1 /*  testMPI.c  */
3 #include "../BridgeMPI.h"
5 void JimMatMulMPI ( ) ;
6 void JimSolveMPI ( ) ;
8 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])10 void main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
11 /*
12    -----------------------------------------------------------------
13    MPI environment: read in Harwell-Boeing matrices, using factor,
14    solve, and multiply routines based on spooles, invoke eigensolver
16    created  -- 98mar31, jcp
17    modified -- 98dec18, cca
18    -----------------------------------------------------------------
19 */
20 {
21 BridgeMPI   bridge ;
22 MPI_Comm    comm ;
24 char      *inFileName_A, *inFileName_B, *parmFileName, *type ;
25 char      buffer[20], pbtype[4], which[4] ;
26 int       error, fstevl, lfinit, lstevl, msglvl, myid, mxbksz, ncol,
27           ndiscd, neig, neigvl, nfound, nnonzeros, nproc, nrhs, nrow,
28           prbtyp, rc, retc, rfinit, seed, warnng ;
29 int       c__5 = 5, output = 6 ;
30 int       *lanczos_wksp ;
31 InpMtx    *inpmtxA, *inpmtxB ;
32 FILE      *msgFile, *parmFile ;
33 double    lftend, rhtend, center, shfscl, t1, t2 ;
34 double    c__1 = 1.0, c__4 = 4.0, tolact = 2.309970868130169e-11 ;
35 double    eigval[1000], sigma[2] ;
36 double    *evec;
37 /*
38    ---------------------------------------------------------------
39    find out the identity of this process and the number of process
40    ---------------------------------------------------------------
41 */
42 MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) ;
43 MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm) ;
44 MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myid) ;
45 MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nproc) ;
46 fprintf(stdout, "\n myid = %d", myid) ;
47 fflush(stdout) ;
48 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
49 /*
50    -----------------------------
51    decode the command line input
52    -----------------------------
53 */
54 if ( argc != 7 ) {
55    fprintf(stdout,
56       "\n\n usage : %s msglvl msgFile parmFile seed inFileA inFileB"
57       "\n    msglvl   -- message level"
58       "\n    msgFile  -- message file"
59       "\n    parmFile -- input parameters file"
60       "\n    seed     -- random number seed, used for ordering"
61       "\n    inFileA  -- stiffness matrix, in Harwell-Boeing format"
62       "\n    inFileB  -- mass matrix, in Harwell-Boeing format"
63       "\n                used for prbtyp = 1 or 2"
64       "\n", argv[0]) ;
65    return ;
66 }
67 msglvl = atoi(argv[1]) ;
68 if ( strcmp(argv[2], "stdout") == 0 ) {
69    msgFile = stdout ;
70 } else {
71    int    length = strlen(argv[2]) + 1 + 4 ;
72    char   *buffer = CVinit(length, '\0') ;
73    sprintf(buffer, "%s.%d", argv[2], myid) ;
74    if ( (msgFile = fopen(buffer, "w")) == NULL ) {
75       fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in %s"
76               "\n unable to open file %s\n",
77               argv[0], buffer) ;
78       return ;
79    }
80    CVfree(buffer) ;
81 }
82 parmFileName = argv[3] ;
83 seed         = atoi(argv[4]) ;
84 inFileName_A = argv[5] ;
85 inFileName_B = argv[6] ;
86 fprintf(msgFile,
87         "\n %s "
88         "\n msglvl                -- %d"
89         "\n message file          -- %s"
90         "\n parameter file        -- %s"
91         "\n stiffness matrix file -- %s"
92         "\n mass matrix file      -- %s"
93         "\n random number seed    -- %d"
94         "\n",
95         argv[0], msglvl, argv[2], parmFileName, inFileName_A,
96         inFileName_B, seed) ;
97 fflush(msgFile) ;
98 if ( strcmp(inFileName_A, "none") == 0 ) {
99    fprintf(msgFile, "\n no file to read from") ;
100    exit(0) ;
101 }
102 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
103 if ( myid == 0 ) {
104 /*
105    ----------------------------------------------
106    processor zero reads in the matrix header info
107    ----------------------------------------------
108 */
109    MARKTIME(t1) ;
110    readHB_info(inFileName_A, &nrow, &ncol, &nnonzeros, &type, &nrhs) ;
111    MARKTIME(t2) ;
112    fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : read in harwell-boeing header info",
113            t2 - t1) ;
114    fflush(msgFile) ;
115 }
116 MPI_Bcast((void *) &nrow, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) ;
117 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
118 /*
119    ---------------------------------------------------------------
120    read in eigenvalue problem data
121    neigvl -- # of desired eigenvalues
122    which  -- which eigenvalues to compute
123      'l' or 'L' lowest (smallest magnitude)
124      'h' or 'H' highest (largest magnitude)
125      'n' or 'N' nearest to central value
126      'c' or 'C' nearest to central value
127      'a' or 'A' all eigenvalues in interval
128    pbtype -- type of problem
129      'v' or 'V' generalized symmetric problem (K,M)
130                 with M positive semidefinite (vibration problem)
131      'b' or 'B' generalized symmetric problem (K,K_s)
132                 with K positive semidefinite
133                 with K_s posibly indefinite (buckling problem)
134      'o' or 'O' ordinary symmetric eigenproblem
135    lfinit -- if true, lftend is restriction on lower bound of
136              eigenvalues. if false, no restriction on lower bound
137    lftend -- left endpoint of interval
138    rfinit -- if true, rhtend is restriction on upper bound of
139              eigenvalues.  if false, no restriction on upper bound
140    rhtend -- right endpoint of interval
141    center -- center of interval
142    mxbksz -- upper bound on block size for Lanczos recurrence
143    shfscl -- shift scaling parameter, an estimate on the magnitude
144              of the smallest nonzero eigenvalues
145    ---------------------------------------------------------------
146 */
147 MARKTIME(t1) ;
148 parmFile = fopen(parmFileName, "r");
149 fscanf(parmFile, "%d %s %s %d %le %d %le %le %d %le",
150        &neigvl, which, pbtype, &lfinit, &lftend,
151        &rfinit, &rhtend, &center, &mxbksz, &shfscl) ;
152 fclose(parmFile);
153 MARKTIME(t2) ;
154 fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : read in eigenvalue problem data",
155         t2 - t1) ;
156 fflush(msgFile) ;
157 /*
158    ----------------------------------------
159    check and set the problem type parameter
160    ----------------------------------------
161 */
162 switch ( pbtype[1] ) {
163 case 'v' : case 'V' : prbtyp = 1 ; break ;
164 case 'b' : case 'B' : prbtyp = 2 ; break ;
165 case 'o' : case 'O' : prbtyp = 3 ; break ;
166 default :
167    fprintf(stderr, "\n invalid problem type %s", pbtype) ;
168    exit(-1) ;
169 }
170 /*
171    ----------------------------
172    Initialize Lanczos workspace
173    ----------------------------
174 */
175 MARKTIME(t1) ;
176 lanczos_init_ ( &lanczos_wksp ) ;
177 MARKTIME(t2) ;
178 fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : initialize Lanczos workspace",
179         t2 - t1) ;
180 fflush(msgFile) ;
181 /*
182    ----------------------------------
183    initialize communication structure
184    ----------------------------------
185 */
186 MARKTIME(t1) ;
187 lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "order-of-problem", &nrow, &retc );
188 lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "accuracy-tolerance", &tolact, &retc );
189 lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "max-block-size", &mxbksz, &retc );
190 lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "shift-scale", &shfscl, &retc );
191 lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "message_level", &msglvl, &retc );
192 lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "mpi-communicator", &comm, &retc );
193 lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "qfile-pathname", "lqfil", &retc );
194 lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "mqfil-pathname", "lmqfil", &retc );
195 lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "evfil-pathname", "evcfil", &retc );
196 MARKTIME(t2) ;
197 fprintf(msgFile,
198         "\n CPU %8.3f : init the lanczos communication structure",
199         t2 - t1) ;
200 fflush(msgFile) ;
201 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
202 if ( myid == 0 ) {
203 /*
204    ------------------------------------
205    processor zero reads in the matrices
206    ------------------------------------
207 */
208    MARKTIME(t1) ;
209    inpmtxA = InpMtx_new() ;
210    InpMtx_readFromHBfile ( inpmtxA, inFileName_A ) ;
211    MARKTIME(t2) ;
212    fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : read in first matrix", t2 - t1) ;
213    fflush(msgFile) ;
214    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
215       fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n InpMtx A object after loading") ;
216       InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(inpmtxA, msgFile) ;
217       fflush(msgFile) ;
218    }
219    lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "matrix-type", &c__1, &retc );
220    if ( prbtyp != 3 ) {
221       if ( strcmp(inFileName_B, "none") == 0 ) {
222          fprintf(msgFile, "\n no file to read from") ;
223          exit(0) ;
224       }
225       MARKTIME(t1) ;
226       inpmtxB = InpMtx_new() ;
227       InpMtx_readFromHBfile ( inpmtxB, inFileName_B ) ;
228       MARKTIME(t2) ;
229       fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : read in first matrix", t2 - t1) ;
230       fflush(msgFile) ;
231       if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
232          fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n InpMtx B object after loading") ;
233          InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(inpmtxB, msgFile) ;
234          fflush(msgFile) ;
235       }
236    } else {
237       inpmtxB = NULL ;
238       lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "matrix-type", &c__4, &retc );
239    }
240 } else {
241 /*
242    ------------------------------------------------
243    other processors initialize their local matrices
244    ------------------------------------------------
245 */
246    inpmtxA = InpMtx_new() ;
247    InpMtx_init(inpmtxA, INPMTX_BY_CHEVRONS, SPOOLES_REAL, 0, 0) ;
248    lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "matrix-type", &c__1, &retc );
249    if ( prbtyp == 1 || prbtyp == 2 ) {
250       inpmtxB = InpMtx_new() ;
251       InpMtx_init(inpmtxB, INPMTX_BY_CHEVRONS, SPOOLES_REAL, 0, 0) ;
252    } else {
253       inpmtxB = NULL ;
254       lanczos_set_parm( &lanczos_wksp, "matrix-type", &c__4, &retc );
255    }
256 }
257 /*
258    -----------------------------
259    set up the solver environment
260    -----------------------------
261 */
262 MARKTIME(t1) ;
263 rc = SetupMPI((void *) &bridge, &prbtyp, &nrow, &mxbksz, inpmtxA,
264               inpmtxB, &seed, &msglvl, msgFile, MPI_COMM_WORLD) ;
265 MARKTIME(t2) ;
266 fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : set up solver environment", t2 - t1) ;
267 fflush(msgFile) ;
268 if ( rc != 1 ) {
269    fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error return %d from SetupMPI()", rc) ;
270    MPI_Finalize() ;
271    exit(-1) ;
272 }
273 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
274 /*
275    -----------------------------------------------
276    invoke eigensolver
277    nfound -- # of eigenvalues found and kept
278    ndisc  -- # of additional eigenvalues discarded
279    -----------------------------------------------
280 */
281 MARKTIME(t1) ;
282 lanczos_run ( &neigvl, &which[1] , &pbtype[1], &lfinit, &lftend,
283 	  &rfinit, &rhtend, &center, &lanczos_wksp, &bridge, &nfound,
284 	  &ndiscd, &warnng, &error, FactorMPI, JimMatMulMPI,
285 	  JimSolveMPI ) ;
286 MARKTIME(t2) ;
287 fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : time for lanczos run", t2 - t1) ;
288 fflush(msgFile) ;
289 if ( myid == 0 ) {
290 /*
291    ----------------------------------------------
292    processor 0 deals with eigenvalues and vectors
293    ----------------------------------------------
294 */
295    MARKTIME(t1) ;
296    neig   = nfound + ndiscd ;
297    lstevl = nfound ;
298    lanczos_eigenvalues (&lanczos_wksp, eigval, &neig, &retc);
299    fstevl = 1 ;
300    if ( nfound == 0 ) fstevl = -1 ;
301    if ( ndiscd > 0 ) lstevl = -ndiscd ;
302    hdslp5_ ("computed eigenvalues returned by hdserl",
303             &neig, eigval, &output, 39L ) ;
304    MARKTIME(t2) ;
305    fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : get and print eigenvalues",
306            t2 - t1) ;
307    fflush(msgFile) ;
308 /*
309    -------------------------
310    get eigenvectors and print
311    -------------------------
312 */
313 /*
314    MARKTIME(t1) ;
315    neig = min ( 50, nrow );
316    Lncz_ALLOCATE(evec, double, nrow, retc);
317    for (i = 1; i<= nfound; i++) {
318       lanczos_eigenvector(&lanczos_wksp, &i, &i, newToOld,
319                           evec, &nrow, &retc) ;
320       hdslp5_("computed eigenvector returned by hdserc",
321               &neig, evec, &output, 39L ) ;
322    }
323    MARKTIME(t2) ;
324    fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : get and print eigenvectors",
325            t2 - t1) ;
326    fflush(msgFile) ;
327 */
328 }
329 /*
330    ------------------------
331    free the working storage
332    ------------------------
333 */
334 MARKTIME(t1) ;
335 lanczos_free(&lanczos_wksp) ;
336 MARKTIME(t2) ;
337 fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : free lanczos workspace", t2 - t1) ;
338 fflush(msgFile) ;
339 MARKTIME(t1) ;
340 CleanupMPI(&bridge) ;
341 MARKTIME(t2) ;
342 fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %8.3f : free solver workspace", t2 - t1) ;
343 fflush(msgFile) ;
345 MPI_Finalize() ;
347 fprintf(msgFile, "\n") ;
348 fclose(msgFile) ;
350 return ; }