ % substitution on the rhs of the sym.ansatz
672      if not zerop n1 and
673         (not pairp n1 or
674          (pairp n1 and ((car n1 neq 'equal) or (not zerop caddr n1)))) then <<
675        h:=0;
676        write"Your ansatz for the symmetry needs to be homogeneous, i.e. ",
677             "substituting all unknown functions and constants to be computed ",
678             "(which do not occur in the equation) to zero needs to make the ",
679             "symmetry to zero. In your ansatz this is not ",
680             "the case because the list of substitutions:"$
681        algebraic(write lisp sb)$
682        write"leaves this right hand side non-zero:"$
683        algebraic(write lisp {'equal,cadr e1,n1})$
684        write"To fix your ansatz you could, for example, simply multiply all ",
685             "non-vanishing parts on all right hand sides in your ansatz with one ",
686             "and the same unknown constant, say cc, and add cc to the list of unknowns ",
687             "to be computed and to the list of non-vanishing expressions."
688      >>
689    >>
690  >>$
691  if h then return nil$
693  problem:=0;
695  %---- Are substitutions already given in the input?
696  eqcopy1:=eqlist;
697  while eqcopy1 and (pairp car eqcopy1) and (caar eqcopy1='equal) and
698        (pairp cadar eqcopy1) and (caadar eqcopy1='df) do
699  eqcopy1:=cdr eqcopy1;
700  if null eqcopy1 then truesub:=eqlist;
701  eqcopy1:=nil;
703  %--------- initial printout
704  if print_ and logoprint_ then <<terpri()$
705    write "-----------------------------------------------",
706    "---------------------------"$ terpri()$terpri()$
707    write"This is LIEPDE - a program for calculating infinitesimal",
708         " symmetries"; terpri()$
709    write "of single differential equations or systems of de's";
710  >>;
711  terpri();terpri();
712  if length xlist=2 then write"The ODE"
713                    else write"The PDE";
714  if length ylist>2 then write"-system";
715  write " under investigation is :";terpri();
716  for each e1 in eqlist do algebraic write lisp e1;
717  terpri()$write "for the function(s) : ";terpri()$
718  terpri()$fctprint cdr reval ylist;
719  terpri()$terpri();
720  eqlist:=for each e1 in eqlist collect algebraic equ_to_expr(lisp e1);
721  if eqlen > 1 then eqlist:=desort eqlist;
723  if !*time then <<terpri()$
724    terpri()$terpri()$
725    write"=============== Initializations" ;
726  >>;
728  ordr:=0;
729  for each e1 in eqlist do <<
730    h:=0;
731    for each e2 in cdr ylist do
732    <<n:=totdeg(e1,e2);
733      if n>h then h:=n>>;
734    eqordr:=h . eqordr;
735    if h>ordr then ordr:=h
736  >>;
737  eqordr:=reversip eqordr;
739  if ordr>symord then jetord:=ordr
740                 else jetord:=symord$
741  sb:=subdif1(xlist,ylist,jetord)$
742  eqlist:=cons('list,eqlist);
743  if ansatzp then eqlist:=list('list,symtype,eqlist);
744  if truesub then eqlist:=list('list,cons('list,truesub),eqlist);
745  if inequ   then eqlist:=list('list,cons('list,inequ),eqlist);
747  on evallhseqp;
748  eqlist:=transeq(eqlist,xlist,ylist,sb); %<<<<<<----- slow
749  off evallhseqp;
751  if inequ   then <<inequ  :=cdadr eqlist;eqlist:=caddr eqlist>>;
752  if truesub then <<truesub:=cdadr eqlist;eqlist:=caddr eqlist>>;
753  if ansatzp then <<symtype:=cdadr eqlist;eqlist:=cdaddr eqlist>>
754             else eqlist:=cdr eqlist;
756  ylist:=cdr ylist;
757  xlist:=cdr xlist;
759  if lietrace_ and ansatzp then write"ansatz=",symtype;
761  dylist:=ylist . reverse for each e1 in cdr sb collect
762                          for each e2 in cdr e1 collect caddr e2;
763  revdylist:=reverse dylist;  % dylist with decreasing order
765  vl:=xlist;
766  for each e1 in dylist do vl:=append(e1,vl);
767  vl:='list . vl;
769  if not ansatzp then
770  deplist:=for n:=0:symord collect nth(dylist,n+1);
771    % list of variables the xi_, eta_ depend on
773  xi :=reval algebraic xi!_;
774  eta:=reval algebraic eta!_;
775  n:=0;
776  xilist :=for each e1 in xlist collect
777  <<n:=n+1;
778    if pointp or ansatzp then <<
779      h:=mkid('xi_,e1); %!!
780      if not ansatzp then <<
781        nodependlist {h};
782        depnd(h,xlist . deplist);
783        flist:=h . flist;
784        flin_:=h . flin_;
785        depli:=deplist;
786      >>             else depli:=nil
787    >>                   else <<h:=0;depli:=nil>>;
788    {simp h,e1,n,depli}
789  >>;
790  depli:=if (not ansatzp) and (not generalp) then deplist
791                                             else nil;
792  n:=0;
793  etalist:=for each e1 in ylist collect
794  <<n:=n+1;
795    h:=mkid('eta_,e1); %!!
796    if not ansatzp then <<
797      if not generalp then <<nodependlist {h};depnd(h,xlist . deplist)>>;
798      % the generalp-case is done below when substitutions are known
799      flist:=h . flist;
800      flin_:=h . flin_;
801    >>;
802    {simp h,e1,depli}
803  >>;
804  flistorg:=flist;
806  if ansatzp then <<
807    for each e1 in symtype do <<
808      xilist :=for each k in  xilist collect cons(subsq(car k,{(cadr e1 . caddr e1)}),cdr k)$ %!!
809      etalist:=for each k in etalist collect cons(subsq(car k,{(cadr e1 . caddr e1)}),cdr k)$ %!!
810      %--> Erkennung von 'e, 'x siehe:
811      %      h:=intern car explode cadr e1;
812      %write"h=",h;terpri()$
813      %      if (h='x) or (h='X) then
814      %      xilist :=subst(caddr e1, cadr e1,  xilist) else
815      %      if (h='e) or (h='E) or (h="e") or (h="E") then
816      %      etalist:=subst(caddr e1, cadr e1, etalist) else
817      %      rederr("One ansatz does not specify XI_ nor ETA_.")
818    >>;
819    add_xi_eta_depli(xilist,etalist,revdylist)$
820  >>;
822  if lietrace_ then write"xilist=",xilist,"  etalist=",etalist;
823  %---- Determining a substitution list for highest derivatives
824  %---- from eqlist. Substitutions may not be optimal if starting
825  %---- system is not in standard form
827  comment: Counting in how many equations each highest
828  derivative occurs. Those which do not occur allow Stephani-Trick,
829  those which do occur once and there linearly are substituted by that
830  equation.
832  Because one derivative shall be assigned it must be one of
833  the highest derivatives from each equation used, or one such that
834  no other derivative in the equation is a derivative of it.
836  Each equation must be used only once.
838  Each derivative must be substituted by only one equation.
840  At first determining the number of occurences of each highest
841  derivative.
843  The possiblity of substitutions is checked in each total derivative.
845  $
847  if truesub then <<       %--- determination of freelist %and occurlist
848    dycopy:=car revdylist; %--- the highest derivatives
849    while dycopy do
850    <<e1:=car dycopy; dycopy:=cdr dycopy;
851      eqcopy1:=eqlist;
852      while eqcopy1 and my_freeof(car eqcopy1,e1) do
853      eqcopy1:=cdr eqcopy1;
855      if null eqcopy1 then freelist :=e1 . freelist
856                      %else occurlist:=e1 . occurlist;
857    >>
858  >>         else <<
860    no:=0;               % counter of the following repeat-loop
861                         % freelist (and occurlist) are determined
862                         % only in the first run
863    eqordrcop:=copy eqordr;
864                         % for bookkeeping which equation have been used
866    repeat <<
867      no:=no+1;        %--- incrementing the loop counter
869      %--- truesubno is the number of substitutions so far found.
870      %--- It is necessary at the end to check whether new substitutions
871      %--- have been found.
872      if null truesub then truesubno:=0
873                      else truesubno:=length truesub;
874      %--- substitutions of equations of minimal order are searched first
875      minordr:=1000;   %--- minimal order of the so far unused equations
876      for each e1 in eqordrcop do
877      if (e1 neq 0) and (e1<minordr) then minordr:=e1;
879      dycopy:=copy nth(dylist,minordr+1); %-- all deriv. of order minordr
880      dylen:=length dycopy;
882      allsub:=nil;
884      for n1:=1:dylen do    %--- checking all deriv. of order minordr
885      <<e1:=nth(dycopy,n1); %--- e1 is the current candidate
886        %--- here test, whether e1 is not a derivative of a lhs of one
887        %--- of the substitutions car e2 found so far
888        h:=combidif(e1); n:=car h; h:=cdr h;
889        e2:=truesub;
890        while e2 and (null comparedif3(cadar e2,n,h)) do e2:=cdr e2;
891        if null e2 then <<
893          n2:=0; %-- number of equations in which the derivative e1 occurs
894          subdy:=nil;
895          for n3:=1:eqlen do
896          if not my_freeof(nth(eqlist,n3),e1) then
897          % here should also be tested whether derivatives of e1 occur
898          % and not just my_freeof
899          %-->
900          <<n2:=n2+1;
901            if nth(eqordrcop,n3)=minordr then
902            %--- equation is not used yet and of the right order
903            <<e2:=cdr algebraic coeff(lisp nth(eqlist,n3),lisp e1);
904              if hipow!*=1 then
905              subdy:=list(n1,n3,list('equal,e1,list('minus,
906                          list('quotient, car e2, cadr e2)))) . subdy
907            >>
908          >>;
909          if n2=0 then if no=1 then freelist:=e1 . freelist else
910                  else
911          <<%if no=1 then occurlist:=e1 . occurlist;
912            if subdy then if n2=1 then
913            <<h:=car subdy;
914              truesub:=(caddr h) . truesub;
915              n:=pnth(dycopy   ,car  h);rplaca(n,0);
916              n:=pnth(eqordrcop,cadr h);rplaca(n,0);
917            >>                    else
918            allsub:=nconc(allsub,subdy);
919          >>
920        >>
921      >>;
923      %---- Taking the remaining known substitutions of highest deriv.
924      h:=subdy:=0;
925      for each h in allsub do
926      if (nth(dycopy   , car h) neq 0) and
927         (nth(eqordrcop,cadr h) neq 0) then
928      <<truesub:=(caddr h) . truesub;
929        n:=pnth(dycopy   ,car  h);rplaca(n,0);
930        n:=pnth(eqordrcop,cadr h);rplaca(n,0);
931      >>;
932    >> until (truesub and (length(truesub)=eqlen)) % complete
933             or (truesubno=length(truesub))$       % no progress
934    allsub:=eqordrcop:=dycopy:=nil;
936    if (null truesub) or
937       (eqlen neq length(truesub)) then rederr(
938  "Unable to find all substitutions. Input equations as df(..,..)=..!");
939  >>;
941  lhslist:=for each e1 in truesub collect cadr e1;
943  %------ check that functions to be computed do not depend on
944  %       lhs of the system
945  chkflist(cons('list,flist),cons('list,lhslist))$
947  %-- Bringing truesub into a specific form: lisp list of lisp lists:
948  %   ((to_be_replaced_jet_var_name, to_be_replaced_jet_var_deriv_1,..),
949  %    subst_expr_in_jet_space_coord, list_of_jet_vars_in_subst_expr)
950  truesub:=for each e1 in truesub collect
951  cons(combidif cadr e1, adddepli(caddr e1,revdylist))$
953  %--- Checking that no rhs of a substitution contains any lhs or
954  %--- derivative of a lhs
955  h:=t;  %--- h=nil if lhs's are derivatives of each other
956  no:=t; %--- no=nil if one lhs can be substituted in a rhs
957  for each e1 in truesub do
958  if h and no then <<
959    n1:=caar e1; n2:=cdar e1; dylen:=length n2;
960    for each e2 in truesub do <<
961      %--- comparison of two lhs's
962      if not(e1 eq e2) and (n1=caar e2) and
963      comparedif1(n2,cdar e2) then h:=nil;   %--- truesub is not ok
964      %--- can the lhs of e1 be substituted on the rhs?
965      dycopy:=caddr e2;
966      for n:=1:dylen do if dycopy then dycopy:=cdr dycopy;
967      for each e3 in dycopy do
968      for each e4 in e3 do
969      if comparedif2(n1,n2,e4) then no:=nil;
970    >>
971  >>;
972  if null h  then rederr(
973  "One substitution can be made in the lhs of another substitution!");
974  if null no then rederr(
975  "One substitution can be made in the rhs of another substitution!");
977  %????????????????????????????????????????????
978  %  %--- Checking that a derivative of each dependent variable is
979  %  %--- substituted once. This is a sufficient condition for having
980  %  %--- a de-system that is a differential Groebner basis
981  %  h:=nil;
982  %  for each e1 in lhslist do h:=adjoin(car combidif e1,h);
983  %  if length(h) neq length(lhslist) then rederr(
984  %  "For at least one function there is more that one substituion!")$
986  %--- Determine of how much the order may increase by a substitution
987  subordinc:=0;
988  subordinclist:=for each h in truesub collect <<
989    n:=(length caddr h) - (length car h);
990    if n>subordinc then subordinc:=n;
991    n
992  >>;
993  if lietrace_ then <<terpri()$write"truesub=",truesub;
994                      terpri()$write"freelist=",freelist;
995                      %terpri()$write"occurlist=",occurlist
996                    >>;
997  %--- To avoid non-uniqueness in the case of the investigation of
998  %--- generalized symmetries let the characteristics eta_.. (xi_..=0)
999  %--- not depend on substituted derivatives
1000  if generalp and (null ansatzp) then <<
1001    deplist:=ylist .
1002             for each dycopy in cdr deplist collect <<
1003               for each h in lhslist do
1004               %---- delete h and derivatives of h
1005               dycopy:=listdifdif1(h,dycopy);
1006               dycopy
1007             >>;
1008    for e1:=1:(length etalist) do <<
1009      h:=nth(etalist,e1);
1010      e2:=prepsq car h$
1011      nodependlist {e2};
1012      depnd(e2,xlist . deplist);
1013      h:=pnth(h,3);
1014      rplaca(h,deplist)
1015    >>
1016  >>;
1017  % reduced set of solution techniques for preliminary conditions
1018  proc_list_:=delete('multintfac,proc_list_)$
1019  if !*time then <<terpri()$
1020    write "time for initializations: ", time() - cpu,
1021          " ms    GC time : ", gctime() - gc," ms"$
1022    cpu:=time()$ gc:=gctime()$
1023  >>;
1024  %------ Determining first short determining equations and solving them
1025  if prelim_ or individual_ then <<
1026   proc_list_bak:=proc_list_$
1027   proc_list_:='(to_do
1028                 separation
1029                 subst_level_0
1030                 subst_level_03
1031                 quick_integration
1032                 subst_level_33
1033                 gen_separation
1034   %              full_integration
1035                )$
1036   max_gc_fac_bak:=max_gc_fac$
1037   max_gc_fac:=0;
1038   inverse_trafo_list_incomplete:=nil
1039  >>$
1040  symcon:=nil;
1041  n1:=0;
1042  if prelim_ and lin_problem then
1043  for each eqn in eqlist do
1044  <<n1:=n1+1;
1045    if !*time then <<terpri()$
1046      terpri()$terpri()$
1047      write"=============== Preconditions for the ",n1,". equation" ;
1048    >>;
1049    revdycopy:=revdylist;
1050    for e1:=(nth(eqordr,n1) + 1):ordr do revdycopy:=cdr revdycopy;
1051    n2:=cadr adddepli(eqn,revdycopy); % jet-variables in eqn
1052    vl:=n2;
1053    occli:=lastcar n2;
1054    freelist:=setdiff(car revdycopy,occli);
1055    if pointp and (subordinc=0) then
1056    eqn:=drop(eqn,occli) % dropp all terms without a highest deriv.
1057                                else occli:=joinsublists n2$
1058    % freelist must not contain substituted variables
1059    freelist:=setdiff(freelist,lhslist);
1060    % It must be possible to separate wrt freelist variables
1061    for each n4 in freelist do
1062    if not freeof(depl!*,n4) then freelist:=delete(n4,freelist);
1063    if freelist then <<
1064      n:=nth(eqordr,n1);   % order of this equation
1065      h:=simp 0;
1066      for each e1 in xilist do
1067      if (cadddr e1) and ((length cadddr e1) > n) then
1068      % xi (=car e1) is of order n
1069      h:=addsq(h,
1070               if sqzerop car e1 then simp 0
1071                                 else <<n3:=mergedepli(n3,cadddr e1);
1072                                        multsq(car e1,simpdf {eqn,cadr e1})
1073                                      >>
1074              );
1075      for each e2 in occli do
1076      h:=addsq(h,
1077               multsq(<<n5:=combidif(e2);
1078                        n4:=car etamn(car n5,cdr n5,xilist,etalist,
1079                                      nth(eqordr,n1),truesub,subordinc,xlist);
1080                        vl:=mergedepli(vl,cdr n4);
1081                        car n4
1082                      >>,
1083                      simpdf {eqn,e2}
1084                     )
1085              );
1086      vl:=joinsublists(xlist . vl)$
1088      if n1>1 then
1089      for each e1 in reverse flistorg do
1090      if not freeof(symcon,e1) then flist:=union({e1},flist);
1092      for each e2 in freelist do
1093      <<e1:=((car diffsq(h,e2)) . 1);
1094        for n2:=1:eqlen do
1095        <<n4:=nth(lhslist,n2);
1096          if not my_freeof(eqn,n4) then
1097          e1:=((car subsq(e1,{(n4 . cadr nth(truesub,n2))})) . 1);
1098          vl:=delete(n4,vl)
1099        >>;
1101        % splitting
1102        if car e1 and (car e1 neq 0) then << % ie. e1<>0
1104          e1:=cdr split_simplify({{'list, mk!*sq e1},
1105                                   'list . nil,
1106                                   'list . flist,
1107                                   'list . vl, nil
1108                                 })$
1109          symcon:=nconc(e1,symcon)
1110        >>
1111      >>;
1112      if symcon and (individual_ or (n1=eqlen)) then <<
1113        h:=callcrack(!*time,cpu,gc,lietrace_,symcon,
1114                         flist,vl,xilist,etalist,inequ,nil);
1115        symcon :=car   h; xilist:=cadr   h;
1116        etalist:=caddr h; flist :=cadddr h;
1117        inequ  :=cadddr cdr h; h:=nil$
1118        cpu:=time()$ gc:=gctime()$
1119      >>
1120    >>
1121  >>;
1123  %------------ Determining the full symmetry conditions
1124  n1:=0;
1125  vl:=nil;
1126  for each eqn in eqlist do
1127  <<n1:=n1+1;
1128    if !*time then <<terpri()$
1129      terpri()$terpri()$
1130      write"=============== Full conditions for the ",n1,". equation" ;
1131    >>;
1132    n2:=cadr adddepli(eqn,revdylist);
1133    n3:=n2;  % n3 are the variables in the new condition
1135    h:=simp 0;
1136    for each e1 in xilist do
1137    h:=addsq(h,if sqzerop car e1 then simp 0
1138                                 else <<n3:=mergedepli(n3,cadddr e1);
1139                                        multsq(car e1,simpdf {eqn,cadr e1})
1140                                      >>);
1141    for each e1 in n2 do
1142    for each e2 in e1 do
1143    h:=addsq(h,multsq(<<  %<<<<<<----- slow?
1144                        n5:=combidif(e2);
1145                        n4:=car etamn(car n5,cdr n5,xilist,etalist,0,
1146                                      truesub,0,xlist);
1147                        n3:=mergedepli(n3,cdr n4);
1148                        car n4
1149                      >>,
1150                      simpdf {eqn,e2}   %<<<<<<----- slow
1151                     )
1152            );
1153    h:=(car h . 1);  % ie. take numerator
1155    n3:=joinsublists(xlist . n3)$
1156    for n2:=1:eqlen do
1157    <<n4:=nth(lhslist,n2);
1158      if not my_freeof(eqn,n4) then
1159      h:=car subsq(h,{(n4 . cadr nth(truesub,n2))}) . 1;   % take num
1160      n3:=delete(n4,n3)
1161    >>;
1162    vl:=union(vl,n3);
1164    if prelim_ or (n1>1) then
1165    for each e1 in reverse flistorg do
1166    if not freeof(symcon,e1) then flist:=union({e1},flist);
1168    % splitting
1169    if car h and (car h neq 0) then <<
1170      h:=cdr split_simplify({{'list,mk!*sq h},
1171                              'list . nil,
1172                              'list . flist,
1173                              'list . vl, nil
1174                             })$
1175      symcon:=nconc(h,symcon)
1176    >>$
1178    last_call:=if n1=eqlen then t else nil$
1179    if (individual_ and lin_problem) or last_call then <<
1180      if last_call then <<
1181       etamn_al:=nil$
1182       if prelim_ or individual_ then <<
1183        proc_list_:=proc_list_bak$
1184        max_gc_fac:=max_gc_fac_bak
1185       >>
1186      >>$
1187      allsym:=callcrack(!*time,cpu,gc,lietrace_,symcon,
1188                        flist,vl,xilist,etalist,inequ,last_call);
1189      cpu:=time()$ gc:=gctime()$
1190      if last_call then flist:=flistorg
1191                   else <<
1192        symcon :=car        allsym; xilist:=cadr   allsym;
1193        etalist:=caddr      allsym; flist :=cadddr allsym;
1194        inequ  :=cadddr cdr allsym; allsym:=nil$
1195      >>
1196    >>
1197  >>;
1199  eqn:=sb:=e1:=e2:=n:=h:=dylist:=deplist:=symord:=nil;%occurlist:=nil;
1200  lisp
1201  if done_trafo and cdr done_trafo then <<
1202   terpri()$
1203   if cddr done_trafo                                               then
1204   write"The following transformations reverse the transformations" else
1205   write"The following transformation reverses the transformation"$
1206   terpri()$
1207   write"performed in the computation:"$
1208   algebraic write lisp done_trafo$
1209   if inverse_trafo_list_incomplete then
1210   write"***** The list 'done_trafo' of inverse transformations"$terpri()$
1211   write"      is not complete as at least one transformation"$terpri()$
1212   write"      could not be inverted"$terpri()
1213  >>$
1215  n1:=0;
1216  %  allsym is a list of solutions of crack
1217  if allsym and car allsym='list then allsym:=cdr allsym;
1219  % Sort the symmetries from most general to most special by
1220  % picking the most special first
1221  h:=for each e1 in allsym collect
1222     cons((length cdadr e1)+(length cdaddr e1),e1);
1223  h:=idx_sort h;
1224  allsym:=for each e1 in h collect cdr e1;
1225  while allsym do <<
1227    nodependlist ylist;
1228    symcon_s:=cdadar allsym;
1230    xilist_s :=xilist;
1231    etalist_s:=etalist;
1232    inequ_s  :=inequ;
1233    truesub_s:=truesub;
1234    paralist :=nil;
1235    for each g in cdaddr car allsym do
1236    if not freeof(eqlist,cadr g) then <<
1237      truesub_s :=subst(caddr g, cadr g, truesub_s);
1238      paralist:=g . paralist
1239    >>                           else <<
1240      xilist_s :=for each k in  xilist_s collect cons(subsq(car k,{(cadr g . caddr g)}),cdr k)$ %!!
1241      etalist_s:=for each k in etalist_s collect cons(subsq(car k,{(cadr g . caddr g)}),cdr k)$ %!!
1242      inequ_s  :=subst(caddr g, cadr g,   inequ_s);
1243    >>;
1245    if lietrace_ then <<
1246      write"final symcon : ", symcon_s;  terpri()$
1247      write"final xilist = ", xilist_s;  terpri()$
1248      write"final etalist= ", etalist_s; terpri()$
1249    >>;
1250    flist_s:=cdr reval cadddr car allsym;
1251    allsym:=cdr allsym$
1252    oldprint_:=print_; print_:=nil;
1253    if print_ then <<terpri()$
1254      write"Remaining free functions after the last CRACK-run:";
1255      terpri()$
1256      fctprint flist_s;terpri()$terpri()
1257    >>;
1259    %------- Calculation finished, simplification of the result
1260    h:=append(for each el in  xilist_s collect mk!*sq car el,    %!!
1261              for each el in etalist_s collect mk!*sq car el );  %!!
1262    if symcon_s then for each el in symcon_s do h:=cons(el,h);
1263    h:=cons('list,h);
1265    %------- droping redundant constants or functions
1266    flist_slin:=nil;  % flist_slin are the new lin. constants and functions
1267    flist_snli:=nil;  % flist_snli are the non-lin. parameters in equations
1269    for each e1 in flist_s do
1270    if freeof(paralist,e1) then flist_slin:=e1 . flist_slin
1271                           else flist_snli:=e1 . flist_snli;
1273    oldbatch_mode:=!*batch_mode$ !*batch_mode:=nil$
1274    if print_ then <<
1275      write"***** START OF A COMPUTATION TO DROP REDUNDANT *****"$terpri()$
1276      write"*****  CONSTANTS AND FUNCTIONS OF INTEGRATION  *****"$terpri()$
1277    >>$
1278    sb:=reval dropredundant(h,'list . flist_slin,'list . vl,list('list));
1279    if print_ then <<
1280      write"***** THE COMPUTATION TO DROP REDUNDANT CONSTANTS *****"$terpri()$
1281      write"*****    AND FUNCTIONS OF INTEGRATION FINISHED    *****"$terpri()$
1282    >>$
1283    !*batch_mode:=oldbatch_mode$
1285    if sb then <<
1286      flist_slin:=cdr cadddr sb;
1287      h:=caddr sb;
1288      sb:=cadr sb;
1289      e1:=nil
1290    >>;
1292    %------- absorbing numerical constants into free constants
1293    if (not freeoflist( xilist_s,flist)) or
1294       (not freeoflist(etalist_s,flist)) then h:=nil else
1295    h:=reval absorbconst(h,'list . flist_slin);
1296    if h then if sb then sb:=append(sb,cdr h)
1297                    else sb:='list . cdr h;
1299    %------- doing the substitutions to drop and absorb
1300    if sb then <<
1301      if print_ then <<terpri()$
1302        write"Free constants and/or functions have been rescaled. ">>$
1303      for each e1 in cdr sb do <<
1304        xilist_s :=for each k in  xilist_s collect cons(subsq(car k,{(reval cadr e1 . caddr e1)}),cdr k)$ %!!
1305        etalist_s:=for each k in etalist_s collect cons(subsq(car k,{(reval cadr e1 . caddr e1)}),cdr k)$ %!!
1306        symcon_s :=cdr reval cons('list,subst(caddr e1,reval cadr e1,symcon_s));
1307      >>;
1308    >>;
1310    symcon_s := for each e1 in symcon_s collect
1311		car simplifypdeSQ(simp e1,append(flist_slin,flist_snli),t,nil,nil)$
1312    print_:=oldprint_;
1314    %------- Computing the prolongation of the symmetry vector
1315    etapqlist:=nil$
1316    if fixp(prolong_order) and (prolong_order>0) then <<
1317      % We can not do "for each e1 in ylist do depnd(e1,list(xlist));"
1318      % because otherwise the formulas generated by etamn are wrong
1319      %    on evallhseqp; % left hand sides not needed
1320      sb:=subdif1(cons('list,xlist),cons('list,ylist),prolong_order)$
1321      % sb is a list of substitutions, like df(y,x) = y`1
1322      % but with lhs=0 because y is x-independent
1324      for each e1 in cdr sb do
1325      for each e2 in cdr e1 do <<
1326	h:=combidif(caddr e2);
1327	n4:=mkid('eta_,car h);
1328	for each n2 in cdr h do
1329	n4:=mkid(n4,nth(xlist,n2));
1330	h:=car etamn(car h,cdr h,xilist_s,etalist_s,0,truesub_s,0,xlist)$
1331	n3:=(length cdr h) - 1;
1332	if n3>jetord then jetord:=n3$
1333	etapqlist:=cons(list('equal,n4,mk!*sq car h),etapqlist);
1334      >>
1335    >>$
1336    revdylist:=nil;
1338    %------- output
1339    if length flist_slin>1 then n:=t
1340			   else n:=nil;
1341    xilist_s:=for each el in  xilist_s collect
1342    <<e1:=mkid( 'xi_,cadr el);
1343      e1:=list('equal,e1,prepsq car el); %!!
1344      e1>>;
1345    etalist_s:=for each el in etalist_s collect
1346    <<e1:=mkid('eta_,cadr el);
1347      e1:=list('equal,e1,prepsq car el); %!!
1348      e1>>;
1349    %--- Backsubstitution of e.g. u`1`1 --> df(u,x,2)
1350    for each e1 in ylist do depnd(e1,list(xlist));
1351    on evallhseqp;
1352    sb:=subdif1(cons('list,xlist),cons('list,ylist),jetord)$
1353    algebraic(
1354    sb:=for each e1 in sb join
1355        for each e2 in e1 collect(rhs e2 = lhs e2));
1356    off evallhseqp;
1357    xilist_s :=cdr algebraic(sub(sb,cons('list, xilist_s)));
1358    etalist_s:=cdr algebraic(sub(sb,cons('list,etalist_s)));
1359    etapqlist:=cdr algebraic(sub(sb,cons('list,etapqlist)));
1360    xicop   := xilist_s$
1361    etacop  :=etalist_s$
1362    etapqcop:=etapqlist$
1364    sb:=nil$
1365    flcop:=flist_slin;
1366    % Drop constants/functions of integration which may have come up
1367    % when integrating parametric functions in the equation:
1368    for each e1 in flist_slin do
1369    if not freeof(eqlist,e1) then flcop:=delete(e1,flcop);
1370    for each e1 in flcop do
1371    <<% if null n2 then n2:=freeof(xicop,e1) and freeof(etacop,e1)$
1372      if freeof(symcon_s,e1) then <<
1373        n1:=n1+1;
1374        xi:=xicop;eta:=etacop;etapq:=etapqcop;
1375        for each e2 in flcop do
1376        if e2 neq e1 then
1377        <<xi:=subst(0,e2,xi);eta:=subst(0,e2,eta);etapq:=subst(0,e2,etapq)>>
1378                     else
1379        if null cdr fargs e1 then
1380        <<xi:=subst(1,e2,xi);eta:=subst(1,e2,eta);etapq:=subst(1,e2,etapq)>>;
1381        terpri()$write"-------- ",n1,". Symmetry:";terpri()$
1382        for each e2 in paralist do algebraic write lisp {'equal,cadr e2,reval caddr e2};
1383        for each e2 in xi       do algebraic write lisp {'equal,cadr e2,reval caddr e2};
1384        for each e2 in eta      do algebraic write lisp {'equal,cadr e2,reval caddr e2};
1385        for each e2 in etapq    do algebraic write lisp {'equal,cadr e2,reval caddr e2};
1386        if cdr fargs e1 then <<terpri()$write"with ";fctprint list(e1);
1387                               terpri()>>$
1388        xicop   :=subst(0,e1,xicop   );
1389        etacop  :=subst(0,e1,etacop  );
1390        etapqcop:=subst(0,e1,etapqcop);
1391        flcop:=delete(e1,flcop);
1392        %depl!*:=delete(assoc(e1,depl!*),depl!*)$
1393      >>;
1394    >>;
1396    if flcop then <<
1397      if ((length flcop)+(length flist_snli))>1 then n:=t
1398                                                else n:=nil;
1399      terpri()$
1400      if flcop=flist_slin then write"-------- S"
1401                          else write"-------- Further s";
1402      write"ymmetr",if n then "ies:" else "y:"$
1403      terpri()$
1404      for each e1 in paralist do algebraic write lisp {'equal,cadr e1,reval caddr e1};
1405      for each e1 in xicop    do algebraic write lisp {'equal,cadr e1,reval caddr e1};
1406      for each e1 in etacop   do algebraic write lisp {'equal,cadr e1,reval caddr e1};
1407      for each e1 in etapqcop do algebraic write lisp {'equal,cadr e1,reval caddr e1}
1408    >>;
1410    terpri()$
1411    if flcop then
1412    <<write"with ";fctprint cdr reval ('list . append(flcop,flist_snli))>>;
1414    if null symcon_s then if flcop then
1415    <<write" which ",if n then "are" else "is"," free. ";
1416      terpri()>>                 else
1417                   else
1418    <<h:=print_;print_:=50$
1419      symcon_s:=for each a in symcon_s collect {'!*sq,a,t}$
1420      if print_ then
1421      <<terpri()$
1422        write"which still ",if n then "have" else "has"," to satisfy: ";
1423        terpri()$
1424        deprint symcon_s;
1425      >>        else
1426      <<terpri()$
1427        write"which ",if n then "have" else "has",
1428             " to satisfy conditions. To see them set ";
1429        terpri()$
1430        write
1431        "lisp(print_= max. number of terms of an equation to print);";
1432        terpri()$
1433      >>;
1434      print_:=h
1435    >>;
1436    return_list:=list('list,
1437                      'list . symcon_s,
1438                      'list . append(paralist,append(xilist_s,etalist_s)),
1439                      'list . append(flist_slin,flist_snli)) . return_list;
1440    nodependlist ylist
1441  >>;
1443  terpri()$
1444  if (n1=0) and null symcon_s then <<
1445   if length eqlist=1 then write"The equation has no symmetry."
1446                      else write"The equations have no symmetry."$
1447   terpri()
1448  >>$
1449  write"-------- ";terpri();
1451  for each e1 in ylist do depnd(e1,list(xlist));
1452  recover_reduce_flags()$
1453  collect_sol:=oldcollect_sol;
1454  adjust_fnc:=oldadj;
1456  return 'list . return_list
1457end$ % of liepde