1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
42 /*
43  *
44  * $Id: s1331.c,v 1.2 2001-03-19 15:58:45 afr Exp $
45  *
46  */
49 #define S1331
51 #include "sislP.h"
54 void
s1331(double ep[],double eimpli[],int ideg,int ider,double gder[],double gnorm[],int * jstat)55 s1331(double ep[],double eimpli[],int ideg,int ider,
56 	   double gder[],double gnorm[],int *jstat)
57 #else
58 void s1331(ep,eimpli,ideg,ider,gder,gnorm,jstat)
59      double ep[];
60      double eimpli[];
61      int    ideg;
62      int    ider;
63      double gder[];
64      double gnorm[];
65      int    *jstat;
66 #endif
67 /*
68 *********************************************************************
69 *
70 * PURPOSE    : To calculate the position and derivatives up to second
71 *              order of a point (and corresponding derivatives) put into
72 *              the equation of an implicit surface.
73 *
74 *
75 * INPUT      : ep     - 0-2 order derivatives of B-spline surface.
76 *                       For ideg=1,2 and 1001 the sequence is position,
77 *                       first derivative in first parameter direction,
78 *                       first derivative in second parameter direction,
79 *                       (2,0) derivative, (1,1) derivative, (0,2) derivative
80 *                       and normal. (21 numbers)
81 *                       For ideg=1003,1004,1005 the second derivatives are followed
82 *                       by the third derivatives and the normal (33 numbers)
83 *                       Compatible with output of s1421
84 *              eimpli - Description of the implicit surface
85 *              ideg   - The degree of the implicit surface
86 *                        ideg=1:    Plane
87 *                        ideg=2;    Quadric surface
88 *                        ideg=1001: Torus surface
89 *                        ideg=1003: Silhouette line parallel projection
90 *                        ideg=1004: Silhouette line perspective projection
91 *                        ideg=1005: Silhouette line circular projection
92 *              ider   - Derivatives to be calculated
93 *                        ider=-1:   Normal
94 *                        ider=0:    Value + normal
95 *                        ider=1:    Value + first derivatives + normal
96 *                        ider=2:    Value + 1.st + 2.nd + normal
97 *                       Note if ideg=1003,1004,1005 then ider is set to max(ider,1).
98 *
99 *
100 * OUTPUT     :
101 *              jstat  - status messages
102 *                         = 0      : ok, curvature radius
103 *                         < 0      : error
104 *
105 *              gder   - Specified derivatives in order: value,
106 *                       1.st derivatives and 2.nd derivatives
107 *              gnorm  - Normal of the implicit surface.
108 *                       When ideg=1003,1004,1005 i.e. for silhouette curves
109 *                       gnorm = f P - f P  which is the direction of
110 *                                v u   u v
111 *                       the silhouette curve along the surface P.
112 *
113 * METHOD
114 *
115 * USE:         This function is only working for 3-D input
116 *
118 *-
119 * CALLS      : s6scpr,fabs,s1307,s6err
120 *
121 *
122 * WRITTEN BY : Tor Dokken, SI, Oslo , Norway, 10 October 1988
123 * REVISED BY : Mike Floater, SI, Oslo , Norway, 31 January 1991
124 *               Added perspective silhouette (ideg=1004) and
125 *                     circular silhouette (ideg=1005).
126 *               Introduced a proper useable definition of gnorm for silhouettes.
127 *               It's a little different from the usual cases. See s1331
128 *               in order to see how it is used.
129 *
130 *********************************************************************
131 */
132 {
133   int kstat = 0;          /* Local status variable                       */
134   int ki,kj,kl;           /* Control variables in loop                   */
135   int kpos = 0;           /* Position of error                           */
136   int ksize;              /* Number of doubles for storage of derivateves
137 			     and normal vector */
138   int ksizem3;            /* ksize - 3                               */
139   double *spu;            /* Pointer to dP/ds                            */
140   double *spv;            /* Pointer to dP/dt                            */
141   double *spuu;           /* Pointer to ddP/(dsds)                       */
142   double *spuv;           /* Pointer to ddP/(dsdt)                       */
143   double *spvv;           /* Pointer to ddP/(dtdt)                       */
146   /* If ideg=1,2 or 1001 then only derivatives up to second order
147      are calculated, then 18 doubles for derivatives and 3 for the
148      normal vector are to be used for calculation of points in the
149      spline surface. For ideg=1003,1004,1005 we have a silhouette curve and
150      derivatives up to the third are to be calculated,
151      thus 30 +3 a total of 33 doubles may be calculated.
152      Note, gnorm in these cases is replaced by f P - f P
153                                                 v u   u v
154      so we need ideg to be at least 1. */
156   if (ideg == 1003 || ideg == 1004 || ideg == 1005)
157     {
158       ksize = 33;
159       ider=max(ider,1);
160     }
161   else
162     {
163       ksize = 21;
164     }
166   ksizem3 = ksize -3;
168   /* The calculation of the derivatives of one parameter direction with
169    *  respect to the other is dependent on the degree of the implicit equation
170    */
172   /* Set local pointers */
174   spu = ep + 3;
175   spv = ep + 6;
176   spuu = ep + 9;
177   spuv = ep + 12;
178   spvv = ep + 15;
180   if (ideg == 1)
181     {
182       /*  First degree implicit geometry.
183        *
184        *   Let A = (eimpli[0],eimpli[1],eimpli[2],eimpli[3]) and
185        *       Q= (P(s,t),1),
186        *   then putting  Q into the implicit equation gives
187        *
188        *    f(u,v) = A Q
189        *
190        *    df         dQ
191        *    --     = A -- = N P , where N is the normal vector of the plane.
192        *    du         du      u
193        *
194        *    df         dQ
195        *    --     = A -- = N P
196        *    dv         dv      v
197        *
198        *     2          2
199        *    d f        d Q
200        *    --     = A --- = N P
201        *      2          2      uu
202        *    du         du
203        *
204        *     2          2
205        *    d f        d Q
206        *    --     = A --- = N P
207        *    dudv       dudv     uv
208        *
209        *     2          2
210        *    d f        d Q
211        *    --     = A --- = N P
212        *      2          2      vv
213        *    dv         dv
214        *
215        */
216       if (ider>=0)
217         {
218 	  gder[0] = s6scpr(ep,eimpli,3) + eimpli[3];
219 	  if (ider>=1)
220             {
221 	      gder[1] = s6scpr(spu,eimpli,3);
222 	      gder[2] = s6scpr(spv,eimpli,3);
223 	      if (ider>=2)
224                 {
225 		  gder[3] = s6scpr(spuu,eimpli,3);
226 		  gder[4] = s6scpr(spuv,eimpli,3);
227 		  gder[5] = s6scpr(spvv,eimpli,3);
228                 }
229             }
230         }
231       memcopy(gnorm,eimpli,3,DOUBLE);
232     }
233   else if (ideg == 2)
234     {
235       double sq[4],sduq[4],sdvq[4];    /*vectors*/
236       double tsum1,tsum2,tsum3;        /*Accumulation of matrix product */
238      /*  Second degree implicit geometry.
239      *   Denote the 4x4 matrix representing the implicit surface a A.*
240      *
241      *   We can now calculate the u and v derivatives of the point put into
242      *   the left hand side of the implicit surface equation:
243      *
244      *            T              T
245      *      f(u,v) = Q A Q = sq Q
246      *
247      *      d        d        T      dQ    T        dQ
248      *      - f    = -- (Q A Q ) = 2 -- A Q  = 2 sq --
249      *      du       du              du             du
250      *
251      *      d        d        T      dQ    T        dQ
252      *      - f    = -- (Q A Q ) = 2 -- A Q  = 2 sq --
253      *      dv       dv              dv             dv
254      *
255      *       2        2               2                  T        2
256      *      d        d        T      d Q    T     dQ   dQ       dQ        dQ
257      *      -- f   = -- (Q A Q ) = 2 --- A Q  + 2 -- A -- = 2(sq--- + sduq--)
258      *        2        2               2          du   du         2       du
259      *      du       du              du                         du
260      *
261      *       2        2                 2               T        2
262      *      d        d          T      d Q    T    dQ dQ        d Q        dQ
263      *      --  f  = --   (Q A Q ) = 2 ----AQ  + 2 --A--  = 2(sq---- + sduq--)
264      *      dudv     dudv              dudv        du dv        dudv       dv
265      *
266      *       2        2               2                  T        2
267      *      d        d        T      d Q    T     dQ   dQ       dQ        dQ
268      *      -- f   = -- (Q A Q ) = 2 --- A Q  + 2 -- A -- = 2(sq--  + sdvq--)
269      *        2        2               2          dv   dv         2       dv
270      *      dv       dv              dv                         dv
271      *
272      *                                       dQ             dQ
273      *      First calculate sq = QA, sduq =  --A and sdvq = --A
274      *                                      du             dv
275      *
276      */
277       for (ki=0;ki<4;ki++)
278         {
279 	  tsum1 = eimpli[ki+12];
280 	  tsum2 = DZERO;
281 	  tsum3 = DZERO;
282 	  for (kj=0,kl=ki;kj<3;kj++,kl+=4)
283             {
284 	      tsum1 += eimpli[kl]*ep[kj];
285 	      if (ider>=1)
286                 {
287 		  tsum2 += eimpli[kl]*spu[kj];
288 		  tsum3 += eimpli[kl]*spv[kj];
289                 }
290             }
291 	  sq[ki]   = tsum1;
292 	  sduq[ki] = tsum2;
293 	  sdvq[ki] = tsum3;
294         }
296       /*  Make value and partial derivatives */
298       if (ider>=0)
299         {
300 	  gder[0] = s6scpr(sq,ep,3) + sq[3];
301 	  if(ider>=1)
302             {
303 	      gder[1] = (double)2.0*s6scpr(sq,spu,3);
304 	      gder[2] = (double)2.0*s6scpr(sq,spv,3);
305 	      if (ider>1)
306                 {
307 		  gder[3] = (double)2.0*(s6scpr(sq,spuu,3) +
308 					 s6scpr(sduq,spu,3));
309 		  gder[4] = (double)2.0*(s6scpr(sq,spuv,3) +
310 					 s6scpr(sduq,spv,3));
311 		  gder[5] = (double)2.0*(s6scpr(sq,spvv,3) +
312 					 s6scpr(sdvq,spv,3));
313                 }
314             }
315         }
316       memcopy(gnorm,sq,3,DOUBLE);
317     }
319   else if (ideg == 1001)
320     {
321       double sy[3],sz[3],szu[3],szv[3],szuu[3],szuv[3],szvv[3];/* Derivatives */
322       double tzn,tzun,tzvn,tzuun,tzuvn,tzvvn;            /* Scalar products */
323       double tzduz,tzdvz,tzduduz,tzdudvz,tzdvdvz;        /* Scalar products */
324       double tduzduz,tdvzdvz,tduzdvz;                    /* Scalar products */
325       double tlenz,tlenz3,tlenz5;                        /* Vector lengths  */
326       double sp[3],sdup[3],sdvp[3];                      /* temporary vectrs*/
327       double sdudup[3],sdudvp[3],sdvdvp[3];              /* temporary vectrs*/
328       double *scentr,*saxis,tbigr,tsmalr;                /* Torus descript  */
330       /*  Torus surface. */
332       scentr = eimpli;
333       saxis  = eimpli + 3;
334       tbigr  = *(eimpli+6);
335       tsmalr = *(eimpli+7);
338 /*     Intersection of implicit function of 1 and implicit torus surface
339 *      and the the surface. Make the following temporary variables.
340 *
341 *      y = p - scentr
342 *      z = y - (y saxis) saxis
343 *
344 *      Put the point and accompanying derivatives into the implicit
345 *      representation of the torus
346 *
347 *                                   2    2
348 *      f(u,v) = (y - R z/sqrt(z z) )  - r
349 *
350 *
351 *
352 *                                    R z          (z z )
353 *      df            R z                u      R z    u
354 *      -- = 2(y - ---------)(y  -  --------- + ----------)
355 *      du         sqrt(z z)   u    sqrt(z z)            3
356 *                                              sqrt(z z)
357 *
358 *         = 2 sp sdup
359 *
360 *
361 *                                 R z            (z z )
362 *      df            R z             v        R z    v
363 *      -- = 2(y - ---------)(y  - --------- + ----------)
364 *      dv         sqrt(z z)   v   sqrt(z z)            3
365 *                                             sqrt(z z)
366 *
367 *         = 2 sp sdvp
368 *
369 *
370 *
371 *
372 *       2             R z            (z z )
373 *      d f               u      R z      u  2
374 *      --  = 2(y  - --------- + -----------)  +
375 *        2      u   sqrt(z z)             3
376 *      du                        sqrt(z z)
377 *
378 *
379 *                                    R z           z (z z )
380 *                     R z               uu      2R  u    u
381 *            2(y - ---------)(y   - --------- + ----------- +
382 *                  sqrt(z z)   uu   sqrt(z z)             3
383 *                                                sqrt(z z)
384 *
385 *
386 *                                                       2
387 *                            R z(z z +zz  )       z(zz )
388 *                                 u u   uu      R     u
389 *                            -------------- - 3 --------- )
390 *                                        3               5
391 *                               sqrt(z z)       sqrt(z z)
392 *
393 *          = 2 sdup sdup + sp sdudup
394 *
395 *
396 *       2               R z           (z z )          R z           (z z )
397 *      d  f                u      R z     u              v      R z     v
398 *      ----  = 2(y  - --------- + -----------)(y  - --------- + -----------) +
399 *                 u   sqrt(z z)             3   v   sqrt(z z)             3
400 *      dudv                        sqrt(z z)                    sqrt(z z)
401 *
402 *
403 *                                   R z           z (z z )       z (z z )
404 *                    R z               uv       R  u    v      R  v    u
405 *           2(y - ---------)(y   - --------- + ------------ + ------------ +
406 *                 sqrt(z z)   uv   sqrt(z z)             3              3
407 *                                               sqrt(z z)      sqrt(z z)
408 *
409 *
410 *
411 *                            R z(z z +zz  )       z(zz )(zz )
412 *                                 v u   uv      R     u    v
413 *                            -------------- - 3 -------------)
414 *                                        3                 5
415 *                               sqrt(z z)         sqrt(z z)
416 *
417 *
418 *          = 2 sdup sdvp + sp sdudvp
419 *
420 *
421 *       2             R z           (z z )
422 *      d f               v      R z     v   2
423 *      --  = 2(y  - --------- + -----------)  +
424 *        2      v   sqrt(z z)             3
425 *      dv                        sqrt(z z)
426 *
427 *
428 *                                    R z            z (z z )
429 *                     R z               vv       2R  v    v
430 *            2(y - ---------)(y   - --------- + ------------ +
431 *                  sqrt(z z)   vv   sqrt(z z)             3
432 *                                                sqrt(z z)
433 *
434 *
435 *                                                       2
436 *                             R z(z z +zz  )       z(zz )
437 *                                  v v   vv      R     v
438 *                             -------------- - 3 --------- )
439 *                                         3               5
440 *                                sqrt(z z)       sqrt(z z)
441 *
442 *
443 *          = 2 sdvp sdvp + sp sdvdvp
444 *
445 *
446 *
447 *      y  = (p - scentr)  = p
448 *       u               u    u
449 *
450 *      y  = (p - scentr)  = p
451 *       v               v    v
452 *
453 *      y  = (p - scentr)  = p
454 *       uu              uu   uu
455 *
456 *      y  = (p - scentr)  = p
457 *       uv              uv   uv
458 *
459 *      y  = (p - scentr)  = p
460 *       vv              vv   vv
461 *
462 *      z  = (y - (y N)N)  = p  - (p N)N          N = saxis (Torus axis)
463 *       u               u    u     u
464 *
465 *      z  = (y - (y N)N)  = p  - (p N)N
466 *       v               v    v     v
467 *
468 *      z  = (y - (y N)N)  = p  - (p  N)N
469 *       uu              uu   uu    uu
470 *
471 *      z  = (y - (y N)N)  = p  - (p  N)N
472 *       uv              uv   uv    uv
473 *
474 *      z  = (y - (y N)N)  = p  - (p  N)N
475 *       vv              vv   vv    vv
476 *
477 */
478       for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
479         sy[ki] = ep[ki] - scentr[ki];
481       tzn   = s6scpr(sy  ,saxis,3);
482       tzun  = s6scpr(spu ,saxis,3);
483       tzvn  = s6scpr(spv ,saxis,3);
484       if (ider>1)
485         {
486 	  tzuun = s6scpr(spuu,saxis,3);
487 	  tzuvn = s6scpr(spuv,saxis,3);
488 	  tzvvn = s6scpr(spvv,saxis,3);
489         }
491       /*  Make z and necessary derivatives of z */
492       for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
493         {
494 	  sz[ki]   = sy[ki]   - tzn*saxis[ki];
495 	  szu[ki]  = spu[ki]  - tzun*saxis[ki];
496 	  szv[ki]  = spv[ki]  - tzvn*saxis[ki];
497 	  if (ider>1)
498             {
499 	      szuu[ki] = spuu[ki] - tzuun*saxis[ki];
500 	      szuv[ki] = spuv[ki] - tzuvn*saxis[ki];
501 	      szvv[ki] = spvv[ki] - tzvvn*saxis[ki];
502             }
503         }
505       /*  Make a number of necessary scalar products */
507       tzduz   = s6scpr(sz,szu,3);
508       tzdvz   = s6scpr(sz,szv,3);
509       tduzduz = s6scpr(szu,szu,3);
510       tduzdvz = s6scpr(szu,szv,3);
511       tdvzdvz = s6scpr(szv,szv,3);
512       if (ider>1)
513         {
514 	  tzduduz = s6scpr(sz,szuu,3);
515 	  tzdudvz = s6scpr(sz,szuv,3);
516 	  tzdvdvz = s6scpr(sz,szvv,3);
517         }
519       /*  Find lengt of sz */
521       tlenz = s6length(sz,3,&kstat);
523       if (kstat<0) goto error;
524       if (DEQUAL(tlenz,DZERO)) tlenz =(double)1.0;
525       tlenz3 = tlenz*tlenz*tlenz;
526       tlenz5 = tlenz3*tlenz*tlenz;
528       /* Make a number of necessary vectors */
530       for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
531 	{
532 	  sp[ki]   = sy[ki]  - tbigr*sz[ki]/tlenz;
533 	  if (ider>=1)
534 	    {
535 	      sdup[ki] = spu[ki] - tbigr*(szu[ki]/tlenz - sz[ki]*tzduz/tlenz3);
536 	      sdvp[ki] = spv[ki] - tbigr*(szv[ki]/tlenz - sz[ki]*tzdvz/tlenz3);
537 	      if (ider>=2)
538 		{
539 		  sdudup[ki] = spuu[ki] -
540 		    tbigr*(szuu[ki]/tlenz -
541 			   ((double)2.0*szu[ki]*tzduz+
542 			    sz[ki]*(tduzduz+tzduduz))/tlenz3 +
543 			   (double)3.0*sz[ki]*tzduz*tzduz/tlenz5);
545 		  sdudvp[ki] = spuv[ki] -
546 		    tbigr*(szuv[ki]/tlenz -
547 			   (szu[ki]*tzdvz+szv[ki]*tzduz+
548 			    sz[ki]*(tduzdvz+tzdudvz))/tlenz3 +
549 			   (double)3.0*sz[ki]*tzduz*tzdvz/tlenz5);
551 		  sdvdvp[ki] = spvv[ki] -
552 		    tbigr*(szvv[ki]/tlenz -
553 			   ((double)2.0*szv[ki]*tzdvz+
554 			    sz[ki]*(tdvzdvz+tzdvdvz))/tlenz3 +
555 			   (double)3.0*sz[ki]*tzdvz*tzdvz/tlenz5);
556 		}
557 	    }
558 	}
560       /*  Make the derivatives */
561       if (ider>=0)
562         {
563 	  gder[0] = s6scpr(sp,sp,3) - tsmalr*tsmalr;
564 	  if (ider>=1)
565             {
566 	      gder[1] = (double)2.0*s6scpr(sp,sdup,3);
567 	      gder[2] = (double)2.0*s6scpr(sp,sdvp,3);
568 	      if (ider>=2)
569                 {
570 		  gder[3] = (double)2.0*(s6scpr(sdup,sdup,3)+
571 					 s6scpr(sp,sdudup,3));
572 		  gder[4] = (double)2.0*(s6scpr(sdup,sdvp,3)+
573 					 s6scpr(sp,sdudvp,3));
574 		  gder[5] = (double)2.0*(s6scpr(sdvp,sdvp,3)+
575 					 s6scpr(sp,sdvdvp,3));
576                 }
577             }
578         }
579       memcopy(gnorm,sp,3,DOUBLE);
580     }
582   else if (ideg == 1003)
584     {
586      /* Silhouette curve, the first three elements of eimpli describes
587 	the viewing direction.
589 	The silhouette line is descibed by the implicit equation, when
590 	Q(u,v) is the description of the surface:
592 	f(u,v) = (Q x Q ) view = 0
593 	u   v
595 	f      = (Q  x Q ) view + (Q x Q  ) view
596 	u         uu   v           u   uv
599 	f      = (Q  x Q ) view + (Q x Q  ) view
600 	v         uv   v           u   vv
604 	f      = (Q    x Q ) view + 2 (Q  x Q  ) view + (Q  x Q   ) view
605 	uu        uuu    v             uu   uv           u    uuv
608 	f      = (Q    x Q )view + (Q  x Q  )view + (Q  x Q  )view + (Q xQ)view
609 	uv        uuv    v          uu   vv          uv   uv          u  uvv
612 	f      = (Q    x Q ) view + 2 (Q  x Q  ) view + (Q  x Q   ) view
613 	vv        uvv    v             uv   vv           u    vvv
616 	Note that Q  x Q   has zero length.
617 	uv   uv
618       */
619       double *spuuu = ep + 18;
620       double *spuuv = ep + 21;
621       double *spuvv = ep + 24;
622       double *spvvv = ep + 27;
623       double sdum1[3],sdum2[3],sdum3[3];
625       if (ider>=0)
626         {
627 	  s6crss(spu,spv,sdum1);
628 	  gder[0] = s6scpr(sdum1,eimpli,3);
629 	  if (ider>=1)
630             {
631 	      s6crss(spuu,spv,sdum1);
632 	      s6crss(spu,spuv,sdum2);
633 	      gder[1] = s6scpr(sdum1,eimpli,3) + s6scpr(sdum2,eimpli,3);
634 	      s6crss(spuv,spv,sdum1);
635 	      s6crss(spu,spvv,sdum2);
636 	      gder[2] = s6scpr(sdum1,eimpli,3) + s6scpr(sdum2,eimpli,3);
637 	      if (ider>=2)
638                 {
639 		  s6crss(spuuu,spv,  sdum1);
640 		  s6crss(spuu, spuv, sdum2);
641 		  s6crss(spu,  spuuv,sdum3);
642 		  gder[3] = s6scpr(sdum1,eimpli,3) +
643 		    (double)2.0*s6scpr(sdum2,eimpli,3)
644 		      + s6scpr(sdum3,eimpli,3);;
645 		  s6crss(spuuv,spv,  sdum1);
646 		  s6crss(spuu, spvv, sdum2);
647 		  s6crss(spu,  spuvv,sdum3);
648 		  gder[4] = s6scpr(sdum1,eimpli,3) + s6scpr(sdum2,eimpli,3)
649 		    + s6scpr(sdum3,eimpli,3);;
650 		  s6crss(spuvv,spv,  sdum1);
651 		  s6crss(spuv, spvv, sdum2);
652 		  s6crss(spu,  spvvv,sdum3);
653 		  gder[5] = s6scpr(sdum1,eimpli,3) +
654 		    (double)2.0*s6scpr(sdum2,eimpli,3)
655 		      + s6scpr(sdum3,eimpli,3);;
656                 }
657             }
658         }
659     }
661   else if (ideg == 1004)
663     {
665      /* Perspective silhouette curve, the first three elements of eimpli
666         describe the eye point E.
668 	The silhouette line is descibed by the implicit equation, when
669 	P(u,v) is the description of the surface and
670         N(u,v) = P x P  is the normal to the surface:
671                   u   v
673 	f(u,v) = N(u,v) . (P(u,v) - E) = 0
675         Differentiating N gives:
677         N = P  x  P   + P  x  P
678          u   uu    v     u     uv
680         N = P  x  P   + P  x  P
681          v   uv    v     u     vv
683         N  = P   x  P   + 2 P  x  P   + P x P
684          uu   uuu    v       uu    uv    u   uuv
686         N  = P   x  P   +  P  x  P   + P x P
687          uv   uuu    v      uu    vv    u   uuv
689         N  = P   x  P   + 2 P  x  P   + P x P
690          vv   uvv    v       uv    vv    u   vvv
694         Differentiating f gives:
696 	f = N  . (P - E)
697          u   u
699 	f = N  . (P - E)
700          v   v
702 	f  = N   . (P - E) + N  . P
703          uu   uu              u    u
705 	f  = N   . (P - E) + N  . P
706          uv   uv              u    v
708 	f  = N   . (P - E) + N  . P
709          vv   vv              v    v
712       */
713       double *spuuu = ep + 18;
714       double *spuuv = ep + 21;
715       double *spuvv = ep + 24;
716       double *spvvv = ep + 27;
717       double norm[3],normu[3],normv[3],normuu[3],normuv[3],normvv[3];
718       double cprod1[3],cprod2[3],cprod3[3];
719       double pediff[3];
722       if (ider>=0)
723         {
724 	  s6diff(ep,eimpli,3,pediff);
726 	  s6crss(spu,spv,norm);
727 	  gder[0] = s6scpr(norm,pediff,3);
729 	  if (ider>=1)
730             {
731 	      s6crss(spuu,spv,cprod1);
732 	      s6crss(spu,spuv,cprod2);
733               for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
734               {
735                   normu[ki] = cprod1[ki] + cprod2[ki];
736               }
737 	      s6crss(spuv,spv,cprod1);
738 	      s6crss(spu,spvv,cprod2);
739               for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
740               {
741                   normv[ki] = cprod1[ki] + cprod2[ki];
742               }
744 	      gder[1] = s6scpr(normu,pediff,3);
745 	      gder[2] = s6scpr(normv,pediff,3);
747 	      if (ider>=2)
748                 {
749 		  s6crss(spuuu,spv,cprod1);
750 		  s6crss(spuu,spuv,cprod2);
751 		  s6crss(spu,spuuv,cprod3);
752 		  for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
753 		  {
754 		  normuu[ki] = cprod1[ki] + 2.0 * cprod2[ki] + cprod3[ki];
755 		  }
757            /*    Note that spuv x spuv = 0 in the formula for normuv  */
758 		  s6crss(spuuv,spv,cprod1);
759 		  s6crss(spuu,spvv,cprod2);
760 		  s6crss(spu,spuvv,cprod3);
761 		  for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
762 		  {
763 		  normuv[ki] = cprod1[ki] + cprod2[ki] + cprod3[ki];
764 		  }
766 		  s6crss(spuvv,spv,cprod1);
767 		  s6crss(spuv,spvv,cprod2);
768 		  s6crss(spu,spvvv,cprod3);
769 		  for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
770 		  {
771 		  normvv[ki] = cprod1[ki] + 2.0 * cprod2[ki] + cprod3[ki];
772 		  }
774 		  gder[3] = s6scpr(normuu,pediff,3) + s6scpr(normu,spu,3);
775 		  gder[4] = s6scpr(normuv,pediff,3) + s6scpr(normu,spv,3);
776 		  gder[5] = s6scpr(normvv,pediff,3) + s6scpr(normv,spv,3);
778                 }
779             }
780         }
781     }
783   else if (ideg == 1005)
785     {
787      /* Perspective silhouette curve, the first three elements of eimpli
788         describe Q, the next three  describe B.
790 	The silhouette line is descibed by the implicit equation, when
791 	P(u,v) is the description of the surface and
792         N(u,v) = P x P  is the normal to the surface:
793                   u   v
795 	f(u,v) = N(u,v) x (P(u,v) - Q) . B = 0
797         Differentiating N gives:
799         N = P  x  P   + P  x  P
800          u   uu    v     u     uv
802         N = P  x  P   + P  x  P
803          v   uv    v     u     vv
805         N  = P   x  P   + 2 P  x  P   + P x P
806          uu   uuu    v       uu    uv    u   uuv
808         N  = P   x  P   +  P  x  P   + P x P
809          uv   uuu    v      uu    vv    u   uuv
811         N  = P   x  P   + 2 P  x  P   + P x P
812          vv   uvv    v       uv    vv    u   vvv
816         Differentiating f gives:
818 	f = { N  x (P - Q) + N x P } . B
819          u     u                  u
821 	f = { N  x (P - Q) + N x P } . B
822          v     v                  v
824 	f  = { N   x (P - Q) + 2 N x P  + N x P  } . B
825          uu     uu                u   u        uu
827 	f  = { N   x (P - Q) + N x P  + N x P  + N x P  } . B
828          uv     uv              u   v    v   u        uv
830 	f  = { N   x (P - Q) + 2 N x P  + N x P  } . B
831          vv     vv                v   v        vv
834       */
835       double *spuuu = ep + 18;
836       double *spuuv = ep + 21;
837       double *spuvv = ep + 24;
838       double *spvvv = ep + 27;
839       double *bvec  = eimpli + 3;
840       double norm[3],normu[3],normv[3],normuu[3],normuv[3],normvv[3];
841       double cprod1[3],cprod2[3],cprod3[3],cprod4[3];
842       double pqdiff[3],sum[3];
845       if (ider>=0)
846         {
847 	  s6diff(ep,eimpli,3,pqdiff);
849 	  s6crss(spu,spv,norm);
850 	  s6crss(norm,pqdiff,cprod1);
851 	  gder[0] = s6scpr(cprod1,bvec,3);
853 	  if (ider>=1)
854             {
855 	      s6crss(spuu,spv,cprod1);
856 	      s6crss(spu,spuv,cprod2);
857               for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
858               {
859                   normu[ki] = cprod1[ki] + cprod2[ki];
860               }
861 	      s6crss(spuv,spv,cprod1);
862 	      s6crss(spu,spvv,cprod2);
863               for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
864               {
865                   normv[ki] = cprod1[ki] + cprod2[ki];
866               }
868 	      s6crss(normu,pqdiff,cprod1);
869 	      s6crss(norm,spu,cprod2);
870               for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
871               {
872                   sum[ki] = cprod1[ki] + cprod2[ki];
873               }
874 	      gder[1] = s6scpr(sum,bvec,3);
876 	      s6crss(normv,pqdiff,cprod1);
877 	      s6crss(norm,spv,cprod2);
878               for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
879               {
880                   sum[ki] = cprod1[ki] + cprod2[ki];
881               }
882 	      gder[2] = s6scpr(sum,bvec,3);
884 	      if (ider>=2)
885                 {
886 		  s6crss(spuuu,spv,cprod1);
887 		  s6crss(spuu,spuv,cprod2);
888 		  s6crss(spu,spuuv,cprod3);
889 		  for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
890 		  {
891 		  normuu[ki] = cprod1[ki] + 2.0 * cprod2[ki] + cprod3[ki];
892 		  }
894            /*    Note that spuv x spuv = 0 in the formula for normuv  */
895 		  s6crss(spuuv,spv,cprod1);
896 		  s6crss(spuu,spvv,cprod2);
897 		  s6crss(spu,spuvv,cprod3);
898 		  for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
899 		  {
900 		  normuv[ki] = cprod1[ki] + cprod2[ki] + cprod3[ki];
901 		  }
903 		  s6crss(spuvv,spv,cprod1);
904 		  s6crss(spuv,spvv,cprod2);
905 		  s6crss(spu,spvvv,cprod3);
906 		  for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
907 		  {
908 		  normvv[ki] = cprod1[ki] + 2.0 * cprod2[ki] + cprod3[ki];
909 		  }
911 	          s6crss(normuu,pqdiff,cprod1);
912 	          s6crss(normu,spu,cprod2);
913 	          s6crss(norm,spuu,cprod3);
914                   for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
915                   {
916                       sum[ki] = cprod1[ki] + 2.0 * cprod2[ki] + cprod3[ki];
917                   }
918 	          gder[3] = s6scpr(sum,bvec,3);
920 	          s6crss(normuv,pqdiff,cprod1);
921 	          s6crss(normu,spv,cprod2);
922 	          s6crss(normv,spu,cprod3);
923 	          s6crss(norm,spuv,cprod4);
924                   for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
925                   {
926                       sum[ki] = cprod1[ki] + cprod2[ki] + cprod3[ki] + cprod4[ki];
927                   }
928 	          gder[4] = s6scpr(sum,bvec,3);
930 	          s6crss(normvv,pqdiff,cprod1);
931 	          s6crss(normv,spv,cprod2);
932 	          s6crss(norm,spvv,cprod3);
933                   for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
934                   {
935                       sum[ki] = cprod1[ki] + 2.0 * cprod2[ki] + cprod3[ki];
936                   }
937 	          gder[5] = s6scpr(sum,bvec,3);
939                 }
940             }
941         }
942     }
944   if(ideg == 1003 || ideg == 1004 || ideg == 1005)
945     {
946       /*  The normal vector has no meaning in this case
947           so we calculate the direction D(u,v) of the solution curve
948           on the surface P(u,v)
949           of  f(u,v) = N(u,v) . d = 0  (ideg = 1003)
950           or  f(u,v) = N(u,v) . (P(u,v) - E) = 0  (ideg = 1004)
951           or  f(u,v) = N(u,v) x (P(u,v) - Q) . B = 0  (ideg = 1005)
952           (through the present solution point)
953           directly. This direction D is in fact  f P  - f P
954                                                   v u    u v
955           where P(u,v) is the parameterised
956           surface, N is the normal P  x P  , and d is the
957                                     u    v
958 	  view direction. The direction D is used by s1331.  */
960       for(ki=0; ki<3; ki++)
961         {
962           gnorm[ki] = gder[2] * spu[ki] - gder[1] * spv[ki];
963         }
964       (void)s6norm(gnorm,3,gnorm,&kstat);
965     }
967   /* Everyting is ok */
969   *jstat = 0;
970   goto out;
973   /* Error in lower level function */
974  error:
975   *jstat = kstat;
976   s6err("s1331",*jstat,kpos);
977   goto out;
979  out:
980   return;
981 }