1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2019,2020 NVIDIA CORPORATION.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef GB_JIT_CACHE_H_
18 #define GB_JIT_CACHE_H_
20 #include <jitify.hpp>
21 #include <unordered_map>
22 #include <string>
23 #include <memory>
24 #include <mutex>
25 #include <iostream>
26 #include <fstream>
29 #define JITIFY_USE_CACHE 1
31 namespace jit {
33 template <typename Tv>
34 using named_prog = std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Tv>>;
36 /**
37  * @brief Get the string path to the JITIFY kernel cache directory.
38  *
39  * This path can be overridden at runtime by defining an environment variable
40  * named `GB_CUDA_KERNEL_CACHE_PATH`. The value of this variable must be a path
41  * under which the process' user has read/write priveleges.
42  *
43  * This function returns a path to the cache directory, creating it if it
44  * doesn't exist.
45  *
46  * The default cache directory `~/.GraphBLAS_kernel_cache`.
47  **/
49 std::string getCacheDir();
51 class GBJitCache
52 {
53 public:
55     /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
56      * @brief Get a process wide singleton cache object
57      *
58      *---------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
Instance()59     static GBJitCache& Instance() {
60         // Meyers' singleton is thread safe in C++11
61         // Link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1661564
62         static GBJitCache cache;
63         return cache;
64     }
66     GBJitCache();
67     ~GBJitCache();
69     /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
70      * @brief Get the Kernel Instantiation object
71      *
72      * Searches an internal in-memory cache and file based cache for the kernel
73      * and if not found, JIT compiles and returns the kernel
74      *
75      * @param kern_name [in] name of kernel to return
76      * @param program   [in] Jitify preprocessed program to get the kernel from
77      * @param arguments [in] template arguments for kernel in vector of strings
78      * @return  Pair of string kernel identifier and compiled kernel object
79      *---------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
80     named_prog<jitify::experimental::KernelInstantiation> getKernelInstantiation(
81         std::string const& kern_name,
82         named_prog<jitify::experimental::Program> const& program,
83         std::vector<std::string> const& arguments);
85     /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
86      * @brief Get the Jitify preprocessed Program object
87      *
88      * Searches an internal in-memory cache and file based cache for the Jitify
89      * pre-processed program and if not found, JIT processes and returns it
90      *
91      * @param prog_file_name [in] name of program to return
92      * @param cuda_source    [in] string source code of program to compile
93      * @param given_headers  [in] vector of strings representing source or names of
94      *  each header included in cuda_source
95      * @param given_options  [in] vector of strings options to pass to NVRTC
96      * @param file_callback  [in] pointer to callback function to call whenever a
97      *  header needs to be loaded
98      * @return named_prog<jitify::experimental::Program>
99      *---------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
100     named_prog<jitify::experimental::Program> getProgram(
101         std::string const& prog_file_name,
102         std::string const& cuda_source = "",
103         std::vector<std::string> const& given_headers = {},
104         std::vector<std::string> const& given_options = {},
105         jitify::experimental::file_callback_type file_callback = nullptr);
107 private:
108     template <typename Tv>
109     using umap_str_shptr = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Tv>>;
111     umap_str_shptr<jitify::experimental::KernelInstantiation>  kernel_inst_map;
112     umap_str_shptr<jitify::experimental::Program>              program_map;
114     /*
115     Even though this class can be used as a non-singleton, the file cache
116     access should remain limited to one thread per process. The lockf locks can
117     prevent multiple processes from accessing the file but are ineffective in
118     preventing multiple threads from doing so as the lock is shared by the
119     entire process.
120     Therefore the mutexes are static.
121     */
122     static std::mutex _kernel_cache_mutex;
123     static std::mutex _program_cache_mutex;
125 private:
126     /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
127      * @brief Class to allow process wise exclusive access to cache files
128      *
129      *---------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
130     class cacheFile
131     {
132     private:
133         std::string _file_name ;
134         std::string _dir_name = "~/.GraphBLAS_kernel_cache/";
135         bool successful_read = false;
136         bool successful_write = false;
137     public:
138         cacheFile(std::string file_name);
139         ~cacheFile();
141         /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
142          * @brief Read this file and return the contents as a std::string
143          *
144          *---------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
145         std::string read();
147         /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
148          * @brief Write the passed string to this file
149          *
150          *---------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
151         void write(std::string);
153         /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
154          * @brief Check whether the read() operation on the file completed successfully
155          *
156          * @return true Read was successful. String returned by `read()` is valid
157          * @return false Read was unsuccessful. String returned by `read()` is empty
158          *---------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
is_read_successful()159         bool is_read_successful() { return successful_read; }
161         /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
162          * @brief Check whether the write() operation on the file completed successfully
163          *
164          * @return true Write was successful.
165          * @return false Write was unsuccessful. File state is undefined
166          *---------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
is_write_successful()167         bool is_write_successful() { return successful_write; }
168     };
170 private:
171     template <typename T, typename FallbackFunc>
getCached(std::string const & name,umap_str_shptr<T> & map,FallbackFunc func)172     named_prog<T> getCached(
173         std::string const& name,
174         umap_str_shptr<T>& map,
175         FallbackFunc func) {
177         // Find memory cached T object
178         auto it = map.find(name);
179         if ( it != map.end()) {
180             std::cout<<"found memory-cached prog "<<name<<std::endl;
181             return std::make_pair(name, it->second);
182         }
183         else { // Find file cached T object
184             bool successful_read = false;
185             std::string serialized;
186             #if defined(JITIFY_USE_CACHE)
187                 std::string cache_dir = getCacheDir();
188                 if (not cache_dir.empty() ) {
189                     std::string file_name = cache_dir + name;
190                     //std::cout<<"looking for prog in file "<<file_name<<std::endl;
192                     cacheFile file{file_name};
193                     serialized = file.read();
194                     successful_read = file.is_read_successful();
195                 }
196             #endif
197             if (not successful_read) {
198                 // JIT compile and write to file if possible
199                 serialized = func().serialize();
200                 std::cout<<" compiled serialized prog "<<name<<std::endl;
201                 #if defined(JITIFY_USE_CACHE)
202                     if (not cache_dir.empty()) {
203                         std::string file_name = cache_dir + name;
204                         std::cout<<"writing prog in file "<<file_name<<std::endl;
205                         cacheFile file{file_name};
206                         file.write(serialized);
207                     }
208                 #endif
209             }
210             // Add deserialized T to cache and return
211             auto program = std::make_shared<T>(T::deserialize(serialized));
212             map[name] = program;
213             //std::cout<<"storing prog in memory "<<name<<std::endl;
214             return std::make_pair(name, program);
215         }
216     }
217 };
219 } // namespace jit
222 #endif // GB_JIT_CACHE_H_