1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
42 /*
43  *
44  * $Id: s9iterimp.c,v 1.3 2005-02-28 09:04:50 afr Exp $
45  *
46  */
47 #define S9ITERIMP
49 #include "sislP.h"
52 void
s9iterimp(double epoint[],double epnt1[],double epar1[],SISLSurf * psurf1,double eimpli[],int ideg,double astep,double aepsge,double gpnt1[],double gpar1[],int * jstat)53 s9iterimp(double epoint[],double epnt1[],double epar1[],SISLSurf *psurf1,
54 	       double eimpli[],int ideg,double astep,double aepsge,
55 	       double gpnt1[],double gpar1[],int *jstat)
56 #else
57 void s9iterimp(epoint,epnt1,epar1,psurf1,eimpli,ideg,astep,aepsge,
58                gpnt1,gpar1,jstat)
59      double epoint[];
60      double epnt1[];
61      double epar1[];
62      SISLSurf   *psurf1;
63      double eimpli[];
64      int    ideg;
65      double astep;
66      double aepsge;
67      double gpnt1[];
68      double gpar1[];
69      int    *jstat;
70 #endif
71 /*
72 *********************************************************************
73 *
74 * PURPOSE    : To iterate to an intersection point between a B-spline
75 *              surfaces, an implicit surface and a plane.
76 *
77 *
78 * INPUT      : epoint - Array containing parts of plane description.
79 *                       epoint[0:2] contains a position value.
80 *                       epoint[3:5] contains the normal to the plane
81 *                       A point in the plane is defined by
82 *                       epoint[0:2] + astep*epoint[3:5]
83 *              epnt1  - 0-2 Derivatives + normal of start point for
84 *                       iteration in B-spline surface
85 *              epar1  - Parameter pair of start point in B-spline surface
86 *              psurf1 - Description of B-spline surface
87 *              eimpli - Description of implicit surface
88 *              ideg   - Degree of implicit surface
89 *                        ideg=1:    Plane
90 *                        ideg=2;    Quadric surface
91 *                        ideg=1001: Torus surface
92 *                        ideg=1003: Silhouette line parallel projection
93 *                        ideg=1004: Silhouette line perspective projection
94 *                        ideg=1005: Silhouette line circular projection
95 *              astep  - Step length
96 *              aepsge - Absolute tolerance
97 *
98 *
99 * OUTPUT     : gpnt1  - 0-2 Derivatives + normal of result of iteration
100 *                       in B-spline surface
101 *              gpar1  - Parameter pair of result of iteration in B-spline
102 *                       surface
103 *              jstat  - status messages
104 *                       = 2      : Iteration diverged or to many iterations
105 *                       = 1      : iteration converged, singular point found
106 *                       = 0      : ok, iteration converged
107 *                       < 0      : error
108 *
109 *
110 * METHOD     : We want to find the intersection point between the three
111 *              surfaces.
112 *
113 *              Ideg=1:
114 *                P(s,t)
115 *                AX = 0  The implicit represented plane given by econic
116 *                BX = 0  The implicit represented plane giving the step
117 *
118 *
119 *              Ideg=2:
120 *                P(s,t)
121 *                XAX = 0 The implicit second degree surface
122 *                BX  = 0 The implicit represented plane giving the step
123 *
124 *
125 *              Ideg=1001; Torus surface
126 *                P(s,t)
127 *                Torus described by center, normal, big and small radius
128 *
129 *
130 *              By making a Newton iteration on the functions we get when
131 *              P(s,t) is put into the implicit equations we can iterate to
132 *              an intersection point.
133 *
134 * USE        : The function is only working in 3-D
135 *
137 *
138 *-
139 * CALLS      :
140 *
141 * WRITTEN BY : Tor Dokken, SI, Oslo, Norway, 4-July-1988
142 * Revised by : Tor Dokken, SI, Oslo, Norway, 24-Feb-1989
143 *              Detects degenerate points
144 * Revised by : Tor Dokken, SI, Oslo, Norway, March 1989
145 *              Test for almost zero determinant introduced.
146 * Revised by : Mike Floater, SI, 1991-01
147 *                   Add perspective and circular silhouettes (ideg=1004,ideg=1005)
148 *
149 *********************************************************************
150 */
151 {
152   int ki;                 /* Variable used in loop                          */
153   int kcont;              /* Indicator telling if iteration is not finished */
154   int kder = 1;           /* Derivative indicator                           */
155   int klfu=0;             /* Pointer into knot vector                       */
156   int klfv=0;             /* Pointer into knot vector                       */
157   int kstat;              /* Status variable                                */
158   int knbit;              /* Counter for number of iterations               */
159   int kdim = 3;           /* Set dimension to 3                             */
160   int kmaxit = 100;       /* Maximal number of iterations allowed           */
161   int kpos=1;             /* Position indicator ofr errors                  */
162   int ksing;              /* Singularity indicator                          */
163   int ksize;              /* Number of doubles for storage of derivateves
164 			     and normal vector */
165   int ksizem3;            /* ksize - 3                                      */
166   double spoint[3];       /* SISLPoint in intersection plane                    */
167   double *snorm;          /* Pointer to normal vector of intersection plane */
168   double sbinorm[3];      /* Vector normal tu curve tangent                 */
169   double *sp,*spu,*spv,*spn; /* Pointers into gpnt1                         */
170   double sprev[3];        /* Coordinates of previous point in iteration     */
171   double ta11,ta12,ta21;  /* Variables used in equation systems             */
172   double ta22,tb1,tb2;    /* Variables used in equation systems             */
173   double sdiff[3];        /* Difference between two vectors                 */
174   double tdum,tdum1;      /* Dummy variables                                */
175   double tdist;           /* Error so fare in iteration                     */
176   double tcurdst;         /* Error at current step in the iteration         */
177   double sder[3];         /* Derivatives of comb. of impl. surf and par.surf*/
178   double sproj[3];        /* Projection direction                           */
179   double tlnorm;          /* Length of normal vector of step plane          */
180   double tdiststep;       /* Distance from step plane                       */
181   double titer;           /* Iteration criteria                             */
183   /* If ideg=1,2 or 1001 then only derivatives up to second order
184      are calculated, then 18 doubles for derivatives and 3 for the
185      normal vector are to be used for calculation of points in the
186      spline surface. For ideg=1003,1004,1005 we have a silhouette curve and
187      derivatives up to the third are to be calculated,
188      thus 30 +3 a total of 33 doubles are to be calculated */
190   if (ideg==1003 || ideg==1004 || ideg==1005)
191     {
192       kder = 3;
193       ksize = 33;
194     }
195   else
196     {
197       ksize = 21;
198       kder =2;
199     }
200   ksizem3 = ksize -3;
202   /* Make description of intersection plane */
204   tlnorm = s6length(epoint+3,3,&kstat);
205   if (kstat<0) goto error;
206   if (DEQUAL(tlnorm,DZERO)) tlnorm = (double)1.0;
208   for (ki=0;ki<3;ki++)
209     {
210       spoint[ki] = epoint[ki] + astep*epoint[ki+3]/tlnorm;
211     }
213   snorm = epoint + 3;
215   /* Copy input variables to output variables */
217   memcopy(gpnt1,epnt1,ksize,DOUBLE);
218   memcopy(gpar1,epar1,2,DOUBLE);
220   /* At the start of the iteration the point gpnt1 is put into both implicit
221      equations */
223   /* Set a number of local pointers that are used often */
224   sp  = gpnt1;
225   spu = gpnt1 + 3;
226   spv = gpnt1 + 6;
227   spn = gpnt1 + ksizem3;
229   kcont = 1;
230   knbit = 0;
232   while (kcont)
234     {
236       /* For all degrees we have to put the B-spline surface into the plane
237 	 determining the step length before we branch degree on the degree
238 	 of the implicit surface. */
240       ta21 = s6scpr(spu,snorm,kdim);
241       ta22 = s6scpr(spv,snorm,kdim);
242       s6diff(spoint,sp,kdim,sdiff);
243       tb2  = s6scpr(sdiff,snorm,kdim);
244       tdum = max(fabs(ta21),fabs(ta22));
245       tdum = max(tdum,fabs(tb2));
246       if (DEQUAL(tdum,DZERO)) tdum = (double)1.0;
247       ta21 /= tdum;
248       ta22 /= tdum;
249       tb2  /= tdum;
252       /* Calculate value and derivatives of the parametric surface put into
253 	 the equation of the implicit surface */
255       s1331(gpnt1,eimpli,ideg,1,sder,sproj,&kstat);
257       ta11 = sder[1];
258       ta12 = sder[2];
259       tb1  = -sder[0];
261       tdum = max(fabs(ta11),fabs(ta12));
262       tdum = max(tdum,fabs(tb1));
263       if (DEQUAL(tdum,DZERO)) tdum = (double)1.0;
264       ta11 /= tdum;
265       ta12 /= tdum;
266       tb1  /= tdum;
269       /* Calculate determinant of equation system */
271       tdum1 = ta11*ta22 - ta12*ta21;
272       tdum  = MAX(fabs(ta11),fabs(ta22));
273       tdum  = MAX(fabs(ta12),tdum);
274       tdum  = MAX(fabs(ta21),tdum);
276       if (DEQUAL((tdum+tdum1),tdum)) tdum1 =DZERO;
279       /* If tdum1 = 0.0, then the equation system is singular, try an
280 	 alternative setup of the equation system */
282       if (tdum1 == DZERO && ideg < 1003)
283         {
284 	  s6crss(sproj,snorm,sbinorm);
285 	  ta11 = s6scpr(spu,sbinorm,kdim);
286 	  ta12 = s6scpr(spv,sbinorm,kdim);
287 	  tb1  = s6scpr(sdiff,sbinorm,kdim);
289 	  tdum = max(fabs(ta11),fabs(ta12));
290 	  tdum = max(tdum,fabs(tb1));
291 	  if (DEQUAL(tdum,DZERO)) tdum = (double)1.0;
292 	  ta11 /= tdum;
293 	  ta12 /= tdum;
294 	  tb1  /= tdum;
296 	  /* Calculate determinant of equation system */
298 	  tdum1 = ta11*ta22 - ta12*ta21;
299 	  tdum  = MAX(fabs(ta11),fabs(ta22));
300 	  tdum  = MAX(fabs(ta12),tdum);
301 	  tdum  = MAX(fabs(ta21),tdum);
303 	  if (DEQUAL((tdum+tdum1),tdum)) tdum1 =DZERO;
304         }
306       if (DNEQUAL(tdum1,DZERO))
307         {
308 	  gpar1[0] += (tb1*ta22-tb2*ta12)/tdum1;
309 	  gpar1[1] += (ta11*tb2-ta21*tb1)/tdum1;
310         }
312       /* Calculate value of new points */
314       s1421(psurf1,kder,gpar1,&klfu,&klfv,gpnt1,gpnt1+ksizem3,&kstat);
315       if (kstat<0) goto error;
317       /* If the surface normal has zero length no use in continuing */
319       if (kstat == 2) goto war02;
322       tcurdst = s1309(gpnt1,sproj,eimpli,ideg,&kstat);
323       if (kstat < 0) goto error;
324       if (kstat ==2) goto war02;
326       tcurdst = fabs(tcurdst);
328       /* Calculate distance from step plane */
330       s6diff(spoint,gpnt1,kdim,sdiff);
331       tdiststep  = fabs(s6scpr(sdiff,snorm,kdim)/tlnorm);
334       /* tcurdst now contains the distance between the point in the parametric
335 	 surface and the projection along sproj of this point onto the implicit
336 	 surface if ideg== 1,2 or 1001. In the case ideg==1003,1004,1005 we have a
337 	 silhouette line and tcurdst contains the angle PI minus the angle
338 	 between the view direction and the normal of the surface */
340       /* We continue iteration so long as the error titer is not decreasing */
343       if (ideg==1003 || ideg==1004 || ideg==1005)
344         {
345 	  /* tcurdst contains an angle and is compared with ANGULAR_TOLERANCE,
346 	     while tdiststep contains a distance and is compared with aepsge.
347 	     To make a measure of these that is consistent they have to have
348 	     the same unit measure thus we make.   */
350 	  titer = tcurdst*aepsge + tdiststep*ANGULAR_TOLERANCE;
351         }
352       else
353         titer = tcurdst + tdiststep;
355       if (DEQUAL(tcurdst,DZERO) && DEQUAL(tdiststep,DZERO))
356         {
357 	  /* Length is zero iteration has converged   */
358 	  kcont = 0;
359         }
361       if (knbit==0)
362         {
363 	  /* First iteration intitate distance variable, if the equation
364 	     systems were not singular */
366 	  if (DEQUAL(tdum1,DZERO)) goto war02;
367 	  tdist = titer;
368 	  knbit = 1;
369         }
370       else
371         {
372 	  /* More than one iteration done, stop if distance is not decreasing.
373 	     Then decide if we converge distance between the points is within
374 	     the tolerance and the last step had singular or none singular
375 	     equation systems. */
377 	  knbit = knbit + 1;
378 	  if (titer>=tdist)
379             {
380 	      /* Distance is not decreasing */
382 	      if (fabs(s6dist(sprev,gpnt1,kdim)) <= aepsge)
383                 {
384 		  /* Distance within tolerance */
386 		  /* Check if singularity reached.
387 		     This is the case if tdum1=0.0
388 		     or if the relative distance between
389 		     the input point and
390 		     the output point is within the
391 		     relative computer resolution */
393 		  ksing = 1;
394 		  for (ki=0 ; ki<3; ki++)
395                     {
396 		      tdum = MAX(fabs(epnt1[ki]),fabs(gpnt1[ki]));
397 		      if (DEQUAL(tdum,DZERO)) tdum = (double)1.0;
398 		      if(fabs(epnt1[ki]-gpnt1[ki])/tdum > REL_COMP_RES)
399                         ksing = 0;
400                     }
401 		  if (DEQUAL(tdum1,DZERO) || ksing == 1)
402                     {
403 		      /* Singular equation system */
404 		      goto war01;
405                     }
406 		  else
407                     {
408 		      /* Nonsingular equation system */
409 		      goto war00;
410                     }
411                 }
412 	      else
413                 {
414 		  /* Distance is not within tolerance, divergence */
415 		  goto war02;
416                 }
417             }
418 	  /* Distance still decreasing */
420 	  tdist = titer;
421         }
423       /*  Make sure that not to many iteration are being done */
424       if (knbit > kmaxit) goto war02;
425       /*  Remember this point */
426       memcopy(sprev,gpnt1,3,DOUBLE);
427     }
429   /* Iteration converged, calculate also second derivatives */
430  war00:
432   kder = 2;
433   s1421(psurf1,kder,gpar1,&klfu,&klfv,gpnt1,gpnt1+ksizem3,&kstat);
434   if (kstat<0) goto error;
436   *jstat = 0;
437   goto out;
439   /* Iteration converged, singular point found */
440  war01:
441   *jstat = 1;
442   goto out;
444   /* To many iterations or iteration diverging */
445  war02:
446   *jstat = 2;
447   goto out;
449   /* Error in lower level routine.  */
451   error :
452     *jstat = kstat;
453   s6err("s9iterimp",*jstat,kpos);
454   goto out;
456  out:
457   return;
458 }