1#' RKWard file names
3#' In RKWard the output is saved as a html file which is located at "~/.rkward"
4#' by default. (\bold{TODO}: make this platform free). The name of this html
5#' file can be retrieved and set using \code{rk.get.output.html.file} and
6#' \code{rk.set.output.html.file}. \code{rk.flush.output.html.file} will delete
7#' the current (or specified) html file, and re-initialize it.
9#' \code{rk.get.tempfile.name} returns a non-existing filename inside the
10#' directory of the output file. It is mainly used by \link{rk.graph.on} to
11#' create filenames suitable for storing images in the output. The filenames of
12#' the temporary files are of the form
13#' "\code{prefix}\emph{xyz}.\code{extension}". \code{rk.get.tempfile.name} is
14#' somewhat misnamed. For truly temporary files, \link{tempfile} is generally
15#' more suitable.
17#' \code{rk.get.workspace.url} returns the url of workspace file which has been
18#' loaded in RKWard, or NULL, if no workspace has been loaded. NOTE: This value
19#' is note affected by running \code{load} in R, only by loading R workspaces
20#' via the RKWard GUI.
22#' @aliases rk.get.tempfile.name rk.get.workspace.url rk.get.output.html.file
23#'   rk.set.output.html.file
24#' @param prefix a string, used as a filename prefix when saving images to the
25#'   output file
26#' @param extension a string, used as a filename extension when saving images
27#'   to the output file
28#' @param x a string, giving the filename of the of the output file
29#' @param additional.header.contents NULL or an additional string to add to the HTML header section.
30#'        This could be scripts or additional CSS definitions, for example. Note that
31#'        \emph{nothing} will be added to the header, if the file already exists.
32#' @param style Currently either "regular" or "preview". The latter omits table of contents and date.
33#' @param css Local file name of CSS file to use, or NULL for no CSS file. The CSS file will be
34#'            placed next to x, with file name extension ".css". Only effective when initializing a
35#'            (non-existing) output file.
36#' @param silent Set to true to avoid the output window being raised in the frontend.
37#' @param flush.images. If true, any images used in the output file will be deleted as well.
38#' @param ask Logical: Whether to ask before flushing the output file.
39#' @param ... Further parameters passed to rk.set.output.html.file()
40#' @return \code{rk.get.tempfile.name}, \code{rk.get.output.html.file}, and
41#'   \code{rk.get.workspace.url} return a string while
42#'   \code{rk.set.output.html.file} returns the \bold{previous} output html file.
43#' @author Thomas Friedrichsmeier \email{rkward-devel@@kde.org}
44#' @seealso \url{rkward://page/rkward_output}, \link{tempfile}, \link{file},
45#'   \link{rk.print}
46#' @keywords utilities IO
47#' @rdname rk.get.tempfile.name
48#' @examples
50#' testfile.name <- rk.get.tempfile.name(prefix="test", extension=".txt")
51#' testfile <- file(testfile.name)
52#' cat("This is a test\n", file=testfile)
53#' close(testfile)
54#' unlink(testfile.name)
56#' outfile <- rk.get.output.html.file()
58#' ## Not run
59#' rk.set.output.html.file("~/.rkward/another_file.html")
60#' rk.header("Output on a different output file")
61#' rk.show.html(rk.get.output.html.file())
62#' rk.flush.output()
63#' rk.set.output.html.file(outfile)
65#' @export
66"rk.get.tempfile.name" <- function (prefix="image", extension=".jpg") {
67	return (.rk.do.plain.call ("get.tempfile.name", c (prefix, extension)))
70#' @export
71#' @rdname rk.get.tempfile.name
72"rk.get.workspace.url" <- function () {
73	res <- .rk.do.plain.call ("getWorkspaceUrl")
74	if (length (res)) res
75	else NULL
78#' @export
79#' @rdname rk.get.tempfile.name
80"rk.get.output.html.file" <- function () {
81	return (.rk.variables$.rk.output.html.file)
84#' @export
85#' @rdname rk.get.tempfile.name
86"rk.set.output.html.file" <- function (x, additional.header.contents = getOption ("rk.html.header.additions"), style=c ("regular", "preview"), css = getOption ("rk.output.css.file"), silent=FALSE) {
87	stopifnot (is.character (x))
88	style <- match.arg (style)
89	oldfile <- rk.get.output.html.file ()
90	assign (".rk.output.html.file", x, .rk.variables)
92	if (!file.exists (x)) {
93		.rk.cat.output (paste ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"", .Call ("rk.locale.name", PACKAGE="(embedding)"), "\"?>\n", sep=""))
94		.rk.cat.output ("<html><head>\n<title>RKWard Output</title>\n")
95		if (!is.null (css)) {
96			cssfilename <- paste (sub ("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename (x)), ".css", sep="")
97			.rk.cat.output (paste ("<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"", cssfilename, "\"/>\n", sep=""))
98			cssfile <- file.path (dirname (x), cssfilename)
99			if (!file.copy (css, cssfile, overwrite=TRUE)) {
100				warning ("Failed to copy CSS file ", css, " to ", cssfile)
101			}
102		}
103		# the next part defines a JavaScript function to add individual results to a global table of contents menu in the document
104		if (style != "preview") {
105			.rk.cat.output (paste ("\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">
106			<!--
107				function addToTOC(id, level){
108					var fullHeader = document.getElementById(id);
109					var resultsTOC = document.getElementById('RKWardResultsTOCShown');
110					var headerName = fullHeader.getAttribute('name');
111					var headerText = fullHeader.firstChild.data;
112					var headerTitle = fullHeader.getAttribute('title');
113					var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
114					// create new anchor for TOC
115					var newAnchor = '<a href=\"#' + headerName + '\" title=\"' + headerTitle + '\"';
116					// indent anchor depending on header level
117					if(level > 1){
118						newDiv.style.textIndent = level-1 + 'em';
119						newDiv.className = 'level' + level;
120						newAnchor = '&bull; ' + newAnchor + '>' + headerText + '</a>';
121					} else {
122						newAnchor = newAnchor + '>' + headerText + '</a>';
123					}
124					newDiv.innerHTML = newAnchor;
125					resultsTOC.appendChild(newDiv);
126				}
127				function switchVisible(show, hide) {
128					document.getElementById(show).style.display = 'inline';
129					document.getElementById(hide).style.display = 'none';
130				}
131				function showMLevel(nodes){
132					for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
133						nodes[i].style.display = 'block';
134					}
135				}
136				function hideMLevel(nodes){
137					for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
138						nodes[i].style.display = 'none';
139					}
140				}
141				function maxLevel(level){
142					if(level > 5){
143						return false;
144					}
145					for(var i=1; i < 6; i++) {
146						if(i <= level){
147							showMLevel(document.getElementsByClassName('level' + i));
148						} else {
149							hideMLevel(document.getElementsByClassName('level' + i));
150						}
151					}
152				}
153			// -->\n\t</script>\n", sep=""))
154			# positioning of the TOC is done by CSS, default state is hidden
155			# see $SRC/rkward/pages/rkward_output.css
156		}
158		if (!is.null (additional.header.contents)) .rk.cat.output (as.character (additional.header.contents))
159		.rk.cat.output ("</head>\n<body>\n")
160		if (style != "preview") {
161			# This initial output mostly to indicate the output is really there, just empty for now
162			.rk.cat.output (paste ("<a name=\"top\"></a>\n<pre>RKWard output initialized on", .rk.date (), "</pre>\n"))
163			# an empty <div> where the TOC menu gets added to dynamically, and a second one to toggle show/hide
164			.rk.cat.output (paste (
165				"<div id=\"RKWardResultsTOCShown\" class=\"RKTOC\">\n",
166				"\t<a onclick=\"javascript:switchVisible('RKWardResultsTOCHidden','RKWardResultsTOCShown'); return false;\" href=\"\" class=\"toggleTOC\">Hide TOC</a>\n",
167				"\t<span class=\"right\"><a href=\"#top\" class=\"toggleTOC\">Go to top</a></span>\n<br />",
168				"\t\t<span class=\"center\">\n\t\t\t<a onclick=\"javascript:maxLevel('1'); return false;\" href=\"\" title=\"TOC level 1\">1</a> &bull;\n",
169				"\t\t\t<a onclick=\"javascript:maxLevel('2'); return false;\" href=\"\" title=\"TOC level 2\">2</a> &bull;\n",
170				"\t\t\t<a onclick=\"javascript:maxLevel('3'); return false;\" href=\"\" title=\"TOC level 3\">3</a> &bull;\n",
171				"\t\t\t<a onclick=\"javascript:maxLevel('4'); return false;\" href=\"\" title=\"TOC level 4\">4</a>\n\t\t</span>\n",
172				"\t<!-- the TOC menu goes here -->\n</div>\n",
173				"<div id=\"RKWardResultsTOCHidden\" class=\"RKTOC RKTOChidden\">\n",
174				"\t<a onclick=\"javascript:switchVisible('RKWardResultsTOCShown','RKWardResultsTOCHidden'); return false;\" href=\"\" class=\"toggleTOC\">Show TOC</a>\n",
175				"\t<span class=\"right\"><a href=\"#top\" class=\"toggleTOC\">Go to top</a></span>\n",
176				"</div>\n", sep=""))
177		}
178	}
180	# needs to come after initialization, so initialization alone does not trigger an update during startup
181	.rk.do.plain.call ("set.output.file", c (x, if (isTRUE (silent)) "SILENT" else NULL), synchronous=FALSE)
182	invisible (oldfile)
185# Internal helper function to extract file names of images used in html files.
186# Almost definitely, this could be simplified, but I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader ;-)
187# Note that this uses heuristics, rather than real parsing
188".rk.get.images.in.html.file" <- function (file) {
189	lines <- readLines (file)
190	lines <- grep ("<(img|object)", lines, ignore.case=TRUE, value=TRUE)
191	files <- character (0)
192	for (line in lines) {
193		slines <- strsplit (line, "<")[[1]]
194		for (sline in slines) {
195			sline <- toupper (sline)
196			if (substring (sline, 0, 3) == "IMG") {
197				parts <- strsplit (sline, "SRC")[[1]]
198				if (length (parts) < 2) next
199				parts <- strsplit (parts[2], "\"")[[1]]
200				if (length (parts) < 2) next
201				files <- c (files, parts[2])
202			} else if (substring (sline, 0, 6) == "OBJECT") {
203				parts <- strsplit (sline, "DATA")[[1]]
204				if (length (parts) < 2) next
205				parts <- strsplit (parts[2], "\"")[[1]]
206				if (length (parts) < 2) next
207				files <- c (files, parts[2])
208			}
209		}
210	}
211	files
214#' @export
215#' @rdname rk.get.tempfile.name
216"rk.flush.output" <- function (x=rk.get.output.html.file (), flush.images=TRUE, ask=TRUE, ...) {
217	images <- character (0)
218	if (flush.images) images <- .rk.get.images.in.html.file (x)
220	desc <- x
221	if (length (images)) {
222		desc <- paste (x, ", along with ", length (images), " image files", sep="")
223	}
225	if (isTRUE (ask)) {
226		if (!rk.show.question (paste ("Do you really want to flush the output file (", desc, ")?\nIt will not be possible to restore it.", sep=""))) stop ("Aborted by user")
227	}
229	unlink (x)
230	try (
231		for (image in images) {
232			unlink (image)
233		}
234	)
236	rk.set.output.html.file (x, ...)