1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // gblogassign: logical assignment: C(M) = A
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // gblogassign computes the MATLAB logical indexing expression C(M) = A.  The
11 // matrices C and M must be the same size.  M is normally logical but it can be
12 // of any type in this mexFunction.  M should not have any explicit zeros.  A
13 // is a sparse vector of size nnz(M)-by-1.  Scalar expansion is not handled.
14 // Use GrB.subassign (C, M, scalar) for that case.
16 // Usage:
18 //      C = gblogassign (C, M, A)
20 //  This function is the C equivalent of the following m-function:
22 /*
24     function C = gblogassign (C, M_input, A)
25     % Computing the MATLAB logical indexing expression C(M) = A in GraphBLAS.
26     % A is a sparse vector of size nnz(M)-by-1 (scalar expansion is not
27     % handled). M is normally a sparse logical matrix, either GraphBLAS or
28     % MATLAB, but it can be of any type.  C and M have the same size.
30     % make sure all matrices are stored by column
31     save = GrB.format ;
32     GrB.format ('by col') ;
33     M = GrB (m, n, 'logical') ;
34     M = GrB.select (M, '2nd', 'nonzero', M_input) ;
35     if (isequal (GrB.format (A), 'by row'))
36         A = GrB (A) ;
37     end
39     [m n] = size (C) ;
40     mnz = nnz (M) ;         % A must be mnz-by-1
41     if (~isequal (size (A), [mnz 1]))
42         error ('A must be nnz(M)-by-1')
43     end
45     [ai,  ~, ax] = GrB.extracttuples (A) ;
46     [mi, mj,  ~] = GrB.extracttuples (M) ;
48     % construct a subset of the entries of the mask M corresponding to the
49     % entries in A
50     si = mi (ai) ;
51     sj = mj (ai) ;
52     S = GrB.build (si, sj, ax, m, n) ;
54     GrB.format (save) ;
56     % C<M> = S
57     C = GrB.subassign (C, M, S) ;
59 */
62 // This C mexFunction is faster than the above m-function, since it avoids the
63 // use of GrB.extracttuples.  Instead, it accesses the internal structure of the
64 // GrB_Matrix objects.  The m-file above is useful for understanding that this
65 // C mexFunction does.
67 // C is always returned as a GrB matrix.
69 #include "gb_matlab.h"
71 #define USAGE "usage: C = gblogassign (C, M, A)"
72 #define ERR "A must be a vector of length nnz(M) for logical indexing, C(M)=A"
mexFunction(int nargout,mxArray * pargout[],int nargin,const mxArray * pargin[])74 void mexFunction
75 (
76     int nargout,
77     mxArray *pargout [ ],
78     int nargin,
79     const mxArray *pargin [ ]
80 )
81 {
83     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
84     // check inputs
85     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
87     gb_usage (nargin == 3 && nargout <= 1, USAGE) ;
89     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
90     // get a deep copy of C, of any sparsity structure
91     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
93     GrB_Matrix C = gb_get_deep (pargin [0]) ;
94     GrB_Index nrows, ncols ;
95     OK (GrB_Matrix_nrows (&nrows, C)) ;
96     OK (GrB_Matrix_ncols (&ncols, C)) ;
98     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
99     // get M
100     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
102     // make M boolean, sparse/hyper, stored by column, and drop explicit zeros
103     GrB_Matrix M_input = gb_get_shallow (pargin [1]) ;
104     GrB_Matrix M = gb_new (GrB_BOOL, nrows, ncols, GxB_BY_COL,
105         GxB_SPARSE + GxB_HYPERSPARSE) ;
106     OK1 (M, GxB_Matrix_select (M, NULL, NULL, GxB_NONZERO, M_input,
107         NULL, NULL)) ;
109     OK (GrB_Matrix_free (&M_input)) ;
110     GrB_Index mnz ;
111     OK (GrB_Matrix_nvals (&mnz, M)) ;
113     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
114     // get A
115     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
117     GrB_Matrix A_input = gb_get_shallow (pargin [2]) ;
118     GrB_Matrix A = A_input ;
119     GrB_Type atype ;
120     GrB_Index anrows, ancols, anz ;
121     GxB_Format_Value fmt ;
122     int A_sparsity ;
123     OK (GrB_Matrix_nrows (&anrows, A)) ;
124     OK (GrB_Matrix_ncols (&ancols, A)) ;
125     OK (GxB_Matrix_type (&atype, A)) ;
126     OK (GrB_Matrix_nvals (&anz, A)) ;
127     OK (GxB_Matrix_Option_get (A, GxB_FORMAT, &fmt)) ;
128     OK (GxB_Matrix_Option_get (A, GxB_SPARSITY_STATUS, &A_sparsity)) ;
130     GrB_Matrix A_copy = NULL ;
131     GrB_Matrix A_copy2 = NULL ;
133     // make sure A is not bitmap; it can be sparse, hypersparse, or full
134     if (A_sparsity == GxB_BITMAP)
135     {
136         OK (GrB_Matrix_dup (&A_copy2, A)) ;
137         OK1 (A_copy2, GxB_Matrix_Option_set (A_copy2, GxB_SPARSITY_CONTROL,
138             GxB_SPARSE + GxB_HYPERSPARSE + GxB_FULL)) ;
139         A = A_copy2 ;
140     }
142     // make sure A is a vector of the right size
143     if (mnz == 0)
144     {
145         // M is empty, so A must have no entries.  The dimensions and format of
146         // A are not relevant, since the content of A will not be accessed.
147         CHECK_ERROR (anz != 0, ERR) ;
148     }
149     else if (anrows == 1)
150     {
151         // A is 1-by-ancols; ensure it is has length nnz(M), and held by row,
152         // or transpose to ancols-by-1 and held by column.
153         CHECK_ERROR (ancols != mnz, ERR) ;
154         if (fmt == GxB_BY_COL)
155         {
156             // A is 1-by-ancols and held by column: transpose it
157             A_copy = gb_new (atype, mnz, 1, GxB_BY_COL,
158                 GxB_SPARSE + GxB_HYPERSPARSE + GxB_FULL) ;
159             OK1 (A_copy, GrB_transpose (A_copy, NULL, NULL, A, NULL)) ;
160             OK1 (A_copy, GrB_Matrix_wait (&A_copy)) ;
161             A = A_copy ;
162         }
163     }
164     else if (ancols == 1)
165     {
166         // A is anrows-by-1; ensure it is has length nnz(M), and held by col
167         // or transpose to 1-by-anrows and held by row.
168         CHECK_ERROR (anrows != mnz, ERR) ;
169         if (fmt == GxB_BY_ROW)
170         {
171             // A is anrows-by-1 and held by row: transpose it
172             A_copy = gb_new (atype, 1, mnz, GxB_BY_ROW,
173                 GxB_SPARSE + GxB_HYPERSPARSE + GxB_FULL) ;
174             OK1 (A_copy, GrB_transpose (A_copy, NULL, NULL, A, NULL)) ;
175             OK1 (A_copy, GrB_Matrix_wait (&A_copy)) ;
176             A = A_copy ;
177         }
178     }
179     else
180     {
181         ERROR (ERR) ;
182     }
184     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
185     // extract the values and pattern of A
186     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
188     // TODO: use a shallow variant of GxB*export to access content of M and A
189     GrB_Index *Ai = (GrB_Index *) A->i ;
190     void *Ax = A->x ;
191     double empty ;
192     if (Ax == NULL) Ax = &empty ;
194     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
195     // extract the pattern of M
196     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
198     GrB_Index *Mi = (GrB_Index *) (M->i) ;
199     GrB_Index *Mj = mxMalloc (MAX (mnz, 1) * sizeof (GrB_Index)) ;
200     OK (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples_BOOL (NULL, Mj, NULL, &mnz, M)) ;
202     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
203     // construct a subset of the pattern of M corresponding to the entries of A
204     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
206     GrB_Index *Si = mxMalloc (MAX (anz, 1) * sizeof (GrB_Index)) ;
207     GrB_Index *Sj = mxMalloc (MAX (anz, 1) * sizeof (GrB_Index)) ;
209     GB_matlab_helper5 (Si, Sj, Mi, Mj, M->vlen, Ai, A->vlen, anz) ;
211     GrB_Matrix S = gb_new (atype, nrows, ncols, GxB_BY_COL, 0) ;
213     if (atype == GrB_BOOL)
214     {
215         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_BOOL (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_LOR)) ;
216     }
217     else if (atype == GrB_INT8)
218     {
219         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_INT8 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_PLUS_INT8)) ;
220     }
221     else if (atype == GrB_INT16)
222     {
223         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_INT16 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_PLUS_INT16)) ;
224     }
225     else if (atype == GrB_INT32)
226     {
227         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_INT32 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_PLUS_INT32)) ;
228     }
229     else if (atype == GrB_INT64)
230     {
231         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_INT64 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_PLUS_INT64)) ;
232     }
233     else if (atype == GrB_UINT8)
234     {
235         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_UINT8 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_PLUS_UINT8)) ;
236     }
237     else if (atype == GrB_UINT16)
238     {
239         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_UINT16 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_PLUS_UINT16)) ;
240     }
241     else if (atype == GrB_UINT32)
242     {
243         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_UINT32 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_PLUS_UINT32)) ;
244     }
245     else if (atype == GrB_UINT64)
246     {
247         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_UINT64 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_PLUS_UINT64)) ;
248     }
249     else if (atype == GrB_FP32)
250     {
251         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_FP32 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_PLUS_FP32)) ;
252     }
253     else if (atype == GrB_FP64)
254     {
255         OK1 (S, GrB_Matrix_build_FP64 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GrB_PLUS_FP64)) ;
256     }
257     else if (atype == GxB_FC32)
258     {
259         OK1 (S, GxB_Matrix_build_FC32 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GxB_PLUS_FC32)) ;
260     }
261     else if (atype == GxB_FC64)
262     {
263         OK1 (S, GxB_Matrix_build_FC64 (S, Si, Sj, Ax, anz, GxB_PLUS_FC64)) ;
264     }
265     else
266     {
267         ERROR ("unsupported type") ;
268     }
270     OK (GrB_Matrix_free (&A_copy)) ;
271     OK (GrB_Matrix_free (&A_copy2)) ;
273     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
274     // C<M> = S
275     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
277     OK1 (C, GxB_Matrix_subassign (C, M, NULL,
278         S, GrB_ALL, nrows, GrB_ALL, ncols, NULL)) ;
280     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
281     // free shallow copies and temporary matrices
282     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
284     // OK: Si, Sj, and Mj were allocated above from mxMalloc, never in a
285     // GrB_Matrix
286     gb_mxfree (&Si) ;
287     gb_mxfree (&Sj) ;
288     gb_mxfree (&Mj) ;
289     OK (GrB_Matrix_free (&S)) ;
290     OK (GrB_Matrix_free (&M)) ;
291     OK (GrB_Matrix_free (&A_input)) ;
293     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
294     // export the output matrix C back to MATLAB as a GraphBLAS matrix
295     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
297     pargout [0] = gb_export (&C, KIND_GRB) ;
298     GB_WRAPUP ;
299 }