1classdef factorization
2%FACTORIZATION a generic matrix factorization object
3% Normally, this object is created via the F=factorize(A) function.  Users
4% do not need to use this method directly.
6% This is an abstract class that is specialized into 13 different kinds of
7% matrix factorizations:
9%   factorization_chol_dense    dense Cholesky      A = R'*R
10%   factorization_lu_dense      dense LU            A(p,:) = L*U
11%   factorization_qr_dense      dense QR of A       A = Q*R
12%   factorization_qrt_dense     dense QR of A'      A' = Q*R
13%   factorization_ldl_dense     dense LDL           A(p,p) = L*D*L'
14%   factorization_cod_dense     dense COD           A = U*R*V'
16%   factorization_chol_sparse   sparse Cholesky     P'*A*P = L*L'
17%   factorization_lu_sparse     sparse LU           P*(R\A)*Q = L*U
18%   factorization_qr_sparse     sparse QR of A      (A*P)'*(A*P) = R'*R
19%   factorization_qrt_sparse    sparse QR of A'     (P*A)*(P*A)' = R'*R
20%   factorization_ldl_sparse    sparse LDL          P'*A*P = L*D*L'
21%   factorization_cod_sparse    sparse COD          A = U*R*V'
23%   factorization_svd           SVD                 A = U*S*V'
25% The abstract class provides the following functions.  In the descriptions,
26% F is a factorization.  The arguments b, y, and z may be factorizations or
27% matrices.  The output x is normally matrix unless it can be represented as a
28% scaled factorization.  For example, G=F\2 and G=inverse(F)*2 both return a
29% factorization G.  Below, s is always a scalar, and C is always a matrix.
31%   These methods return a matrix x, unless one argument is a scalar (in which
32%   case they return a scaled factorization object):
33%   x = mldivide (F, b)     x = A \ b
34%   x = mrdivide (b, F)     x = b / A
35%   x = mtimes (y, z)       y * z
37%   These methods always return a factorization:
38%   F = uplus (F)           +F
39%   F = uminus (F)          -F
40%   F = inverse (F)         representation of inv(A), without computing it
41%   F = ctranspose (F)      F'
43%   These built-in methods return a scalar:
44%   s = isreal (F)
45%   s = isempty (F)
46%   s = isscalar (F)
47%   s = issingle (F)
48%   s = isnumeric (F)
49%   s = isfloat (F)
50%   s = isvector (F)
51%   s = issparse (F)
52%   s = isfield (F,f)
53%   s = isa (F, s)
54%   s = condest (F)
56%   This method returns the estimated rank from the factorization.
57%   s = rankest (F)
59%   These methods support access to the contents of a factorization object
60%   e = end (F, k, n)
61%   [m,n] = size (F, k)
62%   S = double (F)
63%   C = subsref (F, ij)
64%   S = struct (F)
65%   disp (F)
67% The factorization_chol_dense object also provides cholupdate, which acts
68% just like the builtin cholupdate.
70% The factorization_svd object provides:
72%   c = cond (F,p)      the p-norm condition number.  p=2 is the default.
73%                       cond(F,2) takes no time to compute, since it was
74%                       computed when the SVD factorization was found.
75%   a = norm (F,p)      the p-norm.  see the cond(F,p) discussion above.
76%   r = rank (F)        returns the rank of A, precomputed by the SVD.
77%   Z = null (F)        orthonormal basis for the null space of A
78%   Q = orth (F)        orthonormal basis for the range of A
79%   C = pinv (F)        the pseudo-inverse, V'*(S\V).
80%   [U,S,V] = svd (F)   SVD of A or pinv(A), regular, economy, or rank-sized
82% See also mldivide, lu, chol, ldl, qr, svd.
84% Copyright 2011-2012, Timothy A. Davis, http://www.suitesparse.com
86    properties (SetAccess = protected)
87        % The abstract class holds a QR, LU, Cholesky factorization:
88        A = [ ] ;           % a copy of the input matrix
89        Factors = [ ] ;
90        is_inverse = false ;% F represents the factorization of A or inv(A)
91        is_ctrans = false ; % F represents the factorization of A or A'
92        kind = '' ;         % a string stating what kind of factorization F is
93        alpha = 1 ;         % F represents the factorization of A or alpha*A.
94        A_rank = [ ] ;      % rank of A, from SVD, or estimate from COD
95        A_cond = [ ] ;      % 2-norm condition number of A, from SVD
96        A_condest = [ ] ;   % quick and dirty estimate of the condition number
97        % If F is inverted, alpha doesn't change.  For example:
98        %   F = alpha*factorize(A) ; % F = alpha*A, in factorized form.
99        %   G = inverse(F) ;         % G = inv(alpha*A)
100        %   H = beta*G               % H = beta*inv(alpha*A)
101        %                                = inv((alpha/beta)*A)
102        % So to update alpha via scaling, beta*F, the new scale factor beta
103        % is multiplied with F.alpha if F.is_inverse is false.  Otherwise,
104        % F.alpha is divided by beta to get the new scale factor.
105    end
107    methods (Abstract)
108        x = mldivide_subclass (F, b) ;
109        x = mrdivide_subclass (b, F) ;
110        e = error_check (F) ;
111    end
113    methods
115        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
116        % mldivide and mrdivide: return a scaled factorization or a matrix
117        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
119        % Let b be a double scalar, F a non-scalar factorization, and g a scalar
120        % factorization.  Then these operations return scaled factorization
121        % objects (unless flatten is true, in which case a matrix is returned):
122        %
123        %   F\b = inverse (F) * b           |   F/b = F / b
124        %   F\g = inverse (F) * double (g)  |   F/g = F / double (g)
125        %   b\F = F / b                     |   b/F = b * inverse (F)
126        %   g\F = F / double (g)            |   g/F = double (g) * inverse (F)
127        %
128        % Otherwise mldivide & mrdivide always return a matrix as their result.
130        function x = mldivide (y, z, flatten)
131            %MLDIVIDE x = y\z where either y or z or both are factorizations.
132            flatten = (nargin > 2 && flatten) ;
133            if (isobject (y) && isscalar (z) && ~flatten)
134                % x = y\z where y is an object and z is scalar (perhaps object).
135                % result is a scaled factorization object x.
136                x = scale_factor (inverse (y), ~(y.is_inverse), double (z)) ;
137            elseif (isscalar (y) && isobject (z) && ~flatten)
138                % x = y\z where y is scalar (perhaps object) and z is an object.
139                % result is a scaled factorization object x.
140                x = scale_factor (z, ~(z.is_inverse), double (y)) ;
141            else
142                % result x will be a matrix.  b is coerced to be a matrix.
143                [F, b, first_arg_is_F] = getargs (y, z) ;
144                if (~first_arg_is_F)
145                    % x = b\F where F is a factorization.
146                    error_if_inverse (F, 1) ;
147                    x = b \ F.A ;            % use builtin backslash
148                elseif (F.is_ctrans)
149                    % x = F\b where F represents (alpha*A)' or inv(alpha*A)'
150                    if (F.is_inverse)
151                        % x = inv(alpha*A)'\b = (A'*b)*alpha'
152                        x = (F.A'*b) * F.alpha' ;
153                    else
154                        % x = (alpha*A)'\b = (b'/A)' / alpha'
155                        x = mrdivide_subclass (b', F)' / F.alpha' ;
156                    end
157                else
158                    % x = F\b where F represents (alpha*A) or inv(alpha*A)
159                    if (F.is_inverse)
160                        % x = inv(alpha*A)\b = (A*b)*alpha
161                        x = (F.A*b) * F.alpha ;
162                    else
163                        % x = (alpha*A)\b = (A\b) / alpha
164                        x = mldivide_subclass (F, b) / F.alpha ;
165                    end
166                end
167            end
168        end
170        function x = mrdivide (y, z, flatten)
171            %MRDIVIDE x = y/z where either y or z or both are factorizations.
172            flatten = (nargin > 2 && flatten) ;
173            if (isobject (y) && isscalar (z) && ~flatten)
174                % x = y/z where y is an object and z is scalar (perhaps object).
175                % result is a scaled factorization object x.
176                x = scale_factor (y, ~(y.is_inverse), double (z)) ;
177            elseif (isscalar (y) && isobject (z) && ~flatten)
178                % x = y/z where y is scalar (perhaps object) and z is an object.
179                % result is a scaled factorization object x.
180                x = scale_factor (inverse (z), ~(z.is_inverse), double (y)) ;
181            else
182                % result x will be a matrix.  b is coerced to be a matrix.
183                [F, b, first_arg_is_F] = getargs (y, z) ;
184                if (first_arg_is_F)
185                    % x = F/b where F is a factorization object
186                    error_if_inverse (F, 2)
187                    x = F.A / b ;            % use builtin slash
188                elseif (F.is_ctrans)
189                    % x = b/F where F represents (alpha*A)' or inv(alpha*A)'
190                    if (F.is_inverse)
191                        % x = b/inv(alpha*A)' = (b*A')*alpha'
192                        x = (b*F.A') * F.alpha' ;
193                    else
194                        % x = b/(alpha*A)' = (A\b')' / alpha'
195                        x = mldivide_subclass (F, b')' / F.alpha' ;
196                    end
197                else
198                    % x = b/F where F represents (alpha*A) or inv(alpha*A)
199                    if (F.is_inverse)
200                        % x = b/inv(alpha*A) = (b*A)*alpha
201                        x = (b*F.A) * F.alpha ;
202                    else
203                        % x = b/(alpha*A) = (b/A) / alpha
204                        x = mrdivide_subclass (b, F) / F.alpha ;
205                    end
206                end
207            end
208        end
210        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
211        % mtimes: a simple and clean wrapper for mldivide and mrdivide
212        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
214        function x = mtimes (y, z)
215            %MTIMES x=y*z where y or z is a factorization object (or both).
216            % Since inverse(F) is so cheap, and does the right thing inside
217            % mldivide and mrdivide, this is just a simple wrapper.
218            if (isobject (y))
219                % A*b               becomes inverse(A)\b
220                % inverse(A)*b      becomes A\b
221                % A'*b              becomes inverse(A)'\b
222                % inverse(A)'*b     becomes A'\b
223                x = mldivide (inverse (y), z) ;
224            else
225                % b*A               becomes b/inverse(A)
226                % b*inverse(A)      becomes b/A
227                % b*A'              becomes b/inverse(A)'
228                % b*inverse(A)'     becomes b/A'
229                % y is a scalar or matrix, z must be an object
230                x = mrdivide (y, inverse (z)) ;
231            end
232        end
234        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
235        % uplus, uminus, ctranspose, inverse: always return a factorization
236        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
238        function F = uplus (F)
239            %UPLUS +F
240        end
242        function F = uminus (F)
243            %UMINUS -F
244            F.alpha = -(F.alpha) ;
245        end
247        function F = inverse (F)
248            %INVERSE "inverts" F by flagging it as factorization of inv(A)
249            F.is_inverse = ~(F.is_inverse) ;
250        end
252        function F = ctranspose (F)
253            %CTRANSPOSE "transposes" F by flagging it as factorization of A'
254            F.is_ctrans = ~(F.is_ctrans) ;
255        end
257        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
258        % is* methods that return a scalar
259        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
261        function s = isreal (F)
262            %ISREAL for F=factorize(A): same as isreal(A)
263            s = isreal (F.A) ;
264        end
266        function s = isempty (F)
267            %ISEMPTY for F=factorize(A): same as isempty(A)
268            s = any (size (F.A) == 0) ;
269        end
271        function s = isscalar (F)
272            %ISSCALAR for F=factorize(A): same as isscalar(A)
273            s = isscalar (F.A)  ;
274        end
276        function s = issingle (F)                                           %#ok
277            %ISSINGLE for F=factorize(A) is always false
278            s = false ;
279        end
281        function s = isnumeric (F)                                          %#ok
282            %ISNUMERIC for F=factorize(A) is always true
283            s = true ;
284        end
286        function s = isfloat (F)                                            %#ok
287            %ISFLOAT for F=factorize(A) is always true
288            s = true ;
289        end
291        function s = isvector (F)
292            %ISVECTOR for F=factorize(A): same as isvector(A)
293            s = isvector (F.A) ;
294        end
296        function s = issparse (F)
297            %ISSPARSE for F=factorize(A): same as issparse(A)
298            s = issparse (F.A) ;
299        end
301        function s = isfield (F, f)                                         %#ok
302            %ISFIELD isfield(F,f) is true if F.f exists, false otherwise
303            s = (ischar (f) && (strcmp (f, 'A') ...
304                || strcmp (f, 'Factors') || strcmp (f, 'kind') ...
305                || strcmp (f, 'is_inverse') || strcmp (f, 'is_ctrans') ...
306                || strcmp (f, 'alpha') || strcmp (f, 'A_rank') ...
307                || strcmp (f, 'A_cond') || strcmp (f, 'A_condest'))) ;
308        end
310        function s = isa (F, s)
311            %ISA for F=factorize(A): 'double', 'numeric', 'float' are true.
312            % For other types, the builtin isa does the right thing.
313            s = strcmp (s, 'double') || strcmp (s, 'numeric') ||  ...
314                strcmp (s, 'float') || builtin ('isa', F, s) ;
315        end
317        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
318        % condest, rankest
319        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
321        function C = abs (F)
322            %ABS abs(F) returns abs(A) or abs(inverse(A)), as appropriate.  The
323            % ONLY reason abs is included here is to support the builtin
324            % normest1 for small matrices (n <= 4).  Computing abs(inverse(A))
325            % explicitly computes the inverse of A, so use with caution.
326            C = abs (double (F)) ;
327        end
329        function s = condest (F)
330            %CONDEST 1-norm condition number for square matrices.
331            % Does not require another factorization of A, so it's very fast.
332            % Does NOT explicitly compute the inverse of A.  Instead, if F
333            % represents an inverse, F*x inside normest1 does the right thing,
334            % and does A\b using the factorization F.
335            A = F.A ;                                                       %#ok
336            [m, n] = size (A) ;                                             %#ok
337            if (m ~= n)
338                error ('MATLAB:condest:NonSquareMatrix', ...
339                       'Matrix must be square.') ;
340            end
341            if (n == 0)
342                s = 0 ;
343            elseif (F.is_inverse)
344                % F already represents the factorization of the inverse of A
345                s = F.alpha * norm (A,1) * normest1 (F) ;                   %#ok
346            else
347                % Note that the inverse is NOT explicitly computed.
348                s = F.alpha * norm (A,1) * normest1 (inverse (F)) ;         %#ok
349            end
350        end
352        function r = rankest (F)
353            %RANKEST returns the estimated rank of A.
354            % It is a very rough estimate if Cholesky, LU, QR, or LDL succeeded
355            % (in which A is assumed to have full rank).  COD finds a more
356            % accurate estimate, and SVD finds the exact rank.
357            r = F.A_rank ;
358        end
360        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
361        % end, size
362        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
364        function e = end (F, k, n)
365            %END returns index of last item for use in subsref
366            if (n == 1)
367                e = numel (F.A) ;   % # of elements, for linear indexing
368            else
369                e = size (F, k) ;   % # of rows or columns in A or pinv(A)
370            end
371        end
373        function [m, n] = size (F, k)
374            %SIZE returns the size of the matrix F.A in the factorization F
375            if (F.is_inverse ~= F.is_ctrans)
376                % swap the dimensions to match pinv(A)
377                if (nargout > 1)
378                    [n, m] = size (F.A) ;
379                else
380                    m = size (F.A) ;
381                    m = m ([2 1]) ;
382                end
383            else
384                if (nargout > 1)
385                    [m, n] = size (F.A) ;
386                else
387                    m = size (F.A) ;
388                end
389            end
390            if (nargin > 1)
391                m = m (k) ;
392            end
393        end
395        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
396        % double: a wrapper for subsref
397        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
399        function S = double (F)
400            %DOUBLE returns the factorization as a matrix, A or inv(A)
401            ij.type = '()' ;
402            ij.subs = cell (1,0) ;
403            S = subsref (F, ij) ;   % let factorize.subsref do all the work
404        end
406        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
407        % subsref: returns a matrix
408        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
410        function C = subsref (F, ij)
411            %SUBSREF A(i,j) or (i,j)th entry of inv(A) if F is inverted.
412            % Otherwise, explicit entries in the inverse are computed.
413            % This method also extracts the contents of F with F.whatever.
414            switch (ij (1).type)
415                case '.'
416                    % F.A usage: extract one of the matrices from F
417                    switch ij (1).subs
418                        case 'A'
419                            C = F.A ;
420                        case 'Factors'
421                            C = F.Factors ;
422                        case 'is_inverse'
423                            C = F.is_inverse ;
424                        case 'is_ctrans'
425                            C = F.is_ctrans ;
426                        case 'kind'
427                            C = F.kind ;
428                        case 'alpha'
429                            C = F.alpha ;
430                        case 'A_cond'
431                            C = F.A_cond ;
432                        case 'A_condest'
433                            C = F.A_condest ;
434                        case 'A_rank'
435                            C = F.A_rank ;
436                        otherwise
437                            error ('MATLAB:nonExistentField', ...
438                            'Reference to non-existent field ''%s''.', ...
439                            ij (1).subs) ;
440                    end
441                    % F.X(2,3) usage, return X(2,3), for component F.X
442                    if (length (ij) > 1 && ~isempty (ij (2).subs))
443                        C = subsref (C, ij (2)) ;
444                    end
445                case '()'
446                    C = subsref_paren (F, ij) ;
447                case '{}'
448                    error ('MATLAB:cellRefFromNonCell', ...
449                    'Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.') ;
450            end
451        end
453        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
454        % struct: extracts all contents of a factorization object
455        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
457        function S = struct (F)
458            %STRUCT convert factorization F into a struct.
459            % S cannot be used for subsequent object methods here.
460            S.A = F.A ;
461            S.Factors = F.Factors ;
462            S.is_inverse = F.is_inverse ;
463            S.is_ctrans = F.is_ctrans ;
464            S.alpha = F.alpha ;
465            S.A_rank = F.A_rank ;
466            S.A_cond = F.A_cond ;
467            S.kind = F.kind ;
468        end
470        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
471        % disp: displays the contents of F
472        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
474        function disp (F)
475            %DISP displays a factorization object
476            fprintf ('  class: %s\n', class (F)) ;
477            fprintf ('  %s\n', F.kind) ;
478            fprintf ('  A: [%dx%d double]\n', size (F.A)) ;
479            fprintf ('  Factors:\n') ; disp (F.Factors) ;
480            fprintf ('  is_inverse: %d\n', F.is_inverse) ;
481            fprintf ('  is_ctrans: %d\n', F.is_ctrans) ;
482            fprintf ('  alpha: %g', F.alpha) ;
483            if (~isreal (F.alpha))
484                fprintf (' + (%g)i', imag (F.alpha)) ;
485            end
486            fprintf ('\n') ;
487            if (~isempty (F.A_rank))
488                fprintf ('  A_rank: %d\n', F.A_rank) ;
489            end
490            if (~isempty (F.A_condest))
491                fprintf ('  A_condest: %d\n', F.A_condest) ;
492            end
493            if (~isempty (F.A_cond))
494                fprintf ('  A_cond: %d\n', F.A_cond) ;
495            end
496        end
497    end
499    %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
500    % methods that are not user-callable
501    %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
503    methods (Access = protected)
505        function [F, b, first_arg_is_F] = getargs (y, z)
506            first_arg_is_F = isobject (y) ;
507            if (first_arg_is_F)
508                F = y ;             % first argument is a factorization object
509                b = double (z) ;    % 2nd one coerced to be a matrix
510            else
511                b = y ;             % first argument is not an object
512                F = z ;             % second one must be an object
513            end
514        end
516        function F = scale_factor (F, use_beta_inverse, beta)
517            %SCALE_FACTOR scales a factorization
518            if (use_beta_inverse)
519                % F = inv(alpha*A), so F*beta = inv((alpha/beta)*A)
520                if (F.is_ctrans)
521                    F.alpha = F.alpha / beta' ;
522                else
523                    F.alpha = F.alpha / beta ;
524                end
525            else
526                % F = alpha*A, so F*beta = (alpha*beta)*A
527                if (F.is_ctrans)
528                    F.alpha = F.alpha * beta' ;
529                else
530                    F.alpha = F.alpha * beta ;
531                end
532            end
533        end
534    end
539% subsref_paren: support function for subsref
542function C = subsref_paren (F, ij)
543%SUBSREF_PAREN C = subsref_paren(F,ij) implements C=F(i,j) and C=F(i)
545    % F(2,3) usage, return A(2,3) or the (2,3) of inv(A).
546    assert (length (ij) == 1, 'Improper index matrix reference.') ;
547    A = F.A ;
548    is_ctrans = F.is_ctrans ;
549    if (is_ctrans && length (ij.subs) > 1)   % swap i and j
550        ij.subs = ij.subs ([2 1]) ;
551    end
553    if (F.is_inverse)
555        % requesting explicit entries of the inverse
557        if (length (ij.subs) == 1)
558            % for linear indexing of the inverse (C=F(i)), first
559            % convert to double and then use builtin subsref
560            C = subsref (double (F), ij) ;
561        else
562            % standard indexing, C = F(i,j)
563            if (is_ctrans)
564                [n, m] = size (A) ;
565            else
566                [m, n] = size (A) ;
567            end
568            if (length (ij.subs) == 2)
569                ilen = length (ij.subs {1}) ;
570                if (strcmp (ij.subs {1}, ':'))
571                    ilen = n ;
572                end
573                jlen = length (ij.subs {2}) ;
574                if (strcmp (ij.subs {2}, ':'))
575                    jlen = m ;
576                end
577                j = ij ;
578                j.subs {1} = ':' ;
579                i = ij ;
580                i.subs {2} = ':' ;
581                if (jlen <= ilen)
582                    % compute X=S(:,j) of S=inv(A) and return X(i,:)
583                    C = subsref (mldivide (...
584                        inverse (F), ...
585                        subsref (identity (A, m), j), 1), i) ;
586                else
587                    % compute X=S(i,:) of S=inv(A) and return X(:,j)
588                    C = subsref (mrdivide (...
589                        subsref (identity (A, n), i), ...
590                        inverse (F), 1), j) ;
591                end
592            else
593                % the entire inverse has been explicitly computed
594                C = mldivide (inverse (F), identity (A, m), 1) ;
595            end
596        end
598    else
600        % F is not inverted, so just return A(i,j)
601        if (isempty (ij (1).subs))
602            C = A ;
603        else
604            C = subsref (A, ij) ;
605        end
606        C = C * F.alpha ;
607        if (is_ctrans)
608            C = C' ;
609        end
610    end
615% identity: return a full or sparse identity matrix
618function I = identity (A, n)
619%IDENTITY return a full or sparse identity matrix.  Not user-callable
620    if (issparse (A))
621        I = speye (n) ;
622    else
623        I = eye (n) ;
624    end
628% throw an error if inv(A) is being inadvertently computed
631function error_if_inverse (F, kind)
632    % x = b\F or F/b where F=inverse(A) and b is not a scalar is unsupported.
633    % It could be done by coercing F into an explicit matrix representation of
634    % inv(A), via x = b\double(F) or double(A)/b, but this is the same as
635    % b\inv(A) or inv(A)/b respectively.  That is dangerous, and thus it is
636    % not done here automatically.
637    if (F.is_inverse)
638        if (kind == 1)
639            s1 = 'B\F' ;
640            s2 = 'B\double(F)' ;
641        else
642            s1 = 'F/B' ;
643            s2 = 'double(F)/B' ;
644        end
645        error ('FACTORIZE:unsupported', ...
646        ['%s where F=inverse(A) requires the explicit computation of the ' ...
647         'inverse.\nThis is ill-advised, so it is never done automatically.'...
648         '\nTo force it, use %s instead of %s.\n'], s1, s2, s1) ;
649    end