1 /*  testGraph_Bcast.c  */
3 #include "../spoolesMPI.h"
4 #include "../../Drand.h"
5 #include "../../timings.h"
7 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])9 main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
10 /*
11    --------------------------------------------------------------------
12    this program tests the Graph_MPI_Bcast() method
14    (1) process root generates a random Graph object
15        and computes its checksum
16    (2) process root broadcasts the Graph object to the other processors
17    (3) each process computes the checksum of its Graph object
18    (4) the checksums are compared on root
20    created -- 98sep10, cca
21    --------------------------------------------------------------------
22 */
23 {
24 char         *buffer ;
25 double       chksum, t1, t2 ;
26 double       *sums ;
27 Drand        drand ;
28 int          iproc, length, loc, msglvl, myid, nitem, nproc,
29              nvtx, root, seed, size, type, v ;
30 int          *list ;
31 FILE         *msgFile ;
32 Graph        *graph ;
33 /*
34    ---------------------------------------------------------------
35    find out the identity of this process and the number of process
36    ---------------------------------------------------------------
37 */
38 MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) ;
39 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid) ;
40 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc) ;
41 fprintf(stdout, "\n process %d of %d, argc = %d", myid, nproc, argc) ;
42 fflush(stdout) ;
43 if ( argc != 8 ) {
44    fprintf(stdout,
45            "\n\n usage : %s msglvl msgFile type nvtx nitem root seed "
46            "\n    msglvl      -- message level"
47            "\n    msgFile     -- message file"
48            "\n    type        -- type of graph"
49            "\n    nvtx        -- # of vertices"
50            "\n    nitem       -- # of items used to generate graph"
51            "\n    root        -- root processor for broadcast"
52            "\n    seed        -- random number seed"
53            "\n", argv[0]) ;
54    return(0) ;
55 }
56 msglvl = atoi(argv[1]) ;
57 if ( strcmp(argv[2], "stdout") == 0 ) {
58    msgFile = stdout ;
59 } else {
60    length = strlen(argv[2]) + 1 + 4 ;
61    buffer = CVinit(length, '\0') ;
62    sprintf(buffer, "%s.%d", argv[2], myid) ;
63    if ( (msgFile = fopen(buffer, "w")) == NULL ) {
64       fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in %s"
65               "\n unable to open file %s\n",
66               argv[0], argv[2]) ;
67       return(-1) ;
68    }
69    CVfree(buffer) ;
70 }
71 type  = atoi(argv[3]) ;
72 nvtx  = atoi(argv[4]) ;
73 nitem = atoi(argv[5]) ;
74 root  = atoi(argv[6]) ;
75 seed  = atoi(argv[7]) ;
76 fprintf(msgFile,
77         "\n %s "
78         "\n msglvl  -- %d"
79         "\n msgFile -- %s"
80         "\n type    -- %d"
81         "\n nvtx    -- %d"
82         "\n nitem   -- %d"
83         "\n root    -- %d"
84         "\n seed    -- %d"
85         "\n",
86         argv[0], msglvl, argv[2], type, nvtx, nitem, root, seed) ;
87 fflush(msgFile) ;
88 /*
89    -----------------------
90    set up the Graph object
91    -----------------------
92 */
93 MARKTIME(t1) ;
94 graph = Graph_new() ;
95 if ( myid == root ) {
96    InpMtx   *inpmtx ;
97    int      nedges, totewght, totvwght, v ;
98    int      *adj, *vwghts ;
99    IVL      *adjIVL, *ewghtIVL ;
100 /*
101    -----------------------
102    generate a random graph
103    -----------------------
104 */
105    inpmtx = InpMtx_new() ;
106    InpMtx_init(inpmtx, INPMTX_BY_ROWS, INPMTX_INDICES_ONLY, nitem, 0) ;
107    Drand_setDefaultFields(&drand) ;
108    Drand_setSeed(&drand, seed) ;
109    Drand_setUniform(&drand, 0, nvtx) ;
110    Drand_fillIvector(&drand, nitem, InpMtx_ivec1(inpmtx)) ;
111    Drand_fillIvector(&drand, nitem, InpMtx_ivec2(inpmtx)) ;
112    InpMtx_setNent(inpmtx, nitem) ;
113    InpMtx_changeStorageMode(inpmtx, INPMTX_BY_VECTORS) ;
114    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
115       fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n inpmtx mtx filled with raw entries") ;
116       InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(inpmtx, msgFile) ;
117       fflush(msgFile) ;
118    }
119    adjIVL = InpMtx_fullAdjacency(inpmtx) ;
120    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
121       fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n full adjacency structure") ;
122       IVL_writeForHumanEye(adjIVL, msgFile) ;
123       fflush(msgFile) ;
124    }
125    nedges = adjIVL->tsize ;
126    if ( type == 1 || type == 3 ) {
127       Drand_setUniform(&drand, 1, 10) ;
128       vwghts = IVinit(nvtx, 0) ;
129       Drand_fillIvector(&drand, nvtx, vwghts) ;
130       totvwght = IVsum(nvtx, vwghts) ;
131       if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
132          fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n vertex weights") ;
133          IVfprintf(msgFile, nvtx, vwghts) ;
134          fflush(msgFile) ;
135       }
136    } else {
137       vwghts = NULL ;
138       totvwght = nvtx ;
139    }
140    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
141       fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n totvwght %d", totvwght) ;
142       fflush(msgFile) ;
143    }
144    if ( type == 2 || type == 3 ) {
145       ewghtIVL = IVL_new() ;
146       IVL_init1(ewghtIVL, IVL_CHUNKED, nvtx) ;
147       Drand_setUniform(&drand, 1, 100) ;
148       totewght = 0 ;
149       for ( v = 0 ; v < nvtx ; v++ ) {
150          IVL_listAndSize(adjIVL, v, &size, &adj) ;
151          IVL_setList(ewghtIVL, v, size, NULL) ;
152          IVL_listAndSize(ewghtIVL, v, &size, &adj) ;
153          Drand_fillIvector(&drand, size, adj) ;
154          totewght += IVsum(size, adj) ;
155       }
156       if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
157          fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n ewghtIVL") ;
158          IVL_writeForHumanEye(ewghtIVL, msgFile) ;
159          fflush(msgFile) ;
160       }
161    } else {
162       ewghtIVL = NULL ;
163       totewght = nedges ;
164    }
165    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
166       fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n totewght %d", totewght) ;
167       fflush(msgFile) ;
168    }
169    Graph_init2(graph, type, nvtx, 0, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
170                adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL) ;
171    InpMtx_free(inpmtx) ;
172 }
173 MARKTIME(t2) ;
174 fprintf(msgFile,
175         "\n CPU %8.3f : initialize the Graph object", t2 - t1) ;
176 fflush(msgFile) ;
177 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
178    Graph_writeForHumanEye(graph, msgFile) ;
179 } else {
180    Graph_writeStats(graph, msgFile) ;
181 }
182 fflush(msgFile) ;
183 if ( myid == root ) {
184 /*
185    ----------------------------------------
186    compute the checksum of the Graph object
187    ----------------------------------------
188 */
189    chksum = graph->type + graph->nvtx + graph->nvbnd
190           + graph->nedges + graph->totvwght + graph->totewght ;
191    for ( v = 0 ; v < nvtx ; v++ ) {
192       IVL_listAndSize(graph->adjIVL, v, &size, &list) ;
193       chksum += 1 + v + size + IVsum(size, list) ;
194    }
195    if ( graph->vwghts != NULL ) {
196       chksum += IVsum(nvtx, graph->vwghts) ;
197    }
198    if ( graph->ewghtIVL != NULL ) {
199       for ( v = 0 ; v < nvtx ; v++ ) {
200          IVL_listAndSize(graph->ewghtIVL, v, &size, &list) ;
201          chksum += 1 + v + size + IVsum(size, list) ;
202       }
203    }
204    fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n local chksum = %12.4e", chksum) ;
205    fflush(msgFile) ;
206 }
207 /*
208    --------------------------
209    broadcast the Graph object
210    --------------------------
211 */
212 MARKTIME(t1) ;
213 graph = Graph_MPI_Bcast(graph, root, msglvl, msgFile, MPI_COMM_WORLD) ;
214 MARKTIME(t2) ;
215 fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : broadcast the Graph object", t2 - t1) ;
216 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
217    Graph_writeForHumanEye(graph, msgFile) ;
218 } else {
219    Graph_writeStats(graph, msgFile) ;
220 }
221 /*
222    ----------------------------------------
223    compute the checksum of the Graph object
224    ----------------------------------------
225 */
226 chksum = graph->type + graph->nvtx + graph->nvbnd
227        + graph->nedges + graph->totvwght + graph->totewght ;
228 for ( v = 0 ; v < nvtx ; v++ ) {
229    IVL_listAndSize(graph->adjIVL, v, &size, &list) ;
230    chksum += 1 + v + size + IVsum(size, list) ;
231 }
232 if ( graph->vwghts != NULL ) {
233    chksum += IVsum(nvtx, graph->vwghts) ;
234 }
235 if ( graph->ewghtIVL != NULL ) {
236    for ( v = 0 ; v < nvtx ; v++ ) {
237       IVL_listAndSize(graph->ewghtIVL, v, &size, &list) ;
238       chksum += 1 + v + size + IVsum(size, list) ;
239    }
240 }
241 fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n local chksum = %12.4e", chksum) ;
242 fflush(msgFile) ;
243 /*
244    ---------------------------------------
245    gather the checksums from the processes
246    ---------------------------------------
247 */
248 sums = DVinit(nproc, 0.0) ;
249 MPI_Gather((void *) &chksum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
250            (void *) sums, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) ;
251 if ( myid == 0 ) {
252    fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n sums") ;
253    DVfprintf(msgFile, nproc, sums) ;
254    for ( iproc = 0 ; iproc < nproc ; iproc++ ) {
255       sums[iproc] -= chksum ;
256    }
257    fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n errors") ;
258    DVfprintf(msgFile, nproc, sums) ;
259    fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n maxerror = %12.4e", DVmax(nproc, sums, &loc));
260 }
261 /*
262    ----------------
263    free the objects
264    ----------------
265 */
266 DVfree(sums) ;
267 Graph_free(graph) ;
268 /*
269    ------------------------
270    exit the MPI environment
271    ------------------------
272 */
273 MPI_Finalize() ;
275 fprintf(msgFile, "\n") ;
276 fclose(msgFile) ;
278 return(0) ; }
280 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/