1 /*
2  *  Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
3  *  Copyright (C) 2011-2012 - DIGITEO - Manuel Juliachs
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2016 - Scilab Enterprises
6  *
7  * This file is hereby licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0,
8  * pursuant to article 5.3.4 of the CeCILL v.2.1.
9  * This file was originally licensed under the terms of the CeCILL v2.1,
10  * and continues to be available under such terms.
11  * For more information, see the COPYING file which you should have received
12  * along with this program.
13  *
14  */
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <limits>
21 #include <list>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include <iostream>
26 /*
27  * A structure representing a point.
28  */
29 struct Vector3d
30 {
31     double x;
32     double y;
33     double z;
Vector3dVector3d35     Vector3d() : x(0.), y(0.), z(0.) { }
Vector3dVector3d36     Vector3d(const double _x, const double _y, const double _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) { }
37 };
39 /**
40  * Triangulator class
41  * An implementation of the ear-clipping triangulation algorithm,
42  * an O(n^2) complexity algorithm, when n is the triangulated polygon's
43  * number of points. The polygon must be simple and non-intersecting.
44  * Triangulation occurs as if the polygon were plane, which is why only
45  * its two largest dimensions are considered and the third is ignored.
46  *
47  * To do:
48  *    -extend to take into account self-intersecting polygons
49  *    -use a more efficient and robust algorithm (such as the decomposition into monotone pieces O(n log n) algorithm)
50  *    -use a dedicated library (more efficient and/or robust)
51  */
52 class Triangulator
53 {
54 private:
55     /** The array of input points. */
56     std::vector<Vector3d> inputPoints;
58     /**
59      * The array of points, filled from the array of input points depending on the polygon's dimensions.
60      * It contains exactly the same number of points.
61      */
62     std::vector<Vector3d> points;
64     /** The polygon's number of points. */
65     int numPoints;
67     /** The polygons's initial number of points, including colinear vertices. */
68     int numInitPoints;
70     /**
71      * Specifies whether the list of vertex indices must be flipped or not
72      * and indicates the vertices' order. If false, vertices are ordered counter-clockwise
73      * whereas they are ordered clockwise if it is true.
74      */
75     bool flipped;
77     /** The list of vertex indices. */
78     std::list<int> vertexIndices;
80     /** The list of actual vertex indices. */
81     std::vector<int> actualVertexIndices;
83     /** The list of ear vertex indices. */
84     std::list<int> earList;
86     /** The list of convex vertices. */
87     std::list<int> convexList;
89     /** The list of reflex vertices. */
90     std::list<int> reflexList;
92     /** The convexity flag array. */
93     std::vector<bool> flagList;
95     /** The list of output triangle indices. */
96     std::vector<int> triangleIndices;
98     /** The number of insertions into the ear vertex list. */
99     int numAddEars;
101     /** The number of deletions from the ear vertex list. */
102     int numDelEars;
104     /** The number of steps taken by the triangulation's execution. */
105     int numSteps;
107     /** The number of ear tests performed. */
108     int numEarTests;
110     /** The number of colinear vertices. */
111     int numColinearVertices;
113     double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
115 private:
117     /**
118      * Fills the array of points with a projection of the points in the array of input points.
119      **/
120     void fillPoints(void);
122     /**
123      * Computes and returns the polygon's signed area.
124      * Its sign depends on the order of the polygon's vertices.
125      * If positive, the vertices are ordered counter-clockwise whereas they are ordered
126      * clockwise if it is negative.
127      * @return the polygon's area.
128      */
129     double computeArea(void);
131     /**
132      * Fills the list of vertex indices, depending on their order.
133      */
134     void fillVertexIndices(void);
136     /**
137      * Removes colinear vertices.
138      */
139     void removeColinearVertices(void);
141     /**
142      * Removes duplicate vertices.
143      */
144     void removeDuplicateVertices(void);
146     /**
147      * Fills the list of convex vertices, determining whether each vertex vi is convex or not.
148      * It also fills the convexity flag array.
149      */
150     void fillConvexVerticesList(void);
152     /**
153      * Fills the list of ear vertices.
154      */
155     void fillEarList(void);
157     /**
158      * Gets the vertices adjacent to vertex i.
159      * @param[in] vertex i's iterator.
160      * @param[out] a reference to vertex i-1's iterator.
161      * @param[out] a reference to vertex i+1's iterator.
162      */
163     void getAdjacentVertices(std::list<int>::iterator vi, std::list<int>::iterator& vim1, std::list<int>::iterator& vip1);
165     /**
166      * Determines whether a vertex is convex or not.
167      * @param[in] the vertex's iterator.
168      * @return true if the vertex is convex, false if it is not.
169      */
170     bool isConvex(std::list<int>::iterator vertex);
172     /**
173      * Determines whether a vertex is an ear vertex.
174      * @param[in] the vertex's iterator.
175      * @return true if it is an ear, false if not.
176      */
177     bool isAnEar(std::list<int>::iterator vertex);
179     /**
180      * Updates a vertex's state due to the next/previous vertex
181      * having been removed. It performs an ear test and accordingly
182      * updates the ear vertex list. If the vertex becomes convex, its
183      * flag is updated as well as the reflex vertex list.
184      * @param[in] the updated vertex's iterator.
185      */
186     void updateVertex(std::list<int>::iterator vertex);
188     /**
189      * Computes the dot product between edge e(i) (from vertex i to i+1) and the vector
190      * orthogonal to edge e(i-1) (from vertex i-1 to i) such that the angle from e(i-1)
191      * to this vector vector is +90°.
192      * @param[in] the index of vertex i-1.
193      * @param[in] the index of vertex i.
194      * @param[in] the index of vertex i+1.
195      * @return the dot product.
196      */
197     double computeDotProduct(int im1, int i, int ip1);
199     /**
200      * Determines whether a point P is located within the triangle ABC.
201      * It considers that P and ABC both lie in the xy plane.
202      * @param[in] the triangle's first point.
203      * @param[in] the triangle's second point.
204      * @param[in] the triangle's third point.
205      * @return true if P is located within ABC, false if not.
206      */
207     bool pointInTriangle(Vector3d A, Vector3d B, Vector3d C, Vector3d P);
209     /**
210      * Subtracts the second input vector from the first one and returns the result.
211      * It should be moved to a Vector3d class.
212      * @param[in] the first vector.
213      * @param[in] the second vector.
214      * @return the resulting vector.
215      */
216     static Vector3d minus(Vector3d v0, Vector3d v1);
218     /**
219     * Add the first and second vectors
220     * It should be moved to a Vector3d class.
221     * @param[in] the first vector.
222     * @param[in] the second vector.
223     * @return the resulting vector.
224     */
225     static Vector3d plus(Vector3d v0, Vector3d v1);
227     /**
228      * Computes and returns the dot product of two vectors.
229      * It should be moved to a Vector3d class.
230      * @param[in] the first vector.
231      * @param[in] the second vector.
232      * @return the dot product.
233      */
234     static double dot(Vector3d v0, Vector3d v1);
236     /**
237      * Normalizes a 2D vector, the z coordinate is ignored.
238      * It should be moved to a Vector3d class.
239      * @param[in] the vector to normalize.
240      * @return the normalized vector.
241      */
242     static Vector3d normalize(Vector3d v);
244     /**
245      * Compares whether two vertices are identical or not.
246      * Two vertices are considered identical if they x and y coordinates
247      * are equal, the z coordinate being ignored.
248      * It should be moved to a Vector3d class.
249      * @param[in] the first vector.
250      * @param[in] the second vector.
251      * @return true if the two vertices are identical, false if not.
252      */
253     static bool compareVertices(Vector3d v0, Vector3d v1);
255     /**
256      * Determines whether two floating-point values are equal.
257      * @param[in] the first value.
258      * @param[in] the second value.
259      * @return true if the values are equal, false if not.
260      */
261     static bool areEqual(double x0, double x1);
263     /**
264      * Computes and returns a vector p orthogonal to vector v,
265      * such that the angle from v to p is +90°. v and p are considered
266      * to lie in the xy plane.
267      * It should be moved to a Vector3d class.
268      * @param[in] the vector.
269      * @return the vector perpendicular to vector v.
270      */
271     static Vector3d perpendicularVector(Vector3d v);
273     /**
274      * Computes and returns the cross product of two vectors.
275      * It should be moved to a Vector3d class.
276      * @param[in] the vector a.
277      * @param[in] the vector b.
278      * @return the cross product vector perpendicular to vectors a and b.
279      */
280     static Vector3d cross(Vector3d a, Vector3d b);
282     /**
283      * Computes the multimplication of 3x3 matrix Out = A * B;
284      * @param[in] the left matrix a.
285      * @param[in] the right matrix b.
286      * @param[out] the multiplied matrix.
287      **/
288     void matrixMatrixMul(double (&a)[3][3], double (&b)[3][3], double (&out)[3][3]);
290     /**
291      * Computes the multimplication of 3x3 matrix and a vector Pout = M * Pin;
292      * @param[in] the matrix m.
293      * @param[in] the vector pin.
294      * @param[out] the multiplied vector pout.
295      **/
296     void matrixVectorMul(double (&m)[3][3], Vector3d & pin, Vector3d & pout);
298     /**
299      * Computes the multimplication of 3x3 matrix and a vector PinOut = M * PinOut;
300      * @param[in] the matrix m.
301      * @param[in] the vector pinOut.
302      * @param[out] the multiplied vector pinOut.
303      **/
304     void matrixVectorMul(double (&m)[3][3], Vector3d & pinOut);
306     /**
307      * Transform all points from the array of points, to the cube [0,1]^3
308      **/
309     void normalizePoints(void);
311     /**
312      * 3x3 Matriz diagonalizer using jacobi method
313      * Original idea from:  http://www.melax.com/diag.html
314      * @param[in] the matrix A to be diagonalized.
315      * @param[out] the matrix Q which diagonalizer A, D = Q' * D * Q.
316      * @param[out] the matrix D diagonal.
317      **/
318     void diagonalize(const double (&A)[3][3], double (&Q)[3][3], double (&D)[3][3]);
320 public:
321     /** Default constructor. */
322     Triangulator(void);
324     /**
325      * Initializes and fills the lists used by the algorithm from the
326      * list of input points, which must have been filled beforehand.
327      */
328     void initialize(void);
330     /**
331      * Adds a point to the array of input points.
332      * @param[in] the point's x-coordinate.
333      * @param[in] the point's y-coordinate.
334      * @param[in] the point's z-coordinate.
335      */
336     void addPoint(double x, double y, double z);
338     /**
339      * Triangulates the input data.
340      */
341     void triangulate(void);
343     /**
344      * Returns the number of triangles resulting from the algorithm's execution.
345      * @return the number of triangles.
346      */
347     int getNumberTriangles(void);
349     /**
350      * Returns the array of triangle indices resulting from the algorithm's execution.
351      * @return a pointer to the array of triangle indices.
352      */
353     int* getIndices(void);
355     /**
356      * Returns the number steps performed by the algorithm.
357      * @return the number of steps performed.
358      */
359     int getNumberSteps();
361     /**
362      * Returns the number of ear tests performed by the algorithm.
363      * Relevant only to debugging.
364      * @return the number of ear tests performed.
365      */
366     int getNumberEarTests();
368     /**
369      * Clears the lists of points, vertex indices, and the lists storing
370      * the algorithm's internal state (vertex indices, ear vertices and others).
371      */
372     void clear(void);
373 };
375 /**
376  * An arbitrary tolerance value used to determine colinear edges.
377  */
378 #define TOLERANCE 0.0000001
380 /**
381  * An epsilon value used when comparing vertices.
382  */
383 #define EPSILON 0.00000001
385 #endif