1function result = get_symmetry (A,quick)
2%GET_SYMMETRY: does the same thing as the spsym mexFunction.
3% It's just a lot slower and uses much more memory.  This function
4% is meant for testing and documentation only.
5[m n] = size (A) ;
6if (m ~= n)
7    result = 1 ;            % rectangular
8    return
10if (nargin < 2)
11    quick = 0 ;
13d = diag (A) ;
14posdiag = all (real (d) > 0) & all (imag (d) == 0) ;
15if (quick & ~posdiag)
16    result = 2 ;            % Not a candidate for sparse Cholesky.
17elseif (~isreal (A) & nnz (A-A') == 0)
18    if (posdiag)
19        result = 7 ;        % complex Hermitian, with positive diagonal
20    else
21        result = 4 ;        % complex Hermitian, nonpositive diagonal
22    end
23elseif (nnz (A-A.') == 0)
24    if (posdiag)
25        result = 6 ;        % symmetric with positive diagonal
26    else
27        result = 3 ;        % symmetric, nonpositive diagonal
28    end
29elseif (nnz (A+A.') == 0)
30    result = 5 ;            % skew symmetric
32    result = 2 ;            % unsymmetric