1// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
2// Copyright (C) INRIA
4// Copyright (C) 2012 - 2016 - Scilab Enterprises
6// This file is hereby licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0,
7// pursuant to article 5.3.4 of the CeCILL v.2.1.
8// This file was originally licensed under the terms of the CeCILL v2.1,
9// and continues to be available under such terms.
10// For more information, see the COPYING file which you should have received
11// along with this program.
13function M = generic_i_hm(default_value,varargin)
16    //insertion of a matrix in an hypermatrix
17    [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
18    rhs=rhs-1
19    M=varargin(rhs);
20    N=varargin(rhs-1);//inserted matrix
22    dims=matrix(size(M),-1,1);
23    v=matrix(M,-1,1);
25    nd=size(dims,"*")
26    olddims=dims
28    // adjust dimension of matrix M to number of indices
29    reduced_index=%f
30    if rhs-2>nd then
31        dims(nd+1:rhs-2)=0;
32    elseif rhs-2<nd  then //less indices than M number of dims
33        dims=[dims(1:rhs-3);prod(dims(rhs-2:$))]
34        if size(find(dims>1),"*")>1 then reduced_index=%t,end
35    end
37    //handling special case M(....)=[]
38    if N==[] then
39        // at most only one index should not match the full
40        // corresponding dimension
41        // if yes insertion is the extraction of the complement.
42        ok=[];
43        for k=1:rhs-2
44            dk=varargin(k)
45            if or(type(dk)==[2 129]) then
46                dk=horner(dk,dims(k)),
47            elseif type(dk)==4 then
48                dk=find(dk)
49            end
50            if or(size(dk)<>-1) then
51                dk=gsort(dk);
52                if or(dk<>(dims(k):-1:1)) then
53                    if dk(1)<1|dk($)>dims(k) then
54                        error(msprintf(_("%s: Invalid index.\n"), "generic_i_hm"))
55                    end
56                    if ok<>[] then
57                        msg = _("%s: A null assignment can have only one non-colon index.\n")
58                        error(msprintf(msg, "generic_i_hm"));
59                    end
60                    ok=k
61                    I1=1:dims(k);I1(dk)=[]
62                    varargin(k)=I1
63                end
64            end
66        end
68        if size(ok,"*")==0 then
69            M=[]
70        else //use extraction
71            [Ndims,I]=convertindex(dims,varargin(1:$-2));
72            dims(ok)=size(I1,"*")
73            while dims($)==1&size(dims,"*")>2, dims($)=[],end
74            M=M(I);
75            M=matrix(M, dims)
76        end
78        return
79    end
81    //convert N-dimensional indexes to 1-D and extend dims if necessary
82    [Ndims,I]=convertindex(list(dims,size(N)),varargin(1:$-2));
83    Ndims=matrix(Ndims,-1,1)
85    //if reduced_index & or(Ndims<>dims), error(msprintf(_("%s: Invalid index.\n"), "generic_i_hm")), end
86    if or(Ndims>dims) then
87        //extend the destination matrix
88        I1=0
89        for k=size(Ndims,"*"):-1:1
90            ik1=(1:dims(k))';
91            if ik1<>[] then
92                if Ndims(k)>1 then
93                    if size(I1,"*")>1 then
94                        I1=(Ndims(k)*I1).*.ones(ik1)+ones(I1).*.(ik1-1);
95                    else
96                        I1=Ndims(k)*I1+ik1-1;
97                    end
98                else
99                    I1=Ndims(k)*I1+ik1-1;
100                end
101            end
102        end
103        // create the resulting matrix
104        v2=[];v2(1:prod(Ndims),1)=default_value;
105        // populate it with M entries
106        if v<>[] then v2(I1+1)=v;end
107    else
108        v2=v
109    end
110    //insert N entries into result
111    v2(I)=N(:)
113    //remove trailing unitary dimensions
114    if reduced_index then
115        Ndims=olddims
116    else
117        while  Ndims($)==1 then Ndims($)=[],end
118        select size(Ndims,"*")
119        case 0 then
120            Ndims=[1,1]
121        case 1 then
122            k=find(olddims<>1&olddims<>0)
123            if k==[]|Ndims>prod(olddims) then //shape changed
124                if oldEmptyBehaviour("query")=="off" then
125                    Ndims=[1,Ndims]
126                else
127                    Ndims=[Ndims,1]
128                end
129            else
130                Ndims=olddims;
131            end
132        else
133            if N==[]
134                Ndims=matrix(Ndims,1,-1)
135            end
136        end
137    end
138    M=matrix(v2,Ndims)