1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // GB_lookup_template: find k so that j == Ah [k]
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // For a sparse, bitmap, or full matrix j == k.
6 // For a hypersparse matrix, find k so that j == Ah [k], if it
7 // appears in the list.
9 // k is not needed by the caller, just the variables
10 // pstart, pend, pleft, and found.
12 // Once k is found, find pstart and pend, the start and end of the vector.
13 // pstart and pend are defined for all sparsity structures: hypersparse,
14 // sparse, bitmap, or full.
16 // This fine is #included' by GB.h, so the #include'ing file does either:
17 //      #include "GB.h"
18 // or
19 //      #define GB_KERNEL
20 //      #include "GB.h"
22 #ifdef GB_KERNEL
23 __device__
GB_lookup_device(const bool A_is_hyper,const int64_t * restrict Ah,const int64_t * restrict Ap,const int64_t avlen,int64_t * restrict pleft,int64_t pright,const int64_t j,int64_t * restrict pstart,int64_t * restrict pend)24 static inline bool GB_lookup_device
25 #else
26 static inline bool GB_lookup        // find j = Ah [k] in a hyperlist
27 #endif
28 (
29     const bool A_is_hyper,          // true if A is hypersparse
30     const int64_t *restrict Ah,  // A->h [0..A->nvec-1]: list of vectors
31     const int64_t *restrict Ap,  // A->p [0..A->nvec  ]: pointers to vectors
32     const int64_t avlen,            // A->vlen
33     int64_t *restrict pleft,     // look only in A->h [pleft..pright]
34     int64_t pright,                 // normally A->nvec-1, but can be trimmed
35 //  const int64_t nvec,             // A->nvec: number of vectors
36     const int64_t j,                // vector to find, as j = Ah [k]
37     int64_t *restrict pstart,    // start of vector: Ap [k]
38     int64_t *restrict pend       // end of vector: Ap [k+1]
39 )
40 {
41     if (A_is_hyper)
42     {
43         // to search the whole Ah list, use on input:
44         // pleft = 0 ; pright = nvec-1 ;
45         bool found ;
46         GB_BINARY_SEARCH (j, Ah, (*pleft), pright, found) ;
47         if (found)
48         {
49             // j appears in the hyperlist at Ah [pleft]
50             // k = (*pleft)
51             (*pstart) = Ap [(*pleft)] ;
52             (*pend)   = Ap [(*pleft)+1] ;
53         }
54         else
55         {
56             // j does not appear in the hyperlist Ah
57             // k = -1
58             (*pstart) = -1 ;
59             (*pend)   = -1 ;
60         }
61         return (found) ;
62     }
63     else
64     {
65         // A is sparse, bitmap, or full; j always appears
66         // k = j
67         (*pstart) = GBP (Ap, j, avlen) ;
68         (*pend)   = GBP (Ap, j+1, avlen) ;
69         return (true) ;
70     }
71 }