2\subsection{Distributed Symbolic Factorization}
5The symbolic factorization takes very little time when compared to the
6numeric factorization or a solve, but it can still be necessary to
7compute it in a distributed manner.
8For example, consider the case when the entries in the
9original matrix do not fit on one processor.
11Here is what we assume that can be present on one processor.
14An {\tt ETree} front tree object
15contains five vectors whose length is the number of fronts
16(three tree vectors and two vectors to hold the number of internal
17and external vertices in a front)
18and one vector whose length is the number of vertices
19(that maps vertices to fronts).
21An {\tt IV} object that holds the map from a front to its owner.
23A {\tt DInpMtx} object that holds only those entries in the
24original matrix that will be mapped to fronts owned by the process.
27A process does not need to know about every front in the tree,
28only those that it owns, that it will update during the
29factorization, and those that it will interact with during the
30forward and backsolves.
31We {\it could} design a front tree data structure that holds
32only information about the fronts that a process needs to know about.
33However, it is quite likely that the overhead to store the entire
34front tree on each processor is acceptable.
36It is not so clear that we can afford to store the entire symbolic
37factorization on the front tree, so we have designed a strategy
38that each process computes and holds only the indices for the
39fronts that it needs.
40Actually, this is not true, for we store a bit more than the
41bare minimum, as we now explain.
43If a process owns front $J$, then it will compute the factor
44entries in this front, and will compute updates to all ancestor
45fronts $K$ such that $\bnd{J} \cap K \ne \emptyset$.
46Let the set of {\it active} fronts be the active fronts
47unioned with those fronts that will be updated by an owned front.
48% Let us call the set of {\it owned} fronts and those fronts that
49% will be updated by an owned front the {\it set of active fronts}.
51It is not necessarily true that an owned front $J$ will update
52{\it all} of its ancestors.
53However, to determine what ancestors of owned fronts will be updated
54by the owned fronts, we need to know the boundary indices for each
55front, and that is what we are trying to determine by computing the
56symbolic factorization.
57So we settle for a superset that is (hopefully) not too much larger
58than the active fronts.
59To use a different term, we will easily find a set of
60{\it supported fronts} that contains the active fronts.
61These supported fronts consists of the owned fronts and all
62ancestors of owned fronts, and we can determine this set just by
63using the front tree and the owners map vector.
65To compute the factorization, a process will need to have the
66indices for each of its active fronts, so at the end of the
67symbolic factorization, each process must contain an {\tt IVL}
68object that contains the front indices for all supported
71How do we compute the front indices for the supported fronts?
72There are four steps.
75From the front tree we know the number of internal and number of
76external indices in each front via the {\tt nodwghts[]} and {\tt
77bndwghts[]} vectors.
78So we initialize the {\tt IVL} object that will hold the supported
79portions of the symbolic factorization.
81For each owned front, we load the internal vertices using the
82{\tt vtxToFront[]} vector from the front tree.
84For each owned front $J$ we add some of the indices in $\bnd{J}$ by
85examining the entries in the local {\tt DInpMtx} object.
87Now we need to cooperate with the other processes.
88First we compute the number of messages that we expect to receive
89from other processes.
90There will be one message for each supported but unowned front,
91and one message for each unsupported front whose parent is owned.
92We keep track of the number of missing indices for each owned front.
93When all indices for an owned front are present (after step 2
94any root front has this property, and after step 3 all leaf fronts
95have this property), we put the front into a list of {\it ready}
99\WHILE\ the ready list is not empty or there are messages remaining \\
100\> \WHILE\ the ready list is not empty \\
101\>\> remove owned front $J$ from the ready list \\
102\>\> store $J \cup \bnd{J}$ in the {\tt IVL} object \\
103\>\> send $J \cup \bnd{J}$ to all processes that contain $J$ in
104     their support sets \\
105\>\> \IF\ the $J$ has a parent $K$ \THEN\ \\
106\>\>\> \IF\ $K$ is owned and not complete \THEN\ \\
107\>\>\>\> merge $\bnd{J}$ into $K \cup \bnd{K}$ \\
108\>\>\>\> \IF\ $K \cup \bnd{K}$ is complete \THEN\ \\
109\>\>\>\>\> put $K$ on the ready list \\
110\>\>\>\> \END\ \IF \\
111\>\>\> \ELSE\ \IF\ $J$ not supported by the owner of $K$ \THEN\ \\
112\>\>\>\> send $J \cup \bnd{J}$ to the owner of $K$ \\
113\>\>\> \END\ \IF \\
114\>\> \END\ \IF\ \\
115\> \END\ \WHILE\ \\
116\> \WHILE\ there are messages waiting to be received \\
117\>\> receive $J \cup \bnd{J}$ \\
118\>\> \IF\ $J$ is supported \THEN\ \\
119\>\>\> store $J \cup \bnd{J}$ in the {\tt IVL} object \\
120\>\> \END\ \IF \\
121\>\> \IF\ $J$ has a parent $K$, $K$ is owned and not complete \THEN\ \\
122\>\>\> merge $\bnd{J}$ into $K \cup \bnd{K}$ \\
123\>\>\> \IF\ $K \cup \bnd{K}$ is complete \THEN\ \\
124\>\>\>\> put $K$ on the ready list \\
125\>\>\> \END\ \IF \\
126\>\> \END\ \IF \\
127\> \END\ \WHILE \\
128end \WHILE\