1% Test code for the FACTORIZE object.
3% To run all the tests, use test_all.  The SPQR mexFunction from SuiteSparse
4% is required.  The FACTORIZE method works without SPQR, but it will not use
5% COD for sparse matrices in that case (which this test relies upon).  The
6% output of this test in MATLAB R2011a is given in test_all.txt.
8% Files
9%   test_accuracy    - test the accuracy of the factorize object
10%   test_all         - test the Factorize package (factorize, inverse, and related)
11%   test_all_cod     - test the COD factorization
12%   test_all_svd     - tests the svd factorization method for a range of problems.
13%   test_cod         - test the COD, COD_SPARSE and RQ functions
14%   test_disp        - test the display method of the factorize object
15%   test_errors      - tests error handling for the factorize object methods
16%   test_factorize   - test the accuracy of the factorization object
17%   test_function    - test various functions applied to a factorize object
18%   test_functions   - test various functions applied to a factorize object
19%   test_performance - compare performance of factorization/solve methods.
20%   test_svd         - test factorize(A,'svd') and factorize(A,'cod') for a given matrix
22% Copyright 2011-2012, Timothy A. Davis, http://www.suitesparse.com