1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // GB_AxB_dot3_template: C<M>=A'*B via dot products, where C is sparse/hyper
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // C and M are both sparse or hyper, and C->h is a copy of M->h.
11 // M is present, and not complemented.  It may be valued or structural.
13 {
15     int tid ;
16     #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads) schedule(dynamic,1) \
17         reduction(+:nzombies)
18     for (tid = 0 ; tid < ntasks ; tid++)
19     {
21         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
22         // get the task descriptor
23         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
25         int64_t kfirst = TaskList [tid].kfirst ;
26         int64_t klast  = TaskList [tid].klast ;
27         int64_t pC_first = TaskList [tid].pC ;
28         int64_t pC_last  = TaskList [tid].pC_end ;
29         int64_t bpleft = 0 ;            // Ch is not jumbled
30         int64_t task_nzombies = 0 ;     // # of zombies found by this task
32         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
33         // compute all vectors in this task
34         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
36         for (int64_t k = kfirst ; k <= klast ; k++)
37         {
39             //------------------------------------------------------------------
40             // get C(:,k) and M(:k)
41             //------------------------------------------------------------------
43             #if defined ( GB_MASK_SPARSE_AND_STRUCTURAL )
44             // M and C are sparse
45             const int64_t j = k ;
46             #else
47             // M and C are either both sparse or both hypersparse
48             const int64_t j = GBH (Ch, k) ;
49             #endif
51             int64_t pC_start = Cp [k] ;
52             int64_t pC_end   = Cp [k+1] ;
53             if (k == kfirst)
54             {
55                 // First vector for task; may only be partially owned.
56                 pC_start = pC_first ;
57                 pC_end   = GB_IMIN (pC_end, pC_last) ;
58             }
59             else if (k == klast)
60             {
61                 // Last vector for task; may only be partially owned.
62                 pC_end   = pC_last ;
63             }
64             else
65             {
66                 // task completely owns this vector C(:,k).
67             }
69             //------------------------------------------------------------------
70             // get B(:,j)
71             //------------------------------------------------------------------
73             #if GB_B_IS_HYPER
74                 // B is hyper
75                 int64_t pB_start, pB_end ;
76                 GB_lookup (true, Bh, Bp, vlen, &bpleft, bnvec-1, j,
77                     &pB_start, &pB_end) ;
78             #elif GB_B_IS_SPARSE
79                 // B is sparse
80                 const int64_t pB_start = Bp [j] ;
81                 const int64_t pB_end = Bp [j+1] ;
82             #else
83                 // B is bitmap or full
84                 const int64_t pB_start = j * vlen ;
85             #endif
87             #if (GB_B_IS_SPARSE || GB_B_IS_HYPER)
88                 const int64_t bjnz = pB_end - pB_start ;
89                 if (bjnz == 0)
90                 {
91                     // no work to do if B(:,j) is empty, except for zombies
92                     task_nzombies += (pC_end - pC_start) ;
93                     for (int64_t pC = pC_start ; pC < pC_end ; pC++)
94                     {
95                         // C(i,j) is a zombie
96                         int64_t i = Mi [pC] ;
97                         Ci [pC] = GB_FLIP (i) ;
98                     }
99                     continue ;
100                 }
101                 #if (GB_A_IS_SPARSE || GB_A_IS_HYPER)
102                     // Both A and B are sparse; get first and last in B(:,j)
103                     const int64_t ib_first = Bi [pB_start] ;
104                     const int64_t ib_last  = Bi [pB_end-1] ;
105                 #endif
106             #endif
108             //------------------------------------------------------------------
109             // C(:,j)<M(:,j)> = A(:,i)'*B(:,j)
110             //------------------------------------------------------------------
112             for (int64_t pC = pC_start ; pC < pC_end ; pC++)
113             {
115                 //--------------------------------------------------------------
116                 // get C(i,j) and M(i,j)
117                 //--------------------------------------------------------------
119                 bool cij_exists = false ;
120                 GB_CIJ_DECLARE (cij) ;
122                 // get the value of M(i,j)
123                 int64_t i = Mi [pC] ;
124                 #if !defined ( GB_MASK_SPARSE_AND_STRUCTURAL )
125                 // if M is structural, no need to check its values
126                 if (GB_mcast (Mx, pC, msize))
127                 #endif
128                 {
130                     //----------------------------------------------------------
131                     // the mask allows C(i,j) to be computed
132                     //----------------------------------------------------------
134                     #if GB_A_IS_HYPER
135                     // A is hyper
136                     int64_t pA, pA_end ;
137                     int64_t apleft = 0 ;    // M might be jumbled
138                     GB_lookup (true, Ah, Ap, vlen, &apleft, anvec-1, i,
139                         &pA, &pA_end) ;
140                     const int64_t ainz = pA_end - pA ;
141                     if (ainz > 0)
142                     #elif GB_A_IS_SPARSE
143                     // A is sparse
144                     int64_t pA = Ap [i] ;
145                     const int64_t pA_end = Ap [i+1] ;
146                     const int64_t ainz = pA_end - pA ;
147                     if (ainz > 0)
148                     #else
149                     // A is bitmap or full
150                     const int64_t pA = i * vlen ;
151                     #endif
152                     {
153                         // C(i,j) = A(:,i)'*B(:,j)
154                         #include "GB_AxB_dot_cij.c"
155                     }
156                 }
158                 if (!GB_CIJ_EXISTS)
159                 {
160                     // C(i,j) is a zombie
161                     task_nzombies++ ;
162                     Ci [pC] = GB_FLIP (i) ;
163                 }
164             }
165         }
166         nzombies += task_nzombies ;
167     }
168 }
170 #undef GB_A_IS_SPARSE
171 #undef GB_A_IS_HYPER
172 #undef GB_A_IS_BITMAP
173 #undef GB_A_IS_FULL
174 #undef GB_B_IS_SPARSE
175 #undef GB_B_IS_HYPER
176 #undef GB_B_IS_BITMAP
177 #undef GB_B_IS_FULL