1function test20
2%TEST20 test symbfact2, cholmod2, and lu on a few large matrices
3% Example:
4%   test20
5% See also cholmod_test
7% Copyright 2007, Timothy A. Davis, http://www.suitesparse.com
9fprintf ('=================================================================\n');
10fprintf ('test20: test symbfact2, cholmod2, and lu on a few large matrices\n') ;
12unsym = [409 899 901 291 827] ;						    %#ok
13spd = [813 817] ;
14% f = [ unsym spd ] ;
15f = spd ;
16spparms ('spumoni',0) ;
18for i = f
19    Prob = ssget (i)							    %#ok
20    A = Prob.A ;
21    clear Prob ;
22    n = size (A,1) ;
23    b = A*ones (n,1) ;
24    if (any (i == spd))
25	p = amd2 (A) ;
26	count = symbfact2 (A (p,p)) ;
27	count2 = symbfact (A (p,p)) ;
28	if (any (count ~= count2))
29	    error ('!') ;
30	end
31	fl = sum (count.^2) ;
32	lnz = sum (count) ;
33	unz = lnz ;
34	tic
35	x = cholmod2 (A,b) ;
36	t = toc ;
37    else
38	% spparms ('spumoni',2) ;
39	[L, U, P, Q] = lu (A) ;						    %#ok
40	% fl = luflop (L,U) ;
41	Lnz = full (sum (spones (L))) - 1 ;
42	Unz = full (sum (spones (U')))' - 1 ;
43	fl = 2*Lnz*Unz + sum (Lnz) ;
44	lnz = nnz(L) ;
45	unz = nnz(U) ;
46	tic
47	x=A\b ;
48	t = toc ;
49    end
50    err = norm (A*x-b,1) ;
51    clear L U P Q A x b
52    fprintf ('lnz %d unz %d nnz(L+U) %d fl %g gflop %g\n t %g err %e\n', ...
53	lnz, unz, lnz+unz-n, fl, 1e-9*fl/t, t, err) ;
54    % pause