1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
4# Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
6# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
8# met:
10#    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
11# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12#    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
13# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
14# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
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32"""Unit test for cpplint.py."""
34# TODO(unknown): Add a good test that tests UpdateIncludeState.
36import codecs
37import os
38import random
39import re
40import shutil
41import subprocess
42import sys
43import tempfile
44import unittest
45import pytest
47import cpplint
50  xrange          # Python 2
51except NameError:
52  #  -- pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
53  xrange = range  # Python 3
56  unicode
57except NameError:
58  #  -- pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
59  basestring = unicode = str
62  long(2)
63except NameError:
64  #  -- pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
65  long = int
67def unicode_escape_decode(x):
68  if sys.version_info < (3,):
69    return codecs.unicode_escape_decode(x)[0]
70  else:
71    return x
73def codecs_latin_encode(x):
74  if sys.version_info < (3,):
75    return x
76  else:
77    return codecs.latin_1_encode(x)[0]
79# This class works as an error collector and replaces cpplint.Error
80# function for the unit tests.  We also verify each category we see
81# is in cpplint._ERROR_CATEGORIES, to help keep that list up to date.
82class ErrorCollector(object):
83  # These are a global list, covering all categories seen ever.
87  def __init__(self, assert_fn):
88    """assert_fn: a function to call when we notice a problem."""
89    self._assert_fn = assert_fn
90    self._errors = []
91    cpplint.ResetNolintSuppressions()
93  def __call__(self, unused_filename, linenum,
94               category, confidence, message):
95    self._assert_fn(category in self._ERROR_CATEGORIES,
96                    'Message "%s" has category "%s",'
97                    ' which is not in _ERROR_CATEGORIES' % (message, category))
98    self._SEEN_ERROR_CATEGORIES[category] = 1
99    if cpplint._ShouldPrintError(category, confidence, linenum):
100      self._errors.append('%s  [%s] [%d]' % (message, category, confidence))
102  def Results(self):
103    if len(self._errors) < 2:
104      return ''.join(self._errors)  # Most tests expect to have a string.
105    else:
106      return self._errors  # Let's give a list if there is more than one.
108  def ResultList(self):
109    return self._errors
111  def VerifyAllCategoriesAreSeen(self):
112    """Fails if there's a category in _ERROR_CATEGORIES~_SEEN_ERROR_CATEGORIES.
114    This should only be called after all tests are run, so
115    _SEEN_ERROR_CATEGORIES has had a chance to fully populate.  Since
116    this isn't called from within the normal unittest framework, we
117    can't use the normal unittest assert macros.  Instead we just exit
118    when we see an error.  Good thing this test is always run last!
119    """
120    for category in self._ERROR_CATEGORIES:
121      if category not in self._SEEN_ERROR_CATEGORIES:
122        sys.exit('FATAL ERROR: There are no tests for category "%s"' % category)
124  def RemoveIfPresent(self, substr):
125    for (index, error) in enumerate(self._errors):
126      if error.find(substr) != -1:
127        self._errors = self._errors[0:index] + self._errors[(index + 1):]
128        break
131# This class is a lame mock of codecs. We do not verify filename, mode, or
132# encoding, but for the current use case it is not needed.
133class MockIo(object):
135  def __init__(self, mock_file):
136    self.mock_file = mock_file
138  def open(self,  # pylint: disable=C6409
139           unused_filename, unused_mode, unused_encoding, _):
140    return self.mock_file
143class CpplintTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
144  """Provides some useful helper functions for cpplint tests."""
146  def setUp(self):
147    # Allow subclasses to cheat os.path.abspath called in FileInfo class.
148    self.os_path_abspath_orig = os.path.abspath
150  def tearDown(self):
151    os.path.abspath = self.os_path_abspath_orig
153  # Perform lint on single line of input and return the error message.
154  def PerformSingleLineLint(self, code):
155    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
156    lines = code.split('\n')
157    cpplint.RemoveMultiLineComments('foo.h', lines, error_collector)
158    clean_lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(lines)
159    include_state = cpplint._IncludeState()
160    function_state = cpplint._FunctionState()
161    nesting_state = cpplint.NestingState()
162    cpplint.ProcessLine('foo.cc', 'cc', clean_lines, 0,
163                        include_state, function_state,
164                        nesting_state, error_collector)
165    # Single-line lint tests are allowed to fail the 'unlintable function'
166    # check.
167    error_collector.RemoveIfPresent(
168        'Lint failed to find start of function body.')
169    return error_collector.Results()
171  # Perform lint over multiple lines and return the error message.
172  def PerformMultiLineLint(self, code):
173    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
174    lines = code.split('\n')
175    cpplint.RemoveMultiLineComments('foo.h', lines, error_collector)
176    lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(lines)
177    nesting_state = cpplint.NestingState()
178    for i in xrange(lines.NumLines()):
179      nesting_state.Update('foo.h', lines, i, error_collector)
180      cpplint.CheckStyle('foo.h', lines, i, 'h', nesting_state,
181                         error_collector)
182      cpplint.CheckForNonStandardConstructs('foo.h', lines, i,
183                                            nesting_state, error_collector)
184    nesting_state.CheckCompletedBlocks('foo.h', error_collector)
185    return error_collector.Results()
187  # Similar to PerformMultiLineLint, but calls CheckLanguage instead of
188  # CheckForNonStandardConstructs
189  def PerformLanguageRulesCheck(self, file_name, code):
190    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
191    include_state = cpplint._IncludeState()
192    nesting_state = cpplint.NestingState()
193    lines = code.split('\n')
194    cpplint.RemoveMultiLineComments(file_name, lines, error_collector)
195    lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(lines)
196    ext = file_name[file_name.rfind('.') + 1:]
197    for i in xrange(lines.NumLines()):
198      cpplint.CheckLanguage(file_name, lines, i, ext, include_state,
199                            nesting_state, error_collector)
200    return error_collector.Results()
202  def PerformFunctionLengthsCheck(self, code):
203    """Perform Lint function length check on block of code and return warnings.
205    Builds up an array of lines corresponding to the code and strips comments
206    using cpplint functions.
208    Establishes an error collector and invokes the function length checking
209    function following cpplint's pattern.
211    Args:
212      code: C++ source code expected to generate a warning message.
214    Returns:
215      The accumulated errors.
216    """
217    file_name = 'foo.cc'
218    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
219    function_state = cpplint._FunctionState()
220    lines = code.split('\n')
221    cpplint.RemoveMultiLineComments(file_name, lines, error_collector)
222    lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(lines)
223    for i in xrange(lines.NumLines()):
224      cpplint.CheckForFunctionLengths(file_name, lines, i,
225                                      function_state, error_collector)
226    return error_collector.Results()
228  def PerformIncludeWhatYouUse(self, code, filename='foo.h', io=codecs):
229    # First, build up the include state.
230    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
231    include_state = cpplint._IncludeState()
232    nesting_state = cpplint.NestingState()
233    lines = code.split('\n')
234    cpplint.RemoveMultiLineComments(filename, lines, error_collector)
235    lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(lines)
236    for i in xrange(lines.NumLines()):
237      cpplint.CheckLanguage(filename, lines, i, '.h', include_state,
238                            nesting_state, error_collector)
239    # We could clear the error_collector here, but this should
240    # also be fine, since our IncludeWhatYouUse unittests do not
241    # have language problems.
243    # Second, look for missing includes.
244    cpplint.CheckForIncludeWhatYouUse(filename, lines, include_state,
245                                      error_collector, io)
246    return error_collector.Results()
248  # Perform lint and compare the error message with "expected_message".
249  def TestLint(self, code, expected_message):
250    self.assertEquals(expected_message, self.PerformSingleLineLint(code))
252  def TestMultiLineLint(self, code, expected_message):
253    self.assertEquals(expected_message, self.PerformMultiLineLint(code))
255  def TestMultiLineLintRE(self, code, expected_message_re):
256    message = self.PerformMultiLineLint(code)
257    if not re.search(expected_message_re, message):
258      self.fail('Message was:\n' + message + 'Expected match to "' +
259                expected_message_re + '"')
261  def TestLanguageRulesCheck(self, file_name, code, expected_message):
262    self.assertEquals(expected_message,
263                      self.PerformLanguageRulesCheck(file_name, code))
265  def TestIncludeWhatYouUse(self, code, expected_message):
266    self.assertEquals(expected_message,
267                      self.PerformIncludeWhatYouUse(code))
269  def TestBlankLinesCheck(self, lines, start_errors, end_errors):
270    for extension in ['c', 'cc', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'c++', 'cu']:
271      self.doTestBlankLinesCheck(lines, start_errors, end_errors, extension)
273  def doTestBlankLinesCheck(self, lines, start_errors, end_errors, extension):
274    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
275    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.' + extension, extension, lines, error_collector)
276    self.assertEquals(
277        start_errors,
278        error_collector.Results().count(
279            'Redundant blank line at the start of a code block '
280            'should be deleted.  [whitespace/blank_line] [2]'))
281    self.assertEquals(
282        end_errors,
283        error_collector.Results().count(
284            'Redundant blank line at the end of a code block '
285            'should be deleted.  [whitespace/blank_line] [3]'))
288class CpplintTest(CpplintTestBase):
290  def GetNamespaceResults(self, lines):
291    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
292    cpplint.RemoveMultiLineComments('foo.h', lines, error_collector)
293    lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(lines)
294    nesting_state = cpplint.NestingState()
295    for i in xrange(lines.NumLines()):
296      nesting_state.Update('foo.h', lines, i, error_collector)
297      cpplint.CheckForNamespaceIndentation('foo.h', nesting_state,
298                                           lines, i, error_collector)
300    return error_collector.Results()
302  def testForwardDeclarationNameSpaceIndentation(self):
303    lines = ['namespace Test {',
304             '  class ForwardDeclaration;',
305             '}  // namespace Test']
307    results = self.GetNamespaceResults(lines)
308    self.assertEquals(results, 'Do not indent within a namespace '
309                      ' [runtime/indentation_namespace] [4]')
311  def testNameSpaceIndentationForClass(self):
312    lines = ['namespace Test {',
313             'void foo() { }',
314             '  class Test {',
315             '  };',
316             '}  // namespace Test']
318    results = self.GetNamespaceResults(lines)
319    self.assertEquals(results, 'Do not indent within a namespace '
320                      ' [runtime/indentation_namespace] [4]')
322  def testNameSpaceIndentationNoError(self):
323    lines = ['namespace Test {',
324             'void foo() { }',
325             '}  // namespace Test']
327    results = self.GetNamespaceResults(lines)
328    self.assertEquals(results, '')
330  def testWhitespaceBeforeNamespace(self):
331    lines = ['  namespace Test {',
332             '  void foo() { }',
333             '  }  // namespace Test']
335    results = self.GetNamespaceResults(lines)
336    self.assertEquals(results, '')
338  def testFalsePositivesNoError(self):
339    lines = ['namespace Test {',
340             'struct OuterClass {',
341             '  struct NoFalsePositivesHere;',
342             '  struct NoFalsePositivesHere member_variable;',
343             '};',
344             '}  // namespace Test']
346    results = self.GetNamespaceResults(lines)
347    self.assertEquals(results, '')
350  # Test get line width.
351  def testGetLineWidth(self):
352    self.assertEquals(0, cpplint.GetLineWidth(''))
353    self.assertEquals(10, cpplint.GetLineWidth(unicode('x') * 10))
354    self.assertEquals(16, cpplint.GetLineWidth(unicode_escape_decode('\u90fd|\u9053|\u5e9c|\u770c|\u652f\u5e81')))
355    self.assertEquals(16, cpplint.GetLineWidth(u'都|道|府|県|支庁'))
356    self.assertEquals(5 + 13 + 9, cpplint.GetLineWidth(
357        u'd��/dt' + u'f : t ⨯ �� → ℝ' + u't ⨯ �� → ℝ'))
359  def testGetTextInside(self):
360    self.assertEquals('', cpplint._GetTextInside('fun()', r'fun\('))
361    self.assertEquals('x, y', cpplint._GetTextInside('f(x, y)', r'f\('))
362    self.assertEquals('a(), b(c())', cpplint._GetTextInside(
363        'printf(a(), b(c()))', r'printf\('))
364    self.assertEquals('x, y{}', cpplint._GetTextInside('f[x, y{}]', r'f\['))
365    self.assertEquals(None, cpplint._GetTextInside('f[a, b(}]', r'f\['))
366    self.assertEquals(None, cpplint._GetTextInside('f[x, y]', r'f\('))
367    self.assertEquals('y, h(z, (a + b))', cpplint._GetTextInside(
368        'f(x, g(y, h(z, (a + b))))', r'g\('))
369    self.assertEquals('f(f(x))', cpplint._GetTextInside('f(f(f(x)))', r'f\('))
370    # Supports multiple lines.
371    self.assertEquals('\n  return loop(x);\n',
372                      cpplint._GetTextInside(
373                          'int loop(int x) {\n  return loop(x);\n}\n', r'\{'))
374    # '^' matches the beginning of each line.
375    self.assertEquals('x, y',
376                      cpplint._GetTextInside(
377                          '#include "inl.h"  // skip #define\n'
378                          '#define A2(x, y) a_inl_(x, y, __LINE__)\n'
379                          '#define A(x) a_inl_(x, "", __LINE__)\n',
380                          r'^\s*#define\s*\w+\('))
382  def testFindNextMultiLineCommentStart(self):
383    self.assertEquals(1, cpplint.FindNextMultiLineCommentStart([''], 0))
385    lines = ['a', 'b', '/* c']
386    self.assertEquals(2, cpplint.FindNextMultiLineCommentStart(lines, 0))
388    lines = ['char a[] = "/*";']  # not recognized as comment.
389    self.assertEquals(1, cpplint.FindNextMultiLineCommentStart(lines, 0))
391  def testFindNextMultiLineCommentEnd(self):
392    self.assertEquals(1, cpplint.FindNextMultiLineCommentEnd([''], 0))
393    lines = ['a', 'b', ' c */']
394    self.assertEquals(2, cpplint.FindNextMultiLineCommentEnd(lines, 0))
396  def testRemoveMultiLineCommentsFromRange(self):
397    lines = ['a', '  /* comment ', ' * still comment', ' comment */   ', 'b']
398    cpplint.RemoveMultiLineCommentsFromRange(lines, 1, 4)
399    self.assertEquals(['a', '/**/', '/**/', '/**/', 'b'], lines)
401  def testSpacesAtEndOfLine(self):
402    self.TestLint(
403        '// Hello there ',
404        'Line ends in whitespace.  Consider deleting these extra spaces.'
405        '  [whitespace/end_of_line] [4]')
407  # Test line length check.
408  def testLineLengthCheck(self):
409    self.TestLint(
410        '// Hello',
411        '')
412    self.TestLint(
413        '// x' + ' x' * 40,
414        'Lines should be <= 80 characters long'
415        '  [whitespace/line_length] [2]')
416    self.TestLint(
417        '// x' + ' x' * 50,
418        'Lines should be <= 80 characters long'
419        '  [whitespace/line_length] [2]')
420    self.TestLint(
421        '// //some/path/to/f' + ('i' * 100) + 'le',
422        '')
423    self.TestLint(
424        '//   //some/path/to/f' + ('i' * 100) + 'le',
425        '')
426    self.TestLint(
427        '//   //some/path/to/f' + ('i' * 50) + 'le and some comments',
428        'Lines should be <= 80 characters long'
429        '  [whitespace/line_length] [2]')
430    self.TestLint(
431        '// http://g' + ('o' * 100) + 'gle.com/',
432        '')
433    self.TestLint(
434        '//   https://g' + ('o' * 100) + 'gle.com/',
435        '')
436    self.TestLint(
437        '//   https://g' + ('o' * 60) + 'gle.com/ and some comments',
438        'Lines should be <= 80 characters long'
439        '  [whitespace/line_length] [2]')
440    self.TestLint(
441        '// Read https://g' + ('o' * 60) + 'gle.com/',
442        '')
443    self.TestLint(
444        '// $Id: g' + ('o' * 80) + 'gle.cc#1 $',
445        '')
446    self.TestLint(
447        '// $Id: g' + ('o' * 80) + 'gle.cc#1',
448        'Lines should be <= 80 characters long'
449        '  [whitespace/line_length] [2]')
450    self.TestMultiLineLint(
451        'static const char kCStr[] = "g' + ('o' * 50) + 'gle";\n',
452        'Lines should be <= 80 characters long'
453        '  [whitespace/line_length] [2]')
454    self.TestMultiLineLint(
455        'static const char kRawStr[] = R"(g' + ('o' * 50) + 'gle)";\n',
456        '')  # no warning because raw string content is elided
457    self.TestMultiLineLint(
458        'static const char kMultiLineRawStr[] = R"(\n'
459        'g' + ('o' * 80) + 'gle\n'
460        ')";',
461        '')
462    self.TestMultiLineLint(
463        'static const char kL' + ('o' * 50) + 'ngIdentifier[] = R"()";\n',
464        'Lines should be <= 80 characters long'
465        '  [whitespace/line_length] [2]')
466    self.TestLint(
467        '  /// @copydoc ' + ('o' * (cpplint._line_length * 2)),
468        '')
469    self.TestLint(
470        '  /// @copydetails ' + ('o' * (cpplint._line_length * 2)),
471        '')
472    self.TestLint(
473        '  /// @copybrief ' + ('o' * (cpplint._line_length * 2)),
474        '')
476  # Test error suppression annotations.
477  def testErrorSuppression(self):
478    # Two errors on same line:
479    self.TestLint(
480        'long a = (int64) 65;',
481        ['Using C-style cast.  Use static_cast<int64>(...) instead'
482         '  [readability/casting] [4]',
483         'Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type long'
484         '  [runtime/int] [4]',
485        ])
486    # One category of error suppressed:
487    self.TestLint(
488        'long a = (int64) 65;  // NOLINT(runtime/int)',
489        'Using C-style cast.  Use static_cast<int64>(...) instead'
490        '  [readability/casting] [4]')
491    # All categories suppressed: (two aliases)
492    self.TestLint('long a = (int64) 65;  // NOLINT', '')
493    self.TestLint('long a = (int64) 65;  // NOLINT(*)', '')
494    # Malformed NOLINT directive:
495    self.TestLint(
496        'long a = 65;  // NOLINT(foo)',
497        ['Unknown NOLINT error category: foo'
498         '  [readability/nolint] [5]',
499         'Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type long  [runtime/int] [4]',
500        ])
501    # Irrelevant NOLINT directive has no effect:
502    self.TestLint(
503        'long a = 65;  // NOLINT(readability/casting)',
504        'Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type long'
505        '  [runtime/int] [4]')
506    # NOLINTNEXTLINE silences warning for the next line instead of current line
507    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
508    cpplint.ProcessFileData('test.cc', 'cc',
509                            ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
510                             '// NOLINTNEXTLINE(whitespace/line_length)',
511                             '//  ./command' + (' -verbose' * 80),
512                             ''],
513                            error_collector)
514    self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
515    # LINT_C_FILE silences cast warnings for entire file.
516    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
517    cpplint.ProcessFileData('test.h', 'h',
518                            ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
519                             '// NOLINT(build/header_guard)',
520                             'int64 a = (uint64) 65;',
521                             '//  LINT_C_FILE',
522                             ''],
523                            error_collector)
524    self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
525    # Vim modes silence cast warnings for entire file.
526    for modeline in ['vi:filetype=c',
527                     'vi:sw=8 filetype=c',
528                     'vi:sw=8 filetype=c ts=8',
529                     'vi: filetype=c',
530                     'vi: sw=8 filetype=c',
531                     'vi: sw=8 filetype=c ts=8',
532                     'vim:filetype=c',
533                     'vim:sw=8 filetype=c',
534                     'vim:sw=8 filetype=c ts=8',
535                     'vim: filetype=c',
536                     'vim: sw=8 filetype=c',
537                     'vim: sw=8 filetype=c ts=8',
538                     'vim: set filetype=c:',
539                     'vim: set sw=8 filetype=c:',
540                     'vim: set sw=8 filetype=c ts=8:',
541                     'vim: set filetype=c :',
542                     'vim: set sw=8 filetype=c :',
543                     'vim: set sw=8 filetype=c ts=8 :',
544                     'vim: se filetype=c:',
545                     'vim: se sw=8 filetype=c:',
546                     'vim: se sw=8 filetype=c ts=8:',
547                     'vim: se filetype=c :',
548                     'vim: se sw=8 filetype=c :',
549                     'vim: se sw=8 filetype=c ts=8 :']:
550      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
551      cpplint.ProcessFileData('test.h', 'h',
552                              ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
553                               '// NOLINT(build/header_guard)',
554                               'int64 a = (uint64) 65;',
555                               '/* Prevent warnings about the modeline',
556                               modeline,
557                               '*/',
558                               ''],
559                              error_collector)
560      self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
561    # LINT_KERNEL_FILE silences whitespace/tab warnings for entire file.
562    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
563    cpplint.ProcessFileData('test.h', 'h',
564                            ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
565                             '// NOLINT(build/header_guard)',
566                             'struct test {',
567                             '\tint member;',
568                             '};',
569                             '//  LINT_KERNEL_FILE',
570                             ''],
571                            error_collector)
572    self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
573    # NOLINT, NOLINTNEXTLINE silences the readability/braces warning for "};".
574    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
575    cpplint.ProcessFileData('test.cc', 'cc',
576                            ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
577                             'for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) {',
578                             '  std::cout << i << std::endl;',
579                             '};  // NOLINT',
580                             'for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) {',
581                             '  std::cout << i << std::endl;',
582                             '// NOLINTNEXTLINE',
583                             '};',
584                             '//  LINT_KERNEL_FILE',
585                             ''],
586                            error_collector)
587    self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
589  # Test Variable Declarations.
590  def testVariableDeclarations(self):
591    self.TestLint(
592        'long a = 65;',
593        'Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type long'
594        '  [runtime/int] [4]')
595    self.TestLint(
596        'long double b = 65.0;',
597        '')
598    self.TestLint(
599        'long long aa = 6565;',
600        'Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type long'
601        '  [runtime/int] [4]')
603  # Test C-style cast cases.
604  def testCStyleCast(self):
605    self.TestLint(
606        'int a = (int)1.0;',
607        'Using C-style cast.  Use static_cast<int>(...) instead'
608        '  [readability/casting] [4]')
609    self.TestLint(
610        'int a = (int)-1.0;',
611        'Using C-style cast.  Use static_cast<int>(...) instead'
612        '  [readability/casting] [4]')
613    self.TestLint(
614        'int *a = (int *)NULL;',
615        'Using C-style cast.  Use reinterpret_cast<int *>(...) instead'
616        '  [readability/casting] [4]')
618    self.TestLint(
619        'uint16 a = (uint16)1.0;',
620        'Using C-style cast.  Use static_cast<uint16>(...) instead'
621        '  [readability/casting] [4]')
622    self.TestLint(
623        'int32 a = (int32)1.0;',
624        'Using C-style cast.  Use static_cast<int32>(...) instead'
625        '  [readability/casting] [4]')
626    self.TestLint(
627        'uint64 a = (uint64)1.0;',
628        'Using C-style cast.  Use static_cast<uint64>(...) instead'
629        '  [readability/casting] [4]')
631    # These shouldn't be recognized casts.
632    self.TestLint('u a = (u)NULL;', '')
633    self.TestLint('uint a = (uint)NULL;', '')
634    self.TestLint('typedef MockCallback<int(int)> CallbackType;', '')
635    self.TestLint('scoped_ptr< MockCallback<int(int)> > callback_value;', '')
636    self.TestLint('std::function<int(bool)>', '')
637    self.TestLint('x = sizeof(int)', '')
638    self.TestLint('x = alignof(int)', '')
639    self.TestLint('alignas(int) char x[42]', '')
640    self.TestLint('alignas(alignof(x)) char y[42]', '')
641    self.TestLint('void F(int (func)(int));', '')
642    self.TestLint('void F(int (func)(int*));', '')
643    self.TestLint('void F(int (Class::member)(int));', '')
644    self.TestLint('void F(int (Class::member)(int*));', '')
645    self.TestLint('void F(int (Class::member)(int), int param);', '')
646    self.TestLint('void F(int (Class::member)(int*), int param);', '')
648    # These should not be recognized (lambda functions without arg names).
649    self.TestLint('[](int/*unused*/) -> bool {', '')
650    self.TestLint('[](int /*unused*/) -> bool {', '')
651    self.TestLint('auto f = [](MyStruct* /*unused*/)->int {', '')
652    self.TestLint('[](int) -> bool {', '')
653    self.TestLint('auto f = [](MyStruct*)->int {', '')
655    # Cast with brace initializers
656    self.TestLint('int64_t{4096} * 1000 * 1000', '')
657    self.TestLint('size_t{4096} * 1000 * 1000', '')
658    self.TestLint('uint_fast16_t{4096} * 1000 * 1000', '')
660    # Brace initializer with templated type
661    self.TestMultiLineLint(
662        """
663        template <typename Type1,
664                  typename Type2>
665        void Function(int arg1,
666                      int arg2) {
667          variable &= ~Type1{0} - 1;
668        }""",
669        '')
670    self.TestMultiLineLint(
671        """
672        template <typename Type>
673        class Class {
674          void Function() {
675            variable &= ~Type{0} - 1;
676          }
677        };""",
678        '')
679    self.TestMultiLineLint(
680        """
681        template <typename Type>
682        class Class {
683          void Function() {
684            variable &= ~Type{0} - 1;
685          }
686        };""",
687        '')
688    self.TestMultiLineLint(
689        """
690        namespace {
691        template <typename Type>
692        class Class {
693          void Function() {
694            if (block) {
695              variable &= ~Type{0} - 1;
696            }
697          }
698        };
699        }""",
700        '')
702  # Test taking address of casts (runtime/casting)
703  def testRuntimeCasting(self):
704    error_msg = ('Are you taking an address of a cast?  '
705                 'This is dangerous: could be a temp var.  '
706                 'Take the address before doing the cast, rather than after'
707                 '  [runtime/casting] [4]')
708    self.TestLint('int* x = &static_cast<int*>(foo);', error_msg)
709    self.TestLint('int* x = &reinterpret_cast<int *>(foo);', error_msg)
710    self.TestLint('int* x = &(int*)foo;',
711                  ['Using C-style cast.  Use reinterpret_cast<int*>(...) '
712                   'instead  [readability/casting] [4]',
713                   error_msg])
714    self.TestLint('BudgetBuckets&(BudgetWinHistory::*BucketFn)(void) const;',
715                  '')
716    self.TestLint('&(*func_ptr)(arg)', '')
717    self.TestLint('Compute(arg, &(*func_ptr)(i, j));', '')
719    # Alternative error message
720    alt_error_msg = ('Are you taking an address of something dereferenced '
721                     'from a cast?  Wrapping the dereferenced expression in '
722                     'parentheses will make the binding more obvious'
723                     '  [readability/casting] [4]')
724    self.TestLint('int* x = &down_cast<Obj*>(obj)->member_;', alt_error_msg)
725    self.TestLint('int* x = &down_cast<Obj*>(obj)[index];', alt_error_msg)
726    self.TestLint('int* x = &(down_cast<Obj*>(obj)->member_);', '')
727    self.TestLint('int* x = &(down_cast<Obj*>(obj)[index]);', '')
728    self.TestLint('int* x = &down_cast<Obj*>(obj)\n->member_;', alt_error_msg)
729    self.TestLint('int* x = &(down_cast<Obj*>(obj)\n->member_);', '')
731    # It's OK to cast an address.
732    self.TestLint('int* x = reinterpret_cast<int *>(&foo);', '')
734    # Function pointers returning references should not be confused
735    # with taking address of old-style casts.
736    self.TestLint('auto x = implicit_cast<string &(*)(int)>(&foo);', '')
738  def testRuntimeSelfinit(self):
739    self.TestLint(
740        'Foo::Foo(Bar r, Bel l) : r_(r_), l_(l_) { }',
741        'You seem to be initializing a member variable with itself.'
742        '  [runtime/init] [4]')
743    self.TestLint(
744        'Foo::Foo(Bar r, Bel l) : r_(CHECK_NOTNULL(r_)) { }',
745        'You seem to be initializing a member variable with itself.'
746        '  [runtime/init] [4]')
747    self.TestLint(
748        'Foo::Foo(Bar r, Bel l) : r_(r), l_(l) { }',
749        '')
750    self.TestLint(
751        'Foo::Foo(Bar r) : r_(r), l_(r_), ll_(l_) { }',
752        '')
754  # Test for unnamed arguments in a method.
755  def testCheckForUnnamedParams(self):
756    self.TestLint('virtual void Func(int*) const;', '')
757    self.TestLint('virtual void Func(int*);', '')
758    self.TestLint('void Method(char*) {', '')
759    self.TestLint('void Method(char*);', '')
760    self.TestLint('static void operator delete[](void*) throw();', '')
761    self.TestLint('int Method(int);', '')
763    self.TestLint('virtual void Func(int* p);', '')
764    self.TestLint('void operator delete(void* x) throw();', '')
765    self.TestLint('void Method(char* x) {', '')
766    self.TestLint('void Method(char* /*x*/) {', '')
767    self.TestLint('void Method(char* x);', '')
768    self.TestLint('typedef void (*Method)(int32 x);', '')
769    self.TestLint('static void operator delete[](void* x) throw();', '')
770    self.TestLint('static void operator delete[](void* /*x*/) throw();', '')
772    self.TestLint('X operator++(int);', '')
773    self.TestLint('X operator++(int) {', '')
774    self.TestLint('X operator--(int);', '')
775    self.TestLint('X operator--(int /*unused*/) {', '')
776    self.TestLint('MACRO(int);', '')
777    self.TestLint('MACRO(func(int));', '')
778    self.TestLint('MACRO(arg, func(int));', '')
780    self.TestLint('void (*func)(void*);', '')
781    self.TestLint('void Func((*func)(void*)) {}', '')
782    self.TestLint('template <void Func(void*)> void func();', '')
783    self.TestLint('virtual void f(int /*unused*/) {', '')
784    self.TestLint('void f(int /*unused*/) override {', '')
785    self.TestLint('void f(int /*unused*/) final {', '')
787  # Test deprecated casts such as int(d)
788  def testDeprecatedCast(self):
789    self.TestLint(
790        'int a = int(2.2);',
791        'Using deprecated casting style.  '
792        'Use static_cast<int>(...) instead'
793        '  [readability/casting] [4]')
795    self.TestLint(
796        '(char *) "foo"',
797        'Using C-style cast.  '
798        'Use const_cast<char *>(...) instead'
799        '  [readability/casting] [4]')
801    self.TestLint(
802        '(int*)foo',
803        'Using C-style cast.  '
804        'Use reinterpret_cast<int*>(...) instead'
805        '  [readability/casting] [4]')
807    # Checks for false positives...
808    self.TestLint('int a = int();', '')  # constructor
809    self.TestLint('X::X() : a(int()) {}', '')  # default constructor
810    self.TestLint('operator bool();', '')  # Conversion operator
811    self.TestLint('new int64(123);', '')  # "new" operator on basic type
812    self.TestLint('new   int64(123);', '')  # "new" operator on basic type
813    self.TestLint('new const int(42);', '')  # "new" on const-qualified type
814    self.TestLint('using a = bool(int arg);', '')  # C++11 alias-declaration
815    self.TestLint('x = bit_cast<double(*)[3]>(y);', '')  # array of array
816    self.TestLint('void F(const char(&src)[N]);', '')  # array of references
818    # Placement new
819    self.TestLint(
820        'new(field_ptr) int(field->default_value_enum()->number());',
821        '')
823    # C++11 function wrappers
824    self.TestLint('std::function<int(bool)>', '')
825    self.TestLint('std::function<const int(bool)>', '')
826    self.TestLint('std::function< int(bool) >', '')
827    self.TestLint('mfunction<int(bool)>', '')
829    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
830    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
831        'test.cc', 'cc',
832        ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company. All Rights Reserved.',
833         'typedef std::function<',
834         '    bool(int)> F;',
835         ''],
836        error_collector)
837    self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
839    # Return types for function pointers
840    self.TestLint('typedef bool(FunctionPointer)();', '')
841    self.TestLint('typedef bool(FunctionPointer)(int param);', '')
842    self.TestLint('typedef bool(MyClass::*MemberFunctionPointer)();', '')
843    self.TestLint('typedef bool(MyClass::* MemberFunctionPointer)();', '')
844    self.TestLint('typedef bool(MyClass::*MemberFunctionPointer)() const;', '')
845    self.TestLint('void Function(bool(FunctionPointerArg)());', '')
846    self.TestLint('void Function(bool(FunctionPointerArg)()) {}', '')
847    self.TestLint('typedef set<int64, bool(*)(int64, int64)> SortedIdSet', '')
848    self.TestLint(
849        'bool TraverseNode(T *Node, bool(VisitorBase:: *traverse) (T *t)) {}',
850        '')
852  # The second parameter to a gMock method definition is a function signature
853  # that often looks like a bad cast but should not picked up by lint.
854  def testMockMethod(self):
855    self.TestLint(
856        'MOCK_METHOD0(method, int());',
857        '')
858    self.TestLint(
859        'MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(method, float(string));',
860        '')
861    self.TestLint(
862        'MOCK_CONST_METHOD2_T(method, double(float, float));',
863        '')
864    self.TestLint(
865        'MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(method, SomeType(int));',
866        '')
868    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
869    cpplint.ProcessFileData('mock.cc', 'cc',
870                            ['MOCK_METHOD1(method1,',
871                             '             bool(int));',
872                             'MOCK_METHOD1(',
873                             '    method2,',
874                             '    bool(int));',
875                             'MOCK_CONST_METHOD2(',
876                             '    method3, bool(int,',
877                             '                  int));',
878                             'MOCK_METHOD1(method4, int(bool));',
879                             'const int kConstant = int(42);'],  # true positive
880                            error_collector)
881    self.assertEquals(
882        0,
883        error_collector.Results().count(
884            ('Using deprecated casting style.  '
885             'Use static_cast<bool>(...) instead  '
886             '[readability/casting] [4]')))
887    self.assertEquals(
888        1,
889        error_collector.Results().count(
890            ('Using deprecated casting style.  '
891             'Use static_cast<int>(...) instead  '
892             '[readability/casting] [4]')))
894  # Like gMock method definitions, MockCallback instantiations look very similar
895  # to bad casts.
896  def testMockCallback(self):
897    self.TestLint(
898        'MockCallback<bool(int)>',
899        '')
900    self.TestLint(
901        'MockCallback<int(float, char)>',
902        '')
904  # Test false errors that happened with some include file names
905  def testIncludeFilenameFalseError(self):
906    self.TestLint(
907        '#include "foo/long-foo.h"',
908        '')
909    self.TestLint(
910        '#include "foo/sprintf.h"',
911        '')
913  # Test typedef cases.  There was a bug that cpplint misidentified
914  # typedef for pointer to function as C-style cast and produced
915  # false-positive error messages.
916  def testTypedefForPointerToFunction(self):
917    self.TestLint(
918        'typedef void (*Func)(int x);',
919        '')
920    self.TestLint(
921        'typedef void (*Func)(int *x);',
922        '')
923    self.TestLint(
924        'typedef void Func(int x);',
925        '')
926    self.TestLint(
927        'typedef void Func(int *x);',
928        '')
930  def testIncludeWhatYouUseNoImplementationFiles(self):
931    code = 'std::vector<int> foo;'
932    for extension in ['h', 'hpp', 'hxx', 'h++', 'cuh']:
933      self.assertEquals('Add #include <vector> for vector<>'
934                       '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]',
935                       self.PerformIncludeWhatYouUse(code, 'foo.' + extension))
936    for extension in ['c', 'cc', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'c++', 'cu']:
937      self.assertEquals('',
938                       self.PerformIncludeWhatYouUse(code, 'foo.' + extension))
940  def testIncludeWhatYouUse(self):
941    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
942        """#include <vector>
943           std::vector<int> foo;
944        """,
945        '')
946    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
947        """#include <map>
948           std::pair<int,int> foo;
949        """,
950        'Add #include <utility> for pair<>'
951        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
952    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
953        """#include <multimap>
954           std::pair<int,int> foo;
955        """,
956        'Add #include <utility> for pair<>'
957        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
958    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
959        """#include <hash_map>
960           std::pair<int,int> foo;
961        """,
962        'Add #include <utility> for pair<>'
963        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
964    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
965        """#include <hash_map>
966           auto foo = std::make_pair(1, 2);
967        """,
968        'Add #include <utility> for make_pair'
969        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
970    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
971        """#include <utility>
972           std::pair<int,int> foo;
973        """,
974        '')
975    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
976        """#include <vector>
977           DECLARE_string(foobar);
978        """,
979        '')
980    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
981        """#include <vector>
982           DEFINE_string(foobar, "", "");
983        """,
984        '')
985    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
986        """#include <vector>
987           std::pair<int,int> foo;
988        """,
989        'Add #include <utility> for pair<>'
990        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
991    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
992        """#include "base/foobar.h"
993           std::vector<int> foo;
994        """,
995        'Add #include <vector> for vector<>'
996        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
997    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
998        """#include <vector>
999           std::set<int> foo;
1000        """,
1001        'Add #include <set> for set<>'
1002        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1003    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1004        """#include "base/foobar.h"
1005          hash_map<int, int> foobar;
1006        """,
1007        'Add #include <hash_map> for hash_map<>'
1008        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1009    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1010        """#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
1011          base::hash_map<int, int> foobar;
1012        """,
1013        '')
1014    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1015        """#include "base/foobar.h"
1016           bool foobar = std::less<int>(0,1);
1017        """,
1018        'Add #include <functional> for less<>'
1019        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1020    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1021        """#include "base/foobar.h"
1022           bool foobar = min<int>(0,1);
1023        """,
1024        'Add #include <algorithm> for min  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1025    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1026        'void a(const string &foobar);',
1027        'Add #include <string> for string  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1028    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1029        'void a(const std::string &foobar);',
1030        'Add #include <string> for string  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1031    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1032        'void a(const my::string &foobar);',
1033        '')  # Avoid false positives on strings in other namespaces.
1034    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1035        """#include "base/foobar.h"
1036           bool foobar = swap(0,1);
1037        """,
1038        'Add #include <utility> for swap  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1039    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1040        """#include "base/foobar.h"
1041           bool foobar = transform(a.begin(), a.end(), b.start(), Foo);
1042        """,
1043        'Add #include <algorithm> for transform  '
1044        '[build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1045    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1046        """#include "base/foobar.h"
1047           bool foobar = min_element(a.begin(), a.end());
1048        """,
1049        'Add #include <algorithm> for min_element  '
1050        '[build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1051    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1052        """foo->swap(0,1);
1053           foo.swap(0,1);
1054        """,
1055        '')
1056    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1057        """#include <string>
1058           void a(const std::multimap<int,string> &foobar);
1059        """,
1060        'Add #include <map> for multimap<>'
1061        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1062    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1063        """#include <string>
1064           void a(const std::unordered_map<int,string> &foobar);
1065        """,
1066        'Add #include <unordered_map> for unordered_map<>'
1067        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1068    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1069        """#include <string>
1070           void a(const std::unordered_set<int> &foobar);
1071        """,
1072        'Add #include <unordered_set> for unordered_set<>'
1073        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1074    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1075        """#include <queue>
1076           void a(const std::priority_queue<int> &foobar);
1077        """,
1078        '')
1079    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1080        """#include <assert.h>
1081           #include <string>
1082           #include <vector>
1083           #include "base/basictypes.h"
1084           #include "base/port.h"
1085           vector<string> hajoa;""", '')
1086    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1087        """#include <string>
1088           int i = numeric_limits<int>::max()
1089        """,
1090        'Add #include <limits> for numeric_limits<>'
1091        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1092    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1093        """#include <limits>
1094           int i = numeric_limits<int>::max()
1095        """,
1096        '')
1097    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1098        """#include <string>
1099           std::unique_ptr<int> x;
1100        """,
1101        'Add #include <memory> for unique_ptr<>'
1102        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1103    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1104        """#include <string>
1105           auto x = std::make_unique<int>(0);
1106        """,
1107        'Add #include <memory> for make_unique<>'
1108        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1109    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1110        """#include <vector>
1111           vector<int> foo(vector<int> x) { return std::move(x); }
1112        """,
1113        'Add #include <utility> for move'
1114        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1115    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1116        """#include <string>
1117           int a, b;
1118           std::swap(a, b);
1119        """,
1120        'Add #include <utility> for swap'
1121        '  [build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1122    # False positive for std::set
1123    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1124        """
1125        #include <string>
1126        struct Foo {
1127            template <typename T>
1128            void set(const std::string& name, const T& value);
1129        };
1130        Foo bar;
1131        Foo* pbar = &bar;
1132        bar.set<int>("int", 5);
1133        pbar->set<bool>("bool", false);""",
1134        '')
1135    # False positive for std::map
1136    self.TestIncludeWhatYouUse(
1137        """
1138        template <typename T>
1139        struct Foo {
1140            T t;
1141        };
1142        template <typename T>
1143        Foo<T> map(T t) {
1144            return Foo<T>{ t };
1145        }
1146        struct Bar {
1147        };
1148        auto res = map<Bar>();
1149        """,
1150        '')
1152    # Test the UpdateIncludeState code path.
1153    mock_header_contents = ['#include "blah/foo.h"', '#include "blah/bar.h"']
1154    message = self.PerformIncludeWhatYouUse(
1155        '#include "blah/a.h"',
1156        filename='blah/a.cc',
1157        io=MockIo(mock_header_contents))
1158    self.assertEquals(message, '')
1160    mock_header_contents = ['#include <set>']
1161    message = self.PerformIncludeWhatYouUse(
1162        """#include "blah/a.h"
1163           std::set<int> foo;""",
1164        filename='blah/a.cc',
1165        io=MockIo(mock_header_contents))
1166    self.assertEquals(message, '')
1168    # Make sure we can find the correct header file if the cc file seems to be
1169    # a temporary file generated by Emacs's flymake.
1170    mock_header_contents = ['']
1171    message = self.PerformIncludeWhatYouUse(
1172        """#include "blah/a.h"
1173           std::set<int> foo;""",
1174        filename='blah/a_flymake.cc',
1175        io=MockIo(mock_header_contents))
1176    self.assertEquals(message, 'Add #include <set> for set<>  '
1177                      '[build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1179    # If there's just a cc and the header can't be found then it's ok.
1180    message = self.PerformIncludeWhatYouUse(
1181        """#include "blah/a.h"
1182           std::set<int> foo;""",
1183        filename='blah/a.cc')
1184    self.assertEquals(message, '')
1186    # Make sure we find the headers with relative paths.
1187    mock_header_contents = ['']
1188    message = self.PerformIncludeWhatYouUse(
1189        """#include "%s/a.h"
1190           std::set<int> foo;""" % os.path.basename(os.getcwd()),
1191        filename='a.cc',
1192        io=MockIo(mock_header_contents))
1193    self.assertEquals(message, 'Add #include <set> for set<>  '
1194                      '[build/include_what_you_use] [4]')
1196  def testFilesBelongToSameModule(self):
1197    f = cpplint.FilesBelongToSameModule
1198    self.assertEquals((True, ''), f('a.cc', 'a.h'))
1199    self.assertEquals((True, ''), f('base/google.cc', 'base/google.h'))
1200    self.assertEquals((True, ''), f('base/google_test.c', 'base/google.h'))
1201    self.assertEquals((True, ''), f('base/google_test.cc', 'base/google.h'))
1202    self.assertEquals((True, ''), f('base/google_test.cc', 'base/google.hpp'))
1203    self.assertEquals((True, ''), f('base/google_test.cxx', 'base/google.hxx'))
1204    self.assertEquals((True, ''), f('base/google_test.cpp', 'base/google.hpp'))
1205    self.assertEquals((True, ''), f('base/google_test.c++', 'base/google.h++'))
1206    self.assertEquals((True, ''), f('base/google_test.cu', 'base/google.cuh'))
1207    self.assertEquals((True, ''),
1208                      f('base/google_unittest.cc', 'base/google.h'))
1209    self.assertEquals((True, ''),
1210                      f('base/internal/google_unittest.cc',
1211                        'base/public/google.h'))
1212    self.assertEquals((True, 'xxx/yyy/'),
1213                      f('xxx/yyy/base/internal/google_unittest.cc',
1214                        'base/public/google.h'))
1215    self.assertEquals((True, 'xxx/yyy/'),
1216                      f('xxx/yyy/base/google_unittest.cc',
1217                        'base/public/google.h'))
1218    self.assertEquals((True, ''),
1219                      f('base/google_unittest.cc', 'base/google-inl.h'))
1220    self.assertEquals((True, '/home/build/google3/'),
1221                      f('/home/build/google3/base/google.cc', 'base/google.h'))
1223    self.assertEquals((False, ''),
1224                      f('/home/build/google3/base/google.cc', 'basu/google.h'))
1225    self.assertEquals((False, ''), f('a.cc', 'b.h'))
1227  def testCleanseLine(self):
1228    self.assertEquals('int foo = 0;',
1229                      cpplint.CleanseComments('int foo = 0;  // danger!'))
1230    self.assertEquals('int o = 0;',
1231                      cpplint.CleanseComments('int /* foo */ o = 0;'))
1232    self.assertEquals('foo(int a, int b);',
1233                      cpplint.CleanseComments('foo(int a /* abc */, int b);'))
1234    self.assertEqual('f(a, b);',
1235                     cpplint.CleanseComments('f(a, /* name */ b);'))
1236    self.assertEqual('f(a, b);',
1237                     cpplint.CleanseComments('f(a /* name */, b);'))
1238    self.assertEqual('f(a, b);',
1239                     cpplint.CleanseComments('f(a, /* name */b);'))
1240    self.assertEqual('f(a, b, c);',
1241                     cpplint.CleanseComments('f(a, /**/b, /**/c);'))
1242    self.assertEqual('f(a, b, c);',
1243                     cpplint.CleanseComments('f(a, /**/b/**/, c);'))
1245  def testRawStrings(self):
1246    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1247      """
1248      int main() {
1249        struct A {
1250           A(std::string s, A&& a);
1251        };
1252      }""",
1253        '')
1255    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1256      """
1257      template <class T, class D = default_delete<T>> class unique_ptr {
1258       public:
1259          unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept;
1260      };""",
1261        '')
1262    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1263        """
1264        void Func() {
1265          static const char kString[] = R"(
1266            #endif  <- invalid preprocessor should be ignored
1267            */      <- invalid comment should be ignored too
1268          )";
1269        }""",
1270        '')
1271    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1272        """
1273        void Func() {
1274          string s = R"TrueDelimiter(
1275              )"
1276              )FalseDelimiter"
1277              )TrueDelimiter";
1278        }""",
1279        '')
1280    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1281        """
1282        void Func() {
1283          char char kString[] = R"(  ";" )";
1284        }""",
1285        '')
1286    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1287        """
1288        static const char kRawString[] = R"(
1289          \tstatic const int kLineWithTab = 1;
1290          static const int kLineWithTrailingWhiteSpace = 1;\x20
1292           void WeirdNumberOfSpacesAtLineStart() {
1293            string x;
1294            x += StrCat("Use StrAppend instead");
1295          }
1297          void BlankLineAtEndOfBlock() {
1298            // TODO incorrectly formatted
1299            //Badly formatted comment
1301          }
1303        )";""",
1304        '')
1305    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1306        """
1307        void Func() {
1308          string s = StrCat(R"TrueDelimiter(
1309              )"
1310              )FalseDelimiter"
1311              )TrueDelimiter", R"TrueDelimiter2(
1312              )"
1313              )FalseDelimiter2"
1314              )TrueDelimiter2");
1315        }""",
1316        '')
1317    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1318        """
1319        static SomeStruct kData = {
1320            {0, R"(line1
1321                   line2
1322                   )"}
1323            };""",
1324        '')
1326  def testMultiLineComments(self):
1327    # missing explicit is bad
1328    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1329        r"""int a = 0;
1330            /* multi-liner
1331            class Foo {
1332            Foo(int f);  // should cause a lint warning in code
1333            }
1334            */ """,
1335        '')
1336    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1337        r"""/* int a = 0; multi-liner
1338              static const int b = 0;""",
1339        'Could not find end of multi-line comment'
1340        '  [readability/multiline_comment] [5]')
1341    self.TestMultiLineLint(r"""  /* multi-line comment""",
1342                           'Could not find end of multi-line comment'
1343                           '  [readability/multiline_comment] [5]')
1344    self.TestMultiLineLint(r"""  // /* comment, but not multi-line""", '')
1345    self.TestMultiLineLint(r"""/**********
1346                                 */""", '')
1347    self.TestMultiLineLint(r"""/**
1348                                 * Doxygen comment
1349                                 */""",
1350                           '')
1351    self.TestMultiLineLint(r"""/*!
1352                                 * Doxygen comment
1353                                 */""",
1354                           '')
1356  def testMultilineStrings(self):
1357    multiline_string_error_message = (
1358        'Multi-line string ("...") found.  This lint script doesn\'t '
1359        'do well with such strings, and may give bogus warnings.  '
1360        'Use C++11 raw strings or concatenation instead.'
1361        '  [readability/multiline_string] [5]')
1363    for extension in ['c', 'cc', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'c++', 'cu']:
1364      file_path = 'mydir/foo.' + extension
1366      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
1367      cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, extension,
1368                              ['const char* str = "This is a\\',
1369                               ' multiline string.";'],
1370                              error_collector)
1371      self.assertEquals(
1372          2,  # One per line.
1373          error_collector.ResultList().count(multiline_string_error_message))
1375  # Test non-explicit single-argument constructors
1376  def testExplicitSingleArgumentConstructors(self):
1377    old_verbose_level = cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level
1378    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = 0
1380    try:
1381      # missing explicit is bad
1382      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1383          """
1384          class Foo {
1385            Foo(int f);
1386          };""",
1387          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1388          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1389      # missing explicit is bad, even with whitespace
1390      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1391          """
1392          class Foo {
1393            Foo (int f);
1394          };""",
1395          ['Extra space before ( in function call  [whitespace/parens] [4]',
1396           'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1397           '  [runtime/explicit] [5]'])
1398      # missing explicit, with distracting comment, is still bad
1399      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1400          """
1401          class Foo {
1402            Foo(int f);  // simpler than Foo(blargh, blarg)
1403          };""",
1404          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1405          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1406      # missing explicit, with qualified classname
1407      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1408          """
1409          class Qualifier::AnotherOne::Foo {
1410            Foo(int f);
1411          };""",
1412          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1413          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1414      # missing explicit for inline constructors is bad as well
1415      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1416          """
1417          class Foo {
1418            inline Foo(int f);
1419          };""",
1420          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1421          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1422      # missing explicit for constexpr constructors is bad as well
1423      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1424          """
1425          class Foo {
1426            constexpr Foo(int f);
1427          };""",
1428          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1429          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1430      # missing explicit for constexpr+inline constructors is bad as well
1431      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1432          """
1433          class Foo {
1434            constexpr inline Foo(int f);
1435          };""",
1436          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1437          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1438      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1439          """
1440          class Foo {
1441            inline constexpr Foo(int f);
1442          };""",
1443          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1444          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1445      # explicit with inline is accepted
1446      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1447          """
1448          class Foo {
1449            inline explicit Foo(int f);
1450          };""",
1451          '')
1452      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1453          """
1454          class Foo {
1455            explicit inline Foo(int f);
1456          };""",
1457          '')
1458      # explicit with constexpr is accepted
1459      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1460          """
1461          class Foo {
1462            constexpr explicit Foo(int f);
1463          };""",
1464          '')
1465      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1466          """
1467          class Foo {
1468            explicit constexpr Foo(int f);
1469          };""",
1470          '')
1471      # explicit with constexpr+inline is accepted
1472      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1473          """
1474          class Foo {
1475            inline constexpr explicit Foo(int f);
1476          };""",
1477          '')
1478      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1479          """
1480          class Foo {
1481            explicit inline constexpr Foo(int f);
1482          };""",
1483          '')
1484      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1485          """
1486          class Foo {
1487            constexpr inline explicit Foo(int f);
1488          };""",
1489          '')
1490      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1491          """
1492          class Foo {
1493            explicit constexpr inline Foo(int f);
1494          };""",
1495          '')
1496      # structs are caught as well.
1497      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1498          """
1499          struct Foo {
1500            Foo(int f);
1501          };""",
1502          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1503          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1504      # Templatized classes are caught as well.
1505      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1506          """
1507          template<typename T> class Foo {
1508            Foo(int f);
1509          };""",
1510          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1511          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1512      # inline case for templatized classes.
1513      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1514          """
1515          template<typename T> class Foo {
1516            inline Foo(int f);
1517          };""",
1518          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1519          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1520      # constructors with a default argument should still be marked explicit
1521      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1522          """
1523          class Foo {
1524            Foo(int f = 0);
1525          };""",
1526          'Constructors callable with one argument should be marked explicit.'
1527          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1528      # multi-argument constructors with all but one default argument should be
1529      # marked explicit
1530      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1531          """
1532          class Foo {
1533            Foo(int f, int g = 0);
1534          };""",
1535          'Constructors callable with one argument should be marked explicit.'
1536          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1537      # multi-argument constructors with all default arguments should be marked
1538      # explicit
1539      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1540          """
1541          class Foo {
1542            Foo(int f = 0, int g = 0);
1543          };""",
1544          'Constructors callable with one argument should be marked explicit.'
1545          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1546      # explicit no-argument constructors are bad
1547      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1548          """
1549          class Foo {
1550            explicit Foo();
1551          };""",
1552          'Zero-parameter constructors should not be marked explicit.'
1553          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1554      # void constructors are considered no-argument
1555      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1556          """
1557          class Foo {
1558            explicit Foo(void);
1559          };""",
1560          'Zero-parameter constructors should not be marked explicit.'
1561          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1562      # No warning for multi-parameter constructors
1563      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1564          """
1565          class Foo {
1566            explicit Foo(int f, int g);
1567          };""",
1568          '')
1569      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1570          """
1571          class Foo {
1572            explicit Foo(int f, int g = 0);
1573          };""",
1574          '')
1575      # single-argument constructors that take a function that takes multiple
1576      # arguments should be explicit
1577      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1578          """
1579          class Foo {
1580            Foo(void (*f)(int f, int g));
1581          };""",
1582          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1583          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1584      # single-argument constructors that take a single template argument with
1585      # multiple parameters should be explicit
1586      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1587          """
1588          template <typename T, typename S>
1589          class Foo {
1590            Foo(Bar<T, S> b);
1591          };""",
1592          'Single-parameter constructors should be marked explicit.'
1593          '  [runtime/explicit] [5]')
1594      # but copy constructors that take multiple template parameters are OK
1595      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1596          """
1597          template <typename T, S>
1598          class Foo {
1599            Foo(Foo<T, S>& f);
1600          };""",
1601          '')
1602      # proper style is okay
1603      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1604          """
1605          class Foo {
1606            explicit Foo(int f);
1607          };""",
1608          '')
1609      # two argument constructor is okay
1610      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1611          """
1612          class Foo {
1613            Foo(int f, int b);
1614          };""",
1615          '')
1616      # two argument constructor, across two lines, is okay
1617      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1618          """
1619          class Foo {
1620            Foo(int f,
1621                int b);
1622          };""",
1623          '')
1624      # non-constructor (but similar name), is okay
1625      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1626          """
1627          class Foo {
1628            aFoo(int f);
1629          };""",
1630          '')
1631      # constructor with void argument is okay
1632      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1633          """
1634          class Foo {
1635            Foo(void);
1636          };""",
1637          '')
1638      # single argument method is okay
1639      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1640          """
1641          class Foo {
1642            Bar(int b);
1643          };""",
1644          '')
1645      # comments should be ignored
1646      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1647          """
1648          class Foo {
1649          // Foo(int f);
1650          };""",
1651          '')
1652      # single argument function following class definition is okay
1653      # (okay, it's not actually valid, but we don't want a false positive)
1654      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1655          """
1656          class Foo {
1657            Foo(int f, int b);
1658          };
1659          Foo(int f);""",
1660          '')
1661      # single argument function is okay
1662      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1663          """static Foo(int f);""",
1664          '')
1665      # single argument copy constructor is okay.
1666      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1667          """
1668          class Foo {
1669            Foo(const Foo&);
1670          };""",
1671          '')
1672      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1673          """
1674          class Foo {
1675            Foo(volatile Foo&);
1676          };""",
1677          '')
1678      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1679          """
1680          class Foo {
1681            Foo(volatile const Foo&);
1682          };""",
1683          '')
1684      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1685          """
1686          class Foo {
1687            Foo(const volatile Foo&);
1688          };""",
1689          '')
1690      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1691          """
1692          class Foo {
1693            Foo(Foo const&);
1694          };""",
1695          '')
1696      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1697          """
1698          class Foo {
1699            Foo(Foo&);
1700          };""",
1701          '')
1702      # templatized copy constructor is okay.
1703      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1704          """
1705          template<typename T> class Foo {
1706            Foo(const Foo<T>&);
1707          };""",
1708          '')
1709      # Special case for std::initializer_list
1710      self.TestMultiLineLint(
1711          """
1712          class Foo {
1713            Foo(std::initializer_list<T> &arg) {}
1714          };""",
1715          '')
1716      # Special case for variadic arguments
1717      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
1718      cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
1719          ['class Foo {',
1720          '  template<typename... Args>',
1721          '  explicit Foo(const int arg, Args&&... args) {}',
1722          '};'],
1723          error_collector)
1724      self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.ResultList().count(
1725        'Constructors that require multiple arguments should not be marked '
1726        'explicit.  [runtime/explicit] [0]'))
1727      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
1728      cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
1729          ['class Foo {',
1730          '  template<typename... Args>',
1731          '  explicit Foo(Args&&... args) {}',
1732          '};'],
1733          error_collector)
1734      self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.ResultList().count(
1735        'Constructors that require multiple arguments should not be marked '
1736        'explicit.  [runtime/explicit] [0]'))
1737      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
1738      cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
1739          ['class Foo {',
1740          '  template<typename... Args>',
1741          '  Foo(const int arg, Args&&... args) {}',
1742          '};'],
1743          error_collector)
1744      self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.ResultList().count(
1745        'Constructors callable with one argument should be marked explicit.'
1746        '  [runtime/explicit] [5]'))
1747      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
1748      cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
1749          ['class Foo {',
1750          '  template<typename... Args>',
1751          '  Foo(Args&&... args) {}',
1752          '};'],
1753          error_collector)
1754      self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.ResultList().count(
1755        'Constructors callable with one argument should be marked explicit.'
1756        '  [runtime/explicit] [5]'))
1757      # Anything goes inside an assembly block
1758      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
1759      cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
1760                              ['void Func() {',
1761                               '  __asm__ (',
1762                               '    "hlt"',
1763                               '  );',
1764                               '  asm {',
1765                               '    movdqa [edx + 32], xmm2',
1766                               '  }',
1767                               '}'],
1768                              error_collector)
1769      self.assertEquals(
1770          0,
1771          error_collector.ResultList().count(
1772              'Extra space before ( in function call  [whitespace/parens] [4]'))
1773      self.assertEquals(
1774          0,
1775          error_collector.ResultList().count(
1776              'Closing ) should be moved to the previous line  '
1777              '[whitespace/parens] [2]'))
1778      self.assertEquals(
1779          0,
1780          error_collector.ResultList().count(
1781              'Extra space before [  [whitespace/braces] [5]'))
1782    finally:
1783      cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = old_verbose_level
1785  def testSlashStarCommentOnSingleLine(self):
1786    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1787        """/* static */ Foo(int f);""",
1788        '')
1789    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1790        """/*/ static */  Foo(int f);""",
1791        '')
1792    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1793        """/*/ static Foo(int f);""",
1794        'Could not find end of multi-line comment'
1795        '  [readability/multiline_comment] [5]')
1796    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1797        """  /*/ static Foo(int f);""",
1798        'Could not find end of multi-line comment'
1799        '  [readability/multiline_comment] [5]')
1800    self.TestMultiLineLint(
1801        """  /**/ static Foo(int f);""",
1802        '')
1804  # Test suspicious usage of "if" like this:
1805  # if (a == b) {
1806  #   DoSomething();
1807  # } if (a == c) {   // Should be "else if".
1808  #   DoSomething();  // This gets called twice if a == b && a == c.
1809  # }
1810  def testSuspiciousUsageOfIf(self):
1811    self.TestLint(
1812        '  if (a == b) {',
1813        '')
1814    self.TestLint(
1815        '  } if (a == b) {',
1816        'Did you mean "else if"? If not, start a new line for "if".'
1817        '  [readability/braces] [4]')
1819  # Test suspicious usage of memset. Specifically, a 0
1820  # as the final argument is almost certainly an error.
1821  def testSuspiciousUsageOfMemset(self):
1822    # Normal use is okay.
1823    self.TestLint(
1824        '  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf))',
1825        '')
1827    # A 0 as the final argument is almost certainly an error.
1828    self.TestLint(
1829        '  memset(buf, sizeof(buf), 0)',
1830        'Did you mean "memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf))"?'
1831        '  [runtime/memset] [4]')
1832    self.TestLint(
1833        '  memset(buf, xsize * ysize, 0)',
1834        'Did you mean "memset(buf, 0, xsize * ysize)"?'
1835        '  [runtime/memset] [4]')
1837    # There is legitimate test code that uses this form.
1838    # This is okay since the second argument is a literal.
1839    self.TestLint(
1840        "  memset(buf, 'y', 0)",
1841        '')
1842    self.TestLint(
1843        '  memset(buf, 4, 0)',
1844        '')
1845    self.TestLint(
1846        '  memset(buf, -1, 0)',
1847        '')
1848    self.TestLint(
1849        '  memset(buf, 0xF1, 0)',
1850        '')
1851    self.TestLint(
1852        '  memset(buf, 0xcd, 0)',
1853        '')
1855  def testRedundantVirtual(self):
1856    self.TestLint('virtual void F()', '')
1857    self.TestLint('virtual void F();', '')
1858    self.TestLint('virtual void F() {}', '')
1860    message_template = ('"%s" is redundant since function is already '
1861                        'declared as "%s"  [readability/inheritance] [4]')
1862    for virt_specifier in ['override', 'final']:
1863      error_message = message_template % ('virtual', virt_specifier)
1864      self.TestLint('virtual int F() %s' % virt_specifier, error_message)
1865      self.TestLint('virtual int F() %s;' % virt_specifier, error_message)
1866      self.TestLint('virtual int F() %s {' % virt_specifier, error_message)
1868      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
1869      cpplint.ProcessFileData(
1870          'foo.cc', 'cc',
1871          ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
1872           'virtual void F(int a,',
1873           '               int b) ' + virt_specifier + ';',
1874           'virtual void F(int a,',
1875           '               int b) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(lock) ' + virt_specifier + ';',
1876           'virtual void F(int a,',
1877           '               int b)',
1878           '    LOCKS_EXCLUDED(lock) ' + virt_specifier + ';',
1879           ''],
1880          error_collector)
1881      self.assertEquals(
1882          [error_message, error_message, error_message],
1883          error_collector.Results())
1885    error_message = message_template % ('override', 'final')
1886    self.TestLint('int F() override final', error_message)
1887    self.TestLint('int F() override final;', error_message)
1888    self.TestLint('int F() override final {}', error_message)
1889    self.TestLint('int F() final override', error_message)
1890    self.TestLint('int F() final override;', error_message)
1891    self.TestLint('int F() final override {}', error_message)
1893    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
1894    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
1895        'foo.cc', 'cc',
1896        ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
1897         'struct A : virtual B {',
1898         '  ~A() override;'
1899         '};',
1900         'class C',
1901         '    : public D,',
1902         '      public virtual E {',
1903         '  void Func() override;',
1904         '}',
1905         ''],
1906        error_collector)
1907    self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
1909    self.TestLint('void Finalize(AnnotationProto *final) override;', '')
1911  def testCheckDeprecated(self):
1912    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo_test.cc', '#include <iostream>', '')
1913    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo_unittest.cc', '#include <iostream>', '')
1915  def testCheckPosixThreading(self):
1916    self.TestLint('var = sctime_r()', '')
1917    self.TestLint('var = strtok_r()', '')
1918    self.TestLint('var = strtok_r(foo, ba, r)', '')
1919    self.TestLint('var = brand()', '')
1920    self.TestLint('_rand()', '')
1921    self.TestLint('.rand()', '')
1922    self.TestLint('->rand()', '')
1923    self.TestLint('ACMRandom rand(seed)', '')
1924    self.TestLint('ISAACRandom rand()', '')
1925    self.TestLint('var = rand()',
1926                  'Consider using rand_r(...) instead of rand(...)'
1927                  ' for improved thread safety.'
1928                  '  [runtime/threadsafe_fn] [2]')
1929    self.TestLint('var = strtok(str, delim)',
1930                  'Consider using strtok_r(...) '
1931                  'instead of strtok(...)'
1932                  ' for improved thread safety.'
1933                  '  [runtime/threadsafe_fn] [2]')
1935  def testVlogMisuse(self):
1936    self.TestLint('VLOG(1)', '')
1937    self.TestLint('VLOG(99)', '')
1938    self.TestLint('LOG(ERROR)', '')
1939    self.TestLint('LOG(INFO)', '')
1940    self.TestLint('LOG(WARNING)', '')
1941    self.TestLint('LOG(FATAL)', '')
1942    self.TestLint('LOG(DFATAL)', '')
1943    self.TestLint('VLOG(SOMETHINGWEIRD)', '')
1944    self.TestLint('MYOWNVLOG(ERROR)', '')
1945    errmsg = ('VLOG() should be used with numeric verbosity level.  '
1946              'Use LOG() if you want symbolic severity levels.'
1947              '  [runtime/vlog] [5]')
1948    self.TestLint('VLOG(ERROR)', errmsg)
1949    self.TestLint('VLOG(INFO)', errmsg)
1950    self.TestLint('VLOG(WARNING)', errmsg)
1951    self.TestLint('VLOG(FATAL)', errmsg)
1952    self.TestLint('VLOG(DFATAL)', errmsg)
1953    self.TestLint('  VLOG(ERROR)', errmsg)
1954    self.TestLint('  VLOG(INFO)', errmsg)
1955    self.TestLint('  VLOG(WARNING)', errmsg)
1956    self.TestLint('  VLOG(FATAL)', errmsg)
1957    self.TestLint('  VLOG(DFATAL)', errmsg)
1960  # Test potential format string bugs like printf(foo).
1961  def testFormatStrings(self):
1962    self.TestLint('printf("foo")', '')
1963    self.TestLint('printf("foo: %s", foo)', '')
1964    self.TestLint('DocidForPrintf(docid)', '')  # Should not trigger.
1965    self.TestLint('printf(format, value)', '')  # Should not trigger.
1966    self.TestLint('printf(__VA_ARGS__)', '')  # Should not trigger.
1967    self.TestLint('printf(format.c_str(), value)', '')  # Should not trigger.
1968    self.TestLint('printf(format(index).c_str(), value)', '')
1969    self.TestLint(
1970        'printf(foo)',
1971        'Potential format string bug. Do printf("%s", foo) instead.'
1972        '  [runtime/printf] [4]')
1973    self.TestLint(
1974        'printf(foo.c_str())',
1975        'Potential format string bug. '
1976        'Do printf("%s", foo.c_str()) instead.'
1977        '  [runtime/printf] [4]')
1978    self.TestLint(
1979        'printf(foo->c_str())',
1980        'Potential format string bug. '
1981        'Do printf("%s", foo->c_str()) instead.'
1982        '  [runtime/printf] [4]')
1983    self.TestLint(
1984        'StringPrintf(foo)',
1985        'Potential format string bug. Do StringPrintf("%s", foo) instead.'
1986        ''
1987        '  [runtime/printf] [4]')
1989  # Test disallowed use of operator& and other operators.
1990  def testIllegalOperatorOverloading(self):
1991    errmsg = ('Unary operator& is dangerous.  Do not use it.'
1992              '  [runtime/operator] [4]')
1993    self.TestLint('void operator=(const Myclass&)', '')
1994    self.TestLint('void operator&(int a, int b)', '')   # binary operator& ok
1995    self.TestLint('void operator&() { }', errmsg)
1996    self.TestLint('void operator & (  ) { }',
1997                  ['Extra space after (  [whitespace/parens] [2]', errmsg])
1999  # const string reference members are dangerous..
2000  def testConstStringReferenceMembers(self):
2001    errmsg = ('const string& members are dangerous. It is much better to use '
2002              'alternatives, such as pointers or simple constants.'
2003              '  [runtime/member_string_references] [2]')
2005    members_declarations = ['const string& church',
2006                            'const string &turing',
2007                            'const string & godel']
2008    # TODO(unknown): Enable also these tests if and when we ever
2009    # decide to check for arbitrary member references.
2010    #                         "const Turing & a",
2011    #                         "const Church& a",
2012    #                         "const vector<int>& a",
2013    #                         "const     Kurt::Godel    &    godel",
2014    #                         "const Kazimierz::Kuratowski& kk" ]
2016    # The Good.
2018    self.TestLint('void f(const string&)', '')
2019    self.TestLint('const string& f(const string& a, const string& b)', '')
2020    self.TestLint('typedef const string& A;', '')
2022    for decl in members_declarations:
2023      self.TestLint(decl + ' = b;', '')
2024      self.TestLint(decl + '      =', '')
2026    # The Bad.
2028    for decl in members_declarations:
2029      self.TestLint(decl + ';', errmsg)
2031  # Variable-length arrays are not permitted.
2032  def testVariableLengthArrayDetection(self):
2033    errmsg = ('Do not use variable-length arrays.  Use an appropriately named '
2034              "('k' followed by CamelCase) compile-time constant for the size."
2035              '  [runtime/arrays] [1]')
2037    self.TestLint('int a[any_old_variable];', errmsg)
2038    self.TestLint('int doublesize[some_var * 2];', errmsg)
2039    self.TestLint('int a[afunction()];', errmsg)
2040    self.TestLint('int a[function(kMaxFooBars)];', errmsg)
2041    self.TestLint('bool a_list[items_->size()];', errmsg)
2042    self.TestLint('namespace::Type buffer[len+1];', errmsg)
2044    self.TestLint('int a[64];', '')
2045    self.TestLint('int a[0xFF];', '')
2046    self.TestLint('int first[256], second[256];', '')
2047    self.TestLint('int array_name[kCompileTimeConstant];', '')
2048    self.TestLint('char buf[somenamespace::kBufSize];', '')
2049    self.TestLint('int array_name[ALL_CAPS];', '')
2050    self.TestLint('AClass array1[foo::bar::ALL_CAPS];', '')
2051    self.TestLint('int a[kMaxStrLen + 1];', '')
2052    self.TestLint('int a[sizeof(foo)];', '')
2053    self.TestLint('int a[sizeof(*foo)];', '')
2054    self.TestLint('int a[sizeof foo];', '')
2055    self.TestLint('int a[sizeof(struct Foo)];', '')
2056    self.TestLint('int a[128 - sizeof(const bar)];', '')
2057    self.TestLint('int a[(sizeof(foo) * 4)];', '')
2058    self.TestLint('int a[(arraysize(fixed_size_array)/2) << 1];', '')
2059    self.TestLint('delete a[some_var];', '')
2060    self.TestLint('return a[some_var];', '')
2063  # end of class if present.
2064  def testDisallowMacrosAtEnd(self):
2065    for macro_name in (
2068      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
2069      cpplint.ProcessFileData(
2070          'foo.cc', 'cc',
2071          ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
2072           'class SomeClass {',
2073           ' private:',
2074           '  %s(SomeClass);' % macro_name,
2075           '  int member_;',
2076           '};',
2077           ''],
2078          error_collector)
2079      self.assertEquals(
2080          ('%s should be the last thing in the class' % macro_name) +
2081          '  [readability/constructors] [3]',
2082          error_collector.Results())
2084      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
2085      cpplint.ProcessFileData(
2086          'foo.cc', 'cc',
2087          ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
2088           'class OuterClass {',
2089           ' private:',
2090           '  struct InnerClass {',
2091           '   private:',
2092           '    %s(InnerClass);' % macro_name,
2093           '    int member;',
2094           '  };',
2095           '};',
2096           ''],
2097          error_collector)
2098      self.assertEquals(
2099          ('%s should be the last thing in the class' % macro_name) +
2100          '  [readability/constructors] [3]',
2101          error_collector.Results())
2103      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
2104      cpplint.ProcessFileData(
2105          'foo.cc', 'cc',
2106          ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
2107           'class OuterClass1 {',
2108           ' private:',
2109           '  struct InnerClass1 {',
2110           '   private:',
2111           '    %s(InnerClass1);' % macro_name,
2112           '  };',
2113           '  %s(OuterClass1);' % macro_name,
2114           '};',
2115           'struct OuterClass2 {',
2116           ' private:',
2117           '  class InnerClass2 {',
2118           '   private:',
2119           '    %s(InnerClass2);' % macro_name,
2120           '    // comment',
2121           '  };',
2122           '',
2123           '  %s(OuterClass2);' % macro_name,
2124           '',
2125           '  // comment',
2126           '};',
2127           'void Func() {',
2128           '  struct LocalClass {',
2129           '   private:',
2130           '    %s(LocalClass);' % macro_name,
2131           '  } variable;',
2132           '}',
2133           ''],
2134          error_collector)
2135      self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
2137  # Brace usage
2138  def testBraces(self):
2139    # Braces shouldn't be followed by a ; unless they're defining a struct
2140    # or initializing an array
2141    self.TestLint('int a[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };', '')
2142    self.TestLint(
2143        """const int foo[] =
2144               {1, 2, 3 };""",
2145        '')
2146    # For single line, unmatched '}' with a ';' is ignored (not enough context)
2147    self.TestMultiLineLint(
2148        """int a[3] = { 1,
2149                        2,
2150                        3 };""",
2151        '')
2152    self.TestMultiLineLint(
2153        """int a[2][3] = { { 1, 2 },
2154                         { 3, 4 } };""",
2155        '')
2156    self.TestMultiLineLint(
2157        """int a[2][3] =
2158               { { 1, 2 },
2159                 { 3, 4 } };""",
2160        '')
2163  def testCheckCheck(self):
2164    self.TestLint('CHECK(x == 42);',
2165                  'Consider using CHECK_EQ instead of CHECK(a == b)'
2166                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2167    self.TestLint('CHECK(x != 42);',
2168                  'Consider using CHECK_NE instead of CHECK(a != b)'
2169                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2170    self.TestLint('CHECK(x >= 42);',
2171                  'Consider using CHECK_GE instead of CHECK(a >= b)'
2172                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2173    self.TestLint('CHECK(x > 42);',
2174                  'Consider using CHECK_GT instead of CHECK(a > b)'
2175                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2176    self.TestLint('CHECK(x <= 42);',
2177                  'Consider using CHECK_LE instead of CHECK(a <= b)'
2178                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2179    self.TestLint('CHECK(x < 42);',
2180                  'Consider using CHECK_LT instead of CHECK(a < b)'
2181                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2183    self.TestLint('DCHECK(x == 42);',
2184                  'Consider using DCHECK_EQ instead of DCHECK(a == b)'
2185                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2186    self.TestLint('DCHECK(x != 42);',
2187                  'Consider using DCHECK_NE instead of DCHECK(a != b)'
2188                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2189    self.TestLint('DCHECK(x >= 42);',
2190                  'Consider using DCHECK_GE instead of DCHECK(a >= b)'
2191                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2192    self.TestLint('DCHECK(x > 42);',
2193                  'Consider using DCHECK_GT instead of DCHECK(a > b)'
2194                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2195    self.TestLint('DCHECK(x <= 42);',
2196                  'Consider using DCHECK_LE instead of DCHECK(a <= b)'
2197                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2198    self.TestLint('DCHECK(x < 42);',
2199                  'Consider using DCHECK_LT instead of DCHECK(a < b)'
2200                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2202    self.TestLint(
2203        'EXPECT_TRUE("42" == x);',
2204        'Consider using EXPECT_EQ instead of EXPECT_TRUE(a == b)'
2205        '  [readability/check] [2]')
2206    self.TestLint(
2207        'EXPECT_TRUE("42" != x);',
2208        'Consider using EXPECT_NE instead of EXPECT_TRUE(a != b)'
2209        '  [readability/check] [2]')
2210    self.TestLint(
2211        'EXPECT_TRUE(+42 >= x);',
2212        'Consider using EXPECT_GE instead of EXPECT_TRUE(a >= b)'
2213        '  [readability/check] [2]')
2215    self.TestLint(
2216        'EXPECT_FALSE(x == 42);',
2217        'Consider using EXPECT_NE instead of EXPECT_FALSE(a == b)'
2218        '  [readability/check] [2]')
2219    self.TestLint(
2220        'EXPECT_FALSE(x != 42);',
2221        'Consider using EXPECT_EQ instead of EXPECT_FALSE(a != b)'
2222        '  [readability/check] [2]')
2223    self.TestLint(
2224        'EXPECT_FALSE(x >= 42);',
2225        'Consider using EXPECT_LT instead of EXPECT_FALSE(a >= b)'
2226        '  [readability/check] [2]')
2227    self.TestLint(
2228        'ASSERT_FALSE(x > 42);',
2229        'Consider using ASSERT_LE instead of ASSERT_FALSE(a > b)'
2230        '  [readability/check] [2]')
2231    self.TestLint(
2232        'ASSERT_FALSE(x <= 42);',
2233        'Consider using ASSERT_GT instead of ASSERT_FALSE(a <= b)'
2234        '  [readability/check] [2]')
2236    self.TestLint('CHECK(x<42);',
2237                  ['Missing spaces around <'
2238                   '  [whitespace/operators] [3]',
2239                   'Consider using CHECK_LT instead of CHECK(a < b)'
2240                   '  [readability/check] [2]'])
2241    self.TestLint('CHECK(x>42);',
2242                  ['Missing spaces around >'
2243                   '  [whitespace/operators] [3]',
2244                   'Consider using CHECK_GT instead of CHECK(a > b)'
2245                   '  [readability/check] [2]'])
2247    self.TestLint('using some::namespace::operator<<;', '')
2248    self.TestLint('using some::namespace::operator>>;', '')
2250    self.TestLint('CHECK(x->y == 42);',
2251                  'Consider using CHECK_EQ instead of CHECK(a == b)'
2252                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2254    self.TestLint(
2255        '  EXPECT_TRUE(42 < x);  // Random comment.',
2256        'Consider using EXPECT_LT instead of EXPECT_TRUE(a < b)'
2257        '  [readability/check] [2]')
2258    self.TestLint(
2259        'EXPECT_TRUE( 42 < x );',
2260        ['Extra space after ( in function call'
2261         '  [whitespace/parens] [4]',
2262         'Extra space before )  [whitespace/parens] [2]',
2263         'Consider using EXPECT_LT instead of EXPECT_TRUE(a < b)'
2264         '  [readability/check] [2]'])
2266    self.TestLint('CHECK(4\'2 == x);',
2267                  'Consider using CHECK_EQ instead of CHECK(a == b)'
2268                  '  [readability/check] [2]')
2270  def testCheckCheckFalsePositives(self):
2271    self.TestLint('CHECK(some_iterator == obj.end());', '')
2272    self.TestLint('EXPECT_TRUE(some_iterator == obj.end());', '')
2273    self.TestLint('EXPECT_FALSE(some_iterator == obj.end());', '')
2274    self.TestLint('CHECK(some_pointer != NULL);', '')
2275    self.TestLint('EXPECT_TRUE(some_pointer != NULL);', '')
2276    self.TestLint('EXPECT_FALSE(some_pointer != NULL);', '')
2278    self.TestLint('CHECK(CreateTestFile(dir, (1 << 20)));', '')
2279    self.TestLint('CHECK(CreateTestFile(dir, (1 >> 20)));', '')
2281    self.TestLint('CHECK(x ^ (y < 42));', '')
2282    self.TestLint('CHECK((x > 42) ^ (x < 54));', '')
2283    self.TestLint('CHECK(a && b < 42);', '')
2284    self.TestLint('CHECK(42 < a && a < b);', '')
2285    self.TestLint('SOFT_CHECK(x > 42);', '')
2287    self.TestMultiLineLint(
2298        _STLP_DEFINE_BINARY_OP_CHECK(%, _OP_MOD);""",
2299        '')
2301    self.TestLint('CHECK(x < 42) << "Custom error message";', '')
2303  # Alternative token to punctuation operator replacements
2304  def testCheckAltTokens(self):
2305    self.TestLint('true or true',
2306                  'Use operator || instead of or'
2307                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2308    self.TestLint('true and true',
2309                  'Use operator && instead of and'
2310                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2311    self.TestLint('if (not true)',
2312                  'Use operator ! instead of not'
2313                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2314    self.TestLint('1 bitor 1',
2315                  'Use operator | instead of bitor'
2316                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2317    self.TestLint('1 xor 1',
2318                  'Use operator ^ instead of xor'
2319                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2320    self.TestLint('1 bitand 1',
2321                  'Use operator & instead of bitand'
2322                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2323    self.TestLint('x = compl 1',
2324                  'Use operator ~ instead of compl'
2325                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2326    self.TestLint('x and_eq y',
2327                  'Use operator &= instead of and_eq'
2328                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2329    self.TestLint('x or_eq y',
2330                  'Use operator |= instead of or_eq'
2331                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2332    self.TestLint('x xor_eq y',
2333                  'Use operator ^= instead of xor_eq'
2334                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2335    self.TestLint('x not_eq y',
2336                  'Use operator != instead of not_eq'
2337                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2338    self.TestLint('line_continuation or',
2339                  'Use operator || instead of or'
2340                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2341    self.TestLint('if(true and(parentheses',
2342                  'Use operator && instead of and'
2343                  '  [readability/alt_tokens] [2]')
2345    self.TestLint('#include "base/false-and-false.h"', '')
2346    self.TestLint('#error false or false', '')
2347    self.TestLint('false nor false', '')
2348    self.TestLint('false nand false', '')
2350  # Passing and returning non-const references
2351  def testNonConstReference(self):
2352    # Passing a non-const reference as function parameter is forbidden.
2353    operand_error_message = ('Is this a non-const reference? '
2354                             'If so, make const or use a pointer: %s'
2355                             '  [runtime/references] [2]')
2356    # Warn of use of a non-const reference in operators and functions
2357    self.TestLint('bool operator>(Foo& s, Foo& f);',
2358                  [operand_error_message % 'Foo& s',
2359                   operand_error_message % 'Foo& f'])
2360    self.TestLint('bool operator+(Foo& s, Foo& f);',
2361                  [operand_error_message % 'Foo& s',
2362                   operand_error_message % 'Foo& f'])
2363    self.TestLint('int len(Foo& s);', operand_error_message % 'Foo& s')
2364    # Allow use of non-const references in a few specific cases
2365    self.TestLint('stream& operator>>(stream& s, Foo& f);', '')
2366    self.TestLint('stream& operator<<(stream& s, Foo& f);', '')
2367    self.TestLint('void swap(Bar& a, Bar& b);', '')
2368    self.TestLint('ostream& LogFunc(ostream& s);', '')
2369    self.TestLint('ostringstream& LogFunc(ostringstream& s);', '')
2370    self.TestLint('istream& LogFunc(istream& s);', '')
2371    self.TestLint('istringstream& LogFunc(istringstream& s);', '')
2372    # Returning a non-const reference from a function is OK.
2373    self.TestLint('int& g();', '')
2374    # Passing a const reference to a struct (using the struct keyword) is OK.
2375    self.TestLint('void foo(const struct tm& tm);', '')
2376    # Passing a const reference to a typename is OK.
2377    self.TestLint('void foo(const typename tm& tm);', '')
2378    # Const reference to a pointer type is OK.
2379    self.TestLint('void foo(const Bar* const& p) {', '')
2380    self.TestLint('void foo(Bar const* const& p) {', '')
2381    self.TestLint('void foo(Bar* const& p) {', '')
2382    # Const reference to a templated type is OK.
2383    self.TestLint('void foo(const std::vector<std::string>& v);', '')
2384    # Non-const reference to a pointer type is not OK.
2385    self.TestLint('void foo(Bar*& p);',
2386                  operand_error_message % 'Bar*& p')
2387    self.TestLint('void foo(const Bar*& p);',
2388                  operand_error_message % 'const Bar*& p')
2389    self.TestLint('void foo(Bar const*& p);',
2390                  operand_error_message % 'Bar const*& p')
2391    self.TestLint('void foo(struct Bar*& p);',
2392                  operand_error_message % 'struct Bar*& p')
2393    self.TestLint('void foo(const struct Bar*& p);',
2394                  operand_error_message % 'const struct Bar*& p')
2395    self.TestLint('void foo(struct Bar const*& p);',
2396                  operand_error_message % 'struct Bar const*& p')
2397    # Non-const reference to a templated type is not OK.
2398    self.TestLint('void foo(std::vector<int>& p);',
2399                  operand_error_message % 'std::vector<int>& p')
2400    # Returning an address of something is not prohibited.
2401    self.TestLint('return &something;', '')
2402    self.TestLint('if (condition) {return &something; }', '')
2403    self.TestLint('if (condition) return &something;', '')
2404    self.TestLint('if (condition) address = &something;', '')
2405    self.TestLint('if (condition) result = lhs&rhs;', '')
2406    self.TestLint('if (condition) result = lhs & rhs;', '')
2407    self.TestLint('a = (b+c) * sizeof &f;', '')
2408    self.TestLint('a = MySize(b) * sizeof &f;', '')
2409    # We don't get confused by C++11 range-based for loops.
2410    self.TestLint('for (const string& s : c)', '')
2411    self.TestLint('for (auto& r : c)', '')
2412    self.TestLint('for (typename Type& a : b)', '')
2413    # We don't get confused by some other uses of '&'.
2414    self.TestLint('T& operator=(const T& t);', '')
2415    self.TestLint('int g() { return (a & b); }', '')
2416    self.TestLint('T& r = (T&)*(vp());', '')
2417    self.TestLint('T& r = v', '')
2418    self.TestLint('static_assert((kBits & kMask) == 0, "text");', '')
2419    self.TestLint('COMPILE_ASSERT((kBits & kMask) == 0, text);', '')
2420    # Spaces before template arguments.  This is poor style, but
2421    # happens 0.15% of the time.
2422    self.TestLint('void Func(const vector <int> &const_x, '
2423                  'vector <int> &nonconst_x) {',
2424                  operand_error_message % 'vector<int> &nonconst_x')
2426    # Derived member functions are spared from override check
2427    self.TestLint('void Func(X& x);', operand_error_message % 'X& x')
2428    self.TestLint('void Func(X& x) {}', operand_error_message % 'X& x')
2429    self.TestLint('void Func(X& x) override;', '')
2430    self.TestLint('void Func(X& x) override {', '')
2431    self.TestLint('void Func(X& x) const override;', '')
2432    self.TestLint('void Func(X& x) const override {', '')
2434    # Don't warn on out-of-line method definitions.
2435    self.TestLint('void NS::Func(X& x) {', '')
2436    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
2437    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
2438        'foo.cc', 'cc',
2439        ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company. All Rights Reserved.',
2440         'void a::b() {}',
2441         'void f(int& q) {}',
2442         ''],
2443        error_collector)
2444    self.assertEquals(
2445        operand_error_message % 'int& q',
2446        error_collector.Results())
2448    # Other potential false positives.  These need full parser
2449    # state to reproduce as opposed to just TestLint.
2450    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
2451    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
2452        'foo.cc', 'cc',
2453        ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company. All Rights Reserved.',
2454         'void swap(int &x,',
2455         '          int &y) {',
2456         '}',
2457         'void swap(',
2458         '    sparsegroup<T, GROUP_SIZE, Alloc> &x,',
2459         '    sparsegroup<T, GROUP_SIZE, Alloc> &y) {',
2460         '}',
2461         'ostream& operator<<(',
2462         '    ostream& out',
2463         '    const dense_hash_set<Value, Hash, Equals, Alloc>& seq) {',
2464         '}',
2465         'class A {',
2466         '  void Function(',
2467         '      string &x) override {',
2468         '  }',
2469         '};',
2470         'void Derived::Function(',
2471         '    string &x) {',
2472         '}',
2473         '#define UNSUPPORTED_MASK(_mask) \\',
2474         '  if (flags & _mask) { \\',
2475         '    LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported flag: " << #_mask; \\',
2476         '  }',
2477         'Constructor::Constructor()',
2478         '    : initializer1_(a1 & b1),',
2479         '      initializer2_(a2 & b2) {',
2480         '}',
2481         'Constructor::Constructor()',
2482         '    : initializer1_{a3 & b3},',
2483         '      initializer2_(a4 & b4) {',
2484         '}',
2485         'Constructor::Constructor()',
2486         '    : initializer1_{a5 & b5},',
2487         '      initializer2_(a6 & b6) {}',
2488         ''],
2489        error_collector)
2490    self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
2492    # Multi-line references
2493    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
2494    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
2495        'foo.cc', 'cc',
2496        ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company. All Rights Reserved.',
2497         'void Func(const Outer::',
2498         '              Inner& const_x,',
2499         '          const Outer',
2500         '              ::Inner& const_y,',
2501         '          const Outer<',
2502         '              int>::Inner& const_z,',
2503         '          Outer::',
2504         '              Inner& nonconst_x,',
2505         '          Outer',
2506         '              ::Inner& nonconst_y,',
2507         '          Outer<',
2508         '              int>::Inner& nonconst_z) {',
2509         '}',
2510         ''],
2511        error_collector)
2512    self.assertEquals(
2513        [operand_error_message % 'Outer::Inner& nonconst_x',
2514         operand_error_message % 'Outer::Inner& nonconst_y',
2515         operand_error_message % 'Outer<int>::Inner& nonconst_z'],
2516        error_collector.Results())
2518    # A peculiar false positive due to bad template argument parsing
2519    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
2520    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
2521        'foo.cc', 'cc',
2522        ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company. All Rights Reserved.',
2523         'inline RCULocked<X>::ReadPtr::ReadPtr(const RCULocked* rcu) {',
2524         '  DCHECK(!(data & kFlagMask)) << "Error";',
2525         '}',
2526         '',
2527         'RCULocked<X>::WritePtr::WritePtr(RCULocked* rcu)',
2528         '    : lock_(&rcu_->mutex_) {',
2529         '}',
2530         ''],
2531        error_collector.Results())
2532    self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
2534  def testBraceAtBeginOfLine(self):
2535    self.TestLint('{',
2536                  '{ should almost always be at the end of the previous line'
2537                  '  [whitespace/braces] [4]')
2539    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
2540    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
2541                            ['int function()',
2542                             '{',  # warning here
2543                             '  MutexLock l(&mu);',
2544                             '}',
2545                             'int variable;'
2546                             '{',  # no warning
2547                             '  MutexLock l(&mu);',
2548                             '}',
2549                             'MyType m = {',
2550                             '  {value1, value2},',
2551                             '  {',  # no warning
2552                             '    loooong_value1, looooong_value2',
2553                             '  }',
2554                             '};',
2555                             '#if PREPROCESSOR',
2556                             '{',  # no warning
2557                             '  MutexLock l(&mu);',
2558                             '}',
2559                             '#endif'],
2560                            error_collector)
2561    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
2562        '{ should almost always be at the end of the previous line'
2563        '  [whitespace/braces] [4]'))
2565    self.TestMultiLineLint(
2566        """
2567        foo(
2568          {
2569            loooooooooooooooong_value,
2570          });""",
2571        '')
2573  def testMismatchingSpacesInParens(self):
2574    self.TestLint('if (foo ) {', 'Mismatching spaces inside () in if'
2575                  '  [whitespace/parens] [5]')
2576    self.TestLint('switch ( foo) {', 'Mismatching spaces inside () in switch'
2577                  '  [whitespace/parens] [5]')
2578    self.TestLint('for (foo; ba; bar ) {', 'Mismatching spaces inside () in for'
2579                  '  [whitespace/parens] [5]')
2580    self.TestLint('for (; foo; bar) {', '')
2581    self.TestLint('for ( ; foo; bar) {', '')
2582    self.TestLint('for ( ; foo; bar ) {', '')
2583    self.TestLint('for (foo; bar; ) {', '')
2584    self.TestLint('while (  foo  ) {', 'Should have zero or one spaces inside'
2585                  ' ( and ) in while  [whitespace/parens] [5]')
2587  def testSpacingForFncall(self):
2588    self.TestLint('if (foo) {', '')
2589    self.TestLint('for (foo; bar; baz) {', '')
2590    self.TestLint('for (;;) {', '')
2591    # Space should be allowed in placement new operators.
2592    self.TestLint('Something* p = new (place) Something();', '')
2593    # Test that there is no warning when increment statement is empty.
2594    self.TestLint('for (foo; baz;) {', '')
2595    self.TestLint('for (foo;bar;baz) {', 'Missing space after ;'
2596                  '  [whitespace/semicolon] [3]')
2597    # we don't warn about this semicolon, at least for now
2598    self.TestLint('if (condition) {return &something; }',
2599                  '')
2600    # seen in some macros
2601    self.TestLint('DoSth();\\', '')
2602    # Test that there is no warning about semicolon here.
2603    self.TestLint('abc;// this is abc',
2604                  'At least two spaces is best between code'
2605                  ' and comments  [whitespace/comments] [2]')
2606    self.TestLint('while (foo) {', '')
2607    self.TestLint('switch (foo) {', '')
2608    self.TestLint('foo( bar)', 'Extra space after ( in function call'
2609                  '  [whitespace/parens] [4]')
2610    self.TestLint('foo(  // comment', '')
2611    self.TestLint('foo( // comment',
2612                  'At least two spaces is best between code'
2613                  ' and comments  [whitespace/comments] [2]')
2614    self.TestLint('foobar( \\', '')
2615    self.TestLint('foobar(     \\', '')
2616    self.TestLint('( a + b)', 'Extra space after ('
2617                  '  [whitespace/parens] [2]')
2618    self.TestLint('((a+b))', '')
2619    self.TestLint('foo (foo)', 'Extra space before ( in function call'
2620                  '  [whitespace/parens] [4]')
2621    # asm volatile () may have a space, as it isn't a function call.
2622    self.TestLint('asm volatile ("")', '')
2623    self.TestLint('__asm__ __volatile__ ("")', '')
2624    self.TestLint('} catch (const Foo& ex) {', '')
2625    self.TestLint('case (42):', '')
2626    self.TestLint('typedef foo (*foo)(foo)', '')
2627    self.TestLint('typedef foo (*foo12bar_)(foo)', '')
2628    self.TestLint('typedef foo (Foo::*bar)(foo)', '')
2629    self.TestLint('using foo = type (Foo::*bar)(foo)', '')
2630    self.TestLint('using foo = type (Foo::*bar)(', '')
2631    self.TestLint('using foo = type (Foo::*)(', '')
2632    self.TestLint('foo (Foo::*bar)(', '')
2633    self.TestLint('foo (x::y::*z)(', '')
2634    self.TestLint('foo (Foo::bar)(',
2635                  'Extra space before ( in function call'
2636                  '  [whitespace/parens] [4]')
2637    self.TestLint('foo (*bar)(', '')
2638    self.TestLint('typedef foo (Foo::*bar)(', '')
2639    self.TestLint('(foo)(bar)', '')
2640    self.TestLint('Foo (*foo)(bar)', '')
2641    self.TestLint('Foo (*foo)(Bar bar,', '')
2642    self.TestLint('char (*p)[sizeof(foo)] = &foo', '')
2643    self.TestLint('char (&ref)[sizeof(foo)] = &foo', '')
2644    self.TestLint('const char32 (*table[])[6];', '')
2645    # The sizeof operator is often written as if it were a function call, with
2646    # an opening parenthesis directly following the operator name, but it can
2647    # also be written like any other operator, with a space following the
2648    # operator name, and the argument optionally in parentheses.
2649    self.TestLint('sizeof(foo)', '')
2650    self.TestLint('sizeof foo', '')
2651    self.TestLint('sizeof (foo)', '')
2653  def testSpacingBeforeBraces(self):
2654    self.TestLint('if (foo){', 'Missing space before {'
2655                  '  [whitespace/braces] [5]')
2656    self.TestLint('for{', 'Missing space before {'
2657                  '  [whitespace/braces] [5]')
2658    self.TestLint('for {', '')
2659    self.TestLint('EXPECT_DEBUG_DEATH({', '')
2660    self.TestLint('std::is_convertible<A, B>{}', '')
2661    self.TestLint('blah{32}', 'Missing space before {'
2662                  '  [whitespace/braces] [5]')
2663    self.TestLint('int8_t{3}', '')
2664    self.TestLint('int16_t{3}', '')
2665    self.TestLint('int32_t{3}', '')
2666    self.TestLint('uint64_t{12345}', '')
2667    self.TestLint('constexpr int64_t kBatchGapMicros ='
2668                  ' int64_t{7} * 24 * 3600 * 1000000;  // 1 wk.', '')
2669    self.TestLint('MoveOnly(int i1, int i2) : ip1{new int{i1}}, '
2670                  'ip2{new int{i2}} {}',
2671                  '')
2673  def testSemiColonAfterBraces(self):
2674    self.TestLint('if (cond) { func(); };',
2675                  'You don\'t need a ; after a }  [readability/braces] [4]')
2676    self.TestLint('void Func() {};',
2677                  'You don\'t need a ; after a }  [readability/braces] [4]')
2678    self.TestLint('void Func() const {};',
2679                  'You don\'t need a ; after a }  [readability/braces] [4]')
2680    self.TestLint('class X {};', '')
2681    for keyword in ['struct', 'union']:
2682      for align in ['', ' alignas(16)']:
2683        for typename in ['', ' X']:
2684          for identifier in ['', ' x']:
2685            self.TestLint(keyword + align + typename + ' {}' + identifier + ';',
2686                          '')
2688    self.TestLint('class X : public Y {};', '')
2689    self.TestLint('class X : public MACRO() {};', '')
2690    self.TestLint('class X : public decltype(expr) {};', '')
2691    self.TestLint('DEFINE_FACADE(PCQueue::Watcher, PCQueue) {};', '')
2692    self.TestLint('VCLASS(XfaTest, XfaContextTest) {};', '')
2693    self.TestLint('class STUBBY_CLASS(H, E) {};', '')
2694    self.TestLint('class STUBBY2_CLASS(H, E) {};', '')
2695    self.TestLint('TEST(TestCase, TestName) {};',
2696                  'You don\'t need a ; after a }  [readability/braces] [4]')
2697    self.TestLint('TEST_F(TestCase, TestName) {};',
2698                  'You don\'t need a ; after a }  [readability/braces] [4]')
2700    self.TestLint('file_tocs_[i] = (FileToc) {a, b, c};', '')
2701    self.TestMultiLineLint('class X : public Y,\npublic Z {};', '')
2703  def testLambda(self):
2704    self.TestLint('auto x = []() {};', '')
2705    self.TestLint('return []() {};', '')
2706    self.TestMultiLineLint('auto x = []() {\n};\n', '')
2707    self.TestLint('int operator[](int x) {};',
2708                  'You don\'t need a ; after a }  [readability/braces] [4]')
2710    self.TestMultiLineLint('auto x = [&a,\nb]() {};', '')
2711    self.TestMultiLineLint('auto x = [&a,\nb]\n() {};', '')
2712    self.TestMultiLineLint('auto x = [&a,\n'
2713                           '          b](\n'
2714                           '    int a,\n'
2715                           '    int b) {\n'
2716                           '  return a +\n'
2717                           '         b;\n'
2718                           '};\n',
2719                           '')
2721    # Avoid false positives with operator[]
2722    self.TestLint('table_to_children[&*table].push_back(dependent);', '')
2724  def testBraceInitializerList(self):
2725    self.TestLint('MyStruct p = {1, 2};', '')
2726    self.TestLint('MyStruct p{1, 2};', '')
2727    self.TestLint('vector<int> p = {1, 2};', '')
2728    self.TestLint('vector<int> p{1, 2};', '')
2729    self.TestLint('x = vector<int>{1, 2};', '')
2730    self.TestLint('x = (struct in_addr){ 0 };', '')
2731    self.TestLint('Func(vector<int>{1, 2})', '')
2732    self.TestLint('Func((struct in_addr){ 0 })', '')
2733    self.TestLint('Func(vector<int>{1, 2}, 3)', '')
2734    self.TestLint('Func((struct in_addr){ 0 }, 3)', '')
2735    self.TestLint('LOG(INFO) << char{7};', '')
2736    self.TestLint('LOG(INFO) << char{7} << "!";', '')
2737    self.TestLint('int p[2] = {1, 2};', '')
2738    self.TestLint('return {1, 2};', '')
2739    self.TestLint('std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo{new Foo{}};', '')
2740    self.TestLint('auto foo = std::unique_ptr<Foo>{new Foo{}};', '')
2741    self.TestLint('static_assert(Max7String{}.IsValid(), "");', '')
2742    self.TestLint('map_of_pairs[{1, 2}] = 3;', '')
2743    self.TestLint('ItemView{has_offer() ? new Offer{offer()} : nullptr', '')
2744    self.TestLint('template <class T, EnableIf<::std::is_const<T>{}> = 0>', '')
2746    self.TestMultiLineLint('std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo{\n'
2747                           '  new Foo{}\n'
2748                           '};\n', '')
2749    self.TestMultiLineLint('std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo{\n'
2750                           '  new Foo{\n'
2751                           '    new Bar{}\n'
2752                           '  }\n'
2753                           '};\n', '')
2754    self.TestMultiLineLint('if (true) {\n'
2755                           '  if (false){ func(); }\n'
2756                           '}\n',
2757                           'Missing space before {  [whitespace/braces] [5]')
2758    self.TestMultiLineLint('MyClass::MyClass()\n'
2759                           '    : initializer_{\n'
2760                           '          Func()} {\n'
2761                           '}\n', '')
2762    self.TestLint('const pair<string, string> kCL' +
2763                  ('o' * 41) + 'gStr[] = {\n',
2764                  'Lines should be <= 80 characters long'
2765                  '  [whitespace/line_length] [2]')
2766    self.TestMultiLineLint('const pair<string, string> kCL' +
2767                           ('o' * 40) + 'ngStr[] =\n'
2768                           '    {\n'
2769                           '        {"gooooo", "oooogle"},\n'
2770                           '};\n', '')
2771    self.TestMultiLineLint('const pair<string, string> kCL' +
2772                           ('o' * 39) + 'ngStr[] =\n'
2773                           '    {\n'
2774                           '        {"gooooo", "oooogle"},\n'
2775                           '};\n', '{ should almost always be at the end of '
2776                           'the previous line  [whitespace/braces] [4]')
2778  def testSpacingAroundElse(self):
2779    self.TestLint('}else {', 'Missing space before else'
2780                  '  [whitespace/braces] [5]')
2781    self.TestLint('} else{', 'Missing space before {'
2782                  '  [whitespace/braces] [5]')
2783    self.TestLint('} else {', '')
2784    self.TestLint('} else if (foo) {', '')
2786  def testSpacingWithInitializerLists(self):
2787    self.TestLint('int v[1][3] = {{1, 2, 3}};', '')
2788    self.TestLint('int v[1][1] = {{0}};', '')
2790  def testSpacingForBinaryOps(self):
2791    self.TestLint('if (foo||bar) {', 'Missing spaces around ||'
2792                  '  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2793    self.TestLint('if (foo<=bar) {', 'Missing spaces around <='
2794                  '  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2795    self.TestLint('if (foo<bar) {', 'Missing spaces around <'
2796                  '  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2797    self.TestLint('if (foo>bar) {', 'Missing spaces around >'
2798                  '  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2799    self.TestLint('if (foo<bar->baz) {', 'Missing spaces around <'
2800                  '  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2801    self.TestLint('if (foo<bar->bar) {', 'Missing spaces around <'
2802                  '  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2803    self.TestLint('template<typename T = double>', '')
2804    self.TestLint('std::unique_ptr<No<Spaces>>', '')
2805    self.TestLint('typedef hash_map<Foo, Bar>', '')
2806    self.TestLint('10<<20', '')
2807    self.TestLint('10<<a',
2808                  'Missing spaces around <<  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2809    self.TestLint('a<<20',
2810                  'Missing spaces around <<  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2811    self.TestLint('a<<b',
2812                  'Missing spaces around <<  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2813    self.TestLint('10LL<<20', '')
2814    self.TestLint('10ULL<<20', '')
2815    self.TestLint('a>>b',
2816                  'Missing spaces around >>  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2817    self.TestLint('10>>b',
2818                  'Missing spaces around >>  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2819    self.TestLint('LOG(ERROR)<<*foo',
2820                  'Missing spaces around <<  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2821    self.TestLint('LOG(ERROR)<<&foo',
2822                  'Missing spaces around <<  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
2823    self.TestLint('StringCoder<vector<string>>::ToString()', '')
2824    self.TestLint('map<pair<int, int>, map<int, int>>::iterator', '')
2825    self.TestLint('func<int, pair<int, pair<int, int>>>()', '')
2826    self.TestLint('MACRO1(list<list<int>>)', '')
2827    self.TestLint('MACRO2(list<list<int>>, 42)', '')
2828    self.TestLint('void DoFoo(const set<vector<string>>& arg1);', '')
2829    self.TestLint('void SetFoo(set<vector<string>>* arg1);', '')
2830    self.TestLint('foo = new set<vector<string>>;', '')
2831    self.TestLint('reinterpret_cast<set<vector<string>>*>(a);', '')
2832    self.TestLint('MACRO(<<)', '')
2833    self.TestLint('MACRO(<<, arg)', '')
2834    self.TestLint('MACRO(<<=)', '')
2835    self.TestLint('MACRO(<<=, arg)', '')
2837    self.TestLint('using Vector3<T>::operator==;', '')
2838    self.TestLint('using Vector3<T>::operator!=;', '')
2840  def testSpacingBeforeLastSemicolon(self):
2841    self.TestLint('call_function() ;',
2842                  'Extra space before last semicolon. If this should be an '
2843                  'empty statement, use {} instead.'
2844                  '  [whitespace/semicolon] [5]')
2845    self.TestLint('while (true) ;',
2846                  'Extra space before last semicolon. If this should be an '
2847                  'empty statement, use {} instead.'
2848                  '  [whitespace/semicolon] [5]')
2849    self.TestLint('default:;',
2850                  'Semicolon defining empty statement. Use {} instead.'
2851                  '  [whitespace/semicolon] [5]')
2852    self.TestLint('      ;',
2853                  'Line contains only semicolon. If this should be an empty '
2854                  'statement, use {} instead.'
2855                  '  [whitespace/semicolon] [5]')
2856    self.TestLint('for (int i = 0; ;', '')
2858  def testEmptyBlockBody(self):
2859    self.TestLint('while (true);',
2860                  'Empty loop bodies should use {} or continue'
2861                  '  [whitespace/empty_loop_body] [5]')
2862    self.TestLint('if (true);',
2863                  'Empty conditional bodies should use {}'
2864                  '  [whitespace/empty_conditional_body] [5]')
2865    self.TestLint('while (true)', '')
2866    self.TestLint('while (true) continue;', '')
2867    self.TestLint('for (;;);',
2868                  'Empty loop bodies should use {} or continue'
2869                  '  [whitespace/empty_loop_body] [5]')
2870    self.TestLint('for (;;)', '')
2871    self.TestLint('for (;;) continue;', '')
2872    self.TestLint('for (;;) func();', '')
2873    self.TestLint('if (test) {}',
2874                  'If statement had no body and no else clause'
2875                  '  [whitespace/empty_if_body] [4]')
2876    self.TestLint('if (test) func();', '')
2877    self.TestLint('if (test) {} else {}', '')
2878    self.TestMultiLineLint("""while (true &&
2879                                     false);""",
2880                           'Empty loop bodies should use {} or continue'
2881                           '  [whitespace/empty_loop_body] [5]')
2882    self.TestMultiLineLint("""do {
2883                           } while (false);""",
2884                           '')
2885    self.TestMultiLineLint("""#define MACRO \\
2886                           do { \\
2887                           } while (false);""",
2888                           '')
2889    self.TestMultiLineLint("""do {
2890                           } while (false);  // next line gets a warning
2891                           while (false);""",
2892                           'Empty loop bodies should use {} or continue'
2893                           '  [whitespace/empty_loop_body] [5]')
2894    self.TestMultiLineLint("""if (test) {
2895                           }""",
2896                           'If statement had no body and no else clause'
2897                           '  [whitespace/empty_if_body] [4]')
2898    self.TestMultiLineLint("""if (test,
2899                               func({})) {
2900                           }""",
2901                           'If statement had no body and no else clause'
2902                           '  [whitespace/empty_if_body] [4]')
2903    self.TestMultiLineLint("""if (test)
2904                             func();""", '')
2905    self.TestLint('if (test) { hello; }', '')
2906    self.TestLint('if (test({})) { hello; }', '')
2907    self.TestMultiLineLint("""if (test) {
2908                             func();
2909                           }""", '')
2910    self.TestMultiLineLint("""if (test) {
2911                             // multiline
2912                             // comment
2913                           }""", '')
2914    self.TestMultiLineLint("""if (test) {  // comment
2915                           }""", '')
2916    self.TestMultiLineLint("""if (test) {
2917                           } else {
2918                           }""", '')
2919    self.TestMultiLineLint("""if (func(p1,
2920                               p2,
2921                               p3)) {
2922                             func();
2923                           }""", '')
2924    self.TestMultiLineLint("""if (func({}, p1)) {
2925                             func();
2926                           }""", '')
2928  def testSpacingForRangeBasedFor(self):
2929    # Basic correctly formatted case:
2930    self.TestLint('for (int i : numbers) {', '')
2932    # Missing space before colon:
2933    self.TestLint('for (int i: numbers) {',
2934                  'Missing space around colon in range-based for loop'
2935                  '  [whitespace/forcolon] [2]')
2936    # Missing space after colon:
2937    self.TestLint('for (int i :numbers) {',
2938                  'Missing space around colon in range-based for loop'
2939                  '  [whitespace/forcolon] [2]')
2940    # Missing spaces both before and after the colon.
2941    self.TestLint('for (int i:numbers) {',
2942                  'Missing space around colon in range-based for loop'
2943                  '  [whitespace/forcolon] [2]')
2945    # The scope operator '::' shouldn't cause warnings...
2946    self.TestLint('for (std::size_t i : sizes) {}', '')
2947    # ...but it shouldn't suppress them either.
2948    self.TestLint('for (std::size_t i: sizes) {}',
2949                  'Missing space around colon in range-based for loop'
2950                  '  [whitespace/forcolon] [2]')
2953  # Static or global STL strings.
2954  def testStaticOrGlobalSTLStrings(self):
2955    # A template for the error message for a const global/static string.
2956    error_msg = ('For a static/global string constant, use a C style '
2957                 'string instead: "%s[]".  [runtime/string] [4]')
2958    # The error message for a non-const global/static string variable.
2959    nonconst_error_msg = ('Static/global string variables are not permitted.'
2960                          '  [runtime/string] [4]')
2962    self.TestLint('string foo;',
2963                  nonconst_error_msg)
2964    self.TestLint('string kFoo = "hello";  // English',
2965                  nonconst_error_msg)
2966    self.TestLint('static string foo;',
2967                  nonconst_error_msg)
2968    self.TestLint('static const string foo;',
2969                  error_msg % 'static const char foo')
2970    self.TestLint('static const std::string foo;',
2971                  error_msg % 'static const char foo')
2972    self.TestLint('string Foo::bar;',
2973                  nonconst_error_msg)
2975    self.TestLint('std::string foo;',
2976                  nonconst_error_msg)
2977    self.TestLint('std::string kFoo = "hello";  // English',
2978                  nonconst_error_msg)
2979    self.TestLint('static std::string foo;',
2980                  nonconst_error_msg)
2981    self.TestLint('static const std::string foo;',
2982                  error_msg % 'static const char foo')
2983    self.TestLint('std::string Foo::bar;',
2984                  nonconst_error_msg)
2986    self.TestLint('::std::string foo;',
2987                  nonconst_error_msg)
2988    self.TestLint('::std::string kFoo = "hello";  // English',
2989                  nonconst_error_msg)
2990    self.TestLint('static ::std::string foo;',
2991                  nonconst_error_msg)
2992    self.TestLint('static const ::std::string foo;',
2993                  error_msg % 'static const char foo')
2994    self.TestLint('::std::string Foo::bar;',
2995                  nonconst_error_msg)
2997    self.TestLint('string* pointer', '')
2998    self.TestLint('string *pointer', '')
2999    self.TestLint('string* pointer = Func();', '')
3000    self.TestLint('string *pointer = Func();', '')
3001    self.TestLint('const string* pointer', '')
3002    self.TestLint('const string *pointer', '')
3003    self.TestLint('const string* pointer = Func();', '')
3004    self.TestLint('const string *pointer = Func();', '')
3005    self.TestLint('string const* pointer', '')
3006    self.TestLint('string const *pointer', '')
3007    self.TestLint('string const* pointer = Func();', '')
3008    self.TestLint('string const *pointer = Func();', '')
3009    self.TestLint('string* const pointer', '')
3010    self.TestLint('string *const pointer', '')
3011    self.TestLint('string* const pointer = Func();', '')
3012    self.TestLint('string *const pointer = Func();', '')
3013    self.TestLint('string Foo::bar() {}', '')
3014    self.TestLint('string Foo::operator*() {}', '')
3015    # Rare case.
3016    self.TestLint('string foo("foobar");', nonconst_error_msg)
3017    # Should not catch local or member variables.
3018    self.TestLint('  string foo', '')
3019    # Should not catch functions.
3020    self.TestLint('string EmptyString() { return ""; }', '')
3021    self.TestLint('string EmptyString () { return ""; }', '')
3022    self.TestLint('string const& FileInfo::Pathname() const;', '')
3023    self.TestLint('string const &FileInfo::Pathname() const;', '')
3024    self.TestLint('string VeryLongNameFunctionSometimesEndsWith(\n'
3025                  '    VeryLongNameType very_long_name_variable) {}', '')
3026    self.TestLint('template<>\n'
3027                  'string FunctionTemplateSpecialization<SomeType>(\n'
3028                  '      int x) { return ""; }', '')
3029    self.TestLint('template<>\n'
3030                  'string FunctionTemplateSpecialization<vector<A::B>* >(\n'
3031                  '      int x) { return ""; }', '')
3033    # should not catch methods of template classes.
3034    self.TestLint('string Class<Type>::Method() const {\n'
3035                  '  return "";\n'
3036                  '}\n', '')
3037    self.TestLint('string Class<Type>::Method(\n'
3038                  '   int arg) const {\n'
3039                  '  return "";\n'
3040                  '}\n', '')
3042    # Check multiline cases.
3043    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3044    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3045                            ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
3046                             'string Class',
3047                             '::MemberFunction1();',
3048                             'string Class::',
3049                             'MemberFunction2();',
3050                             'string Class::',
3051                             'NestedClass::MemberFunction3();',
3052                             'string TemplateClass<T>::',
3053                             'NestedClass::MemberFunction4();',
3054                             'const string Class',
3055                             '::static_member_variable1;',
3056                             'const string Class::',
3057                             'static_member_variable2;',
3058                             'const string Class',
3059                             '::static_member_variable3 = "initial value";',
3060                             'const string Class::',
3061                             'static_member_variable4 = "initial value";',
3062                             'string Class::',
3063                             'static_member_variable5;',
3064                             ''],
3065                            error_collector)
3066    self.assertEquals(error_collector.Results(),
3067                      [error_msg % 'const char Class::static_member_variable1',
3068                       error_msg % 'const char Class::static_member_variable2',
3069                       error_msg % 'const char Class::static_member_variable3',
3070                       error_msg % 'const char Class::static_member_variable4',
3071                       nonconst_error_msg])
3073  def testNoSpacesInFunctionCalls(self):
3074    self.TestLint('TellStory(1, 3);',
3075                  '')
3076    self.TestLint('TellStory(1, 3 );',
3077                  'Extra space before )'
3078                  '  [whitespace/parens] [2]')
3079    self.TestLint('TellStory(1 /* wolf */, 3 /* pigs */);',
3080                  '')
3081    self.TestMultiLineLint("""TellStory(1, 3
3082                                        );""",
3083                           'Closing ) should be moved to the previous line'
3084                           '  [whitespace/parens] [2]')
3085    self.TestMultiLineLint("""TellStory(Wolves(1),
3086                                        Pigs(3
3087                                        ));""",
3088                           'Closing ) should be moved to the previous line'
3089                           '  [whitespace/parens] [2]')
3090    self.TestMultiLineLint("""TellStory(1,
3091                                        3 );""",
3092                           'Extra space before )'
3093                           '  [whitespace/parens] [2]')
3095  def testToDoComments(self):
3096    start_space = ('Too many spaces before TODO'
3097                   '  [whitespace/todo] [2]')
3098    missing_username = ('Missing username in TODO; it should look like '
3099                        '"// TODO(my_username): Stuff."'
3100                        '  [readability/todo] [2]')
3101    end_space = ('TODO(my_username) should be followed by a space'
3102                 '  [whitespace/todo] [2]')
3104    self.TestLint('//   TODOfix this',
3105                  [start_space, missing_username, end_space])
3106    self.TestLint('//   TODO(ljenkins)fix this',
3107                  [start_space, end_space])
3108    self.TestLint('//   TODO fix this',
3109                  [start_space, missing_username])
3110    self.TestLint('// TODO fix this', missing_username)
3111    self.TestLint('// TODO: fix this', missing_username)
3112    self.TestLint('//TODO(ljenkins): Fix this',
3113                  'Should have a space between // and comment'
3114                  '  [whitespace/comments] [4]')
3115    self.TestLint('// TODO(ljenkins):Fix this', end_space)
3116    self.TestLint('// TODO(ljenkins):', '')
3117    self.TestLint('// TODO(ljenkins): fix this', '')
3118    self.TestLint('// TODO(ljenkins): Fix this', '')
3119    self.TestLint('#if 1  // TEST_URLTODOCID_WHICH_HAS_THAT_WORD_IN_IT_H_', '')
3120    self.TestLint('// See also similar TODO above', '')
3121    self.TestLint(r'EXPECT_EQ("\\", '
3122                  r'NormalizePath("/./../foo///bar/..//x/../..", ""));',
3123                  '')
3125  def testTwoSpacesBetweenCodeAndComments(self):
3126    self.TestLint('} // namespace foo',
3127                  'At least two spaces is best between code and comments'
3128                  '  [whitespace/comments] [2]')
3129    self.TestLint('}// namespace foo',
3130                  'At least two spaces is best between code and comments'
3131                  '  [whitespace/comments] [2]')
3132    self.TestLint('printf("foo"); // Outside quotes.',
3133                  'At least two spaces is best between code and comments'
3134                  '  [whitespace/comments] [2]')
3135    self.TestLint('int i = 0;  // Having two spaces is fine.', '')
3136    self.TestLint('int i = 0;   // Having three spaces is OK.', '')
3137    self.TestLint('// Top level comment', '')
3138    self.TestLint('  // Line starts with two spaces.', '')
3139    self.TestMultiLineLint('void foo() {\n'
3140                           '  { // A scope is opening.\n'
3141                           '    int a;', '')
3142    self.TestMultiLineLint('void foo() {\n'
3143                           '  { // A scope is opening.\n'
3144                           '#define A a',
3145                           'At least two spaces is best between code and '
3146                           'comments  [whitespace/comments] [2]')
3147    self.TestMultiLineLint('  foo();\n'
3148                           '  { // An indented scope is opening.\n'
3149                           '    int a;', '')
3150    self.TestMultiLineLint('vector<int> my_elements = {// first\n'
3151                           '                           1,', '')
3152    self.TestMultiLineLint('vector<int> my_elements = {// my_elements is ..\n'
3153                           '    1,',
3154                           'At least two spaces is best between code and '
3155                           'comments  [whitespace/comments] [2]')
3156    self.TestLint('if (foo) { // not a pure scope; comment is too close!',
3157                  'At least two spaces is best between code and comments'
3158                  '  [whitespace/comments] [2]')
3159    self.TestLint('printf("// In quotes.")', '')
3160    self.TestLint('printf("\\"%s // In quotes.")', '')
3161    self.TestLint('printf("%s", "// In quotes.")', '')
3163  def testSpaceAfterCommentMarker(self):
3164    self.TestLint('//', '')
3165    self.TestLint('//x', 'Should have a space between // and comment'
3166                  '  [whitespace/comments] [4]')
3167    self.TestLint('// x', '')
3168    self.TestLint('///', '')
3169    self.TestLint('/// x', '')
3170    self.TestLint('//!', '')
3171    self.TestLint('//----', '')
3172    self.TestLint('//====', '')
3173    self.TestLint('//////', '')
3174    self.TestLint('////// x', '')
3175    self.TestLint('///< x', '') # After-member Doxygen comment
3176    self.TestLint('//!< x', '') # After-member Doxygen comment
3177    self.TestLint('////x', 'Should have a space between // and comment'
3178                  '  [whitespace/comments] [4]')
3179    self.TestLint('//}', '')
3180    self.TestLint('//}x', 'Should have a space between // and comment'
3181                  '  [whitespace/comments] [4]')
3182    self.TestLint('//!<x', 'Should have a space between // and comment'
3183                  '  [whitespace/comments] [4]')
3184    self.TestLint('///<x', 'Should have a space between // and comment'
3185                  '  [whitespace/comments] [4]')
3187  # Test a line preceded by empty or comment lines.  There was a bug
3188  # that caused it to print the same warning N times if the erroneous
3189  # line was preceded by N lines of empty or comment lines.  To be
3190  # precise, the '// marker so line numbers and indices both start at
3191  # 1' line was also causing the issue.
3192  def testLinePrecededByEmptyOrCommentLines(self):
3193    def DoTest(self, lines):
3194      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3195      cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc', lines, error_collector)
3196      # The warning appears only once.
3197      self.assertEquals(
3198          1,
3199          error_collector.Results().count(
3200              'Do not use namespace using-directives.  '
3201              'Use using-declarations instead.'
3202              '  [build/namespaces] [5]'))
3203    DoTest(self, ['using namespace foo;'])
3204    DoTest(self, ['', '', '', 'using namespace foo;'])
3205    DoTest(self, ['// hello', 'using namespace foo;'])
3207  def testUsingLiteralsNamespaces(self):
3208    self.TestLint('using namespace std::literals;', 'Do not use namespace'
3209        ' using-directives.  Use using-declarations instead.'
3210        '  [build/namespaces_literals] [5]')
3211    self.TestLint('using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;', 'Do'
3212        ' not use namespace using-directives.  Use using-declarations instead.'
3213        '  [build/namespaces_literals] [5]')
3215  def testNewlineAtEOF(self):
3216    def DoTest(self, data, is_missing_eof):
3217      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3218      cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc', data.split('\n'),
3219                              error_collector)
3220      # The warning appears only once.
3221      self.assertEquals(
3222          int(is_missing_eof),
3223          error_collector.Results().count(
3224              'Could not find a newline character at the end of the file.'
3225              '  [whitespace/ending_newline] [5]'))
3227    DoTest(self, '// Newline\n// at EOF\n', False)
3228    DoTest(self, '// No newline\n// at EOF', True)
3230  def testInvalidUtf8(self):
3231    def DoTest(self, raw_bytes, has_invalid_utf8):
3232      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3233      if sys.version_info < (3,):
3234          unidata = unicode(raw_bytes, 'utf8', 'replace').split('\n')
3235      else:
3236          unidata = str(raw_bytes, 'utf8', 'replace').split('\n')
3237      cpplint.ProcessFileData(
3238          'foo.cc', 'cc',
3239          unidata,
3240          error_collector)
3241      # The warning appears only once.
3242      self.assertEquals(
3243          int(has_invalid_utf8),
3244          error_collector.Results().count(
3245              'Line contains invalid UTF-8'
3246              ' (or Unicode replacement character).'
3247              '  [readability/utf8] [5]'))
3249    DoTest(self, codecs_latin_encode('Hello world\n'), False)
3250    DoTest(self, codecs_latin_encode('\xe9\x8e\xbd\n'), False)
3251    DoTest(self, codecs_latin_encode('\xe9x\x8e\xbd\n'), True)
3252    # This is the encoding of the replacement character itself (which
3253    # you can see by evaluating codecs.getencoder('utf8')(u'\ufffd')).
3254    DoTest(self, codecs_latin_encode('\xef\xbf\xbd\n'), True)
3256  def testBadCharacters(self):
3257    # Test for NUL bytes only
3258    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3259    cpplint.ProcessFileData('nul.cc', 'cc',
3260                            ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
3261                             '\0', ''], error_collector)
3262    self.assertEquals(
3263        error_collector.Results(),
3264        'Line contains NUL byte.  [readability/nul] [5]')
3266    # Make sure both NUL bytes and UTF-8 are caught if they appear on
3267    # the same line.
3268    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3269    raw_bytes = codecs_latin_encode('\xe9x\0')
3270    if sys.version_info < (3,):
3271          unidata = unicode(raw_bytes, 'utf8', 'replace')
3272    else:
3273          unidata = str(raw_bytes, 'utf8', 'replace')
3274    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
3275        'nul_utf8.cc', 'cc',
3276        ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
3277         unidata,
3278         ''],
3279        error_collector)
3280    self.assertEquals(
3281        error_collector.Results(),
3282        ['Line contains invalid UTF-8 (or Unicode replacement character).'
3283         '  [readability/utf8] [5]',
3284         'Line contains NUL byte.  [readability/nul] [5]'])
3286  def testIsBlankLine(self):
3287    self.assert_(cpplint.IsBlankLine(''))
3288    self.assert_(cpplint.IsBlankLine(' '))
3289    self.assert_(cpplint.IsBlankLine(' \t\r\n'))
3290    self.assert_(not cpplint.IsBlankLine('int a;'))
3291    self.assert_(not cpplint.IsBlankLine('{'))
3293  def testBlankLinesCheck(self):
3294    self.TestBlankLinesCheck(['{\n', '\n', '\n', '}\n'], 1, 1)
3295    self.TestBlankLinesCheck(['  if (foo) {\n', '\n', '  }\n'], 1, 1)
3296    self.TestBlankLinesCheck(
3297        ['\n', '// {\n', '\n', '\n', '// Comment\n', '{\n', '}\n'], 0, 0)
3298    self.TestBlankLinesCheck(['\n', 'run("{");\n', '\n'], 0, 0)
3299    self.TestBlankLinesCheck(['\n', '  if (foo) { return 0; }\n', '\n'], 0, 0)
3300    self.TestBlankLinesCheck(
3301        ['int x(\n', '    int a) {\n', '\n', 'return 0;\n', '}'], 0, 0)
3302    self.TestBlankLinesCheck(
3303        ['int x(\n', '    int a) const {\n', '\n', 'return 0;\n', '}'], 0, 0)
3304    self.TestBlankLinesCheck(
3305        ['int x(\n', '     int a) {\n', '\n', 'return 0;\n', '}'], 1, 0)
3306    self.TestBlankLinesCheck(
3307        ['int x(\n', '   int a) {\n', '\n', 'return 0;\n', '}'], 1, 0)
3309  def testAllowBlankLineBeforeClosingNamespace(self):
3310    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3311    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3312                            ['namespace {',
3313                             '',
3314                             '}  // namespace',
3315                             'namespace another_namespace {',
3316                             '',
3317                             '}',
3318                             'namespace {',
3319                             '',
3320                             'template<class T, ',
3321                             '         class A = hoge<T>, ',
3322                             '         class B = piyo<T>, ',
3323                             '         class C = fuga<T> >',
3324                             'class D {',
3325                             ' public:',
3326                             '};',
3327                             '', '', '', '',
3328                             '}'],
3329                            error_collector)
3330    self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.Results().count(
3331        'Redundant blank line at the end of a code block should be deleted.'
3332        '  [whitespace/blank_line] [3]'))
3334  def testAllowBlankLineBeforeIfElseChain(self):
3335    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3336    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3337                            ['if (hoge) {',
3338                             '',  # No warning
3339                             '} else if (piyo) {',
3340                             '',  # No warning
3341                             '} else if (piyopiyo) {',
3342                             '  hoge = true;',  # No warning
3343                             '} else {',
3344                             '',  # Warning on this line
3345                             '}'],
3346                            error_collector)
3347    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
3348        'Redundant blank line at the end of a code block should be deleted.'
3349        '  [whitespace/blank_line] [3]'))
3351  def testAllowBlankLineAfterExtern(self):
3352    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3353    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3354                            ['extern "C" {',
3355                             '',
3356                             'EXPORTAPI void APICALL Some_function() {}',
3357                             '',
3358                             '}'],
3359                            error_collector)
3360    self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.Results().count(
3361        'Redundant blank line at the start of a code block should be deleted.'
3362        '  [whitespace/blank_line] [2]'))
3363    self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.Results().count(
3364        'Redundant blank line at the end of a code block should be deleted.'
3365        '  [whitespace/blank_line] [3]'))
3367  def testBlankLineBeforeSectionKeyword(self):
3368    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3369    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3370                            ['class A {',
3371                             ' public:',
3372                             ' protected:',   # warning 1
3373                             ' private:',     # warning 2
3374                             '  struct B {',
3375                             '   public:',
3376                             '   private:'] +  # warning 3
3377                            ([''] * 100) +  # Make A and B longer than 100 lines
3378                            ['  };',
3379                             '  struct C {',
3380                             '   protected:',
3381                             '   private:',  # C is too short for warnings
3382                             '  };',
3383                             '};',
3384                             'class D',
3385                             '    : public {',
3386                             ' public:',  # no warning
3387                             '};',
3388                             'class E {\\',
3389                             ' public:\\'] +
3390                            (['\\'] * 100) +  # Makes E > 100 lines
3391                            ['  int non_empty_line;\\',
3392                             ' private:\\',   # no warning
3393                             '  int a;\\',
3394                             '};'],
3395                            error_collector)
3396    self.assertEquals(2, error_collector.Results().count(
3397        '"private:" should be preceded by a blank line'
3398        '  [whitespace/blank_line] [3]'))
3399    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
3400        '"protected:" should be preceded by a blank line'
3401        '  [whitespace/blank_line] [3]'))
3403  def testNoBlankLineAfterSectionKeyword(self):
3404    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3405    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3406                            ['class A {',
3407                             ' public:',
3408                             '',  # warning 1
3409                             ' private:',
3410                             '',  # warning 2
3411                             '  struct B {',
3412                             '   protected:',
3413                             '',  # warning 3
3414                             '  };',
3415                             '};'],
3416                            error_collector)
3417    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
3418        'Do not leave a blank line after "public:"'
3419        '  [whitespace/blank_line] [3]'))
3420    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
3421        'Do not leave a blank line after "protected:"'
3422        '  [whitespace/blank_line] [3]'))
3423    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
3424        'Do not leave a blank line after "private:"'
3425        '  [whitespace/blank_line] [3]'))
3427  def testAllowBlankLinesInRawStrings(self):
3428    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3429    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3430                            ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
3431                             'static const char *kData[] = {R"(',
3432                             '',
3433                             ')", R"(',
3434                             '',
3435                             ')"};',
3436                             ''],
3437                            error_collector)
3438    self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
3440  def testElseOnSameLineAsClosingBraces(self):
3441    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3442    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3443                            ['if (hoge) {',
3444                             '}',
3445                             'else if (piyo) {',  # Warning on this line
3446                             '}',
3447                             ' else {'  # Warning on this line
3448                             '',
3449                             '}'],
3450                            error_collector)
3451    self.assertEquals(2, error_collector.Results().count(
3452        'An else should appear on the same line as the preceding }'
3453        '  [whitespace/newline] [4]'))
3455    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3456    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3457                            ['if (hoge) {',
3458                             '',
3459                             '}',
3460                             'else',  # Warning on this line
3461                             '{',
3462                             '',
3463                             '}'],
3464                            error_collector)
3465    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
3466        'An else should appear on the same line as the preceding }'
3467        '  [whitespace/newline] [4]'))
3469    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3470    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3471                            ['if (hoge) {',
3472                             '',
3473                             '}',
3474                             'else_function();'],
3475                            error_collector)
3476    self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.Results().count(
3477        'An else should appear on the same line as the preceding }'
3478        '  [whitespace/newline] [4]'))
3480  def testMultipleStatementsOnSameLine(self):
3481    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3482    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3483                            ['for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {}',
3484                             'switch (x) {',
3485                             '  case 0: func(); break; ',
3486                             '}',
3487                             'sum += MathUtil::SafeIntRound(x); x += 0.1;'],
3488                            error_collector)
3489    self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.Results().count(
3490        'More than one command on the same line  [whitespace/newline] [0]'))
3492    old_verbose_level = cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level
3493    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = 0
3494    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3495                            ['sum += MathUtil::SafeIntRound(x); x += 0.1;'],
3496                            error_collector)
3497    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = old_verbose_level
3499  def testLambdasOnSameLine(self):
3500    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3501    old_verbose_level = cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level
3502    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = 0
3503    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3504                            ['const auto lambda = '
3505                              '[](const int i) { return i; };'],
3506                            error_collector)
3507    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = old_verbose_level
3508    self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.Results().count(
3509        'More than one command on the same line  [whitespace/newline] [0]'))
3511    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3512    old_verbose_level = cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level
3513    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = 0
3514    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3515                            ['const auto result = std::any_of(vector.begin(), '
3516                              'vector.end(), '
3517                              '[](const int i) { return i > 0; });'],
3518                            error_collector)
3519    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = old_verbose_level
3520    self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.Results().count(
3521        'More than one command on the same line  [whitespace/newline] [0]'))
3523    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3524    old_verbose_level = cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level
3525    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = 0
3526    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3527                            ['return mutex::Lock<void>([this]() { '
3528                              'this->ReadLock(); }, [this]() { '
3529                              'this->ReadUnlock(); });'],
3530                            error_collector)
3531    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = old_verbose_level
3532    self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.Results().count(
3533        'More than one command on the same line  [whitespace/newline] [0]'))
3535    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3536    old_verbose_level = cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level
3537    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = 0
3538    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3539                            ['return mutex::Lock<void>([this]() { '
3540                              'this->ReadLock(); }, [this]() { '
3541                              'this->ReadUnlock(); }, object);'],
3542                            error_collector)
3543    cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = old_verbose_level
3544    self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.Results().count(
3545        'More than one command on the same line  [whitespace/newline] [0]'))
3547  def testEndOfNamespaceComments(self):
3548    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
3549    cpplint.ProcessFileData('foo.cc', 'cc',
3550                            ['namespace {',
3551                             '',
3552                             '}',  # No warning (too short)
3553                             'namespace expected {',
3554                             '}  // namespace mismatched',  # Warning here
3555                             'namespace {',
3556                             '}  // namespace mismatched',  # Warning here
3557                             'namespace outer { namespace nested {'] +
3558                            ([''] * 10) +
3559                            ['}',  # Warning here
3560                             '}',  # Warning here
3561                             'namespace {'] +
3562                            ([''] * 10) +
3563                            ['}',  # Warning here
3564                             'namespace {'] +
3565                            ([''] * 10) +
3566                            ['}  // namespace some description',  # Anon warning
3567                             'namespace {'] +
3568                            ([''] * 10) +
3569                            ['}  // namespace anonymous',  # Variant warning
3570                             'namespace {'] +
3571                            ([''] * 10) +
3572                            ['}  // anonymous namespace (utils)',  # Variant
3573                             'namespace {'] +
3574                            ([''] * 10) +
3575                            ['}  // anonymous namespace',  # No warning
3576                             'namespace missing_comment {'] +
3577                            ([''] * 10) +
3578                            ['}',  # Warning here
3579                             'namespace no_warning {'] +
3580                            ([''] * 10) +
3581                            ['}  // namespace no_warning',
3582                             'namespace no_warning {'] +
3583                            ([''] * 10) +
3584                            ['};  // end namespace no_warning',
3585                             '#define MACRO \\',
3586                             'namespace c_style { \\'] +
3587                            (['\\'] * 10) +
3588                            ['}  /* namespace c_style. */ \\',
3589                             ';'],
3590                            error_collector)
3591    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
3592        'Namespace should be terminated with "// namespace expected"'
3593        '  [readability/namespace] [5]'))
3594    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
3595        'Namespace should be terminated with "// namespace outer"'
3596        '  [readability/namespace] [5]'))
3597    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
3598        'Namespace should be terminated with "// namespace nested"'
3599        '  [readability/namespace] [5]'))
3600    self.assertEquals(3, error_collector.Results().count(
3601        'Anonymous namespace should be terminated with "// namespace"'
3602        '  [readability/namespace] [5]'))
3603    self.assertEquals(2, error_collector.Results().count(
3604        'Anonymous namespace should be terminated with "// namespace" or'
3605        ' "// anonymous namespace"'
3606        '  [readability/namespace] [5]'))
3607    self.assertEquals(1, error_collector.Results().count(
3608        'Namespace should be terminated with "// namespace missing_comment"'
3609        '  [readability/namespace] [5]'))
3610    self.assertEquals(0, error_collector.Results().count(
3611        'Namespace should be terminated with "// namespace no_warning"'
3612        '  [readability/namespace] [5]'))
3614  def testElseClauseNotOnSameLineAsElse(self):
3615    self.TestLint('  else DoSomethingElse();',
3616                  'Else clause should never be on same line as else '
3617                  '(use 2 lines)  [whitespace/newline] [4]')
3618    self.TestLint('  else ifDoSomethingElse();',
3619                  'Else clause should never be on same line as else '
3620                  '(use 2 lines)  [whitespace/newline] [4]')
3621    self.TestLint('  } else if (blah) {', '')
3622    self.TestLint('  variable_ends_in_else = true;', '')
3624  def testComma(self):
3625    self.TestLint('a = f(1,2);',
3626                  'Missing space after ,  [whitespace/comma] [3]')
3627    self.TestLint('int tmp=a,a=b,b=tmp;',
3628                  ['Missing spaces around =  [whitespace/operators] [4]',
3629                   'Missing space after ,  [whitespace/comma] [3]'])
3630    self.TestLint('f(a, /* name */ b);', '')
3631    self.TestLint('f(a, /* name */b);', '')
3632    self.TestLint('f(a, /* name */-1);', '')
3633    self.TestLint('f(a, /* name */"1");', '')
3634    self.TestLint('f(1, /* empty macro arg */, 2)', '')
3635    self.TestLint('f(1,, 2)', '')
3636    self.TestLint('operator,()', '')
3637    self.TestLint('operator,(a,b)',
3638                  'Missing space after ,  [whitespace/comma] [3]')
3640  def testEqualsOperatorSpacing(self):
3641    self.TestLint('int tmp= a;',
3642                  'Missing spaces around =  [whitespace/operators] [4]')
3643    self.TestLint('int tmp =a;',
3644                  'Missing spaces around =  [whitespace/operators] [4]')
3645    self.TestLint('int tmp=a;',
3646                  'Missing spaces around =  [whitespace/operators] [4]')
3647    self.TestLint('int tmp= 7;',
3648                  'Missing spaces around =  [whitespace/operators] [4]')
3649    self.TestLint('int tmp =7;',
3650                  'Missing spaces around =  [whitespace/operators] [4]')
3651    self.TestLint('int tmp=7;',
3652                  'Missing spaces around =  [whitespace/operators] [4]')
3653    self.TestLint('int* tmp=*p;',
3654                  'Missing spaces around =  [whitespace/operators] [4]')
3655    self.TestLint('int* tmp= *p;',
3656                  'Missing spaces around =  [whitespace/operators] [4]')
3657    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3658        TrimExtraIndent('''
3659            lookahead_services_=
3660              ::strings::Split(FLAGS_ls, ",", ::strings::SkipEmpty());'''),
3661        'Missing spaces around =  [whitespace/operators] [4]')
3662    self.TestLint('bool result = a>=42;',
3663                  'Missing spaces around >=  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
3664    self.TestLint('bool result = a<=42;',
3665                  'Missing spaces around <=  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
3666    self.TestLint('bool result = a==42;',
3667                  'Missing spaces around ==  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
3668    self.TestLint('auto result = a!=42;',
3669                  'Missing spaces around !=  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
3670    self.TestLint('int a = b!=c;',
3671                  'Missing spaces around !=  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
3672    self.TestLint('a&=42;', '')
3673    self.TestLint('a|=42;', '')
3674    self.TestLint('a^=42;', '')
3675    self.TestLint('a+=42;', '')
3676    self.TestLint('a*=42;', '')
3677    self.TestLint('a/=42;', '')
3678    self.TestLint('a%=42;', '')
3679    self.TestLint('a>>=5;', '')
3680    self.TestLint('a<<=5;', '')
3682  def testShiftOperatorSpacing(self):
3683    self.TestLint('a<<b',
3684                  'Missing spaces around <<  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
3685    self.TestLint('a>>b',
3686                  'Missing spaces around >>  [whitespace/operators] [3]')
3687    self.TestLint('1<<20', '')
3688    self.TestLint('1024>>10', '')
3689    self.TestLint('Kernel<<<1, 2>>>()', '')
3691  def testIndent(self):
3692    self.TestLint('static int noindent;', '')
3693    self.TestLint('  int two_space_indent;', '')
3694    self.TestLint('    int four_space_indent;', '')
3695    self.TestLint(' int one_space_indent;',
3696                  'Weird number of spaces at line-start.  '
3697                  'Are you using a 2-space indent?  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3698    self.TestLint('   int three_space_indent;',
3699                  'Weird number of spaces at line-start.  '
3700                  'Are you using a 2-space indent?  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3701    self.TestLint(' char* one_space_indent = "public:";',
3702                  'Weird number of spaces at line-start.  '
3703                  'Are you using a 2-space indent?  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3704    self.TestLint(' public:', '')
3705    self.TestLint('  protected:', '')
3706    self.TestLint('   private:', '')
3707    self.TestLint(' protected: \\', '')
3708    self.TestLint('  public:      \\', '')
3709    self.TestLint('   private:   \\', '')
3710    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3711        TrimExtraIndent("""
3712            class foo {
3713             public slots:
3714              void bar();
3715            };"""),
3716        'Weird number of spaces at line-start.  '
3717        'Are you using a 2-space indent?  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3718    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3719        TrimExtraIndent('''
3720            static const char kRawString[] = R"("
3721             ")";'''),
3722        '')
3723    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3724        TrimExtraIndent('''
3725            KV<Query,
3726               Tuple<TaxonomyId, PetacatCategoryId, double>>'''),
3727        '')
3728    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3729        ' static const char kSingleLineRawString[] = R"(...)";',
3730        'Weird number of spaces at line-start.  '
3731        'Are you using a 2-space indent?  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3733  def testSectionIndent(self):
3734    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3735        """
3736        class A {
3737         public:  // no warning
3738          private:  // warning here
3739        };""",
3740        'private: should be indented +1 space inside class A'
3741        '  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3742    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3743        """
3744        class B {
3745         public:  // no warning
3746          template<> struct C {
3747            public:    // warning here
3748           protected:  // no warning
3749          };
3750        };""",
3751        'public: should be indented +1 space inside struct C'
3752        '  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3753    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3754        """
3755        struct D {
3756         };""",
3757        'Closing brace should be aligned with beginning of struct D'
3758        '  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3759    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3760        """
3761         template<typename E> class F {
3762        };""",
3763        'Closing brace should be aligned with beginning of class F'
3764        '  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3765    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3766        """
3767        class G {
3768          Q_OBJECT
3769        public slots:
3770        signals:
3771        };""",
3772        ['public slots: should be indented +1 space inside class G'
3773         '  [whitespace/indent] [3]',
3774         'signals: should be indented +1 space inside class G'
3775         '  [whitespace/indent] [3]'])
3776    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3777        """
3778        class H {
3779          /* comments */ class I {
3780           public:  // no warning
3781            private:  // warning here
3782          };
3783        };""",
3784        'private: should be indented +1 space inside class I'
3785        '  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3786    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3787        """
3788        class J
3789            : public ::K {
3790         public:  // no warning
3791          protected:  // warning here
3792        };""",
3793        'protected: should be indented +1 space inside class J'
3794        '  [whitespace/indent] [3]')
3795    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3796        """
3797        class L
3798            : public M,
3799              public ::N {
3800        };""",
3801        '')
3802    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3803        """
3804        template <class O,
3805                  class P,
3806                  class Q,
3807                  typename R>
3808        static void Func() {
3809        }""",
3810        '')
3812  def testConditionals(self):
3813    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3814        """
3815        if (foo)
3816          goto fail;
3817          goto fail;""",
3818        'If/else bodies with multiple statements require braces'
3819        '  [readability/braces] [4]')
3820    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3821        """
3822        if (foo)
3823          goto fail; goto fail;""",
3824        'If/else bodies with multiple statements require braces'
3825        '  [readability/braces] [4]')
3826    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3827        """
3828        if (foo)
3829          foo;
3830        else
3831          goto fail;
3832          goto fail;""",
3833        'If/else bodies with multiple statements require braces'
3834        '  [readability/braces] [4]')
3835    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3836        """
3837        if (foo) goto fail;
3838          goto fail;""",
3839        'If/else bodies with multiple statements require braces'
3840        '  [readability/braces] [4]')
3841    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3842        """
3843        if constexpr (foo) {
3844          goto fail;
3845          goto fail;
3846        } else if constexpr (bar) {
3847          hello();
3848        }""",
3849        '')
3850    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3851        """
3852        if (foo)
3853          if (bar)
3854            baz;
3855          else
3856            qux;""",
3857        'Else clause should be indented at the same level as if. Ambiguous'
3858        ' nested if/else chains require braces.  [readability/braces] [4]')
3859    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3860        """
3861        if (foo)
3862          if (bar)
3863            baz;
3864        else
3865          qux;""",
3866        'Else clause should be indented at the same level as if. Ambiguous'
3867        ' nested if/else chains require braces.  [readability/braces] [4]')
3868    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3869        """
3870        if (foo) {
3871          bar;
3872          baz;
3873        } else
3874          qux;""",
3875        'If an else has a brace on one side, it should have it on both'
3876        '  [readability/braces] [5]')
3877    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3878        """
3879        if (foo)
3880          bar;
3881        else {
3882          baz;
3883        }""",
3884        'If an else has a brace on one side, it should have it on both'
3885        '  [readability/braces] [5]')
3886    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3887        """
3888        if (foo)
3889          bar;
3890        else if (baz) {
3891          qux;
3892        }""",
3893        'If an else has a brace on one side, it should have it on both'
3894        '  [readability/braces] [5]')
3895    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3896        """
3897        if (foo) {
3898          bar;
3899        } else if (baz)
3900          qux;""",
3901        'If an else has a brace on one side, it should have it on both'
3902        '  [readability/braces] [5]')
3903    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3904        """
3905        if (foo)
3906          goto fail;
3907        bar;""",
3908        '')
3909    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3910        """
3911        if (foo
3912            && bar) {
3913          baz;
3914          qux;
3915        }""",
3916        '')
3917    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3918        """
3919        if (foo)
3920          goto
3921            fail;""",
3922        '')
3923    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3924        """
3925        if (foo)
3926          bar;
3927        else
3928          baz;
3929        qux;""",
3930        '')
3931    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3932        """
3933        for (;;) {
3934          if (foo)
3935            bar;
3936          else
3937            baz;
3938        }""",
3939        '')
3940    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3941        """
3942        if (foo)
3943          bar;
3944        else if (baz)
3945          baz;""",
3946        '')
3947    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3948        """
3949        if (foo)
3950          bar;
3951        else
3952          baz;""",
3953        '')
3954    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3955        """
3956        if (foo) {
3957          bar;
3958        } else {
3959          baz;
3960        }""",
3961        '')
3962    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3963        """
3964        if (foo) {
3965          bar;
3966        } else if (baz) {
3967          qux;
3968        }""",
3969        '')
3970    # Note: this is an error for a different reason, but should not trigger the
3971    # single-line if error.
3972    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3973        """
3974        if (foo)
3975        {
3976          bar;
3977          baz;
3978        }""",
3979        '{ should almost always be at the end of the previous line'
3980        '  [whitespace/braces] [4]')
3981    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3982        """
3983        if (foo) { \\
3984          bar; \\
3985          baz; \\
3986        }""",
3987        '')
3988    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3989        """
3990        void foo() { if (bar) baz; }""",
3991        '')
3992    self.TestMultiLineLint(
3993        """
3994        #if foo
3995          bar;
3996        #else
3997          baz;
3998          qux;
3999        #endif""",
4000        '')
4001    self.TestMultiLineLint(
4002        """void F() {
4003          variable = [] { if (true); };
4004          variable =
4005              [] { if (true); };
4006          Call(
4007              [] { if (true); },
4008              [] { if (true); });
4009        }""",
4010        '')
4012  def testTab(self):
4013    self.TestLint('\tint a;',
4014                  'Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]')
4015    self.TestLint('int a = 5;\t\t// set a to 5',
4016                  'Tab found; better to use spaces  [whitespace/tab] [1]')
4018  def testParseArguments(self):
4019    old_output_format = cpplint._cpplint_state.output_format
4020    old_verbose_level = cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level
4021    old_headers = cpplint._hpp_headers
4022    old_filters = cpplint._cpplint_state.filters
4023    old_line_length = cpplint._line_length
4024    old_valid_extensions = cpplint._valid_extensions
4025    try:
4026      # Don't print usage during the tests, or filter categories
4027      sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
4028      sys.stderr = open(os.devnull, 'w')
4030      self.assertRaises(SystemExit, cpplint.ParseArguments, [])
4031      self.assertRaises(SystemExit, cpplint.ParseArguments, ['--badopt'])
4032      self.assertRaises(SystemExit, cpplint.ParseArguments, ['--help'])
4033      self.assertRaises(SystemExit, cpplint.ParseArguments, ['--version'])
4034      self.assertRaises(SystemExit, cpplint.ParseArguments, ['--v=0'])
4035      self.assertRaises(SystemExit, cpplint.ParseArguments, ['--filter='])
4036      # This is illegal because all filters must start with + or -
4037      self.assertRaises(SystemExit, cpplint.ParseArguments, ['--filter=foo'])
4038      self.assertRaises(SystemExit, cpplint.ParseArguments,
4039                        ['--filter=+a,b,-c'])
4040      self.assertRaises(SystemExit, cpplint.ParseArguments, ['--headers'])
4042      self.assertEquals(['foo.cc'], cpplint.ParseArguments(['foo.cc']))
4043      self.assertEquals(old_output_format, cpplint._cpplint_state.output_format)
4044      self.assertEquals(old_verbose_level, cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level)
4046      self.assertEquals(['foo.cc'],
4047                        cpplint.ParseArguments(['--v=1', 'foo.cc']))
4048      self.assertEquals(1, cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level)
4049      self.assertEquals(['foo.h'],
4050                        cpplint.ParseArguments(['--v=3', 'foo.h']))
4051      self.assertEquals(3, cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level)
4052      self.assertEquals(['foo.cpp'],
4053                        cpplint.ParseArguments(['--verbose=5', 'foo.cpp']))
4054      self.assertEquals(5, cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level)
4055      self.assertRaises(ValueError,
4056                        cpplint.ParseArguments, ['--v=f', 'foo.cc'])
4058      self.assertEquals(['foo.cc'],
4059                        cpplint.ParseArguments(['--output=emacs', 'foo.cc']))
4060      self.assertEquals('emacs', cpplint._cpplint_state.output_format)
4061      self.assertEquals(['foo.h'],
4062                        cpplint.ParseArguments(['--output=vs7', 'foo.h']))
4063      self.assertEquals('vs7', cpplint._cpplint_state.output_format)
4064      self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
4065                        cpplint.ParseArguments, ['--output=blah', 'foo.cc'])
4067      filt = '-,+whitespace,-whitespace/indent'
4068      self.assertEquals(['foo.h'],
4069                        cpplint.ParseArguments(['--filter='+filt, 'foo.h']))
4070      self.assertEquals(['-', '+whitespace', '-whitespace/indent'],
4071                        cpplint._cpplint_state.filters)
4073      self.assertEquals(['foo.cc', 'foo.h'],
4074                        cpplint.ParseArguments(['foo.cc', 'foo.h']))
4076      cpplint._hpp_headers = old_headers
4077      cpplint._valid_extensions = old_valid_extensions
4078      self.assertEqual(['foo.h'],
4079                       cpplint.ParseArguments(['--linelength=120', 'foo.h']))
4080      self.assertEqual(120, cpplint._line_length)
4081      self.assertEqual(set(['h', 'hh', 'hpp', 'hxx', 'h++', 'cuh']), cpplint.GetHeaderExtensions())  # Default value
4083      cpplint._hpp_headers = old_headers
4084      cpplint._valid_extensions = old_valid_extensions
4085      self.assertEqual(['foo.h'],
4086                       cpplint.ParseArguments(['--headers=h', 'foo.h']))
4087      self.assertEqual(set(['h', 'c', 'cc', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'c++', 'cu']), cpplint.GetAllExtensions())
4089      cpplint._hpp_headers = old_headers
4090      cpplint._valid_extensions = old_valid_extensions
4091      self.assertEqual(['foo.h'],
4092                       cpplint.ParseArguments(['--extensions=hpp,cpp,cpp', 'foo.h']))
4093      self.assertEqual(set(['hpp', 'cpp']), cpplint.GetAllExtensions())
4094      self.assertEqual(set(['hpp']), cpplint.GetHeaderExtensions())
4096      cpplint._hpp_headers = old_headers
4097      cpplint._valid_extensions = old_valid_extensions
4098      self.assertEqual(['foo.h'],
4099                       cpplint.ParseArguments(['--extensions=cpp,cpp', '--headers=hpp,h', 'foo.h']))
4100      self.assertEqual(set(['hpp', 'h']), cpplint.GetHeaderExtensions())
4101      self.assertEqual(set(['hpp', 'h', 'cpp']), cpplint.GetAllExtensions())
4103    finally:
4104      sys.stdout == sys.__stdout__
4105      sys.stderr == sys.__stderr__
4106      cpplint._cpplint_state.output_format = old_output_format
4107      cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = old_verbose_level
4108      cpplint._cpplint_state.filters = old_filters
4109      cpplint._line_length = old_line_length
4110      cpplint._valid_extensions = old_valid_extensions
4111      cpplint._hpp_headers = old_headers
4113  def testRecursiveArgument(self):
4114    working_dir = os.getcwd()
4115    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
4116    try:
4117      src_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "src")
4118      nested_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "src", "nested")
4119      os.makedirs(nested_dir)
4120      open(os.path.join(temp_dir, "one.cpp"), 'w').close()
4121      open(os.path.join(src_dir, "two.cpp"), 'w').close()
4122      open(os.path.join(nested_dir, "three.cpp"), 'w').close()
4123      os.chdir(temp_dir)
4124      expected = ['one.cpp', os.path.join('src', 'two.cpp'),
4125                  os.path.join('src', 'nested', 'three.cpp')]
4126      cpplint._excludes = None
4127      actual = cpplint.ParseArguments(['--recursive', 'one.cpp', 'src'])
4128      self.assertEquals(set(expected), set(actual))
4129    finally:
4130        os.chdir(working_dir)
4131        shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
4133  def testRecursiveExcludeInvalidFileExtension(self):
4134    working_dir = os.getcwd()
4135    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
4136    try:
4137      src_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "src")
4138      os.makedirs(src_dir)
4139      open(os.path.join(temp_dir, "one.cpp"), 'w').close()
4140      open(os.path.join(src_dir, "two.cpp"), 'w').close()
4141      open(os.path.join(src_dir, "three.cc"), 'w').close()
4142      os.chdir(temp_dir)
4143      expected = ['one.cpp', os.path.join('src', 'two.cpp')]
4144      cpplint._excludes = None
4145      actual = cpplint.ParseArguments(['--recursive', '--extensions=cpp',
4146          'one.cpp', 'src'])
4147      self.assertEquals(set(expected), set(actual))
4148    finally:
4149        os.chdir(working_dir)
4150        shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
4151        cpplint._hpp_headers = set([])
4152        cpplint._valid_extensions = set([])
4154  def testRecursiveExclude(self):
4155    working_dir = os.getcwd()
4156    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
4157    try:
4158      src_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'src')
4159      src2_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'src2')
4160      os.makedirs(src_dir)
4161      os.makedirs(src2_dir)
4162      open(os.path.join(src_dir, 'one.cc'), 'w').close()
4163      open(os.path.join(src_dir, 'two.cc'), 'w').close()
4164      open(os.path.join(src_dir, 'three.cc'), 'w').close()
4165      open(os.path.join(src2_dir, 'one.cc'), 'w').close()
4166      open(os.path.join(src2_dir, 'two.cc'), 'w').close()
4167      open(os.path.join(src2_dir, 'three.cc'), 'w').close()
4168      os.chdir(temp_dir)
4170      expected = [
4171        os.path.join('src', 'one.cc'),
4172        os.path.join('src', 'two.cc'),
4173        os.path.join('src', 'three.cc')
4174      ]
4175      cpplint._excludes = None
4176      actual = cpplint.ParseArguments(['src'])
4177      self.assertEquals(set(['src']), set(actual))
4179      cpplint._excludes = None
4180      actual = cpplint.ParseArguments(['--recursive', 'src'])
4181      self.assertEquals(set(expected), set(actual))
4183      expected = [os.path.join('src', 'one.cc')]
4184      cpplint._excludes = None
4185      actual = cpplint.ParseArguments(['--recursive',
4186          '--exclude=src{0}t*'.format(os.sep), 'src'])
4187      self.assertEquals(set(expected), set(actual))
4189      expected = [os.path.join('src', 'one.cc')]
4190      cpplint._excludes = None
4191      actual = cpplint.ParseArguments(['--recursive',
4192          '--exclude=src/two.cc', '--exclude=src/three.cc', 'src'])
4193      self.assertEquals(set(expected), set(actual))
4195      expected = set([
4196        os.path.join('src2', 'one.cc'),
4197        os.path.join('src2', 'two.cc'),
4198        os.path.join('src2', 'three.cc')
4199      ])
4200      cpplint._excludes = None
4201      actual = cpplint.ParseArguments(['--recursive',
4202          '--exclude=src', '.'])
4203      self.assertEquals(expected, set(actual))
4204    finally:
4205        os.chdir(working_dir)
4206        shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
4208  def testJUnitXML(self):
4209    try:
4210      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_errors = []
4211      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_failures = []
4212      expected = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
4213          '<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="cpplint" tests="1">'
4214          '<testcase name="passed" />'
4215          '</testsuite>')
4216      self.assertEquals(expected, cpplint._cpplint_state.FormatJUnitXML())
4218      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_errors = ['ErrMsg1']
4219      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_failures = []
4220      expected = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
4221          '<testsuite errors="1" failures="0" name="cpplint" tests="1">'
4222          '<testcase name="errors"><error>ErrMsg1</error></testcase>'
4223          '</testsuite>')
4224      self.assertEquals(expected, cpplint._cpplint_state.FormatJUnitXML())
4226      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_errors = ['ErrMsg1', 'ErrMsg2']
4227      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_failures = []
4228      expected = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
4229          '<testsuite errors="2" failures="0" name="cpplint" tests="2">'
4230          '<testcase name="errors"><error>ErrMsg1\nErrMsg2</error></testcase>'
4231          '</testsuite>')
4232      self.assertEquals(expected, cpplint._cpplint_state.FormatJUnitXML())
4234      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_errors = ['ErrMsg']
4235      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_failures = [
4236          ('File', 5, 'FailMsg', 'category/subcategory', 3)]
4237      expected = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
4238          '<testsuite errors="1" failures="1" name="cpplint" tests="2">'
4239          '<testcase name="errors"><error>ErrMsg</error></testcase>'
4240          '<testcase name="File"><failure>5: FailMsg [category/subcategory] '
4241          '[3]</failure></testcase></testsuite>')
4242      self.assertEquals(expected, cpplint._cpplint_state.FormatJUnitXML())
4244      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_errors = []
4245      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_failures = [
4246          ('File1', 5, 'FailMsg1', 'category/subcategory', 3),
4247          ('File2', 99, 'FailMsg2', 'category/subcategory', 3),
4248          ('File1', 19, 'FailMsg3', 'category/subcategory', 3)]
4249      expected = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
4250          '<testsuite errors="0" failures="3" name="cpplint" tests="3">'
4251          '<testcase name="File1"><failure>5: FailMsg1 [category/subcategory]'
4252          ' [3]\n19: FailMsg3 [category/subcategory] [3]</failure></testcase>'
4253          '<testcase name="File2"><failure>99: FailMsg2 '
4254          '[category/subcategory] [3]</failure></testcase></testsuite>')
4255      self.assertEquals(expected, cpplint._cpplint_state.FormatJUnitXML())
4257      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_errors = ['&</error>']
4258      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_failures = [
4259          ('File1', 5, '&</failure>', 'category/subcategory', 3)]
4260      expected = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
4261          '<testsuite errors="1" failures="1" name="cpplint" tests="2">'
4262          '<testcase name="errors"><error>&amp;&lt;/error&gt;</error>'
4263          '</testcase><testcase name="File1"><failure>5: '
4264          '&amp;&lt;/failure&gt; [category/subcategory] [3]</failure>'
4265          '</testcase></testsuite>')
4266      self.assertEquals(expected, cpplint._cpplint_state.FormatJUnitXML())
4268    finally:
4269      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_errors = []
4270      cpplint._cpplint_state._junit_failures = []
4272  def testQuiet(self):
4273    self.assertEquals(cpplint._cpplint_state.quiet, False)
4274    cpplint.ParseArguments(['--quiet', 'one.cpp'])
4275    self.assertEquals(cpplint._cpplint_state.quiet, True)
4277  def testLineLength(self):
4278    old_line_length = cpplint._line_length
4279    try:
4280      cpplint._line_length = 80
4281      self.TestLint(
4282          '// H %s' % ('H' * 75),
4283          '')
4284      self.TestLint(
4285          '// H %s' % ('H' * 76),
4286          'Lines should be <= 80 characters long'
4287          '  [whitespace/line_length] [2]')
4288      cpplint._line_length = 120
4289      self.TestLint(
4290          '// H %s' % ('H' * 115),
4291          '')
4292      self.TestLint(
4293          '// H %s' % ('H' * 116),
4294          'Lines should be <= 120 characters long'
4295          '  [whitespace/line_length] [2]')
4296    finally:
4297      cpplint._line_length = old_line_length
4299  def testFilter(self):
4300    old_filters = cpplint._cpplint_state.filters
4301    try:
4302      cpplint._cpplint_state.SetFilters('-,+whitespace,-whitespace/indent')
4303      self.TestLint(
4304          '// Hello there ',
4305          'Line ends in whitespace.  Consider deleting these extra spaces.'
4306          '  [whitespace/end_of_line] [4]')
4307      self.TestLint('int a = (int)1.0;', '')
4308      self.TestLint(' weird opening space', '')
4309    finally:
4310      cpplint._cpplint_state.filters = old_filters
4312  def testDefaultFilter(self):
4313    default_filters = cpplint._DEFAULT_FILTERS
4314    old_filters = cpplint._cpplint_state.filters
4315    cpplint._DEFAULT_FILTERS = ['-whitespace']
4316    try:
4317      # Reset filters
4318      cpplint._cpplint_state.SetFilters('')
4319      self.TestLint('// Hello there ', '')
4320      cpplint._cpplint_state.SetFilters('+whitespace/end_of_line')
4321      self.TestLint(
4322          '// Hello there ',
4323          'Line ends in whitespace.  Consider deleting these extra spaces.'
4324          '  [whitespace/end_of_line] [4]')
4325      self.TestLint(' weird opening space', '')
4326    finally:
4327      cpplint._cpplint_state.filters = old_filters
4328      cpplint._DEFAULT_FILTERS = default_filters
4330  def testDuplicateHeader(self):
4331    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4332    cpplint.ProcessFileData('path/self.cc', 'cc',
4333                            ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company. All Rights Reserved.',
4334                             '#include "path/self.h"',
4335                             '#include "path/duplicate.h"',
4336                             '#include "path/duplicate.h"',
4337                             '#ifdef MACRO',
4338                             '#include "path/unique.h"',
4339                             '#else',
4340                             '#include "path/unique.h"',
4341                             '#endif',
4342                             ''],
4343                            error_collector)
4344    self.assertEquals(
4345        ['"path/duplicate.h" already included at path/self.cc:3  '
4346         '[build/include] [4]'],
4347        error_collector.ResultList())
4349  def testUnnamedNamespacesInHeaders(self):
4350    for extension in ['h', 'hpp', 'hxx', 'h++', 'cuh']:
4351      self.doTestUnnamedNamespacesInHeaders(extension)
4353  def doTestUnnamedNamespacesInHeaders(self, extension):
4354    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck(
4355        'foo.' + extension, 'namespace {',
4356        'Do not use unnamed namespaces in header files.  See'
4357        ' https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml#Namespaces'
4358        ' for more information.  [build/namespaces] [4]')
4359    # namespace registration macros are OK.
4360    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo.' + extension, 'namespace {  \\', '')
4361    # named namespaces are OK.
4362    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo.' + extension, 'namespace foo {', '')
4363    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo.' + extension, 'namespace foonamespace {', '')
4365  def testUnnamedNamespacesInNonHeaders(self):
4366    for extension in ['c', 'cc', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'c++', 'cu']:
4367      self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo.' + extension, 'namespace {', '')
4368      self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo.' + extension, 'namespace foo {', '')
4370  def testBuildClass(self):
4371    # Test that the linter can parse to the end of class definitions,
4372    # and that it will report when it can't.
4373    # Use multi-line linter because it performs the ClassState check.
4374    self.TestMultiLineLint(
4375        'class Foo {',
4376        'Failed to find complete declaration of class Foo'
4377        '  [build/class] [5]')
4378    # Do the same for namespaces
4379    self.TestMultiLineLint(
4380        'namespace Foo {',
4381        'Failed to find complete declaration of namespace Foo'
4382        '  [build/namespaces] [5]')
4383    # Don't warn on forward declarations of various types.
4384    self.TestMultiLineLint(
4385        'class Foo;',
4386        '')
4387    self.TestMultiLineLint(
4388        """struct Foo*
4389             foo = NewFoo();""",
4390        '')
4391    # Test preprocessor.
4392    self.TestMultiLineLint(
4393        """#ifdef DERIVE_FROM_GOO
4394          struct Foo : public Goo {
4395        #else
4396          struct Foo : public Hoo {
4397        #endif
4398          };""",
4399        '')
4400    self.TestMultiLineLint(
4401        """
4402        class Foo
4403        #ifdef DERIVE_FROM_GOO
4404          : public Goo {
4405        #else
4406          : public Hoo {
4407        #endif
4408        };""",
4409        '')
4410    # Test incomplete class
4411    self.TestMultiLineLint(
4412        'class Foo {',
4413        'Failed to find complete declaration of class Foo'
4414        '  [build/class] [5]')
4416  def testBuildEndComment(self):
4417    # The crosstool compiler we currently use will fail to compile the
4418    # code in this test, so we might consider removing the lint check.
4419    self.TestMultiLineLint(
4420        """#if 0
4421        #endif Not a comment""",
4422        'Uncommented text after #endif is non-standard.  Use a comment.'
4423        '  [build/endif_comment] [5]')
4425  def testBuildForwardDecl(self):
4426    # The crosstool compiler we currently use will fail to compile the
4427    # code in this test, so we might consider removing the lint check.
4428    self.TestLint('class Foo::Goo;',
4429                  'Inner-style forward declarations are invalid.'
4430                  '  Remove this line.'
4431                  '  [build/forward_decl] [5]')
4433  def GetBuildHeaderGuardPreprocessorSymbol(self, file_path):
4434    # Figure out the expected header guard by processing an empty file.
4435    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4436    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h', [], error_collector)
4437    for error in error_collector.ResultList():
4438      matched = re.search(
4439          'No #ifndef header guard found, suggested CPP variable is: '
4440          '([A-Z0-9_]+)',
4441          error)
4442      if matched is not None:
4443        return matched.group(1)
4445  def testBuildHeaderGuard(self):
4446    file_path = 'mydir/foo.h'
4447    expected_guard = self.GetBuildHeaderGuardPreprocessorSymbol(file_path)
4448    self.assertTrue(re.search('MYDIR_FOO_H_$', expected_guard))
4450    # No guard at all: expect one error.
4451    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4452    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h', [], error_collector)
4453    self.assertEquals(
4454        1,
4455        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4456            'No #ifndef header guard found, suggested CPP variable is: %s'
4457            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4458        error_collector.ResultList())
4460    # No header guard, but the error is suppressed.
4461    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4462    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4463                            ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
4464                             '// NOLINT(build/header_guard)', ''],
4465                            error_collector)
4466    self.assertEquals([], error_collector.ResultList())
4468    # Wrong guard
4469    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4470    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4471                            ['#ifndef FOO_H', '#define FOO_H'], error_collector)
4472    self.assertEquals(
4473        1,
4474        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4475            '#ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use: %s'
4476            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4477        error_collector.ResultList())
4479    # No define
4480    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4481    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4482                            ['#ifndef %s' % expected_guard], error_collector)
4483    self.assertEquals(
4484        1,
4485        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4486            'No #ifndef header guard found, suggested CPP variable is: %s'
4487            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4488        error_collector.ResultList())
4490    # Mismatched define
4491    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4492    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4493                            ['#ifndef %s' % expected_guard,
4494                             '#define FOO_H'],
4495                            error_collector)
4496    self.assertEquals(
4497        1,
4498        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4499            'No #ifndef header guard found, suggested CPP variable is: %s'
4500            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4501        error_collector.ResultList())
4503    # No endif
4504    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4505    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4506                            ['#ifndef %s' % expected_guard,
4507                             '#define %s' % expected_guard,
4508                             ''],
4509                            error_collector)
4510    self.assertEquals(
4511        1,
4512        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4513            '#endif line should be "#endif  // %s"'
4514            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4515        error_collector.ResultList())
4517    # Commentless endif
4518    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4519    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4520                            ['#ifndef %s' % expected_guard,
4521                             '#define %s' % expected_guard,
4522                             '#endif'],
4523                            error_collector)
4524    self.assertEquals(
4525        1,
4526        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4527            '#endif line should be "#endif  // %s"'
4528            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4529        error_collector.ResultList())
4531    # Commentless endif for old-style guard
4532    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4533    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4534                            ['#ifndef %s_' % expected_guard,
4535                             '#define %s_' % expected_guard,
4536                             '#endif'],
4537                            error_collector)
4538    self.assertEquals(
4539        1,
4540        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4541            '#endif line should be "#endif  // %s"'
4542            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4543        error_collector.ResultList())
4545    # No header guard errors
4546    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4547    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4548                            ['#ifndef %s' % expected_guard,
4549                             '#define %s' % expected_guard,
4550                             '#endif  // %s' % expected_guard],
4551                            error_collector)
4552    for line in error_collector.ResultList():
4553      if line.find('build/header_guard') != -1:
4554        self.fail('Unexpected error: %s' % line)
4556    # No header guard errors for old-style guard
4557    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4558    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4559                            ['#ifndef %s_' % expected_guard,
4560                             '#define %s_' % expected_guard,
4561                             '#endif  // %s_' % expected_guard],
4562                            error_collector)
4563    for line in error_collector.ResultList():
4564      if line.find('build/header_guard') != -1:
4565        self.fail('Unexpected error: %s' % line)
4567    old_verbose_level = cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level
4568    try:
4569      cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = 0
4570      # Warn on old-style guard if verbosity is 0.
4571      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4572      cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4573                              ['#ifndef %s_' % expected_guard,
4574                               '#define %s_' % expected_guard,
4575                               '#endif  // %s_' % expected_guard],
4576                              error_collector)
4577      self.assertEquals(
4578          1,
4579          error_collector.ResultList().count(
4580              '#ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use: %s'
4581              '  [build/header_guard] [0]' % expected_guard),
4582          error_collector.ResultList())
4583    finally:
4584      cpplint._cpplint_state.verbose_level = old_verbose_level
4586    # Completely incorrect header guard
4587    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4588    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4589                            ['#ifndef FOO',
4590                             '#define FOO',
4591                             '#endif  // FOO'],
4592                            error_collector)
4593    self.assertEquals(
4594        1,
4595        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4596            '#ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use: %s'
4597            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4598        error_collector.ResultList())
4599    self.assertEquals(
4600        1,
4601        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4602            '#endif line should be "#endif  // %s"'
4603            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4604        error_collector.ResultList())
4606    # incorrect header guard with nolint
4607    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4608    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'h',
4609                            ['#ifndef FOO  // NOLINT',
4610                             '#define FOO',
4611                             '#endif  // FOO NOLINT'],
4612                            error_collector)
4613    self.assertEquals(
4614        0,
4615        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4616            '#ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use: %s'
4617            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4618        error_collector.ResultList())
4619    self.assertEquals(
4620        0,
4621        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4622            '#endif line should be "#endif  // %s"'
4623            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4624        error_collector.ResultList())
4626    # Special case for flymake
4627    for test_file in ['mydir/foo_flymake.h', 'mydir/.flymake/foo.h']:
4628      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4629      cpplint.ProcessFileData(test_file, 'h',
4630                              ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.', ''],
4631                              error_collector)
4632      self.assertEquals(
4633          1,
4634          error_collector.ResultList().count(
4635              'No #ifndef header guard found, suggested CPP variable is: %s'
4636              '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4637          error_collector.ResultList())
4639    # Cuda guard
4640    file_path = 'mydir/foo.cuh'
4641    expected_guard = self.GetBuildHeaderGuardPreprocessorSymbol(file_path)
4642    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4643    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'cuh',
4644                            ['#ifndef FOO',
4645                             '#define FOO',
4646                             '#endif  // FOO'],
4647                            error_collector)
4648    self.assertEquals(
4649        1,
4650        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4651            '#ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use: %s'
4652            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4653        error_collector.ResultList())
4654    self.assertEquals(
4655        1,
4656        error_collector.ResultList().count(
4657            '#endif line should be "#endif  // %s"'
4658            '  [build/header_guard] [5]' % expected_guard),
4659        error_collector.ResultList())
4661  def testPragmaOnce(self):
4662    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4663    cpplint.ProcessFileData('mydir/foo.h', 'h',
4664        ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.', '#pragma once', ''],
4665        error_collector)
4666    self.assertEquals([], error_collector.ResultList())
4668  def testBuildHeaderGuardWithRoot(self):
4669    temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
4670    try:
4671      test_directory = os.path.join(temp_directory, "test")
4672      os.makedirs(test_directory)
4673      os.makedirs(os.path.join(test_directory, ".svn"))
4674      header_directory = os.path.join(test_directory, "cpplint")
4675      os.makedirs(header_directory)
4676      self.doTestBuildHeaderGuardWithRoot(header_directory)
4677    finally:
4678      shutil.rmtree(temp_directory)
4680  def doTestBuildHeaderGuardWithRoot(self, header_directory):
4682    # note: Tested file paths must be real, otherwise
4683    # the repository name lookup will fail.
4684    file_path = os.path.join(header_directory,
4685                             'cpplint_test_header.h')
4686    open(file_path, 'a').close()
4687    file_info = cpplint.FileInfo(file_path)
4688    if file_info.FullName() == file_info.RepositoryName():
4689      # When FileInfo cannot deduce the root directory of the repository,
4690      # FileInfo.RepositoryName returns the same value as FileInfo.FullName.
4691      # This can happen when this source file was obtained without .svn or
4692      # .git directory. (e.g. using 'svn export' or 'git archive').
4693      # Skip this test in such a case because --root flag makes sense only
4694      # when the root directory of the repository is properly deduced.
4695      return
4697    self.assertEquals('CPPLINT_CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4698                      cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4699    #
4700    # test --root flags:
4701    #   this changes the cpp header guard prefix
4702    #
4704    # left-strip the header guard by using a root dir inside of the repo dir.
4705    # relative directory
4706    cpplint._root = 'cpplint'
4707    self.assertEquals('CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4708                      cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4710    nested_header_directory = os.path.join(header_directory, "nested")
4711    nested_file_path = os.path.join(nested_header_directory, 'cpplint_test_header.h')
4712    os.makedirs(nested_header_directory)
4713    open(nested_file_path, 'a').close()
4715    cpplint._root = os.path.join('cpplint', 'nested')
4716    actual = cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(nested_file_path)
4717    self.assertEquals('CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4718                      actual)
4720    # absolute directory
4721    # (note that CPPLINT.cfg root=setting is always made absolute)
4722    cpplint._root = header_directory
4723    self.assertEquals('CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4724                      cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4726    cpplint._root = nested_header_directory
4727    self.assertEquals('CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4728                      cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(nested_file_path))
4730    # --root flag is ignored if an non-existent directory is specified.
4731    cpplint._root = 'NON_EXISTENT_DIR'
4732    self.assertEquals('CPPLINT_CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4733                      cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4735    # prepend to the header guard by using a root dir that is more outer
4736    # than the repo dir
4738    # (using absolute paths)
4739    # (note that CPPLINT.cfg root=setting is always made absolute)
4740    this_files_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file_path))
4741    (styleguide_path, this_files_dir) = os.path.split(this_files_path)
4742    (styleguide_parent_path, styleguide_dir_name) = os.path.split(styleguide_path)
4743    # parent dir of styleguide
4744    cpplint._root = styleguide_parent_path
4745    self.assertIsNotNone(styleguide_parent_path)
4746    # do not hardcode the 'styleguide' repository name, it could be anything.
4747    expected_prefix = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', styleguide_dir_name).upper() + '_'
4748    # do not have 'styleguide' repo in '/'
4749    self.assertEquals('%sCPPLINT_CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_' %(expected_prefix),
4750                      cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4752    # To run the 'relative path' tests, we must be in the directory of this test file.
4753    cur_dir = os.getcwd()
4754    os.chdir(this_files_path)
4756    # (using relative paths)
4757    styleguide_rel_path = os.path.relpath(styleguide_path, this_files_path)
4758    # '..'
4759    cpplint._root = styleguide_rel_path
4760    self.assertEquals('CPPLINT_CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4761                      cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4763    styleguide_rel_path = os.path.relpath(styleguide_parent_path,
4764                                          this_files_path) # '../..'
4765    cpplint._root = styleguide_rel_path
4766    self.assertEquals('%sCPPLINT_CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_' %(expected_prefix),
4767                      cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4769    cpplint._root = None
4771    # Restore previous CWD.
4772    os.chdir(cur_dir)
4774  def testIncludeItsHeader(self):
4775    temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
4776    cur_dir = os.getcwd()
4777    try:
4778      test_directory = os.path.join(temp_directory, "test")
4779      os.makedirs(test_directory)
4780      file_path = os.path.join(test_directory, 'foo.h')
4781      open(file_path, 'a').close()
4782      file_path = os.path.join(test_directory, 'Bar.h')
4783      open(file_path, 'a').close()
4785      os.chdir(temp_directory)
4787      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assertTrue)
4788      cpplint.ProcessFileData(
4789        'test/foo.cc', 'cc',
4790        [''],
4791        error_collector)
4792      expected = "{dir}/{fn}.cc should include its header file {dir}/{fn}.h  [build/include] [5]".format(
4793          fn="foo",
4794          dir=test_directory)
4795      self.assertEqual(
4796        1,
4797        error_collector.Results().count(expected))
4799      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assertTrue)
4800      cpplint.ProcessFileData(
4801        'test/foo.cc', 'cc',
4802        [r'#include "test/foo.h"',
4803         ''
4804         ],
4805        error_collector)
4806      self.assertEqual(
4807        0,
4808        error_collector.Results().count(expected))
4810      # This should continue to work
4811      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assertTrue)
4812      cpplint.ProcessFileData(
4813        'test/Bar.cc', 'cc',
4814        [r'#include "test/Bar.h"',
4815         ''
4816         ],
4817        error_collector)
4818      expected = "{dir}/{fn}.cc should include its header file {dir}/{fn}.h  [build/include] [5]".format(
4819          fn="Bar",
4820          dir=test_directory)
4821      self.assertEqual(
4822        0,
4823        error_collector.Results().count(expected))
4825      # Since Bar.cc & Bar.h look 3rd party-ish, it should be ok without the include dir
4826      error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assertTrue)
4827      cpplint.ProcessFileData(
4828        'test/Bar.cc', 'cc',
4829        [r'#include "Bar.h"',
4830         ''
4831         ],
4832        error_collector)
4833      self.assertEqual(
4834        0,
4835        error_collector.Results().count(expected))
4837    finally:
4838      # Restore previous CWD.
4839      os.chdir(cur_dir)
4840      shutil.rmtree(temp_directory)
4842  def testPathSplitToList(self):
4843    self.assertEquals([''],
4844                      cpplint.PathSplitToList(os.path.join('')))
4846    self.assertEquals(['.'],
4847                      cpplint.PathSplitToList(os.path.join('.')))
4849    self.assertEquals(['..'],
4850                      cpplint.PathSplitToList(os.path.join('..')))
4852    self.assertEquals(['..', 'a', 'b'],
4853                      cpplint.PathSplitToList(os.path.join('..', 'a', 'b')))
4855    self.assertEquals(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
4856                      cpplint.PathSplitToList(os.path.join('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')))
4858  def testBuildHeaderGuardWithRepository(self):
4859    temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
4860    temp_directory2 = tempfile.mkdtemp()
4861    try:
4862      os.makedirs(os.path.join(temp_directory, ".svn"))
4863      trunk_dir = os.path.join(temp_directory, "trunk")
4864      os.makedirs(trunk_dir)
4865      header_directory = os.path.join(trunk_dir, "cpplint")
4866      os.makedirs(header_directory)
4867      file_path = os.path.join(header_directory, 'cpplint_test_header.h')
4868      open(file_path, 'a').close()
4870      # search for .svn if _repository is not specified
4871      self.assertEquals('TRUNK_CPPLINT_CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4872                        cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4874      # use the provided repository root for header guards
4875      cpplint._repository = os.path.relpath(trunk_dir)
4876      self.assertEquals('CPPLINT_CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4877                        cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4878      cpplint._repository = os.path.abspath(trunk_dir)
4879      self.assertEquals('CPPLINT_CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4880                        cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4882      # ignore _repository if it doesnt exist
4883      cpplint._repository = os.path.join(temp_directory, 'NON_EXISTANT')
4884      self.assertEquals('TRUNK_CPPLINT_CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4885                        cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4887      # ignore _repository if it exists but file isn't in it
4888      cpplint._repository = os.path.relpath(temp_directory2)
4889      self.assertEquals('TRUNK_CPPLINT_CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4890                        cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4892      # _root should be relative to _repository
4893      cpplint._repository = os.path.relpath(trunk_dir)
4894      cpplint._root = 'cpplint'
4895      self.assertEquals('CPPLINT_TEST_HEADER_H_',
4896                        cpplint.GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(file_path))
4898    finally:
4899      shutil.rmtree(temp_directory)
4900      shutil.rmtree(temp_directory2)
4901      cpplint._repository = None
4902      cpplint._root = None
4904  def testBuildInclude(self):
4905    # Test that include statements have slashes in them.
4906    self.TestLint('#include "foo.h"',
4907                  'Include the directory when naming .h files'
4908                  '  [build/include_subdir] [4]')
4909    self.TestLint('#include "Python.h"', '')
4910    self.TestLint('#include "lua.h"', '')
4912  def testHppInclude(self):
4913    code = '\n'.join([
4914      '#include <vector>',
4915      '#include <boost/any.hpp>'
4916    ])
4917    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo.h', code, '')
4919  def testBuildPrintfFormat(self):
4920    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4921    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
4922        'foo.cc', 'cc',
4923        [r'printf("\%%d", value);',
4924         r'snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\[%d", value);',
4925         r'fprintf(file, "\(%d", value);',
4926         r'vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\\\{%d", ap);'],
4927        error_collector)
4928    self.assertEquals(
4929        4,
4930        error_collector.Results().count(
4931            '%, [, (, and { are undefined character escapes.  Unescape them.'
4932            '  [build/printf_format] [3]'))
4934    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
4935    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
4936        'foo.cc', 'cc',
4937        ['// Copyright 2014 Your Company.',
4938         r'printf("\\%%%d", value);',
4939         r'printf(R"(\[)");',
4940         r'printf(R"(\[%s)", R"(\])");',
4941         ''],
4942        error_collector)
4943    self.assertEquals('', error_collector.Results())
4945  def testRuntimePrintfFormat(self):
4946    self.TestLint(
4947        r'fprintf(file, "%q", value);',
4948        '%q in format strings is deprecated.  Use %ll instead.'
4949        '  [runtime/printf_format] [3]')
4951    self.TestLint(
4952        r'aprintf(file, "The number is %12q", value);',
4953        '%q in format strings is deprecated.  Use %ll instead.'
4954        '  [runtime/printf_format] [3]')
4956    self.TestLint(
4957        r'printf(file, "The number is" "%-12q", value);',
4958        '%q in format strings is deprecated.  Use %ll instead.'
4959        '  [runtime/printf_format] [3]')
4961    self.TestLint(
4962        r'printf(file, "The number is" "%+12q", value);',
4963        '%q in format strings is deprecated.  Use %ll instead.'
4964        '  [runtime/printf_format] [3]')
4966    self.TestLint(
4967        r'printf(file, "The number is" "% 12q", value);',
4968        '%q in format strings is deprecated.  Use %ll instead.'
4969        '  [runtime/printf_format] [3]')
4971    self.TestLint(
4972        r'snprintf(file, "Never mix %d and %1$d parameters!", value);',
4973        '%N$ formats are unconventional.  Try rewriting to avoid them.'
4974        '  [runtime/printf_format] [2]')
4976  def TestLintLogCodeOnError(self, code, expected_message):
4977    # Special TestLint which logs the input code on error.
4978    result = self.PerformSingleLineLint(code)
4979    if result != expected_message:
4980      self.fail('For code: "%s"\nGot: "%s"\nExpected: "%s"'
4981                % (code, result, expected_message))
4983  def testBuildStorageClass(self):
4984    qualifiers = [None, 'const', 'volatile']
4985    signs = [None, 'signed', 'unsigned']
4986    types = ['void', 'char', 'int', 'float', 'double',
4987             'schar', 'int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16',
4988             'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'uint64']
4989    storage_classes = ['extern', 'register', 'static', 'typedef']
4991    build_storage_class_error_message = (
4992        'Storage-class specifier (static, extern, typedef, etc) should be '
4993        'at the beginning of the declaration.  [build/storage_class] [5]')
4995    # Some explicit cases. Legal in C++, deprecated in C99.
4996    self.TestLint('const int static foo = 5;',
4997                  build_storage_class_error_message)
4999    self.TestLint('char static foo;',
5000                  build_storage_class_error_message)
5002    self.TestLint('double const static foo = 2.0;',
5003                  build_storage_class_error_message)
5005    self.TestLint('uint64 typedef unsigned_long_long;',
5006                  build_storage_class_error_message)
5008    self.TestLint('int register foo = 0;',
5009                  build_storage_class_error_message)
5011    # Since there are a very large number of possibilities, randomly
5012    # construct declarations.
5013    # Make sure that the declaration is logged if there's an error.
5014    # Seed generator with an integer for absolute reproducibility.
5015    random.seed(25)
5016    for unused_i in range(10):
5017      # Build up random list of non-storage-class declaration specs.
5018      other_decl_specs = [random.choice(qualifiers), random.choice(signs),
5019                          random.choice(types)]
5020      # remove None
5021      other_decl_specs = [x for x in other_decl_specs if x is not None]
5023      # shuffle
5024      random.shuffle(other_decl_specs)
5026      # insert storage class after the first
5027      storage_class = random.choice(storage_classes)
5028      insertion_point = random.randint(1, len(other_decl_specs))
5029      decl_specs = (other_decl_specs[0:insertion_point]
5030                    + [storage_class]
5031                    + other_decl_specs[insertion_point:])
5033      self.TestLintLogCodeOnError(
5034          ' '.join(decl_specs) + ';',
5035          build_storage_class_error_message)
5037      # but no error if storage class is first
5038      self.TestLintLogCodeOnError(
5039          storage_class + ' ' + ' '.join(other_decl_specs),
5040          '')
5042  def testLegalCopyright(self):
5043    legal_copyright_message = (
5044        'No copyright message found.  '
5045        'You should have a line: "Copyright [year] <Copyright Owner>"'
5046        '  [legal/copyright] [5]')
5048    copyright_line = '// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.'
5050    file_path = 'mydir/googleclient/foo.cc'
5052    # There should be a copyright message in the first 10 lines
5053    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
5054    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'cc', [], error_collector)
5055    self.assertEquals(
5056        1,
5057        error_collector.ResultList().count(legal_copyright_message))
5059    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
5060    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
5061        file_path, 'cc',
5062        ['' for unused_i in range(10)] + [copyright_line],
5063        error_collector)
5064    self.assertEquals(
5065        1,
5066        error_collector.ResultList().count(legal_copyright_message))
5068    # Test that warning isn't issued if Copyright line appears early enough.
5069    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
5070    cpplint.ProcessFileData(file_path, 'cc', [copyright_line], error_collector)
5071    for message in error_collector.ResultList():
5072      if message.find('legal/copyright') != -1:
5073        self.fail('Unexpected error: %s' % message)
5075    error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
5076    cpplint.ProcessFileData(
5077        file_path, 'cc',
5078        ['' for unused_i in range(9)] + [copyright_line],
5079        error_collector)
5080    for message in error_collector.ResultList():
5081      if message.find('legal/copyright') != -1:
5082        self.fail('Unexpected error: %s' % message)
5084  def testInvalidIncrement(self):
5085    self.TestLint('*count++;',
5086                  'Changing pointer instead of value (or unused value of '
5087                  'operator*).  [runtime/invalid_increment] [5]')
5089  def testSnprintfSize(self):
5090    self.TestLint('vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format)', '')
5091    self.TestLint('snprintf(fisk, 1, format)',
5092                  'If you can, use sizeof(fisk) instead of 1 as the 2nd arg '
5093                  'to snprintf.  [runtime/printf] [3]')
5094class Cxx11Test(CpplintTestBase):
5096  def Helper(self, package, extension, lines, count):
5097    filename = package + '/foo.' + extension
5098    lines = lines[:]
5100    # Header files need to have an ifdef guard wrapped around their code.
5101    if extension.startswith('h'):
5102      guard = filename.upper().replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_') + '_'
5103      lines.insert(0, '#ifndef ' + guard)
5104      lines.insert(1, '#define ' + guard)
5105      lines.append('#endif  // ' + guard)
5107    # All files need a final blank line.
5108    lines.append('')
5110    # Process the file and check resulting error count.
5111    collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
5112    cpplint.ProcessFileData(filename, extension, lines, collector)
5113    error_list = collector.ResultList()
5114    self.assertEquals(count, len(error_list), error_list)
5116  def TestCxx11Feature(self, code, expected_error):
5117    lines = code.split('\n')
5118    collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
5119    cpplint.RemoveMultiLineComments('foo.h', lines, collector)
5120    clean_lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(lines)
5121    cpplint.FlagCxx11Features('foo.cc', clean_lines, 0, collector)
5122    self.assertEquals(expected_error, collector.Results())
5124  def testBlockedHeaders(self):
5125    self.TestCxx11Feature('#include <tr1/regex>',
5126                          'C++ TR1 headers such as <tr1/regex> are '
5127                          'unapproved.  [build/c++tr1] [5]')
5128    self.TestCxx11Feature('#include <mutex>',
5129                          '<mutex> is an unapproved C++11 header.'
5130                          '  [build/c++11] [5]')
5132  def testBlockedClasses(self):
5133    self.TestCxx11Feature('std::alignment_of<T>',
5134                          'std::alignment_of is an unapproved '
5135                          'C++11 class or function.  Send c-style an example '
5136                          'of where it would make your code more readable, '
5137                          'and they may let you use it.'
5138                          '  [build/c++11] [5]')
5139    self.TestCxx11Feature('std::alignment_offer', '')
5140    self.TestCxx11Feature('mystd::alignment_of', '')
5141    self.TestCxx11Feature('std::binomial_distribution', '')
5143  def testBlockedFunctions(self):
5144    self.TestCxx11Feature('std::alignment_of<int>',
5145                          'std::alignment_of is an unapproved '
5146                          'C++11 class or function.  Send c-style an example '
5147                          'of where it would make your code more readable, '
5148                          'and they may let you use it.'
5149                          '  [build/c++11] [5]')
5150    # Missed because of the lack of "std::".  Compiles because ADL
5151    # looks in the namespace of my_shared_ptr, which (presumably) is
5152    # std::.  But there will be a lint error somewhere in this file
5153    # since my_shared_ptr had to be defined.
5154    self.TestCxx11Feature('static_pointer_cast<Base>(my_shared_ptr)', '')
5155    self.TestCxx11Feature('std::declval<T>()', '')
5157  def testExplicitMakePair(self):
5158    self.TestLint('make_pair', '')
5159    self.TestLint('make_pair(42, 42)', '')
5160    self.TestLint('make_pair<',
5161                  'For C++11-compatibility, omit template arguments from'
5162                  ' make_pair OR use pair directly OR if appropriate,'
5163                  ' construct a pair directly'
5164                  '  [build/explicit_make_pair] [4]')
5165    self.TestLint('make_pair <',
5166                  'For C++11-compatibility, omit template arguments from'
5167                  ' make_pair OR use pair directly OR if appropriate,'
5168                  ' construct a pair directly'
5169                  '  [build/explicit_make_pair] [4]')
5170    self.TestLint('my_make_pair<int, int>', '')
5172class Cxx14Test(CpplintTestBase):
5174  def TestCxx14Feature(self, code, expected_error):
5175    lines = code.split('\n')
5176    collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
5177    cpplint.RemoveMultiLineComments('foo.h', lines, collector)
5178    clean_lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(lines)
5179    cpplint.FlagCxx14Features('foo.cc', clean_lines, 0, collector)
5180    self.assertEquals(expected_error, collector.Results())
5182  def testBlockedHeaders(self):
5183    self.TestCxx14Feature('#include <scoped_allocator>',
5184                          '<scoped_allocator> is an unapproved C++14 header.'
5185                           '  [build/c++14] [5]')
5186    self.TestCxx14Feature('#include <shared_mutex>',
5187                          '<shared_mutex> is an unapproved C++14 header.'
5188                          '  [build/c++14] [5]')
5191class CleansedLinesTest(unittest.TestCase):
5193  def testInit(self):
5194    lines = ['Line 1',
5195             'Line 2',
5196             'Line 3 // Comment test',
5197             'Line 4 /* Comment test */',
5198             'Line 5 "foo"']
5200    clean_lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(lines)
5201    self.assertEquals(lines, clean_lines.raw_lines)
5202    self.assertEquals(5, clean_lines.NumLines())
5204    self.assertEquals(['Line 1',
5205                       'Line 2',
5206                       'Line 3',
5207                       'Line 4',
5208                       'Line 5 "foo"'],
5209                      clean_lines.lines)
5211    self.assertEquals(['Line 1',
5212                       'Line 2',
5213                       'Line 3',
5214                       'Line 4',
5215                       'Line 5 ""'],
5216                      clean_lines.elided)
5218  def testInitEmpty(self):
5219    clean_lines = cpplint.CleansedLines([])
5220    self.assertEquals([], clean_lines.raw_lines)
5221    self.assertEquals(0, clean_lines.NumLines())
5223  def testCollapseStrings(self):
5224    collapse = cpplint.CleansedLines._CollapseStrings
5225    self.assertEquals('""', collapse('""'))             # ""     (empty)
5226    self.assertEquals('"""', collapse('"""'))           # """    (bad)
5227    self.assertEquals('""', collapse('"xyz"'))          # "xyz"  (string)
5228    self.assertEquals('""', collapse('"\\\""'))         # "\""   (string)
5229    self.assertEquals('""', collapse('"\'"'))           # "'"    (string)
5230    self.assertEquals('"\"', collapse('"\"'))           # "\"    (bad)
5231    self.assertEquals('""', collapse('"\\\\"'))         # "\\"   (string)
5232    self.assertEquals('"', collapse('"\\\\\\"'))        # "\\\"  (bad)
5233    self.assertEquals('""', collapse('"\\\\\\\\"'))     # "\\\\" (string)
5235    self.assertEquals('\'\'', collapse('\'\''))         # ''     (empty)
5236    self.assertEquals('\'\'', collapse('\'a\''))        # 'a'    (char)
5237    self.assertEquals('\'\'', collapse('\'\\\'\''))     # '\''   (char)
5238    self.assertEquals('\'', collapse('\'\\\''))         # '\'    (bad)
5239    self.assertEquals('', collapse('\\012'))            # '\012' (char)
5240    self.assertEquals('', collapse('\\xfF0'))           # '\xfF0' (char)
5241    self.assertEquals('', collapse('\\n'))              # '\n' (char)
5242    self.assertEquals(r'\#', collapse('\\#'))           # '\#' (bad)
5244    self.assertEquals('"" + ""', collapse('"\'" + "\'"'))
5245    self.assertEquals("'', ''", collapse("'\"', '\"'"))
5246    self.assertEquals('""[0b10]', collapse('"a\'b"[0b1\'0]'))
5248    self.assertEquals('42', collapse("4'2"))
5249    self.assertEquals('0b0101', collapse("0b0'1'0'1"))
5250    self.assertEquals('1048576', collapse("1'048'576"))
5251    self.assertEquals('0X100000', collapse("0X10'0000"))
5252    self.assertEquals('0004000000', collapse("0'004'000'000"))
5253    self.assertEquals('1.602176565e-19', collapse("1.602'176'565e-19"))
5254    self.assertEquals('\'\' + 0xffff', collapse("'i' + 0xf'f'f'f"))
5255    self.assertEquals('sizeof\'\' == 1', collapse("sizeof'x' == 1"))
5256    self.assertEquals('0x.03p100', collapse('0x.0\'3p1\'0\'0'))
5257    self.assertEquals('123.45', collapse('1\'23.4\'5'))
5259    self.assertEquals('StringReplace(body, "", "");',
5260                      collapse('StringReplace(body, "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");'))
5261    self.assertEquals('\'\' ""',
5262                      collapse('\'"\' "foo"'))
5265class OrderOfIncludesTest(CpplintTestBase):
5267  def setUp(self):
5268    CpplintTestBase.setUp(self)
5269    self.include_state = cpplint._IncludeState()
5270    os.path.abspath = lambda value: value
5272  def testCheckNextIncludeOrder_OtherThenCpp(self):
5273    self.assertEqual('', self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5274        cpplint._OTHER_HEADER))
5275    self.assertEqual('Found C++ system header after other header',
5276                     self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5277                         cpplint._CPP_SYS_HEADER))
5279  def testCheckNextIncludeOrder_CppThenC(self):
5280    self.assertEqual('', self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5281        cpplint._CPP_SYS_HEADER))
5282    self.assertEqual('Found C system header after C++ system header',
5283                     self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5284                         cpplint._C_SYS_HEADER))
5286  def testCheckNextIncludeOrder_LikelyThenCpp(self):
5287    self.assertEqual('', self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5288        cpplint._LIKELY_MY_HEADER))
5289    self.assertEqual('', self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5290        cpplint._CPP_SYS_HEADER))
5292  def testCheckNextIncludeOrder_PossibleThenCpp(self):
5293    self.assertEqual('', self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5294        cpplint._POSSIBLE_MY_HEADER))
5295    self.assertEqual('', self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5296        cpplint._CPP_SYS_HEADER))
5298  def testCheckNextIncludeOrder_CppThenLikely(self):
5299    self.assertEqual('', self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5300        cpplint._CPP_SYS_HEADER))
5301    # This will eventually fail.
5302    self.assertEqual('', self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5303        cpplint._LIKELY_MY_HEADER))
5305  def testCheckNextIncludeOrder_CppThenPossible(self):
5306    self.assertEqual('', self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5307        cpplint._CPP_SYS_HEADER))
5308    self.assertEqual('', self.include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
5309        cpplint._POSSIBLE_MY_HEADER))
5311  def testClassifyInclude(self):
5312    file_info = cpplint.FileInfo
5313    classify_include = cpplint._ClassifyInclude
5314    self.assertEqual(cpplint._C_SYS_HEADER,
5315                     classify_include(file_info('foo/foo.cc'),
5316                                      'stdio.h',
5317                                      True))
5318    self.assertEqual(cpplint._CPP_SYS_HEADER,
5319                     classify_include(file_info('foo/foo.cc'),
5320                                      'string',
5321                                      True))
5322    self.assertEqual(cpplint._CPP_SYS_HEADER,
5323                     classify_include(file_info('foo/foo.cc'),
5324                                      'typeinfo',
5325                                      True))
5326    self.assertEqual(cpplint._OTHER_HEADER,
5327                     classify_include(file_info('foo/foo.cc'),
5328                                      'string',
5329                                      False))
5330    self.assertEquals(cpplint._OTHER_HEADER,
5331                     classify_include(file_info('foo/foo.cc'),
5332                                      'boost/any.hpp',
5333                                      True))
5334    self.assertEqual(cpplint._OTHER_HEADER,
5335                     classify_include(file_info('foo/foo.hxx'),
5336                                      'boost/any.hpp',
5337                                      True))
5338    self.assertEqual(cpplint._OTHER_HEADER,
5339                     classify_include(file_info('foo/foo.h++'),
5340                                      'boost/any.hpp',
5341                                      True))
5343    self.assertEqual(cpplint._LIKELY_MY_HEADER,
5344                     classify_include(file_info('foo/foo.cc'),
5345                                      'foo/foo-inl.h',
5346                                      False))
5347    self.assertEqual(cpplint._LIKELY_MY_HEADER,
5348                     classify_include(file_info('foo/internal/foo.cc'),
5349                                      'foo/public/foo.h',
5350                                      False))
5351    self.assertEqual(cpplint._POSSIBLE_MY_HEADER,
5352                     classify_include(file_info('foo/internal/foo.cc'),
5353                                      'foo/other/public/foo.h',
5354                                      False))
5355    self.assertEqual(cpplint._OTHER_HEADER,
5356                     classify_include(file_info('foo/internal/foo.cc'),
5357                                      'foo/other/public/foop.h',
5358                                      False))
5360  def testTryDropCommonSuffixes(self):
5361    cpplint._hpp_headers = set([])
5362    cpplint._valid_extensions = set([])
5363    self.assertEqual('foo/foo', cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('foo/foo-inl.h'))
5364    self.assertEqual('foo/foo', cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('foo/foo-inl.hxx'))
5365    self.assertEqual('foo/foo', cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('foo/foo-inl.h++'))
5366    self.assertEqual('foo/foo', cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('foo/foo-inl.hpp'))
5367    self.assertEqual('foo/bar/foo',
5368                     cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('foo/bar/foo_inl.h'))
5369    self.assertEqual('foo/foo', cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('foo/foo.cc'))
5370    self.assertEqual('foo/foo', cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('foo/foo.cxx'))
5371    self.assertEqual('foo/foo', cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('foo/foo.c'))
5372    self.assertEqual('foo/foo_unusualinternal',
5373                     cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('foo/foo_unusualinternal.h'))
5374    self.assertEqual('foo/foo_unusualinternal',
5375                     cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('foo/foo_unusualinternal.hpp'))
5376    self.assertEqual('',
5377                     cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('_test.cc'))
5378    self.assertEqual('',
5379                     cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('_test.c'))
5380    self.assertEqual('',
5381                     cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('_test.c++'))
5382    self.assertEqual('test',
5383                     cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('test.c'))
5384    self.assertEqual('test',
5385                     cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('test.cc'))
5386    self.assertEqual('test',
5387                     cpplint._DropCommonSuffixes('test.c++'))
5389  def testRegression(self):
5390    def Format(includes):
5391      include_list = []
5392      for item in includes:
5393        if item.startswith('"') or item.startswith('<'):
5394          include_list.append('#include %s\n' % item)
5395        else:
5396          include_list.append(item + '\n')
5397      return ''.join(include_list)
5399    # Test singleton cases first.
5400    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc', Format(['"foo/foo.h"']), '')
5401    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc', Format(['<stdio.h>']), '')
5402    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc', Format(['<string>']), '')
5403    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc', Format(['"foo/foo-inl.h"']), '')
5404    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc', Format(['"bar/bar-inl.h"']), '')
5405    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc', Format(['"bar/bar.h"']), '')
5407    # Test everything in a good and new order.
5408    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc',
5409                                Format(['"foo/foo.h"',
5410                                        '"foo/foo-inl.h"',
5411                                        '<stdio.h>',
5412                                        '<string>',
5413                                        '<unordered_map>',
5414                                        '"bar/bar-inl.h"',
5415                                        '"bar/bar.h"']),
5416                                '')
5418    # Test bad orders.
5419    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck(
5420        'foo/foo.cc',
5421        Format(['<string>', '<stdio.h>']),
5422        'Found C system header after C++ system header.'
5423        ' Should be: foo.h, c system, c++ system, other.'
5424        '  [build/include_order] [4]')
5425    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck(
5426        'foo/foo.cc',
5427        Format(['"foo/bar-inl.h"',
5428                '"foo/foo-inl.h"']),
5429        '')
5430    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck(
5431        'foo/foo.cc',
5432        Format(['"foo/e.h"',
5433                '"foo/b.h"',  # warning here (e>b)
5434                '"foo/c.h"',
5435                '"foo/d.h"',
5436                '"foo/a.h"']),  # warning here (d>a)
5437        ['Include "foo/b.h" not in alphabetical order'
5438         '  [build/include_alpha] [4]',
5439         'Include "foo/a.h" not in alphabetical order'
5440         '  [build/include_alpha] [4]'])
5441    # -inl.h headers are no longer special.
5442    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc',
5443                                Format(['"foo/foo-inl.h"', '<string>']),
5444                                '')
5445    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc',
5446                                Format(['"foo/bar.h"', '"foo/bar-inl.h"']),
5447                                '')
5448    # Test componentized header.  OK to have my header in ../public dir.
5449    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/internal/foo.cc',
5450                                Format(['"foo/public/foo.h"', '<string>']),
5451                                '')
5452    # OK to have my header in other dir (not stylistically, but
5453    # cpplint isn't as good as a human).
5454    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/internal/foo.cc',
5455                                Format(['"foo/other/public/foo.h"',
5456                                        '<string>']),
5457                                '')
5458    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc',
5459                                Format(['"foo/foo.h"',
5460                                        '<string>',
5461                                        '"base/google.h"',
5462                                        '"base/flags.h"']),
5463                                'Include "base/flags.h" not in alphabetical '
5464                                'order  [build/include_alpha] [4]')
5465    # According to the style, -inl.h should come before .h, but we don't
5466    # complain about that.
5467    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc',
5468                                Format(['"foo/foo-inl.h"',
5469                                        '"foo/foo.h"',
5470                                        '"base/google.h"',
5471                                        '"base/google-inl.h"']),
5472                                '')
5473    # Allow project includes to be separated by blank lines
5474    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('a/a.cc',
5475                                Format(['"a/a.h"',
5476                                        '<string>',
5477                                        '"base/google.h"',
5478                                        '',
5479                                        '"b/c.h"',
5480                                        '',
5481                                        'MACRO',
5482                                        '"a/b.h"']),
5483                                '')
5484    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('a/a.cc',
5485                                Format(['"a/a.h"',
5486                                        '<string>',
5487                                        '"base/google.h"',
5488                                        '"a/b.h"']),
5489                                'Include "a/b.h" not in alphabetical '
5490                                'order  [build/include_alpha] [4]')
5492    # Test conditional includes
5493    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck(
5494        'a/a.cc',
5495        ''.join(['#include <string.h>\n',
5496                 '#include "base/port.h"\n',
5497                 '#include <initializer_list>\n']),
5498        ('Found C++ system header after other header. '
5499         'Should be: a.h, c system, c++ system, other.  '
5500         '[build/include_order] [4]'))
5501    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck(
5502        'a/a.cc',
5503        ''.join(['#include <string.h>\n',
5504                 '#include "base/port.h"\n',
5505                 '#ifdef LANG_CXX11\n',
5506                 '#include <initializer_list>\n',
5507                 '#endif  // LANG_CXX11\n']),
5508        '')
5509    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck(
5510        'a/a.cc',
5511        ''.join(['#include <string.h>\n',
5512                 '#ifdef LANG_CXX11\n',
5513                 '#include "base/port.h"\n',
5514                 '#include <initializer_list>\n',
5515                 '#endif  // LANG_CXX11\n']),
5516        ('Found C++ system header after other header. '
5517         'Should be: a.h, c system, c++ system, other.  '
5518         '[build/include_order] [4]'))
5520    # Third party headers are exempt from order checks
5521    self.TestLanguageRulesCheck('foo/foo.cc',
5522                                Format(['<string>', '"Python.h"', '<vector>']),
5523                                '')
5526class CheckForFunctionLengthsTest(CpplintTestBase):
5528  def setUp(self):
5529    # Reducing these thresholds for the tests speeds up tests significantly.
5530    self.old_normal_trigger = cpplint._FunctionState._NORMAL_TRIGGER
5531    self.old_test_trigger = cpplint._FunctionState._TEST_TRIGGER
5533    cpplint._FunctionState._NORMAL_TRIGGER = 10
5534    cpplint._FunctionState._TEST_TRIGGER = 25
5536  def tearDown(self):
5537    cpplint._FunctionState._NORMAL_TRIGGER = self.old_normal_trigger
5538    cpplint._FunctionState._TEST_TRIGGER = self.old_test_trigger
5540  def TestFunctionLengthsCheck(self, code, expected_message):
5541    """Check warnings for long function bodies are as expected.
5543    Args:
5544      code: C++ source code expected to generate a warning message.
5545      expected_message: Message expected to be generated by the C++ code.
5546    """
5547    self.assertEquals(expected_message,
5548                      self.PerformFunctionLengthsCheck(code))
5550  def TriggerLines(self, error_level):
5551    """Return number of lines needed to trigger a function length warning.
5553    Args:
5554      error_level: --v setting for cpplint.
5556    Returns:
5557      Number of lines needed to trigger a function length warning.
5558    """
5559    return cpplint._FunctionState._NORMAL_TRIGGER * 2**error_level
5561  def TestLines(self, error_level):
5562    """Return number of lines needed to trigger a test function length warning.
5564    Args:
5565      error_level: --v setting for cpplint.
5567    Returns:
5568      Number of lines needed to trigger a test function length warning.
5569    """
5570    return cpplint._FunctionState._TEST_TRIGGER * 2**error_level
5572  def TestFunctionLengthCheckDefinition(self, lines, error_level):
5573    """Generate long function definition and check warnings are as expected.
5575    Args:
5576      lines: Number of lines to generate.
5577      error_level:  --v setting for cpplint.
5578    """
5579    trigger_level = self.TriggerLines(cpplint._VerboseLevel())
5580    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5581        'void test(int x)' + self.FunctionBody(lines),
5582        ('Small and focused functions are preferred: '
5583         'test() has %d non-comment lines '
5584         '(error triggered by exceeding %d lines).'
5585         '  [readability/fn_size] [%d]'
5586         % (lines, trigger_level, error_level)))
5588  def TestFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionOK(self, lines):
5589    """Generate shorter function definition and check no warning is produced.
5591    Args:
5592      lines: Number of lines to generate.
5593    """
5594    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5595        'void test(int x)' + self.FunctionBody(lines),
5596        '')
5598  def TestFunctionLengthCheckAtErrorLevel(self, error_level):
5599    """Generate and check function at the trigger level for --v setting.
5601    Args:
5602      error_level: --v setting for cpplint.
5603    """
5604    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckDefinition(self.TriggerLines(error_level),
5605                                           error_level)
5607  def TestFunctionLengthCheckBelowErrorLevel(self, error_level):
5608    """Generate and check function just below the trigger level for --v setting.
5610    Args:
5611      error_level: --v setting for cpplint.
5612    """
5613    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckDefinition(self.TriggerLines(error_level)-1,
5614                                           error_level-1)
5616  def TestFunctionLengthCheckAboveErrorLevel(self, error_level):
5617    """Generate and check function just above the trigger level for --v setting.
5619    Args:
5620      error_level: --v setting for cpplint.
5621    """
5622    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckDefinition(self.TriggerLines(error_level)+1,
5623                                           error_level)
5625  def FunctionBody(self, number_of_lines):
5626    return ' {\n' + '    this_is_just_a_test();\n'*number_of_lines + '}'
5628  def FunctionBodyWithBlankLines(self, number_of_lines):
5629    return ' {\n' + '    this_is_just_a_test();\n\n'*number_of_lines + '}'
5631  def FunctionBodyWithNoLints(self, number_of_lines):
5632    return (' {\n' +
5633            '    this_is_just_a_test();  // NOLINT\n'*number_of_lines + '}')
5635  # Test line length checks.
5636  def testFunctionLengthCheckDeclaration(self):
5637    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5638        'void test();',  # Not a function definition
5639        '')
5641  def testFunctionLengthCheckDeclarationWithBlockFollowing(self):
5642    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5643        ('void test();\n'
5644         + self.FunctionBody(66)),  # Not a function definition
5645        '')
5647  def testFunctionLengthCheckClassDefinition(self):
5648    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(  # Not a function definition
5649        'class Test' + self.FunctionBody(66) + ';',
5650        '')
5652  def testFunctionLengthCheckTrivial(self):
5653    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5654        'void test() {}',  # Not counted
5655        '')
5657  def testFunctionLengthCheckEmpty(self):
5658    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5659        'void test() {\n}',
5660        '')
5662  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionBelowSeverity0(self):
5663    old_verbosity = cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(0)
5664    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionOK(self.TriggerLines(0)-1)
5665    cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(old_verbosity)
5667  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionAtSeverity0(self):
5668    old_verbosity = cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(0)
5669    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionOK(self.TriggerLines(0))
5670    cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(old_verbosity)
5672  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionAboveSeverity0(self):
5673    old_verbosity = cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(0)
5674    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAboveErrorLevel(0)
5675    cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(old_verbosity)
5677  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionBelowSeverity1v0(self):
5678    old_verbosity = cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(0)
5679    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckBelowErrorLevel(1)
5680    cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(old_verbosity)
5682  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionAtSeverity1v0(self):
5683    old_verbosity = cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(0)
5684    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAtErrorLevel(1)
5685    cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(old_verbosity)
5687  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionBelowSeverity1(self):
5688    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionOK(self.TriggerLines(1)-1)
5690  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionAtSeverity1(self):
5691    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionOK(self.TriggerLines(1))
5693  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionAboveSeverity1(self):
5694    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAboveErrorLevel(1)
5696  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionSeverity1PlusBlanks(self):
5697    error_level = 1
5698    error_lines = self.TriggerLines(error_level) + 1
5699    trigger_level = self.TriggerLines(cpplint._VerboseLevel())
5700    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5701        'void test_blanks(int x)' + self.FunctionBody(error_lines),
5702        ('Small and focused functions are preferred: '
5703         'test_blanks() has %d non-comment lines '
5704         '(error triggered by exceeding %d lines).'
5705         '  [readability/fn_size] [%d]')
5706        % (error_lines, trigger_level, error_level))
5708  def testFunctionLengthCheckComplexDefinitionSeverity1(self):
5709    error_level = 1
5710    error_lines = self.TriggerLines(error_level) + 1
5711    trigger_level = self.TriggerLines(cpplint._VerboseLevel())
5712    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5713        ('my_namespace::my_other_namespace::MyVeryLongTypeName*\n'
5714         'my_namespace::my_other_namespace::MyFunction(int arg1, char* arg2)'
5715         + self.FunctionBody(error_lines)),
5716        ('Small and focused functions are preferred: '
5717         'my_namespace::my_other_namespace::MyFunction()'
5718         ' has %d non-comment lines '
5719         '(error triggered by exceeding %d lines).'
5720         '  [readability/fn_size] [%d]')
5721        % (error_lines, trigger_level, error_level))
5723  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionSeverity1ForTest(self):
5724    error_level = 1
5725    error_lines = self.TestLines(error_level) + 1
5726    trigger_level = self.TestLines(cpplint._VerboseLevel())
5727    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5728        'TEST_F(Test, Mutator)' + self.FunctionBody(error_lines),
5729        ('Small and focused functions are preferred: '
5730         'TEST_F(Test, Mutator) has %d non-comment lines '
5731         '(error triggered by exceeding %d lines).'
5732         '  [readability/fn_size] [%d]')
5733        % (error_lines, trigger_level, error_level))
5735  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionSeverity1ForSplitLineTest(self):
5736    error_level = 1
5737    error_lines = self.TestLines(error_level) + 1
5738    trigger_level = self.TestLines(cpplint._VerboseLevel())
5739    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5740        ('TEST_F(GoogleUpdateRecoveryRegistryProtectedTest,\n'
5741         '    FixGoogleUpdate_AllValues_MachineApp)'  # note: 4 spaces
5742         + self.FunctionBody(error_lines)),
5743        ('Small and focused functions are preferred: '
5744         'TEST_F(GoogleUpdateRecoveryRegistryProtectedTest, '  # 1 space
5745         'FixGoogleUpdate_AllValues_MachineApp) has %d non-comment lines '
5746         '(error triggered by exceeding %d lines).'
5747         '  [readability/fn_size] [%d]')
5748        % (error_lines+1, trigger_level, error_level))
5750  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionSeverity1ForBadTestDoesntBreak(self):
5751    error_level = 1
5752    error_lines = self.TestLines(error_level) + 1
5753    trigger_level = self.TestLines(cpplint._VerboseLevel())
5754    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5755        ('TEST_F('
5756         + self.FunctionBody(error_lines)),
5757        ('Small and focused functions are preferred: '
5758         'TEST_F has %d non-comment lines '
5759         '(error triggered by exceeding %d lines).'
5760         '  [readability/fn_size] [%d]')
5761        % (error_lines, trigger_level, error_level))
5763  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionSeverity1WithEmbeddedNoLints(self):
5764    error_level = 1
5765    error_lines = self.TriggerLines(error_level)+1
5766    trigger_level = self.TriggerLines(cpplint._VerboseLevel())
5767    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5768        'void test(int x)' + self.FunctionBodyWithNoLints(error_lines),
5769        ('Small and focused functions are preferred: '
5770         'test() has %d non-comment lines '
5771         '(error triggered by exceeding %d lines).'
5772         '  [readability/fn_size] [%d]')
5773        % (error_lines, trigger_level, error_level))
5775  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionSeverity1WithNoLint(self):
5776    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5777        ('void test(int x)' + self.FunctionBody(self.TriggerLines(1))
5778         + '  // NOLINT -- long function'),
5779        '')
5781  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionBelowSeverity2(self):
5782    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckBelowErrorLevel(2)
5784  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionSeverity2(self):
5785    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAtErrorLevel(2)
5787  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionAboveSeverity2(self):
5788    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAboveErrorLevel(2)
5790  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionBelowSeverity3(self):
5791    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckBelowErrorLevel(3)
5793  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionSeverity3(self):
5794    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAtErrorLevel(3)
5796  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionAboveSeverity3(self):
5797    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAboveErrorLevel(3)
5799  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionBelowSeverity4(self):
5800    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckBelowErrorLevel(4)
5802  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionSeverity4(self):
5803    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAtErrorLevel(4)
5805  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionAboveSeverity4(self):
5806    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAboveErrorLevel(4)
5808  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionBelowSeverity5(self):
5809    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckBelowErrorLevel(5)
5811  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionAtSeverity5(self):
5812    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAtErrorLevel(5)
5814  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionAboveSeverity5(self):
5815    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckAboveErrorLevel(5)
5817  def testFunctionLengthCheckDefinitionHugeLines(self):
5818    # 5 is the limit
5819    self.TestFunctionLengthCheckDefinition(self.TriggerLines(10), 5)
5821  def testFunctionLengthNotDeterminable(self):
5822    # Macro invocation without terminating semicolon.
5823    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5824        'MACRO(arg)',
5825        '')
5827    # Macro with underscores
5828    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5829        'MACRO_WITH_UNDERSCORES(arg1, arg2, arg3)',
5830        '')
5832    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5833        'NonMacro(arg)',
5834        'Lint failed to find start of function body.'
5835        '  [readability/fn_size] [5]')
5837  def testFunctionLengthCheckWithNamespace(self):
5838    old_verbosity = cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(1)
5839    self.TestFunctionLengthsCheck(
5840        ('namespace {\n'
5841         'void CodeCoverageCL35256059() {\n' +
5842         ('  X++;\n' * 3000) +
5843         '}\n'
5844         '}  // namespace\n'),
5845        ('Small and focused functions are preferred: '
5846         'CodeCoverageCL35256059() has 3000 non-comment lines '
5847         '(error triggered by exceeding 20 lines).'
5848         '  [readability/fn_size] [5]'))
5849    cpplint._SetVerboseLevel(old_verbosity)
5852def TrimExtraIndent(text_block):
5853  """Trim a uniform amount of whitespace off of each line in a string.
5855  Compute the minimum indent on all non blank lines and trim that from each, so
5856  that the block of text has no extra indentation.
5858  Args:
5859    text_block: a multiline string
5861  Returns:
5862    text_block with the common whitespace indent of each line removed.
5863  """
5865  def CountLeadingWhitespace(s):
5866    count = 0
5867    for c in s:
5868      if not c.isspace():
5869        break
5870      count += 1
5871    return count
5872  # find the minimum indent (except for blank lines)
5873  min_indent = min([CountLeadingWhitespace(line)
5874                    for line in text_block.split('\n') if line])
5875  return '\n'.join([line[min_indent:] for line in text_block.split('\n')])
5878class CloseExpressionTest(unittest.TestCase):
5880  def setUp(self):
5881    self.lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(
5882        #           1         2         3         4         5
5883        # 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
5884        ['// Line 0',
5885         'inline RCULocked<X>::ReadPtr::ReadPtr(const RCULocked* rcu) {',
5886         '  DCHECK(!(data & kFlagMask)) << "Error";',
5887         '}',
5888         '// Line 4',
5889         'RCULocked<X>::WritePtr::WritePtr(RCULocked* rcu)',
5890         '    : lock_(&rcu_->mutex_) {',
5891         '}',
5892         '// Line 8',
5893         'template <typename T, typename... A>',
5894         'typename std::enable_if<',
5895         '    std::is_array<T>::value && (std::extent<T>::value > 0)>::type',
5896         'MakeUnique(A&&... a) = delete;',
5897         '// Line 13',
5898         'auto x = []() {};',
5899         '// Line 15',
5900         'template <typename U>',
5901         'friend bool operator==(const reffed_ptr& a,',
5902         '                       const reffed_ptr<U>& b) {',
5903         '  return a.get() == b.get();',
5904         '}',
5905         '// Line 21'])
5907  def testCloseExpression(self):
5908    # List of positions to test:
5909    # (start line, start position, end line, end position + 1)
5910    positions = [(1, 16, 1, 19),
5911                 (1, 37, 1, 59),
5912                 (1, 60, 3, 1),
5913                 (2, 8, 2, 29),
5914                 (2, 30, 22, -1),  # Left shift operator
5915                 (9, 9, 9, 36),
5916                 (10, 23, 11, 59),
5917                 (11, 54, 22, -1),  # Greater than operator
5918                 (14, 9, 14, 11),
5919                 (14, 11, 14, 13),
5920                 (14, 14, 14, 16),
5921                 (17, 22, 18, 46),
5922                 (18, 47, 20, 1)]
5923    for p in positions:
5924      (_, line, column) = cpplint.CloseExpression(self.lines, p[0], p[1])
5925      self.assertEquals((p[2], p[3]), (line, column))
5927  def testReverseCloseExpression(self):
5928    # List of positions to test:
5929    # (end line, end position, start line, start position)
5930    positions = [(1, 18, 1, 16),
5931                 (1, 58, 1, 37),
5932                 (2, 27, 2, 10),
5933                 (2, 28, 2, 8),
5934                 (6, 18, 0, -1),  # -> operator
5935                 (9, 35, 9, 9),
5936                 (11, 54, 0, -1),  # Greater than operator
5937                 (11, 57, 11, 31),
5938                 (14, 10, 14, 9),
5939                 (14, 12, 14, 11),
5940                 (14, 15, 14, 14),
5941                 (18, 45, 17, 22),
5942                 (20, 0, 18, 47)]
5943    for p in positions:
5944      (_, line, column) = cpplint.ReverseCloseExpression(self.lines, p[0], p[1])
5945      self.assertEquals((p[2], p[3]), (line, column))
5948class NestingStateTest(unittest.TestCase):
5950  def setUp(self):
5951    self.nesting_state = cpplint.NestingState()
5952    self.error_collector = ErrorCollector(self.assert_)
5954  def UpdateWithLines(self, lines):
5955    clean_lines = cpplint.CleansedLines(lines)
5956    for line in xrange(clean_lines.NumLines()):
5957      self.nesting_state.Update('test.cc',
5958                                clean_lines, line, self.error_collector)
5960  def testEmpty(self):
5961    self.UpdateWithLines([])
5962    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack, [])
5964  def testNamespace(self):
5965    self.UpdateWithLines(['namespace {'])
5966    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
5967    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0],
5968                               cpplint._NamespaceInfo))
5969    self.assertTrue(self.nesting_state.stack[0].seen_open_brace)
5970    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, '')
5972    self.UpdateWithLines(['namespace outer { namespace inner'])
5973    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 3)
5974    self.assertTrue(self.nesting_state.stack[0].seen_open_brace)
5975    self.assertTrue(self.nesting_state.stack[1].seen_open_brace)
5976    self.assertFalse(self.nesting_state.stack[2].seen_open_brace)
5977    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, '')
5978    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[1].name, 'outer')
5979    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[2].name, 'inner')
5981    self.UpdateWithLines(['{'])
5982    self.assertTrue(self.nesting_state.stack[2].seen_open_brace)
5984    self.UpdateWithLines(['}', '}}'])
5985    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
5987  def testClass(self):
5988    self.UpdateWithLines(['class A {'])
5989    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
5990    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
5991    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'A')
5992    self.assertFalse(self.nesting_state.stack[0].is_derived)
5993    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].class_indent, 0)
5995    self.UpdateWithLines(['};',
5996                          'struct B : public A {'])
5997    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
5998    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
5999    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'B')
6000    self.assertTrue(self.nesting_state.stack[0].is_derived)
6002    self.UpdateWithLines(['};',
6003                          'class C',
6004                          ': public A {'])
6005    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6006    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6007    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'C')
6008    self.assertTrue(self.nesting_state.stack[0].is_derived)
6010    self.UpdateWithLines(['};',
6011                          'template<T>'])
6012    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6014    self.UpdateWithLines(['class D {', '  class E {'])
6015    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 2)
6016    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6017    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'D')
6018    self.assertFalse(self.nesting_state.stack[0].is_derived)
6019    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[1], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6020    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[1].name, 'E')
6021    self.assertFalse(self.nesting_state.stack[1].is_derived)
6022    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[1].class_indent, 2)
6023    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.InnermostClass().name, 'E')
6025    self.UpdateWithLines(['}', '}'])
6026    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6028  def testClassAccess(self):
6029    self.UpdateWithLines(['class A {'])
6030    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6031    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6032    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].access, 'private')
6034    self.UpdateWithLines([' public:'])
6035    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].access, 'public')
6036    self.UpdateWithLines([' protracted:'])
6037    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].access, 'public')
6038    self.UpdateWithLines([' protected:'])
6039    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].access, 'protected')
6040    self.UpdateWithLines([' private:'])
6041    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].access, 'private')
6043    self.UpdateWithLines(['  struct B {'])
6044    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 2)
6045    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[1], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6046    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[1].access, 'public')
6047    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].access, 'private')
6049    self.UpdateWithLines(['   protected  :'])
6050    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[1].access, 'protected')
6051    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].access, 'private')
6053    self.UpdateWithLines(['  }', '}'])
6054    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6056  def testStruct(self):
6057    self.UpdateWithLines(['struct A {'])
6058    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6059    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6060    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'A')
6061    self.assertFalse(self.nesting_state.stack[0].is_derived)
6063    self.UpdateWithLines(['}',
6064                          'void Func(struct B arg) {'])
6065    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6066    self.assertFalse(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0],
6067                                cpplint._ClassInfo))
6069    self.UpdateWithLines(['}'])
6070    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6072  def testPreprocessor(self):
6073    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 0)
6074    self.UpdateWithLines(['#if MACRO1'])
6075    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 1)
6076    self.UpdateWithLines(['#endif'])
6077    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 0)
6079    self.UpdateWithLines(['#ifdef MACRO2'])
6080    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 1)
6081    self.UpdateWithLines(['#else'])
6082    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 1)
6083    self.UpdateWithLines(['#ifdef MACRO3'])
6084    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 2)
6085    self.UpdateWithLines(['#elif MACRO4'])
6086    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 2)
6087    self.UpdateWithLines(['#endif'])
6088    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 1)
6089    self.UpdateWithLines(['#endif'])
6090    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 0)
6092    self.UpdateWithLines(['#ifdef MACRO5',
6093                          'class A {',
6094                          '#elif MACRO6',
6095                          'class B {',
6096                          '#else',
6097                          'class C {',
6098                          '#endif'])
6099    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 0)
6100    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6101    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6102    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'A')
6103    self.UpdateWithLines(['};'])
6104    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6106    self.UpdateWithLines(['class D',
6107                          '#ifdef MACRO7'])
6108    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 1)
6109    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6110    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6111    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'D')
6112    self.assertFalse(self.nesting_state.stack[0].is_derived)
6114    self.UpdateWithLines(['#elif MACRO8',
6115                          ': public E'])
6116    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6117    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'D')
6118    self.assertTrue(self.nesting_state.stack[0].is_derived)
6119    self.assertFalse(self.nesting_state.stack[0].seen_open_brace)
6121    self.UpdateWithLines(['#else',
6122                          '{'])
6123    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6124    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'D')
6125    self.assertFalse(self.nesting_state.stack[0].is_derived)
6126    self.assertTrue(self.nesting_state.stack[0].seen_open_brace)
6128    self.UpdateWithLines(['#endif'])
6129    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.pp_stack), 0)
6130    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6131    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'D')
6132    self.assertFalse(self.nesting_state.stack[0].is_derived)
6133    self.assertFalse(self.nesting_state.stack[0].seen_open_brace)
6135    self.UpdateWithLines([';'])
6136    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6138  def testTemplate(self):
6139    self.UpdateWithLines(['template <T,',
6140                          '          class Arg1 = tmpl<T> >'])
6141    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6142    self.UpdateWithLines(['class A {'])
6143    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6144    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6145    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'A')
6147    self.UpdateWithLines(['};',
6148                          'template <T,',
6149                          '  template <typename, typename> class B>',
6150                          'class C'])
6151    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6152    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6153    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'C')
6154    self.UpdateWithLines([';'])
6155    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6157    self.UpdateWithLines(['class D : public Tmpl<E>'])
6158    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6159    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6160    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'D')
6162    self.UpdateWithLines(['{', '};'])
6163    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6165    self.UpdateWithLines(['template <class F,',
6166                          '          class G,',
6167                          '          class H,',
6168                          '          typename I>',
6169                          'static void Func() {'])
6170    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6171    self.assertFalse(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0],
6172                                cpplint._ClassInfo))
6173    self.UpdateWithLines(['}',
6174                          'template <class J> class K {'])
6175    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6176    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6177    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'K')
6179  def testTemplateDefaultArg(self):
6180    self.UpdateWithLines([
6181      'template <class T, class D = default_delete<T>> class unique_ptr {',])
6182    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6183    self.assertTrue(self.nesting_state.stack[0], isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6185  def testTemplateInnerClass(self):
6186    self.UpdateWithLines(['class A {',
6187                          ' public:'])
6188    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6189    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6191    self.UpdateWithLines(['  template <class B>',
6192                          '  class C<alloc<B> >',
6193                          '      : public A {'])
6194    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 2)
6195    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[1], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6197  def testArguments(self):
6198    self.UpdateWithLines(['class A {'])
6199    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6200    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6201    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'A')
6202    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 0)
6204    self.UpdateWithLines(['  void Func(',
6205                          '    struct X arg1,'])
6206    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6207    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 1)
6208    self.UpdateWithLines(['    struct X *arg2);'])
6209    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6210    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 0)
6212    self.UpdateWithLines(['};'])
6213    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6215    self.UpdateWithLines(['struct B {'])
6216    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6217    self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.nesting_state.stack[0], cpplint._ClassInfo))
6218    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[0].name, 'B')
6220    self.UpdateWithLines(['#ifdef MACRO',
6221                          '  void Func(',
6222                          '    struct X arg1'])
6223    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6224    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 1)
6225    self.UpdateWithLines(['#else'])
6227    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6228    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 0)
6229    self.UpdateWithLines(['  void Func(',
6230                          '    struct X arg1'])
6231    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6232    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 1)
6234    self.UpdateWithLines(['#endif'])
6235    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6236    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 1)
6237    self.UpdateWithLines(['    struct X *arg2);'])
6238    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6239    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 0)
6241    self.UpdateWithLines(['};'])
6242    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6244  def testInlineAssembly(self):
6245    self.UpdateWithLines(['void CopyRow_SSE2(const uint8* src, uint8* dst,',
6246                          '                  int count) {'])
6247    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6248    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 0)
6249    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].inline_asm, cpplint._NO_ASM)
6251    self.UpdateWithLines(['  asm volatile ('])
6252    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6253    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 1)
6254    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].inline_asm,
6255                      cpplint._INSIDE_ASM)
6257    self.UpdateWithLines(['    "sub        %0,%1                         \\n"',
6258                          '  "1:                                         \\n"',
6259                          '    "movdqa    (%0),%%xmm0                    \\n"',
6260                          '    "movdqa    0x10(%0),%%xmm1                \\n"',
6261                          '    "movdqa    %%xmm0,(%0,%1)                 \\n"',
6262                          '    "movdqa    %%xmm1,0x10(%0,%1)             \\n"',
6263                          '    "lea       0x20(%0),%0                    \\n"',
6264                          '    "sub       $0x20,%2                       \\n"',
6265                          '    "jg        1b                             \\n"',
6266                          '  : "+r"(src),   // %0',
6267                          '    "+r"(dst),   // %1',
6268                          '    "+r"(count)  // %2',
6269                          '  :',
6270                          '  : "memory", "cc"'])
6271    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6272    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 1)
6273    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].inline_asm,
6274                      cpplint._INSIDE_ASM)
6276    self.UpdateWithLines(['#if defined(__SSE2__)',
6277                          '    , "xmm0", "xmm1"'])
6278    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6279    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 1)
6280    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].inline_asm,
6281                      cpplint._INSIDE_ASM)
6283    self.UpdateWithLines(['#endif'])
6284    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6285    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 1)
6286    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].inline_asm,
6287                      cpplint._INSIDE_ASM)
6289    self.UpdateWithLines(['  );'])
6290    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6291    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 0)
6292    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].inline_asm, cpplint._END_ASM)
6294    self.UpdateWithLines(['__asm {'])
6295    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 2)
6296    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].open_parentheses, 0)
6297    self.assertEquals(self.nesting_state.stack[-1].inline_asm,
6298                      cpplint._BLOCK_ASM)
6300    self.UpdateWithLines(['}'])
6301    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 1)
6303    self.UpdateWithLines(['}'])
6304    self.assertEquals(len(self.nesting_state.stack), 0)
6307class QuietTest(unittest.TestCase):
6309  def setUp(self):
6310    self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
6311    self.this_dir_path = os.path.abspath(self.temp_dir)
6312    self.python_executable = sys.executable or 'python'
6313    self.cpplint_test_h = os.path.join(self.this_dir_path,
6314                                       'cpplint_test_header.h')
6315    open(self.cpplint_test_h, 'w').close()
6317  def tearDown(self):
6318    shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
6320  def _runCppLint(self, *args):
6321    cpplint_abspath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'cpplint.py')
6323    cmd_line = [self.python_executable, cpplint_abspath] +                     \
6324        list(args) +                                                           \
6325        [ self.cpplint_test_h ]
6327    return_code = 0
6328    try:
6329      output = subprocess.check_output(cmd_line,
6330                                       stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
6331    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
6332      return_code = err.returncode
6333      output = err.output
6334    if isinstance(output, bytes):
6335        output = output.decode('utf-8')
6336    return (return_code, output)
6338  def testNonQuietWithErrors(self):
6339    # This will fail: the test header is missing a copyright and header guard.
6340    (return_code, output) = self._runCppLint()
6341    self.assertEquals(1, return_code)
6342    # Always-on behavior: Print error messages as they come up.
6343    self.assertIn("[legal/copyright]", output)
6344    self.assertIn("[build/header_guard]", output)
6345    # If --quiet was unspecified: Print 'Done processing' and 'Total errors..'
6346    self.assertIn("Done processing", output)
6347    self.assertIn("Total errors found:", output)
6349  def testQuietWithErrors(self):
6350    # When there are errors, behavior is identical to not passing --quiet.
6351    (return_code, output) = self._runCppLint('--quiet')
6352    self.assertEquals(1, return_code)
6353    self.assertIn("[legal/copyright]", output)
6354    self.assertIn("[build/header_guard]", output)
6355    # Even though --quiet was used, print these since there were errors.
6356    self.assertIn("Done processing", output)
6357    self.assertIn("Total errors found:", output)
6359  def testNonQuietWithoutErrors(self):
6360    # This will succeed. We filtered out all the known errors for that file.
6361    (return_code, output) = self._runCppLint('--filter=' +
6362                                                '-legal/copyright,' +
6363                                                '-build/header_guard')
6364    self.assertEquals(0, return_code, output)
6365    # No cpplint errors are printed since there were no errors.
6366    self.assertNotIn("[legal/copyright]", output)
6367    self.assertNotIn("[build/header_guard]", output)
6368    # Print 'Done processing' since
6369    # --quiet was not specified.
6370    self.assertIn("Done processing", output)
6372  def testQuietWithoutErrors(self):
6373    # This will succeed. We filtered out all the known errors for that file.
6374    (return_code, output) = self._runCppLint('--quiet',
6375                                             '--filter=' +
6376                                                 '-legal/copyright,' +
6377                                                 '-build/header_guard')
6378    self.assertEquals(0, return_code, output)
6379    # No cpplint errors are printed since there were no errors.
6380    self.assertNotIn("[legal/copyright]", output)
6381    self.assertNotIn("[build/header_guard]", output)
6382    # --quiet was specified and there were no errors:
6383    # skip the printing of 'Done processing' and 'Total errors..'
6384    self.assertNotIn("Done processing", output)
6385    self.assertNotIn("Total errors found:", output)
6386    # Output with no errors must be completely blank!
6387    self.assertEquals("", output)
6389#class FileFilterTest(unittest.TestCase):
6390#  def testFilterExcludedFiles(self):
6391#    self.assertEquals([], _FilterExcludedFiles([]))
6393# pylint: disable=C6409
6394def setUp():
6395  """Runs before all tests are executed.
6396  """
6397  # Enable all filters, so we don't miss anything that is off by default.
6398  cpplint._DEFAULT_FILTERS = []
6399  cpplint._cpplint_state.SetFilters('')
6402# pylint: disable=C6409
6403def tearDown():
6404  """A global check to make sure all error-categories have been tested.
6406  The main tearDown() routine is the only code we can guarantee will be
6407  run after all other tests have been executed.
6408  """
6409  try:
6410    if _run_verifyallcategoriesseen:
6411      ErrorCollector(None).VerifyAllCategoriesAreSeen()
6412  except NameError:
6413    # If nobody set the global _run_verifyallcategoriesseen, then
6414    # we assume we should silently not run the test
6415    pass
6419def run_around_tests():
6420  setUp()
6421  yield
6422  tearDown()
6425if __name__ == '__main__':
6426  # We don't want to run the VerifyAllCategoriesAreSeen() test unless
6427  # we're running the full test suite: if we only run one test,
6428  # obviously we're not going to see all the error categories.  So we
6429  # only run VerifyAllCategoriesAreSeen() when no commandline flags
6430  # are passed in.
6431  global _run_verifyallcategoriesseen
6432  _run_verifyallcategoriesseen = (len(sys.argv) == 1)
6434  setUp()
6435  unittest.main()
6436  tearDown()