1New in spot 2.10.2  (2021-12-03)
3  Bugs fixed:
5  - twa_graph::purge_dead_states() now also removes edges labeled by
6    bddfalse.
8  - only use sched_getcpu() and pthread_setaffinity_np() when they are
9    available.
11  - Using ##300 in a SERE will report that the repeatition exceeds the
12    allowed value using a parse error, not as an exception.
14  - spot::formula::is_literal() should be const.
16New in spot 2.10.1  (2021-11-19)
18  Build:
20  - Python 3.5 or later is now required (unless Python bindings are
21    disabled).  Python 3.5 reached end-of-life one year ago, so we
22    believe support for older versions of Python will not be missed.
24  Library:
26  - The sbacc() function now defines the "original-states" property,
27    allowing to map an output state back to its input.
29  Bugs fixed:
31  - Ranged repetition operators from LTL/PSL, like [*a..b],
32    [->a..b] or even F[a..b] used to store and handle a and b
33    as 8-bit values without overflow checks.  So for instance
34       {a[*260];b} was silently interpreted as {a[*4];b}
35    This version still restricts those bounds to 8 bits, but now
36    diagnose overflow checks while parsing and constructing formulas.
37    Also the so called "trivial simplification rules" will not be
38    applied in case they would lead to an overflow.  For instance
39       {a;[*150];[*50];b} is rewritten to {a;[*200];b}
40    but
41       {a;[*150];[*150];b} is untouched.
43  - Fix a compilation error on system with glibc older than 2.18,
44    where <inttypes.h> does not define some C99 macro by default when
45    compiled in C++ mode.  (Such old libraries are used when compiling
46    packages for conda-forge, which use CentOS 6 as building environment.)
48  - Fix a link error of tests/ltsmin/modelcheck not finding BDD functions
49    on some systems (observed on CentOS 6 again).
51  - Fix spurious test-suite failures under newer Jupyter
52    installations.  IPykernel 6.0 now captures stdout/stderr from
53    subprocesses and displays them in the notebook.  The spot.ltsmin
54    code that loads modules compiled with SpinS had to be rewritten to
55    capture and display the output of SpinS, so that our test-cases
56    can be reproduced regardless of the IPykernel version.  This fix
57    was easier to do in Python 3.5.
59  - Fix sevaral minor documentation errors.
61New in spot 2.10  (2021-11-13)
63  Build:
65  - Spot is now built in C++17 mode, so you need at least GCC 7 or
66    clang 5 to compile it.  The current versions of all major linux
67    distributions ship with at least GCC 7.4, so this should not be a
68    problem.  There is also an --enable-c++20 option to configure in
69    case you want to force a build of Spot in C++20 mode.
71  Command-line tools:
73  - ltlsynt has been seriously overhauled, while trying to
74    preserve backward compatibility.  Below is just a summary
75    of the main user-visible changes.  Most of the new options
76    are discussed on https://spot-dev.lrde.epita.fr/ltlsynt.html
78    + ltlsynt now accepts only one of the --ins or --outs options to
79      be given and will deduce the value of the other one.
81    + ltlsynt learned --print-game-hoa to output its internal parity
82      game in the HOA format (with an extension described below).
84    + ltlsynt --aiger option now takes an optional argument indicating
85      how the bdd and states are to be encoded in the aiger output.
86      The option has to be given in the form
87      ite|isop|both[+ud][+dc][+sub0|sub1|sub2] where the first only
88      obligatory argument decides whether "if-then-else" ("ite") or
89      irreducible-sum-of-products ("isop") is to be used.  "both"
90      executes both strategies and retains the smaller circuits.  The
91      additional options are for fine-tuning. "ud" also encodes the
92      dual of the conditions and retains the smaller circuits.  "dc"
93      computes if for some inputs we do not care whether the output is
94      high or low and try to use this information to compute a smaller
95      circuit. "subX" indicates different strategies to find common
96      subexpressions, with "sub0" indicating no extra computations.
98    + ltlsynt learned --verify to check the computed strategy or aiger
99      circuit against the specification.
101    + ltlsynt now has a --decompose=yes|no option to specify if
102      the specification should be decomposed into independent
103      sub-specifications, the controllers of which can then be glued
104      together to satisfy the input specification.
105      (cf. [finkbeiner.21.nfm] in doc/spot.bib)
107    + ltlsynt learned --simplify=no|bisim|bwoa|sat|bisim-sat|bwoa-sat
108      to specifies how to simplify the synthesized controler.
110  - ltl2tgba, autfilt, dstar2tgba, and randaut learned a --buchi
111    option, or -b for short.  This outputs Büchi automata without
112    forcing state-based acceptance.
114    The following aliases have also been added for consistency:
115    --gba  is an alias for --tgba, because the "t" of --tgba is
116           never forced.
117    --sba  is an alias for -B/--ba, because -B really
118           implies -S and that is not clear from --ba.
119    As a consequence of the introduction of --sba, the option
120    --sbacc (an alias for --state-based-acceptance) cannot be
121    abbreviated as --sba anymore.
123  - autfilt learned a --kill-states=NUM[,NUM...] option.
125  - ltlcross, autcross, ltldo have learned shorthands for
126    the commands of Owl 21.0.  For instance running
127       ltlcross 'owl-21 ltl2nba' ...
128    is equivalent to running
129       ltlcross '{owl-21 ltl2nba}owl-21 ltl2nba -f %f>%O' ...
131  Library:
133  - Spot now provides convenient functions to create and solve games.
134    (twaalgos/game.hh) and some additional functions for reactive
135    synthesis (twaalgos/synthesis.hh, twaalgos/mealy_machine.hh).
137  - A new class called aig represent an and-inverter-graphs, and is
138    currently used during synthesis. (twaalgos/aiger.hh)
140  - Some new *experimental* classes, called "twacube" and "kripkecube"
141    implement a way to store automata or Kripke structures without
142    using BDDs as labels.  Instead they use a structure called cube,
143    that can only encode a conjunction of litterals.  Avoiding BDDs
144    (or rather, avoiding the BuDDy library) in the API for automata
145    makes it possible to build multithreaded algorithms.
147    /!\ Currently these classes should be considered as experimental,
148    and their API is very likely to change in a future version.
150    Functions like twacube_to_twa(), twa_to_twacube(), can be used
151    to bridge between automata with BDD labels, and automata with
152    cube labels.
154    In addition to the previous conversion, we implemented various
155    state-of-the-art multi-threaded emptiness-check algorithms:
156    [bloemen.16.ppopp], [bloemen.16.hvc], [evangeslita.12.atva],
157    [renault.13.lpar], [holzmann.11.ieee] (see doc/spot.bib).
159    The mc_instanciator class provides an abstraction for launching,
160    pinning, and stopping threads inside of parallel model-checking
161    algorithms.
163    The class ltsmin_model class, providing support for loading
164    various models that follow ltsmin's PINS interinterface, has
165    been adjusted and can now produce either a kripke instance, or
166    a kripkecube instance.
168  - The postprocessor::set_type() method can now accept
169    options postprocessor::Buchi and postprocessor::GeneralizedBuchi.
171    These syntaxes is more homogeneous with the rest of the supported
172    types.  Note that postprocessor::BA and postprocessor::TGBA, while
173    still supported and not yet marked as deprecated, are best avoided
174    in new code.
176         postprocessor::set_type(postprocessor::TGBA)
178    can be replaced by
180         postprocessor::set_type(postprocessor::GeneralizedBuchi)
182    and
184         postprocessor::set_type(postprocessor::BA)
186    by
188         postprocessor::set_type(postprocessor::Buchi)
189         postprocessor::set_pref(postprocessor::Small
190                                 | postprocessor::SBAcc)
192    Note that the old postprocessor::BA option implied state-based
193    acceptance (and was unique in that way), but the new
194    postprocessor::Buchi specifies Büchi acceptance without requiring
195    state-based acceptance (something that postprocessor did not
196    permit before).
198  - Translations for formulas such as FGp1 & FGp2 &...& FGp32 which
199    used to take ages are now instantaneous.  (Issue #412.)
201  - remove_fin() learned to remove more unnecessary edges by using
202    propagate_marks_vector(), both in the general case and in the
203    Rabin-like case.
205  - simplify_acceptance() learned to simplify acceptence formulas of
206    the form Inf(x)&Inf(y) or Fin(x)|Fin(y) when the presence of x
207    always implies that of y.  (Issue #406.)
209  - simplifiy_acceptance_here() and propagate_marks_here() learned to
210    use some patterns of the acceptance condition to remove or add
211    (depending on the function) colors on edges.  As an example, with
212    a condition such as Inf(0) | Fin(1), an edge labeled by {0,1} can
213    be simplied to {0}, but the oppose rewriting can be useful as
214    well.  (Issue #418.)
216  - The parity_game class has been removed, now any twa_graph_ptr that
217    has a "state-player" property is considered to be a game.
219  - the "state-player" property is output by the HOA printer, and read
220    back by the automaton parser, which means that games can be saved
221    and loaded.
223  - print_dot() will display states from player 1 using a diamond
224    shape.
226  - print_dot() learned to display automata that correspond to Mealy
227    machines specifically.
229  - print_dot() has a new option "i" to define id=... attributes for
230    states (S followed by the state number), edges (E followed by the
231    edge number), and SCCs (SCC followed by SCC number).  The option
232    "i(graphid)" will also set the id of the graph.  These id
233    attributes are useful if an automaton is converted into SVG and
234    one needs to refer to some particular state/edge/SCC with CSS or
235    javascript.  See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/oaut.html#SVG-and-CSS
237  - spot::postproc has new configuration variables that define
238    thresholds to disable some costly operation in order to speedup
239    the processing of large automata.  (Those variables are typically
240    modified using the -x option of command-line tools, and are all
241    documented in the spot-x(7) man page.)
243      wdba-det-max   Maximum number of additional states allowed in
244                     intermediate steps of WDBA-minimization.  If the
245                     number of additional states reached in the
246                     powerset construction or in the followup products
247                     exceeds this value, WDBA-minimization is aborted.
248                     Defaults to 4096. Set to 0 to disable.  This limit
249                     is ignored when -D used or when det-max-states is
250                     set.
252      simul-max      Number of states above which simulation-based
253                     reductions are skipped.  Defaults to 4096.  Set
254                     to 0 to disable.  This also applies to the
255                     simulation-based optimization of the
256                     determinization algorithm.
258      simul-trans-pruning
259                     For simulation-based reduction, this is the
260                     number of equivalence classes above which
261                     transition-pruning for non-deterministic automata
262                     is disabled.  Defaults to 512.  Set to 0 to
263                     disable.  This applies to all simulation-based
264                     reduction, as well as to the simulation-based
265                     optimization of the determinization algorithm.
266                     Simulation-based reduction perform a number of
267                     BDD implication checks that is quadratic in the
268                     number of classes to implement transition pruning.
270      dpa-simul      Set to 0/1 to disable/enable simulation-based
271                     reduction performed after running a Safra-like
272                     determinization to optain a DPA.  By default, it is
273                     only disabled with --low or if simul=0.
275      dba-simul      Set to 0/1 to disable/enable simulation-based
276                     reduction performed after running the
277                     powerset-like construction (enabled by option
278                     tba-det) to obtain a DBA.  By default, it is
279                     only disabled with --low or if simul=0.
281    spot::translator additionally honor the following new variables:
283      tls-max-states  Maximum number of states of automata involved in
284                      automata-based implication checks for formula
285                      simplifications.  Defaults to 64.
287      exprop          When set, this causes the core LTL translation to
288                      explicitly iterate over all possible valuations of
289                      atomic propositions when considering the successors
290                      of a BDD-encoded state, instead of discovering
291                      possible successors by rewriting the BDD as a sum of
292                      product.  This is enabled by default for --high,
293                      and disabled by default otherwise.  When unambiguous
294                      automata are required, this option forced and
295                      cannot be disabled.  (This feature is not new, but
296                      was not tunable before.)
298  - In addition the to above new variables, the default value for
299    ba-simul (controling how degeneralized automata are reduced) and
300    for det-simul (simulation-based optimization of the
301    determinization) is now equal to the default value of simul.  This
302    changes allows "-x simul=0" to disable all of "ba-simul",
303    "dba-simul", "dpa-simul", and "det-simul" at once.
305  - tgba_powerset() now takes an extra optional argument to specify a
306    list of accepting sinks states if some are known.  Doing so can
307    cut the size of the powerset automaton by 2^|sinks| in favorable
308    cases.
310  - twa_graph::merge_edges() had its two passes swapped.  Doing so
311    improves the determinism of some automata.
313  - twa_graph::kill_state(num) is a new method that removes the
314    outgoing edge of some state.  It can be used together with
315    purge_dead_states() to remove selected states.
317  - The new functions reduce_direct_sim(), reduce_direct_cosim() and
318    reduce_iterated() (and their state based acceptance version,
319    reduce_direct_sim_sba(), reduce_direct_cosim_sba() and
320    reduce_iterated_sba()), are matrix-based implementation of
321    simulation-based reductions.   This new version is faster
322    than the signature-based BDD implementation in most cases,
323    however there are some cases it does not capture yet.. By
324    default, the old one is used. This behavior can be changed by
325    setting SPOT_SIMULATION_REDUCTION environment variable or using
326    the "-x simul-method=..." option (see spot-x(7)).
328  - The automaton parser will now recognize lines of the form
329      #line 10 "filename"
330    that may occur *between* the automata of an input stream to specify
331    that error messages should be emitted as if the next automaton
332    was read from "filename" starting on line 10.  (Issue #232)
334  - The automaton parser for HOA is now faster at parsing files where
335    a label is used multiple times (i.e., most automata): it uses a
336    hash table to avoid reconstructing BDDs corresponding to label
337    that have already been parsed.  This trick was already used in the
338    never claim parser.
340  - spot::twa_graph::merge_states() will now sort the vector of edges
341    before attempting to detect mergeable states.  When merging states
342    with identical outgoing transitions, it will now also consider
343    self-looping transitions has having identical destinations.
344    Additionally, this function now returns the number of states that
345    have been merged (and therefore removed from the automaton).
347  - spot::zielonka_tree and spot::acd are new classes that implement the
348    Zielonka Tree and Alternatic Cycle Decomposition, based on a paper
349    by Casares et al. (ICALP'21).  Those structures can be used to
350    paritize any automaton, and more.  The graphical rendering of ACD
351    in Jupyter notebooks is Spot's first interactive output.  See
352    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/zlktree.html for more.
354  Python:
356  - Bindings for functions related to games.
357    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/games.html and
358    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut40.html for examples.
360  - Bindings for functions related to synthesis and aig-circuits.
361    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/synthesis.html
363  - spot::twa::prop_set was previously absent from the Python
364    bindings, making it impossible to call make_twa_graph() for copying
365    a twa.  It is now available as spot.twa_prop_set (issue #453).
366    Also for convenience, the twa_graph.__copy__() method, called by
367    copy.copy(), will duplicate a twa_graph (issue #470).
369  Bugs fixed:
371  - tgba_determinize() could create parity automata using more colors
372    than necessary.  (Related to issue #298)
374  - There were two corners cases under which sat_minimize() would
375    return the original transition-based automaton when asked to
376    produce state-based output without changing the acceptance
377    condition.
379  Deprecation notices:
381  - twa_graph::defrag_states() and digraph::defrag_states() now take
382    the renaming vector by reference instead of rvalue reference.  The
383    old prototype is still supported but will emit a deprecation
384    warning.
386New in spot 2.9.8 (2021-08-10)
388  Documentation:
390  - Mention the conda-forge package.
392  Bugs fixed:
394  - left->intersacting_run(right) could return a run with incorrect
395    colors (likely not corresponding to any existing transition of
396    left) if left was a weak automaton.  (Issue #471)
398  - Fix bitset::operator-() causing issues when Spot was configured
399    with more than 32 colors for instance with --enable-max-sets=64.
400    (Issue #469)
402  - Work around some warnings from newer compilers.
405New in spot 2.9.7 (2021-05-12)
407  Bugs fixed:
409  - Some formulas using ->, <->, or xor were not properly detected as
410    purely universal or pure eventualities.
412  - autfilt --keep-states=... could incorrectly mention --mask-acc
413    when diagnosing errors.
415  - Work around GraphViz issue 1931, causing spurious failures in the
416    test suite.
418  - Miscelaneous documentation fixes.
420New in spot 2.9.6 (2021-01-18)
422  Build:
424  - Build scripts are now compatible with Autoconf 2.70 (Issue #447)
425    and require at least Autoconf 2.69 (released in 2012).
427  - Debian builds use updated standards.
429  Bugs fixed:
431  - twa_graph::merge_edges() could fail to merge two transitions if the
432    destination transition was the first of the automaton.  (Issue #441)
434  - On non-deterministic automata, iterated_simulations() was
435    performing an (unnecessary) second iteration even when the first
436    one failed to reduce the automaton.  (Issue #442)
438  - When passed an incomplete automaton as input, tgba_determinize()
439    would sometimes produce a complete automaton but incorrectly mark
440    it as incomplete.  (Related to issue #298)
442  - gf_guarantee_to_ba(), used to translate some specific classes of
443    subformulas, could segfault in some condition (Issue #449).
445  - Work around some spurious test suite failures.
447New in spot 2.9.5 (2020-11-19)
449  Bugs fixed:
451  - Fix multiple spurious test suite failures on Darwin
452    (Issues #426, #427, #428, #429) or when the
453    Pandas package was not installed.
455  - The filename python/spot/aux.py caused a problem on Windows and
456    has been renamed.  Existing "import spot.aux" statements should
457    *not* be updated.  (Issue #437)
459  - Fix memory leak in minimize_wdba() when determinization is aborted
460    because an output_aborter is passed.
462  - Distribution used to contain unnecessary large SVG files (Issue #422)
464New in spot 2.9.4 (2020-09-07)
466  Bugs fixed:
468  - Handle xor and <-> in a more natural way when translating
469    LTL formulas to generic acceptance conditions.
471  - Multiple typos in documentation, --help texts, or error messages.
473New in spot 2.9.3 (2020-07-22)
475  Bug fixed:
477  - Completely fix the ltlcross issue mentioned in previous release.
479New in spot 2.9.2 (2020-07-21)
481  Bugs fixed:
483  - ltlcross --csv=... --product=N with N>0 could output spurious
484    diagnostics claiming that words were rejected when evaluating
485    the automaton on state-space.
487  - spot::scc_info::determine_unknown_acceptance() now also update the
488    result of spot::scc_info::one_accepting_scc().
490New in spot 2.9.1 (2020-07-15)
492  Command-line tools:
494  - 'ltl2tgba -G -D' is now better at handling formulas that use
495    '<->' and 'xor' operators at the top level.   For instance
496         ltl2tgba -D -G '(Fa & Fb & Fc & Fd) <-> GFe'
497    now produces a 16-state automaton (instead of 31 in Spot 2.9).
499  - Option '-x wdba-minimize=N' used to accept N=0 (off), or N=1 (on).
500    It can now take three values:
501      0: never attempt this optimization,
502      1: always try to determinize and minimize automata as WDBA,
503         and check (if needed) that the result is correct,
504      2: determinize and minimize automata as WDBA only if it is known
505         beforehand (by cheap syntactic means) that the result will be
506         correct (e.g., the input formula is a syntactic obligation).
507    The default is 1 in "--high" mode, 2 in "--medium" mode or in
508    "--deterministic --low" mode, and 0 in other "--low" modes.
510  - ltlsynt learned --algo=ps to use the default conversion to
511    deterministic parity automata (the same as ltl2tgba -DP'max odd').
513  - ltlsynt now has a -x option to fine-tune the translation.  See the
514    spot-x(7) man page for detail.  Unlike ltl2tgba, ltlsynt defaults
515    to simul=0,ba-simul=0,det-simul=0,tls-impl=1,wdba-minimize=2.
517  Library:
519  - product_xor() and product_xnor() are two new versions of the
520    synchronized product.  They only work with operands that are
521    deterministic automata, and build automata whose language are
522    respectively the symmetric difference of the operands, and the
523    complement of that.
525  - tl_simplifier_options::keep_top_xor is a new option to keep Xor
526    and Equiv operator that appear at the top of LTL formulas (maybe
527    below other Boolean or X operators).  This is used by the
528    spot::translator class when creating deterministic automata with
529    generic acceptance.
531  - remove_fin() learned a trick to remove some superfluous
532    transitions.
534  Bugs fixed:
536  - Work around undefined behavior reported by clang 10.0.0's UBsan.
538  - spot::twa_sub_statistics was very slow at computing the number of
539    transitons, and could overflow.  It is now avoiding some costly
540    loop of BDD operations, and storing the result using at least 64
541    bits.  This affects the output of "ltlcross --csv" and
542    "--stats=%t" for many tools.
544  - simplify_acceptance() missed some patterns it should have been
545    able to simplify.  For instance Fin(0)&(Fin(1)|Fin(2)|Fin(4))
546    should simplify to Fin(1)|Fin(2)|Fin(4) after adding {1,2,4} to
547    every place where 0 occur, and then the acceptance would be
548    renumbered to Fin(0)|Fin(1)|Fin(2).  This is now fixed.
550  - Improve ltldo diagnostics to fix spurious test-suite failure on
551    systems with antique GNU libc.
553  - twa_run::reduce() could reduce accepting runs incorrectly on
554    automata using Fin in their acceptance condition.  This caused
555    issues in intersecting_run(), exclusive_run(),
556    intersecting_word(), exclusive_word(), which all call reduce().
558  - ltlcross used to crash with "Too many acceptance sets used.  The
559    limit is 32." when complementing an automaton would require more
560    acceptance sets than supported by Spot.  This is now diagnosed
561    with --verbose, but does not prevent ltlcross from continuing.
563  - scc_info::edges_of() and scc_info::inner_edges_of() now correctly
564    honor any filter passed to scc_info.
566New in spot 2.9 (2020-04-30)
568  Command-line tools:
570  - When the --check=stutter-sensitive-example option is passed to
571    tools like ltl2tgba, autfilt, genaut, or ltldo, the produced
572    automata are checked for stutter-invariance (as in the
573    --check=stutter-invariant case), additionally a proof of
574    stutter-sensitiveness is provided as two stutter-equivalent words:
575    one accepted, and one rejected.  These sample words are printed in
576    the HOA output.
578    % ltl2tgba --check=stutter-sensitive-example Xa | grep word:
579    spot-accepted-word: "!a; cycle{a}"
580    spot-rejected-word: "!a; !a; cycle{a}"
582  - autfilt learned the --partial-degeneralize option, to remove
583    conjunctions of Inf, or disjunctions of Fin that appears in
584    arbitrary conditions.
586  - ltlfilt and autfilt learned a --nth=RANGE (a.k.a. -N) option to
587    select a range of their input formulas or automata (assuming a
588    1-based numbering).
590  - When running translators, ltlcross will now display {names} when
591    supplied.
593  - ltlcross is now using the generic emptiness check procedure
594    introduced in Spot 2.7, as opposed to removing Fin acceptance
595    before using a classical emptiness check.
597  - ltlcross learned a --save-inclusion-products=FILENAME option.  Its
598    use cases are probably quite limited.  We use that to generate
599    benchmarks for our generic emptiness check procedure.
601  - ltlsynt --algo=lar uses the new version of to_parity() mentionned
602    below.  The old version is available via --algo=lar.old
604  - ltlsynt learned --csv=FILENAME, to record some statistics about
605    the duration of its different phases.
607  - The dot printer is now automatically using rectangles with rounded
608    corners for automata states if one state label have five or more
609    characters.  This saves space with very long labels.  Use --dot=c,
610    --dot=e, or --dot=E to force the use of Circles, Ellipses, or
611    rEctangles.
613  Library:
615  - Historically, Spot only supports LTL with infinite semantics
616    so it had automatic simplifications reducing X(1) and X(0) to
617    1 and 0 whenever such formulas are constructed.  This
618    caused issues for users of LTLf formulas, where it is important
619    to distinguish a "weak next" (for which X(1)=1 but X(0)!=0) from
620    a "strong next" (for which X(0)=0 but X(1)!=1).
622    To accommodate this, this version introduces a new operator
623    op::strong_X in addition to the existing op::X (whose
624    interpretation is now weak in LTLf).  The syntax for the strong
625    next is X[!] as a reference to the PSL syntax (where the strong
626    next is written X!).
628    Trivial simplification rules for X are changed to just
629       X(1) = 1       (and not X(0)=0 anymore)
630    while we have
631       X[!]0 = 0
633    The X(0)=0 and X[!]1=1 reductions are now preformed during LTL
634    simplification, not automatically.  Aside from the from_ltlf()
635    function, the other functions of the library handle X and X[!] in
636    the same way, since there is no difference between X and X[!] over
637    infinite words.
639    Operators F[n:m!] and G[n:m!] are also supported as strong
640    variants of F[n:m] and G[n:m], but those four are only implemented
641    as syntactic sugar.
643  - acc_cond::acc_code::parity(bool, bool, int) was not very readable,
644    as it was unclear to the reader what the boolean argument meant.
645    The following sister functions can now improve readability:
646       parity_max(is_odd, n) = parity(true, is_odd, n)
647       parity_max_odd(n) = parity_max(true, n)
648       parity_max_even(n) = parity_max(false, n)
649       parity_min(is_odd, n) = parity(false, is_odd, n)
650       parity_min_odd(n) = parity_min(true, n)
651       parity_min_even(n) = parity_min(false, n)
653  - partial_degeneralize() is a new function performing partial
654    degeneralization to get rid of conjunctions of Inf terms, or
655    disjunctions of Fin terms in acceptance conditions.
657  - simplify_acceptance_here() and simplify_acceptance() learned to
658    simplify subformulas like Fin(i)&Fin(j) or Inf(i)|Inf(j), or some
659    more complex variants of those.  If i is uniquely used in the
660    acceptance condition, these become respectively Fin(i) or Inf(i),
661    and the automaton is adjusted so that i also appears where j
662    appeared.
664  - acc_code::unit_propagation() is a new method for performing unit
665    propagation in acceptance condition.  E.g.  Fin(0) | (Inf(0) &
666    Inf(1)) becomes Fin(0) | Inf(1).  This is now called by
667    simplify_acceptance_here().
669  - propagate_marks_vector() and propagate_marks_here() are helper
670    functions for propagating marks on the automaton: ignoring
671    self-loops and out-of-SCC transitions, marks common to all the
672    input transitions of a state can be pushed to all its outgoing
673    transitions, and vice-versa.  This is repeated until a fix point
674    is reached.  propagate_marks_vector() does not modify the
675    automaton and returns a vector of the acc_cond::mark_t that should
676    be on each transition; propagate_marks_here() actually modifies
677    the automaton.
679  - rabin_to_buchi_if_realizable() is a new variant of
680    rabin_to_buchi_maybe() that converts a Rabin-like automaton into a
681    Büchi automaton only if the resulting Büchi automaton can keep the
682    same transition structure (where the ..._maybe() variant would
683    modify the Rabin automaton if needed).
685  - to_parity() has been rewritten. It now combines several strategies
686    for paritizing automata with any acceptance condition.
688  - relabel_bse(), used by ltlfilt --relabel-bool, is now better at
689    dealing with n-ary operators and isolating subsets of operands
690    that can be relabeled as a single term.
692  - print_dot()'s default was changed to use circles for automata with
693    fewer than 10 unamed states, ellipses for automata with up to 1000
694    unamed states (or named states with up to 4 characters), and
695    rounded rectangles otherwise.  Rectangles are also used for
696    automata with acceptance bullets on states.  The new "E" option
697    can be used to force rectangles in all situations.
699  - The generic emptiness check has been slightly improved (doing
700    fewer recursive calls in the worst case).
702  Backward-incompatible changes:
704  - iar() and iar_maybe() have been moved from
705    spot/twaalgos/rabin2parity.hh spot/twaalgos/toparity.hh and marked
706    as deprecated, they should be replaced by to_parity().  In case
707    the input is Rabin-like or Streett-like, to_parity() should be at
708    least as good as iar().
710  - The twa_graph::is_alternating() and digraph::is_alternating() methods,
711    deprecated in Spot 2.3.1 (2017-02-20), have been removed.
713  Bugs fixed:
715  - Relabeling automata could introduce false edges.  Those are now
716    removed.
718  - Emptiness checks, and scc_info should now ignore edges labeled
719    with false.
721  - relabel_bse() could incorrectly relabel Boolean subformulas that
722    had some atomic propositions in common.
724New in spot 2.8.7 (2020-03-13)
726  Bugs fixed:
728  - Building a product between two complete automata where one operand
729    had false acceptance could create an incomplete automaton
730    incorrectly tagged as complete, causing the print_hoa() function
731    to raise an exception.
733  - autfilt --uniq was not considering differences in acceptance
734    conditions or number of states when discarding automata.
736  - In an automaton with acceptance condition containing some Fin, and
737    whose accepting cycle could be reduced to a self-loop in an
738    otherwise larger SCC, the generation of an accepting run could be
739    wrong.  This could in turn cause segfaults or infinite loops while
740    running autcross or autfilt --stats=%w.
742  - The generic emptiness check used a suboptimal selection of "Fin"
743    to remove, not matching the correct line in our ATVA'19 paper.
744    This could cause superfluous recursive calls, however benchmarks
745    have shown the difference to be insignificant in practice.
747  - The sl(), and sl2() functions for computing the "self-loopization"
748    of an automaton, and used for instance in algorithms for computing
749    proof of stutter-sensitiveness (e.g., in our web application),
750    were incorrect when applied on automata with "t" acceptance (or
751    more generaly, any automaton where a cycle without mark is
752    accepting).
754  - ltlcross was not diagnosing write errors associated to
755    options --grind=FILENAME and --save-bogus=FILENAME.
757New in spot 2.8.6 (2020-02-19)
759  Bugs fixed:
761  - calling spot.translate() with two conflicting preferences like
762    spot.translate(..., 'det', 'any') triggered a syntax error in the
763    Python code to handle this error.
765  - degeneralize_tba() was incorrectly not honnoring the "skip_level"
766    optimization after creating an accepting transition; as a
767    consequence, some correct output could be larger than necessary
768    (but still correct).
770  - Some formulas with Boolean sub-formulas equivalent to true or
771    false could be translated into automata with false labels.
773  - The HOA printer would incorrectly output the condition such
774    'Fin(1) & Inf(2) & Fin(0)' as 'Fin(0) | Fin(1) & Inf(2)'
775    due to a bug in the is_generalized_rabin() matching function.
777New in spot 2.8.5 (2020-01-04)
779  Bugs fixed:
781  - ltl2tgba -B could return automata with "t" acceptance, instead
782    of the expected Inf(0).
784  - twa_graph::merge_edges() (a.k.a. autfilt --merge-transitions) was
785    unaware that merging edges can sometimes transform a
786    non-deterministic automaton into a deterministic one, causing the
787    following unexpected diagnostic:
788    "print_hoa(): automaton is universal despite prop_universal()==false"
789    The kind of non-deterministic automata where this occurs is not
790    naturally produced by any Spot algorithm, but can be found for
791    instance in automata produced by Goal 2015-10-18.
793New in spot 2.8.4 (2019-12-08)
795  Bugs fixed:
797  - The Rabin-to-Büchi conversion could misbehave when applied to
798    Rabin-like acceptance with where some pairs have missing Inf(.)
799    (e.g. Fin(0)|(Inf(1)&Fin(2))) and when some of the SCCs do not
800    visit the remaining Inf(.).  This indirectly caused the
801    complementation algorithm to produce incorrect results on such
802    inputs, causing false positives in ltlcross and autcross.
804  - Work around a small difference between Python 3.7 and 3.8, causing
805    spurious failures of the test suite.
807New in spot 2.8.3 (2019-11-06)
809  Build:
811  - Minor portabilities improvements with C++17 deprecations.
813  Python:
815  - Doing "import spot.foo" will now load any spot-extra/foo.py on
816    Python's search path.  This can be used to install third-party
817    packages that want to behave as plugins for Spot.
819  - Work around GraphViz bug #1605 in Jupyter notebooks.
820    https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/issues/1605
822New in spot 2.8.2 (2019-09-27)
824  Command-line tools:
826  - ltl2tgba and ltldo learned a --negate option.
828  Bugs fixed:
830  - Calling "autfilt --dualize" on an alternating automaton with
831    transition-based acceptance and universal initial states would
832    fail with "set_init_state() called with nonexisting state".
834  - The numbering of nodes in the AIGER output of ltlsynt was
835    architecture dependent.
837  - Various compilation issues.  In particular, this release is the
838    first one that can be compiled (and pass tests) on a Raspberry PI.
840New in spot 2.8.1 (2019-07-18)
842  Command-line tools:
844  - genltl learned --pps-arbiter-standard and --pps-arbiter-strict.
846  - ltlcross and autcross have learned a new option -q (--quiet) to
847    remain quiet until an error is found.  This helps for instance in
848    scenarios where multiple instances of ltlcross/autcross are run in
849    parallel (using "xargs -P" or "GNU Parallel", for instance).  See
850    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ltlcross.html#parallel for examples.
852  Bugs fixed:
854  - When complement() was called with an output_aborter, it could
855    return an alternating automaton on large automata.  This in turn
856    caused ltlcross to emit errors like "remove_alternation() only
857    works with weak alternating automata" or "product() does not
858    support alternating automata".
860  - Work around Emacs bug #34341 when rebuilding documentation on a
861    system with Emacs <26.3, GNU TLS >= 3.6, and without ESS or with
862    an obsolete org-mode installed.
864New in spot 2.8 (2019-07-10)
866  Command-line tools:
868  - autfilt learned --highlight-accepting-run=NUM to highlight some
869    accepting run with color NUM.
871  - ltldo, ltlcross, and autcross are now preferring posix_spawn()
872    over fork()+exec() when available.
874  - ltlcross has new options --determinize-max-states=N and
875    --determinize-max-edges=M to restrict the use of
876    determinization-based complementation to cases where it produces
877    automata with at most N states and M edges.  By default
878    determinization is now attempted up to 500 states and 5000
879    edges.  This is an improvement over the previous default where
880    determinization-based complementation was not performed at all,
881    unless -D was specified.
883  - ltlcross will now skip unnecessary cross-checks and
884    consistency-checks (they are unnecessary when all automata
885    could be complemented and statistics were not required).
887  - genaut learned --m-nba=N to generate Max Michel's NBA family.
888    (NBAs with N+1 states whose determinized have at least N! states.)
890  - Due to some new simplification of parity acceptance, the output of
891    "ltl2tgba -P -D" is now using a minimal number of colors.  This
892    means that recurrence properties have an acceptance condition
893    among "Inf(0)", "t", or "f", and persistence properties have an
894    acceptance condition among "Fin(0)", "t", or "f".
896  - ltldo and ltlcross learned shorthands to call the tools ltl2na,
897    ltl2nba, and ltl2ngba from Owl 19.06.  Similarly, autcross learned
898    a shorthand for Owl's dra2dpa.
900  Documentation:
902  - https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut90.html is a new file that explains
903    the purpose of the spot::bdd_dict object.
905  Library:
907  - Add generic_accepting_run() as a variant of generic_emptiness_check() that
908    returns an accepting run in an automaton with any acceptance condition.
910  - twa::accepting_run() and twa::intersecting_run() now work on
911    automata using Fin in their acceptance condition.
913  - simulation-based reductions have learned a trick that sometimes
914    improve transition-based output when the input is state-based.
915    (The automaton output by 'ltl2tgba -B GFa | autfilt --small' now
916    has 1 state instead of 2 in previous versions.  Similarly,
917    'ltldo ltl2dstar -f 'GFa -> GFb' | autfilt --small' produces 1
918    state instead of 4.)
920  - simulation-based reductions has learned another trick to better
921    merge states from transient SCCs.
923  - acc_cond::top_disjuncts() and acc_cond::top_conjuncts() can be
924    used to split an acceptance condition on the top-level & or |.
925    These methods also exist in acc_cond::acc_code.
927  - minimize_obligation() learned to work on very weak automata even
928    if the formula or negated automaton are not supplied.  (This
929    allows "autfilt [-D] --small" to minimize very-weak automata
930    whenever they are found to represent obligation properties.)
932  - There is a new spot::scc_and_mark_filter object that simplifies the
933    creation of filters to restrict spot::scc_info to some particular
934    SCC while cutting new SCCs on given acceptance sets.  This is used
935    by spot::generic_emptiness_check() when processing SCCs
936    recursively, and makes it easier to write similar code in Python.
938  - print_dot has a new option 'g', to hide edge labels.  This is
939    helpful to display automata as "graphs", e.g., when illustrating
940    algorithms that do not care about labels.
942  - A new complement() function returns complemented automata with
943    unspecified acceptance condition, allowing different algorithms to
944    be used.  The output can be alternating only if the input was
945    alternating.
947  - There is a new class output_aborter that is used to specify
948    upper bounds on the size of automata produced by some algorithms.
949    Several functions have been changed to accept an output_aborter.
950    This includes:
951      * tgba_determinize()
952      * tgba_powerset()
953      * minimize_obligation()
954      * minimize_wdba()
955      * remove_alternation()
956      * product()
957      * the new complement()
958      * the postprocessor class, via the "det-max-state" and
959        "det-max-edges" options.
961  - SVA's first_match operator can now be used in SERE formulas and
962    that is supported by the ltl_to_tgba_fm() translation.  See
963    doc/tl/tl.pdf for the semantics.  *WARNING* Because this adds a
964    new operator, any code that switches over the spot::op type may
965    need a new case for op::first_match.  Furthermore, the output of
966    "randltl --psl" will be different from previous releases.
968  - The parser for SERE learned to recognize the ##n and ##[i:j]
969    operators from SVA.  So {##2 a ##0 b[+] ##1 c ##2 e} is another
970    way to write {[*2];a:b[+];c;1;e}.  The syntax {a ##[i:j] b} is
971    replaced in different ways depending on the values of i, a, and b.
972    The formula::sugar_delay() function implements this SVA operator in
973    terms of the existing PSL operators.  ##[+] and ##[*] are sugar
974    for ##[1:$] and ##[0:$].
976  - The F[n:m] and G[n:m] operators introduced in Spot 2.7 now
977    support the case where m=$.
979  - spot::relabel_apply() makes it easier to reverse the effect
980    of spot::relabel() or spot::relabel_bse() on formula.
982  - The LTL simplifier learned the following rules:
983    F(G(a | Fb)) = FGa | GFb  (if option "favor_event_univ")
984    G(F(a | Gb)) = GFa | FGb  (if option "favor_event_univ")
985    F(G(a & Fb) = FGa & GFb   (unless option "reduce_size_strictly")
986    G(F(a & Gb)) = GFa & FGb  (unless option "reduce_size_strictly")
987    GF(f) = GF(dnf(f))        (unless option "reduce_size_strictly")
988    FG(f) = FG(cnf(f))        (unless option "reduce_size_strictly")
989    (f & g) R h = f R h       if h implies g
990    (f & g) M h = f M h       if h implies g
991    (f | g) W h = f W h       if g implies h
992    (f | g) U h = f U h       if g implies h
993    Gf | F(g & eventual) = f W (g & eventual)    if !f implies g
994    Ff & G(g | universal) = f M (g | universal)  if f implies !g
995    f U (g & eventual) = F(g & eventual)         if !f implies g
996    f R (g | universal) = G(g | universal)       if f implies !g
998  - cleanup_parity() and colorize_parity() were cleaned up a bit,
999    resulting in fewer colors used in some cases.  In particular,
1000    colorize_parity() learned that coloring transient edges does not
1001    require the introduction of a new color.
1003  - A new reduce_parity() function implements and generalizes the
1004    algorithm for minimizing parity acceptance by Carton and Maceiras
1005    (Computing the Rabin index of a parity automaton, 1999).  This is
1006    a better replacement for cleanup_parity() and colorize_parity().
1007    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/parity.html for examples.
1009  - The postprocessor and translator classes are now using
1010    reduce_parity() for further simplifications.
1012  - The code for checking recurrence/persistence properties can also
1013    use the fact the reduce_parity() with return "Inf(0)" (or "t" or
1014    "f") for deterministic automata corresponding to recurrence
1015    properties, and "Fin(0)" (or "t" or "f") for persistence
1016    properties.  This can be altered with the SPOT_PR_CHECK
1017    environment variable.
1019  Deprecation notices:
1021  - The virtual function twa::intersecting_run() no longer takes a
1022    second "from_other" Boolean argument.  This is a backward
1023    incompatibility only for code that overrides this function in a
1024    subclass.  For backward compatibility with programs that simply
1025    call this function with two argument, a non-virtual version of the
1026    function has been introduced and marked as deprecated.
1028  - The spot::acc_cond::format() methods have been deprecated.  These
1029    were used to display acceptance marks, but acceptance marks are
1030    unrelated to acceptance conditions, so it's better to simply print
1031    marks with operator<< without this extra step.
1033  Bugs fixed:
1035  - The gf_guarantee_to_ba() is relying on an in-place algorithm that
1036    could produce a different number of edges for the same input in
1037    two different transition order.
1039  - A symmetry-based optimization of the LAR algorithm performed in
1040    spot::to_parity() turned out to be incorrect.  The optimization
1041    has been removed.  "ltlsynt --algo=lar" is the only code using
1042    this function currently.
1044New in spot 2.7.5 (2019-06-05)
1046  Build:
1048  - Although the Python bindings in this release are still done with
1049    Swig3.0, the code has been updated to be compatible with Swig4.0.
1051  Library:
1053  - print_dot will replace labels that have more 2048 characters by a
1054    "(label too long)" string.  This works around a limitation of
1055    GraphViz that aborts when some label exceeds 16k characters, and
1056    also helps making large automata more readable.
1058  Bugs fixed:
1060  - spot::translator was not applying Boolean sub-formula rewriting
1061    by default unless a spot::option_map was passed.  This caused some
1062    C++ code for translating certain formulas to be noticeably slower
1063    than the equivalent call to the ltl2tgba binary.
1065  - The remove_ap algorithm was preserving the "terminal property" of
1066    automata, but it is possible that a non-terminal input produces a
1067    terminal output after some propositions are removed.
1069New in spot 2.7.4 (2019-04-27)
1071  Bugs fixed:
1073  - separate_sets_here() (and therefore autfilt --separate-sets) could
1074    loop infinitely on some inputs.
1076  - In some situation, ltl2tgba -G could abort with
1077    "direct_simulation() requires separate Inf and Fin sets".  This
1078    was fixed by teaching simulation-based reductions how to deal
1079    with such cases.
1081  - The code for detecting syntactically stutter-invariant PSL
1082    formulas was incorrectly handling the ";" operator, causing some
1083    stutter-sensitive formulas to be flagged a stutter-invariant.
1085New in spot 2.7.3 (2019-04-19)
1087  Bugs fixed:
1089  - When processing CSV files with MSDOS-style \r\n line endings,
1090    --stats would output the \r as part of the %> sequence instead
1091    of ignoring it.
1093  - Fix serious typo in remove_alternation() causing incorrect
1094    output for some VWAA.  Bug introduced in Spot 2.6.
1096  Documentation:
1098  - Multiple typos and minor updates.
1100New in spot 2.7.2 (2019-03-17)
1102  Python:
1104  - Improved support for explicit Kripke structures.  It is now
1105    possible to iterate over a kripke_graph object in a way similar to
1106    twa_graph.
1108  Documentation:
1110  - A new page shows how to create explicit Kripke structures in C++
1111    and Python.  See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut52.html
1112  - Another new page shows how to deal with LTLf formulas (i.e., LTL
1113    with finite semantics) and how to translate those.
1114    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut12.html
1116  Build:
1118  - Work around a spurious null dereference warning when compiling
1119    with --coverage and g++ 8.3.0-3 from Debian unstable.
1121New in spot 2.7.1 (2019-02-14)
1123  Build:
1125  - Work around GCC bug #89303 that causes memory leaks and std::weak_bad_ptr
1126    exceptions when Spot is compiled with the version of g++ 8.2 currently
1127    distributed by Debian unstable (starting with g++ 8.2.0-15).
1129  Python:
1131  - The following methods of spot::bdd_dict are now usable in Python when
1132    fine control over the lifetime of associations between BDD variables
1133    and atomic propositions is needed.
1134    - register_proposition(formula, for_me)
1135    - register_anonymous_variables(count, for_me)
1136    - register_all_propositions_of(other, for_me)
1137    - unregister_all_my_variables(for_me)
1138    - unregister_variable(var, for_me)
1140  - Better support for explicit Kripke structures:
1141    - the kripke_graph type now has Python bindings
1142    - spot.automaton() and spot.automata() now support a want_kripke=True
1143      to return a kripke_graph
1144      See the bottom of https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/ltsmin-dve.html
1145      for some examples.
1147  Library:
1149  - Printing Kripke structures via print_hoa() will save state names.
1151  - kripke_graph_ptr objects now honor any "state-names" property
1152    when formatting states.
1154  Bugs fixed:
1156  - The print_dot_psl() function would incorrectly number all but the
1157    first children of commutative n-ary operators: in this case no
1158    numbering was expected.
1160  - std::out_of_range C++ exceptions raised from Python code are now
1161    converted into IndexError Python exceptions (instead of aborting
1162    the program).
1164  - The LTL parser would choke on carriage returns when command-line
1165    tools such as ltlfilt, ltlcross, or ltl2tgba were run on files of
1166    formulas with MS-DOS line endings.
1168  - The core translation for unambiguous automata was incorrectly
1169    tagging some non-weak automata as weak.
1171  - The product_susp() function used to multiply an automaton with a
1172    suspendable automaton could incorrectly build transition-based
1173    automata when multiplying two state-based automata.  This caused
1174    ltl2tgba to emit error messages such as: "automaton has
1175    transition-based acceptance despite prop_state_acc()==true".
1177New in spot 2.7 (2018-12-11)
1179  Command-line tools:
1181  - ltlsynt now has three algorithms for synthesis:
1182    --algo=sd     is the historical one. The automaton of the formula
1183                  is split to separate inputs and outputs, then
1184                  determinized (with Safra construction).
1185    --algo=ds     the automaton of the formula is determinized (Safra),
1186                  then split to separate inputs and outputs.
1187    --algo=lar    translate the formula to a deterministic automaton
1188                  with an arbitrary acceptance condition, then turn it
1189                  into a parity automaton using LAR, and split it.
1190    In all three cases, the obtained parity game is solved using
1191    Zielonka algorithm. Calude's quasi-polynomial time algorithm has
1192    been dropped as it was not used.
1194  - ltlfilt learned --liveness to match formulas representing liveness
1195    properties.
1197  - the --stats= option of tools producing automata learned how to
1198    tell if an automaton uses universal branching (%u), or more
1199    precisely how many states (%[s]u) or edges (%[e]u) use universal
1200    branching.
1202  Python:
1204  - spot.translate() and spot.postprocess() now take an xargs=
1205    argument similar to the -x option of ltl2tgba and autfilt, making
1206    it easier to fine tune these operations.  For instance
1207        ltl2tgba 'GF(a <-> XXa)' --det -x gf-guarantee=0
1208    would be written in Python as
1209        spot.translate('GF(a <-> XXa)', 'det', xargs='gf-guarantee=0')
1210    (Note: those extra options are documented in the spot-x(7) man page.)
1212  - spot.is_generalized_rabin() and spot.is_generalized_streett() now return
1213    a tuple (b, v) where b is a Boolean, and v is the vector of the sizes
1214    of each generalized pair.  This is a backward incompatible change.
1216  Library:
1218  - The LTL parser learned syntactic sugar for nested ranges of X
1219    using the X[n], F[n:m], and G[n:m] syntax of TSLF.  (These
1220    correspond to the next!, next_e!, and next_a! operators of PSL,
1221    but we do not support those under these names currently.)
1223      X[6]a = XXXXXXa
1224      F[2:4]a = XX(a | X(a | Xa))
1225      G[2:4]a = XX(a & X(a & Xa))
1227    The corresponding constructors (for C++ and Python) are
1228      formula::X(unsigned, formula)
1229      formula::F(unsigned, unsigned, formula)
1230      formula::G(unsigned, unsigned, formula)
1232  - spot::unabbreviate(), used to rewrite away operators such as M or
1233    W, learned to use some shorter rewritings when an argument (e) is
1234    a pure eventuality or (u) is purely universal:
1236      Fe = e
1237      Gu = u
1238      f R u = u
1239      f M e = F(f & e)
1240      f W u = G(f | u)
1242  - The twa_graph class has a new dump_storage_as_dot() method
1243    to show its data structure.  This is more conveniently used
1244    as aut.show_storage() in a Jupyter notebook.  See
1245    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/twagraph-internals.html
1247  - spot::generic_emptiness_check() is a new function that performs
1248    emptiness checks of twa_graph_ptr (i.e., automata not built
1249    on-the-fly) with an *arbitrary* acceptance condition.  Its sister
1250    spot::generic_emptiness_check_scc() can be used to decide the
1251    emptiness of an SCC.  This is now used by
1252    twa_graph_ptr::is_empty(), twa_graph_ptr::intersects(), and
1253    scc_info::determine_unknown_acceptance().
1255  - The new function spot::to_parity() translates an automaton with
1256    arbitrary acceptance condition into a parity automaton, based on a
1257    last-appearance record (LAR) construction.  (It is used by ltlsynt
1258    but not yet by autfilt or ltl2tgba.)
1260  - The new function is_liveness() and is_liveness_automaton() can be
1261    used to check whether a formula or an automaton represents a
1262    liveness property.
1264  - Two new functions count_univbranch_states() and
1265    count_univbranch_edges() can help measuring the amount of
1266    universal branching in alternating automata.
1268  Bugs fixed:
1270  - translate() would incorrectly mark as stutter-invariant
1271    some automata produced from formulas of the form X(f...)
1272    where f... is syntactically stutter-invariant.
1274  - acc_cond::is_generalized_rabin() and
1275    acc_cond::is_generalized_streett() did not recognize the cases
1276    where a single generalized pair is used.
1278  - The pair of acc_cond::mark_t returned by
1279    acc_code::used_inf_fin_sets(), and the pair (bool,
1280    vector_rs_pairs) by acc_cond::is_rabin_like() and
1281    acc_cond::is_streett_like() were not usable in Python.
1283  - Many object types had __repr__() methods that would return the
1284    same string as __str__(), contrary to Python usage where repr(x)
1285    should try to show how to rebuild x.  The following types have
1286    been changed to follow this convention:
1287       spot.acc_code
1288       spot.acc_cond
1289       spot.atomic_prop_set
1290       spot.formula
1291       spot.mark_t
1292       spot.twa_run (__repr__ shows type and address)
1293       spot.twa_word (likewise, but _repr_latex_ used in notebooks)
1295    Note that this you were relying on the fact that Jupyter calls
1296    repr() to display returned values, you may want to call print()
1297    explicitly if you prefer the old representation.
1299  - Fix compilation under Cygwin and Alpine Linux, both choking
1300    on undefined secure_getenv().
1302New in spot 2.6.3 (2018-10-17)
1304  Bugs fixed:
1306  - Running "ltl2tgba -B" on formulas of the type FG(safety) would
1307    unexpectedly use a co-Büchi automaton as an intermediate step.
1308    This in turn caused "ltl2tgba -U -B" to not produce unambiguous
1309    automata.
1311  - ltl2tgba --low now disables the "gf-guarantee" feature, as
1312    documented.
1314  - ltlfilt's --accept-word and --reject-word options were ignored
1315    unless used together.
1317New in spot 2.6.2 (2018-09-28)
1319  Build:
1321  - We no longer distribute the Python-based CGI script + javascript
1322    code for the online translator.  Its replacement has its own
1323    repository: https://gitlab.lrde.epita.fr/spot/spot-web-app/
1325  Library:
1327  - When states are highlighted with more than 8 colors, print_dot()
1328    will add some extra markers to help distinguishing the colors.
1329    This helps with the fact that colors 8-15 are lighter versions of
1330    colors 0-7, and that higher color numbers cycle into this 16-color
1331    palette.
1333  Bugs fixed:
1335  - exclusive_ap::constrain() (called by autfilt --exclusive-ap=...)
1336    would incorrectly copy the "universal" property of the input
1337    automaton, causing print_hoa() to fail.
1339  - configure --disable-doxygen would actually enable it.
1341  - Fix several warnings emitted by the development version of GCC.
1343New in spot 2.6.1  (2018-08-04)
1345  Command-line tools:
1347  - "ltlfilt --suspendable" is now a synonym for
1348    "ltlfilt --universal --eventual".
1350  Bugs fixed:
1352  - scc_info::split_on_sets() did not correctly register the
1353    atomic propositions of the returned automata.
1355  - The spot::tl_simplifier class could raise an exception while
1356    attempting to reduce formulas containing unsimplified <->, -> or
1357    xor, if options nenoform_stop_on_boolean and synt_impl are both
1358    set.  (This combination of options is not available from
1359    command-line tools.)
1361  - The spot::contains(a, b) function introduced in 2.6 was testing
1362    a⊆b instead of a⊇b as one would expect.  Unfortunately the
1363    documentation was also matching the code, so this is a backward
1364    incompatible change, but a short-lived one.
1366  - The Python binding of the getter of spot::parsed_formula::f was
1367    returning a reference instead of a copy, causing issues if the
1368    reference outlasted the parsed_formula struct.
1371New in spot 2.6  (2018-07-04)
1373  Command-line tools:
1375  - autfilt learned --is-colored to filter automata that use
1376    exactly one acceptance set per mark or transition.
1378  - autfilt learned --has-univ-branching and --has-exist-branching
1379    to keep automata that have universal branching, or that make
1380    non-deterministic choices.
1382  - autcross' tool specifications now have %M replaced by the name of
1383    the input automaton.
1385  - autcross now aborts if there is any parser diagnostic for the
1386    input automata (previous versions would use the input automaton
1387    whenever the parser would manage to read something).
1389  - ltlcross, ltldo, and autcross learned shorthands to call
1390    delag, ltl2dra, ltl2dgra, and nba2dpa.
1392  - When autfilt is asked to build a Büchi automaton from
1393    of a chain of many products, as in
1394    "autfilt -B --product 1.hoa ... --product n.hoa in.hoa"
1395    then it will automatically degeneralize the intermediate
1396    products to avoid exceeding the number of supported
1397    acceptance sets.
1399  - genltl learned to generate six new families of LTL formulas:
1400      --gf-equiv-xn=RANGE    GF(a <-> X^n(a))
1401      --gf-implies-xn=RANGE  GF(a -> X^n(a))
1402      --sejk-f=RANGE[,RANGE] f(0,j)=(GFa0 U X^j(b)), f(i,j)=(GFai U
1403                             G(f(i-1,j)))
1404      --sejk-j=RANGE         (GFa1&...&GFan) -> (GFb1&...&GFbn)
1405      --sejk-k=RANGE         (GFa1|FGb1)&...&(GFan|FGbn)
1406      --sejk-patterns[=RANGE]   φ₁,φ₂,φ₃ from Sikert et al's [CAV'16]
1407                             paper (range should be included in 1..3)
1409  - genltl --ms-example can now take a two-range argument,
1410    (as --sejk-f above).
1412  Build:
1414  - ./configure --enable-max-accsets=N let you specify a maximum
1415    number of acceptance sets that Spot should support.  The default
1416    is still 32, but this limit is no longer hard-coded.  Larger values
1417    will cost additional memory and time.
1419  - We know distribute RPM packages for Fedora 28.  See
1420    file:///home/adl/git/spot/doc/userdoc/install.html#Fedora
1422  Library:
1424  - The PSL/LTL simplification routine learned the following:
1426      q R Xf = X(q R f)  if q is suspendable
1427      q U Xf = X(q U f)  if q is suspendable
1428      {SERE;1} = {1}     if {SERE} accepts [*0]
1429      {SERE;1} = {SERE}  if {SERE} does not accept [*0]
1431  - gf_guarantee_to_ba() is a specialized construction for translating
1432    formulas of the form GF(guarantee) to BA or DBA, and
1433    fg_safety_to_dca() is a specialized construction for translating
1434    formulas of the form FG(safety) to DCA.  These are generalizations
1435    of some constructions proposed by J. Esparza, J. Křentínský, and
1436    S. Sickert (LICS'18).
1438    These are now used by the main translation routine, and can be
1439    disabled by passing -x '!gf-guarantee' to ltl2tgba.  For example,
1440    here are the size of deterministic transition-based generalized
1441    Büchi automata constructed from four GF(guarantee) formulas with
1442    two versions of Spot, and converted to other types of
1443    deterministic automata by other tools distributed with Owl 18.06.
1444    "x(y)" means x states and y acceptance sets.
1446                               ltl2tgba -D  delag ltl2dra
1447                                2.5   2.6   18.06  18.06
1448    -------------------------  -----------  -------------
1449    GF(a <-> XXa)               9(1)  4(1)   4(2)   9(4)
1450    GF(a <-> XXXa)             27(1)  8(1)   8(2)  25(4)
1451    GF(((a & Xb) | XXc) & Xd)   6(1)  4(1)  16(1)   5(2)
1452    GF((b | Fa) & (b R Xb))     6(2)  2(1)   3(4)   3(4)
1454    Note that in the above the automata produced by 'ltl2tgba -D' in
1455    version 2.5 were not deterministic (because -D is only a
1456    preference).  They are deterministic in 2.6 and other tools.
1458  - spot::product() and spot::product_or() learned to produce an
1459    automaton with a simpler acceptance condition if one of the
1460    argument is a weak automaton.  In this case the resulting
1461    acceptance condition is (usually) that of the other argument.
1463  - spot::product_susp() and spot::product_or_susp() are new
1464    functions for building products between an automaton A and
1465    a "suspendable" automaton B.  They are also optimized for
1466    the case that A is weak.
1468  - When 'generic' acceptance is enabled, the translation routine will
1469    split the input formula on Boolean operators into components that
1470    are syntactically 'obligation', 'suspendable', or 'something
1471    else'.  Those will be translated separately and combined with
1472    product()/product_susp().  This is inspired by the ways things are
1473    done in ltl2dstar or delag, and can be disabled by passing option
1474    -xltl-split=0, as in ltl2tgba -G -D -xltl-split=0.  Here are the
1475    sizes of deterministic automata (except for ltl3tela which produces
1476    non-deterministic automata) produced with generic acceptance
1477    using two versions of ltl2tgba and other tools for reference.
1479                                             ltl2tgba -DG  delag  ltl3tela
1480                                              2.5    2.6   18.06    1.1.2
1481                                             ------------ ------- --------
1482    FGa0&GFb0                                 2(2)   1(2)   1(2)    1(2)
1483    (FGa1&GFb1)|FGa0|GFb0                    16(6)   1(4)   1(4)    1(9)
1484    (FGa2&GFb2)|((FGa1|GFb1)&FGa0&GFb0)      29(8)   1(6)   1(6)    3(11)
1485    FGa0|GFb0                                 5(4)   1(2)   1(2)    1(5)
1486    (FGa1|GFb1)&FGa0&GFb0                     8(4)   1(4)   1(4)    1(7)
1487    (FGa2|GFb2)&((FGa1&GFb1)|FGa0|GFb0)     497(14)  1(6)   1(6)    1(14)
1488    GFa1 <-> GFz                              4(6)   1(3)   1(4)    1(7)
1489    (GFa1 & GFa2) <-> GFz                     8(4)   1(3)   1(6)    3(10)
1490    (GFa1 & GFa2 & GFa3) <-> GFz             21(4)   1(4)   1(8)    3(13)
1491    GFa1 -> GFz                               5(4)   1(2)   1(2)    1(5)
1492    (GFa1 & GFa2) -> GFz                     12(4)   1(3)   1(3)    1(6)
1493    (GFa1 & GFa2 & GFa3) -> GFz              41(4)   1(4)   1(4)    1(7)
1494    FG(a|b)|FG(!a|Xb)                         4(2)   2(2)   2(2)    2(3)
1495    FG(a|b)|FG(!a|Xb)|FG(a|XXb)              21(2)   4(3)   4(3)    4(4)
1496    FG(a|b)|FG(!a|Xb)|FG(a|XXb)|FG(!a|XXXb) 170(2)   8(4)   8(4)    8(5)
1498  - For 'parity' output, the 'ltl-split' optimization just separates
1499    obligation sub-formulas from the rest, where a determinization is
1500    still performed.
1501                                 ltl2tgba -DP  ltl3dra  ltl2dpa
1502                                   2.5   2.6    0.2.3    18.06
1503                                -------------- -------  -------
1504    FGp0 & (Gp1 | XFp2)           6(2)  4(1)     4(1)     4(2)
1505    G!p0 | F(p0 & (!p1 W p2))     5(2)  4(2)     n/a      5(2)
1506    (p0 W XXGp0) & GFp1 & FGp2    6(2)  5(2)     n/a      6(3)
1508    (The above just show a few cases that were improved.  There are
1509    many cases where ltl2dpa still produces smaller automata.)
1511  - The automaton postprocessor will now simplify acceptance
1512    conditions more aggressively, calling spot::simplify_acceptance()
1513    or spot::cleanup_acceptance() depending on the optimization level.
1515  - print_dot(), used to print automata in GraphViz's format,
1516    underwent several changes:
1518    * option "a", for printing the acceptance condition, is now
1519      enabled by default.  Option "A", introduced in Spot 2.4, can be
1520      used to hide the acceptance condition in case you do not want
1521      it.  This change of course affects the --dot option of all the
1522      command-line tools, as well as the various way to display
1523      automata using the Python bindings.
1525    * when option "1" is used to hide state names and force the
1526      display of state numbers, the actual state names is now moved to
1527      the "tooltip" field of the state.  The SVG files produced by
1528      "dot -Tsvg" will show those as popups.  This is also done for
1529      state labels of Kripke structures.
1531    * the output digraph is now named using the name of the automaton
1532      if available, or the empty string otherwise.  (Previous versions
1533      used to call all digraphs "G".)  This name appears as a tooltip
1534      in SVG figures when the mouse is over the acceptance condition.
1536    * a new option "u" hides "true states" behind "exiting
1537      transitions".  This can be used to display alternating automata
1538      in a way many people expect.
1540    * a new option "K" cancels the effect of "k" (which uses state
1541      labels whenever possible).  This is most useful when one want to
1542      force transition-labeling of a Kripke structure, where "k" is
1543      usually the default.
1545  - spot::twa_graph::merge_states() is a new method that merges states
1546    with the exact same outgoing edges. As it performs no reordering
1547    of the edges, it is better to call it when you know that the edges
1548    in the twa_graph are sorted (e.g. after a call to merge_edges()).
1550  - spot::twa_graph::purge_unreachable_states() now takes a function
1551    which is called with the new numbering of states. This is useful
1552    to update an external structure that references states of the twa
1553    that we want to purge.
1555  - spot::scc_filter() now automatically turns automata marked as
1556    inherently-weak into weak automata with state-based acceptance.
1557    The acceptance condition is set to Büchi unless the input had
1558    co-Büchi or t acceptance.  spot::scc_filter_states() will pass
1559    inherently-weak automata to spot::scc_filter().
1561  - spot::cleanup_parity() and spot::cleanup_parity_here() are smarter
1562    and now remove from the acceptance condition the parity colors
1563    that are not used in the automaton.
1565  - spot::contains() and spot::are_equivalent() can be used to
1566    check language containment between two automata or formulas.
1567    They are most welcome in Python, since we used to redefine
1568    them every now and them.  Some examples are shown in
1569    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/contains.html
1571  - aut1->exclusive_word(aut2) is a new method that returns a word
1572    accepted by aut1 or aut2 but not both.  The exclusive_run()
1573    variant will return.  This is useful when comparing automata and
1574    looking for differences.  See also
1575    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/contains.html
1577  - spot::complement_semidet(aut) is a new function that returns the
1578    complement of aut, where aut is a semi-deterministic automaton. The
1579    function uses the NCSB complementation algorithm proposed by
1580    F. Blahoudek, M. Heizmann, S. Schewe, J. Strejček, and MH. Tsai
1581    (TACAS'16).
1583  - spot::remove_alternation() was slightly improved on very-weak
1584    alternating automata: the labeling of the outgoing transitions in
1585    the resulting TGBA makes it more likely that simulation-based
1586    reductions will reduce it.
1588  - When applied to automata that are not WDBA-realizable,
1589    spot::minimize_wdba() was changed to produce an automaton
1590    recognizing a language that includes the original one.  As a
1591    consequence spot::minimize_obligation() and
1592    spot::is_wdba_realizable() now only need one containment check
1593    instead of two.
1595  - Slightly improved log output for the SAT-based minimization
1596    functions.  The CSV log files now include an additional column
1597    with the size of the reference automaton, and they now have a
1598    header line.  These log files give more details and are more
1599    accurate in the case of incremental SAT-solving.
1601  Python:
1603  - New spot.jupyter package.  This currently contains a function for
1604    displaying several arguments side by side in a Jupyter notebook.
1605    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/alternation.html for some
1606    examples.
1608  - Strings are now implicitly converted into formulas when passed
1609    as arguments to functions that expect formulas.  Previously this
1610    was done only for a few functions.
1612  - The Python bindings for sat_minimize() now have display_log and
1613    return_log options; these are demonstrated on the new
1614    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/satmin.html page.
1616  Bugs fixed:
1618  - Python *.py and *.so files are now always installed into the same
1619    directory.  This was an issue on systems like Fedora that separate
1620    platform-specific packages from non-platform-specific ones.
1622  - print_dot() will correctly escape strings containing \n in HTML
1623    mode.
1625  - The HOA parser will now accept Alias: declarations that occur
1626    before AP:.
1628  - The option --allow-dups of randltl now works properly.
1630  - Converting generalized-co-Büchi to Streett using dnf_to_nca()
1631    could produce bogus automata if the input had rejecting SCCs.
1633  Deprecation notices:
1635  - The type spot::acc_cond::mark_t has been overhauled and uses
1636    a custom bit-vector to represent acceptance sets instead of
1637    storing everything in a "unsigned int".  This change is
1638    to accommodate configure's --enable-max-accsets=N option and
1639    has several effect:
1641    * The following shortcuts are deprecated:
1642        acc_cond::mark_t m1 = 0U;
1643        acc_cond::mark_t m2 = -1U;
1644      instead, use:
1645        acc_cond::mark_t m1 = {};
1646        acc_cond::mark_t m2 = acc_cond::mark_t::all();
1648    * acc_cond::mark_t::value_t is deprecated.  It is now only
1649      defined when --enable-max-accsets=32 (the default) and
1650      equal to "unsigned" for backward compatibility reasons.
1652  Backward incompatibilities:
1654  - Functions spot::parity_product() and spot::parity_product_or()
1655    were removed.  The code was unused, hard to maintain, and bogus.
1657  - The output of print_dot() now include the acceptance condition.
1658    Add option "A" (supported since version 2.4) to cancel that.
1660  - Because genltl now supports LTL pattern with two arguments, using
1661    --format=%L may output two comma-separated integer.  This is an
1662    issue if you used to produce CSV files using for instance:
1663      genltl --format='%F,%L,%f' ...
1664    Make sure to quote %L to protect the potential commas:
1665      genltl --format='%F,"%L",%f' ...
1667  - In Spot 2.5 and prior running "ltl2tgba --generic --det" on some
1668    formula would attempt to translate it as deterministic TGBA or
1669    determinize it into an automaton with parity acceptance.  Version
1670    2.5 introduced --parity to force parity acceptance on the output.
1671    This version finally gives --generic some more natural semantics:
1672    any acceptance condition can be used.
1675New in spot 2.5.3 (2018-04-20)
1677  Bugs fixed:
1679  - "autfilt --cobuchi --small/--det" would turn a transition-based
1680    co-Büchi automaton into a state-based co-Büchi.
1682  - Fix cryptic error message from Python's spot.translate() and
1683    spot.postprocess() when supplying conflicting arguments.
1685  - "autfilt -B --sat-minimize" was incorrectly producing
1686    transition-based automata.
1688  - Using spot.automata("cmd...|") to read just a few automata out of
1689    an infinite stream would not properly terminate the command.
1691  - The is_unambiguous() check (rewritten in Spot 2.2) could mark some
1692    unambiguous automata as ambiguous.
1694New in spot 2.5.2 (2018-03-25)
1696  Bugs fixed:
1698  - acc_cond::is_generalized_rabin() and
1699    acc_cond::is_generalized_streett() would segfault on weird
1700    acceptance conditions such as "3 t" or "3 f".
1702  - remove_fin() and streett_to_generalized_buchi() should never
1703    return automata with "f" acceptance.
1705  - "autfilt --acceptance-is=Fin-less" no longer accept automata
1706    with "f" acceptance.
1708  - twa_run methods will now diagnose cases where the cycle is
1709    unexpectedly empty instead of segfaulting.
1711  - spot::closure(), used by default for testing stutter-invariance,
1712    was using an optimization incorrect if the acceptance condition
1713    had some Fin(x).  Consequently stutter-invariance tests for
1714    automata, for instance with "autfilt --is-stutter-invariant",
1715    could be to be wrong (even if the input does not use Fin(x), its
1716    complement, used in the stutter-invariance test likely will).
1717    Stutter-invariance checks of LTL formulas are not affected.
1719New in spot 2.5.1 (2018-02-20)
1721  Library:
1723  - iar() and iar_maybe() now also handle Streett-like conditions.
1725  Bugs fixed:
1727  - iar() and iar_maybe() properly handle Rabin-like conditions.
1729  - streett_to_generalized_buchi() could produce incorrect result on
1730    Streett-like input with acceptance like (Inf(0)|Fin(1))&Fin(1)
1731    where some Fin(x) is used both with and without a paired Fin(y).
1733  - is_generalized_rabin() had a typo that caused some non-simplified
1734    acceptance conditions like Fin(0)|(Fin(0)&Inf(1)) to be
1735    incorrectly detected as generalized-Rabin 2 0 1 and then output
1736    as Fin(0)|(Fin(1)&Inf(2)) instead.  Likewise for
1737    is_generalized_streett
1739  - the conversion from Rabin to Büchi was broken on Rabin-like
1740    acceptance condition where one pair used Fin(x) and another pair
1741    used Inf(x) with the same x.  Unfortunately, this situation could
1742    also occur as a side effect of simplifying the acceptance
1743    condition (by merging identical set) of some automaton prior to
1744    converting it to Büchi.
1746  - dnf_to_dca() was mishandling some Rabin-like input.
1748New in spot 2.5 (2018-01-20)
1750  Build:
1752  - We no longer distribute the doxygen-generated documentation in
1753    the tarball of Spot to save space.  This documentation is still
1754    available online at https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/doxygen/.  If you
1755    want to build a local copy you can configure Spot with
1756    --enable-doxygen, or simply run "cd doc && make doc".
1758  - All the images that illustrate the documentation have been
1759    converted to SVG, to save space and improve quality.
1761  Tools:
1763  - ltlsynt is a new tool for synthesizing a controller from LTL/PSL
1764    specifications.
1766  - ltlcross learned --reference=COMMANDFMT to specify a translator
1767    that should be trusted.  Doing so makes it possible to reduce the
1768    number of tests to be performed, as all other translators will be
1769    compared to the reference's output when available.  Multiple
1770    reference can be given; in that case other tools are compared
1771    against the smallest reference automaton.
1773  - autcross, ltlcross, and ltldo learned --fail-on-timeout.
1775  - ltl2tgba, autfilt, and dstar2tgba have some new '--parity' and
1776    '--colored-parity' options to force parity acceptance on the
1777    output.  Different styles can be requested using for instance
1778    --parity='min odd' or --parity='max even'.
1780  - ltl2tgba, autfilt, and dstar2tgba have some new '--cobuchi' option
1781    to force co-Büchi acceptance on the output.  Beware: if the input
1782    language is not co-Büchi realizable the output automaton will
1783    recognize a superset of the input.  Currently, the output is
1784    always state-based.
1786  - genltl learned to generate six new families of formulas, taken from
1787    the SYNTCOMP competition on reactive synthesis, and from from
1788    Müller & Sickert's GandALF'17 paper:
1789    --gf-equiv=RANGE       (GFa1 & GFa2 & ... & GFan) <-> GFz
1790    --gf-implies=RANGE     (GFa1 & GFa2 & ... & GFan) -> GFz
1791    --ms-example=RANGE     GF(a1&X(a2&X(a3&...)))&F(b1&F(b2&F(b3&...)))
1792    --ms-phi-h=RANGE       FG(a|b)|FG(!a|Xb)|FG(a|XXb)|FG(!a|XXXb)|...
1793    --ms-phi-r=RANGE       (FGa{n}&GFb{n})|((FGa{n-1}|GFb{n-1})&(...))
1794    --ms-phi-s=RANGE       (FGa{n}|GFb{n})&((FGa{n-1}&GFb{n-1})|(...))
1796  - autfilt learned --streett-like to convert automata with DNF
1797    acceptance into automata with Streett-like acceptance.
1799  - autfilt learned --acceptance-is=ACC to filter automata by
1800    acceptance condition.  ACC can be the name of some acceptance
1801    class (e.g. Büchi, Fin-less, Streett-like) or a precise acceptance
1802    formula in the HOA syntax.
1804  - ltldo learned to limit the number of automata it outputs using -n.
1806  - ltlfilt learned to measure wall-time using --format=%r, and
1807    cpu-time with --format=%R.
1809  - The --format=%g option of tools that output automata used to
1810    print the acceptance condition as a *formula* in the HOA format.
1811    This %g may now take optional arguments to print the acceptance
1812    *name* in different formats.  For instance
1814       ... | autfilt -o '%[s]g.hoa'
1816    will separate a stream of automata into different files named
1817    by their acceptance name (Buchi, co-Buchi, Streett, etc.) or
1818    "other" if no name is known for the acceptance condition.
1820  - Tools that produce formulas now support --format=%[OP]n to
1821    display the nesting depth of operator OP.
1823  - The new -x tls-impl=N option allows to fine-tune the
1824    implication-based simplification rules of ltl2tgba.  See the
1825    spot-x(7) man page for details.
1827  - All tools learned to check the SPOT_OOM_ABORT environment
1828    variable.  This is only useful for debuging out-of-memory
1829    conditions. See the spot-x(7) man page for details.
1831  New functions in the library:
1833  - spot::iar() and spot::iar_maybe() use index appearance records (IAR)
1834    to translate Rabin-like automata into equivalent parity automata.
1835    This translation preserves determinism and is especially useful when
1836    the input automaton is deterministic.
1838  - spot::print_aiger() encodes an automaton as an AIGER circuit, as
1839    required by the SYNTCOMP competition.  It relies on a new named
1840    property "synthesis outputs" that describes which atomic
1841    propositions are to be encoded as outputs of the circuits.
1843  - spot::dnf_to_streett() converts any automaton with a DNF
1844    acceptance condition into a Streett-like automaton.
1846  - spot::nsa_to_nca(), spot::dfn_to_nca(), spot::dfn_to_dca(), and
1847    spot::nsa_to_dca(), convert automata with DNF or Streett-like
1848    acceptance into deterministic or non-deterministic co-Büchi
1849    automata.  spot::to_dca() and spot::to_nca() dispatch between
1850    these four functions.  The language of produced automaton includes
1851    the original language, but may be larger if the original automaton
1852    is not co-Büchi realizable.  Based on Boker & Kupferman FOSSACS'11
1853    paper.  Currently only supports state-based output.
1855  - spot::scc_info::states_on_acc_cycle_of() returns all states
1856    visited by any accepting cycle of the specified SCC.  It only
1857    works on automata with Streett-like acceptance.
1859  - spot::is_recurrence(), spot::is_persistence(), and
1860    spot::is_obligation() test if a formula is a recurrence,
1861    persistance or obligation.  The SPOT_PR_CHECK and SPOT_O_CHECK
1862    environment variables can be used to select between multiple
1863    implementations of these functions (see the spot-x(7) man page).
1865  - spot::is_colored() checks if an automaton is colored
1866    (i.e., every transition belongs to exactly one acceptance set).
1868  - spot::change_parity() converts between different parity acceptance
1869    conditions.
1871  - spot::colorize_parity() transforms an automaton with parity
1872    acceptance into a colored automaton (which is often what people
1873    working with parity automata expect).
1875  - spot::cleanup_parity_acceptance() simplifies a parity acceptance
1876    condition.
1878  - spot::parity_product() and spot::parity_product_or() are
1879    specialized (but expensive) products that preserve parity
1880    acceptance.
1882  - spot::remove_univ_otf() removes universal transitions on the fly
1883    from an alternating Büchi automaton using Miyano and Hayashi's
1884    breakpoint algorithm.
1886  - spot::stutter_invariant_states(),
1887    spot::stutter_invariant_letters(),
1888    spot::highlight_stutter_invariant_states(), ...  These functions
1889    help study a stutter-sensitive automaton and detect the subset of
1890    states that are stutter-invariant.  See
1891    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/stutter-inv.html for examples.
1893  - spot::acc_cond::name(fmt) is a new method that names well-known
1894    acceptance conditions.  The fmt parameter specifies the format to
1895    use for that name (e.g. to the style used in HOA, or that used by
1896    print_dot()).
1898  - spot::formula::is_leaf() method can be used to detect formulas
1899    without children (atomic propositions, or constants).
1901  - spot::nesting_depth() computes the nesting depth of any LTL
1902    operator.
1904  - spot::check_determinism() sets both prop_semi_deterministic()
1905    and prop_universal() appropriately.
1907  Improvements to existing functions in the library:
1909  - spot::tgba_determinize() has been heavily rewritten and
1910    optimized. The algorithm has (almost) not changed, but it is
1911    much faster now. It also features an optimization for
1912    stutter-invariant automata that may produce slightly smaller
1913    automata.
1915  - spot::scc_info now takes an optional argument to disable some
1916    features that are expensive and not always necessary.  By
1917    default scc_info tracks the list of all states that belong to an
1918    SCC (you may now ask it not to), tracks the successor SCCs of
1919    each SCC (that can but turned off), and explores all SCCs of the
1920    automaton (you may request to stop on the first SCC that is
1921    found accepting).
1923  - In some cases, spot::degeneralize() would output Büchi automata
1924    with more SCCs than its input.  This was hard to notice, because
1925    very often simulation-based simplifications remove those extra
1926    SCCs.  This situation is now detected by spot::degeneralized()
1927    and fixed before returning the automaton.  A new optional
1928    argument can be passed to disable this behavior (or use -x
1929    degen-remscc=0 from the command-line).
1931  - The functions for detecting stutter-invariant formulas or
1932    automata have been overhauled.  Their interface changed
1933    slightly.  They are now fully documented.
1935  - spot::postprocessor::set_type() can now request different forms
1936    of parity acceptance as output.  However currently the
1937    conversions are not very smart: if the input does not already
1938    have parity acceptance, it will simply be degeneralized or
1939    determinized.
1941  - spot::postprocessor::set_type() can now request co-Büchi
1942    acceptance as output.  This calls the aforementioned to_nca() or
1943    to_dca() functions.
1945  - spot::remove_fin() will now call simplify_acceptance(),
1946    introduced in 2.4, before attempting its different Fin-removal
1947    strategies.
1949  - spot::simplify_acceptance() was already merging identical
1950    acceptance sets, and detecting complementary sets i and j to
1951    perform the following simplifications
1952      Fin(i) & Inf(j) = Fin(i)
1953      Fin(i) | Inf(j) = Inf(i)
1954    It now additionally applies the following rules (again assuming i
1955    and j are complementary):
1956      Fin(i) & Fin(j) = f          Inf(i) | Inf(j) = t
1957      Fin(i) & Inf(i) = f          Fin(i) | Inf(i) = t
1959  - spot::formula::map(fun) and spot::formula::traverse(fun) will
1960    accept additionnal arguments and pass them to fun().  See
1961    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut03.html for some examples.
1963  Python-specific changes:
1965  - The "product-states" property of automata is now accessible via
1966    spot.twa.get_product_states() and spot.twa.set_product_states().
1968  - twa_word instances can be displayed as SVG pictures, with one
1969    signal per atomic proposition.  For some examples, see the use of
1970    the show() method in https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/word.html
1972  - The test suite is now using v4 of the Jupyter Notebook format.
1974  - The function rabin_is_buchi_realizable() as its name suggests checks
1975    if a rabin aut. is Büchi realizable. It is heavily based on
1976    tra_to_tba() algorithm.
1978  Deprecation notices:
1980  (These functions still work but compilers emit warnings.)
1982  - spot::scc_info::used_acc(), spot::scc_info::used_acc_of() and
1983    spot::scc_info::acc() are deprecated.  They have been renamed
1984    spot::scc_info::marks(), spot::scc_info::marks_of() and
1985    spot::scc_info::acc_sets_of() respectively for clarity.
1987  Backward incompatible changes:
1989  - The spot::closure(), spot::sl2(), spot::is_stutter_invariant()
1990    functions no longer take && arguments.  The former two have
1991    spot::closure_inplace() and spot::sl2_inplace() variants.  These
1992    functions also do not take a list of atomic propositions as an
1993    argument anymore.
1995  - The spot::bmrand() and spot::prand() functions have been removed.
1996    They were not used at all in Spot, and it is not Spot's objective
1997    to provide such random functions.
1999  - The spot::bdd_dict::register_all_propositions_of() function has
2000    been removed.  This low-level function was not used anywhere in
2001    Spot anymore, since it's better to use spot::twa::copy_ap_of().
2003  Bugs fixed:
2005  - spot::simplify_acceptance() could produce incorrect output if the
2006    first edge of the automaton was the only one with no acceptance
2007    set.  In spot 2.4.x this function was only used by autfilt
2008    --simplify-acceptance; in 2.5 it is now used in remove_fin().
2010  - spot::streett_to_generalized_buchi() could generate incorrect
2011    automata with empty language if some Fin set did not intersect all
2012    accepting SCCs (in other words, the fix from 2.4.1 was incorrect).
2014  - ltlcross could crash when calling remove_fin() on an automaton
2015    with 32 acceptance sets that would need an additional set.
2017  - the down_cast() helper function used in severaly headers of Spot
2018    was not in the spot namespace, and caused issues with some
2019    configurations of GCC.
2021New in spot 2.4.4 (2017-12-25)
2023  Bugs fixed:
2025  - The generic to_generalized_buchi() function would fail if the
2026    Fin-less & CNF version of the acceptance condition had several
2027    unit clauses.
2029  - If the automaton passed to sbacc() was incomplete or
2030    non-deterministic because of some unreachable states, then it was
2031    possible that the output would marked similarly while it was in
2032    fact complete or deterministic.
2034New in spot 2.4.3 (2017-12-19)
2036  Bugs fixed:
2038  - couvreur99_new() leaked memory when processing TωA that allocate
2039    states.
2041  - Some mismatched placement-new/delete reported by ASAN were fixed.
2043  - Static compilation was broken on MinGW.
2045  - Execution of Jupyter notebooks from the testsuite failed with
2046    recent versions of Python.
2048  - Fix some warnings triggered by the development version of g++.
2050New in spot 2.4.2 (2017-11-07)
2052  Tools:
2054  - ltlcross and ltldo support ltl3tela, the new name of ltl3hoa.
2056  Bugs fixed:
2058  - Automata produced by "genaut --ks-nca=N" were incorrectly marked
2059    as not complete.
2061  - Fix some cases for which the highest setting of formulas
2062    simplification would produce worse results than lower settings.
2064New in spot 2.4.1 (2017-10-05)
2066  Bugs fixed:
2068  - The formula class failed to build {a->c[*]} although it is
2069    allowed by our grammar.
2071  - spot::scc_info::determine_unknown_acceptance() incorrectly
2072    considered some rejecting SCC as accepting.
2074  - spot::streett_to_generalized_buchi() could generate automata with
2075    empty language if some Fin set did not intersect all accepting
2076    SCCs.  As a consequence, some Streett-like automata were
2077    considered empty even though they were not.  Also, the same
2078    function could crash on input that had a Streett-like acceptance
2079    not using all declared sets.
2081  - The twa_graph::merge_edges() function relied on BDD IDs to sort
2082    edges.  This in turn caused some algorithms (like the
2083    degeneralization) to produce slighltly different (but still correct)
2084    outputs depending on the BDD operations performed before.
2086  - spot::simulation() could incorrectly flag an automaton as
2087    non-deterministic.
2089New in spot 2.4 (2017-09-06)
2091  Build:
2093  - Spot is now built in C++14 mode, so you need at least GCC 5 or
2094    clang 3.4.  The current version of all major linux distributions
2095    ship with at least GCC 6, which defaults to C++14, so this should
2096    not be a problem.  In *this* release of Spot, most of the header
2097    files are still C++11 compatible, so you should be able to include
2098    Spot in a C++11 project in case you do not yet want to upgrade.
2099    There is also an --enable-c++17 option to configure in case you
2100    want to force a build of Spot in C++17 mode.
2102  Tools:
2104  - genaut is a new binary that produces families of automata defined
2105    in the literature (in the same way as we have genltl for LTL
2106    formulas).
2108  - autcross is a new binary that compares the output of tools
2109    transforming automata (in the same way as we have ltlcross for
2110    LTL translators).
2112  - genltl learned two generate two new families of formulas:
2113      --fxg-or=RANGE         F(p0 | XG(p1 | XG(p2 | ... XG(pn))))
2114      --gxf-and=RANGE        G(p0 & XF(p1 & XF(p2 & ... XF(pn))))
2115    The later is a generalization of --eh-pattern=9, for which a
2116    single state TGBA always exists (but previous version of Spot
2117    would build larger automata).
2119  - autfilt learned to build the union (--sum) or the intersection
2120    (--sum-and) of two languages by putting two automata side-by-side
2121    and fiddling with the initial states.  This complements the already
2122    implemented intersection (--product) and union (--product-or),
2123    both based on a product.
2125  - autfilt learned to complement any alternating automaton with
2126    option --dualize.   (See spot::dualize() below.)
2128  - autfilt learned --split-edges to convert labels that are Boolean
2129    formulas into labels that are min-terms.  (See spot::split_edges()
2130    below.)
2132  - autfilt learned --simplify-acceptance to simplify some acceptance
2133    conditions.  (See spot::simplify_acceptance() below.)
2135  - autfilt --decompote-strength has been renamed to --decompose-scc
2136    because it can now extract the subautomaton leading to an SCC
2137    specified by number.  (The old name is still kept as an alias.)
2139  - The --stats=%c option of tools producing automata can now be
2140    restricted to count complete SCCs, using %[c]c.
2142  - Tools producing automata have a --stats=... option, and tools
2143    producing formulas have a --format=... option.  These two options
2144    work similarly, the use of different names is just historical.
2145    Starting with this release, all tools that recognize one of these
2146    two options also accept the other one as an alias.
2148  Library:
2150  - A new library, libspotgen, gathers all functions used to generate
2151    families of automata or LTL formulas, used by genltl and genaut.
2153  - spot::sum() and spot::sum_and() implements the union and the
2154    intersection of two automata by putting them side-by-side and
2155    using non-deterministim or universal branching on the initial
2156    state.
2158  - twa objects have a new property: prop_complete().  This obviously
2159    acts as a cache for the is_complete() function.
2161  - spot::dualize() complements any alternating automaton.  Since
2162    the dual of a deterministic automaton is still deterministic, the
2163    function spot::dtwa_complement() has been deprecated and simply
2164    calls spot::dualize().
2166  - spot::decompose_strength() was extended and renamed to
2167    spot::decompose_scc() as it can now also extract a subautomaton
2168    leading to a particular SCC.  A demonstration of this feature via
2169    the Python bindings can be found at
2170    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/decompose.html
2172  - The print_dot() function will now display names for well known
2173    acceptance conditions under the formula when option 'a' is used.
2174    We plan to enable 'a' by default in a future release, so a new
2175    option 'A' has been added to hide the acceptance condition.
2177  - The print_dot() function has a new experimental option 'x' to
2178    output labels are LaTeX formulas.  This is meant to be used in
2179    conjunction with the dot2tex tool.  See
2180      https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/oaut.html#dot2tex
2182  - A new named property for automata called "original-states" can be
2183    used to record the origin of a state before transformation.  It is
2184    currently defined by the degeneralization algorithms, and by
2185    transform_accessible() and algorithms based on it (like
2186    remove_ap::strip(), decompose_scc()).  This is realy meant as an
2187    aid for writing algorithms that need this mapping, but it can also
2188    be used to debug these algorithms: the "original-states"
2189    information is displayed by the dot printer when the 'd' option is
2190    passed.  For instance in
2192      % ltl2tgba 'GF(a <-> Fb)' --dot=s
2193      % ltl2tgba 'GF(a <-> Fb)' | autfilt -B --dot=ds
2195    the second command outputs an automaton with states that show
2196    references to the first one.
2198  - A new named property for automata called "degen-levels" keeps track
2199    of the level of a state in a degeneralization. This information
2200    complements the one carried in "original-states".
2202  - A new named property for automata called "simulated-states" can be
2203    used to record the origin of a state through simulation. The
2204    behavior is similar to "original-states" above. Determinization
2205    takes advantage of this in its pretty print.
2207  - The new function spot::acc_cond::is_streett_like() checks whether
2208    an acceptance condition is conjunction of disjunctive clauses
2209    containing at most one Inf and at most one Fin.  It builds a
2210    vector of pairs to use if we want to assume the automaton has
2211    Streett acceptance.  The dual function is
2212    spot::acc_cond::is_rabin_like() works similarly.
2214  - The degeneralize() function has learned to consider acceptance
2215    marks common to all edges comming to a state to select its initial
2216    level.  A similar trick was already used in sbacc(), and saves a
2217    few states in some cases.
2219  - There is a new spot::split_edges() function that transforms edges
2220    (labeled by Boolean formulas over atomic propositions) into
2221    transitions (labeled by conjunctions where each atomic proposition
2222    appear either positive or negative).  This can be used to
2223    preprocess automata before feeding them to algorithms or tools
2224    that expect transitions labeled by letters.
2226  - spot::scc_info has two new methods to easily iterate over the
2227    edges of an SCC: edges_of() and inner_edges_of().
2229  - spot::scc_info can now be passed a filter function to ignore
2230    or cut some edges.
2232  - spot::scc_info now keeps track of acceptance sets that are common
2233    to all edges in an SCC.  These can be retrieved using
2234    scc_info::common_sets_of(scc), and they are used by scc_info to
2235    classify some SCCs as rejecting more easily.
2237  - The new function acc_code::remove() removes all the given
2238    acceptance sets from the acceptance condition.
2240  - It is now possible to change an automaton acceptance condition
2241    directly by calling twa::set_acceptance().
2243  - spot::cleanup_acceptance_here now takes an additional boolean
2244    parameter specifying whether to strip useless marks from the
2245    automaton.  This parameter is defaulted to true, in order to
2246    keep this modification backward-compatible.
2248  - The new function spot::simplify_acceptance() is able to perform
2249    some simplifications on an acceptance condition, and might lead
2250    to the removal of some acceptance sets.
2252  - The function spot::streett_to_generalized_buchi() is now able to
2253    work on automata with Streett-like acceptance.
2255  - The function for converting deterministic Rabin automata to
2256    deterministic Büchi automata (when possible), internal to the
2257    remove_fin() procedure, has been updated to work with
2258    transition-based acceptance and with Rabin-like acceptance.
2260  - spot::relabel_here() was used on automata to rename atomic
2261    propositions, it can now replace atomic propositions by Boolean
2262    subformula.  This makes it possible to use relabeling maps
2263    produced by relabel_bse() on formulas.
2265  - twa_graph::copy_state_names_from() can be used to copy the state
2266    names from another automaton, honoring "original-states" if
2267    present.
2269  - Building automata for LTL formula with a large number N of atomic
2270    propositions can be costly, because several loops and
2271    data-structures are exponential in N.  However a formula like
2272      ((a & b & c) | (d & e & f)) U ((d & e & f) | (g & h & i))
2273    can be translated more efficiently by first building an automaton
2274    for (p0 | p1) U (p1 | p2), and then substituting p0, p1, p2 by the
2275    appropriate Boolean formula.  Such a trick is now attempted
2276    for translation of formulas with 4 atomic propositions or
2277    more (this threshold can be changed, see -x relabel-bool=N in
2278    the spot-x(7) man page).
2280  - The LTL simplification routines learned that an LTL formula like
2281    G(a & XF(b & XFc & Fd) can be simplified to G(a & Fb & Fc & Fd),
2282    and dually F(a | XG(b | XGc | Gd)) = F(a | Gb | Gc | Gd).
2284    When working with SERE, the simplification of "expr[*0..1]" was
2285    improved.  E.g. {{a[*]|b}[*0..1]} becomes {a[*]|b} instead of
2286    {{a[+]|b}[*0..1]}.
2288  - The new function spot::to_weak_alternating() is able to take an
2289    input automaton with generalized Büchi/co-Büchi acceptance and
2290    convert it to a weak alternating automaton.
2292  - spot::sbacc() is can now also convert alternating automata
2293    to state-based acceptance.
2295  - spot::sbacc() and spot::degeneralize() learned to merge
2296    accepting sinks.
2298  - If the SPOT_BDD_TRACE environment variable is set, statistics
2299    about BDD garbage collection and table resizing are shown.
2301  - The & and | operators for acceptannce conditions have been changed
2302    slightly to be more symmetrical.  In older versions, operator &
2303    would move Fin() terms to the front, but that is not the case
2304    anymore.  Also operator & was already grouping all Inf() terms
2305    (for efficiency reasons), in this version operator | is
2306    symmetrically grouping all Fin() terms.
2308  - The automaton parser is now reentrant, making it possible to
2309    process automata from different streams at the same time (i.e.,
2310    using multiple spot::automaton_stream_parser instances at once).
2312  - The print_hoa() and parse_automaton() functions have been updated
2313    to recognize the "exist-branch" property of the non-released HOA
2314    v1.1, as well as the new meaning of property "deterministic".  (In
2315    HOA v1 "properties: deterministic" means that the automaton has no
2316    existential branching; in HOA v1.1 it disallows universal
2317    branching as well.)  The meaning of "deterministic" in Spot has
2318    been adjusted to these new semantics, see "Backward-incompatible
2319    changes" below.
2321  - The parser for HOA now recognizes and verifies correct use of the
2322    "univ-branch" property.  This is known to be a problem with option
2323    -H1 of ltl3ba 1.1.2 and ltl3dra 0.2.4, so the environment variable
2324    SPOT_HOA_TOLERANT can be set to disable the diagnostic.
2326  Python:
2328  - The 'spot.gen' package exports the functions from libspotgen.
2329    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/gen.html for examples.
2331  Bugs fixed:
2333  - When the remove_fin() function was called on some automaton with
2334    Inf-less acceptance involving at least one disjunction (e.g.,
2335    generalized co-Büchi), it would sometimes output an automaton with
2336    transition-based acceptance but marked as state-based.
2338  - The complete() function could complete an empty co-Büchi automaton
2339    into an automaton accepting everything.
2341  Backward-incompatible changes:
2343  - spot::acc_cond::mark_t::operator bool() has been marked as
2344    explicit.  The implicit converion to bool (and, via bool, to int)
2345    was a source of bugs.
2347  - spot::twa_graph::set_init_state(const state*) has been removed.
2348    It was never used.  You always want to use
2349    spot::twa_graph::set_init_state(unsigned) in practice.
2351  - The previous implementation of spot::is_deterministic() has been
2352    renamed to spot::is_universal().  The new version of
2353    spot::is_deterministic() requires the automaton to be both
2354    universal and existential.  This should not make any difference in
2355    existing code unless you work with the recently added support for
2356    alternating automata.
2358  - spot::acc_cond::mark_t::sets() now returns an internal iterable
2359    object instead of an std::vector<unsigned>.
2361  - The color palette optionally used by print_dot() has been extended
2362    from 9 to 16 colors.  While the first 8 colors are similar, they
2363    are a bit more saturated now.
2365  deprecation notices:
2367  (these functions still work but compilers emit warnings.)
2369  - spot::decompose_strength() is deprecated, it has been renamed
2370    to spot::decompose_scc().
2372  - spot::dtwa_complement() is deprecated.  prefer the more generic
2373    spot::dualize() instead.
2375  - the spot::twa::prop_deterministic() methods have been renamed to
2376    spot::twa::prop_universal() for consistency with the change to
2377    is_deterministic() listed above.  we have kept
2378    spot::twa::prop_deterministic() as a deprecated synonym for
2379    spot::twa::prop_universal() to help backward compatibility.
2381  - the spot::copy() function is deprecated.  use
2382    spot::make_twa_graph() instead.
2384New in spot 2.3.5 (2017-06-22)
2386  Bugs fixed:
2388  - We have fixed new cases where translating multiple formulas in a
2389    single ltl2tgba run could produce automata different from those
2390    produced by individual runs.
2392  - The print_dot() function had a couple of issues when printing
2393    alternating automata: in particular, when using flag 's' (display
2394    SCC) or 'y' (split universal destination by colors) universal
2395    edges could be connected to undefined states.
2397  - Using --stats=%s or --stats=%s or --stats=%t could take an
2398    unnecessary long time on automata with many atomic propositions,
2399    due to a typo.  Furthermore, %s/%e/%t/%E/%T were printing
2400    a number of reachable states/edges/transitions, but %S was
2401    incorrectly counting all states even unreachable.
2403  - Our verson of BuDDy had an incorrect optimization for the
2404    biimp operator.
2406New in spot 2.3.4 (2017-05-11)
2408  Bugs fixed:
2410  - The transformation to state-based acceptance (spot::sbacc()) was
2411    incorrect on automata where the empty acceptance mark is accepting.
2413  - The --help output of randaut and ltl2tgba was showing an
2414    unsupported %b stat.
2416  - ltldo and ltlcross could leave temporary files behind when
2417    aborting on error.
2419  - The LTL simplifcation rule that turns F(f)|q into F(f|q)
2420    when q is a subformula that is both eventual and universal
2421    was documented but not applied in some forgotten cases.
2423  - Because of some caching inside of ltl2tgba, translating multiple
2424    formula in single ltl2tgba run could produce automata different
2425    from those produced by individual runs.
2427New in spot 2.3.3 (2017-04-11)
2429  Tools:
2431  - ltldo and ltlcross learned shorthands to talk to ltl2da, ltl2dpa,
2432    and ltl2ldba (from Owl) without needing to specify %f>%O.
2434  - genltl learned --spec-patterns as an alias for --dac-patterns; it
2435    also learned two new sets of LTL formulas under --hkrss-patterns
2436    (a.k.a. --liberouter-patterns) and --p-patterns
2437    (a.k.a. --beem-patterns).
2439  Bugs fixed:
2441  - In "lenient" mode the formula parser would fail to recover from a
2442    missing closing brace.
2444  - The output of 'genltl --r-left=1 --r-right=1 --format=%F' had
2445    typos.
2447  - 'ltl2tgba Fa | autfilt --complement' would incorrectly claim that
2448    the output is "terminal" because dtwa_complement() failed to reset
2449    that property.
2451  - spot::twa_graph::purge_unreachable_states() was misbehaving on
2452    alternating automata.
2454  - In bench/stutter/ the .cc files were not compiling due to warnings
2455    being caught as errors.
2457  - The code in charge of detecting DBA-type Rabin automata is
2458    actually written to handle a slightly larger class of acceptance
2459    conditions (e.g., Fin(0)|(Fin(1)&Inf(2))), however it failed to
2460    correctly detect DBA-typeness in some of these non-Rabin
2461    acceptance.
2463New in spot 2.3.2 (2017-03-15)
2465  Tools:
2467  - In tools that output automata, the number of atomic propositions
2468    can be output using --stats=%x (output automaton) or --stats=%X
2469    (input automaton).  Additional options can be passed to list
2470    atomic propositions instead of counting them.  Tools that output
2471    formulas also support --format=%x for this purpose.
2473  Python:
2475  - The bdd_to_formula(), and to_generalized_buchi() functions can now
2476    be called in Python.
2478  Documentation:
2480  - https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut11.html is a new page describing
2481    how to build monitors in Shell, Python, or C++.
2483  Bugs fixed:
2485  - The tests using LTSmin's patched version of divine would fail
2486    if the current (non-patched) version of divine was installed.
2488  - Because of a typo, the output of --stats='...%P...' was correct
2489    only if %p was used as well.
2491  - genltl was never meant to have (randomly attributed) short
2492    options for --postive and --negative.
2494  - a typo in the code for transformating transition-based acceptance
2495    to state-based acceptance could cause a superfluous initial state
2496    to be output in some cases (the result was still correct).
2498  - 'ltl2tgba --any -C -M ...' would not complete automata.
2500  - While not incorrect, the HOA properties output by 'ltl2tgba -M'
2501    could be 'inherently-weak' or 'terminal', while 'ltl2tgba -M -D'
2502    would always report 'weak' automata.  Both variants now report the
2503    most precise between 'weak' or 'terminal'.
2505  - spot::twa_graph::set_univ_init_state() could not be called with
2506    an initializer list.
2508  - The Python wrappers for spot::twa_graph::state_from_number and
2509    spot::twa_graph::state_acc_sets were broken in 2.3.
2511  - Instantiating an emptiness check on an automaton with unsupported
2512    acceptance condition should throw an exception.  This used to be
2513    just an assertion, disabled in release builds; the difference
2514    matters for the Python bindings.
2516  Deprecation notice:
2518  - Using --format=%a to print the number of atomic propositions in
2519    ltlfilt, genltl, and randltl still works, but it is not documented
2520    anymore and should be replaced by the newly-introduced --format=%x
2521    for consistency with tools producing automata, where %a means
2522    something else.
2525New in spot 2.3.1 (2017-02-20)
2527  Tools:
2529  - ltldo learnt to act like a portfolio: --smallest and --greatest
2530    will select the best output automaton for each formula translated.
2531    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ltldo.html#portfolio for examples.
2533  - The colors used in the output of ltlcross have been adjusted to
2534    work better with white backgrounds and black backgrounds.
2536  - The option (y) has been added to --dot. It splits the universal
2537    edges with the same targets but different colors.
2539  - genltl learnt three new families for formulas: --kr-n2=RANGE,
2540    --kr-nlogn=RANGE, and --kr-n=RANGE.  These formulas, from
2541    Kupferman & Rosenberg [MoChArt'10] are recognizable by
2542    deterministic Büchi automata with at least 2^2^n states.
2544  Library:
2546  - spot::twa_run::as_twa() has an option to preserve state names.
2548  - the method spot::twa::is_alternating(), introduced in Spot 2.3 was
2549    badly named and has been deprecated.  Use the negation of the new
2550    spot::twa::is_existential() instead.
2552  Bugs fixed:
2554  - spot::otf_product() was incorrectly registering atomic
2555    propositions.
2557  - spot::ltsmin_model::kripke() forgot to register the "dead"
2558    proposition.
2560  - The spot::acc_word type (used to construct acceptance condition)
2561    was using some non-standard anonymous struct.  It is unlikely that
2562    this type was actually used outside Spot, but if you do use it,
2563    spot::acc_word::op and spot::acc_word::type had to be renamed as
2564    spot::acc_word::sub.op and spot::acc_word::sub.type.
2566  - alternation_removal() was not always reporting the unsupported
2567    non-weak automata.
2569  - a long-standing typo in the configure code checking for Python
2570    caused any user-defined CPPFLAGS to be ignored while building
2571    Spot.
2573  - The display of clusters with universal edges was confused, because the
2574    intermediate node was not in the cluster even if one of the target was
2575    in the same one.
2577New in spot 2.3 (2017-01-19)
2579  Build:
2581  * While Spot only relies on C++11 features, the configure script
2582    learned --enable-c++14 to compile in C++14 mode.  This allows us
2583    check that nothing breaks when we will switch to C++14.
2585  * Spot is now distributed with PicoSAT 965, and uses it for
2586    SAT-based minimization of automata without relying on temporary
2587    files.  It is still possible to use an external SAT solver by
2588    setting the SPOT_SATSOLVER environment variable.
2590  * The development Debian packages for Spot now install static
2591    libraries as well.
2593  * We now install configuration files for users of pkg-config.
2595  Tools:
2597  * ltlcross supports translators that output alternating automata in
2598    the HOA format.  Cross-comparison checks will only work with weak
2599    alternating automata (not necessarily *very* weak), but "ltlcross
2600    --no-check --product=0 --csv=..." will work with any alternating
2601    automaton if you just want satistics.
2603  * autfilt can read alternating automata.  This is still experimental
2604    (see below). Some of the algorithms proposed by autfilt will
2605    refuse to work because they have not yet been updated to work with
2606    alternating automata, but in any case they should display a
2607    diagnostic: if you see a crash, please report it.
2609  * autfilt has three new filters: --is-very-weak, --is-alternating,
2610    and --is-semi-deterministic.
2612  * the --check option of autfilt/ltl2tgba/ltldo/dstar2tgba can now
2613    take "semi-determinism" as argument.
2615  * autfilt --highlight-languages will color states that recognize
2616    identical languages.  (Only works for deterministic automata.)
2618  * 'autfilt --sat-minimize' and 'ltl2tgba -x sat-minimize' have
2619    undergone some backward incompatible changes.  They use binary
2620    search by default, and support different options than they used
2621    too.  See spot-x(7) for details.  The defaults are those that were
2622    best for the benchmark in bench/dtgbasat/.
2624  * ltlfilt learned --recurrence and --persistence to match formulas
2625    belonging to these two classes of the temporal hierarchy.  Unlike
2626    --syntactic-recurrence and --syntactic-persistence, the new checks
2627    are automata-based and will also match pathological formulas.
2628    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/hierarchy.html
2630  * The --format option of ltlfilt/genltl/randltl/ltlgrind learned to
2631    print the class of a formula in the temporal hierarchy of Manna &
2632    Pnueli using %h.  See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/hierarchy.html
2634  * ltldo and ltlcross learned a --relabel option to force the
2635    relabeling of atomic propositions to p0, p1, etc.  This is more
2636    useful with ltldo, as it allows calling a tool that restricts the
2637    atomic propositions it supports, and the output automaton will
2638    then be fixed to use the original atomic propositions.
2640  * ltldo and ltlcross have learned how to call ltl3hoa, so
2641    'ltl3hoa -f %f>%O' can be abbreviated to just 'ltl3hoa'.
2643  Library:
2645  * A twa is required to have at least one state, the initial state.
2646    An automaton can only be empty while it is being constructed,
2647    but should not be passed to other algorithms.
2649  * Couvreur's emptiness check has been rewritten to use the explicit
2650    interface when possible, to avoid overkill memory allocations.
2651    The new version has further optimizations for weak and terminal
2652    automata.  Overall, this new version is roughly 4x faster on
2653    explicit automata than the former one.  The old version has been
2654    kept for backward compatibility, but will be removed eventually.
2656  * The new version of the Couvreur emptiness check is now the default
2657    one, used by twa::is_empty() and twa::accepting_run().  Always
2658    prefer these functions over an explicit call to Couvreur.
2660  * experimental support for alternating automata:
2662    - twa_graph objects can now represent alternating automata.  Use
2663      twa_graph::new_univ_edge() and twa_graph::set_univ_init_state()
2664      to create universal edges an initial states; and use
2665      twa_graph::univ_dests() to iterate over the universal
2666      destinations of an edge.
2668    - the automaton parser will now read alternating automata in the
2669      HOA format.  The HOA and dot printers can output them.
2671    - the file twaalgos/alternation.hh contains a few algorithms
2672      specific to alternating automata:
2673      + remove_alternation() will transform *weak* alternating automata
2674        into TGBA.
2675      + the class outedge_combiner can be used to perform "and" and "or"
2676        on the outgoing edges of some alternating automaton.
2678    - scc_info has been adjusted to handle universal edges as if they
2679      were existential edges.  As a consequence, acceptance
2680      information is not accurate.
2682    - postprocessor will call remove_alternation() right away, so
2683      it can be used as a way to transform alternating automata
2684      into different sub-types of (generalized) Büchi automata.
2685      Note that although prostprocessor optimize the resulting
2686      automata, it still has no simplification algorithms that work
2687      at the alternating automaton level.
2689    - See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut23.html
2690      https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut24.html and
2691      https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut31.html for some code examples.
2693  * twa objects have two new properties, very-weak and
2694    semi-deterministic, that can be set or retrieved via
2695    twa::prop_very_weak()/twa::prop_semi_deterministic(), and that can
2696    be tested by is_very_weak_automaton()/is_semi_deterministic().
2698  * twa::prop_set has a new attribute used in twa::prop_copy() and
2699    twa::prop_keep() to indicate that determinism may be improved by
2700    an algorithm.  In other words properties like
2701    deterministic/semi-deterministic/unambiguous should be preserved
2702    only if they are positive.
2704  * language_map() and highlight_languages() are new functions that
2705    implement autfilt's --highlight-languages option mentionned above.
2707  * dtgba_sat_minimize_dichotomy() and dwba_sat_minimize_dichotomy()
2708    use language_map() to estimate a lower bound for binary search.
2710  * The encoding part of SAT-based minimization consumes less memory.
2712  * SAT-based minimization of automata can now be done using two
2713    incremental techniques that take a solved minimization and attempt
2714    to forbid the use of some states.  This is done either by adding
2715    clauses, or by using assumptions.
2717  * If the environment variable "SPOT_XCNF" is set during incremental
2718    SAT-based minimization, XCNF files suitable for the incremental SAT
2719    competition will be generated.  This requires the use of an exteral
2720    SAT solver, setup with "SPOT_SATSOLVER".  See spot-x(7).
2722  * The new function mp_class(f) returns the class of the formula
2723    f in the temporal hierarchy of Manna & Pnueli.
2727  * spot.show_mp_hierarchy() can be used to display the membership of
2728    a formula to the Manna & Pnueli hierarchy, in notebooks.  An
2729    example is in https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/formulas.html
2731  * The on-line translator will now display the temporal hierarchy
2732    in the "Formula > property information" output.
2734Bugs fixed:
2736  * The minimize_wdba() function was not correctly minimizing automata
2737    with useless SCCs.  This was not an issue for the LTL translation
2738    (where useless SCCs are always removed first), but it was an issue
2739    when deciding if a formula was safety or guarantee.  As a
2740    consequence, some tricky safety or guarantee properties were only
2741    recognized as obligations.
2743  * When ltlcross was running a translator taking the Spin syntax as
2744    input (%s) it would not automatically relabel any unsupported
2745    atomic propositions as ltldo already do.
2747  * When running "autfilt --sat-minimize" on a automaton representing
2748    an obligation property, the result would always be a complete
2749    automaton even without the -C option.
2751  * ltlcross --products=0 --csv should not output any product-related
2752    column in the CSV output since it has nothing to display there.
2754New in spot 2.2.2 (2016-12-16)
2756  Build:
2758  * If the system has an installed libltdl library, use it instead of
2759    the one we distribute.
2761  Bug fixes:
2763  * scc_filter() had a left-over print statement that would print
2764    "names" when copying the name of the states.
2766  * is_terminal() should reject automata that have accepting
2767    transitions going into rejecting SCCs.  The whole point of
2768    being a terminal automaton is that reaching an accepting
2769    transition guarantees that any suffix will be accepted.
2771  * The HOA parser incorrectly read "Acceptance: 1 Bar(0)" as a valid
2772    way to specify "Acceptance: 1 Fin(0)" because it assumed that
2773    everything that was not Inf was Fin.  These errors are now
2774    diagnosed.
2776  * Some of the installed headers (spot/misc/fixpool.hh,
2777    spot/misc/mspool.hh, spot/twaalgos/emptiness_stats.hh) were not
2778    self-contained.
2780  * ltlfilt --from-ltlf should ensure that "alive" holds initially in
2781    order to reject empty traces.
2783  * the on-line translator had a bug where a long ltl3ba process would
2784    continue running even after the script had timeout'ed.
2786New in spot 2.2.1 (2016-11-21)
2788  Bug fix:
2790  * The bdd_noderesize() function, as modified in 2.2, would always
2791    crash.
2793New in spot 2.2 (2016-11-14)
2795  Command-line tools:
2797  * ltlfilt has a new option --from-ltlf to help reducing LTLf (i.e.,
2798    LTL over finite words) model checking to LTL model checking.  This
2799    is based on a transformation by De Giacomo & Vardi (IJCAI'13).
2801  * "ltldo --stats=%R", which used to display the serial number of the
2802    formula processed, was renamed to "ltldo --stats=%#" to free %R
2803    for the following feature.
2805  * autfilt, dstar2tgba, ltl2tgba, ltlcross, ltldo learned to measure
2806    cpu-time (as opposed to wall-time) using --stats=%R.  User or
2807    system time, for children or parent, can be measured separately by
2808    adding additional %[LETTER]R options.  The difference between %r
2809    (wall-clock time) and %R (CPU time) can also be used to detect
2810    unreliable measurements.  See
2811      https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/oaut.html#timing
2813  Library:
2815  * from_ltlf() is a new function implementing the --from-ltlf
2816    transformation described above.
2818  * is_unambiguous() was rewritten in a more efficient way.
2820  * scc_info learned to determine the acceptance of simple SCCs made
2821    of a single self-loop without resorting to remove_fin() for complex
2822    acceptance conditions.
2824  * remove_fin() has been improved to better deal with automata with
2825    "unclean" acceptance, i.e., acceptance sets that are declared but
2826    not used.  In particular, this helps scc_info to be more efficient
2827    at deciding the acceptance of SCCs in presence of Fin acceptance.
2829  * Simulation-based reductions now implement just bisimulation-based
2830    reductions on deterministic automata, to save time.  As an example,
2831    this halves the run time of
2832       genltl --rv-counter=10 | ltl2tgba
2834  * scc_filter() learned to preserve state names and highlighted states.
2836  * The BuDDy library has been slightly optimized: the initial setup
2837    of the unicity table can now be vectorized by GCC, and all calls
2838    to setjmp are now avoided when variable reordering is disabled
2839    (the default).
2841  * The twa class has three new methods:
2842      aut->intersects(other)
2843      aut->intersecting_run(other)
2844      aut->intersecting_word(other)
2845    currently these are just convenient wrappers around
2846      !otf_product(aut, other)->is_empty()
2847      otf_product(aut, other)->accepting_run()->project(aut)
2848      otf_product(aut, other)->accepting_word()
2849    with any Fin-acceptance removal performed before the product.
2850    However the plan is to implement these more efficiently in the
2851    future.
2853  Bug fixes:
2855  * ltl2tgba was always using the highest settings for the LTL
2856    simplifier, ignoring the --low and --medium options.  Now
2857      genltl --go-theta=12 | ltl2tgba --low --any
2858    is instantaneous as it should be.
2860  * The int-vector compression code could encode 6 and 22 in the
2861    same way, causing inevitable issues in our LTSmin interface.
2862    (This affects tests/ltsmin/modelcheck with option -z, not -Z.)
2864  * str_sere() and str_utf8_sere() were not returning the same
2865    string that print_sere() and print_utf8_sere() would print.
2867  * Running the LTL parser in debug mode would crash.
2869  * tgba_determinize() could produce incorrect deterministic automata
2870    when run with use_simulation=true (the default) on non-simplified
2871    automata.
2873  * When the automaton_stream_parser reads an automaton from an
2874    already opened file descriptor, it will not close the file
2875    anymore.  Before that the spot.automata() python function used to
2876    close a file descriptor twice when reading from a pipe, and this
2877    led to crashes of the 0MQ library used by Jupyter, killing the
2878    Python kernel.
2880  * remove_fin() could produce incorrect result on incomplete
2881    automata tagged as weak and deterministic.
2883  * calling set_acceptance() several times on an automaton could
2884    result in unexpected behaviors, because set_acceptance(0,...)
2885    used to set the state-based acceptance flag automatically.
2887  * Some buffering issue caused syntax errors to be displayed out
2888    of place by the on-line translator.
2890New in spot 2.1.2 (2016-10-14)
2892  Command-line tools:
2894  * genltl learned 5 new families of formulas
2895    (--tv-f1, --tv-f2, --tv-g1, --tv-g2, --tv-uu)
2896    defined in Tabakov & Vardi's RV'10 paper.
2898  * ltlcross's --csv and --json output was changed to not include
2899    information about the ambiguity or strength of the automata by
2900    default.   Computing those can be costly and not needed by
2901    every user, so it should now be requested explicitely using
2902    options --strength and --ambiguous.
2904  Library:
2906  * New LTL simplification rule:
2908    - GF(f & q) = G(F(f) & q) if q is
2909      purely universal and a pure eventuality.  In particular
2910      GF(f & GF(g)) now ultimately simplifies to G(F(f) & F(g)).
2912  Bug fixes:
2914  * Fix spurious uninitialized read reported by valgrind when
2915    is_Kleene_star() is compiled by clang++.
2917  * Using "ltlfilt some-large-file --some-costly-filter" could take
2918    to a lot of time before displaying the first results, because the
2919    output of ltlfilt is buffered: the buffer had to fill up before
2920    being flushed.  The issue did not manifest when the input is
2921    standard input, because of the C++ feature that reading std::cin
2922    should flush std::cout; however it was well visible when reading
2923    from files.  Flushing is now done more regularly.
2925  * Fix compilation warnings when -Wimplicit-fallthrough it enabled.
2927  * Fix python errors on Darwin when using methods from the spot module
2928    inside of the spot.ltsmin submodule.
2930  * Fix ltlcross crash when combining --no-check with --verbose.
2932  * Adjust paths and options used in bench/dtgbasat/ to match the
2933    changes introduced in Spot 2.0.
2935New in spot 2.1.1 (2016-09-20)
2937  Command-line tools:
2939  * ltlfilt, randltl, genltl, and ltlgrind learned to display the size
2940    (%s), Boolean size (%b), and number of atomic propositions (%a)
2941    with the --format and --output options.  A typical use-case is to
2942    sort formulas by size:
2943       genltl --dac --format='%s,%f' | sort -n | cut -d, -f2
2944    or to group formulas by number of atomic propositions:
2945       genltl --dac --output='ap-%a.ltl'
2947  * autfilt --stats learned the missing %D, %N, %P, and %W sequences,
2948    to complete the existing %d, %n, %p, and %w.
2950  * The --stats %c option of ltl2tgba, autfilt, ltldo, and dstar2tgba
2951    now accepts options to filter the SCCs to count.  For instance
2952    --stats='%[awT]c' will count the SCCs that are (a)ccepting and
2953    (w)eak, but (not t)erminal.  See --help for all supported filters.
2955  Bugs fixed:
2957  * Fix several cases where command-line tools would fail to diagnose
2958    write errors (e.g. when writing to a filesystem that is full).
2959  * Typos in genltl --help and in the man page spot-x(7).
2961New in spot 2.1 (2016-08-08)
2963  Command-line tools:
2965  * All tools that input formulas or automata (i.e., autfilt,
2966    dstar2tgba, ltl2tgba, ltl2tgta, ltlcross, ltldo, ltlfilt,
2967    ltlgrind) now have a more homogeneous handling of the default
2968    input.
2970    - If no formula/automaton have been specified, and the standard
2971    input is a not a tty, then the default is to read that. This is a
2972    change for ltl2tgba and ltl2tgta.  In particular, it simplifies
2974        genltl --dac | ltl2tgba -F- | autfilt ...
2976    into
2978        genltl --dac | ltl2tgba | autfilt ...
2980    - If standard input is a tty and no other input has been
2981    specified, then an error message is printed.  This is a change for
2982    autfilt, dstar2tgba, ltlcross, ltldo, ltlfilt, ltlgrind, that used
2983    to expect the user to type formula or automata at the terminal,
2984    confusing people.
2986    - All tools now accept - as a shorthand for -F-, to force reading
2987    input from the standard input (regardless of whether it is a tty
2988    or not).  This is a change for ltl2tgba, ltl2tgta, ltlcross, and
2989    ltldo.
2991  * ltldo has a new option --errors=... to specify how to deal
2992    with errors from executed tools.
2994  * ltlcross and ltldo learned to bypass the shell when executing
2995    simple commands (with support for single or double-quoted
2996    arguments, and redirection of stdin and stdout, but nothing more).
2998  * ltlcross and ltldo learned a new syntax to specify that an input
2999    formula should be written in some given syntax after rewriting
3000    some operators away.  For instance the defaults arguments passed
3001    to ltl2dstar have been changed from
3002         --output-format=hoa %L %O
3003    into
3004         --output-format=hoa %[WM]L %O
3005    where [WM] specifies that operators W and M should be rewritten
3006    away.  As a consequence running
3007         ltldo ltl2dstar -f 'a M b'
3008    will now work and call ltl2dstar on the equivalent formula
3009    'b U (a & b)' instead.  The operators that can be listed between
3010    brackets are the same as those of ltlfilt --unabbreviate option.
3012  * ltlcross learned to show some counterexamples when diagnosing
3013    failures of cross-comparison checks against random state spaces.
3015  * autfilt learned to filter automata by count of SCCs (--sccs=RANGE)
3016    or by type of SCCs (--accepting-sccs=RANGE,
3017    --rejecting-sccs=RANGE, trivial-sccs=RANGE, --terminal-sccs=RANGE,
3018    --weak-sccs=RANGE, --inherently-weak-sccs=RANGE).
3020  * autfilt learned --remove-unused-ap to remove atomic propositions
3021    that are declared in the input automaton, but not actually used.
3022    This of course makes sense only for input/output formats that
3023    declare atomic propositions (HOA & DSTAR).
3025  * autfilt learned two options to filter automata by count of used or
3026    unused atomic propositions: --used-ap=RANGE --unused-ap=RANGE.
3027    These differ from --ap=RANGE that only consider *declared* atomic
3028    propositions, regardless of whether they are actually used.
3030  * autfilt learned to filter automata by count of nondeterministsic
3031    states with --nondet-states=RANGE.
3033  * autfilt learned to filter automata representing stutter-invariant
3034    properties with --is-stutter-invariant.
3036  * autfilt learned two new options to highlight non-determinism:
3037    --highlight-nondet-states=NUM and --highlight-nondet-states=NUM
3038    where NUM is a color number.  Additionally --highlight-nondet=NUM is
3039    a shorthand for using the two.
3041  * autfilt learned to highlight a run matching a given word using the
3042    --highlight-word=[NUM,]WORD option.  However currently this only
3043    work on automata with Fin-less acceptance.
3045  * autfilt learned two options --generalized-rabin and
3046    --generalized-streett to convert the acceptance conditions.
3048  * genltl learned three new families: --dac-patterns=1..45,
3049    --eh-patterns=1..12, and --sb-patterns=1..27.  Unlike other options
3050    these do not output scalable patterns, but simply a list of formulas
3051    appearing in these three papers: Dwyer et al (FMSP'98), Etessami &
3052    Holzmann (Concur'00), Somenzi & Bloem (CAV'00).
3054  * genltl learned two options, --positive and --negative, to control
3055    wether formulas should be output after negation or not (or both).
3057  * The formater used by --format (for ltlfilt, ltlgrind, genltl,
3058    randltl) or --stats (for autfilt, dstar2tgba, ltl2tgba, ltldo,
3059    randaut) learned to recognize double-quoted fields and double the
3060    double-quotes output inbetween as expected from RFC4180-compliant
3061    CSV files.  For instance
3062      ltl2tgba -f 'a U "b+c"' --stats='"%f",%s'
3063    will output
3064      "a U ""b+c""",2
3066  * The --csv-escape option of genltl, ltlfilt, ltlgrind, and randltl
3067    is now deprecated.  The option is still here, but hidden and
3068    undocumented.
3070  * The --stats option of autfilt, dstar2tgba, ltl2tgba, ltldo,
3071    randaut learned to display the output (or input if that makes
3072    sense) automaton as a HOA one-liner using %h (or %H), helping to
3073    create CSV files contained automata.
3075  * autfilt and dstar2tgba learned to read automata from columns in
3076    CSV files, specified using the same filename/COLUMN syntax used by
3077    tools reading formulas.
3079  * Arguments passed to -x (in ltl2tgba, ltl2tgta, autfilt, dstar2tgba)
3080    that are not used are now reported as they might be typos.
3081    This ocurred a couple of times in our test-suite.  A similar
3082    check is done for the arguments of autfilt --sat-minimize=...
3084  Library:
3086  * The print_hoa() function will now output version 1.1 of the HOA
3087    format when passed the "1.1" option (i.e., use -H1.1 from any
3088    command-line tool).  As far as Spot is concerned, this allows
3089    negated properties to be expressed.  Version 1 of the HOA format
3090    is still the default, but we plan to default to version 1.1 in the
3091    future.
3093  * The "highlight-states" and "highlight-edges" named properties,
3094    which were introduced in 1.99.8, will now be output using
3095    "spot.highlight.edges:" and "spot.highlight.states:" headers if
3096    version 1.1 of the HOA format is selected.  The automaton parser
3097    was secretly able of reading that since 1.99.8, but that is now
3098    documented at https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/hoa.html#extensions
3100  * highlight_nondet_states() and highlight_nondet_edges() are
3101    new functions that define the above two named properties.
3103  * is_deterministic(), is_terminal(), is_weak(), and
3104    is_inherently_weak(), count_nondet_states(),
3105    highlight_nondet_edges(), highlight_nondet_states() will update
3106    the corresponding properties of the automaton as a side-effect of
3107    their check.
3109  * the sbacc() function, used by "ltl2tgba -S" and "autfilt -S" to
3110    convert automata to state-based acceptance, learned some tricks
3111    (using SCCs, pulling accepting marks common to all outgoing edges,
3112    and pushing acceptance marks common to all incoming edges) to
3113    reduce the number of additional states needed.
3115  * to_generalized_rabin() and to_generalized_streett() are two new
3116    functions that convert the acceptance condition as requested
3117    without changing the transition structure.
3119  * language_containment_checker now has default values for all
3120    parameters of its constructor.
3122  * spot::twa_run has a new method, project(), that can be used to
3123    project a run found in a product onto one of the original operand.
3124    This is for instance used by autfilt --highlight-word.
3126    The old spot::project_twa_run() function has been removed: it was
3127    not used anywhere in Spot, and had an obvious bug in its
3128    implementation, so it cannot be missed by anyone.
3130  * spot::twa has two new methods that supplement is_empty():
3131    twa::accepting_run() and twa::accepting_word().  They compute
3132    what their names suggest.  Note that twa::accepting_run(), unlike
3133    the two others, is currently restricted to automata with Fin-less
3134    acceptance.
3136  * spot::check_stutter_invariance() can now work on non-deterministic
3137    automata for which no corresponding formula is known.  This
3138    implies that "autfilt --check=stutter" will now label all
3139    automata, not just deterministic automata.
3141  * New LTL and PSL simplification rules:
3142    - if e is pure eventuality and g => e, then e U g = Fg
3143    - if u is purely universal and u => g, then u R g = Gg
3144    - {s[*0..j]}[]->b = {s[*1..j]}[]->b
3145    - {s[*0..j]}<>->b = {s[*1..j]}<>->b
3147  * spot::twa::succ_iterable renamed to
3148    spot::internal::twa_succ_iterable to make it clear this is not for
3149    public consumption.
3151  * spot::fair_kripke::state_acceptance_conditions() renamed to
3152    spot::fair_kripke::state_acceptance_mark() for consistency.  This
3153    is backward incompatible, but we are not aware of any actual use
3154    of this method.
3156  Python:
3158  * The __format__() method for formula supports the same
3159    operator-rewritting feature introduced in ltldo and ltlcross.
3160    So "{:[i]s}".format(f) is the same as
3161    "{:s}".format(f.unabbreviate("i")).
3163  * Bindings for language_containment_checker were added.
3165  * Bindings for randomize() were added.
3167  * Iterating over edges via "aut.out(s)" or "aut.edges()"
3168    now allows modifying the edge fields.
3170  * Under IPython the spot.ltsmin module now offers a
3171    %%pml magic to define promela models, compile them
3172    with spins, and dynamically load them.   This is
3173    akin to the %%dve magic that was already supported.
3175  * The %%dve and %%pml magics honor the SPOT_TMPDIR and
3176    TMPDIR environment variables.  This especially helps
3177    when the current directory is read-only.
3179  Documentation:
3181  * A new example page shows how to test the equivalence of
3182    two LTL/PSL formulas.  https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut04.html
3184  * A new page discusses explicit vs. on-the-fly interfaces for
3185    exploring automata in C++.  https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut50.html
3187  * Another new page shows how to implement an on-the-fly Kripke
3188    structure for a custom state space.
3189    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut51.html
3191  * The concepts.html page now lists all named properties
3192    used by automata.
3194  Bug fixes:
3196  * When ltlcross found a bug using a product of complemented
3197    automata, the error message would report "Comp(Ni)*Comp(Pj)" as
3198    non-empty while the actual culprit was "Comp(Nj)*Comp(Pi)".
3200  * Fix some non-deterministic execution of minimize_wdba(), causing
3201    test-suite failures with the future G++ 7, and clang 3.9.
3203  * print_lbtt() had a memory leak when printing states without
3204    successors.
3206New in spot 2.0.3 (2016-07-11)
3208  Bug fixes:
3210  * The degen-lcache=1 option of the degeneralization algorithm (which
3211    is a default option) did not behave exactly as documented: instead
3212    of reusing the first level ever created for a state where the
3213    choice of the level is free, it reused the last level ever used.
3214    This caused some posterior simulation-based reductions to be less
3215    efficient at reducing automata (on the average).
3216  * The generalized testing automata displayed by the online
3217    translator were incorrect (those output by ltl2tgta were OK).
3218  * ltl2tgta should not offer options --ba, --monitor, --tgba and such.
3219  * the relabel() function could incorrectly unregister old atomic
3220    propositions even when they were still used in the output (e.g.,
3221    if a&p0 is relabeled to p0&p1).  This could cause ltldo and the
3222    online translator to report errors.
3224New in spot 2.0.2 (2016-06-17)
3226  Documentation:
3228  * We now have a citing page at https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/citing.html
3229    providing a list of references about Spot.
3230  * The Python examples have been augmented with the two examples
3231    from our ATVA'16 tool paper.
3233  Bug fixes:
3235  * Fix compilation error observed with Clang++ 3.7.1 and GCC 6.1.1
3236    headers.
3237  * Fix an infinite recursion in relabel_bse().
3238  * Various small typos and cosmetic cleanups.
3240New in spot 2.0.1 (2016-05-09)
3242  Library:
3244  * twa::unregister_ap() and twa_graph::remove_unused_ap() are new
3245    methods introduced to fix some of the bugs listed below.
3247  Documentation:
3249  * Add missing documentation for the option string passed to
3250    spot::make_emptiness_check_instantiator().
3252  * There is now a spot(7) man page listing all installed
3253    command-line tools.
3255  Python:
3257  * The tgba_determinize() function is now accessible in Python.
3259  Bug fixes:
3261  * The automaton parser would choke on comments like /******/.
3262  * check_strength() should also set negated properties.
3263  * Fix autfilt to apply --simplify-exclusive-ap only after
3264    the simplifications of (--small/--deterministic) have
3265    been performed.
3266  * The automaton parser did not fully register atomic propositions
3267    for automata read from never claim or as LBTT.
3268  * spot::ltsmin::kripke() had the same issue.
3269  * The sub_stats_reachable() function used to count the number
3270    of transitions based on the number of atomic propositions
3271    actually *used* by the automaton instead of using the number
3272    of AP declared.
3273  * print_hoa() will now output all the atomic propositions that have
3274    been registered, not only those that are used in the automaton.
3275    (Note that it will also throw an exception if the automaton uses
3276    an unregistered AP; this is how some of the above bugs were
3277    found.)
3278  * For Small or Deterministic preference, the postprocessor
3279    will now unregister atomic propositions that are no longer
3280    used in labels.   Simplification of exclusive properties
3281    and remove_ap::strip() will do similarly.
3282  * bench/ltl2tgba/ was not working since the source code
3283    reorganization of 1.99.7.
3284  * Various typos and minor documentation fixes.
3287New in spot 2.0 (2016-04-11)
3289  Command-line tools:
3291  * ltlfilt now also support the --accept-word=WORD and
3292    --reject-word=WORD options that were introduced in autfilt in the
3293    previous version.
3295  Python:
3297  * The output of spot.atomic_prop_collect() is printable and
3298    can now be passed directly to spot.ltsmin.model.kripke().
3300  Library:
3302  * digraph::valid_trans() renamed to digraph::is_valid_edge().
3304  Documentation:
3306  * The concepts page (https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/concepts.html) now
3307    includes a highlevel description of the architecture, and some
3308    notes aboute automata properties.
3310  * More Doxygen documentation for spot::formula and spot::digraph.
3312New in spot 1.99.9 (2016-03-14)
3314  Command-line tools:
3316  * autfilt has two new options: --accept-word=WORD and
3317    --reject-word=WORD for filtering automata that accept or reject
3318    some word.  The option may be used multiple times.
3320  Library:
3322  * The parse_word() function can be used to parse a lasso-shaped
3323    word and build a twa_word.  The twa_word::as_automaton()
3324    method can be used to create an automaton out of that.
3325  * twa::ap_var() renamed to twa::ap_vars().
3326  * emptiness_check_instantiator::min_acceptance_conditions() and
3327    emptiness_check_instantiator::max_acceptance_conditions() renamed
3328    to emptiness_check_instantiator::min_sets() and
3329    emptiness_check_instantiator::max_sets().
3330  * tgba_reachable_iterator (and subclasses) was renamed to
3331    twa_reachable_iterator for consistency.
3333  Documentation:
3335  * The page https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/upgrade2.html should help
3336    people migrating old C++ code written for Spot 1.2.x, and update
3337    it for (the upcoming) Spot 2.0.
3339  Bug fixes:
3341  * spot/twaalgos/gtec/gtec.hh was incorrectly installed as
3342  spot/tgbaalgos/gtec/gtec.hh.
3343  * The shared libraries should now compile again on Darwin.
3345New in spot 1.99.8 (2016-02-18)
3347  Command-line tools:
3349  * ltl2tgba now also support the --generic option (already supported
3350    by ltldo and autfilt) to lift any restriction on the acceptance
3351    condition produced.  This option now has a short version: -G.
3353  * ltl2tgba and autfilt have learnt how to determinize automata.
3354    For this to work, --generic acceptance should be enabled (this
3355    is the default for autfilt, but not for ltl2tgba).
3357    "ltl2tgba -G -D" will now always outpout a deterministic automaton.
3358    It can be an automaton with transition-based parity acceptance in
3359    case Spot could not find a deterministic automaton with (maybe
3360    generalized) Büchi acceptance.
3362    "ltl2tgba -D" is unchanged (the --tgba acceptance is the default),
3363    and will output a deterministic automaton with (generalized) Büchi
3364    acceptance only if one could be found.  Otherwise a
3365    non-deterministic automaton is output, but this does NOT mean that
3366    no deterministic Büchi automaton exist for this formula.  It only
3367    means Spot could not find it.
3369    "autfilt -D" will determinize any automaton, because --generic
3370    acceptance is the default for autfilt.
3372    "autfilt -D --tgba" will behave like "ltl2tgba -D", i.e., it may
3373    fail to find a deterministic automaton (even if one exists) and
3374    return a nondeterministic automaton.
3376  * "autfilt --complement" now also works for non-deterministic
3377    automata but will output a deterministic automaton.
3378    "autfilt --complement --tgba" will likely output a
3379    nondeterministic TGBA.
3381  * autfilt has a new option, --included-in, to filter automata whose
3382    language are included in the language of a given automaton.
3384  * autfilt has a new option, --equivalent-to, to filter automata
3385    that are equivalent (language-wise) to a given automaton.
3387  * ltlcross has a new option --determinize to instruct it to
3388    complement non-deterministic automata via determinization.  This
3389    option is not enabled by default as it can potentially be slow and
3390    generate large automata.  When --determinize is given, option
3391    --product=0 is implied, since the tests based on products with
3392    random state-space are pointless for deterministic automata.
3394  * ltl2tgba and ltldo now support %< and %> in the string passed
3395    to --stats when reading formulas from a CSV file.
3397  * ltlfilt's option --size-min=N, --size-max=N, --bsize-min=N, and
3398    --bsize-max=N have been reimplemented as --size=RANGE and
3399    --bsize=RANGE.  The old names are still supported for backward
3400    compatibility, but they are not documented anymore.
3402  * ltlfilt's option --ap=N can now take a RANGE as parameter.
3404  * autfilt now has a --ap=RANGE option to filter automata by number
3405    of atomic propositions.
3407  Library:
3409  * Building products with different dictionaries now raise an
3410    exception instead of using an assertion that could be disabled.
3412  * The load_ltsmin() function has been split in two.  Now you should
3413    first call ltsmin_model::load(filename) to create an ltsmin_model,
3414    and then call the ltsmin_model::kripke(...) method to create an
3415    automaton that can be iterated on the fly.  The intermediate
3416    object can be queried about the supported variables and their
3417    types.
3419  * print_dot() now accepts several new options:
3420    - use "<N" to specify a maximum number of states to output.
3421      Incomplete states are then marked appropriately.  For a quick
3422      example, compare
3423	ltl2tgba -D 'Ga | Gb | Gc' -d'<3'
3424      with
3425        ltl2tgba -D 'Ga | Gb | Gc' -d
3426    - use "C(color)" to specify the color to use for filling states.
3427    - use "#" to display the internal number of each transition
3428    - use "k" to use state-based labels when possible.  This is
3429      similar to the "k" option already supported by print_hoa(), and
3430      is useful when printing Kripke structures.
3432  * Option "k" is automatically used by print_dot() and print_hoa()
3433    when printing Kripke structures.
3435  * print_dot() also honnor two new automaton properties called
3436    "highlight-edges" and "highlight-states".  These are used to color
3437    a subset of edges or transitions.
3439  * There is a new tgba_determinize() function.  Despite its name, it
3440    in facts works on transition-based Büchi automaton, and will first
3441    degeneralize any automaton with generalized Büchi acceptance.
3443  * The twa_safra_complement class has been removed.  Use
3444    tgba_determinize() and dtwa_complement() instead.
3446  * The twa::transition_annotation() and
3447    twa::compute_support_conditions() methods have been removed.
3449  * The interface for all functions parsing formulas (LTL, PSL, SERE,
3450    etc.) has been changed to use an interface similar to the one used
3451    for parsing automata.  These function now return a parsed_formula
3452    object that includes both a formula and a list of syntax errors.
3454    Typically a function written as
3456       spot::formula read(std::string input)
3457       {
3458	  spot::parse_error_list pel;
3459	  spot::formula f = spot::parse_infix_psl(input, pel);
3460	  if (spot::format_parse_errors(std::cerr, input, pel))
3461	    exit(2);
3462	  return f;
3463       }
3465    should be updated to
3467       spot::formula read(std::string input)
3468       {
3469	  spot::parsed_formula pf = spot::parse_infix_psl(input);
3470	  if (pf.format_errors(std::cerr))
3471	    exit(2);
3472	  return pf.f;
3473       }
3475  Python:
3477  * The ltsmin interface has been binded in Python.  It also
3478    comes with a %%dve cell magic to edit DiVinE models in the notebook.
3479    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/ltsmin.html for a short example.
3481  * spot.setup() sets de maximum number of states to display in
3482    automata to 50 by default, as more states is likely to be
3483    unreadable (and slow to process by GraphViz).  This can be
3484    overridden by calling spot.setup(max_states=N).
3486  * Automata now have methods to color selected states and
3487    transitions.  See
3488    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/highlighting.html for an example.
3490  Documentation:
3492  * There is a new page giving informal illustrations (and extra
3493    pointers) for some concepts used in Spot.
3494    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/concepts.html
3496  Bug fixes:
3498  * Using ltl2tgba -U would fail to output the unambiguous property
3499    (regression introduced in 1.99.7)
3500  * ltlfilt, autfilt, randltl, and randaut could easily crash when
3501    compiled statically (i.e., with configure --disable-shared).
3502  * "1 U (a | Fb)" was not always simplified to "F(a | b)".
3503  * destroying the operands of an otf_product() before the product
3504    itself could crash.
3506New in spot 1.99.7 (2016-01-15)
3508  Command-line tools:
3510  * BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: All tools that output automata now
3511    use the HOA format by default instead of the GraphViz output.
3512    This makes it easier to pipe several commands together.
3514    If you have an old script that relies on GraphViz being the default
3515    output and that you do not want to update it, use
3516       export SPOT_DEFAULT_FORMAT=dot
3517    to get the old behavior back.
3519  * Tools that output automata now accept -d as a shorthand for --dot
3520    since requesting the GraphViz (a.k.a. dot) output by hand is now
3521    more frequent.
3522    randaut's short option for specifying edge-density used to be -d:
3523    it has been renamed to -e.
3525  * The SPOT_DEFAULT_FORMAT environment variable can be set to 'dot'
3526    or 'hoa' to force a default output format for automata.  Additional
3527    options may also be added, as in SPOT_DEFAULT_FORMAT='hoa=iv'.
3529  * autfilt has a new option: --is-inherently-weak.
3531  * The --check=strength option of all tools that produce automata
3532    will also test if an automaton is inherently weak.
3534  Library:
3536  * Installed headers now assume that they will be included as
3537    #include <spot/subdir/header.hh>
3538    instead of
3539    #include <subdir/header.hh>
3541    This implies that when Spot headers are installed in
3542    /usr/include/spot/... (the default when using the Debian packages)
3543    or /usr/local/include/spot/... (the default when compiling from
3544    source), then it is no longuer necessary to add
3545    -I/usr/include/spot or -I/usr/local/include/spot when compiling,
3546    as /usr/include and /usr/local/include are usually searched by
3547    default.
3549    Inside the source distribution, the subdirectory src/ has been
3550    renamed to spot/, so that the root of the source tree can also be
3551    put on the preprocessor's search path to compile against a
3552    non-installed version of Spot.  Similarly, iface/ltsmin/ has been
3553    renamed to spot/ltsmin/, so that installed and non-installed
3554    directories can be used similarly.
3556  * twa::~twa() is now calling
3557      get_dict()->unregister_all_my_variable(this);
3558    so this does not need to be done in any subclass.
3560  * is_inherently_weak_automaton() is a new function, and
3561    check_strength() has been modified to also check inherently weak
3562    automata.
3564  * decompose_strength() is now extracting inherently weak SCCs
3565    instead of just weak SCCs.  This gets rid of some corner cases
3566    that used to require ad hoc handling.
3568  * acc_cond::acc_code's methods append_or(), append_and(), and
3569    shift_left() have been replaced by operators |=, &=, <<=, and for
3570    completeness the operators |, &, and << have been added.
3572  * Several methods have been removed from the acc_cond
3573    class because they were simply redundant with the methods of
3574    acc_cond::mark_t, and more complex to use.
3576       acc_cond::marks(...)      -> use acc_cond::mark_t(...)
3577       acc_cond::sets(m)         -> use m.sets()
3578       acc_cond::has(m, u)       -> use m.has(u)
3579       acc_cond::cup(l, r)       -> use l | r
3580       acc_cond::cap(l, r)       -> use l & r
3581       acc_cond::set_minus(l, r) -> use l - r
3583    Additionally, the following methods/functions have been renamed:
3585       acc_cond::is_tt() -> acc_cond::is_t()
3586       acc_cond::is_ff() -> acc_cond::is_f()
3587       parse_acc_code()  -> acc_cond::acc_code(...)
3589  * Automata property flags (those that tell whether the automaton is
3590    deterministic, weak, stutter-invariant, etc.) are now stored using
3591    three-valued logic: in addition to "maybe"/"yes" they can now also
3592    represent "no".  This is some preparation for the upcomming
3593    support of the HOA v1.1 format, but it also saves time in some
3594    algorithms (e.g, is_deterministic() can now return immediately on
3595    automata marked as not deterministic).
3597  * The automaton parser now accept negated properties as they will be
3598    introduced in HOA v1.1, and will check for some inconsistencies.
3599    These properties are stored and used when appropriate, but they
3600    are not yet output by the HOA printer.
3602  Python:
3604  * Iterating over the transitions leaving a state (the
3605    twa_graph::out() C++ function) is now possible in Python.  See
3606    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut21.html for a demonstration.
3608  * Membership to acceptance sets can be specified using Python list
3609    when calling for instance the Python version of twa_graph::new_edge().
3610    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut22.html for a demonstration.
3612  * Automaton states can be named via the set_state_names() method.
3613    See https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/product.html for an example.
3615  Documentation:
3617  * There is a new page explaining how to compile example programs and
3618    and link them with Spot.  https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/compile.html
3620  * Python bindings for manipulating acceptance conditions are
3621    demonstrated by https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/acc_cond.html,
3622    and a Python implementation of the product of two automata is
3623    illustrated by https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/product.html
3625  Source code reorganisation:
3627  * A lot of directories have been shuffled around in the
3628    distribution:
3629      src/                   ->  spot/    (see rational above)
3630      iface/ltsmin/  (code)  ->  spot/ltsmin/
3631      wrap/python/           ->  python/
3632      src/tests/             ->  tests/core/
3633      src/sanity/            ->  tests/sanity/
3634      iface/ltsmin/  (tests) ->  tests/ltsmin/
3635      wrap/python/tests      ->  tests/python/
3637  Bug fixes:
3639  * twa_graph would incorrectly replace named-states during
3640    purge_dead_states and purge_unreachable_states.
3641  * twa::ap() would contain duplicates when an atomic proposition
3642    was registered several times.
3643  * product() would incorrectly mark the product of two
3644    sttuter-sensitive automata as stutter-sensitive as well.
3645  * complete() could incorrectly reuse an existing (but accepting!)
3646    state as a sink.
3648New in spot 1.99.6 (2015-12-04)
3650  Command-line tools:
3652  * autfilt has two new filters: --is-weak and --is-terminal.
3654  * autfilt has a new transformation: --decompose-strength,
3655    implementing the decomposition of our TACAS'13 paper.
3656    A demonstration of this feature via the Python bindings
3657    can be found at https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/ipynb/decompose.html
3659  * All tools that output HOA files accept a --check=strength option
3660    to request automata to be marked as "weak" or "terminal" as
3661    appropriate.  Without this option, these properties may only be
3662    set as a side-effect of running transformations that use this
3663    information.
3665  Library:
3667  * Properties of automata (like the "properties:" line of the HOA
3668    format) are stored as bits whose interpretation is True=yes,
3669    False=maybe.  Having getters like "aut->is_deterministic()" or
3670    "aut->is_unambiguous()" was confusing, because there are separate
3671    functions "is_deterministic(aut)" and "is_unambiguous(aut)" that
3672    do actually check the automaton.  The getters have been renamed to
3673    avoid confusion, and get names more in line with the HOA format.
3675    - twa::has_state_based_acc() -> twa::prop_state_acc()
3676    - twa::prop_state_based_acc(bool) -> twa::prop_state_acc(bool)
3677    - twa::is_inherently_weak() -> twa::prop_inherently_weak()
3678    - twa::is_deterministic() -> twa::prop_deterministic()
3679    - twa::is_unambiguous() -> twa::prop_unambiguous()
3680    - twa::is_stutter_invariant() -> twa::prop_stutter_invariant()
3681    - twa::is_stutter_sensitive() -> twa::prop_stutter_sensitive()
3683    The setters have the same names as the getters, except they take a
3684    Boolean argument.  This argument used to be optionnal (defaulting
3685    to True), but it no longer is.
3687  * Automata now support the "weak" and "terminal" properties in
3688    addition to the previously supported "inherently-weak".
3690  * By default the HOA printer tries not to bloat the output with
3691    properties that are redundant and probably useless.  The HOA
3692    printer now has a new option "v" (use "-Hv" from the command line)
3693    to output more verbose "properties:".  This currently includes
3694    outputing "no-univ-branch", outputting "unambiguous" even for
3695    automata already tagged as "deterministic", and "inherently-weak"
3696    or "weak" even for automata tagged "weak" or "terminal".
3698  * The HOA printer has a new option "k" (use "-Hk" from the command
3699    line) to output automata using state labels whenever possible.
3700    This is useful to print Kripke structures.
3702  * The dot output will display pair of states when displaying an
3703    automaton built as an explicit product.  This works in IPython
3704    with spot.product() or spot.product_or() and in the shell with
3705    autfilt's --product or --product-or options.
3707  * The print_dot() function supports a new option, +N, where N is a
3708    positive integer that will be added to all set numbers in the
3709    output.  This is convenient when displaying two automata before
3710    building their product: use +N to shift the displayed sets of the
3711    second automaton by the number of acceptance sets N of the first
3712    one.
3714  * The sat minimization for DTωA now does a better job at selecting
3715    reference automata when the output acceptance is the the same as
3716    the input acceptance.  This can provide nice speedups when tring
3717    to syntethise larged automata with different acceptance
3718    conditions.
3720  * Explicit Kripke structures (i.e., stored as explicit graphs) have
3721    been rewritten above the graph class, using an interface similar
3722    to the twa class.  The new class is called kripke_graph.  The ad
3723    hoc Kripke parser and printer have been removed, because we can
3724    now use print_hoa() with the "k" option to print Kripke structure
3725    in the HOA format, and furthermore the parse_aut() function now
3726    has an option to load such an HOA file as a kripke_graph.
3728  * The HOA parser now accepts identifier, aliases, and headernames
3729    containing dots, as this will be allowed in the next version of
3730    the HOA format.
3732  * Renamings:
3733    is_guarantee_automaton() -> is_terminal_automaton()
3734    tgba_run -> twa_run
3735    twa_word::print -> operator<<
3736    dtgba_sat_synthetize() -> dtwa_sat_synthetize()
3737    dtgba_sat_synthetize_dichotomy() -> dtwa_sat_synthetize_dichotomy()
3739  Python:
3741  * Add bindings for is_unambiguous().
3742  * Better interface for sat_minimize().
3744  Bug fixes:
3746  * the HOA parser was ignoring the "unambiguous" property.
3747  * --dot=Bb should work like --dot=b, allowing us to disable
3748    a B option set via an environment variable.
3750New in spot 1.99.5 (2015-11-03)
3752  Command-line tools:
3754  * autfilt has gained a --complement option.
3755    It currently works only for deterministic automata.
3757  * By default, autfilt does not simplify automata (this has not
3758    changed), as if the --low --any options were used.  But now, if
3759    one of --small, --deterministic, or --any is given, the
3760    optimization level automatically defaults to --high (unless
3761    specified otherwise).  For symmetry, if one of --low, --medium, or
3762    --high is given, then the translation intent defaults to --small
3763    (unless specified otherwise).
3765  * autfilt, dstar2tgba, ltlcross, and ltldo now trust the (supported)
3766    automaton properties declared in any HOA file they read.  This can
3767    be disabled with option --trust-hoa=no.
3769  * ltlgrind FILENAME[/COL] is now the same as
3770    ltlgrind -F FILENAME[/COL] for consistency with ltlfilt.
3772  Library:
3774  * dtgba_complement() was renamed to dtwa_complement(), moved to
3775    complement.hh, and its purpose was restricted to just completing
3776    the automaton and complementing its acceptance condition.  Any
3777    further acceptance condition transformation can be done with
3778    to_generalized_buchi() or remove_fin().
3780  * The remove_fin() has learnt how to better deal with automata that
3781    are declared as weak.  This code was previously in
3782    dtgba_complement().
3784  * scc_filter_states() has learnt to remove useless acceptance marks
3785    that are on transitions between SCCs, while preserving state-based
3786    acceptance.  The most visible effect is in the output of "ltl2tgba
3787    -s XXXa": it used to have 5 accepting states, it now has only one.
3788    (Changing removing acceptance of those 4 states has no effect on
3789    the language, but it speeds up some algorithms like NDFS-based
3790    emptiness checks, as discussed in our Spin'15 paper.)
3792  * The HOA parser will diagnose any version that is not v1, unless it
3793    looks like a subversion of v1 and no parse error was detected.
3795  * The way to pass option to the automaton parser has been changed to
3796    make it easier to introduce new options.  One such new option is
3797    "trust_hoa": when true (the default) supported properties declared
3798    in HOA files are trusted even if they cannot be easily be verified.
3799    Another option "raise_errors" now replaces the method
3800      automaton_stream_parser::parse_strict().
3802  * The output of the automaton parser now include the list of parse
3803    errors (that does not have to be passed as a parameters) and the
3804    input filename (making the output of error messages easier).
3806  * The following renamings make the code more consistent:
3807    ltl_simplifier -> tl_simplifier
3808    tgba_statistics::transitions -> twa_statistics::edges
3809    tgba_sub_statistics::sub_transitions -> twa_sub_statistics::transitions
3810    tgba_run -> twa_run
3811    reduce_run -> twa_run::reduce
3812    replay_tgba_run -> twa_run::replay
3813    print_tgba_run -> operator<<
3814    tgba_run_to_tgba -> twa_run::as_twa
3815    format_parse_aut_errors -> parsed_aut::format_errors
3816    twa_succ_iterator::current_state -> twa_succ_iterator::dst
3817    twa_succ_iterator::current_condition -> twa_succ_iterator::cond
3818    twa_succ_iterator::current_acceptance_conditions -> twa_succ_iterator::acc
3819    ta_succ_iterator::current_state -> ta_succ_iterator::dst
3820    ta_succ_iterator::current_condition -> ta_succ_iterator::cond
3821    ta_succ_iterator::current_acceptance_conditions -> ta_succ_iterator::acc
3823  Python:
3825  * The minimum supported Python version is now 3.3.
3826  * Add bindings for complete() and dtwa_complement()
3827  * Formulas now have a custom __format__ function.  See
3828    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut01.html for examples.
3829  * The Debian package is now compiled for all Python3 versions
3830    supported by Debian, not just the default one.
3831  * Automata now have get_name()/set_name() methods.
3832  * spot.postprocess(aut, *options), or aut.postprocess(*options)
3833    simplify the use of the spot.postprocessor object.  (Just like we
3834    have spot.translate() on top of spot.translator().)
3835  * spot.automata() and spot.automaton() now have additional
3836    optional arguments:
3837    - timeout: to restrict the runtime of commands that
3838      produce automata
3839    - trust_hoa: can be set to False to ignore HOA properties
3840      that cannot be easily verified
3841    - ignore_abort: can be set to False if you do not want to
3842      skip automata ended with --ABORT--.
3844  Documentation:
3846  * There is a new page showing how to use spot::postprocessor
3847    to convert any type of automaton to Büchi.
3848    https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut30.html
3850  Bugs fixed:
3852  * Work around some weird exception raised when using the
3853    randltlgenerator under Python 3.5.
3854  * Recognize "nullptr" formulas as None in Python.
3855  * Fix compilation of bench/stutter/
3856  * Handle saturation of formula reference counts.
3857  * Fix typo in the Python code for the CGI server.
3858  * "randaut -Q0 1" used to segfault.
3859  * "ltlgrind -F FILENAME/COL" did not preserve other CSV columns.
3860  * "ltlgrind --help" did not document FORMAT.
3861  * unabbreviate could easily use forbidden operators.
3862  * "autfilt --is-unambiguous" could fail to detect the nonambiguity
3863    of some automata with empty languages.
3864  * When parsing long tokens (e.g, state labels representing
3865    very large strings) the automaton parser could die with
3866    "input buffer overflow, can't enlarge buffer because scanner uses REJECT"
3868New in spot 1.99.4 (2015-10-01)
3870  New features:
3872  * autfilt's --sat-minimize now takes a "colored" option to constrain
3873    all transitions (or states) in the output automaton to belong to
3874    exactly one acceptance sets.  This is useful when targeting parity
3875    acceptance.
3877  * autfilt has a new --product-or option.  This builds a synchronized
3878    product of two (completed of needed) automata in order to
3879    recognize the *sum* of their languages.  This works by just using
3880    the disjunction of their acceptance conditions (with appropriate
3881    renumbering of the acceptance sets).
3883    For consistency, the --product option (that builds a synchronized
3884    product that recognizes the *intersection* of the languages) now
3885    also has a --product-and alias.
3887  * the parser for ltl2dstar's format has been merged with the parser
3888    for the other automata formats.  This implies two things:
3889    - autfilt and dstar2tgba (despite its name) can now both read
3890      automata written in any of the four supported syntaxes
3891      (ltl2dstar's, lbtt's, HOA, never claim).
3892    - "dstar2tgba some files..." now behaves exactly like
3893      "autfilt --tgba --high --small some files...".
3894      (But dstar2tgba does not offer all the filtering and
3895      transformations options of autfilt.)
3897  Major code changes and reorganization:
3899  * The class hierarchy for temporal formulas has been entirely
3900    rewritten.  This change is actually quite massive (~13200 lines
3901    removed, ~8200 lines added), and brings some nice benefits:
3902    - LTL/PSL formulas are now represented by lightweight formula
3903      objects (instead of pointers to children of an abstract
3904      formula class) that perform reference counting automatically.
3905    - There is no hierachy anymore: all operators are represented by
3906      a single type of node in the syntax tree, and an enumerator is
3907      used to distinguish between operators.
3908    - Visitors have been replaced by member functions such as map()
3909      or traverse(), that take a function (usually written as a
3910      lambda function) and apply it to the nodes of the tree.
3911    - As a consequence, writing algorithms that manipulate formula
3912      is more friendly, and several algorithms that spanned a few
3913      pages have been reduced to a few lines.
3914    The page https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tut03.html illustrates the
3915    new interface, in both C++ and Python.
3917  * Directories ltlast/, ltlenv/, and ltlvisit/, have been merged into
3918    a single tl/ directory (for temporal logic).  This is motivated by
3919    the fact that these formulas are not restricted to LTL, and by the
3920    fact that we no longuer use the "visitor" pattern.
3922  * The LTL/PSL parser is now declared in tl/parse.hh (instead of
3923    ltlparse/public.hh).
3925  * The spot::ltl namespace has been merged with the spot namespace.
3927  * The dupexp_dfs() function has been renamed to copy(), and has
3928    learned to preserve named states if required.
3930  * Atomic propositions can be declared without going through an
3931    environment using the spot::formula::ap() static function.  They
3932    can be registered for an automaton directly using the
3933    spot::twa::register_ap() method.  The vector of atomic
3934    propositions used by an automaton can now be retrieved using the
3935    spot::twa::ap() method.
3937New in spot 1.99.3 (2015-08-26)
3939  * The CGI script for LTL translation offers a HOA download link
3940    for each generated automaton.
3942  * The html documentation now includes a HTML copies of the man
3943    pages, and HTML copies of the Python notebooks.
3945  * scc_filter(aut, true) does not remove Fin marks from rejecting
3946    SCCs, but it now does remove Fin marks from transitions between
3947    SCCs.
3949  * All the unabbreviation functions (unabbreviate_ltl(),
3950    unabbreviate_logic(), unabbreviate_wm()) have been merged into a
3951    single unabbreviate() function that takes a string representing
3952    the list of operators to remove among "eFGiMRW^" where 'e', 'i',
3953    and '^' stand respectively for <->, ->, and xor.
3954    This feature is also available via ltlfilt --unabbreviate.
3956  * In LTL formulas, atomic propositions specified using double-quotes
3957    can now include \" and \\.  (This is more consistent with the HOA
3958    format, which already allows that.)
3960  * All the conversion routines that were written specifically for
3961    ltl2dstar's output format (DRA->BA & DRA->TGBA) have been ported
3962    to the new TωA structure supporting the HOA format.  The DRA->TGBA
3963    conversion was reimplemented in the previous release, and the
3964    DRA->BA conversion has been reimplemented in this release (but it
3965    is still restricted to state-based acceptance).  All these
3966    conversions are called automatically by to_generalized_buchi()
3967    or remove_fin() so there should be no need to call them directly.
3969    As a consequence:
3970    - "autfilt --remove-fin" or "autfilt -B" is better at converting
3971      state-based Rabin automata: it will produce a DBA if the input is
3972      deterministic and DBA-realizable, but will preserve as much
3973      determinism as possible otherwise.
3974    - a lot of obsolete code that was here only to support the old
3975      conversion routines has been removed.  (The number of lines
3976      removed by this release is twice the number of lines added.)
3977    - ltlcross now uses automata in ltl2dstar's format directly,
3978      without converting them to Büchi (this makes the statistics
3979      reported in CSV files more relevant).
3980    - ltlcross no longer outputs additional columns about the size
3981      of the input automaton in the case ltl2dstar's format is used.
3982    - ltldo uses results in ltl2dstar's format directly, without
3983      converting them to Büchi.
3984    - dstar2tgba has been greatly simplified and now uses the
3985      same output routines as all the other tools that output
3986      automata.  This implies a few minor semantic changes, for
3987      instance --stats=%A used to output the number of acceptance
3988      *pairs* in the input automaton, while it now outputs the
3989      number of acceptance sets like in all the other tools.
3991  * Bugs fixed
3992    - Some acceptance conditions like Fin(0)|Fin(1)|Fin(2)&Inf(3)
3993      were not detected as generalized-Rabin.
3994    - Unknown arguments for print_hoa() (i.e., option -H in command-line
3995      tools) are now diagnosed.
3996    - The CGI script for LTL translation now forces transition-based
3997      acceptance on WDBA-minimized automata when TGBA is requested.
3998    - ltlgrind --help output had some options documented twice, or
3999      in the wrong place.
4000    - The man page for ltlcross had obsolete examples.
4001    - When outputting atomic propositions in double quotes, the
4002      escaping routine used by the two styles of LaTeX output was
4003      slightly wrong.  For instance ^ was incorrectly escaped, and
4004      the double quotes where not always properly rendered.
4005    - A spurious assertion was triggered by streett_to_generalized_buchi(),
4006      but only when compiled in DEBUG mode.
4007    - LTL formula rewritten in Spin's syntax no longer have their ->
4008      and <-> rewritten away.
4009    - Fix some warnings reported by the development version of GCC 6.
4010    - The spot.translate() function of the Python binding had a typo
4011      preventing the use of 'low'/'medium'/'high' as argument.
4012    - Fix spurious failure of uniq.test under different locales.
4013    - ltlcross now recovers from out-of-memory errors during
4014      state-space products.
4015    - bitvect.test was failing on 32bit architectures with
4016      assertions enabled because of a bug in the test case.
4018New in spot 1.99.2 (2015-07-18)
4020  * The scc_info object, used to build a map of SCCs while gathering
4021    additional information, has been simplified and speed up.  One
4022    test case where ltlcross would take more than 13min (to check the
4023    translation of one PSL formula) now takes only 75s.
4025  * streett_to_generalized_buchi() is a new function that implements
4026    what its name suggests, with some SCC-based optimizations over the
4027    naive definition.  It is used by the to_generalized_buchi() and
4028    remove_fin() functions when the input automaton is a Streett
4029    automaton with more than 3 pairs (this threeshold can be changed
4030    via the SPOT_STREETT_CONV_MIN environment variable -- see the
4031    spot-x(7) man page for details).
4033    This is mainly useful to ltlcross, which has to get rid of "Fin"
4034    acceptance to perform its checks.  As an example, the Streett
4035    automaton generatated by ltl2dstar (configured with ltl2tgba) for
4036    the formula
4037      !((GFa -> GFb) & (GFc -> GFd))
4038    has 4307 states and 14 acceptance sets.  The new algorithm can
4039    translate it into a TGBA with 9754 states and 7 acceptance sets,
4040    while the default approch used for converting any acceptance
4041    to TGBA would produce 250967 states and 7 acceptance sets.
4043  * Bugs fixed:
4044    - p[+][:*2] was not detected as belonging to siPSL.
4045    - scc_filter() would incorrectly remove Fin marks from
4046      rejecting SCCs.
4047    - the libspotltsmin library is installed.
4048    - ltlcross and ltldo did not properly quote atomic propositions
4049      and temporary file names containing a single-quote.
4050    - a missing Python.h is now diagnosed at ./configure time, with
4051      the suggestion to either install python3-devel, or run
4052      ./configure --disable-python.
4053    - Debian packages for libraries have been split from
4054      the main Spot package, as per Debian guidelines.
4056New in spot 1.99.1 (2015-06-23)
4058  * Major changes motivating the jump in version number
4060    - Spot now works with automata that can represent more than
4061      generalized Büchi acceptance.  Older versions were built around
4062      the concept of TGBA (Transition-based Generalized Büchi
4063      Automata) while this version now deals with what we call TωA
4064      (Transition-based ω-Automata).  TωA support arbitrary acceptance
4065      conditions specified as a Boolean formula of transition sets
4066      that must be visited infinitely often or finitely often.  This
4067      genericity allows for instance to represent Rabin or Streett
4068      automata, as well as some generalized variants of those.
4070    - Spot has near complete support for the Hanoi Omega Automata
4071      format.  http://adl.github.io/hoaf/  This formats supports
4072      automata with the generic acceptance condition described above,
4073      and has been implemented in a number of third-party tools (see
4074      http://adl.github.io/hoaf/support.html) to ease their
4075      interactions.  The only part of the format not yet implemented in
4076      Spot is the support for alternating automata.
4078    - Spot is now compiling in C++11 mode.  The set of C++11 features
4079      we use requires GCC >= 4.8 or Clang >= 3.5.  Although GCC 4.8 is
4080      more than 2-year old, people with older installations won't be
4081      able to install this version of Spot.
4083    - As a consequence of the switches to C++11 and to TωA, a lot of
4084      the existing C++ interfaces have been renamed, and sometime
4085      reworked.  This makes this version of Spot not backward
4086      compatible with Spot 1.2.x.  See below for the most important
4087      API changes.  Furtheremore, the reason this release is not
4088      called Spot 2.0 is that we have more of those changes planned.
4090    - Support for Python 2 was dropped.  We now support only Python
4091      3.2 or later.  The Python bindings have been improved a lot, and
4092      include some conveniance functions for better integration with
4093      IPython's rich display system.  User familiar with IPython's
4094      notebook should have a look at the notebook files in
4095      wrap/python/tests/*.ipynb
4097  * Major news for the command-line tools
4099    - The set of tools installed by spot now consists in the following
4100      11 commands.  Those marked with a '+' are new in this release.
4102      - randltl    Generate random LTL/PSL formulas.
4103      - ltlfilt    Filter and convert LTL/PSL formulas.
4104      - genltl     Generate LTL formulas from scalable patterns.
4105      - ltl2tgba   Translate LTL/PSL formulas into Büchi automata.
4106      - ltl2tgta   Translate LTL/PSL formulas into Testing automata.
4107      - ltlcross   Cross-compare LTL/PSL-to-Büchi translators.
4108      + ltlgrind   Mutate LTL/PSL formula.
4109      - dstar2tgba Convert deterministic Rabin or Streett automata into Büchi.
4110      + randaut    Generate random automata.
4111      + autfilt    Filter and convert automata.
4112      + ltldo      Run LTL/PSL formulas through other tools.
4114      randaut does not need any presentation: it does what you expect.
4116      ltlgrind is a new tool that mutates LTL or PSL formulas.  If you
4117      have a tool that is bogus on some formula that is too large to
4118      debug, you can use ltlgrind to generate smaller derived formulas
4119      and see if you can reproduce the bug on those.
4121      autfilt is a new tool that processes a stream of automata.  It
4122      allows format conversion, filtering automata based on some
4123      properties, and general transformations (e.g., change of
4124      acceptance conditions, removal of useless states, product
4125      between automata, etc.).
4127      ltldo is a new tool that runs LTL/PSL formulas through other
4128      tools, but uses Spot's command-line interfaces for specifying
4129      input and output.  This makes it easier to use third-party tool
4130      in a pipe, and it also takes care of some necessary format
4131      conversion.
4133    - ltl2tgba has a new option, -U, to produce unambiguous automata.
4134      In unambiguous automata any word is recognized by at most one
4135      accepting run, but there might be several ways to reject a word.
4136      This works for LTL and PSL formulas.
4138    - ltl2tgba has a new option, -S, to produce generalized-Büchi
4139      automata with state-based acceptance.  Those are obtained by
4140      converting some transition-based GBA into a state-based GBA, so
4141      they are usually not as small as one would wish.  The same
4142      option -S is also supported by autfilt.
4144    - ltlcross will work with translator producing automata with any
4145      acceptance condition, provided the output is in the HOA format.
4146      So it can effectively be used to validate tools producing Rabin
4147      or Streett automata.
4149    - ltlcross has several new options:
4151        --grind attempts to reduce the size of any bogus formula it
4152        discovers, while still exhibiting the bug.
4154        --ignore-execution-failures ignores cases where a translator
4155        exits with a non-zero status.
4157	--automata save the produced automata into the CSV or JSON
4158        file.  Those automata are saved using the HOA format.
4160      ltlcross will also output two extra columns in its CSV/JSON
4161      output: "ambiguous_aut" and "complete_aut" are Boolean
4162      that respectively tells whether the automaton is
4163      ambiguous and complete.
4165    - "ltlfilt --stutter-invariant" will now work with PSL formulas.
4166      The implementation is actually much more efficient
4167      than our previous implementation that was only for LTL.
4169    - ltlfilt's old -q/--quiet option has been renamed to
4170      --ignore-errors.  The new -q/--quiet semantic is the
4171      same as in grep (and also autfilt): disable all normal
4172      input, for situtations where only the exit status matters.
4174    - ltlfilt's old -n/--negate option can only be used as --negate
4175      now.  The short '-n NUM' option is now the same as the new
4176      --max-count=N option, for consistency with other tools.
4178    - ltlfilt has a new --count option to count the number of matching
4179      automata.
4181    - ltlfilt has a new --exclusive-ap option to constrain formulas
4182      based on a list of mutually exclusive atomic propositions.
4184    - ltlfilt has a new option --define to be used in conjunction with
4185      --relabel or --relabel-bool to print the mapping between old and
4186      new labels.
4188    - all tools that produce formulas or automata now have an --output
4189      (a.k.a. -o) option to redirect that output to a file instead of
4190      standard output.  The name of this file can be constructed using
4191      the same %-escape sequences that are available for --stats or
4192      --format.
4194    - all tools that output formulas have a -0 option to separate
4195      formulas with \0.  This helps in conjunction with xargs -0.
4197    - all tools that output automata have a --check option that
4198      request extra checks to be performed on the output to fill
4199      in properties values for the HOA format.  This options
4200      implies -H for HOA output.  For instance
4201      	ltl2tgba -H 'formula'
4202      will declare the output automaton as 'stutter-invariant'
4203      only if the formula is syntactically stutter-invariant
4204      (e.g., in LTL\X).  With
4205        ltl2tgba --check 'formula'
4206      additional checks will be performed, and the automaton
4207      will be accurately marked as either 'stutter-invariant'
4208      or 'stutter-sensitive'.  Another check performed by
4209      --check is testing whether the automaton is unambiguous.
4211    - ltlcross (and ltldo) have a list of hard-coded shorthands
4212      for some existing tools.  So for instance running
4213      'ltlcross spin ...' is the same as running
4214      'ltlcross "spin -f %s>%N" ...'.   This feature is much
4215      more useful for ltldo.
4217    - For options that take an output filename (i.e., ltlcross's
4218      --save-bogus, --grind, --csv, --json) you can force the file
4219      to be opened in append mode (instead of being truncated) by
4220      by prefixing the filename with ">>".  For instance
4221      	  --save-bogus=">>bugs.ltl"
4222      will append to the end of the file.
4224  * Other noteworthy news
4226    - The web site moved to http://spot.lrde.epita.fr/.
4228    - We now have Debian packages.
4229      See http://spot.lrde.epita.fr/install.html
4231    - The documentation now includes some simple code examples
4232      for both Python and C++.  (This is still a work in progress.)
4234    - The curstomized version of BuDDy (libbdd) used by Spot has be
4235      renamed as (libbddx) to avoid issues with copies of BuDDy
4236      already installed on the system.
4238    - There is a parser for the HOA format
4239      (http://adl.github.io/hoaf/) available as a
4240      spot::automaton_stream_parser object or spot::parse_aut()
4241      function.  The former version is able to parse a stream of
4242      automata in order to do batch processing.  This format can be
4243      output by all tools (since Spot 1.2.5) using the --hoa option,
4244      and it can be read by autfilt (by default) and ltlcross (using
4245      the %H specifier).  The current implementation does not support
4246      alternation.  Multiple initial states are converted into an
4247      extra initial state; complemented acceptance sets Inf(!x) are
4248      converted to Inf(x); explicit or implicit labels can be used;
4249      aliases are supported; "--ABORT--" can be used in a stream.
4251    - The above HOA parser can also parse never claims, and LBTT
4252      automata, so the never claim parser and the LBTT parser have
4253      been removed.  This implies that autfilt can input a mix of HOA,
4254      never claims, and LBTT automata.  ltlcross also use the same
4255      parser for all these output, and the old %T and %N specifiers
4256      have been deprecated and replaced by %O (for output).
4258    - While not all algorithms in the library are able to work with
4259      any acceptance condition supported by the HOA format, the
4260      following two new functions mitigate that:
4262      - remove_fin() takes a TωA whose accepting condition uses Fin(x)
4263	primitive, and produces an equivalent TωA without Fin(x):
4264	i.e., the output acceptance is a disjunction of generalized
4265	Büchi acceptance.  This type of acceptance is supported by
4266	SCC-based emptiness-check, for instance.
4268      - similarly, to_tgba() converts any TωA into an automaton with
4269	generalized-Büchi acceptance.
4271    - randomize() is a new algorithm that randomly reorders the states
4272      and transitions of an automaton.  It can be used from the
4273      command-line using "autfilt --randomize".
4275    - the interface in iface/dve2 has been renamed to iface/ltsmin
4276      because it can now interface the dynamic libraries created
4277      either by Divine (as patched by the LTSmin group) or by
4278      Spins (the LTSmin compiler for Promela).
4280    - LTL/PSL formulas can include /* comments */.
4282    - PSL SEREs support a new operator [:*i..j], the iterated fusion.
4283      [:*i..j] is to the fusion operator ':' what [*i..j] is to the
4284      concatenation operator ';'.  For instance (a*;b)[:*3] is the
4285      same as (a*;b):(a*;b):(a*;b).  The operator [:+], is syntactic
4286      sugar for [:*1..], and corresponds to the operator ⊕ introduced
4287      by Dax et al. (ATVA'09).
4289    - GraphViz output now uses an horizontal layout by default, and
4290      also use circular states (unless the automaton has more than 100
4291      states, or uses named-states).  The --dot option of the various
4292      command-line tools takes an optional parameter to fine-tune the
4293      GraphViz output (including vertical layout, forced circular or
4294      elliptic states, named automata, SCC information, ordered
4295      transitions, and different ways to colorize the acceptance
4296      sets).  The environment variables SPOT_DOTDEFAULT and
4297      SPOT_DOTEXTRA can also be used to respectively provide a default
4298      argument to --dot, and add extra attributes to the output graph.
4300    - Never claims can now be output in the style used by Spin since
4301      version 6.2.4 (i.e., using do..od instead of if..fi, and with
4302      atomic statements for terminal acceptance).  The default output
4303      is still the old one for compatibility with existing tools.  The
4304      new style can be requested from command-line tools using option
4305      --spin=6 (or -s6 for short).
4307    - Support for building unambiguous automata.  ltl_to_tgba() has a
4308      new options to produce unambiguous TGBA (used by ltl2tgba -U as
4309      discussed above).   The function is_unambiguous() will check
4310      whether an automaton is unambigous, and this is used by
4311      autfilt --is-unmabiguous.
4313    - The SAT-based minimization algorithm for deterministic automata
4314      has been updated to work with ω-Automaton with any acceptance.
4315      The input and the output acceptance can be different, so for
4316      instance it is possible to create a minimal deterministic
4317      Streett automaton starting from a deterministic Rabin automaton.
4318      This functionnality is available via autfilt's --sat-minimize
4319      option.  See doc/userdoc/satmin.html for details.
4321    - The on-line interface at http://spot.lrde.epita.fr/trans.html
4322      can be used to check stutter-invariance of any LTL/PSL formula.
4324    - The on-line interface will work around atomic propositions not
4325      supported by ltl3ba.  (E.g. you can now translate F(A) or
4326      G("foo < bar").)
4328  * Noteworthy code changes
4330    - Boost is not used anymore.
4332    - Automata are now manipulated exclusively via shared pointers.
4334    - Most of what was called tgba_something is now called
4335      twa_something, unless it is really meant to work only for TGBA.
4336      This includes functions, classes, file, and directory names.
4337      For instance the class tgba originally defined in tgba/tgba.hh,
4338      has been replaced by the class twa defined in twa/twa.hh.
4340    - the tgba_explicit class has been completely replaced by a more
4341      efficient twa_graph class.  Many of the algorithms that were
4342      written against the abstract tgba (now twa) interface have been
4343      rewritten using twa_graph instances as input and output, making
4344      the code a lot simpler.
4346    - The tgba_succ_iterator (now twa_succ_iterator) interface has
4347      changed.  Methods next(), and first() should now return a bool
4348      indicating whether the current iteration is valid.
4350    - The twa base class has a new method, release_iter(), that can
4351      be called to give a used iterator back to its automaton.  This
4352      iterator is then stored in a protected member, iter_cache_, and
4353      all implementations of succ_iter() can be updated to recycle
4354      iter_cache_ (if available) instead of allocating a new iterator.
4356    - The tgba (now called twa) base class has a new method, succ(),
4357      to support C++11' range-based for loop, and hide all the above
4358      change.
4360      Instead of the following syntax:
4362	tgba_succ_iterator* i = aut->succ_iter(s);
4363	for (i->first(); !i->done(); i->next())
4364	  {
4365	     // use i->current_state()
4366	     //     i->current_condition()
4367	     //     i->current_acceptance_conditions()
4368	  }
4369	delete i;
4371      We now prefer:
4373	for (auto i: aut->succ(s))
4374	  {
4375	    // use i->current_state()
4376	    //     i->current_condition()
4377	    //     i->current_acceptance_conditions()
4378	  }
4380      And the above syntax is really just syntactic suggar for
4382	twa_succ_iterator* i = aut->succ_iter(s);
4383	if (i->first())
4384	  do
4385	    {
4386	      // use i->current_state()
4387	      //     i->current_condition()
4388	      //     i->current_acceptance_conditions()
4389	    }
4390	  while (i->next());
4391	aut->release_iter(i); // allow the automaton to recycle the iterator
4393      Where the virtual calls to done() and delete have been avoided.
4395    - twa::succ_iter() now takes only one argument.  The optional
4396      global_state and global_automaton arguments have been removed.
4398    - The following methods have been removed from the TGBA interface and
4399      all their subclasses:
4400        - tgba::support_variables()
4401	- tgba::compute_support_variables()
4402	- tgba::all_acceptance_conditions()       // use acc().accepting(...)
4403	- tgba::neg_acceptance_conditions()
4404	- tgba::number_of_acceptance_conditions() // use acc().num_sets()
4406    - Membership to acceptance sets are now stored using bit sets,
4407      currently limited to 32 bits.  Each TωA has a acc() method that
4408      returns a reference to an acceptance object (of type
4409      spot::acc_cond), able to operate on acceptance marks
4410      (spot::acc_cond::mark_t).
4412      Instead of writing code like
4413        i->current_acceptance_conditions() == aut->all_acceptance_conditions()
4414      we now write
4415        aut->acc().accepting(i->current_acceptance_conditions())
4416      (Note that for accepting(x) to return something meaningful, x
4417      should be a set of acceptance sets visitied infinitely often.  So let's
4418      imagine that in the above example i is looking at a self-loop.)
4420      Similarly,
4421        aut->number_of_acceptance_conditions()
4422      is now
4423        aut->acc().num_sets()
4425    - All functions used for printing LTL/PSL formulas or automata
4426      have been renamed to print_something().  Likewise the various
4427      parsers should be called parse_something() (they haven't yet
4428      all been renamed).
4430    - All test suites under src/ have been merged into a single one in
4431      src/tests/.  The testing tool that was called
4432      src/tgbatest/ltl2tgba has been renamed as src/tests/ikwiad
4433      (short for "I Know What I Am Doing") so that users should be
4434      less tempted to use it instead of src/bin/ltl2tgba.
4436  * Removed features
4438    - The long unused interface to GreatSPN (or rather, interface to
4439      a non-public, customized version of GreatSPN) has been removed.
4440      As a consequence, we could get rid of many cruft in the
4441      implementation of Couvreur's FM'99 emptiness check.
4443    - Support for symbolic, BDD-encoded TGBAs has been removed.  This
4444      includes the tgba_bdd_concrete class and associated supporting
4445      classes, as well as the ltl_to_tgba_lacim() LTL translation
4446      algorithm.  Historically, this TGBA implementation and LTL
4447      translation were the first to be implemented in Spot (by
4448      mistake!) and this resulted in many bad design decisions.  In
4449      practice they were of no use as we only work with explicit
4450      automata (i.e. not symbolic) in Spot, and those produced by
4451      these techniques are simply too big.
4453    - All support for ELTL, i.e., LTL logic extended with operators
4454      represented by automata has been removed.  It was never used in
4455      practice because it had no practical user interface, and the
4456      translation was a purely-based BDD encoding producing huge
4457      automata (when viewed explictely), using the above and non
4458      longuer supported tgba_bdd_concrete class.
4460    - Our implementation of the Kupferman-Vardi complementation has
4461      been removed: it was unused in practice beause of the size of
4462      the automata built, and it did not survive the conversion of
4463      acceptance sets from BDDs to bitsets.
4465    - The unused implementation of state-based alternating Büchi
4466      automata has been removed.
4468    - Input and output in the old, Spot-specific, text format for
4469      TGBA, has been fully removed.  We now use HOA everywhere.  (In
4470      case you have a file in this format, install Spot 1.2.6 and use
4471      "src/tgbatest/ltl2tgba -H -X file" to convert the file to HOA.)
4473New in spot 1.2.6 (2014-12-06)
4475  * New features:
4477    - ltlcross --verbose is a new option to see what is being done
4479  * Bug fixes:
4481    - Remove one incorrect simplification rule for PSL discovered
4482      via checks on random formulaes.  (The bug was very unlikely
4483      to trigger on non-random formulas, because it requires a SERE
4484      with an entire subexpression that is unsatisfiable.)
4485    - When the automaton resulting from the translation of a positive
4486      formula is deterministic, ltlcross will compute its complement
4487      to perform additional checks against other translations of the
4488      positive formula.  The same procedure should be performed with
4489      automata obtained from negated formulas, but because of a typo
4490      this was not the case.
4491    - the neverclaim parser will now diagnose redefinitions of
4492      state labels.
4493    - the acceptance specification in the HOA format output have been
4494      adjusted to match recent changes in the format specifications.
4495    - atomic propositions are correctly escaped in the HOA output.
4496    - the build rules for documentation have been made compatible with
4497      version 8.0 of Org-mode.  (This was only a problem if you build
4498      from the git repository, or if you want to edit the
4499      documentation.)
4500    - recent to changes to libstd++ (as shipped by g++ 4.9.2) have
4501      demonstrated that the order of transitions output by the
4502      LTL->TGBA translation used to be dependent on the implementation
4503      of the STL.  This is now fixed.
4504    - some developpement version of libstd++ had a bug (PR 63698) in
4505      the assignment of std::set, and that was triggered in two places
4506      in Spot.  The workaround (not assigning sets) is actually more
4507      efficient, so we can consider it as a bug fix, even though
4508      libstd++ has also been fixed.
4509    - all parsers would report wrong line numbers while processing
4510      files with DOS style newlines.
4511    - add support for SWIG 3.0.
4513New in spot 1.2.5 (2014-08-21)
4515  * New features:
4517    - The online ltl2tgba translator will automatically attempt to
4518      parse a formula using LBT's syntax if it cannot parse it using
4519      the normal infix syntax.  It also has an option to display
4520      formulas using LBT's syntax.
4522    - ltl2tgba and dstar2tgba have a new experimental option --hoaf to
4523      output automata in the Hanoï Omega Automaton Format whose
4524      current draft is at http://adl.github.io/hoaf/
4525      The corresponding C++ function is spot::hoaf_reachable() in
4526      tgbaalgos/hoaf.hh.
4528    - 'randltl 4' is now a shorthand for 'randltl p0 p1 p2 p3'.
4530    - ltlcross has a new option --save-bogus=FILENAME to save any
4531      formula for which a problem (other than timeout) was detected
4532      during translation or using the resulting automatas.
4534  * Documentation:
4536    - The man page for ltl2tgba has some new notes and references
4537      about TGBA and about monitors.
4539  * Bug fixes:
4541    - Fix incorrect simplification of promises in the translation
4542      of the M operator (you may suffer from the bug even if you do
4543      not use this operator as some LTL patterns are automatically
4544      reduced to it).
4545    - Fix simplification of bounded repetition in SERE formulas.
4546    - Fix incorrect translation of PSL formulas of the form !{f} where
4547      f is unsatisifable.  A similar bug was fixed for {f} in Spot
4548      1.1.4, but for some reason it was not fixed for !{f}.
4549    - Fix parsing of neverclaims produced by Modella.
4550    - Fix a memory leak in the little-used conversion from
4551      transition-based alternating automata to tgba.
4552    - Fix a harmless uninitialized read in BuDDy.
4553    - When writing to the terminal, ltlcross used to display each
4554      formula in bright white, to make them stand out.  It turns out
4555      this was actually hiding the formulas for people using a
4556      terminal with white background... This version displays formula
4557      in bright blue instead.
4558    - 'randltl -n -1 --seed 0' and 'randltl -n -1 --seed 1' used to
4559      generate nearly the same list of formulas, shifted by one,
4560      because the PRNG write reset with an incremented seed between
4561      each output formula.  The PRNG is now reset only once.
4563New in spot 1.2.4 (2014-05-15)
4565  * New features:
4567    - "-B -x degen-lskip" can be used to disable level-skipping in the
4568      degeralization procedure called by ltl2tgba and dstar2tgba.
4569      This is mostly meant for running experiments.
4570    - "-B -x degen-lcache=N" can be used to experiment with different
4571      type of level caching during degeneralization.
4573  * Bug fixes:
4575    - Change the Python bindings to make them compatible with Swig 3.0.
4576    - "ltl2tgta --ta" could crash in certain conditions due to the
4577      introduction of a simulation-based reduction after
4578      degeneralization.
4579    - Fix four incorrect formula-simplification rules, three were
4580      related to the factorization of Boolean subformulas in
4581      operands of the non-length-matching "&" SERE operator, and
4582      a fourth one could only be enabled by explicitely passing the
4583      favor_event_univ option to the simplifier (not the default).
4584    - Fix incorrect translation of the fusion operator (":") in SERE
4585      such as {xx;1}:yy[*] where the left operand has 1 as tail.
4587New in spot 1.2.3 (2014-02-11)
4589  * New features:
4591    - The SPOT_SATLOG environment variable can be set to a filename to
4592      obtain statistics about the different iterations of the
4593      SAT-based minimization.  For an example, see
4594      http://spot.lrde.epita.fr/satmin.html
4595    - The bench/dtgbasat/ benchmark has been updated to use SPOT_SATLOG
4596      and record more statistics.
4597    - The default value for the SPOT_SATSOLVER environment
4598      variable has been changed to "glucose -verb=0 -model %I >%O".
4599      This assumes that glucose 3.0 is installed.   For older
4600      versions of glucose, remove the "-model" option.
4602  * Bug fixes:
4604    - More fixes for Python 3 compatibility.
4605    - Fix calculation of length_boolone(), were 'Xa|b|c' was
4606      considered as length 6 instead of 4 (because it is 'Xa|(b|a)'
4607      were (b|a) is Boolean).
4608    - Fix Clang-3.5 warnings.
4609    - randltl -S did not honor --boolean-priorities.
4610    - randltl had trouble generating formulas when all unary, or
4611      all binary/n-ary operators were disabled.
4612    - Fix spurious testsuite failure when using Pandas 0.13.
4613    - Add the time spent in child processes when measuring time
4614      with the timer class.
4615    - Fix determinism of the SAT-based minimization encoding.
4616      (It would sometimes produce different equivalent automata,
4617      because of a different encoding order.)
4618    - If the SAT-based minimization is asked for a 10-state automaton
4619      and returns a 6-state automaton, do not ask for a 9-state
4620      automaton in the next iteration...
4621    - Fix some compilation issue with the version of Apple's Clang
4622      that is installed with MacOS X 10.9.
4623    - Fix VPATH builds when building from the git repository.
4624    - Fix UP links in the html documentation for command-line tools.
4626New in spot 1.2.2 (2014-01-24)
4628  * Bug fixes:
4630    - Fix compilation *and* behavior of bitvectors on 32-bit
4631      architectures.
4632    - Fix some compilation errors observed using the antique G++ 4.0.1.
4633    - Fix compatibility with Python 3 in the test suite.
4634    - Fix a couple of new clang warnings (like "unused private member").
4635    - Add some missing #includes that are not included indirectly
4636      when the C++ compiler is in C++11 mode.
4637    - Fix detection of numbers that are too large in the ELTL parser.
4638    - Fix a memory leak in the ELTL parser, and avoid some unnecessary
4639      calls to strlen() at the same time.
4641New in spot 1.2.1 (2013-12-11)
4643  * New features:
4645    - commands for translators specified to ltlcross can now
4646      be given "short names" to be used in the CSV or JSON output.
4647      For instance
4648         ltlcross '{small} ltl2tgba -s --small %f >%N' ...
4649      will run the command "ltl2tgba -s --small %f >%N", but only
4650      print "small" in output files.
4652    - ltlcross' CSV and JSON output now contains two additional
4653      columns: exit_status and exit_code, used to report failures of
4654      the translator.  If the translation failed, only the time is
4655      reported, and the rest of the statistics, which are missing,
4656      area left empty (in CVS) or null (in JSON).  A new option,
4657      --omit-missing can be used to remove lines for failed
4658      translations, and remove these two columns.
4660    - if ltlcross is used with --products=+5 instead of --products=5
4661      then the stastics for each of the five products will be output
4662      separately instead of being averaged.
4664    - if ltlcross is used with tools that produce deterministic Streett
4665      or Rabin automata (as specified with %D), then the statistics
4666      output in CSV or JSON will have some extra columns to report
4667      the size of these input automata before ltlcross converts them
4668      into TGBA to perform its regular checks.
4670    - ltlfilt, ltl2tgba, ltl2tgta, and ltlcross can now read formulas
4671      from CSV files.  Use option -F FILE/COL to read formulas from
4672      column COL of FILE.  Use -F FILE/-COL if the first line of
4673      FILE be ignored.
4675    - when ltlfilt processes formulas from a CSV file, it will output
4676      each CSV line whose formula matches the given constraints, with
4677      the rewriten formula.  The new escape sequence %< (text in
4678      columns before the formula) and %> (text after) can be used
4679      with the --format option to alter this output.
4681    - ltlfilt, genltl, randltl, and ltl2tgba have a --csv-escape option
4682      to help escape formulas in CSV files.
4684    - Please check
4685            http://spot.lrde.epita.fr/csv.html
4686      for some discussion and examples of the last few features.
4688  * Bug fixes:
4690    - ltlcross' CSV output has been changed to be more RFC 4180
4691      compliant: it no longuer output useless cosmetic spaces, and
4692      use double-quotes with proper escaping for strings.  The only
4693      RFC 4180 rule that it does not follow is that it will terminate
4694      lines with \n instead of \r\n because the latter cause issues
4695      with a couple of tools.
4697    - ltlcross failed to report missing input or output escape sequences
4698      on all but the first configured translator.
4700New in spot 1.2 (2013-10-01)
4702  * Changes to command-line tools:
4704    - ltlcross has a new option --color to color its output.  It is
4705      enabled by default when the output is a terminal.
4707    - ltlcross will give an example of infinite word accepted by the
4708      two automata when the product between a positive automaton and a
4709      negative automaton is non-empty.
4711    - ltlcross can now read the Rabin and Streett automata output by
4712      ltl2dstar.  This type of output should be specified using '%D':
4714        ltlcross 'ltl2dstar --ltl2nba=spin:path/to/ltl2tgba@-s %L %D'
4716      However because Spot only supports Büchi acceptance, these Rabin
4717      and Streett automata are immediately converted to TGBAs before
4718      further processing by ltlcross.  This is still interesting to
4719      search for bugs in translators to Rabin or Streett automata, but
4720      the statistics (of the resulting TGBAs) might not be very relevant.
4722    - When ltlcross obtains a deterministic automaton from a
4723      translator it will now complement this automaton to perform
4724      additional intersection checks.  This is complementation is done
4725      only for deterministic automata (because that is cheap) and can
4726      be disabled with --no-complement.
4728    - To help with debugging problems detected by ltlcross, the
4729      environment variables SPOT_TMPDIR and SPOT_TMPKEEP control where
4730      temporary files are created and if they should be erased.  Read
4731      the man page of ltlcross for details.
4733    - There is a new command, named dstar2tgba, that converts a
4734      deterministic Rabin or Streett automaton (expressed in the
4735      output format of ltl2dstar) into a TGBA, BA or Monitor.
4737      In the case of Rabin acceptance, the conversion will output a
4738      deterministic Büchi automaton if one such automaton exist.  Even
4739      if no such automaton exists, the conversion will actually
4740      preserves the determinism of any SCC that can be kept
4741      deterministic.
4743      In the case of Streett acceptance, the conversion produces
4744      non-deterministic Büchi automata with Generalized acceptance.
4745      These are then degeneralized if requested.
4747      See http://spot.lrde.epita.fr/dstar2tgba.html for some
4748      examples, and the man page for more reference.
4750    - The %S escape sequence used by ltl2tgba --stats to display the
4751      number of SCCs in the output automaton has been renamed to %c.
4752      This makes it more homogeneous with the --stats option of the
4753      new dstar2tgba command.
4755      Additionally, the %p escape can now be used to show whether the
4756      output automaton is complete, and the %r escape will give the
4757      number of seconds spent building the output automaton (excluding
4758      the time spent parsing the input).
4760    - ltl2tgba, ltl2tgta, and dstar2tgba have a --complete option
4761      to output complete automata.
4763    - ltl2tgba, ltl2tgta, and dstar2tgba can use a SAT-solver to
4764      minimize deterministic automata.  Doing so is only needed on
4765      properties that are stronger than obligations (for obligations
4766      our WDBA-minimization procedure will return a minimimal
4767      deterministic automaton more efficiently) and is disabled by
4768      default.  See the spot-x(7) man page for documentation about the
4769      related options: sat-minimize, sat-states, sat-acc, state-based.
4770      See also http://spot.lrde.epita.fr/satmin.html for some
4771      examples.
4773    - ltlfilt, genltl, and randltl now have a --latex option to output
4774      formulas in a way that its easier to embed in a LaTeX document.
4775      Each operator is output as a command such as \U, \F, etc.
4776      doc/tl/spotltl.sty gives one possible definition for each macro.
4778    - ltlfilt, genltl, and randltl have a new --format option to
4779      indicate how to present the output formula, possibly with
4780      information about the input.
4782    - ltlfilt as a new option, --relabel-bool, to abstract independent
4783      Boolean subformulae as if they were atomic propositions.
4784      For instance "a & GF(c | d) & b & X(c | d)" would be rewritten
4785      as "p0 & GF(p1) & Xp1".
4787  * New functions and classes in the library:
4789    - dtba_sat_synthetize(): Use a SAT-solver to build an equivalent
4790      deterministic TBA with a fixed number of states.
4792    - dtba_sat_minimize(), dtba_sat_minimize_dichotomy(): Iterate
4793      dtba_sat_synthetize() to reduce the number of states of a TBA.
4795    - dtgba_sat_synthetize(), dtgba_sat_minimize(),
4796      dtgba_sat_minimize_dichotomy(): Likewise, for deterministic TGBA.
4798    - is_complete(): Check whether a TGBA is complete.
4800    - tgba_complete(): Complete an automaton by adding a sink state
4801      if needed.
4803    - dtgba_complement(): Complement a deterministic TGBA.
4805    - satsolver(): Run an (external) SAT solver, honoring the
4806      SPOT_SATSOLVER environment variable if set.
4808    - tba_determinize(): Run a power-set construction, and attempt
4809      to fix the acceptance simulation to build a deterministic TBA.
4811    - dstar_parse(): Read a Streett or Rabin automaton in
4812      ltl2dstar's format.  Note that this format allows only
4813      deterministic automata.
4815    - nra_to_nba(): Convert a (possibly non-deterministic) Rabin
4816      automaton to a non-deterministic Büchi automaton.
4818    - dra_to_ba(): Convert a deterministic Rabin automaton to a Büchi
4819      automaton, preserving acceptance in all SCCs where this is possible.
4821    - nsa_to_tgba(): Convert a (possibly non-deterministic) Streett
4822      automaton to a non-deterministic TGBA.
4824    - dstar_to_tgba(): Convert any automaton returned by dstar_parse()
4825      into a TGBA.
4827    - build_tgba_mask_keep(): Build a masked TGBA that shows only
4828      a subset of states of another TGBA.
4830    - build_tgba_mask_ignore(): Build a masked TGBA that ignore
4831      a subset of states of another TGBA.
4833    - class tgba_proxy: Helps writing on-the-fly algorithms that
4834      delegate most of their methods to the original automaton.
4836    - class bitvect: A dynamic bit vector implementation.
4838    - class word: An infinite word, stored as prefix + cycle, with a
4839      simplify() methods to simplify cycle and prefix in obvious ways.
4841    - class temporary_file: A temporary file.  Can be instanciated with
4842      create_tmp_file() or create_open_tmpfile().
4844    - count_state(): Return the number of states of a TGBA.  Implement
4845      a couple of specializations for classes where is can be know
4846      without exploration.
4848    - to_latex_string(): Output a formula using LaTeX syntax.
4850    - relabel_bse(): Relabeling of Boolean Sub-Expressions.
4851      Implements ltlfilt's --relabel-bool option describe above.
4853  * Noteworthy internal changes:
4855    - When minimize_obligation() is not given the formula associated
4856      to the input automaton, but that automaton is deterministic, it
4857      can still attempt to call minimize_wdba() and check the correcteness
4858      using dtgba_complement().  This allows dstar2tgba to apply
4859      WDBA-minimization on deterministic Rabin automata.
4861    - tgba_reachable_iterator_depth_first has been redesigned to
4862      effectively perform a DFS.  As a consequence, it does not
4863      inherit from tgba_reachable_iterator anymore.
4865    - postproc::set_pref() was used to accept an argument among Any,
4866      Small or Deterministic.  These can now be combined with Complete
4867      as Any|Complete, Small|Complete, or Deterministic|Complete.
4869    - operands of n-ary operators (like & and |) are now ordered so
4870      that Boolean terms come first.  This speeds up syntactic
4871      implication checks slightly.  Also, literals are now sorted
4872      using strverscmp(), so that p5 comes before p12.
4874    - Syntactic implication checks have been generalized slightly
4875      (for instance 'a & b & F(a & b)' is now reduced to 'a & b'
4876      while it was not changed in previous versions).
4878    - All the parsers implemented in Spot now use the same type to
4879      store locations.
4881    - Cleanup of exported symbols
4883      All symbols in the library now have hidden visibility on ELF systems.
4884      Public classes and functions have been marked explicitely for export
4885      with the SPOT_API macro.
4887      During this massive update, some of functions that should not have
4888      been made public in the first place have been moved away so that
4889      they can only be used from the library.  Some old of unused
4890      functions have been removed.
4892      removed:
4893	- class loopless_modular_mixed_radix_gray_code
4895      hidden:
4896	- class acc_compl
4897	- class acceptance_convertor
4898	- class bdd_allocator
4899	- class free_list
4901  * Bug fixes:
4903    - Degeneralization was not indempotant on automata with an
4904      accepting initial state that was on a cycle, but without
4905      self-loop.
4907    - Configuring with --enable-optimization would reset the value of
4908      CXXFLAGS.
4911New in spot 1.1.4 (2013-07-29)
4913  * Bug fixes:
4914    - The parser for neverclaim, updated in 1.1.3, would fail to
4915      parse guards of the form (a) || (b) output by ltl2ba or
4916      ltl3ba, and would only understand ((a) || (b)).
4917    - When used from ltlcross, the same parser would fail to
4918      parse further neverclaims after the first failure.
4919    - Add a missing newline in some error message of ltlcross.
4920    - Expressions like {SERE} were wrongly translated and simplified
4921      for SEREs that accept the empty word: they were wrongly reduced
4922      to true.  Simplification and translation rules have been fixed,
4923      and the doc/tl/tl.pdf specifications have been updated to better
4924      explain that {SERE} has the semantics of a closure operator that
4925      is not exactly what one could expect after reading the PSL
4926      standard.
4927    - Various typos.
4929New in spot 1.1.3 (2013-07-09)
4931  * New feature:
4932    - The neverclaim parser now understands the new style of output
4933      used by Spin 6.24 and later.
4934  * Bug fixes:
4935    - The scc_filter() function could abort with a BDD error.  If all
4936      the acceptance sets of an SCC but the first one were useless.
4937    - The script in bench/spin13/ would not work on MacOS X because
4938      of some non-portable command.
4939    - A memory corruption in ltlcross.
4941New in spot 1.1.2 (2013-06-09)
4943  * Bug fixes:
4944    - Uninitialized variables in ltlcross (affect the count of terminal
4945      weak, and strong SCCs).
4946    - Workaround an old GCC bug to allow compilation with g++ <= 4.5
4947    - Fix several Doxygen comments so that they display correctly.
4949New in spot 1.1.1 (2013-05-13):
4951  * New features:
4953    - lbtt_reachable(), the function that outputs a TGBA in LBTT's
4954      format, has a new option to indicate that the TGBA being printed
4955      is in fact a Büchi automaton.  In this case it outputs an LBTT
4956      automaton with state-based acceptance.
4958      The output of the guards has also been changed in two ways:
4959      1. atomic propositions that do not match p[0-9]+ are always
4960         double-quoted.  This avoids issues where t or f were used as
4961         atomic propositions in the formula, output as-is in the
4962         automaton, and read back as true or false.  Other names that
4963         correspond to LBT operators would cause problem as well.
4964      2. formulas that label transitions are now output as
4965         irredundant-sums-of-products.
4967    - 'ltl2tgba --ba --lbtt' will now output automata with state-based
4968      acceptance.  You can use 'ltl2tgba --ba --lbtt=t' to force the
4969      output of transition-based acceptance like in the previous
4970      versions.
4972      Some illustrations of this point and the previous one can be
4973      found in the man page for ltl2tgba(1).
4975    - There is a new function scc_filter_states() that removes all
4976      useless states from a TGBA.  It is actually an abbridged version
4977      of scc_filter() that does not alter the acceptance conditions of
4978      the automaton.  scc_filter_state() should be used when
4979      post-processing TGBAs that actually represent BAs.
4981    - simulation_sba(), cosimulation_sba(), and
4982      iterated_simulations_sba() are new functions that apply to TGBAs
4983      that actually represent BAs.  They preserve the imporant
4984      property that if a state of the BA is is accepting, the outgoing
4985      transitions of that state are all accepting in the TGBA that
4986      represent the BA.  This is something that was not preserved by
4987      functions cosimultion() and iterated_simulations() as mentionned
4988      in the bug fixes below.
4990    - ltlcross has a new option --seed, that makes it possible to
4991      change the seed used by the random graph generator.
4993    - ltlcross has a new option --products=N to check the result of
4994      each translation against N different state spaces, and everage
4995      the statistics of these N products.  N default to 1; larger
4996      values increase the chances to detect inconsistencies in the
4997      translations, and also make the average size of the product
4998      built against the translated automata a more pertinent
4999      statistic.
5001    - bdd_dict::unregister_all_typed_variables() is a new function,
5002      making it easy to unregister all BDD variables of a given type
5003      owned by some object.
5005  * Bug fixes:
5007    - genltl --gh-r generated the wrong formulas due to a typo.
5008    - ltlfilt --eventual and --universal were not handled properly.
5009    - ltlfilt --stutter-invariant would trigger an assert on PSL formulas.
5010    - ltl2tgba, ltl2tgta, ltlcross, and ltlfilt, would all choke on empty
5011      lines in a file of formulas.  They now ignore empty lines.
5012    - The iterated simulation applied on degeneralized TGBA was bogus
5013      for two reasons: one was that cosimulation was applied using the
5014      generic cosimulation for TGBA, and the second is that
5015      SCC-filtering, performed between iterations, was also a
5016      TGBA-based algorithm.  Both of these algorithms could lose the
5017      property that if a TGBA represents a BA, all the outgoing
5018      transitions of a state should be accepting.  As a consequence, some
5019      formulas where translated to incorrect Büchi automata.
5021New in spot 1.1 (2013-04-28):
5023  Several of the new features described below are discribed in
5025    Tomáš Babiak, Thomas Badie, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Mojmír
5026    Křetínský, Jan Strejček: Compositional Approach to Suspension and
5027    Other Improvements to LTL Translation.  To appear in the
5028    proceedings of SPIN'13.
5030  * New features in the library:
5032    - The postprocessor class now takes an optional option_map
5033      argument that can be used to specify fine-tuning options, making
5034      it easier to benchmark different scenarios while developing new
5035      postprocessings.
5037    - A new translator class implements a complete translation chain,
5038      from LTL/PSL to TGBA/BA/Monitor.  It performs pre- and
5039      post-processings in addition to the core translation, and offers
5040      an interface similar to that used in the postprocessor class, to
5041      specify the intent of the translation.
5043    - The degeneralization algorithm has learned three new tricks:
5044      level reset, level caching, and SCC-based ordering.  The former
5045      two are enabled by default.  Benchmarking has shown that the
5046      latter one does not always have a positive effect, so it is
5047      disabled by default.  (See SPIN'13 paper.)
5049    - The scc_filter() function, which removes dead SCCs and also
5050      simplify acceptance conditions, has learnt how to simplify
5051      acceptance conditions in a few tricky situations that were not
5052      simplified previously.  (See SPIN'13 paper.)
5054    - A new translation, called compsusp(), for "Compositional
5055      Suspension" is implemented on top of ltl_to_tgba_fm().
5056      (See SPIN'13 paper.)
5058    - Some experimental LTL rewriting rules that trie to gather
5059      suspendable formulas are implemented and can be activated
5060      with the favor_event_univ option of ltl_simplifier.  As
5061      always please check doc/tl/tl.tex for the list of rules.
5063    - An experimental "don't care" (direct) simulation has been
5064      implemented.  This simulations consider the acceptance
5065      of out-of-SCC transitions as "don't care".  It is not
5066      enabled by default because it currently is very slow.
5068    - remove_x() is a function that take a formula, and rewrite it
5069      without the X operator.  The rewriting is only correct for
5070      stutter-insensitive LTL formulas (See K. Etessami's paper in IFP
5071      vol. 75(6). 2000) This algorithm is accessible from the
5072      command-line using ltlfilt's --remove-x option.
5074    - is_stutter_insensitive() takes any LTL formula, and check
5075      whether it is stutter-insensitive.  This algorithm is accessible
5076      from the command-line using ltlfilt's --stutter-insensitive
5077      option.
5079    - Several functions have been introduced to check the
5080      strength of an SCC.
5081        is_inherently_weak_scc()
5082	is_weak_scc()
5083	is_syntactic_weak_scc()
5084	is_complete_scc()
5085	is_terminal_scc()
5086	is_syntactic_terminal_scc()
5088      Beware that the costly is_weak_scc() function introduced in Spot
5089      1.0, which is based on a cycle enumeration, has been renammed to
5090      is_inherently_weak_scc() to match established vocabulary.
5092  * Command-line tools:
5094    - ltl2tgba and ltl2tgta now honor a new --extra-options (or -x)
5095      flag to fine-tune the algorithms used.  The available options
5096      are documented in the spot-x (7) manpage.  For instance use '-x
5097      comp-susp' to use the afore-mentioned compositional suspension.
5099    - The output format of 'ltlcross --json' has been changed slightly.
5100      In a future version we will offer some reporting script that turn
5101      such JSON output into various tables and graphs, and these change
5102      are required to make the format usable for other benchmarks (not
5103      just ltlcross).
5105    - ltlcross will now count the number of non-accepting, terminal,
5106      weak, and strong SCCs, as well as the number of terminal, weak,
5107      and strong automata produced by each tool.
5109  * Documentation:
5111    - org-mode files used to generate the documentation about
5112      command-line tools (shown at http://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tools.html)
5113      is distributed in doc/org/.  The resulting html files are also
5114      in doc/userdoc/.
5116  * Web interface:
5118    - A new "Compositional Suspension" tab has been added to experiment
5119      with compositional suspension.
5121  * Benchmarks:
5123    - See bench/spin13/README for instructions to reproduce our Spin'13
5124      benchmark for the compositional suspension.
5126  * Bug fixes:
5128    - There was a memory leak in the LTL simplification code, that could
5129      only be triggered when disabling advanced simplifications.
5131    - The translation of the PSL formula !{xxx} was incorrect when xxx
5132      simplified to false.
5134    - Various warnings triggered by new compilers.
5136New in spot 1.0.2 (2013-03-06):
5138  * New features:
5139    - the on-line ltl2tgba.html interface can output deterministic or
5140      non-deterministic monitors.  However, and unlike the ltl2tgba
5141      command-line tool, it doesn't different output formats.
5142    - the class ltl::ltl_simplifier now has an option to rewrite Boolean
5143      subformulaes as irredundante-sum-of-product during the simplification
5144      of any LTL/PSL formula.  The service is also available as a method
5145      ltl_simplifier::boolean_to_isop() that applies this rewriting
5146      to a Boolean formula and implements a cache.
5147      ltlfilt as a new option --boolean-to-isop to try to apply the
5148      above rewriting from the command-line:
5149      	    % ltlfilt --boolean-to-isop -f 'GF((a->b)&(b->c))'
5150	    GF((!a & !b) | (b & c))
5151      This is currently not used anywhere else in the library.
5152  * Bug fixes:
5153    - 'ltl2tgba --high' is documented to be the same as 'ltl2tgba',
5154      but by default ltl2tgba forgot to enable LTL simplifications based
5155      on language containment, which --high do enable.  There are now
5156      enabled by default.
5157    - the on-line ltl2tgba.html interface failed to output monitors,
5158      testing automata, and generalized testing automata due to two
5159      issues with the Python bindings.  It also used to display
5160      Testing Automaton Options when the desired output was set to Monitor.
5161    - bench/ltl2tgba would not work in a VPATH build.
5162    - a typo caused some .dir-locals.el configuration parameters to be
5163      silently ignored by emacs
5164    - improved Doxygen comments for formula_to_bdd, bdd_to_formula,
5165      and bdd_dict.
5166    - src/tgbatest/ltl2tgba (not to be confused with src/bin/ltl2tgba)
5167      would have a memory leak when passed the conflicting option -M
5168      and -O.  It probably has many other problems.  Do not use
5169      src/tgbatest/ltl2tgba if you are not writing a test case for
5170      Spot.  Use src/bin/ltl2tgba instead.
5172New in spot 1.0.1 (2013-01-23):
5174  * Bug fixes:
5175    - Two executions of the simulation reductions could produce
5176      two isomorphic automata, but with transitions in a different
5177      order.
5178    - ltlcross did not diagnose write errors to temporary files,
5179      and certain versions of g++ would warn about it.
5180    - "P0.init" is parsed as an atomic even without the double quotes,
5181      but it was always output with double quotes.  This version will
5182      not quote this atomic proposition anymore.
5183    - "U", "W", "M", "R" were correctly parsed as atomic propositions
5184      (instead of binary operators) when placed in double quotes, but
5185      on output they were output without quotes, making the result
5186      unparsable.
5187    - the to_lbt_string() functions would always output a trailing space.
5188      This is not the case anymore.
5189    - tgba_product::transition_annotation() would segfault when
5190      called in a product against a Kripke structure.
5191  * Minor improvements:
5192    - Four new LTL simplifications rules:
5193        GF(a|Xb) = GF(a|b)
5194        GF(a|Fb) = GF(a|b)
5195        FG(a&Xb) = FG(a&b)
5196        FG(a&Gb) = FG(a&b)
5197    - The on-line version of ltl2tgba now displays edge and
5198      transition counts, just as the ltlcross tool.
5199    - ltlcross will display the number of timeouts at the end
5200      of its execution.
5201    - ltlcross will diagnose tools with missing input or
5202      output %-sequence before attempting to run any of them.
5203    - The parser for LBT's prefix-style LTL formulas will now
5204      read atomic propositions that are not of the form p1, p2...
5205      This makes it possible to process formulas written in
5206      ltl2dstar's syntax.
5207  * Pruning:
5208    - lbtt has been removed from the distribution.  A copy of the last
5209      version we distributed is still available at
5210        http://spot.lip6.fr/dl/lbtt-1.2.1a.tar.gz
5211      and our test suite will use it if it is installed, but the same
5212      tests are already performed by ltlcross.
5213    - the bench/ltl2tgba/ benchmark, that used lbtt to compare various
5214      LTL-to-Büchi translators, has been updated to use ltlcross.  It
5215      now output summary tables in LaTeX.  Support for Modella (no
5216      longer available online), and Wring (requires a too old Perl
5217      version) have been dropped.
5218    - the half-baked and underdocumented "Event TGBA" support in
5219      src/evtgba*/ has been removed, as it was last worked on in 2004.
5221New in spot 1.0 (2012-10-27):
5223  * License change: Spot is now distributed using GPL v3+ instead
5224    of GPL v2+.  This is because we started using some third-party
5225    files distributed under GPL v3+.
5227  * Command-line tools
5229    Useful command-line tools are now installed in addition to the
5230    library.  Some of these tools were originally written for our test
5231    suite and had evolved organically into useful programs with crappy
5232    interfaces: they have now been rewritten with better argument
5233    parsing, saner defaults, and they come with man pages.
5235    - genltl:   Generate LTL formulas from scalable patterns.
5236                This offers 20 patterns so far.
5238    - randltl:  Generate random LTL/PSL formulas.
5240    - ltlfilt:  Filter lists of formulas according to several criteria
5241                (e.g., match only safety formulas that are larger than
5242		some given size).  Besides being used as a "grep" tool
5243		for formulas, this can also be used to convert
5244		files of formulas between different syntaxes, apply
5245		some simplifications, check whether to formulas are
5246		equivalent, ...
5248    - ltl2tgba: Translate LTL/PSL formulas into Büchi automata (TGBA,
5249                BA, or Monitor).  A fundamental change to the
5250                interface is that you may now specify the goal of the
5251                translation: do you you favor deterministic or smaller
5252                automata?
5254    - ltl2tgta: Translate LTL/PSL formulas into Testing Automata.
5256    - ltlcross: Compare the output of translators from LTL/PSL to
5257                Büchi automata, to find bug or for benchmarking.  This
5258                is essentially a Spot-based reimplementation of LBTT
5259                that supports PSL in addition to LTL, and that can
5260                output more statistics.
5262    An introduction to these tools can be found on-line at
5263      http://spot.lrde.epita.fr/tools.html
5265    The former test versions of genltl and randltl have been removed
5266    from the source tree.  The old version of ltl2tgba with its
5267    gazillion options is still in src/tgbatest/ and is meant to be
5268    used for testing only.  Although ltlcross is meant to replace
5269    LBTT, we are still using both tools in this release; however this
5270    is likely to be the last release of Spot that redistributes LBTT.
5272  * New features in the Spot library:
5274    - Support for various flavors of Testing Automata.
5276      The flavors are:
5277      + "classical" Testing Automata, as used for instance by
5278	Geldenhuys and Hansen (Spin'06), using Büchi and
5279	livelock acceptance conditions.
5280      + Generalized Testing Automata, extending the previous
5281	with multiple Büchi acceptance sets.
5282      + Transition-based Generalized Testing Automata moving Büchi
5283        acceptance to transitions, and getting rid of livelock
5284        acceptance conditions by expliciting stuttering self-loops.
5286      Supporting algorithms include anything required to run
5287      the automata-theoretic approach using testing automata:
5289      + dedicated synchronized product
5290      + dedicated emptiness-check for TA and GTA, as these
5291        may require two passes because of the two kinds of
5292	acceptance, while a TGTA can be checked for emptiness
5293	with the same one-pass algorithm as a TGBA.
5294      + conversion from a TGBA to any of the above kind, with
5295        options to reduce these automata with bisimulation,
5296	and to produce a BA/GBA that require a single pass
5297	(at the expense of determinism).
5298      + output in dot format for display
5300      A discussion of these automata, part of Ala Eddine BEN SALEM's
5301      PhD work, should appear in ToPNoC VI (LNCS 7400).  The web-based
5302      interface and the aforementioned ltl2tgta tool can be used
5303      to build testing automata.
5305    - TGBA can now be reduced by Reverse Simulation (in addition to
5306      the Direct Simulation introduced in 0.9).  A function called
5307      iterated_simulations() will alternate direct and reverse
5308      simulations in a loop as long as it diminishes the size of the
5309      automaton.
5311    - The enumerate_cycles class implements the Loizou-Thanisch
5312      algorithm to enumerate elementary cycles in a SCC.  As an
5313      example of use, is_weak_scc() will tell whether an SCC is
5314      inherently weak (all its cycles are accepting, or none of them
5315      are).
5317    - parse_lbt() will parse an LTL formula expressed in the prefix
5318      syntax used (at least) by LBT, LBTT and Scheck.
5319      to_lbt_string() can be used to print an LTL formula using this
5320      syntax.
5322    - to_wring_string() can be used to print an LTL formula into
5323      Wring's syntax.
5325    - The LTL/PSL parser now has a lenient mode that can be useful
5326      to interpret atomic proposition with language-specific constructs.
5327      In lenient mode, any (...) or {...} block that cannot be parsed
5328      as formula will be assumed to be an atomic proposition.
5329      For instance the input (a < b) U (process[2]@ok), normally
5330      flagged as a syntax error, is read as "a < b" U "process[2]@ok"
5331      in lenient mode.
5333    - minimize_obligation() has a new option to disable WDBA
5334      minimization it cases it would produce a deterministic automaton
5335      that is bigger than the original TGBA.  This can help
5336      choosing between less states or more determinism.
5338    - new functions is_deterministic() and count_nondet_states()
5339      (The count of nondeterministic states is now displayed on
5340      automata generated with the web interface.)
5342    - A new class, "postprocessor", makes it easier to apply
5343      all available simplification algorithms on a TGBA/BA/Monitors.
5345  * Minor changes:
5347    - The '*' operator can (again) be used as an AND in LTL formulas.
5348      This is for compatibility with formula written in Wring's
5349      syntax.  However inside SERE it is interpreted as the Kleen
5350      star.
5352    - When printing a formula using Spin's LTL syntax, we don't
5353      double-quote complex atomic propositions (that was not valid
5354      Spin input anyway).   For instance F"foo == 2" used to be
5355      output as <>"foo == 2".  We now output <>(foo == 2) instead.
5356      The latter syntax is understood by Spin 6.  It can be read
5357      back by Spot in lenient mode (see above).
5359    - The gspn-ssp benchmark has been removed.
5362New in spot 0.9.2 (2012-07-02):
5364  * New features to the web interface.
5365    - It can run ltl3ba (Babiak et al., TACAS'12) where available.
5366    - "a loading logo" is displayed when result is not instantaneous.
5367  * Speed improvements:
5368    - The unicity hash table of BuDDy has been separated separated
5369      node table for better cache-friendliness.  The resulting speedup
5370      is around 5% on BDD-intensive algorithms.
5371    - A new BDD operation, called bdd_implies() has been added to
5372      BuDDy to check whether one BDD implies another.  This benefits
5373      mostly the simulation and degeneralization algorithms of Spot.
5374    - A new offline implementation of the degeneralization (which
5375      had always been performed on-the-fly so far) available.  This
5376      especially helps the Safra complementation.
5377  * Bug fixes:
5378    - The CGI script running for ltl2tgba.html will correctly timeout
5379      after 30s when Spot's translation takes more time.
5380    - Applying WDBA-minimization on an automaton generated by the
5381      Couvreur/LaCIM translator could lead to an incorrect automaton
5382      due to a bug in the definition of product with symbolic
5383      automata.
5384    - The Makefile.am of BuDDy, LBTT, and Spot have been adjusted to
5385      accomodate Automake 1.12 (while still working with 1.11).
5386    - Better error recovery when parsing broken LTL formulae.
5387    - Fix errors and warnings reported by clang 3.1 and the
5388      upcoming g++ 4.8.
5390New in spot 0.9.1 (2012-05-23):
5392  * The version of LBTT we distribute includes a patch from Tomáš
5393    Babiak to count the number of non-deterministic states, and the
5394    number of deterministic automata produced.
5395    See lbtt/NEWS for the list of other differences with the original
5396    version of LBTT 1.2.1.
5397  * The Couvreur/FM translator has learned two new tricks.  These only
5398    help to speedup the translation by not issuing states or
5399    acceptance conditions that would be latter suppresed by other
5400    optimizations.
5401    - The translation rules used to translate subformulae of the G
5402      operator have been adjusted not to produce useless loops
5403      already implied by G.  This generalizes the "GF" trick
5404      presented in Couvreur's original FM'99 paper.
5405    - Promises generated for formula of the form P(a U (b U c))
5406      are reduced into P(c), avoiding the introduction of many
5407      promises that imply each other.
5408  * The tgba_parse() function is now available via the Python
5409    bindings.
5410  * Bug fixes:
5411    - The random SERE generator was using the wrong operators
5412      for "and" and "or", mistaking And/Or with AndRat/OrRat.
5413    - The translation of !{r} was incorrect when this subformula
5414      was recurring (e.g. in G!{r}) and r had loops.
5415    - Correctly recognize ltl2tgba's option -rL.
5416    - Using LTL simplification rules based on syntactic implication,
5417      or based on language containment checks, caused BDD variables
5418      to be allocated in an "unnatural" order, resulting in a slower
5419      translation and a less optimal degeneralization.
5420    - When ltl2tgba reads a neverclaim, it now considers the resulting
5421      TGBA as a Büchi automaton, and will display double circles in
5422      the dotty output.
5424New in spot 0.9 (2012-05-09):
5426  * New features:
5427    - Operators from the linear fragment of PSL are supported.  This
5428      basically extends LTL with Sequential Extended Regulat
5429      Expressions (SERE), and a couple of operators to bridge SERE and
5430      LTL.  See doc/tl/tl.pdf for the list of operators and their
5431      semantics.
5432    - Formula rewritings have been completely revamped, and augmented
5433      with rules for PSL operators (and some new LTL rules as well).
5434      See doc/tl/tl.pdf for the list of the rewritings implemented.
5435    - Some of these rewritings that may produce larger formulas
5436      (for instance to rewrite "{a;b;c}" into "a & X(b & Xc)")
5437      may be explicitely disabled with a new option.
5438    - The src/ltltest/randltl tool can now generate random SEREs
5439      and random PSL formulae.
5440    - Only one translator (ltl2tgba_fm) has been augmented to
5441      translate the new SERE and PSL operators.  The internal
5442      translation from SERE to DFA is likely to be rewriten in a
5443      future version.
5444    - A new function, length_boolone(), computes the size of an
5445      LTL/PSL formula while considering that any Boolean term has
5446      length 1.
5447    - The LTL/PSL parser recognizes some UTF-8 characters (like ◇ or
5448      ∧) as operators, and some output routines now have an UTF-8
5449      output mode.  Tools like randltl and ltl2tgba have gained an -8
5450      option to enable such output.  See doc/tl/tl.pdf for the list
5451      of recognized codepoints.
5452    - A new direct simulation reduction has been implemented.  It
5453      works directly on TGBAs.  It is in src/tgbaalgos/simlation.hh,
5454      and it can be tested via ltl2tgba's -RDS option.
5455    - unabbreviate_wm() is a function that rewrites the W and M operators
5456      of LTL formulae using R and U.  This is called whenever we output
5457      a formula in Spin syntax.  By combining this with the aforementioned
5458      PSL rewriting rules, many PSL formulae that use simple SERE can be
5459      converted into LTL formulae that can be feed to tools that only
5460      understand U and R.  The web interface will let you do this.
5461    - changes to the on-line translator:
5462      + SVG output is available
5463      + can display some properties of a formula
5464      + new options for direct simulation, larger rewritings, and
5465        utf-8 output
5466    - configure --without-included-lbtt will prevent LBTT from being
5467      configured and built.  This helps on systems (such as MinGW)
5468      where LBTT cannot be built.  The test-suite will skip any
5469      LBTT-based test if LBTT is missing.
5470  * Interface changes:
5471    - Operators ->, <->, U, W, R, and M are now parsed as
5472      right-associative to better match the PSL standard.
5473    - The constructors for temporal formulae will perform some trivial
5474      simplifications based on associativity, commutativity,
5475      idempotence, and neutral elements.  See doc/tl/tl.pdf for the
5476      list of such simplifications.
5477    - Formula instances now have many methods to inspect their
5478      properties (membership to syntactic classes, absence of X
5479      operator, etc...) in constant time.
5480    - LTL/PSL formulae are now handled everywhere as 'const formula*'
5481      and not just 'formula*'.  This reflects the true nature of these
5482      (immutable) formula objects, and cleanups a lot of code.
5483      Unfortunately, it is a backward incompatible change: you may have
5484      to add 'const' to a couple of lines in your code, and change
5485      'ltl::const_vistitor' into 'ltl::visitor' if you have written a
5486      custom visitor.
5487    - The new entry point for LTL/PSL simplifications is the function
5488      ltl_simplifier::simplify() declared in src/ltlvisit/simplify.hh.
5489      The ltl_simplifier class implements a cache.
5490      Functions such as reduce() or reduce_tau03() are deprecated.
5491    - The old game-theory-based implementations for direct and delayed
5492      simulation reductions have been removed.  The old direct
5493      simulation would only work on degeneralized automata, and yet
5494      produce results inferior to the new direct simulation introduced
5495      in this release.  The implementation of delayed simulation was
5496      unreliable.  The function reduc_tgba_sim() has been kept
5497      for compatibility (it calls the new direct simulation whatever
5498      the type of simulation requested) and marked as deprecated.
5499      ltl2tgba's options -Rd, -RD are gone.  Options -R1t, -R1s,
5500      -R2s, and -R2t are deprecated and all made equivalent to -RDS.
5501    - The tgba_explicit hierarchy has been reorganized in order to
5502      make room for sba_explicit classes that share most of the code.
5503      The main consequence is that the tgba_explicit type no longuer
5504      exists.  However the tgba_explicit_number,
5505      tgba_explicit_formula, and tgba_explicit_string still do.
5507New in spot 0.8.3 (2012-03-09):
5509  * Support for both Python 2.x and Python 3.x.
5510    (Previous versions would only work with Python 2.x.)
5511  * The online ltl2tgba.html now stores its state in the URL so that
5512    history is preserved, and links to particular setups can be sent.
5513  * Bug fixes:
5514    - Fix a segfault in the compression code used by the -Z
5515      option of dve2check.
5516    - Fix a race condition in the CGI script.
5517    - Fix a segfault in the CGI script when computing a Büchi run.
5519New in spot 0.8.2 (2012-01-19):
5521  * configure now has a --disable-python option to disable
5522    the compilation of Python bindings.
5523  * Minor speedups in the Safra complementation.
5524  * Better memory management for the on-the-fly degeneralization
5525    algorithm.  This mostly benefits to the Safra complementation.
5526  * Bug fixes:
5527    - spot::ltl::length() forgot to count the '&' and '|' operators
5528      in an LTL formula.
5529    - minimize_wdba() could fail to mark some transiant SCCs as accepting,
5530      producing an automaton that was not fully minimized.
5531    - minimize_dfa() could produce incorrect automata, but it is not
5532      clear whether this could have had an inpact on WDBA minimization
5533      (the worse case is that some TGBA would not have been minimized
5534      when they could).
5535    - Fix a Python syntax error in the CGI script.
5536    - Fix compilation with g++ 4.0.
5537    - Fix a make check failure when valgrind is missing.
5539New in spot 0.8.1 (2011-12-18):
5541  * Only bug fixes:
5542    - When ltl2tgba is set to perform both WDBA minimization and
5543      degeneralization, do the latter only if the former failed.
5544      In previous version, automata were (uselessly) degeneralized
5545      before WDBA minimization, causing important slowdowns.
5546    - Fix compilation with Clang 3.0.
5547    - Fix a Makefile setup causing a "make check" failure on MacOS X.
5548    - Fix an mkdir error in the CGI script.
5550New in spot 0.8 (2011-11-28):
5552  * Major new features:
5553    - Spot can read DiVinE models.  See iface/dve2/README for details.
5554    - The genltl tool can now output 20 different LTL formula families.
5555      It also replaces the LTLcounter Perl scripts.
5556    - There is a printer and parser for Kripke structures in text format.
5557  * Major interface changes:
5558    - The destructor of all states is now private.  Any code that looks like
5559      "delete some_state;" will cause an compile error and should be
5560      updated to "some_state->destroy();".  This new syntax is supported
5561      since version 0.7.
5562    - The experimental Nips interface has been removed.
5563  * Minor changes:
5564    - The dotty_reachable() function has a new option "assume_sba" that
5565      can be used for rendering automata with state-based acceptance.
5566      In that case, acceptance states are displayed with a double
5567      circle. ltl2tgba (both command line and on-line) Use it to display
5568      degeneralized automata.
5569    - The dotty_reachable() function will also display transition
5570      annotations (as returned by the tgba::transitition_annotation()).
5571      This can be useful when displaying (small) state spaces.
5572    - Identifiers used to name atomic proposition can contain dots.
5573      E.g.: X.Y is now an atomic proposition, while it was understood
5574      as X&Y in previous versions.
5575    - The Doxygen documentation is no longer built as a PDF file.
5576  * Internal improvements:
5577    - The on-line ltl2tgba CGI script uses a cache to produce faster
5578      answers.
5579    - Better memory management for the states of explicit automata.
5580      Thanks to the aforementioned ->destroy() change, we can avoid
5581      cloning explicit states.
5582    - tgba_product has learned how to be faster when one of the operands
5583      is a Kripke structure (15% speedup).
5584    - The reduction rule for "a M b" has been improved: it can be
5585      reduced to "a & b" if "a" is a pure eventuallity.
5586    - More useless acceptance conditions are removed by SCC simplifications.
5587  * Bug fixes:
5588    - Safra complementation has been fixed in cases where more than
5589      one acceptance conditions where needed to convert the
5590      deterministic Streett automaton as a TGBA.
5591    - The degeneralization is now idempotent.  Previously, degeneralizing
5592      an already degeneralized automaton could add some states.
5593    - The degeneralization now has a deterministic behavior.  Previously
5594      it was possible to obtain different output depending on the
5595      memory layout.
5596    - Spot now outputs neverclaims with fully parenthesized guards.
5597      I.e., instead of
5598         (!x && y) -> goto S1
5599      it now outputs
5600         ((!(x)) && (y)) -> goto S1
5601      This prevents problems when the model defines `x' as
5602         #define x flag==0
5603      because !x then evaluated to (!flag)==0 instead of !(flag==0).
5605New in spot 0.7.1 (2011-02-07):
5607  * The LTL parser will accept operator ~ (for not) as well
5608    as --> and <--> (for implication and equivalence), allowing
5609    formulae from the Büchi Store to be read directly.
5610  * The neverclaim parser will accept guards of the form
5611        :: !(...) -> goto ...
5612    instead of the more commonly used
5613        :: (!(...)) -> goto ...
5614    This makes it possible to read neverclaims provided by the Büchi Store.
5615  * A new ltl2tgba option, -kt, will count the number of "sub-transitions".
5616    I.e., a transition labelled by "true" counts for 4 "sub-transitions"
5617    if the automaton uses 2 atomic propositions.
5618  * Bugs fixed:
5619    - Fix segfault during WDBA minimization on automata with useless states.
5620    - Use the included BuDDy library if the one already installed
5621      is older than the one distributed with Spot 0.7.
5622    - Fix two typos in the code of the CGI scripts.
5624New in spot 0.7 (2011-02-01):
5626  * Spot is now able to read an automaton expressed as a Spin neverclaim.
5627  * The "experimental" Kripke structure introduced in Spot 0.5 has
5628    been rewritten, and is no longer experimental.  We have a
5629    developement version of checkpn using it, and it should be
5630    released shortly after Spot 0.7.
5631  * The function to_spin_string(), that outputs an LTL formula using
5632    Spin's syntax, now takes an optional argument to request
5633    parentheses at all levels.
5634  * src/ltltest/genltl is a new tool that generates some interesting
5635    families of LTL formulae, for testing purpose.
5636  * bench/ltlclasses/ uses the above tool to conduct the same benchmark
5637    as in the DepCoS'09 paper by Cichoń et al.  The resulting benchmark
5638    completes in 12min, while it tooks days (or exhausted the memory)
5639    when the paper was written (they used Spot 0.4).
5640  * Degeneralization has again been improved in two ways:
5641    - It will merge degeneralized transitions that can be merged.
5642    - It uses a cache to speed up the improvement introduced in 0.6.
5643  * An implementation of Dax et al.'s paper for minimizing obligation
5644    formulae has been integrated.  Use ltl2tgba -Rm to enable this
5645    optimization from the command-line; it will have no effect if the
5646    property is not an obligation.
5647  * bench/wdba/ conducts a benchmark similar to the one on Dax's
5648    webpage, comparing the size of the automata expressing obligation
5649    formula before and after minimization.  See bench/wdba/README for
5650    results.
5651  * Using similar code, Spot can now construct deterministic monitors.
5652  * New ltl2tgba options:
5653    -XN: read an input automaton as a neverclaim.
5654    -C, -CR: Compute (and display) a counterexample after running the
5655             emptiness check.  With -CR, the counterexample will be
5656             replayed on the automaton to ensure it is correct
5657	     (previous version would always compute a replay a
5658	     counterexample when emptiness-check was enabled)
5659    -ks: traverse the automaton to compute its number of states and
5660         transitions (this is faster than -k which will also count
5661         SCCs and paths).
5662    -M: Build a deterministic monitor.
5663    -O: Tell whether a formula represents a safety, guarantee, or
5664        obligation property.
5665    -Rm: Minimize automata representing obligation properties.
5666  * The on-line tool to translate LTL formulae into automata
5667    has been rewritten and is now at http://spot.lip6.fr/ltl2tgba.html
5668    It requires a javascript-enabled browser.
5669  * Bug fixes:
5670    - Location of the errors messages in the TGBA parser where inaccurate.
5671    - Various warning fixes for different versions of GCC and Clang.
5672    - The neverclaim output with ltl2tgba -N or -NN used to ignore any
5673      automaton simplification performed after degeneralization.
5674    - The formula simplification based on universality and eventuality
5675      had a quadratic run-time.
5677New in spot 0.6 (2010-04-16):
5679  * Several optimizations to improve some auxiliary steps
5680    of the LTL translation (not the core of the translation):
5681    - Better degeneralization
5682    - SCC simplifications has been tuned for degeneralization
5683      (ltl2tgba now has two options -R3 and -R3f: the latter will
5684      remove every acceptance condition that used to be removed
5685      in Spot 0.5 while the former will leave useless acceptance conditions
5686      going to accepting SCC.  Experience shows that -R3 is more
5687      favorable to degeneralization).
5688    - ltl2tgba will perform SCC optimizations before degeneralization
5689      and not the converse
5690    - We added a syntactic simplification rule to rewrite F(a)|F(b) as F(a|b).
5691      We only had a rule for the more specific FG(a)|FG(b) = F(Ga|Gb).
5692    - The syntactic simplification rule for F(a&GF(b)) = F(a)&GF(b) has
5693      be disabled because the latter formula is in fact harder to translate
5694      efficiently.
5695  * New LTL operators: W (weak until) and its dual M (strong release)
5696    - Weak until allows many LTL specification to be specified more
5697      compactly.
5698    - All LTL translation algorithms have been updated to
5699      support these operators.
5700    - Although they do not add any expressive power, translating
5701      "a W b" is more efficient (read smaller output automaton) than
5702      translating the equivalent form using the U operator.
5703    - Basic syntactic rewriting rules will automatically rewrite "a U
5704      (b | G(a))" and "(a U b)|G(a)" as "a W b", so you will benefit
5705      from the new operators even if you do not use them.  Similar
5706      rewriting rules exist for R and M, although they are less used.
5707  * New options have been added to the CGI script for
5708    - SVG output
5709    - SCC simplifications
5710  * Bug fixes:
5711    - The precedence of the "->" and "<->" Boolean operators has been
5712      adjusted to better match other tools.
5713      Spot <= 0.5 used to parse "a & b -> c & d" as "a & (b -> c) & d";
5714      Spot >= 0.6 will parse it as "(a & b) -> (c & d)".
5715    - The random graph generator was fixed (again!) not to produce
5716      dead states as documented.
5717    - Locations in the error messages of the LTL parser were off by one.
5719New in spot 0.5 (2010-02-01):
5721  * We have setup two mailing lists:
5722    - <spot-announce@lrde.epita.fr> is read-only and will be used to
5723      announce new releases.  You may subscribe at
5724      https://www.lrde.epita.fr/mailman/listinfo/spot-announce
5725    - <spot@lrde.epita.fr> can be used to discuss anything related
5726      to Spot.  You may subscribe at
5727      https://www.lrde.epita.fr/mailman/listinfo/spot-announce
5728  * Two new LTL translations have been implemented:
5729    - eltl_to_tgba_lacim() is a symbolic translation for ELTL based on
5730      Couvreur's LaCIM'00 paper.  For this translation (available with
5731      ltl2tgba's option -le), all operators are described as finite
5732      automata.  A default set of operators is provided for LTL
5733      (option -lo) and user may add more automaton operators.
5734    - ltl_to_taa() is a translation based on Tauriainen's PhD thesis.
5735      LTL is translated to "self-loop" alternating automata
5736      and then to Transition-based Generalized Automata.  (ltl2tgba's
5737      option -taa).
5738    The "Couvreur/FM" translation remains the best LTL translation
5739    available in Spot.
5740  * The data structures used to represent LTL formulae have been
5741    overhauled, and it resulted in a big performence improvement
5742    (in time and memory consumption) for the LTL translation.
5743  * Two complementation algorithms for state-based Büchi automata
5744    have been implemented:
5745    - tgba_kv_complement is an on-the-fly implementation of the
5746      Kupferman-Vardi construction (TCS'05) for generalized acceptance
5747      conditions.
5748    - tgba_safra_complement is an implementation of Safra's
5749      complementation.  This algorithm takes a degeneralized Büchi
5750      automaton as input, but our implementation for the Streett->Büchi
5751      step will produce a generalized automaton in the end.
5752  * ltl2tgba has gained several options and the help text has been
5753    reorganized.  Please run src/tgbatest/ltl2tgba without arguments
5754    for details.  Couvreur/FM is now the default translation.
5755  * The ltl2tgba.py CGI script can now run standalone.  It also offers
5756    the Tauriainen/TAA translation, and some options for SCC-based
5757    reductions.
5758  * Automata using BDD-encoded transitions relation can now be pruned
5759    for useless states symbolically using the delete_unaccepting_scc()
5760    function.  This is ltl2tgba's -R3b option.
5761  * The SCC-based simplification (ltl2tgba's -R3 option) has been
5762    rewritten and improved.
5763  * The "*" symbol, previously parsed as a synonym for "&" is no
5764    longer recognized.  This makes room for an upcoming support of
5765    rational operators.
5766  * More benchmarks in the bench/ directory:
5767    - gspn-ssp/    some benchmarks published at ACSD'07,
5768    - ltlcounter/  translation of a class of LTL formulae used by
5769                     Rozier & Vardi at SPIN'07
5770    - scc-stats/   SCC statistics after translation of LTL formulae
5771    - split-product/ parallelizing gain after splitting LTL automata
5772  * An experimental Kripke interface has been developed to simplify
5773    the integration of third party tools that do not use acceptance
5774    conditions and that have label on states instead of transitions.
5775    This interface has not been used yet.
5776  * Experimental interface with the Nips virtual machine.
5777    It is not very useful as Spot isn't able to retrieve any property
5778    information from the model.  This will just check assertions.
5779  * Distribution:
5780    - The Boost C++ library is now required.
5781    - Update to Autoconf 2.65, Automake 1.11.1, Libtool 2.2.6b,
5782      Bison 2.4.1, and Swig 1.3.40.
5783    - Thanks to the newest Automake, "make check" will now
5784      run in parallel if you use "make -j2 check" or more.
5785  * Bug fixes:
5786    - Disable warnings from the garbage collection of BuDDy, it
5787      could break the standard output of ltl2tgba.
5788    - Fix several C++ constructs to ensure Spot will build with
5789      GCC 4.3, 4.4, and older 3.x releases, as well as with Intel's
5790      ICC compiler.
5791    - A very old bug in the hash function for LTL formulae caused Spot
5792      to sometimes (but very rarely) consider two different LTL formulae
5793      as equal.
5795New in spot 0.4 (2007-07-17):
5797  * Upgrade to Autoconf 2.61, Automake 1.10, Bison 2.3, and Swig 1.3.31.
5798  * Better LTL simplifications.
5799  * Don't initialize Buddy if it has already been initialized (in case
5800    the client software is already using Buddy).
5801  * Lots of work in the greatspn interface for our ACSD'05 paper.
5802  * Bug fixes:
5803    - Fix the random graph generator not to produce dead states as documented.
5804    - Fix synchronized product in case both side use acceptance conditions.
5805    - Fix some syntax errors with newer versions of GCC.
5807New in spot 0.3 (2006-01-25):
5809  * lbtt 1.2.0
5810  * The CGI script for LTL translation also offers emptiness check algorithms.
5811  * tau03_opt_search implements the "ordering heuristic".
5812    (Submitted by Heikki Tauriainen.)
5813  * A couple of bugs were fixed into the LTL or automata simplifications.
5815New in spot 0.2 (2005-04-08):
5817  * Emptiness checks:
5818    - the new spot::option_map class is used to pass options to
5819      emptiness-check algorithms.
5820    - the new emptiness_check_instantiator class is used to turn a
5821      string such as `algorithm(option1, option2)' into an actual
5822      instance of this emptiness-check algorithm with the given
5823      options.  All tools use this.
5824    - tau03_opt_search implements the "condition heuristic".
5825      (Suggested by Heikki Tauriainen.)
5826  * Minor bug fixes.
5828New in spot 0.1 (2005-01-31):
5830  * Emptiness checks:
5831    - They all follow the same interface, and gather statistical data.
5832    - New algorithms: gv04.hh, se05.hh, tau03.hh, tau03opt.hh
5833    - New options for couvreur99: poprem and group.
5834    - reduce_run() try to reduce accepting runs produced by emptiness checks.
5835    - replay_run() ensure accepting runs are actually accepting runs.
5836  * New testing tools:
5837    - ltltest/randltl: Generate random LTL formulae.
5838    - tgbatest/randtgba: Generate random TGBAs.  Optionally multiply them
5839        against random LTL formulae.  Optionally check them for emptiness
5840        with all available algorithms.  Optionally gather statistics.
5841  * bench/emptchk/: Contains scripts that benchmark emptiness-checks.
5842  * Split the degeneralization proxy in two:
5843    - tgba_tba_proxy  uses at most max(N,1) copies
5844    - tgba_sba_proxy  uses at most 1+max(N,1) copies and has a
5845                      state_is_accepting() method
5846  * tgba::transition_annotation annotate a transition with some string.
5847    This comes handy to associate that transition to its high-level name.
5848  * Preliminary support for Event-based GBA (the evtgba*/ directories).
5849    This might as well disappear in a future release.
5850  * LTL formulae are now sorting using their string representation, instead
5851    of their memory address (which is still unique).  This makes the output
5852    of the various functions more deterministic.
5853  * The Doxygen documentation is now organized using modules.
5855New in spot 0.0x (2004-08-13):
5857  * New atomic_prop_collect() function: collect atomic propositions
5858    in an LTL formula.
5859  * Fix several typos in documentation, and some warnings in the code.
5860  * Now compiles on Darwin and Cygwin.
5861  * Upgrade to Automake 1.9.1, and lbtt 1.1.2.
5862    (And drop support for older lbtt versions.)
5863  * Support newer versions of Valgrind (>= 2.1.0).
5865New in spot 0.0v (2004-06-29):
5867  * LTL formula simplifications using basic rewriting rules,
5868    a-la Wring syntactic approximations, and Etessami's universal
5869    and existential classes.
5870     - Function reduce() in ltlvisit/reduce.hh is the main interface.
5871     - Can be tested with the CGI script.
5872  * TGBA simplifications using direct simulation, delayed simulation,
5873    and SCC-based simplifications.  This is still experimental.
5874  * The LTL parser will now read LTL formulae written using Wring's syntax.
5875  * ltl2tgba_fm() now has options for on-the-fly fair-loop approximations,
5876    and Modella-like branching-postponement.
5877  * GreatSPN interface:
5878     - The `declarative_environment' is now part of Spot itself rather than
5879       part of the interface with GreatSPN.
5880     - the RG and SRG interface can deal with dead markings in three
5881       ways (omit deadlocks from the state graph, stutter on the deadlock
5882       and consider as a regular behavior, or stutter and distinguish the
5883       deadlock with a property).
5884     - update SSP interface to Soheib Baarir latest work.
5885  * Preliminary Python bindings for BuDDy's FDD and BVEC.
5886  * Upgrade to BuDDy 2.3.
5888New in spot 0.0t (2004-04-23):
5890  * `emptiness_check':
5891      - fix two bugs in the computation of the counter example,
5892      - revamp the interface for better customization.
5893  * `never_claim_reachable': new function.
5894  * Introduce annonymous BDD variables in `bdd_dict', and start
5895    to use it in `ltl_to_tgba_fm'.
5896  * Offer never claim in the CGI script.
5897  * Rename EESRG as SSP, and offer specialized variants of the
5898    emptiness_check.
5900New in spot 0.0r (2004-03-08):
5902  * In ltl_to_tgba_fm:
5903    - New option `exprop' to optimize determinism.
5904    - Make the `symbolic indentification' from 0.0p optional.
5905  * `nonacceptant_lbtt_reachable' new function to help getting
5906    accurate statistics from LBTT.
5907  * Revamp the cgi script's user interface.
5908  * Upgrade to lbtt 1.0.3, swig 1.3.21, automake 1.8.3
5910New in spot 0.0p (2004-02-03):
5912  * In ltl_to_tgba_fm:
5913    - identify states with identical symbolic expansions
5914      (i.e., identical continuations)
5915    - use Acc[b] as acceptance condition for Fb, not Acc[Fb].
5916  * Update and speed-up the cgi script.
5917  * Improve degeneralization.
5919New in spot 0.0n (2004-01-13):
5921  * emptiness_check::check2() is a variant of Couvreur's emptiness check that
5922    explores visited states first.
5923  * Build the EESRG supporting code condinally, as the associated
5924    GreatSPN changes have not yet been contributed to GreatSPN.
5925  * Add a powerset algorithm (determinize TGBA ignoring acceptance
5926    conditions, i.e., as if they were used to recognize finite languages).
5927  * tgba_explicit::merge_transitions: merge transitions with same source,
5928    destination, and acceptance condition.
5929  * Run test cases within valgrind.
5930  * Various bug fixes.
5932New in spot 0.0l (2003-12-01):
5934  * Computation of prime implicants.  This simplify the output of
5935    ltl_to_tgba_fm, and allows conditions to be output as some of
5936    product in dot output.
5937  * Optimize translation of GFy in ltl_to_tgba_fm.
5938  * tgba_explicit supports arbitrary binary formulae on transitions
5939    (only conjunctions were allowed).
5941New in spot 0.0j (2003-11-03):
5943  * Use hash_map's instead of map's almost everywhere.
5944  * New emptiness check, based on Couvreur's algorithm.
5945  * LTL propositions can be put inside doublequotes to disambiguate
5946    some constructions.
5947  * Preliminary support for GreatSPN's EESRG.
5948  * Various bug fixes.
5950New in spot 0.0h (2003-08-18):
5952  * More python bindings:
5953    - "import buddy" works (see wrap/python/tests/bddnqueen.py for an example),
5954    - almost all the Spot API is now available via "import spot".
5955  * wrap/python/cgi/ltl2tgba.py is an LTL-to-Büchi translator that
5956    work as as a cgi script.
5957  * Couvreur's FM'99 ltl-to-tgba translation.
5959New in spot 0.0f (2003-08-01):
5961  * More python bindings, still only for the spot::ltl:: namespace.
5962  * Functional GSPN interface.  (Enable with --with-gspn=directory.)
5963  * The LTL scanner recognizes /\, \/, and xor.
5964  * Upgrade to lbtt 1.0.2.
5965  * tgba_tba_proxy is an on-the-fly degeneralizer.
5966  * Implements the "magic search" algorithm.
5967    (Works only on a tgba_tba_proxy.)
5968  * Tgba's output algorithms (save(), dotty()) now non-recursive.
5969  * During products, succ_iter will optimize its set of successors
5970    using information computed from the current product state.
5971  * BDD dictionaries are now shared between automata and.  This
5972    gets rid of all the BDD-variable translating machinery.
5974New in spot 0.0d (2003-07-13):
5976  * Optimize translation of G operators occurring at the root
5977    of a formula (or its immediate children when the root is a
5978    conjunction).  This saves two BDD variables per G operator.
5979  * Distribute lbtt, and run it during `make check'.
5980  * First sketch of GSPN interface.
5981  * succ_iter_concreate::next() completely rewritten.
5982  * Transitions are now labelled by boolean formulae (not only
5983    conjunctions).
5984  * Documentation:
5985    - Output collaboration diagrams.
5986    - Build and distribute PDF manual.
5987  * Many bug fixes.
5989New in spot 0.0b (2003-06-26):
5991  * Everything.