1 /*  copyEntriesToVector.c  */
3 #include "../A2.h"
4 #include "../../Drand.h"
6 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7 /*
8    ----------------------------------------------------------------
9    purpose -- copy entries to a vector. the portion copied
10               can be a union of the strict lower portion,
11               the diagonal portion, and the strict upper
12               portion. there is one restriction, if the strict
13               lower and strict upper are to be copied, the
14               diagonal will also be copied.
16    length -- length of dvec[]
17    dvec[] -- vector to receive matrix entries
18    copyflag  -- flag to denote what part of the entries to move
19       A2_STRICT_LOWER --> move strict lower entries
20       A2_LOWER        --> move lower entries (includes the diagonal)
21       A2_DIAGONAL     --> move diagonal entries
22       A2_UPPER        --> move upper entries (includes the diagonal)
23       A2_STRICT_UPPER --> move strict upper entries
24       A2_ALL_ENTRIES  --> move all entries
25    storeflag -- flag to denote how to store entries in dvec[]
26       A2_BY_ROWS    --> store by rows
27       A2_BY_COLUMNS --> store by columns
29    return value -- number of entries copied
31    created  -- 97jun03, cca, dkw
32    modified -- 98may25, cca
33    ----------------------------------------------------------------
34 */
35 int
A2_copyEntriesToVector(A2 * mtx,int length,double * dvec,int copyflag,int storeflag)36 A2_copyEntriesToVector (
37    A2       *mtx,
38    int      length,
39    double   *dvec,
40    int      copyflag,
41    int      storeflag
42 ) {
43 int      inc1, inc2, kk, ncol, ndiag, nent, nrow ;
44 /*
45    --------------------------------------------
46    check the input, get dimensions and pointers
47    and check that length is large enough
48    --------------------------------------------
49 */
50 if (  mtx == NULL || length < 0 || dvec == NULL ) {
51    fprintf(stderr,
52            "\n fatal error in A2_copyEntriesToVector(%p,%d,%p,,%d,%d)"
53            "\n bad input\n", mtx, length, dvec, copyflag, storeflag) ;
54    exit(-1) ;
55 }
56 if ( copyflag  < 1 || copyflag > 6 ) {
57    fprintf(stderr,
58            "\n fatal error in A2_copyEntriesToVector(%p,%d,%p,%d,%d)"
59            "\n bad input\n"
60            "\n copyflag = %d, must be\n"
61            "\n    1 --> strictly lower entries"
62            "\n    2 --> lower entries"
63            "\n    3 --> diagonal entries"
64            "\n    4 --> strictly upper entries"
65            "\n    5 --> upper entries"
66            "\n    6 --> all entries",
67            mtx, length, dvec, copyflag, storeflag, copyflag) ;
68    exit(-1) ;
69 }
70 if ( storeflag  < 0 || storeflag > 1 ) {
71    fprintf(stderr,
72            "\n fatal error in A2_copyEntriesToVector(%p,%d,%p,%d,%d)"
73            "\n bad input\n"
74            "\n storeflag = %d, must be\n"
75            "\n    0 --> store by rows"
76            "\n    1 --> store by columns",
77            mtx, length, dvec, copyflag, storeflag, storeflag) ;
78    exit(-1) ;
79 }
80 nrow = mtx->n1 ;
81 ncol = mtx->n2 ;
82 inc1 = mtx->inc1 ;
83 inc2 = mtx->inc2 ;
84 if ( nrow >= ncol ) {
85    ndiag = ncol ;
86 } else {
87    ndiag = nrow ;
88 }
89 /*
90    ------------------------------------------
91    compute the number of entries to be copied
92    ------------------------------------------
93 */
94 switch ( copyflag ) {
95 case A2_STRICT_LOWER : /* strictly lower entries  */
96    nent = (ndiag*(ndiag - 1))/2 + (nrow - ndiag)*ncol ;
97    break ;
98 case A2_LOWER : /* lower entries  */
99    nent = (ndiag*(ndiag + 1))/2 + (nrow - ndiag)*ncol ;
100    break ;
101 case A2_DIAGONAL : /* diagonal entries  */
102    nent = ndiag ;
103    break ;
104 case A2_UPPER : /* upper entries  */
105    nent = (ndiag*(ndiag + 1))/2 + (ncol - ndiag)*nrow ;
106    break ;
107 case A2_STRICT_UPPER : /* strictly upper entries  */
108    nent = (ndiag*(ndiag - 1))/2 + (ncol - ndiag)*nrow ;
109    break ;
110 case A2_ALL_ENTRIES : /* all entries  */
111    nent = nrow*ncol ;
112    break ;
113 default :
114    break ;
115 }
116 if ( nent > length ) {
117    fprintf(stderr,
118            "\n fatal error in A2_copyEntriesToVector(%p,%d,%p,%d,%d)"
119            "\n nent = %d, buffer length = %d",
120            mtx, length, dvec, copyflag, storeflag, nent, length) ;
121    exit(-1) ;
122 }
123 /*
124    --------------------------------------------
125    make life simple, unit stride through dvec[]
126    --------------------------------------------
127 */
128 kk = 0 ;
129 if ( storeflag == A2_BY_ROWS ) {
130    int      irow, jstart, jcol, jend, jj ;
131    double   *row ;
132 /*
133    --------------
134    loop over rows
135    --------------
136 */
137    switch ( copyflag ) {
138    case A2_STRICT_LOWER :
139 /*
140       ----------------------
141       strictly lower entries
142       ----------------------
143 */
144       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
145          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
146                irow < nrow ;
147                irow++, row += inc1 ) {
148             jstart = 0 ;
149             jend   = (irow < ndiag) ? irow - 1 : ndiag - 1 ;
150             for ( jcol = jstart, jj = jcol*inc2 ;
151                   jcol <= jend ;
152                   jcol++, jj += inc2, kk++ ) {
153                dvec[kk] = row[jj] ;
154             }
155          }
156       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
157          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
158                irow < nrow ;
159                irow++, row += 2*inc1 ) {
160             jstart = 0 ;
161             jend   = (irow < ndiag) ? irow - 1 : ndiag - 1 ;
162             for ( jcol = jstart, jj = jcol*inc2 ;
163                   jcol <= jend ;
164                   jcol++, jj += inc2, kk++ ) {
165                dvec[2*kk]   = row[2*jj]   ;
166                dvec[2*kk+1] = row[2*jj+1] ;
167             }
168          }
169       }
170       break ;
171    case A2_LOWER :
172 /*
173       ------------------------------------
174       lower entries including the diagonal
175       ------------------------------------
176 */
177       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
178          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
179                irow < nrow ;
180                irow++, row += inc1 ) {
181             jstart = 0    ;
182             jend   = (irow < ndiag) ? irow : ndiag - 1 ;
183             for ( jcol = jstart, jj = jcol*inc2 ;
184                   jcol <= jend ;
185                   jcol++, jj += inc2, kk++ ) {
186                dvec[kk] = row[jj] ;
187             }
188          }
189       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
190          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
191                irow < nrow ;
192                irow++, row += 2*inc1 ) {
193             jstart = 0    ;
194             jend   = (irow < ndiag) ? irow : ndiag - 1 ;
195             for ( jcol = jstart, jj = jcol*inc2 ;
196                   jcol <= jend ;
197                   jcol++, jj += inc2, kk++ ) {
198                dvec[2*kk]   = row[2*jj]   ;
199                dvec[2*kk+1] = row[2*jj+1] ;
200             }
201          }
202       }
203       break ;
204    case A2_DIAGONAL :
205 /*
206       -----------------
207       just the diagonal
208       -----------------
209 */
210       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
211          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
212                irow < ndiag ;
213                irow++, row += inc1, kk++ ) {
214             dvec[kk] = row[irow*inc2] ;
215          }
216       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
217          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
218                irow < ndiag ;
219                irow++, row += 2*inc1, kk++ ) {
220             dvec[2*kk] = row[2*irow*inc2] ;
221             dvec[2*kk+1] = row[2*irow*inc2+1] ;
222          }
223       }
224       break ;
225    case A2_UPPER :
226 /*
227       ------------------------------------
228       upper entries including the diagonal
229       ------------------------------------
230 */
231       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
232          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
233                irow < nrow ;
234                irow++, row += inc1 ) {
235             jstart = irow ;
236             jend   = ncol - 1 ;
237             for ( jcol = jstart, jj = jcol*inc2 ;
238                   jcol <= jend ;
239                   jcol++, jj += inc2, kk++ ) {
240                dvec[kk] = row[jj] ;
241             }
242          }
243       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
244          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
245                irow < nrow ;
246                irow++, row += 2*inc1 ) {
247             jstart = irow ;
248             jend   = ncol - 1 ;
249             for ( jcol = jstart, jj = jcol*inc2 ;
250                   jcol <= jend ;
251                   jcol++, jj += inc2, kk++ ) {
252                dvec[2*kk]   = row[2*jj]   ;
253                dvec[2*kk+1] = row[2*jj+1] ;
254             }
255          }
256       }
257       break ;
258    case A2_STRICT_UPPER :
259 /*
260       --------------------------
261       strictly the upper entries
262       --------------------------
263 */
264       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
265          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
266                irow < nrow ;
267                irow++, row += inc1 ) {
268             jstart = irow + 1 ;
269             jend   = ncol - 1 ;
270             for ( jcol = jstart, jj = jcol*inc2 ;
271                   jcol <= jend ;
272                   jcol++, jj += inc2, kk++ ) {
273                dvec[kk] = row[jj] ;
274             }
275          }
276       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
277          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
278                irow < nrow ;
279                irow++, row += 2*inc1 ) {
280             jstart = irow + 1 ;
281             jend   = ncol - 1 ;
282             for ( jcol = jstart, jj = jcol*inc2 ;
283                   jcol <= jend ;
284                   jcol++, jj += inc2, kk++ ) {
285                dvec[2*kk]   = row[2*jj]   ;
286                dvec[2*kk+1] = row[2*jj+1] ;
287             }
288          }
289       }
290       break ;
291    case A2_ALL_ENTRIES :
292 /*
293       -----------
294       all entries
295       -----------
296 */
297       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
298          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
299                irow < nrow ;
300                irow++, row += inc1 ) {
301             jstart = 0 ;
302             jend   = ncol - 1 ;
303             for ( jcol = jstart, jj = 0 ;
304                   jcol <= jend ;
305                   jcol++, jj += inc2, kk++ ) {
306                dvec[kk] = row[jj] ;
307             }
308          }
309       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
310          for ( irow = 0, row = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
311                irow < nrow ;
312                irow++, row += 2*inc1 ) {
313             jstart = 0 ;
314             jend   = ncol - 1 ;
315             for ( jcol = jstart, jj = 0 ;
316                   jcol <= jend ;
317                   jcol++, jj += inc2, kk++ ) {
318                dvec[2*kk]   = row[2*jj]   ;
319                dvec[2*kk+1] = row[2*jj+1] ;
320             }
321          }
322       }
323       break ;
324    default :
325       break ;
326    }
327 } else {
328    int      iend, ii, irow, istart, jcol ;
329    double   *col ;
330 /*
331    -----------------
332    loop over columns
333    -----------------
334 */
335    kk = 0 ;
336    switch ( copyflag ) {
337    case A2_STRICT_LOWER :
338 /*
339       ----------------------
340       strictly lower entries
341       ----------------------
342 */
343       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
344          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
345                jcol < ncol ;
346                jcol++, col += inc2 ) {
347             istart = jcol + 1 ;
348             iend   = nrow - 1 ;
349             for ( irow = istart, ii = irow*inc1 ;
350                   irow <= iend ;
351                   irow++, ii += inc1, kk++ ) {
352                dvec[kk] = col[ii] ;
353             }
354          }
355       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
356          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
357                jcol < ncol ;
358                jcol++, col += 2*inc2 ) {
359             istart = jcol + 1 ;
360             iend   = nrow - 1 ;
361             for ( irow = istart, ii = irow*inc1 ;
362                   irow <= iend ;
363                   irow++, ii += inc1, kk++ ) {
364                dvec[2*kk]   = col[2*ii]   ;
365                dvec[2*kk+1] = col[2*ii+1] ;
366             }
367          }
368       }
369       break ;
370    case A2_LOWER :
371 /*
372       ------------------------------------
373       lower entries including the diagonal
374       ------------------------------------
375 */
376       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
377          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
378                jcol < ncol ;
379                jcol++, col += inc2 ) {
380             istart = jcol ;
381             iend   = nrow - 1 ;
382             for ( irow = istart, ii = irow*inc1 ;
383                   irow <= iend ;
384                   irow++, ii += inc1, kk++ ) {
385                dvec[kk] = col[ii] ;
386             }
387          }
388       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
389          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
390                jcol < ncol ;
391                jcol++, col += 2*inc2 ) {
392             istart = jcol ;
393             iend   = nrow - 1 ;
394             for ( irow = istart, ii = irow*inc1 ;
395                   irow <= iend ;
396                   irow++, ii += inc1, kk++ ) {
397                dvec[2*kk]   = col[2*ii]   ;
398                dvec[2*kk+1] = col[2*ii+1] ;
399             }
400          }
401       }
402       break ;
403    case A2_DIAGONAL :
404 /*
405       -----------------
406       just the diagonal
407       -----------------
408 */
409       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
410          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
411                jcol < ndiag ;
412                jcol++, col += inc2, kk++ ) {
413             dvec[kk] = col[jcol*inc1] ;
414          }
415       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
416          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
417                jcol < ndiag ;
418                jcol++, col += 2*inc2, kk++ ) {
419             dvec[2*kk]   = col[2*jcol*inc1]   ;
420             dvec[2*kk+1] = col[2*jcol*inc1+1] ;
421          }
422       }
423       break ;
424    case A2_UPPER :
425 /*
426       ------------------------------------
427       upper entries including the diagonal
428       ------------------------------------
429 */
430       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
431          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
432                jcol < ncol ;
433                jcol++, col += inc2 ) {
434             istart = 0 ;
435             iend   = (jcol < ndiag) ? jcol : ndiag - 1 ;
436             for ( irow = istart, ii = irow*inc1 ;
437                   irow <= iend ;
438                   irow++, ii += inc1, kk++ ) {
439                dvec[kk] = col[ii] ;
440             }
441          }
442       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
443          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
444                jcol < ncol ;
445                jcol++, col += 2*inc2 ) {
446             istart = 0 ;
447             iend   = (jcol < ndiag) ? jcol : ndiag - 1 ;
448             for ( irow = istart, ii = irow*inc1 ;
449                   irow <= iend ;
450                   irow++, ii += inc1, kk++ ) {
451                dvec[2*kk]   = col[2*ii]   ;
452                dvec[2*kk+1] = col[2*ii+1] ;
453             }
454          }
455       }
456       break ;
457    case A2_STRICT_UPPER :
458 /*
459       --------------------------
460       strictly the upper entries
461       --------------------------
462 */
463       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
464          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
465                jcol < ncol ;
466                jcol++, col += inc2 ) {
467             istart = 0 ;
468             iend   = (jcol < ndiag) ? jcol - 1 : ndiag - 1 ;
469             for ( irow = istart, ii = irow*inc1 ;
470                   irow <= iend ;
471                   irow++, ii += inc1, kk++ ) {
472                dvec[kk] = col[ii] ;
473             }
474          }
475       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
476          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
477                jcol < ncol ;
478                jcol++, col += 2*inc2 ) {
479             istart = 0 ;
480             iend   = (jcol < ndiag) ? jcol - 1 : ndiag - 1 ;
481             for ( irow = istart, ii = irow*inc1 ;
482                   irow <= iend ;
483                   irow++, ii += inc1, kk++ ) {
484                dvec[2*kk]   = col[2*ii]   ;
485                dvec[2*kk+1] = col[2*ii+1] ;
486             }
487          }
488       }
489       break ;
490    case A2_ALL_ENTRIES :
491 /*
492       -----------
493       all entries
494       -----------
495 */
496       if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
497          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
498                jcol < ncol ;
499                jcol++, col += inc2 ) {
500             istart = 0 ;
501             iend   = nrow - 1 ;
502             for ( irow = istart, ii = 0 ;
503                   irow <= iend ;
504                   irow++, ii += inc1, kk++ ) {
505                dvec[kk] = col[ii] ;
506             }
507          }
508       } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
509          for ( jcol = 0, col = mtx->entries, kk = 0 ;
510                jcol < ncol ;
511                jcol++, col += 2*inc2 ) {
512             istart = 0 ;
513             iend   = nrow - 1 ;
514             for ( irow = istart, ii = 0 ;
515                   irow <= iend ;
516                   irow++, ii += inc1, kk++ ) {
517                dvec[2*kk]   = col[2*ii]   ;
518                dvec[2*kk+1] = col[2*ii+1] ;
519             }
520          }
521       }
522       break ;
523    default :
524       break ;
525    }
526 }
527 return(kk) ; }
529 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/