1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // gbbuild: build a GraphBLAS matrix or a MATLAB sparse matrix
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // Usage:
12 // A = gbbuild (I, J, X)
13 // A = gbbuild (I, J, X, desc)
14 // A = gbbuild (I, J, X, m, desc)
15 // A = gbbuild (I, J, X, m, n, desc)
16 // A = gbbuild (I, J, X, m, n, dup, desc) ;
17 // A = gbbuild (I, J, X, m, n, dup, type, desc) ;
19 // m and n default to the largest index in I and J, respectively.
21 // dup is a string that defaults to 'plus.xtype' where xtype is the type of X.
22 // If dup is given by without a type,  type of dup defaults to the type of X.
24 // type is a string that defines is the type of A, which defaults to the type
25 // of X.
27 // The descriptor is optional; if present, it must be the last input parameter.
28 // desc.kind is the only part used from the descriptor, and it defaults to
29 // desc.kind = 'GrB'.
31 #include "gb_matlab.h"
33 #define USAGE "usage: A = GrB.build (I, J, X, m, n, dup, type, desc)"
mexFunction(int nargout,mxArray * pargout[],int nargin,const mxArray * pargin[])35 void mexFunction
36 (
37     int nargout,
38     mxArray *pargout [ ],
39     int nargin,
40     const mxArray *pargin [ ]
41 )
42 {
44     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
45     // check inputs
46     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
48     gb_usage (nargin >= 3 && nargin <= 8 && nargout <= 2, USAGE) ;
50     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
51     // get the descriptor
52     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
54     base_enum_t base ;
55     kind_enum_t kind ;
56     GxB_Format_Value fmt ;
57     int sparsity ;
58     GrB_Descriptor desc = NULL ;
59     desc = gb_mxarray_to_descriptor (pargin [nargin-1], &kind, &fmt,
60         &sparsity, &base) ;
62     // if present, remove the descriptor from consideration
63     if (desc != NULL) nargin-- ;
65     OK (GrB_Descriptor_free (&desc)) ;
67     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
68     // get I and J
69     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
71     GrB_Index ni, nj ;
72     bool I_allocated, J_allocated ;
73     int64_t Imax = -1, Jmax = -1 ;
75     GrB_Index *I = (GrB_Index *) gb_mxarray_to_list (pargin [0], base,
76         &I_allocated, (int64_t *) &ni, &Imax) ;
78     GrB_Index *J = (GrB_Index *) gb_mxarray_to_list (pargin [1], base,
79         &J_allocated, (int64_t *) &nj, &Jmax) ;
81     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
82     // get X
83     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
85     GrB_Type xtype = gb_mxarray_type (pargin [2]) ;
86     GrB_Index nx = mxGetNumberOfElements (pargin [2]) ;
88     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
89     // check the sizes of I, J, and X, and the type of X
90     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
92     GrB_Index nvals = MAX (ni, nj) ;
93     nvals = MAX (nvals, nx) ;
95     if (!(ni == 1 || ni == nvals) ||
96         !(nj == 1 || nj == nvals) ||
97         !(nx == 1 || nx == nvals))
98     {
99         ERROR ("I, J, and X must have the same length") ;
100     }
102     CHECK_ERROR (!(mxIsNumeric (pargin [2]) || mxIsLogical (pargin [2])),
103         "X must be a numeric or logical array") ;
104     CHECK_ERROR (mxIsSparse (pargin [2]), "X cannot be sparse") ;
106     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
107     // expand any scalars
108     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
110     if (ni == 1 && ni < nvals)
111     {
112         GrB_Index *I2 = (GrB_Index *) mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (GrB_Index)) ;
113         GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) I2, (GB_void *) I, nvals,
114             sizeof (GrB_Index)) ;
115         if (I_allocated) gb_mxfree (&I) ;
116         I_allocated = true ;
117         I = I2 ;
118     }
120     if (nj == 1 && nj < nvals)
121     {
122         GrB_Index *J2 = (GrB_Index *) mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (GrB_Index)) ;
123         GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) J2, (GB_void *) J, nvals,
124             sizeof (GrB_Index)) ;
125         if (J_allocated) gb_mxfree (&J) ;
126         J_allocated = true ;
127         J = J2 ;
128     }
130     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
131     // get m and n if present
132     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
134     GrB_Index nrows = 0, ncols = 0 ;
136     if (nargin < 4)
137     {
138         // nrows = max entry in I + 1
139         if (Imax > -1)
140         {
141             // Imax already computed
142             nrows = Imax ;
143         }
144         else
145         {
146             // nrows = max entry in I+1
147             bool ok = GB_matlab_helper4 (I, ni, &nrows) ;
148             CHECK_ERROR (!ok, "out of memory") ;
149         }
150     }
151     else
152     {
153         // m is provided on input
154         CHECK_ERROR (!gb_mxarray_is_scalar (pargin [3]), "m must be a scalar") ;
155         nrows = (GrB_Index) mxGetScalar (pargin [3]) ;
156     }
158     if (nargin < 5)
159     {
160         if (Jmax > -1)
161         {
162             // Jmax already computed
163             ncols = Jmax ;
164         }
165         else
166         {
167             // ncols = max entry in J+1
168             bool ok = GB_matlab_helper4 (J, nj, &ncols) ;
169             CHECK_ERROR (!ok, "out of memory") ;
170         }
171     }
172     else
173     {
174         // n is provided on input
175         CHECK_ERROR (!gb_mxarray_is_scalar (pargin [4]), "n must be a scalar") ;
176         ncols = (GrB_Index) mxGetScalar (pargin [4]) ;
177     }
179     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
180     // get the dup operator
181     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
183     GrB_BinaryOp dup = NULL ;
184     if (nargin > 5)
185     {
186         dup = gb_mxstring_to_binop (pargin [5], xtype, xtype) ;
187     }
189     // if dup is NULL, defaults to plus.xtype, below.
191     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
192     // get the output matrix type
193     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
195     GrB_Type type = NULL ;
196     if (nargin > 6)
197     {
198         type = gb_mxstring_to_type (pargin [6]) ;
199         CHECK_ERROR (type == NULL, "unknown type") ;
200     }
201     else
202     {
203         type = xtype ;
204     }
206     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
207     // build the matrix
208     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
210     fmt = gb_get_format (nrows, ncols, NULL, NULL, fmt) ;
211     sparsity = gb_get_sparsity (NULL, NULL, sparsity) ;
212     GrB_Matrix A = gb_new (type, nrows, ncols, fmt, sparsity) ;
214     // expandx is true if X must be expanded from a scalar to a vector
215     void *X2 = NULL ;
216     bool expandx = (nx == 1 && nx < nvals) ;
218     if (xtype == GrB_BOOL)
219     {
220         bool empty = 0 ;
221         bool *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetData (pargin [2]) ;
222         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_LOR ;
223         if (expandx)
224         {
225             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (bool)) ;
226             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
227                 sizeof (bool)) ;
228             X = (bool *) X2 ;
229         }
230         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_BOOL (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
231     }
232     else if (xtype == GrB_INT8)
233     {
234         int8_t empty = 0 ;
235         int8_t *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetInt8s (pargin [2]) ;
236         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_PLUS_INT8 ;
237         if (expandx)
238         {
239             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (int8_t)) ;
240             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
241                 sizeof (int8_t)) ;
242             X = (int8_t *) X2 ;
243         }
244         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_INT8 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
245     }
246     else if (xtype == GrB_INT16)
247     {
248         int16_t empty = 0 ;
249         int16_t *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetInt16s (pargin [2]) ;
250         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_PLUS_INT16 ;
251         if (expandx)
252         {
253             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (int16_t)) ;
254             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
255                 sizeof (int16_t)) ;
256             X = (int16_t *) X2 ;
257         }
258         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_INT16 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
259     }
260     else if (xtype == GrB_INT32)
261     {
262         int32_t empty = 0 ;
263         int32_t *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetInt32s (pargin [2]) ;
264         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_PLUS_INT32 ;
265         if (expandx)
266         {
267             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (int32_t)) ;
268             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
269                 sizeof (int32_t)) ;
270             X = (int32_t *) X2 ;
271         }
272         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_INT32 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
273     }
274     else if (xtype == GrB_INT64)
275     {
276         int64_t empty = 0 ;
277         int64_t *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetInt64s (pargin [2]) ;
278         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_PLUS_INT64 ;
279         if (expandx)
280         {
281             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (int64_t)) ;
282             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
283                 sizeof (int64_t)) ;
284             X = (int64_t *) X2 ;
285         }
286         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_INT64 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
287     }
288     else if (xtype == GrB_UINT8)
289     {
290         uint8_t empty = 0 ;
291         uint8_t *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetUint8s (pargin [2]) ;
292         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_PLUS_UINT8 ;
293         if (expandx)
294         {
295             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (uint8_t)) ;
296             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
297                 sizeof (uint8_t)) ;
298             X = (uint8_t *) X2 ;
299         }
300         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_UINT8 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
301     }
302     else if (xtype == GrB_UINT16)
303     {
304         uint16_t empty = 0 ;
305         uint16_t *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetUint16s (pargin [2]) ;
306         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_PLUS_UINT16 ;
307         if (expandx)
308         {
309             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (uint16_t)) ;
310             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
311                 sizeof (uint16_t)) ;
312             X = (uint16_t *) X2 ;
313         }
314         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_UINT16 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
315     }
316     else if (xtype == GrB_UINT32)
317     {
318         uint32_t empty = 0 ;
319         uint32_t *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetUint32s (pargin [2]) ;
320         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_PLUS_UINT32 ;
321         if (expandx)
322         {
323             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (uint32_t)) ;
324             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
325                 sizeof (uint32_t)) ;
326             X = (uint32_t *) X2 ;
327         }
328         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_UINT32 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
329     }
330     else if (xtype == GrB_UINT64)
331     {
332         uint64_t empty = 0 ;
333         uint64_t *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetUint64s (pargin [2]) ;
334         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_PLUS_UINT64 ;
335         if (expandx)
336         {
337             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (uint64_t)) ;
338             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
339                 sizeof (uint64_t)) ;
340             X = (uint64_t *) X2 ;
341         }
342         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_UINT64 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
343     }
344     else if (xtype == GrB_FP32)
345     {
346         float empty = 0 ;
347         float *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetSingles (pargin [2]) ;
348         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_PLUS_FP32 ;
349         if (expandx)
350         {
351             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (float)) ;
352             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
353                 sizeof (float)) ;
354             X = (float *) X2 ;
355         }
356         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_FP32 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
357     }
358     else if (xtype == GrB_FP64)
359     {
360         double empty = 0 ;
361         double *X = (nvals == 0) ? &empty : mxGetDoubles (pargin [2]) ;
362         if (dup == NULL) dup = GrB_PLUS_FP64 ;
363         if (expandx)
364         {
365             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (double)) ;
366             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
367                 sizeof (double)) ;
368             X = (double *) X2 ;
369         }
370         OK1 (A, GrB_Matrix_build_FP64 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
371     }
372     else if (xtype == GxB_FC32)
373     {
374         GxB_FC32_t empty = GxB_CMPLXF (0,0) ;
375         GxB_FC32_t *X = &empty ;
376         if (nvals > 0) X = (GxB_FC32_t *) mxGetComplexSingles (pargin [2]) ;
377         if (dup == NULL) dup = GxB_PLUS_FC32 ;
378         if (expandx)
379         {
380             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (GxB_FC32_t)) ;
381             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
382                 sizeof (GxB_FC32_t)) ;
383             X = (GxB_FC32_t *) X2 ;
384         }
385         OK1 (A, GxB_Matrix_build_FC32 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
386     }
387     else if (xtype == GxB_FC64)
388     {
389         GxB_FC64_t empty = GxB_CMPLX (0,0) ;
390         GxB_FC64_t *X = &empty ;
391         if (nvals > 0) X = (GxB_FC64_t *) mxGetComplexDoubles (pargin [2]) ;
392         if (dup == NULL) dup = GxB_PLUS_FC64 ;
393         if (expandx)
394         {
395             X2 = mxMalloc (nvals * sizeof (GxB_FC64_t)) ;
396             GB_matlab_helper8 ((GB_void *) X2, (GB_void *) X, nvals,
397                 sizeof (GxB_FC64_t)) ;
398             X = (GxB_FC64_t *) X2 ;
399         }
400         OK1 (A, GxB_Matrix_build_FC64 (A, I, J, X, nvals, dup)) ;
401     }
402     else
403     {
404         ERROR ("unsupported type") ;
405     }
407     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
408     // free workspace
409     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
411     if (X2 != NULL ) gb_mxfree (&X2) ;
412     if (I_allocated) gb_mxfree (&I) ;
413     if (J_allocated) gb_mxfree (&J) ;
415     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
416     // export the output matrix A back to MATLAB
417     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
419     pargout [0] = gb_export (&A, kind) ;
420     pargout [1] = mxCreateDoubleScalar (kind) ;
421     GB_WRAPUP ;
422 }