1 /*  FrontMtx.h  */
3 #include "../Pencil.h"
4 #include "../ETree.h"
5 #include "../IVL.h"
6 #include "../PatchAndGoInfo.h"
7 #include "../Chv.h"
8 #include "../ChvManager.h"
9 #include "../ChvList.h"
10 #include "../SubMtx.h"
11 #include "../SubMtxList.h"
12 #include "../SubMtxManager.h"
13 #include "../DenseMtx.h"
14 #include "../Ideq.h"
15 #include "../SolveMap.h"
16 #include "../Lock.h"
17 #include "../I2Ohash.h"
19 #include "../SPOOLES.h"
21 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
22 /*
23    -------------------------------------------------------------------
24    the FrontMtx object is used to compute and store a matrix
25    factorization in serial, multithreaded and MPI modes.
27    there are two data modes:
28      1 --> data is stored by fronts, a 1-D data decomposition.
29            we use five pointer vectors (p_mtxDJJ[], p_mtxUJJ[],
30            p_mtxUJN[], p_mtxLJJ[] and p_mtxLNJ[]) to store pointers
31            to the factor submatrices
32      2 --> data is stored by submatrices, a 2-D data decomposition.
33            we use two hash objects (lowerhash and upperhash), a
34            pointer vector p_mtxDJJ[] and two IVL objects (lowerblockIVL
35            and upperblockIVL) to store the structure of the matrix.
37    nfront -- number of fronts in the matrix
38    neqns  -- number of rows and columns in the matrix
39    type   -- type of entries
40       1 -- real
41       2 -- complex
42    symmetryflag -- flag to specify symmetry of the matrix
43       0 --> symmetric structure, symmetric entries
44       1 --> symmetric structure, nonsymmetric entries
45       2 --> nonsymmetric structure, nonsymmetric entries
46    sparsityflag -- flag to specify dense or sparse fronts
47       0 --> dense fronts
48       1 --> sparse fronts
49    pivotingflag -- flag to specify pivoting enabled
50       0 --> pivoting not used
51       1 --> pivoting used
52    dataMode -- flag to specify storage mode
53       1 --> 1-dimensional data decomposition, used for factorization
54       2 --> 2-dimensional data decomposition, used for solves
55    nentD -- number of entries in the diagonal matrix
56    nentL -- number of entries in the lower triangular matrix
57    nentU -- number of entries in the upper triangular matrix
59    tree       -- pointer to an Tree object that holds the tree of fronts
60    frontETree -- pointer to an ETree object that holds the front tree
61    symbfacIVL -- pointer to an IVL object that holds
62       the symbolic factorization
64    frontsizesIV -- pointer to an IV object that holds the number of
65       internal rows and columns in each front
66    rowadjIVL  -- pointer to an IVL object that holds the row ids
67       of the fronts, used only for nonsymmetric matrices with pivoting
68    coladjIVL  -- pointer to an IVL object that holds the column ids
69       of the fronts, used only with pivoting
71    p_mtxDJJ -- vector of pointers to the diagonal D_{J,J} objects
72    p_mtxUJJ -- vector of pointers to the upper U_{J,J} objects
73    p_mtxUJN -- vector of pointers to the upper U_{J,N} objects
74    p_mtxLJJ -- vector of pointers to the lower L_{J,J} objects
75    p_mtxLNJ -- vector of pointers to the lower L_{N,J} objects
77    lowerblockIVL -- pointer to an IVL object that holds the sparsity
78       structure of the block L matrix, i.e., front-front edges,
79       used only for nonsymmetric matrices with pivoting
80    upperblockIVL -- pointer to an IVL object that holds the sparsity
81       structure of the block U matrix, i.e., front-front edges
82    lowerhash -- pointer to a hash table object that holds the
83       submatrices in L, used only for nonsymmetric factorizations
84    upperhash -- pointer to a hash table object that holds the
85       submatrices in U
87    manager -- object to manage instances of Mtx objects
88    lock -- mutex object that controls access to allocating
89       storage in IVL and DVL objects, can be NULL
90    nlocks -- number of times the lock was locked
91    patchinfo -- information object needed for special factorizations
93    created -- 98feb27, cca
94    -------------------------------------------------------------------
95 */
96 typedef struct _FrontMtx   FrontMtx ;
97 struct _FrontMtx {
98    int             nfront         ;
99    int             neqns          ;
100    int             type           ;
101    int             symmetryflag   ;
102    int             sparsityflag   ;
103    int             pivotingflag   ;
104    int             dataMode       ;
105    int             nentD          ;
106    int             nentL          ;
107    int             nentU          ;
108    Tree            *tree          ;
109    ETree           *frontETree    ;
110    IV              *frontsizesIV  ;
111    IVL             *symbfacIVL    ;
112    IVL             *rowadjIVL     ;
113    IVL             *coladjIVL     ;
114    IVL             *lowerblockIVL ;
115    IVL             *upperblockIVL ;
116    SubMtx          **p_mtxDJJ     ;
117    SubMtx          **p_mtxUJJ     ;
118    SubMtx          **p_mtxUJN     ;
119    SubMtx          **p_mtxLJJ     ;
120    SubMtx          **p_mtxLNJ     ;
121    I2Ohash         *lowerhash     ;
122    I2Ohash         *upperhash     ;
123    SubMtxManager   *manager       ;
124    Lock            *lock          ;
125    PatchAndGoInfo  *patchinfo     ;
126    int             nlocks         ;
127 } ;
129 #define FRONTMTX_IS_REAL(mtx)     ((mtx)->type == SPOOLES_REAL)
130 #define FRONTMTX_IS_COMPLEX(mtx)  ((mtx)->type == SPOOLES_COMPLEX)
132 #define FRONTMTX_IS_SYMMETRIC(mtx)    \
133    ((mtx)->symmetryflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC)
134 #define FRONTMTX_IS_HERMITIAN(mtx)    \
135    ((mtx)->symmetryflag == SPOOLES_HERMITIAN)
137    ((mtx)->symmetryflag == SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC)
141 #define FRONTMTX_IS_DENSE_FRONTS(mtx)  \
142    ((mtx)->sparsityflag == FRONTMTX_DENSE_FRONTS)
143 #define FRONTMTX_IS_SPARSE_FRONTS(mtx) \
144    ((mtx)->sparsityflag == FRONTMTX_SPARSE_FRONTS)
146 #define FRONTMTX_IS_PIVOTING(mtx)  \
147    ((mtx)->pivotingflag == SPOOLES_PIVOTING)
149 #define FRONTMTX_1D_MODE      1
150 #define FRONTMTX_2D_MODE      2
151 #define FRONTMTX_IS_1D_MODE(mtx)  \
152    ((mtx)->dataMode == FRONTMTX_1D_MODE)
153 #define FRONTMTX_IS_2D_MODE(mtx)  \
154    ((mtx)->dataMode == FRONTMTX_2D_MODE)
156 #define NO_LOCK               0
157 #define LOCK_IN_PROCESS       1
159 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
160 /*
161 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 ----- methods found in basics.c ----------------------------------------
163 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 */
165 /*
166    -----------------------
167    simplest constructor
169    created -- 98may04, cca
170    -----------------------
171 */
172 FrontMtx *
173 FrontMtx_new (
174    void
175 ) ;
176 /*
177    -----------------------
178    set the default fields
180    created -- 98may04, cca
181    -----------------------
182 */
183 void
184 FrontMtx_setDefaultFields (
185    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
186 ) ;
187 /*
188    --------------------------------------------------
189    clear the data fields, releasing allocated storage
191    created -- 98may04, cca
192    --------------------------------------------------
193 */
194 void
195 FrontMtx_clearData (
196    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
197 ) ;
198 /*
199    ------------------------------------------
200    destructor, free's the object and its data
202    created -- 98may04, cca
203    ------------------------------------------
204 */
205 void
206 FrontMtx_free (
207    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
208 ) ;
209 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
210 /*
211 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 ----- methods found in instance.c --------------------------------------
213 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
214 */
215 /*
216    --------------------------------------
217    purpose -- return the number of fronts
219    created -- 98may04, cca
220    --------------------------------------
221 */
222 int
223 FrontMtx_nfront (
224    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
225 ) ;
226 /*
227    -----------------------------------------
228    purpose -- return the number of equations
230    created -- 98may04, cca
231    -----------------------------------------
232 */
233 int
234 FrontMtx_neqns (
235    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
236 ) ;
237 /*
238    ----------------------------------------------------
239    purpose -- return a pointer to the front Tree object
241    created -- 98may04, cca
242    ----------------------------------------------------
243 */
244 Tree *
245 FrontMtx_frontTree (
246    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
247 ) ;
248 /*
249    ----------------------------------------------------------------
250   simple method to return the dimensions of front J and the number
251    of bytes necessary for the Chv object to hold the front.
253    created -- 98may04, cca
254    ----------------------------------------------------------------
255 */
256 void
257 FrontMtx_initialFrontDimensions (
258    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
259    int         J,
260    int         *pnD,
261    int         *pnL,
262    int         *pnU,
263    int         *pnbytes
264 ) ;
265 /*
266    ---------------------------------------------------------
267    return the number of internal rows and columns in front J
269    created -- 98may04, cca
270    ---------------------------------------------------------
271 */
272 int
273 FrontMtx_frontSize (
274    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
275    int         J
276 ) ;
277 /*
278    ------------------------------------------------------
279    set the number of internal rows and columns in front J
281    created -- 98may04, cca
282    ------------------------------------------------------
283 */
284 void
285 FrontMtx_setFrontSize (
286    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
287    int         J,
288    int         size
289 ) ;
290 /*
291    ---------------------------------------------
292    fill *pncol with the number of columns and
293    *pcolind with a pointer to the column indices
295    created -- 98may04, cca
296    ---------------------------------------------
297 */
298 void
299 FrontMtx_columnIndices (
300    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
301    int         J,
302    int         *pncol,
303    int         **pcolind
304 ) ;
305 /*
306    -------------------------------------------
307    fill *pnrow with the number of rows and
308    *prowind with a pointer to the rows indices
310    created -- 98may04, cca
311    -------------------------------------------
312 */
313 void
314 FrontMtx_rowIndices (
315    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
316    int         J,
317    int         *pnrow,
318    int         **prowind
319 ) ;
320 /*
321    -----------------------------------------------------------
322    purpose -- return a pointer to the (J,J) diagonal submatrix
324    created -- 98may04, cca
325    -----------------------------------------------------------
326 */
327 SubMtx *
328 FrontMtx_diagMtx (
329    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
330    int         J
331 ) ;
332 /*
333    --------------------------------------------------------
334    purpose -- return a pointer to the (J,K) upper submatrix
336    created -- 98may04, cca
337    --------------------------------------------------------
338 */
339 SubMtx *
340 FrontMtx_upperMtx (
341    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
342    int         J,
343    int         K
344 ) ;
345 /*
346    --------------------------------------------------------
347    purpose -- return a pointer to the (K,J) lower submatrix
349    created -- 98may04, cca
350    --------------------------------------------------------
351 */
352 SubMtx *
353 FrontMtx_lowerMtx (
354    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
355    int         K,
356    int         J
357 ) ;
358 /*
359    --------------------------------------------------
360    purpose -- fill *pnadj with the number of fronts K
361               such that L_{K,J} != 0 and *padj with a
362               pointer to a list of those fronts
364    created -- 98may04, cca
365    --------------------------------------------------
366 */
367 void
368 FrontMtx_lowerAdjFronts (
369    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
370    int         J,
371    int         *pnadj,
372    int         **padj
373 ) ;
374 /*
375    --------------------------------------------------
376    purpose -- fill *pnadj with the number of fronts K
377               such that U_{J,K} != 0 and *padj with a
378               pointer to a list of those fronts
380    created -- 98may04, cca
381    --------------------------------------------------
382 */
383 void
384 FrontMtx_upperAdjFronts (
385    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
386    int         J,
387    int         *pnadj,
388    int         **padj
389 ) ;
390 /*
391    ------------------------------------------------------
392    purpose -- return the number of nonzero L_{K,J} blocks
394    created -- 98may04, cca
395    ------------------------------------------------------
396 */
397 int
398 FrontMtx_nLowerBlocks (
399    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
400 ) ;
401 /*
402    ------------------------------------------------------
403    purpose -- return the number of nonzero U_{K,J} blocks
405    created -- 98may04, cca
406    ------------------------------------------------------
407 */
408 int
409 FrontMtx_nUpperBlocks (
410    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
411 ) ;
412 /*
413    ---------------------------------------------------------
414    purpose -- return a pointer to the upper block IVL object
416    created -- 98jun13, cca
417    ---------------------------------------------------------
418 */
419 IVL *
420 FrontMtx_upperBlockIVL (
421    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
422 ) ;
423 /*
424    ---------------------------------------------------------
425    purpose -- return a pointer to the lower block IVL object
427    created -- 98jun13, cca
428    ---------------------------------------------------------
429 */
430 IVL *
431 FrontMtx_lowerBlockIVL (
432    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
433 ) ;
434 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
435 /*
436 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
437 ----- methods found in init.c ------------------------------------------
438 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
439 */
440 /*
441    ------------------------------------------------------------------
442    purpose -- basic initializer
444    frontETree -- ETree object that stores the front tree
445    symbfacIVL -- IVL object that stores the symbolic factorization
446    manager    -- SubMtxManager object to manage SubMtx objects
447    type       -- type of entries
448       SPOOLES_REAL --> real
449       SPOOLES_COMPLEX --> complex
450    symmetryflag -- symmetry flag,
451       SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC --> symmetric structure and entries
452       SPOOLES_HERMITIAN --> hermitian (complex only)
453       SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC --> nonsymmetric entries
454    sparsityflag -- flag to specify dense or sparse fronts
455       FRONTMTX_DENSE_FRONTS --> dense fronts
456       FRONTMTX_SPARSE_FRONTS --> sparse fronts
457    pivotingflag -- flag to specify pivoting enabled
458       SPOOLES_NO_PIVOTING --> pivoting not used
459       SPOOLES_PIVOTING    --> pivoting used
461    in a multithreaded environment, we need to protect the critical
462    section where data is allocated. we use a lockflag to do this.
463    in a serial or distributed environment, use lockflag = 0.
465    lockflag -- flag to specify lock status
466       NO_LOCK --> mutex lock is not allocated or initialized
467       LOCK_IN_PROCESS --> mutex lock is allocated and
468          it can synchronize only threads in this process.
469       LOCK_OVER_ALL_PROCESSES --> mutex lock is allocated and
470           it can synchronize only threads in this and other processes.
472    in a distributed environment we need to specify which process
473    owns each front. when we can preallocate data structures
474    (when there is no pivoting and dense fronts are stored) we
475    need each process to determine what parts of the data it
476    can allocate and set up. in a serial or multithreaded
477    environment, use ownersIV = NULL.
479       ownersIV -- map from fronts to owning processes
480       myid     -- id of this process.
482    submatrices (be they lower, diagonal, block diagonal, upper)
483    are stored in SubMtx objects. the management of these objects,
484    (allocation and deallocation) is managed by the SubMtxManager
485    manager object.
487       manager -- SubMtxManager object to handle the submatrices
489    created  -- 98may04, cca
490    ------------------------------------------------------------------
491 */
492 void
493 FrontMtx_init (
494    FrontMtx        *frontmtx,
495    ETree           *frontETree,
496    IVL             *symbfacIVL,
497    int             type,
498    int             symmetryflag,
499    int             sparsityflag,
500    int             pivotingflag,
501    int             lockflag,
502    int             myid,
503    IV              *ownersIV,
504    SubMtxManager   *manager,
505    int             msglvl,
506    FILE            *msgFile
507 ) ;
508 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
509 /*
510 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
511 ----- methods found in factor.c ----------------------------------------
512 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
513 */
514 /*
515    -------------------------------------------------------------------
516    compute an (U^T + I)D(I + U) or (L + I)D(I + L) factorization of A.
517    this is a wrapper method around FrontMtx_factorPencil().
519    input --
521       frontmtx -- pointer to the FrontMtx object that will hold
522                   the factorization
523       pencil   -- pointer to the Pencil object that holds A + sigma*B
524       tau      -- upper bound on entries in L and U,
525                   used only when pivoting enabled
526       droptol  -- lower bound on entries in L and U,
527                   used only when sparsity enabled
528       perror   -- error flag, on return
529          *perror >= 0 --> factorization failed at front *perror
530          *perror <  0 --> factorization succeeded
531       cpus[]   -- timing array
532          cpus[0] -- initialize fronts
533          cpus[1] -- load original entries
534          cpus[2] -- get updates from descendents
535          cpus[3] -- assembled postponed data
536          cpus[4] -- factor the front
537          cpus[5] -- extract postponed data
538          cpus[6] -- store factor entries
539          cpus[7] -- miscellaneous time
540          cpus[8] -- total time
541       stats[] -- statistics array
542          stats[0] -- # of pivots
543          stats[1] -- # of pivot tests
544          stats[2] -- # of delayed rows and columns
545          stats[3] -- # of entries in D
546          stats[4] -- # of entries in L
547          stats[5] -- # of entries in U
548       msglvl   -- message level
549       msgFile  -- message file
551    created  -- 98mar27, cca
552    modified -- 98mar27, cca
553       perror added to argument list
554    -------------------------------------------------------------------
555 */
556 Chv *
557 FrontMtx_factorInpMtx (
558    FrontMtx     *frontmtx,
559    InpMtx       *inpmtx,
560    double       tau,
561    double       droptol,
562    ChvManager   *chvmanager,
563    int          *perror,
564    double       cpus[],
565    int          stats[],
566    int          msglvl,
567    FILE         *msgFile
568 ) ;
569 /*
570    -------------------------------------------------------------------
571    compute an (U^T + I)D(I + U) or (L + I)D(I + L)
572    factorization of A + sigma*B.
574    input --
576       frontmtx -- pointer to the FrontMtx object that will hold
577                   the factorization
578       pencil   -- pointer to the Pencil object that holds A + sigma*B
579       tau      -- upper bound on entries in L and U,
580                   used only when pivoting enabled
581       droptol  -- lower bound on entries in L and U,
582                   used only when sparsity enabled
583       perror   -- error flag, on return
584          *perror >= 0 --> factorization failed at front *perror
585          *perror <  0 --> factorization succeeded
586       cpus[]   -- timing array
587          cpus[0] -- initialize fronts
588          cpus[1] -- load original entries
589          cpus[2] -- get updates from descendents
590          cpus[3] -- assembled postponed data
591          cpus[4] -- factor the front
592          cpus[5] -- extract postponed data
593          cpus[6] -- store factor entries
594          cpus[7] -- miscellaneous time
595          cpus[8] -- total time
596       stats[] -- statistics array
597          stats[0] -- # of pivots
598          stats[1] -- # of pivot tests
599          stats[2] -- # of delayed rows and columns
600          stats[3] -- # of entries in D
601          stats[4] -- # of entries in L
602          stats[5] -- # of entries in U
603       msglvl   -- message level
604       msgFile  -- message file
606    created  -- 98mar27, cca
607    modified -- 98mar27, cca
608       perror added to argument list
609    -------------------------------------------------------------------
610 */
611 Chv *
612 FrontMtx_factorPencil (
613    FrontMtx     *frontmtx,
614    Pencil       *pencil,
615    double       tau,
616    double       droptol,
617    ChvManager   *chvmanager,
618    int          *perror,
619    double       cpus[],
620    int          stats[],
621    int          msglvl,
622    FILE         *msgFile
623 ) ;
624 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
625 /*
626 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
627 ----- methods found in factorUtil.c ------------------------------------
628 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
629 */
630 /*
631    -----------------------------
632    purpose -- initialize a front
634    created -- 98may04, cca
635    -----------------------------
636 */
637 void
638 FrontMtx_initializeFront (
639    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
640    Chv        *frontJ,
641    int        J
642 ) ;
643 /*
644    ------------------------------------------------------------------
645    purpose -- to visit a front during a factorization.
646               note: this method is called by the serial,
647               multithreaded and MPI factorization codes.
649    frontmtx     -- front matrix object
650    pencil       -- matrix pencil for A + sigma*B
651    J            -- id of front we are working on
652    myid         -- id of thread or process
653    owners[]     -- map from fronts to owning threads,
654                    in a serial environment, owners = NULL
655    fronts[]     -- vector of pointers to fronts
656    lookahead    -- parameter controls the partial upward visiting
657                    of ancestors before returning
658    tau          -- used when pivoting enabled,
659                    |L_{j,i}| and |U_{i,j}| <= tau
660    droptol      -- used for an approximate factorization
661                    stored |L_{j,i}| and |U_{i,j}| > droptol
662    status[]     -- status vector for the fronts,
663                    'W' -- needs to be woke up
664                    'A' -- active front
665                    'F' -- front is finished
666    heads[]      -- vector of pointers to IP objects that store the
667                    front-to-front update lists
668    pivotsizesIV -- IV object used during the factorization of a front
669                    when pivoting is enabled
670    workDV       -- DV object used for working storage
671    parent       -- front parent vector
672    aggList      -- list object used in parallel environment, used
673                    to store aggregate fronts
674    postList     -- list object used in pivoting and/or parallel
675                    environments, used to stored delayed data and/or
676                    to synchronize the factorization
677    chvmanager   -- used to manage working storage for Chv objects
678    stats[]      -- statistics vector
679    cpus[]       -- vector to hold breakdown of cpu times
680    msglvl       -- message level
681    msgFil       -- message file
683    created -- 98may04, cca
684    ------------------------------------------------------------------
685 */
686 char
687 FrontMtx_factorVisit (
688    FrontMtx     *frontmtx,
689    Pencil       *pencil,
690    int          J,
691    int          myid,
692    int          owners[],
693    Chv          *fronts[],
694    int          lookahead,
695    double       tau,
696    double       droptol,
697    char         status[],
698    IP           *heads[],
699    IV           *pivotsizesIV,
700    DV           *workDV,
701    int          parent[],
702    ChvList      *aggList,
703    ChvList      *postList,
704    ChvManager   *chvmanager,
705    int          stats[],
706    double       cpus[],
707    int          msglvl,
708    FILE         *msgFile
709 ) ;
710 /*
711    --------------------------------------------
712    purpose -- set up the front's data structure
714    created -- 98mar27, cca
715    --------------------------------------------
716 */
717 Chv *
718 FrontMtx_setupFront (
719    FrontMtx     *frontmtx,
720    Pencil       *pencil,
721    int          J,
722    int          myid,
723    int          owners[],
724    ChvManager   *chvmanager,
725    double       cpus[],
726    int          msglvl,
727    FILE         *msgFile
728 ) ;
729 /*
730    --------------------------------------------------------------------
731    purpose -- to set up the link data structures
732       for a parallel factorization for process myid
734    return value -- pointer to IP *heads[nfront+2], which contains
735       the beginning of a list of IP objects that store the remaining
736       updates to the fronts.
737       note, heads[nfront] is the first IP object in the free list.
738       heads[nfront+1] is the base address of the allocated IP objects.
740    created -- 98mar07, cca
741    --------------------------------------------------------------------
742 */
743 IP **
744 FrontMtx_factorSetup (
745    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
746    IV         *frontOwnersIV,
747    int        myid,
748    int        msglvl,
749    FILE       *msgFile
750 ) ;
751 /*
752    -----------------------------------------------
753    create and return the nactiveChild vector.
754    nactiveChild[J] contains the number of children
755    of J that belong to an active path
757    created -- 97jul03, cca
758    -----------------------------------------------
759 */
760 int *
761 FrontMtx_nactiveChild (
762    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
763    char       *status,
764    int        myid
765 ) ;
766 /*
767    ---------------------------------------------------------
768    create, initialize and return a Ideq object
769    that will be used for a parallel factorization,
770    forward solve, or backward solve.
772    the status[] vector will be set as follows:
773       status[J] = activeflag   if J is on an active path
774       status[J] = inactiveflag if J is not on an active path
776    created -- 98mar27, cca
777    ---------------------------------------------------------
778 */
779 Ideq *
780 FrontMtx_setUpDequeue (
781    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
782    int        owners[],
783    int        myid,
784    char       status[],
785    IP         *heads[],
786    char       activeFlag,
787    char       inactiveFlag,
788    int        msglvl,
789    FILE       *msgFile
790 ) ;
791 /*
792    -----------------------------------------------------------------
793    purpose -- load the dequeue with the leaves of the active subtree
794               used for a factorization and forward solve
796    created -- 98mar27, cca
797    -----------------------------------------------------------------
798 */
799 void
800 FrontMtx_loadActiveLeaves (
801    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
802    char       status[],
803    char       activeFlag,
804    Ideq       *dequeue
805 ) ;
806 /*
807    -----------------------------------------------
808    create, initialize and return a ChvList object
809    to deal with postponed chevrons
811    created -- 97jul03, cca
812    -----------------------------------------------
813 */
814 ChvList *
815 FrontMtx_postList (
816    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
817    IV          *frontOwnersIV,
818    int         lockflag
819 ) ;
820 /*
821    -----------------------------------------------
822    create, initialize and return a ChvList object
823    to deal with aggregate chevrons
825    created -- 97jul03, cca
826    -----------------------------------------------
827 */
828 ChvList *
829 FrontMtx_aggregateList (
830    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
831    IV         *frontOwnersIV,
832    int        lockflag
833 ) ;
834 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
835 /*
836 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
837 ----- methods found in loadEntries.c -----------------------------------
838 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
839 */
840 /*
841    ------------------------------------------------------------
842    load entries from sigma*A
844    chv     -- pointer to the Chv object that holds the front
845    pencil  -- pointer to a Pencil that holds the matrix entries
846    msglvl  -- message level
847    msgFile -- message file
849    created  -- 97jul18, cca
850    ------------------------------------------------------------
851 */
852 void
853 FrontMtx_loadEntries (
854    Chv      *chv,
855    Pencil   *pencil,
856    int      msglvl,
857    FILE     *msgFile
858 ) ;
859 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
860 /*
861 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
862 ----- methods found in update.c ----------------------------------------
863 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
864 */
865 /*
866    ------------------------------------------------------------
867    accumulate updates to front J, store them in the Chv object
869    created -- 98may04, cca
870    ------------------------------------------------------------
871 */
872 void
873 FrontMtx_update (
874    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
875    Chv        *frontJ,
876    IP         *heads[],
877    char       status[],
878    DV         *tempDV,
879    int        msglvl,
880    FILE       *msgFile
881 ) ;
882 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
883 /*
884 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
885 ----- methods found in postponed.c -------------------------------------
886 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
887 */
888 /*
889    ------------------------------------------------------------------
890    purpose -- to assemble any postponed data into frontJ
892    frontJ  -- pointer to Chv objec that contains current front
893    chvlist -- pointer to a ChvList object that handles the
894               lists of postponed Chv objects
895    chvmanager -- pointer to a ChvManager object for the list
896                  of free Chv objects
897    pndelay -- pointer to address to contain the # of delayed rows
898               and columns that were assembled into the front
900    return value -- pointer to Chv object that contains the new front
902    created -- 98may04, cca
903    ------------------------------------------------------------------
904 */
905 Chv *
906 FrontMtx_assemblePostponedData (
907    FrontMtx     *frontmtx,
908    Chv          *frontJ,
909    ChvList      *chvlist,
910    ChvManager   *chvmanager,
911    int          *pndelay
912 ) ;
913 /*
914    ---------------------------------------------------------
915    purpose -- extract and store the postponed data
917    frontJ  -- pointer to present front object
918    npost   -- # of postponed rows and columns in frontJ
919    K       -- parent of J
920    chvlist -- pointer to a ChvList object that handles the
921               lists of postponed Chv objects
922               a singly linked list to assemble
923    chvmanager -- pointer to a ChvManager object for the list
924                  of free Chv objects
926    created -- 98may04, cca
927    ---------------------------------------------------------
928 */
929 void
930 FrontMtx_storePostponedData (
931    FrontMtx     *frontmtx,
932    Chv          *frontJ,
933    int          npost,
934    int          K,
935    ChvList      *chvlist,
936    ChvManager   *chvmanager
937 ) ;
938 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
939 /*
940 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
941 ----- methods found in storeFront.c ------------------------------------
942 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
943 */
944 /*
945    ----------------------------------------------------------------
946    purpose -- to store the factor indicies and entries from front J
948    pivotsizesIV -- used for symmetric or hermitian and pivoting
949    droptol      -- used for drop tolerance factorization,
950                    an entry is stored if its magnitude > droptol
952    created -- 98may04, cca
953    ----------------------------------------------------------------
954 */
955 void
956 FrontMtx_storeFront (
957    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
958    Chv        *frontJ,
959    IV         *pivotsizesIV,
960    double     droptol,
961    int        msglvl,
962    FILE       *msgFile
963 ) ;
964 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
965 /*
966 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
967 ----- methods found in postProcess.c -----------------------------------
968 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
969 */
970 /*
971    --------------------------------------------------------------
972    purpose -- post-process the factorization
973       (1) permute row and column adjacency objects if necessary
974       (2) permute lower and upper matrices if necessary
975       (3) update the block adjacency objects if necessary
976       (4) split the chevron submatrices into submatrices
977           and make the submatrix indices local w.r.t their fronts
979    created -- 98mar05, cca
980    --------------------------------------------------------------
981 */
982 void
983 FrontMtx_postProcess (
984    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
985    int        msglvl,
986    FILE       *msgFile
987 ) ;
988 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
989 /*
990 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
991 ----- methods found in permute.c ---------------------------------------
992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
993 */
994 /*
995    ------------------------------------------------------------------
996    purpose -- permute the upper adjacency structure so that the
997       indices in bnd{J} are in ascending order w.r.t. their ancestors
999    created -- 98mar05, cca
1000    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1001 */
1002 void
1003 FrontMtx_permuteUpperAdj (
1004    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1005    int        msglvl,
1006    FILE       *msgFile
1007 ) ;
1008 /*
1009    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1010    purpose -- permute the lower adjacency structure so that the
1011       indices in bnd{J} are in ascending order w.r.t. their ancestors
1013    created -- 98mar05, cca
1014    ------------------------------------------------------------------
1015 */
1016 void
1017 FrontMtx_permuteLowerAdj (
1018    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1019    int         msglvl,
1020    FILE        *msgFile
1021 ) ;
1022 /*
1023    ------------------------------------------------------------
1024    purpose -- if the columns indices of the front matrix are in
1025       different order than the column indices of U_{J,bnd{J}},
1026       sort the columns of U_{J,bnd{J}} into ascending order
1027       w.r.t the column indices of the front matrix.
1029    created -- 98mar05, cca
1030    ------------------------------------------------------------
1031 */
1032 void
1033 FrontMtx_permuteUpperMatrices (
1034    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1035    int         msglvl,
1036    FILE        *msgFile
1037 ) ;
1038 /*
1039    --------------------------------------------------------
1040    purpose -- if the row indices of the front matrix are in
1041       different order than the row indices of L_{bnd{J},J},
1042       sort the rows of L_{bnd{J},J} into ascending order
1043       w.r.t the row indices of the front matrix.
1045    created -- 98mar05, cca
1046    --------------------------------------------------------
1047 */
1048 void
1049 FrontMtx_permuteLowerMatrices (
1050    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1051    int         msglvl,
1052    FILE        *msgFile
1053 ) ;
1054 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1055 /*
1056 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1057 ----- methods found in split.c -----------------------------------------
1058 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1059 */
1060 /*
1061    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1062    purpose -- for each U_{J,bnd{J}} matrix, remove from hash table,
1063               split into their U_{J,K} submatrices and insert
1064               into the hash table.
1066    created -- 98may04, cca
1067    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1068 */
1069 void
1070 FrontMtx_splitUpperMatrices (
1071    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1072    int        msglvl,
1073    FILE       *msgFile
1074 ) ;
1075 /*
1076    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1077    purpose -- for each L_{bnd{J},J} matrix, remove from hash table,
1078               split into their L_{K,J} submatrices and insert
1079               into the hash table.
1081    created -- 98may04, cca
1082    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1083 */
1084 void
1085 FrontMtx_splitLowerMatrices (
1086    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1087    int         msglvl,
1088    FILE        *msgFile
1089 ) ;
1090 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1091 /*
1092 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1093 ----- methods found in solve.c -----------------------------------------
1094 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1095 */
1096 /*
1097    --------------------------------------------------------------
1098    purpose -- to solve a linear system
1100    frontmtx -- FrontMtx object that holds the factor matrices
1101    solmtx   -- DenseMtx that holds the solution
1102    rhsmtx   -- DenseMtx that holds the right hand side matrix
1103       note: right hand side entries are copied from rhsmtx,
1104             and solution entries are copied into solmtx.
1105             when the row indices of rhsmtx and solmtx are
1106             identical, rhsmtx and solmtx can be the same object.
1107    cpus -- vector to hold cpu breakdown time
1108       cpus[0] -- set up solves
1109       cpus[1] -- fetch rhs and store solution
1110       cpus[2] -- forward solve
1111       cpus[3] -- diagonal solve
1112       cpus[4] -- backward solve
1113       cpus[5] -- total time
1114    mtxmanager -- object that manages working storage
1115    msglvl  -- message level
1116    msgFile -- message file
1118    created -- 98may04, cca
1119    ------------------------------------------------------------
1120 */
1121 void
1122 FrontMtx_solve (
1123    FrontMtx        *frontmtx,
1124    DenseMtx        *solmtx,
1125    DenseMtx        *rhsmtx,
1126    SubMtxManager   *mtxmanager,
1127    double          cpus[],
1128    int             msglvl,
1129    FILE            *msgFile
1130 ) ;
1131 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1132 /*
1133 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1134 ----- methods found in solveUtil.c -------------------------------------
1135 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1136 */
1137 /*
1138    ---------------------------------------------
1139    load the right hand side for the owned fronts
1141    created -- 98mar19, cca
1142    ---------------------------------------------
1143 */
1144 SubMtx **
1145 FrontMtx_loadRightHandSide (
1146    FrontMtx        *frontmtx,
1147    DenseMtx        *rhsmtx,
1148    int             owners[],
1149    int             myid,
1150    SubMtxManager   *mtxmanager,
1151    int             msglvl,
1152    FILE            *msgFile
1153 ) ;
1154 /*
1155    --------------------------------------
1156    visit front J during the forward solve
1158    created -- 98mar27, cca
1159    --------------------------------------
1160 */
1161 void
1162 FrontMtx_forwardVisit (
1163    FrontMtx        *frontmtx,
1164    int             J,
1165    int             nrhs,
1166    int             *owners,
1167    int             myid,
1168    SubMtxManager   *mtxmanager,
1169    SubMtxList      *aggList,
1170    SubMtx          *p_mtx[],
1171    char            frontIsDone[],
1172    IP              *heads[],
1173    SubMtx          *p_agg[],
1174    char            status[],
1175    int             msglvl,
1176    FILE            *msgFile
1177 ) ;
1178 /*
1179    --------------------------------------------------
1180    purpose -- visit front J during the diagonal solve
1182    created -- 98feb20, cca
1183    --------------------------------------------------
1184 */
1185 void
1186 FrontMtx_diagonalVisit (
1187    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1188    int        J,
1189    int        owners[],
1190    int        myid,
1191    SubMtx     *p_mtx[],
1192    char       frontIsDone[],
1193    SubMtx     *p_agg[],
1194    int        msglvl,
1195    FILE       *msgFile
1196 ) ;
1197 /*
1198    ---------------------------------------
1199    visit front J during the backward solve
1201    created -- 98mar27, cca
1202    ---------------------------------------
1203 */
1204 void
1205 FrontMtx_backwardVisit (
1206    FrontMtx        *frontmtx,
1207    int             J,
1208    int             nrhs,
1209    int             *owners,
1210    int             myid,
1211    SubMtxManager   *mtxmanager,
1212    SubMtxList      *aggList,
1213    SubMtx          *p_mtx[],
1214    char            frontIsDone[],
1215    IP              *heads[],
1216    SubMtx          *p_agg[],
1217    char            status[],
1218    int             msglvl,
1219    FILE            *msgFile
1220 ) ;
1221 /*
1222    ---------------------------------------------------
1223    purpose -- move the solution from the individual
1224      SubMtx objects into the global solution SubMtx object
1226    created -- 98feb20
1227    ---------------------------------------------------
1228 */
1229 void
1230 FrontMtx_storeSolution (
1231    FrontMtx        *frontmtx,
1232    int             owners[],
1233    int             myid,
1234    SubMtxManager   *manager,
1235    SubMtx          *p_mtx[],
1236    DenseMtx        *solmtx,
1237    int             msglvl,
1238    FILE            *msgFile
1239 ) ;
1240 /*
1241    ---------------------------------------------------
1242    purpose -- load the dequeue with the roots of the
1243               active subtree used for a backward solve
1245    created -- 98mar27, cca
1246    ---------------------------------------------------
1247 */
1248 void
1249 FrontMtx_loadActiveRoots (
1250    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1251    char        status[],
1252    char        activeFlag,
1253    Ideq        *dequeue
1254 ) ;
1255 /*
1256    --------------------------------------------------------------------
1257    purpose -- to set up the link data structures for a forward solve
1259    return value -- pointer to IP *heads[nfront+2], which contains
1260       the beginning of a list of IP objects that store the remaining
1261       updates to the fronts.
1262       note, heads[nfront] is the first IP object in the free list.
1263       heads[nfront+1] is the base address of the allocated IP objects.
1265    created -- 98feb20, cca
1266    --------------------------------------------------------------------
1267 */
1268 IP **
1269 FrontMtx_forwardSetup (
1270    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1271    int         msglvl,
1272    FILE        *msgFile
1273 ) ;
1274 /*
1275    ---------------------------------------------------------
1276    purpose -- set up the linked lists for the backward solve
1278    created -- 98feb20, cca
1279    ---------------------------------------------------------
1280 */
1281 IP **
1282 FrontMtx_backwardSetup (
1283    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1284    int         msglvl,
1285    FILE        *msgFile
1286 ) ;
1287 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1288 /*
1289 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1290 ----- methods found in QRfactor.c --------------------------------------
1291 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1292 */
1293 /*
1294    ------------------------------------------------------------
1295    purpose -- to compute the (U+I)D(I+U) factorization of A^TA,
1296               where A = QR, R = (D^{1/2} + D^{1/2}U)
1298    cpus[0] -- setup time
1299    cpus[1] -- initialize and load staircase matrix
1300    cpus[2] -- permute the rows into staircase form
1301    cpus[3] -- factor the matrix
1302    cpus[4] -- scale and store factor entries
1303    cpus[5] -- store update entries
1304    cpus[6] -- miscellaneous time
1306    created -- 98may28, cca
1307    ------------------------------------------------------------
1308 */
1309 void
1310 FrontMtx_QR_factor (
1311    FrontMtx     *frontmtx,
1312    InpMtx       *mtxA,
1313    ChvManager   *chvmanager,
1314    double       cpus[],
1315    double       *pfacops,
1316    int          msglvl,
1317    FILE         *msgFile
1318 ) ;
1319 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1320 /*
1321 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1322 ----- methods found in QRsolve.c ---------------------------------------
1323 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1324 */
1325 /*
1326    -------------------------------------------------
1327    minimize ||b - Ax||_2 by
1328    solving (U^T + I) * D * (I + U) X = A^T * B
1329       where A = QR = QD(I + U)
1330    by calling FrontMtx_solve()
1332    mtxmanager -- object that manages working storage
1333    cpus -- vector of cpu time breakdowns
1334       cpus[0] -- set up solves
1335       cpus[1] -- fetch rhs and store solution
1336       cpus[2] -- forward solve
1337       cpus[3] -- diagonal solve
1338       cpus[4] -- backward solve
1339       cpus[5] -- total solve time
1340       cpus[6] -- time to compute A^T * B
1341       cpus[7] -- total time
1343    created  -- 97may27, dkw
1344    modified -- 98may28, cca
1345    -------------------------------------------------
1346 */
1347 void
1348 FrontMtx_QR_solve (
1349    FrontMtx        *frontmtx,
1350    InpMtx          *mtxA,
1351    DenseMtx        *mtxX,
1352    DenseMtx        *mtxB,
1353    SubMtxManager   *manager,
1354    double          cpus[],
1355    int             msglvl,
1356    FILE            *msgFile
1357 ) ;
1358 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1359 /*
1360 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1361 ----- methods found in QRutil.c ----------------------------------------
1362 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1363 */
1364 /*
1365    --------------------------------------------------------------------
1366    purpose -- to setup two data structures for a QR serial
1367               or multithreaded factorization
1369    rowsIVL[J]    -- list of rows of A to be assembled into front J
1370    firstnz[irow] -- column with location of leading nonzero of row in A
1372    created -- 98may29, cca
1373    --------------------------------------------------------------------
1374 */
1375 void
1376 FrontMtx_QR_setup (
1377    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1378    InpMtx     *mtxA,
1379    IVL        **prowsIVL,
1380    int        **pfirstnz,
1381    int        msglvl,
1382    FILE       *msgFile
1383 ) ;
1384 /*
1385    -----------------------------------------------
1386    purpose --  visit front J during a serial
1387                or multithreaded QR factorization
1389    cpus[1] -- initialize and load staircase matrix
1390    cpus[2] -- factor the matrix
1391    cpus[3] -- scale and store factor entries
1392    cpus[4] -- store update entries
1394    created -- 98may28, cca
1395    -----------------------------------------------
1396 */
1397 void
1398 FrontMtx_QR_factorVisit (
1399    FrontMtx     *frontmtx,
1400    int          J,
1401    InpMtx       *mtxA,
1402    IVL          *rowsIVL,
1403    int          firstnz[],
1404    ChvList      *updlist,
1405    ChvManager   *chvmanager,
1406    char         status[],
1407    int          colmap[],
1408    DV           *workDV,
1409    double       cpus[],
1410    double       *pfacops,
1411    int          msglvl,
1412    FILE         *msgFile
1413 ) ;
1414 /*
1415    --------------------------------------------------------------
1416    purpose -- create and return an A2 object that contains rows
1417               of A and rows from update matrices of the children.
1418               the matrix may not be in staircase form
1420    created -- 98may25, cca
1421    --------------------------------------------------------------
1422 */
1423 A2 *
1424 FrontMtx_QR_assembleFront (
1425    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1426    int        J,
1427    InpMtx     *mtxA,
1428    IVL        *rowsIVL,
1429    int        firstnz[],
1430    int        colmap[],
1431    Chv        *firstchild,
1432    DV         *workDV,
1433    int        msglvl,
1434    FILE       *msgFile
1435 ) ;
1436 /*
1437    ----------------------------------------------------
1438    store the factor entries of the reduced front matrix
1440    created -- 98may25, cca
1441    ----------------------------------------------------
1442 */
1443 void
1444 FrontMtx_QR_storeFront (
1445    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1446    int        J,
1447    A2         *frontJ,
1448    int        msglvl,
1449    FILE       *msgFile
1450 ) ;
1451 /*
1452    -------------------------------------------------
1453    purpose -- to create and return a Chv object that
1454               holds the update matrix for front J
1456    created -- 98may25, cca
1457    -------------------------------------------------
1458 */
1459 Chv *
1460 FrontMtx_QR_storeUpdate (
1461    FrontMtx     *frontmtx,
1462    int          J,
1463    A2           *frontJ,
1464    ChvManager   *chvmanager,
1465    int          msglvl,
1466    FILE         *msgFile
1467 ) ;
1468 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1469 /*
1470 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1471 ----- methods found in util.c ------------------------------------------
1472 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1473 */
1474 /*
1475    -----------------------------------------
1476    purpose -- produce a map from each column
1477               to the front that contains it
1479    created -- 98may04, cca
1480    -----------------------------------------
1481 */
1482 IV *
1483 FrontMtx_colmapIV (
1484    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
1485 ) ;
1486 /*
1487    --------------------------------------------------------------------
1488    purpose -- produce a map from each row to the front that contains it
1490    created -- 98may04, cca
1491    --------------------------------------------------------------------
1492 */
1493 IV *
1494 FrontMtx_rowmapIV (
1495    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
1496 ) ;
1497 /*
1498    -------------------------------------------------------------
1499    compute the inertia of a symmetric matrix
1501    fill *pnnegative with the number of negative eigenvalues of A
1502    fill *pnzero     with the number of zero eigenvalues of A
1503    fill *pnpositive with the number of positive eigenvalues of A
1505    created -- 98may04, cca
1506    -------------------------------------------------------------
1507 */
1508 void
1509 FrontMtx_inertia (
1510    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1511    int         *pnnegative,
1512    int         *pnzero,
1513    int         *pnpositive
1514 ) ;
1515 /*
1516    -------------------------------------------------------
1517    purpose -- create and return an IV object that contains
1518               all the row ids owned by process myid.
1520    created -- 98jun13, cca
1521    -------------------------------------------------------
1522 */
1523 IV *
1524 FrontMtx_ownedRowsIV (
1525    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1526    int        myid,
1527    IV         *ownersIV,
1528    int        msglvl,
1529    FILE       *msgFile
1530 ) ;
1531 /*
1532    -------------------------------------------------------
1533    purpose -- create and return an IV object that contains
1534               all the column ids owned by process myid.
1536    created -- 98jun13, cca
1537    -------------------------------------------------------
1538 */
1539 IV *
1540 FrontMtx_ownedColumnsIV (
1541    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1542    int        myid,
1543    IV         *ownersIV,
1544    int        msglvl,
1545    FILE       *msgFile
1546 ) ;
1547 /*
1548    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1549   purpose -- to create and return an IVL object that holds the
1550       submatrix nonzero pattern for the upper triangular factor.
1552    NOTE: this method supercedes calling IVL_mapEntries() on
1553          the column adjacency structure. that gave problems when
1554          pivoting forced some fronts to have no eliminated columns.
1555         in some cases, solve aggregates were expected when none
1556          were forthcoming.
1558    created -- 98aug20, cca
1559    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1560 */
1561 IVL *
1562 FrontMtx_makeUpperBlockIVL (
1563    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1564    IV         *colmapIV
1565 ) ;
1566 /*
1567    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1568   purpose -- to create and return an IVL object that holds the
1569       submatrix nonzero pattern for the lower triangular factor.
1571    NOTE: this method supercedes calling IVL_mapEntries() on
1572          the row adjacency structure. that gave problems when
1573          pivoting forced some fronts to have no eliminated columns.
1574         in some cases, solve aggregates were expected when none
1575          were forthcoming.
1577    created -- 98aug20, cca
1578    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1579 */
1580 IVL *
1581 FrontMtx_makeLowerBlockIVL (
1582    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1583    IV         *rowmapIV
1584 ) ;
1585 /*
1586    ---------------------------------------------------------------
1587    purpose -- to compute and return the number of floating point
1588       operations to perform a solve with a single right hand side.
1590    created -- 98sep26, cca
1591    ---------------------------------------------------------------
1592 */
1593 int
1594 FrontMtx_nSolveOps (
1595    FrontMtx   *frontmtx
1596 ) ;
1597 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1598 /*
1599 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1600 ----- methods found in IO.c --------------------------------------------
1601 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1602 */
1603 /*
1604    -----------------------------------------------------
1605    purpose -- to read in an FrontMtx object from a file
1607    input --
1609       fn -- filename, must be *.frontmtxb or *.frontmtxf
1611    return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure
1613    created -- 98may04, cca
1614    -----------------------------------------------------
1615 */
1616 int
1617 FrontMtx_readFromFile (
1618    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1619    char       *fn
1620 ) ;
1621 /*
1622    ------------------------------------------------------------
1623    purpose -- to read an FrontMtx object from a formatted file
1625    return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure
1627    created -- 98may04, cca
1628    ------------------------------------------------------------
1629 */
1630 int
1631 FrontMtx_readFromFormattedFile (
1632    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1633    FILE        *fp
1634 ) ;
1635 /*
1636    --------------------------------------------------------
1637    purpose -- to read an FrontMtx object from a binary file
1639    return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure
1641    created -- 98may04, cca
1642    --------------------------------------------------------
1643 */
1644 int
1645 FrontMtx_readFromBinaryFile (
1646    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1647    FILE        *fp
1648 ) ;
1649 /*
1650    -------------------------------------------------
1651    purpose -- to write an FrontMtx object to a file
1653    input --
1655       fn -- filename
1656         *.frontmtxb -- binary
1657         *.frontmtxf -- formatted
1658         anything else -- for human eye
1660    return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise
1662    created -- 98may04, cca
1663    -------------------------------------------------
1664 */
1665 int
1666 FrontMtx_writeToFile (
1667    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1668    char        *fn
1669 ) ;
1670 /*
1671    -----------------------------------------------------------
1672    purpose -- to write an FrontMtx object to a formatted file
1674    return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise
1676    created -- 98may04, cca
1677    -----------------------------------------------------------
1678 */
1679 int
1680 FrontMtx_writeToFormattedFile (
1681    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1682    FILE       *fp
1683 ) ;
1684 /*
1685    -------------------------------------------------------
1686    purpose -- to write an FrontMtx object to a binary file
1688    return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise
1690    created -- 98may04, cca
1691    -------------------------------------------------------
1692 */
1693 int
1694 FrontMtx_writeToBinaryFile (
1695    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1696    FILE        *fp
1697 ) ;
1698 /*
1699    ---------------------------------------------------------------
1700    purpose -- to write out the statistics for the FrontMtx object
1702    return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise
1704    created -- 98may04, cca
1705    ---------------------------------------------------------------
1706 */
1707 int
1708 FrontMtx_writeStats (
1709    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1710    FILE        *fp
1711 ) ;
1712 /*
1713    ----------------------------------------
1714    purpose -- to write the object to a file
1715               in human readable form
1717    created -- 98may04, cca
1718    ----------------------------------------
1719 */
1720 int
1721 FrontMtx_writeForHumanEye (
1722    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1723    FILE       *fp
1724 ) ;
1725 /*
1726    -------------------------------------------------------------
1727    purpose -- to write the factor matrices out for a matlab file
1729       Lname -- name for lower triangular matrix
1730       Dname -- name for diagonal matrix
1731       Uname -- name for upper triangular matrix
1733    presently works only with 1-d data decomposition
1735    created -- 98sep23, cca
1736    -------------------------------------------------------------
1737 */
1738 int
1739 FrontMtx_writeForMatlab (
1740    FrontMtx   *frontmtx,
1741    char       *Lname,
1742    char       *Dname,
1743    char       *Uname,
1744    FILE       *fp
1745 ) ;
1746 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/