2 #define GB_GETA( aval, ax, p) aval = (T_Z)ax[ ( p )]
3 #define GB_GETB( bval, bx, p) bval = (T_Z)bx[ ( p )]
4 #define GB_FLIP(i)             (-(i)-2)
5 #define GB_IS_FLIPPED(i)       ((i) < 0)
6 #define GB_IS_ZOMBIE(i)        ((i) < 0)
7 #define GB_IS_NOT_FLIPPED(i)   ((i) >= 0)
8 #define GB_IS_NOT_ZOMBIE(i)    ((i) >= 0)
9 #define GB_UNFLIP(i)           (((i) < 0) ? GB_FLIP(i) : (i))
11 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 // search for integer i in the list X [pleft...pright]; no zombies.
16 // The list X [pleft ... pright] is in ascending order.  It may have
17 // duplicates.
19 #define GB_BINARY_TRIM_SEARCH(i,X,pleft,pright)                             \
20 {                                                                           \
21     /* binary search of X [pleft ... pright] for integer i */               \
22     while (pleft < pright)                                                  \
23     {                                                                       \
24         int64_t pmiddle = (pleft + pright) / 2 ;                            \
25         if (X [pmiddle] < i)                                                \
26         {                                                                   \
27             /* if in the list, it appears in [pmiddle+1..pright] */         \
28             pleft = pmiddle + 1 ;                                           \
29         }                                                                   \
30         else                                                                \
31         {                                                                   \
32             /* if in the list, it appears in [pleft..pmiddle] */            \
33             pright = pmiddle ;                                              \
34         }                                                                   \
35     }                                                                       \
36     /* binary search is narrowed down to a single item */                   \
37     /* or it has found the list is empty */                                 \
38     /*ASSERT (pleft == pright || pleft == pright + 1) ;*/                   \
39 }