1 /*  makeSchurComplement.c  */
3 #include "../MSMD.h"
5 #define MYDEBUG 0
7 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 /*
9    ----------------------------------------------------------------
10    purpose --
12    if the elimination has halted before all the stages have been
13    eliminated, then create the schur complement graph and the map
14    from the original vertices those in the schur complement graph.
16    schurGraph -- Graph object to contain the schur complement graph
17    VtoPhi     -- IV object to contain the map from vertices in V
18                  to schur complement vertices in Phi
20    created -- 97feb01, cca
21    ----------------------------------------------------------------
22 */
23 void
MSMD_makeSchurComplement(MSMD * msmd,Graph * schurGraph,IV * VtoPhiIV)24 MSMD_makeSchurComplement (
25    MSMD    *msmd,
26    Graph   *schurGraph,
27    IV      *VtoPhiIV
28 ) {
29 int       nedge, nPhi, nvtx, totewght, totvwght ;
30 int       *mark, *rep, *VtoPhi, *vwghts ;
31 int       count, *list ;
32 int       ierr, ii, size, *adj ;
33 int       phi, psi, tag ;
34 IP        *ip ;
35 IVL       *adjIVL ;
36 MSMDvtx   *u, *v, *vertices, *vfirst, *vlast, *w ;
37 /*
38    ---------------
39    check the input
40    ---------------
41 */
42 if ( msmd == NULL || schurGraph == NULL || VtoPhiIV == NULL ) {
43    fprintf(stderr,
44            "\n\n fatal error in MSMD_makeSchurComplement(%p,%p,%p)"
45            "\n bad input\n", msmd, schurGraph, VtoPhiIV) ;
46    exit(-1) ;
47 }
48 vertices = msmd->vertices ;
49 nvtx     = msmd->nvtx     ;
50 /*
51    -------------------------------------
52    initialize the V-to-Phi map IV object
53    -------------------------------------
54 */
55 IV_clearData(VtoPhiIV) ;
56 IV_setSize(VtoPhiIV, nvtx) ;
57 IV_fill(VtoPhiIV, -2) ;
58 VtoPhi = IV_entries(VtoPhiIV) ;
59 /*
60    ---------------------------------------------
61    count the number of Schur complement vertices
62    ---------------------------------------------
63 */
64 vfirst = vertices ;
65 vlast  = vfirst + nvtx - 1 ;
66 nPhi   = 0 ;
67 for ( v = vfirst ; v <= vlast ; v++ ) {
68 #if MYDEBUG > 0
69    fprintf(stdout, "\n v->id = %d, v->status = %c", v->id, v->status) ;
70    fflush(stdout) ;
71 #endif
72    switch ( v->status ) {
73    case 'L' :
74    case 'E' :
75    case 'I' :
76       break ;
77    case 'B' :
78       VtoPhi[v->id] = nPhi++ ;
79 #if MYDEBUG > 0
80       fprintf(stdout, ", VtoPhi[%d] = %d", v->id, VtoPhi[v->id]) ;
81       fflush(stdout) ;
82 #endif
83       break ;
84    default :
85       break ;
86    }
87 }
88 #if MYDEBUG > 0
89 fprintf(stdout, "\n\n nPhi = %d", nPhi) ;
90 fflush(stdout) ;
91 #endif
92 /*
93    ----------------------------------------------------
94    get the representative vertex id for each Phi vertex
95    ----------------------------------------------------
96 */
97 rep = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
98 for ( v = vfirst ; v <= vlast ; v++ ) {
99    if ( (phi = VtoPhi[v->id]) >= 0 ) {
100 #if MYDEBUG > 0
101       fprintf(stdout, "\n rep[%d] = %d", phi, v->id) ;
102       fflush(stdout) ;
103 #endif
104       rep[phi] = v->id ;
105    }
106 }
107 /*
108    ------------------------------------------
109    set the map for indistinguishable vertices
110    ------------------------------------------
111 */
112 for ( v = vfirst ; v <= vlast ; v++ ) {
113    if ( v->status == 'I' ) {
114       w = v ;
115       while ( w->status == 'I' ) {
116          w = w->par ;
117       }
118 #if MYDEBUG > 0
119       fprintf(stdout, "\n v = %d, status = %c, w = %d, status = %c",
120               v->id, v->status, w->id, w->status) ;
121       fflush(stdout) ;
122 #endif
123       VtoPhi[v->id] = VtoPhi[w->id] ;
124    }
125 }
126 #if MYDEBUG > 0
127 fprintf(stdout, "\n\n VtoPhi") ;
128 IV_writeForHumanEye(VtoPhiIV, stdout) ;
129 fflush(stdout) ;
130 #endif
131 /*
132    ---------------------------
133    initialize the Graph object
134    ---------------------------
135 */
136 Graph_clearData(schurGraph) ;
137 Graph_init1(schurGraph, 1, nPhi, 0, 0, IVL_CHUNKED, IVL_CHUNKED) ;
138 adjIVL = schurGraph->adjIVL ;
139 vwghts = schurGraph->vwghts ;
140 #if MYDEBUG > 0
141 fprintf(stdout, "\n\n schurGraph initialized, nvtx = %d",
142         schurGraph->nvtx) ;
143 fflush(stdout) ;
144 #endif
145 /*
146    -------------------------------
147    fill the vertex adjacency lists
148    -------------------------------
149 */
150 mark = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
151 list = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
152 nedge = totvwght = totewght = 0 ;
153 for ( phi = 0 ; phi < nPhi ; phi++ ) {
154 /*
155    -----------------------------
156    get the representative vertex
157    -----------------------------
158 */
159    v = vfirst + rep[phi] ;
160 #if MYDEBUG > 0
161    fprintf(stdout, "\n phi = %d, v = %d", phi, v->id) ;
162    fflush(stdout) ;
163    MSMDvtx_print(v, stdout) ;
164    fflush(stdout) ;
165 #endif
166    count = 0 ;
167    tag   = v->id ;
168 /*
169    ---------------------------
170    load self in adjacency list
171    ---------------------------
172 */
173    mark[phi] = tag ;
174    totewght += v->wght * v->wght ;
175 #if MYDEBUG > 0
176    fprintf(stdout, "\n    mark[%d] = %d", phi, mark[phi]) ;
177    fflush(stdout) ;
178 #endif
179    list[count++] = phi ;
180 /*
181    ----------------------------------------
182    load boundary lists of adjacent subtrees
183    ----------------------------------------
184 */
185    for ( ip = v->subtrees ; ip != NULL ; ip = ip->next ) {
186       u    = vertices + ip->val ;
187       size = u->nadj ;
188       adj  = u->adj  ;
189 #if MYDEBUG > 0
190       fprintf(stdout, "\n    subtree %d :", u->id) ;
191       IVfp80(stdout, size, adj, 15, &ierr) ;
192       fflush(stdout) ;
193 #endif
194       for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
195          w = vertices + adj[ii] ;
196 #if MYDEBUG > 0
197          fprintf(stdout, "\n       w %d, status %c, psi %d",
198                  w->id, w->status, VtoPhi[w->id]) ;
199          fflush(stdout) ;
200 #endif
201          if ( (psi = VtoPhi[w->id]) != -2 && mark[psi] != tag ) {
202             mark[psi] = tag ;
203 #if MYDEBUG > 0
204             fprintf(stdout, ", mark[%d] = %d", psi, mark[psi]) ;
205             fflush(stdout) ;
206 #endif
207             list[count++] = psi ;
208             totewght += v->wght * w->wght ;
209          }
210       }
211    }
212 /*
213    ----------------------
214    load adjacent vertices
215    ----------------------
216 */
217    size = v->nadj ;
218    adj  = v->adj  ;
219    for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
220       w = vertices + adj[ii] ;
221       if ( (psi = VtoPhi[w->id]) != -2 && mark[psi] != tag ) {
222          mark[psi] = tag ;
223          list[count++] = psi ;
224          totewght += v->wght * w->wght ;
225       }
226    }
227 /*
228    ---------------------------------------------
229    sort the list and inform adjacency IVL object
230    ---------------------------------------------
231 */
232    IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
233    IVL_setList(adjIVL, phi, count, list) ;
234 /*
235    --------------------------------------
236    set the vertex weight and increment
237    the total vertex weight and edge count
238    --------------------------------------
239 */
240    vwghts[phi] =  v->wght ;
241    totvwght    += v->wght ;
242    nedge       += count   ;
243 }
244 schurGraph->totvwght = totvwght ;
245 schurGraph->nedges   = nedge    ;
246 schurGraph->totewght = totewght ;
247 /*
248    ------------------------
249    free the working storage
250    ------------------------
251 */
252 IVfree(list) ;
253 IVfree(mark) ;
254 IVfree(rep)  ;
256 return ; }
258 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/