1 /*  domSegMap.c  */
3 #include "../GPart.h"
4 #include "../../timings.h"
5 #define  NTIMES 12
6 static int      icputimes ;
7 static double   cputimes[NTIMES] ;
9 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
10 /*
11    --------------------------------------------------------------------
12    fill *pndom with ndom, the number of domains.
13    fill *pnseg with nseg, the number of segments.
14    domains are numbered in [0, ndom), segments in [ndom,ndom+nseg).
16    return -- an IV object that contains the map
17              from vertices to segments
19    created -- 99feb29, cca
20    --------------------------------------------------------------------
21 */
22 IV *
GPart_domSegMap(GPart * gpart,int * pndom,int * pnseg)23 GPart_domSegMap (
24    GPart   *gpart,
25    int     *pndom,
26    int     *pnseg
27 ) {
28 FILE    *msgFile ;
29 Graph   *g ;
30 int     adjdom, count, d, first, ierr, ii, jj1, jj2, last, ndom,
31         msglvl, nextphi, nPhi, nPsi, nV, phi, phi0, phi1, phi2, phi3,
32         psi, sigma, size, size0, size1, size2, v, vsize, w ;
33 int     *adj, *adj0, *adj1, *adj2, *compids, *dmark, *dsmap, *head,
34         *link, *list, *offsets, *PhiToPsi, *PhiToV, *PsiToSigma,
35         *vadj, *VtoPhi ;
36 IV      *dsmapIV ;
37 IVL     *PhiByPhi, *PhiByPowD, *PsiByPowD ;
38 /*
39    --------------------
40    set the initial time
41    --------------------
42 */
43 icputimes = 0 ;
44 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
45 /*
46    ---------------
47    check the input
48    ---------------
49 */
50 if (  gpart == NULL
51    || (g = gpart->g) == NULL
52    || pndom == NULL
53    || pnseg == NULL ) {
54    fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in GPart_domSegMap(%p,%p,%p)"
55            "\n bad input\n", gpart, pndom, pnseg) ;
56    exit(-1) ;
57 }
58 compids = IV_entries(&gpart->compidsIV) ;
59 msglvl  = gpart->msglvl  ;
60 msgFile = gpart->msgFile ;
61 /*
62    ------------------------
63    create the map IV object
64    ------------------------
65 */
66 nV = g->nvtx ;
67 dsmapIV = IV_new() ;
68 IV_init(dsmapIV, nV, NULL) ;
69 dsmap = IV_entries(dsmapIV) ;
70 /*
71    ----------------------------------
72    check compids[] and get the number
73    of domains and interface vertices
74    ----------------------------------
75 */
76 icputimes++ ;
77 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
78 ndom = nPhi = 0 ;
79 for ( v = 0 ; v < nV ; v++ ) {
80    if ( (d = compids[v]) < 0 ) {
81       fprintf(stderr,
82               "\n fatal error in GPart_domSegMap(%p,%p,%p)"
83               "\n compids[%d] = %d\n", gpart, pndom, pnseg,
84               v, compids[v]) ;
85       exit(-1) ;
86    } else if ( d == 0 ) {
87       nPhi++ ;
88    } else if ( ndom < d ) {
89       ndom = d ;
90    }
91 }
92 *pndom = ndom ;
93 if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
94    fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n Inside GPart_domSegMap") ;
95    fprintf(msgFile, "\n %d domains, %d Phi vertices", ndom, nPhi) ;
96 }
97 if ( ndom == 1 ) {
98    IVfill(nV, dsmap, 0) ;
99    *pndom = 1 ;
100    *pnseg = 0 ;
101    return(dsmapIV) ;
102 }
103 /*
104    --------------------------------
105    get the maps
106    PhiToV : [0,nPhi) |---> [0,nV)
107    VtoPhi : [0,nV)   |---> [0,nPhi)
108    --------------------------------
109 */
110 icputimes++ ;
111 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
112 PhiToV = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
113 VtoPhi = IVinit(nV,   -1) ;
114 for ( v = 0, phi = 0 ; v < nV ; v++ ) {
115    if ( (d = compids[v]) == 0 ) {
116       PhiToV[phi] = v ;
117       VtoPhi[v]   = phi++ ;
118    }
119 }
120 if ( phi != nPhi ) {
121    fprintf(stderr,
122            "\n fatal error in GPart_domSegMap(%p,%p,%p)"
123            "\n phi = %d != %d = nPhi\n",
124            gpart, pndom, pnseg, phi, nPhi) ;
125    exit(-1) ;
126 }
127 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
128    fprintf(msgFile, "\n PhiToV(%d) :", nPhi) ;
129    IVfp80(msgFile, nPhi, PhiToV, 15, &ierr) ;
130    fflush(msgFile) ;
131 }
132 if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
133    fprintf(msgFile, "\n VtoPhi(%d) :", nV) ;
134    IVfp80(msgFile, nV, VtoPhi, 15, &ierr) ;
135    fflush(msgFile) ;
136 }
137 /*
138    ---------------------------------------------------
139    create an IVL object, PhiByPowD, to hold lists from
140    the interface vertices to their adjacent domains
141    ---------------------------------------------------
142 */
143 icputimes++ ;
144 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
145 dmark = IVinit(ndom+1, -1) ;
146 if ( nPhi >= ndom ) {
147    list = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
148 } else {
149    list = IVinit(ndom, -1) ;
150 }
151 PhiByPowD = IVL_new() ;
152 IVL_init1(PhiByPowD, IVL_CHUNKED, nPhi) ;
153 for ( phi = 0 ; phi < nPhi ; phi++ ) {
154    v = PhiToV[phi] ;
155    Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
156 /*
157 if ( phi == 0 ) {
158    int   ierr ;
159    fprintf(msgFile, "\n adj(%d,%d) = ", v, phi) ;
160    IVfp80(msgFile, vsize, vadj, 15, &ierr) ;
161    fflush(msgFile) ;
162 }
163 */
164    count = 0 ;
165    for ( ii = 0 ; ii < vsize ; ii++ ) {
166       if ( (w = vadj[ii]) < nV
167         && (d = compids[w]) > 0
168         && dmark[d] != phi ) {
169          dmark[d] = phi ;
170          list[count++] = d ;
171       }
172    }
173    if ( count > 0 ) {
174       IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
175       IVL_setList(PhiByPowD, phi, count, list) ;
176    }
177 }
178 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
179    fprintf(msgFile, "\n PhiByPowD : interface x adjacent domains") ;
180    IVL_writeForHumanEye(PhiByPowD, msgFile) ;
181    fflush(msgFile) ;
182 }
183 /*
184    -------------------------------------------------------
185    create an IVL object, PhiByPhi to hold lists
186    from the interface vertices to interface vertices.
187    (s,t) are in the list if (s,t) is an edge in the graph
188    and s and t do not share an adjacent domain
189    -------------------------------------------------------
190 */
191 icputimes++ ;
192 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
193 PhiByPhi = IVL_new() ;
194 IVL_init1(PhiByPhi, IVL_CHUNKED, nPhi) ;
195 offsets = IVinit(nPhi,  0)  ;
196 head    = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
197 link    = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
198 for ( phi1 = 0 ; phi1 < nPhi ; phi1++ ) {
199    count = 0 ;
200    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
201       v = PhiToV[phi1] ;
202       Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
203       fprintf(msgFile, "\n checking out phi = %d, v = %d", phi1, v) ;
204       fprintf(msgFile, "\n adj(%d) : ", v) ;
205       IVfp80(msgFile, vsize, vadj, 10, &ierr) ;
206    }
207 /*
208    -------------------------------------------------------------
209    get (phi1, phi0) edges that were previously put into the list
210    -------------------------------------------------------------
211 */
212    if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
213       if ( head[phi1] == -1 ) {
214          fprintf(msgFile, "\n    no previous edges") ;
215       } else {
216          fprintf(msgFile, "\n    previous edges :") ;
217       }
218    }
219    for ( phi0 = head[phi1] ; phi0 != -1 ; phi0 = nextphi ) {
220       if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
221          fprintf(msgFile, " %d", phi0) ;
222       }
223       nextphi = link[phi0] ;
224       list[count++] = phi0 ;
225       IVL_listAndSize(PhiByPhi, phi0, &size0, &adj0) ;
226       if ( (ii = ++offsets[phi0]) < size0 ) {
227 /*
228          ----------------------------
229          link phi0 into the next list
230          ----------------------------
231 */
232          phi2       = adj0[ii]   ;
233          link[phi0] = head[phi2] ;
234          head[phi2] = phi0       ;
235       }
236    }
237 /*
238    --------------------------
239    get new edges (phi1, phi2)
240    --------------------------
241 */
242    IVL_listAndSize(PhiByPowD, phi1, &size1, &adj1) ;
243    v = PhiToV[phi1] ;
244    Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
245    for ( ii = 0 ; ii < vsize ; ii++ ) {
246       if (  (w = vadj[ii]) < nV
247          && compids[w] == 0
248          && (phi2 = VtoPhi[w]) > phi1 ) {
249          if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
250             fprintf(msgFile, "\n    checking out phi2 = %d", phi2) ;
251          }
252 /*
253          --------------------------------------------------
254          see if phi1 and phi2 have a common adjacent domain
255          --------------------------------------------------
256 */
257          IVL_listAndSize(PhiByPowD, phi2, &size2, &adj2) ;
258          adjdom = 0 ;
259          jj1 = jj2 = 0 ;
260          while ( jj1 < size1 && jj2 < size2 ) {
261             if ( adj1[jj1] < adj2[jj2] ) {
262                jj1++ ;
263             } else if ( adj1[jj1] > adj2[jj2] ) {
264                jj2++ ;
265             } else {
266                if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
267                   fprintf(msgFile, ", common adj domain %d", adj1[jj1]) ;
268                }
269                adjdom = 1 ;
270                break ;
271             }
272          }
273          if ( adjdom == 0 ) {
274             if ( msglvl > 3 ) {
275                fprintf(msgFile, ", no adjacent domain") ;
276             }
277             list[count++] = phi2 ;
278          }
279       }
280    }
281    if ( count > 0 ) {
282 /*
283       ---------------------
284       set the list for phi1
285       ---------------------
286 */
287       IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
288       IVL_setList(PhiByPhi, phi1, count, list) ;
289       if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
290          fprintf(msgFile, "\n    edge list for %d :", phi1) ;
291          IVfp80(msgFile, count, list, 15, &ierr) ;
292       }
293       for ( ii = 0, phi2 = -1 ; ii < count ; ii++ ) {
294          if ( list[ii] > phi1 ) {
295             offsets[phi1] = ii ;
296             phi2 = list[ii] ;
297             break ;
298          }
299       }
300       if ( phi2 != -1 ) {
301       if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
302          fprintf(msgFile,
303                  "\n       linking %d into list for %d", phi1, phi2) ;
304       }
305          link[phi1] = head[phi2] ;
306          head[phi2] = phi1       ;
307       }
308 /*
309       phi2 = list[0] ;
310       link[phi1] = head[phi2] ;
311       head[phi2] = phi1 ;
312 */
313    }
314 }
315 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
316    fprintf(msgFile, "\n PhiByPhi : interface x interface") ;
317    IVL_writeForHumanEye(PhiByPhi, msgFile) ;
318    fflush(msgFile) ;
319 }
320 /*
321    --------------------
322    get the PhiToPsi map
323    --------------------
324 */
325 icputimes++ ;
326 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
327 PhiToPsi = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
328 nPsi = 0 ;
329 for ( phi = 0 ; phi < nPhi ; phi++ ) {
330    if ( PhiToPsi[phi] == -1 ) {
331 /*
332       ---------------------------
333       phi not yet mapped to a psi
334       ---------------------------
335 */
336       first = last = 0 ;
337       list[0] = phi ;
338       PhiToPsi[phi] = nPsi ;
339       while ( first <= last ) {
340          phi2 = list[first++] ;
341          IVL_listAndSize(PhiByPhi, phi2, &size, &adj) ;
342          for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
343             phi3 = adj[ii] ;
344             if ( PhiToPsi[phi3] == -1 ) {
345                PhiToPsi[phi3] = nPsi ;
346                list[++last] = phi3 ;
347             }
348          }
349       }
350       nPsi++ ;
351    }
352 }
353 if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
354    fprintf(msgFile, "\n nPsi = %d", nPsi) ;
355    fflush(msgFile) ;
356 }
357 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
358    fprintf(msgFile, "\n PhiToPsi(%d) :", nPhi) ;
359    IVfp80(msgFile, nPhi, PhiToPsi, 15, &ierr) ;
360    fflush(msgFile) ;
361 }
362 /*
363    ---------------------------------
364    create an IVL object, Psi --> 2^D
365    ---------------------------------
366 */
367 icputimes++ ;
368 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
369 IVfill(nPsi, head, -1) ;
370 IVfill(nPhi, link, -1) ;
371 for ( phi = 0 ; phi < nPhi ; phi++ ) {
372    psi = PhiToPsi[phi] ;
373    link[phi] = head[psi] ;
374    head[psi] =   phi     ;
375 }
376 PsiByPowD = IVL_new() ;
377 IVL_init1(PsiByPowD, IVL_CHUNKED, nPsi) ;
378 IVfill(ndom+1, dmark, -1) ;
379 for ( psi = 0 ; psi < nPsi ; psi++ ) {
380    count = 0 ;
381    for ( phi = head[psi] ; phi != -1 ; phi = link[phi] ) {
382       v = PhiToV[phi] ;
383       Graph_adjAndSize(g, v, &size, &adj) ;
384       for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
385          if (  (w = adj[ii]) < nV
386             && (d = compids[w]) > 0
387             && dmark[d] != psi ) {
388             dmark[d]      = psi ;
389             list[count++] =  d  ;
390          }
391       }
392    }
393    if ( count > 0 ) {
394       IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
395       IVL_setList(PsiByPowD, psi, count, list) ;
396    }
397 }
398 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
399    fprintf(msgFile, "\n PsiByPowD(%d) :", nPhi) ;
400    IVL_writeForHumanEye(PsiByPowD, msgFile) ;
401    fflush(msgFile) ;
402 }
403 icputimes++ ;
404 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
405 /*
406    -------------------------------------
407    now get the map Psi |---> Sigma that
408    is the equivalence map over PhiByPowD
409    -------------------------------------
410 */
411 icputimes++ ;
412 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
413 PsiToSigma = IVL_equivMap1(PsiByPowD) ;
414 *pnseg = 1 + IVmax(nPsi, PsiToSigma, &ii) ;
415 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
416    fprintf(msgFile, "\n nSigma = %d", *pnseg) ;
417    fprintf(msgFile, "\n PsiToSigma(%d) :", nPhi) ;
418    IVfp80(msgFile, nPsi, PsiToSigma, 15, &ierr) ;
419    fflush(msgFile) ;
420 }
421 /*
422    --------------------------------------------------------------
423    now fill the map from the vertices to the domains and segments
424    --------------------------------------------------------------
425 */
426 icputimes++ ;
427 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
428 for ( v = 0 ; v < nV ; v++ ) {
429    if ( (d = compids[v]) > 0 ) {
430       dsmap[v] = d - 1 ;
431    } else {
432       phi      = VtoPhi[v] ;
433       psi      = PhiToPsi[phi] ;
434       sigma    = PsiToSigma[psi] ;
435       dsmap[v] = ndom + sigma ;
436    }
437 }
438 /*
439    ------------------------
440    free the working storage
441    ------------------------
442 */
443 icputimes++ ;
444 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
445 IVL_free(PhiByPhi)  ;
446 IVL_free(PhiByPowD) ;
447 IVL_free(PsiByPowD) ;
448 IVfree(PhiToV)      ;
449 IVfree(VtoPhi)      ;
450 IVfree(dmark)       ;
451 IVfree(list)        ;
452 IVfree(PhiToPsi)    ;
453 IVfree(head)        ;
454 IVfree(link)        ;
455 IVfree(offsets)     ;
456 IVfree(PsiToSigma)  ;
457 icputimes++ ;
458 MARKTIME(cputimes[icputimes]) ;
459 if ( msglvl > 1 ) {
460    fprintf(msgFile, "\n domain/segment map timings split") ;
461    fprintf(msgFile,
462    "\n %9.5f : create the DSmap object"
463    "\n %9.5f : get numbers of domain and interface vertices"
464    "\n %9.5f : generate PhiToV and VtoPhi"
465    "\n %9.5f : generate PhiByPowD"
466    "\n %9.5f : generate PhiByPhi"
467    "\n %9.5f : generate PhiToPsi"
468    "\n %9.5f : generate PsiByPowD"
469    "\n %9.5f : generate PsiToSigma"
470    "\n %9.5f : generate dsmap"
471    "\n %9.5f : free working storage"
472    "\n %9.5f : total time",
473    cputimes[1] - cputimes[0],
474    cputimes[2] - cputimes[1],
475    cputimes[3] - cputimes[2],
476    cputimes[4] - cputimes[3],
477    cputimes[5] - cputimes[4],
478    cputimes[6] - cputimes[5],
479    cputimes[7] - cputimes[6],
480    cputimes[8] - cputimes[7],
481    cputimes[9] - cputimes[8],
482    cputimes[10] - cputimes[9],
483    cputimes[11] - cputimes[0]) ;
484 }
486 return(dsmapIV) ; }
488 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/