1% SJget: MATLAB interface for the SJSU Singular Matrix Collection.
3% Files of most interest:
4%    SJget.m		    primary user interface,
5%                       SJget will get summary information
6%                       for all matrices or detailed
7%                       information for a single matrix
8%    SJget_install.m	installation for SJget
10% additional files
11%    Contents.m		    this file, help for SJget
12%    README.txt		    additional help
13%    SJget_example.m	demo for SJget
14%    SJplot.m           picture a plot of the full or partial
15%                       singular value spectrum
16%    SJweb.m		    opens the URL for a matrix or collection
17%    SJrank.m           calculates numerical rank for a specified
18%                       tolerance using precomputed singular values
20% some additional utilities:
21%    SJget_defaults.m	default parameter settings for SJget
22%    SJget_lookup.m	get the group, name, and id of a matrix
23%    SJgrep.m           search for matrices in the SJSU Singular
24%                       Matrix Collection.
26% Example:
27%   help SJget
29% Derived from the ssget toolbox on 18 March 2008.
30% Copyright 2007, Timothy A. Davis