1 #include "cs_mex.h"
2 /* cs_randperm: random permutation.  p=cs_randperm(n,0) is 1:n,
3  * p=cs_randperm(n,-1) is n:-1:1.  p = cs_randperm (n,seed) is a random
4  * permutation using the given seed (where seed is not 0 or -1).
5  * seed defaults to 1.  A single seed always gives a repeatable permutation.
6  * Use p = cs_randperm(n,rand) to get a permutation that varies with each use.
7  */
mexFunction(int nargout,mxArray * pargout[],int nargin,const mxArray * pargin[])8 void mexFunction
9 (
10     int nargout,
11     mxArray *pargout [ ],
12     int nargin,
13     const mxArray *pargin [ ]
14 )
15 {
16     double seed ;
17     CS_INT iseed, n, *p ;
18     if (nargout > 1 || nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
19     {
20         mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: p = cs_randperm(n,seed)") ;
21     }
22     seed = (nargin > 1) ? mxGetScalar (pargin [1]) : 1 ;
23     iseed = (seed > 0 && seed < 1) ? (seed * RAND_MAX) : seed ;
24     n = mxGetScalar (pargin [0]) ;
25     n = CS_MAX (n, 0) ;
26     p = cs_dl_randperm (n, iseed) ;
27     pargout [0] = cs_dl_mex_put_int (p, n, 1, 1) ;          /* return p */
28 }