1function ok = spok (A)                                                      %#ok
2%SPOK checks if a sparse matrix is OK
4% Returns 1 if the sparse matrix A is OK.  Also returns 1 if A is not sparse
5% (but a warning is raised, stating that the non-sparse matrix was not checked.
7% Aborts with an error if the matrix is corrupted beyond repair.  If that
8% happens, you should quit MATLAB since it's possible your workspace has also
9% been corrupted.
11% Returns 0 if the matrix has out-of-order or duplicate row indices, or
12% explicit zero entries, and raises a warning.  If the matrix has out-of-order
13% row indices, they can be repaired in MATLAB with A=A''.  If the matrix A has
14% duplicate row indices, then A=A'' will still have duplicates, and spok(A'')
15% will still issue a warning.  If the matrix has explicit zeros, you can remove
16% them with A=A*1.
18% SPOK cannot check everything.  For example, if your mexFunction has created
19% a sparse matrix but written beyond the end of the array, spok may see a valid
20% matrix.  However, your workspace has still been corrupted beyond repair.
22% Example:
24%   load west0479
25%   ok = spok (west0479)         % returns 1, for a real sparse matrix
26%   ok = spok (west0479 > .5)    % returns 1, for a logical sparse matrix
27%   ok = spok (1i*west0479)      % returns 1, for a complex sparse matrix
28%   ok = spok (speye (5))        % returns 1, for a real sparse matrix
29%   ok = spok (rand (42))        % returns 1, but issues a warning (not sparse)
31% See also sparse.
33% Copyright 2008-2011, Timothy A. Davis, http://suitesparse.com
34% SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
36error ('spok mexFunction not installed') ;