1 /*
2  * Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
3  * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 - Scilab Enterprises - Calixte DENIZET
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2016 - Scilab Enterprises
6  *
7  * This file is hereby licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0,
8  * pursuant to article 5.3.4 of the CeCILL v.2.1.
9  * This file was originally licensed under the terms of the CeCILL v2.1,
10  * and continues to be available under such terms.
11  * For more information, see the COPYING file which you should have received
12  * along with this program.
13  *
14  */
16 #ifndef __XMLNODELIST_HXX__
17 #define __XMLNODELIST_HXX__
19 #include "XMLList.hxx"
20 #include "dynlib_xml_scilab.h"
21 #include "xml.h"
23 namespace org_modules_xml
24 {
25 class XMLElement;
26 class XMLDocument;
28 /**
29  * @file
30  * @author Calixte DENIZET <calixte.denizet@scilab.org>
31  *
32  * Class to wrap the list of the children of a node
33  */
34 class XML_SCILAB_IMPEXP XMLNodeList: public XMLList
35 {
37     const XMLDocument & doc;
38     xmlNode *parent;
39     int prev;
40     xmlNode *prevNode;
42 public:
43     /**
44      * Default constructor
45      * @param doc the XMLDocument where this nodelist is
46      * @param parent the parent node
47      */
48     XMLNodeList(const XMLDocument & doc, xmlNode * parent);
50     ~XMLNodeList();
52     void *getRealXMLPointer() const;
54     const char **getContentFromList() const;
56     const char **getNameFromList() const;
58     void remove() const;
60     /**
61      * Removes an element
62      * @param index the index of the element to remove
63      */
64     void removeElementAtPosition(int index);
66     /**
67      * @anchor setElementAtPosition
68      * Sets an element at a given index.
69      * If the index is an integer, then according to the index value the element
70      * will be inserted at tail, or will replaced the existing one.
71      * If the index is not an integer, then the element will be inserted between the
72      * elements with indexes floor(index) and floor(index)+1.
73      * @param index the index
74      * @param elem the element to insert
75      */
76     void setElementAtPosition(double index, const XMLElement & elem);
78     /**
79      * See @ref setElementAtPosition
80      * @param index the index
81      * @param document the document containing the root which will be inserted
82      */
83     void setElementAtPosition(double index, const XMLDocument & document);
85     /**
86      * See @ref setElementAtPosition
87      * @param index the index
88      * @param xmlCode the XML code for the element which will be inserted
89      */
90     void setElementAtPosition(double index, const std::string & xmlCode);
92     /**
93      * See @ref setElementAtPosition
94      * @param index the index
95      * @param list the list of the elements which will be inserted
96      */
97     void setElementAtPosition(double index, const XMLNodeList & list);
99     /**
100      * Gets the parent node behind this children list.
101      * @return the parent node
102      */
getRealNode() const103     xmlNode *getRealNode() const
104     {
105         return parent->children;
106     }
108     void setAttributeValue(const char **prefix, const char **name, const char **value, int lsize) const;
109     void setAttributeValue(const char **name, const char **value, int lsize) const;
110     const XMLObject *getXMLObjectParent() const;
111     const std::string dump() const;
112     const XMLObject *getListElement(int index);
114     /**
115      * Revalidate size after an eventual alteration (such as an element removal)
116      */
117     void revalidateSize();
119     /**
120      * Gets the node list size
121      * @param node the xmlNode
122      * @return the size
123      */
124     static int getNodeListSize(xmlNode * node);
125 protected:
126     /**
127      * Replaces an element at a given index
128      * @param index the index
129      * @param elem the new element
130      */
131     void replaceAtIndex(int index, const XMLElement & elem);
133     /**
134      * Inserts an element at beginning
135      * @param elem the element to insert
136      */
137     void insertAtEnd(const XMLElement & elem);
139     /**
140      * Inserts an element at end
141      * @param elem the element to insert
142      */
143     void insertAtBeginning(const XMLElement & elem);
145     /**
146      * Inserts an element at a given index
147      * @param index the index
148      * @param elem the element to insert
149      */
150     void insertAtIndex(int index, const XMLElement & elem);
152 private:
153     /**
154      * Gets a node at a given index
155      * @param index the index
156      * @return the correspionding node
157      */
158     xmlNode *getListNode(int index);
160 };
161 }
163 #endif