1 /**********************************************************
2  * Version $Id: TLB_Interface.h 1925 2014-01-09 12:15:18Z oconrad $
3  *********************************************************/
5 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6 //                                                       //
7 //                         SAGA                          //
8 //                                                       //
9 //      System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses      //
10 //                                                       //
11 //                     Tool Library                      //
12 //                      Table_ODBC                       //
13 //                                                       //
14 //-------------------------------------------------------//
15 //                                                       //
16 //                    TLB_Interface.h                    //
17 //                                                       //
18 //                 Copyright (C) 2004 by                 //
19 //                      Olaf Conrad                      //
20 //                                                       //
21 //-------------------------------------------------------//
22 //                                                       //
23 // This file is part of 'SAGA - System for Automated     //
24 // Geoscientific Analyses'. SAGA is free software; you   //
25 // can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms  //
26 // of the GNU General Public License as published by the //
27 // Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.   //
28 //                                                       //
29 // SAGA is distributed in the hope that it will be       //
30 // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the    //
31 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A  //
32 // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public        //
33 // License for more details.                             //
34 //                                                       //
35 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General    //
36 // Public License along with this program; if not,       //
37 // write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,          //
38 // 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, //
39 // USA.                                                  //
40 //                                                       //
41 //-------------------------------------------------------//
42 //                                                       //
43 //    e-mail:     oconrad@saga-gis.org                   //
44 //                                                       //
45 //    contact:    Olaf Conrad                            //
46 //                Institute of Geography                 //
47 //                University of Goettingen               //
48 //                Goldschmidtstr. 5                      //
49 //                37077 Goettingen                       //
50 //                Germany                                //
51 //                                                       //
52 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
54 //---------------------------------------------------------
56 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
57 //                                                       //
58 //    This code is something I did for SAGA GIS to       //
59 //    import data from MySQL Database.					 //
60 //														 //
61 //	  INPUT : Connection information and SQL statement	 //
62 //	  OUTPUT: Result data as Table						 //
63 //														 //
64 //		RELEASE : v0.1b (Lot more to do)				 //
65 //														 //
66 //	  The SAGA structure code is grapped from 	         //
67 //    Olaf Conrad's ODBC example and database			 //
68 //	  communication part is replaced with MySQL			 //
69 //	  native library (libmysql.dll for win32)			 //
70 //														 //
71 //	  The code is compiled under						 //
72 //	      Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition 	             //
73 //-------------------------------------------------------//
74 //                                                       //
75 //    e-mail:     sagamysql@ferhatbingol.com             //
76 //                                                       //
77 //    contact:    Ferhat Bing�l                          //
78 //                                                       //
79 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
81 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
82 //														 //
83 //				Include the SAGA-API here				 //
84 //														 //
85 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
87 //---------------------------------------------------------
88 #ifndef HEADER_INCLUDED__io_table_mysql_H
89 #define HEADER_INCLUDED__io_table_mysql_H
91 //---------------------------------------------------------
92 #include <saga_api/saga_api.h>
94 //---------------------------------------------------------
95 #ifdef io_table_mysql_EXPORTS
96 	#define	io_table_mysql_EXPORT	_SAGA_DLL_EXPORT
97 #else
98 	#define	io_table_mysql_EXPORT	_SAGA_DLL_IMPORT
99 #endif
102 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
103 //														 //
104 //														 //
105 //														 //
106 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
108 //---------------------------------------------------------
109 #endif // #ifndef HEADER_INCLUDED__io_table_mysql_H